Thank you for the memories Kyle. I know that I will one day see you again when we meet in heaven. I am praying for you and all of your family. May we all find peace.
As many of you already know,Romania has has 3 journalists abducted in Irak,3 journalists that,after 55 days of nightmare have returned home!Thank God for that! We pray now for the return of Clementina Cantoni,we ask God to give her strenght to go on in captivity! God help Clementina return home safe!God help all the people abducted in Afganistan,in Irak and in other parts of the world!God help Florence Aubenas! God help Douglas Wood! Abd God help the 3 romanian journalists to recover from the ordeal they've suffered in Irak!We thank you for their return! Alina,Romania
God, please don't let her alone, please take care of Clementina. She is a light in our souls, please don't let to flicker out! You are in my prayers. God help you!
Dear Keith, My father served in the Navy in WWII. Thank you for your service to our country and the world. I am glad your crossing over was swift and that you did not experience prolonged pain. May you rest in peace and my God comfort your family in their loss of you. I am sorry.
Dear Richard, What a sad loss in times of war. God bless you for your service to our country and the world. At least you did not suffer capture or worse. May you rest in peace and may God comfort your family in their loss of you.
Dear Isaac and family, I am so sorry for the unneccesary and accidental loss of your life in Afghanistan. It could have happened happened there. Thank you for your brave service to our country and the world...I am grateful you did not have to suffer capture or worse. May you rest in peace and my your family be comforted by the fact that you were serving for a mission bigger than most of us will ever imagine.
Dearest friend, I want you to know how much I love you and cherish our friendship. There are people from all over the world praying for your safe return to your family and friends. You would be amazed at the outpouring of love your beloved Afghan women are showing by taking to the streets demonstrating and showing your photo. We love you, we pray for you and await your safe return. Bobbie Lord
My Condolences to all the soliders who give thier lives. May God watch over them and give us peace. They pay for my life with thiers. A debt i cannot repay, but to be a good man. I will be the best they would have been.
Jason, I miss you and love you very much. I am very proud of you. I have learned more from you than I realized. Thank you for being the best nephew ever.
My heart breaks for you. Even though I don't know you, I can only imagine what your family is going through. So young you hadn't even started to live yet. Enjoy heaven and it's peace there.
GOD BLESS YOU, JAMES! You gave the people a chance to vote...and they put themselves and you at great peril to do it. I respect you most of all....because it allowed democracy to have a voice.
Thank you! May you rest in peace and your family realize what you did and be proud of you. I am sure they are! Mary
Oh Nazario...I wish you could have fulfilled meeting all your family in this lifetime..but it was not to served humanity well....God bless you and may you rest in peace. Thank you for sacrificing your life for your belief in freedom. So sorry....cry.
Dear Mark, The worse scenario is to die prematurely due to error...............oh GOD. But you served you country as you set out to do. May you rest in peace knowing that you achieved your goal.
God bless you and your family...and give you peace. Rest in peace...knowing you did the job you set out to do.
Thers are no words to say to comfort the family who has lost this soldier,I can instead offer my thanks, my thanks that I had a soldier of his callibur defending eferything that I stand for, this man was a hero to me!
God bless you, and may God watch over your family in this time of crisis,You stood as a man and paid the ultimate price as a hero to out great country! You will NEVER be forgotten!!!
May god keep this soldier, and may god watch over his family members, I owe my life to this man as an American citizen, he has given me the right to speak freely as I am today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Douglas, reporter say this and that, sometimes that you'll be soon with your family, and sometimes doubtfull stories... It's hard to read all the debates about your release. So i just pray! I pray you are allready this week with your loved ones. I pray that you're safe and your heart stayes strong.
My heart felt condolences go out to this mans family a nd friends, and I am personally greatful for his bavery and commitment to serve and protect our great nation.
Thank you Josh for your courage and commitment to the U.S. Military you are a true american hero. I hope the God grants you peace as you enter into life with him and that he will also grant your family the peace and comfort that only he can give in times that are trying. May you rest in eternal peace
Dear Jeffrey, I along with many here are keeping the faith that you shall return to your loved ones unharmed very soon. Don't give up hope - people have been released at times. May God send you strength and comfort and also send the same to your family and friends.
Dear Akihiko Saito and loved ones, I am so sorry for your time of terror during the last days of your life on earth. I am also proud of you for fighting back those who terrorized you. May you rest in peace and may God send peace and pride for you to all your loved ones.
I am very sorry for your loss. I went to CCDS with Aaron, and although he was several years older than me, his memory has been and will be in my heart.
God Bless you and keep you in the palm of his hand Clementina. We are all praying for your safe return home. Be strong and faithful. You work is so important! Love, Mary
I have had you on my mind all these days and I pray that you are alright. You are a light and light always overcomes darkness in the end. Stay strong and know that millions of people are thinking about you right now...
Dear Christopher, Thank you for your courageous service to our country and the world. May you rest in peace. Your decision to enlist and fight in the war on Terror was so brave. I agree with your mom, you died honorably but none of you should have been there in Iraq. May your loved ones be comforted in the fact that you were true to your beliefs and commitment to service.
i sat next to your parents in a plane from amsterdam to milan one month ago and they talked so much about you and the great jobs you have done around the world. i hope you return home safe soon. the world is a much better place when people like you are around.
Clementina la tua ansia di essere liberata coinvolge tutti noi che aspettiamo da un momento all'altro la notizia della tua liberazione. quello che hai fatto e farai in afganistan fa onore a te e al nostro paese. ciao clementina torna presto
in the grace of the lord jesus christ, a safe return to your love ones before the end of may, is declared in prayers, in the divine authority in the name of the lord jesus christ.
Clem, reviens nous, je t'attend, mes larmes ne se tariront que le jour de ton retour.... Tu es un ange, et Dieu a parfois de bien étranges façons de traiter ses anges. Merci pour tout ce que tu m'as donné et pardonnes moi si je n'ai pas donné assez..... Je t'attend Clem... je t'aime...... Pierre
I pray that your return to your family is safe and fast. I pray that your are safe. I pray for your family that God may comfort you and them in this time, and allow for healing.... May God be with you and see you through! I pray for faith,hope, and strenght for you and your family. God Bless.
j'envoie toutes mes prieres et toute ma force à clémentine, à sa famille et à tous les gens qui l'aiment...elle nous manque, s'il vous plait qu'elle nous revienne très vite...
May God give peace to douglas wood and may his family be consoled by the mercy of knowing that this life is not the end but the beginning of a better world to come for all of us. Thank you and God bless the Wood family
Dear Clem, haven't seen you since school- I'm praying for you and your family - you are such a LIGHT- i am praying that you feel the LOVE that friends and family send, and I've been praying with Psalm 91. 'for He will give His angels charge over thee, to guard thee in all thy ways' wherever you are and in whatever cur*****stance, I pray that you feel Love's angels ministering to you, giving you hope, strength and power to hang in there. No place or cir*****stance can separate you from this LOVE.... we're thinking of you so. Beautiful, talented, kind-hearted, self-less, wonderful woman. May your release come swiftly and the Lord bless you and keep you safe and sound.
Douglas may prayer for you today is that you will return home to your family, get to sit down and actually read some of the wonderful comments that people through out the world have said about you. I want to personally thank John, Irina and those who have contributed. If it wasn't for this website I would not have been able to communicate with such loving and caring people. It is my hope Douglas that you will return to get to say thank you to them in person.