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  Behnaz Mokakka
Behnaz Mokakka
A biomedical officer from Iran, Ms Mokakka, 47, worked at Great Ormond Street Hospital. She left her home in north London at 8.00am but did not reach work.

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Prayers & Condolences For:
Behnaz Mokakka
BY Anonymous on Aug 15, 2005
  Your life was a precious one, you will be alive in our hearts.

Prayers & Condolences For:
Behnaz Mokakka
BY Anonymous on Aug 10, 2005
  You are very missed among us. We can not start our gatherings without you. You left a big gap in ou lives in which will never be filled again. We love you, and always will, God bless you, we will pray for you forever onwards as your death is a deffinate shock to us all, and words can not tell anyone what sort of person you were and how much laughter and love you brought us, that is all now gone, and it doesn't seem the slightest bit fair, someone so precious, so lovely, we will miss you, and it is no wonder that God took you for himself, as i never knew anyone so perfect. It's a life truly lost.

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Prayers & Condolences For:
Behnaz Mokakka
BY fatima101 on Jul 19, 2005
  God, please give peace and comfort to the family and friends of this beautiful individual whos life was robbed from her by cowards.

Stay close by her side God and let her know that we are saddened and anguished over her untimely passing.

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