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  Christopher D. Bordoni
Name: Marine Cpl. Christopher D. Bordoni

Age: 21

From: Ithaca, NY

Assigned to 1st Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Lejeune, N.C.

Incident: Marine Cpl. Christopher D. Bordoni died April 3 in Helmand province, Afghanistan, of wounds sustained Jan. 18, 2012, while conducting combat operations.

Lejeune E-4 hurt in Helmand blast dies

By Rachel Stern and Matt Hayes
The Ithaca (N.Y.) Journal

A Camp Lejeune, N.C., corporal who was seriously wounded three months ago in Afghanistan has died, the Defense Department confirmed April 5.

Marine Cpl. Christopher D. Bordoni, 21, of Ithaca, N.Y., died April 3, according to his family and the military.

Bordoni, assigned to 1st Battalion, 6th Marines, died at San Antonio Military Medical Center, where he had been receiving treatment since January. His wife, mother, father, brother and sister were by his side when he died, said Robin Webb, his mother-in-law.

Bordoni will be brought back to Ithaca and will have a military funeral service, Webb said.

&ldquoThe community support has been heartfelt and very, very much appreciated by Chris and his family,&rdquo Webb said. &ldquoHe is a true hero.&rdquo

Bordoni was injured Jan. 18 while serving in Helmand province, the military said. He was sent to a hospital in Germany and was then transferred to San Antonio to receive treatment.

He grew up in the Ithaca area and graduated from Ithaca High School. His mother, Carol Sprague, lives in Lansing, and his father, Tim Bordoni, lives in Ithaca.

Bordoni joined the Marines after high school and was deployed to Afghanistan for a second time in April 2011. According to his family, he was on patrol in the Kajaki district when a suicide bomber on a motorcycle entered the area. It was reported that several civilians, military personnel and police were injured and killed, according to the family&rsquos statement.

Since Bordoni was injured in January, there has been an outpouring of support from the Ithaca community. Several fundraisers to support the Bordoni family have been held. In February, more than 1,200 people filled the Eagles Club and raised nearly $40,000 during a spaghetti dinner.

A benefit scheduled for April 21 will still go on as planned, said Ted Townsend, the event&rsquos organizer and friend of the Bordoni family. &ldquoThere&rsquos no quitting when we&rsquore halfway up the stream,&rdquo he said. &ldquoWe&rsquore doing it for the family, for his memory, for his honor.&rdquo

Having the community come together can only help the healing process, Townsend said. In the face of tragedy, &ldquothere&rsquos no better place than this town.&rdquo

Businesses donated more than $14,000 in prizes for a raffle, with tickets still being sold. The chicken for 1,000 dinners has been donated, along with most of the other food and supplies. The meal is scheduled for 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. April 21 at the American Legion. All funds raised from the $7 meal will benefit the family, with the funds going to an account at Tompkins Trust Company set up to benefit the family, Townsend said.

&ldquoJust to have people you don&rsquot even know come out and support the cause,&rdquo Townsend said, will help. &ldquoWe just want to help the family heal.&rdquo

Mourners pay respects to fallen Marine

By Rachel Stern
The Ithaca (N.Y.) Journal

ITHACA, N.Y. &mdash They dabbed their eyes with tissues, hugged one another and, at certain times of the afternoon, shielded themselves from the elements with umbrellas and hoods.

Mourners started lining up on North Geneva Street at 1 p.m. April 11 to pay their respects to Marine Cpl. Christopher D. Bordoni at Immaculate Conception Church. By the time the doors of the church opened at 2 p.m., the line had grown several people deep and had snaked around the corner.

&ldquoWe wanted to come and show our support because we all went to high school with Chris,&rdquo said Graham Nekut, who graduated from Ithaca High School in 2007 and was at the church with four classmates who played soccer with Cpl. Bordoni since middle school. &ldquoHe was passionate about playing, but kept it light and lively. He was a hard worker, and his parents were a big part of it all.&rdquo

Bordoni, 21, was critically injured in January in Afghanistan and died April 3 at San Antonio Military Medical Center, where he had been receiving treatment.

When the doors opened, several mourners were dabbing their eyes with tissues as they walked up the stairs of the church. Others held hands as they walked into the vestibule of the church. Among the first people to walk in were uniformed members of Bangs Ambulance. By 7 p.m., when calling hours were wrapping up, about 1,000 people had filed past Bordoni&rsquos casket.

Along West Seneca and North Geneva streets, members of the Patriot Guard Riders held American flags.

&ldquoWe are here at the request of the family,&rdquo said Gary Allen, the ride captain. &ldquoThe purpose is to make sure that the military and the family are honored and
respected. It&rsquos great to see the community come out in large numbers and let the family know that they are not alone in this ordeal.&rdquo

There were about 15 Patriot Guard members in Ithaca, and they would remain until calling hours were over, Allen said. One, Paulette Terwilliger of Ithaca, has a daughter in the Army who is headed to Afghanistan in two weeks. Terwilliger stood on the corner of North Geneva and West Seneca streets holding a flag.

About 2:30 p.m., the line reached further down the block, and it took about 50 minutes to get inside the church. In the vestibule there were four bouquets of red, yellow, white and purple flowers. Across one bouquet, in gold writing, were the words &ldquoUnited States Marine Corps.&rdquo

Flowers adorned the sanctuary. To the left of the flag-draped casket was a portrait of Bordoni. Behind the casket was a Marine Corps flag and a U.S. flag. A candle was lit behind the casket. Two Marines stood guard on either side of the casket, relieved periodically by other members of the Marine Corps honor guard.

As people walked down the aisle to pay their respects, they signed a guest book and then shook hands and hugged members of the family. Some embraced members of the family and cried together.

Family, fellow warfighters recall fallen Marine

By Rachel Stern
The Ithaca (N.Y.) Journal

ITHACA, N.Y. &mdash One of the best things about Jessica Bordoni&rsquos husband was how well he knew her. Whenever people she didn&rsquot know well would come up and speak to her, she would get little panic attacks. Her heart would start to race, but over the course of time, she said, her husband, Marine Cpl. Chris Bordoni, taught her how to calm down. He would always say, &ldquoChill out, babe, chill out,&rdquo she said.

So on April 12, when Jessica walked up to speak at Chris&rsquo funeral, tissues in hand, with her heart racing, she said she was able to do it because he was there with her.

The night before Chris left for his deployment to Afghanistan, he and Jessica were in their room and she told him she didn&rsquot know what she would do if anything ever happened to him. He just looked at her, wrapped his arms around her and said, no matter what happened, everything would be OK.

The last conversation Jessica had with her husband in Afghanistan was two days before he was critically injured there. Chris told her that he couldn&rsquot wait to come
home to her.

&ldquoHe said I promise I&rsquoll come home, and he did,&rdquo she said. &ldquoHe made it home. And even though he fought so hard and he struggled and he knew that everything that happened, it all lay in his hands and it would be his decision and that&rsquos exactly what it was. And he made it home to be with us. To let us say what we wanted to say to him.&rdquo

Immaculate Conception Church was filled to capacity, which is 750 people, with about 30 more standing behind the pews against the wall, for a Mass of The Resurrection for Cpl. Christopher D. Bordoni.

About 60 members of his Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 6th Marines sat in pews on the left side of the church.

Bordoni, 21, was critically injured in January in Afghanistan and died April 3 at San Antonio Military Medical Center.

The line to get into the service wrapped around the corner when the doors opened at 9:30 a.m. When members of Bordoni&rsquos Bravo Company arrived and filed past the line, those waiting applauded.

One Marine, stationed in Quantico, Va., stood in line on a few hours of sleep after leaving Virginia at 10 p.m. the night before. He marveled at the community outpouring of support for Bordoni. He said this type of support does not take place in all communities.

The Rev. Joseph Marcoux said it was a privilege to speak with members Bordoni&rsquos family a few days ago. The stories that emerged about Bordoni were amazing, he said.

Chris&rsquo father, Tim, told Marcoux a story about when Chris was 5 and asked if his shoe would hit someone if it fell off in heaven.

Chris&rsquo mother, Carol Sprague, told Marcoux a story about a time when Chris&rsquo brother, Casey, was in school one day and some kids were picking on someone. Casey went over to try and help. Chris just happened to be walking by, dropped his backpack, and immediately went over and tried to help Casey defend the kid who was getting picked on.

&ldquoSo, even when he was young,&rdquo Marcoux said, &ldquohe was protecting others.&rdquo

Lt. Col. George Benson, commanding officer, 1st Battalion, 6th Marines, spoke about the dangerous operations Cpl. Bordoni faced when he served in Afghanistan.

&ldquoI am here to make sure you all understand that the young man you grew up with, or simply knew as Chris, became one of the Marine Corps&rsquo most talented and courageous leaders,&rdquo he said.

Bordoni was part of two of the most significant and dangerous operations the military has committed to in Afghanistan, Benson said. In August 2011, Bordoni&rsquos battalion was ordered to clear the remaining stretches of a valley in Helmand province that held more than 145 Taliban bunkers, Benson said.

It took Bordoni&rsquos company three days to reach their objective and Bordoni was in the middle of it all, Benson said. Bordoni maneuvered his team from position to position and within a week the majority of the Taliban leaders had fled the Kajaki area, Benson said.

&ldquoI think Chris lived these past couple of months with a message. He was showing everyone how much he loved us. He wanted his fellow Marines to be proud of him, and we all are,&rdquo Benson said. &ldquoAnd he wanted his family to recognize that he was willing to endure extreme hardship in order to see them again. One day I will tell my grandchildren how I am not a hero, but as a younger man I was once blessed to walk among them for a while. Thank you, Chris Bordoni.&rdquo

Cpl. Paul Chambers said he carries so much of Bordoni with him. Chambers was Bordoni&rsquos squad leader in Afghanistan. He leaned on Bordoni when it came to tactical decisions. He admired Bordoni&rsquos courage, dedication, heroism and commitment.

On Nov. 5, 2011, the squad&rsquos point man was struck by an improvised explosive device. Bordoni cleared out a landing zone for a helicopter. Those actions saved the right leg and life of the lance corporal, who was at the service on Thursday, Chambers said.

Something that will always stick out to Chambers, though, was the way Bordoni befriended Afghan children. Bordoni would show these children that the men who showed up in their villages every day with large rifles were not there to cause harm, but to help rid their surroundings of bombs.

&ldquoI can, without a doubt, affirm that he touched numerous children throughout Afghanistan as I remember their faces and voices chanting his name upon his arrival into their villages, ever so joyous of the security and the hope that he brought with him,&rdquo Chambers said.

While sniffles could be heard throughout the morning service, crying was most audible throughout the church as Jessica recalled memories of her life with Chris, from their first home together, from the hospital in San Antonio and just before he deployed.

Two weeks before Bordoni was due to return home, Jessica said, she received the phone call and it was a long four days until she was able to see him in San Antonio, she said. No matter how critical his condition was, she said, everyone was just so happy to see him.

The doctors continued to remind the family how amazing it was and how shocked they were that he had made it that far, she said. As the weeks went by, there were ups and downs, but Jessica said she was at peace and she knew everything would be OK because there was a reason that he was brought home.

While in San Antonio, Jessica said they saw bits and pieces of Chris&rsquo personality. One time his physical trainer came in for cognitive therapy and asked him if he was Chris Bordoni, and he shook his head, no. Then she asked if he was Cpl. Bordoni and he shook his head, yes.

Chris made it to his one-year wedding anniversary with Jessica, March 27, she said. He made it to see his brother, Casey, and sister, Jackie. He made it to see his mother and father, she said.

But when they started to realize that things were getting more difficult for him, the family got together and the Marines came and pinned him with his Purple Heart.

&ldquoIt wasn&rsquot 10 minutes after they pinned him that his heart beeped for the last time and we knew that was what he was waiting for,&rdquo Jessica said, as she fought back tears.

A month before Chris left for deployment, Jessica said, the couple bought their first home together in Jacksonville, N.C. Chris loved that more than anything, she said. He had a huge smile on his face when he came inside after mowing the lawn for the first time. The two held hands as they watched their brand new washer and dryer clean their clothes.

&ldquoHe had that satisfaction, he had that,&rdquo she said. &ldquoIt was quick and it was short, but he had it. He was at that peak that I knew he always wanted to be at and he said he always wanted to be at. We made it a year and that is OK because it was intense and it was hard and it was fast and it was for a reason and it was for this reason. And like he says, everything&rsquos OK.&rdquo

Died: April 3, 2012


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Prayers & Condolences For:
Christopher D. Bordoni
BY John on May 25, 2012
  May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Are you aware LU (this Site) was a membership of 200k silenced by the US Government?

I was here in 2000s, my voice was taken


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Wall Of Prayers
Wall Of Prayers

Philip A. Murphy-Sweet

Phil worked for me when he volunteered to deploy to Iraq with the Joint Contracting Command. He was a great officer, a great friend and an incredible husband/father. He was just a couple of days away from returning from his deployment. I received an email from him on 5 April requesting to stay a bit longer so he could finish the job started. I had not yet responded to his email when I was notified by our Commanding Office on Easter morning that Phil had been killed. Miss you Phil!

David A Wilkey Jr

A good young man. My son's best friend.

Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia

It's been 20 years since your passing... However, I never forgotten the day you told me I am married, I am going to have a baby, and day your son was born... You touched some many lives in different ways in your brief time on this earth in ways others can't imagine... Some people can be given a life time on this earth and accomplish nothing, and there are some people who are given a short time and accomplish so much... You Mr. Flores-Mejia aka Ricky was that person and soldier who accomplish so much in your shoft tme... As I see the days pass by, and the war seems to be a distant memory, your memory is still alive in my life, and still on this and like other days with my grandchildren I sit back like we did many times and listen to those West Coast oldies... "Never Forgotten"

Frank E. Adamski III

To the family of Frank Adamski, including his wife and daughter, my sincere condolences. I plan to make sure he is never forgotten.

Benjamin Walker


Trevor B. Adkins

If I could go back in time I would begg you not to go I miss you so much the girls do to they talk about you all the time lots of love your sister

Adam D. Jones

Happy Birthday, Adam. You are missed so much every minute of everyday! XOXO ~143~ You will forever be in my heart and on my mind. Love always, Tammy

Laurie Cobb

She was my 3rd and 5th grade teacher. Today I'm 32 and still think about her. She was the best teacher ever. From her hair children stories to her bubbly happiness and kindness she spread. I'll never forget her. She was the teacher who had lunch with the kids in her classroom so everyone had someone to be with. She made my school experience amazing. I will never forget her.. I love you Mrs. Cobb. Sincerely, Forever in my thoughts, Alyssa (Viau) Capone

Larry E Polley Jr

SPC Polley died almost two decades ago so I don't know if this message will be seen. In honor of Memorial Day, my agency hands out cards with names of those who have fallen. This year, 2023, I received the card for SPC Polley and was inspired to look up more on him. I am thankful for his service and sacrifice. My condolences to his family. He is not forgotten.

Paul C. Holter III

Miss you brother

Alex D Gonzalez

Love you and miss you always. Since you been gone it has been hard for everyone. I know you loved what you did, and I want to thank you for our freedom. If I can have you back home and safe living your life man everything would be different. No matter how much money they would offer me I would rather have you alive and home. Money comes and go so it's not worth losing you.

Christopher D Young

hello my name is Jesus Vega I would like to give my condolences to Christopher's family and friends, I served with him in Iraq and slept in the same quarters. I have many fond memories of him. I have never forgotten his sacrifice. I would like to share that the greatest memory I had of Chris is that he would speak highly of his mom and how much she meant to him. Chris was a strong minded person and looked out for other. He was kind and friendly the he made friends with everyone. Chris was truly a great man! I sincerely apologize for not sharing sooner. but would like to express that Chris's memory will never be forgotten! though he is not with us he will always be in spirit! If this message gets to Christopher's mother I she could know she raised a great man and for that I thank you.

Jose E Ulloa

Ricky you are still in your family's hearts.

John Michael Roy Curwin

I'm doing a work assignment for school and think he should be included.

Derek L. Shanfield

Heartfelt Sympathy on the loss of your son - Semper Fi.

Marisol Heredia

Dear Marisol, You are Loved Forever...Jeff

John Charles Jenkins

In hope for your soul to be safe and in peace forever, God hold you in your wings! Amen

Todd Beamer

Your courage exceeds the unimaginable.

Steven Paul Chucknick

peace be with you

Geoffrey Perez

thank you for being in our lives, you i got to see you right before you left and i feel so blessed for tour ultimate sacrifice brother. Rest in paradise

Linda Jones

Praying for peace and serenity. God bless you as you travel this difficult path.

Kristopher J. Gould

Miss you everyday buddy. Look forward to seeing you again, one day.

Kristopher J. Gould

Thank you for making the ultimate sacrifice, Kris. You are missed.

Wall Of Prayers

 For Philip A. Murphy-Sweet   For David A Wilkey Jr   For Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia   For Frank E. Adamski III   For Benjamin Walker   For Trevor B. Adkins   For Adam D. Jones   For Laurie Cobb   For Larry E Polley Jr   For Paul C. Holter III   For Alex D Gonzalez   For Christopher D Young   For Jose E Ulloa   For John Michael Roy Curwin   For Derek L. Shanfield   For Marisol Heredia   For John Charles Jenkins   For Todd Beamer   For Steven Paul Chucknick   For Geoffrey Perez  
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