Liberty unites

liberty unites us
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Miguel Carrasquillo

Miguel I'm so proud of you. You accomplish so much more than what you set out to do. You saved so many people and until this day they wont let your memory drift away. I'm humbled to have had you as a brother, mentor, father/mother figure. I have come to terms that my scars have scabbed over but they will never really be sealed. You can close your eyes to the things you wish not to see but you can't close your heart to the things you wish not to feel. I love you and I wont let myself forget your sacrifce. I love you.

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James David Parker

Im miss you today and everyday. I love you and I'm proud of you. Rest easy my son.

Love Dad

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Christopher S Adlesperger

Lance Cpt. Chris Adlesperger was honored today at our Marine Birthday celebration here at Kabul, Afghanistan. His heroic efforts will be honored for years to come. May God Bless him, his family and May God Bless the United State of America.

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Sean K Mitchell

My Brother and my former team member. Sean, I will always love you, Jim.

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Cesar O. Baez

Sure do miss you buddy.

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Joanne Rubino

Hi baby, I think of you everyday,and i miss you dearly.My life is not the same without you.At times i can feel your presence with me.I know that you can see me,and i know that you are watching over all of our loved one's.I cant wait for hashem to bring me to you,and our loved one's in Heaven. Love your Fiance,Ian

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Braden J Long

you will be missed.

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Robert J. Newton

We love and miss you RJ!! Hope your having a couple cold ones up there for us, we'll see you again buddy! XOXO Chiron, Jessica & Baby Christopher

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Ryan Leduc


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Nicholas E Riehl

You will never be forgotten Nick. 5/15 cav Delta troop we represented first in last out and all for one and one for all. we will never be forgotten and our troop will live on in infamy. WE ARE SCOUTS "RECON"

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Adrian Robles

I love and miss you Adrian. Your mom text me today.. made me think of you. Well.. i always think about you. Hope everything is as great up there as ive heard. Love you. See you when i do :)

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Daniel J. Shaw

you were one of my best friends... you were always full of energy and excitement; ready for whatever. i'll never forget those days and nights of craziness. i hope you found peace in heaven, among the other angels... because you, my friend, were an angel to all of us. nickel city punks forever. i miss you pal...

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Daniel J. Shaw

Dan will never be forgotten! Dan was such a nice guy, very down to earth, great friend and always fun to be around. He is truly missed each and every day.

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Justin T Hunt

Justin hunt i miss you im glad i got to go on the road trip with you when i was 16 to north carolina to go to you duty station. It was a fun trip and ill never forget it. I love you man what you have done was a good influence on me and our family by july 10th 2013 i will be in the army and i will fight for our country just like you thankyou for being so brave.

Your nephew sterling rudd..

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Kristen Fiedel

So Sorry ... I when to JHS 127 with Kristen ...

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Thelma Cuccinello

i miss u mom....have so many questions for you....would gladly give my life for yours....i can only hope to be all that you were....

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Joseph D. Logan

God Bless you and thank you!

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Coleman W. Hinkefent

Happy birthday C-man. We miss you.

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Joanne Rubino

Hi Baby, Everyday i think of you,and think what a wonderful life we would have had together.The twelve years that we spent together on earth was the best years of my entire life. I look forward to crossing over to the Heaven side in God's kingdom so we can spend all of eternity together.Love your Fiance,Ian

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Marcelo R. Velasco

I still can't believe it's already so many years since you left us.

the memories are allways there.

thanks for the good times

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Miguel A. Ramos

I was in boot camp in 1996 with this amazing guy at fort lost in the woods and it was one of the greatest moments in my life.

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Kevin Nave

RIP brother

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Kevin Nave

I'll remember you forever, and I can't wait to meet you in eternity.

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William M. Amundson Jr

William I wear your band on my wrist and I pray for your family I have a son there again back in the Gan, Its no better now than it was the day you were taken from us. I just wish we could figure out how to stop the stupid mess we have gotten in. I will pray for your family all the days of my life

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Shane G. Wilson

thanks u so much for all you did for the people who live here in the USA....RIP -salutes him-

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Matthew E Baylis

We will never forget you- peace to you and your family

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Jesse M. Samek

8 years.....and not a day goes by! Missing you today and everyday!

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Jason Lopez-Reyes

My deepest condolences goes out to his ohana and Keikis. .He was a great guy. We met In Hawaii and had many good times. He will be missed. He was brave to fight for our country.Thank you Jason for fighting for our country and your bravery. You are in a safe and peaceful places. Watching down on all of us. Until we meet again.



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Michael L Williams

You were a Great Person/Soldier. I didn't know you but you were great friends with my Brother. He was there when you left this world to go to a beeter place. Tomorrow is the har5dest day in my brothers life. He will NEVER forget you..Thank you for being a Great person. May you REST in Peace..You will never be forgtten..

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Daniel L. McCall

daniel where lost without you, its been almost 5 years in a few days and we still miss you the day that you left us. we will light a candle for you and the boys on the 30th. we will be there to see you. muche love, oma and opa

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Alec E. Catherwood

Never Forgotten!!! Thank you Brave Warrior!!! You will always be remembered by a grateful nation!!! RIP

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Joseph D. Logan

Rest In Gentle Peace, oh dear and true Hero.

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Samuel F Pearson

SPC Pearson was a good soldier and hero. I am an old soldier who was wounded in the same attack. If I could trade places with SPC Pearson, I would not hesitate. Rest in Peace. My prayers and thoughts are with his friends and family.

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Ricardo X Rodriguez


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Ricardo X Rodriguez

Amado hijo Dios te bendiga y te proteja siempre bajo su manto celestial mama te extraña mucho. a mi adorado soldado.

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Justin D. Coleman

Justin, you are still not forgotten. Rest in peace, and we will see you again on judgement day!

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Justin B. Carter

I miss your face and your sly smile! I miss the conversations on the phone that would last for hours at a time sometimes.... Most of all I miss your laugh and your sweet nature. You always saw the best in every situation... You once told me that you trusted me more than anyone else you knew... I love you and wish you were still here. RIP Justin. Love you

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Alan Beaven

You Are Brave & Courageous By Your Selfless Actions Shown In Those Minutes. May Flight 93 Never Be Forgotten And May It Always Be A Holy And Peaceful Symbol. You Will Never Be Forgotten & May You Rest In Peace. I Know You Are Looking Down From Heaven Right Now As I Am Writing This And That You Are Watching Over Your Family

May My Candle Light And Never Go Out.

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Alex D Gonzalez

My son I miss and love you so much. It hurts so much that I don't have you close to me. It kills me day after day that goes by that I can't talk to you like when you were here with us. Everything reminds me of you and I start to cry that is daily my son. At times I ask God when is this pain gonna go away. A mother can't handle this pain so long that she starts thinking of things to do with her life. Mijo sorry that I have to say this but it's true. I love you n never forget I always take you with me everywhere I go. See you soon. Love mommy

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Benjamin S Bryan

Our prayers are with you and your family. May you rest in eternal peace with your Mom in Heaven. Many Blessings, J.Gliszinski and J. Polcyn

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Ira Zaslow

Ira was my cousin, though we were not in touch. I live in Los Angeles and I spoke about Ira just this morning with my brother, and just a few moments ago a friend called from the World Trade Center Memorial to ask me what my cousin's name was, so that she could take a photo and deliver it back to me when she comes home to LA tomorrow.

I will never forget you, Ira, or your brother, Douglas or your beautiful parents, Trudy and Hy.

You all live in my heart. Blessings and love to your family.

Arlene Garelick

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Michael H. Waye

Mike was an awesome co-worker at US Clearing and taught me so much regarding IT. He was a great guy, always willing to help out at work. I will miss him. MaryAnn Troianos Cook

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Lorenzo Ponce Ruiz

I don't know if Mrs. Ponce will see this but I wanted her to know I did everything I could to try and save him that day. My name is Chris Kerns and after the rollover, SGT Ponce and SGT Furman were both put in the back of my truck while I tried to provide aid to both of them while the MEDEVAC was enroute. I think about him from time to time but have never had the courage to write you. That morning when we were waiting to leave the gate Ponce asked me for a spoon. I remember lookng at him like he was crazy cause we were getting ready to leave shortly and couldn't figure out why he wanted a spoon. He immediately told me that his family sends him pudding cups but that day he forgot his spoon. Most of us gunners kept an MRE spoon in our vests. I ended up giving him mine. I am not sure why but this always puts a smile on my face when I think about him asking for a spoon. Mrs Ponce, I hope this message finds its way too you eventually.

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Don C. Viray

to the man that gave my sister happiness, rest in peace, and to his family, my deepest condolence.

SSG Ruel Pacba

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Yull Estrada Rodriguez

You will always be in my heart...


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Yull Estrada Rodriguez

Rip te extrano bro

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Edward J. Dycus

My heart goes out to this young soldiers family, may you find peace, I pray for you. Dorothy

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Patricia L. Horne

You're not forgotten

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Keith Roma

I thought about you today!

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Jason T Poindexter

Was in boot camp with him definitely kept it interesting RIP brother

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Jemal Legesse DeSantis

Thinking Bout U Big Fella

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Vincent R. Slavin

You may be gone but you are never forgotten Vinny! Your smile and bright shining eyes will be forever missed. Ann Marie

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Karen Sue Juday

What a beautiful angel you are, Karen~ rip. Gone but not forgotten

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Garry Lozier

My family still remembers Garry and what a kind person he was. He and his family are always in our prayers.

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Pablo Ortiz

A few years ago I walked into my house to find nelson sitting on my couch watching a memorial show for 9/11. When I looked into his eyes I saw how deeply and emensly he misses you. However, at the same time, I saw how proud of your heroism he is. Your bravery will live on through those you saved, shows and tales of your journey. Sweet dreams and sleep tight brave hero. Rest in peace Pablo

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James J. Carson Jr.

Miss you every day bro... PFM

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Margaret Elaine Mattic

You think after 10 years the pain of losing someone as bright and brilliantly talented as Margaret would lessen - it doesn't. On the 11th anniversary of 911, those same memories that make you smile and laugh are the same memories that make you sad because those memories can never be shared with Margaret...

My family and I cherish Margaret's memory and, 'we will never' forget her grace and dignity...

Peggy Ruffin and Family

11 September 2012

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Jon Grabowski

Ever year I remember to post to Jon's pages. As a friend from High School we all miss him and think of his family often. Rest in Peace Jon we will always remember!

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Matthew Blake Wallens

I miss Blake, a great SPIRIT!!!!!!!! (More Info) --Love, BW:)!!!!!!!!

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Stephen G. Hoffman

May you rest in peace on the 11th anniversary.

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Nitin Parandkar

I'm sorry to know that I won't see you again. We may have chatted few times back in Mumbai IT company where we worked together but always remembered your face and recognized even after almost 18 years.

May your soul rest in piece !!

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Michell Lee Robotham

Thinking of you today Michell.


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Thomas Anthony Mahon

I am from RI and I still think of Thomas. May he RIP with the others who have passed over.

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Howard Selwyn

Upon watching the entire tribute to the WORLD TRADE CENTER victims, I noticed that we are neighbors and it hit me even more so.

I hope you know that so many people are feeling your thoughts and sentiments, and that we hope time will heal you and your family as each year passes. We are very sorry for your loss. He looks like a very distinguished and wonderful man.


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Robert Jay Hayes

great guy last time I saw him was in florida surfboard in hand.He was honest which is not always the case with salesman.Still have his buisness card.Netstal had great people who really cared even after the molders were sold.

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Julian T. Cooper

Coop. Miss ya. Never forgoten.


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Virginia A. Ormiston Kenworthy

I will always remember Ginger. She came to Puerto Rico as a Rotary Club Exchange Student. She was in High School at the time, I was in 7th grade.

As an only child, Ginger was the only older sister I ever had. I will never forget her smile and contagious laugh, as well as the wonderful times and advise she gave me as my older sister.

When she left to the Continental US we lost contact. It wasn't until this past July that I started looking for her name hoping thta we could be able to communicate again through Face Book. My heart cried when I learned that I had lost my big sister in the 09/11 attack.

Even though I will not be able to talk with Ginger again in this world, I know I will b eable to see her again in heaven where she is now shinning her smile and waiting for all of us to join her singing at the Angel's choir while she will be playing in her trombone in the heavenly orchestra.

Even though I never met her family I want to say that I love you all and thank you for allowing me to have an older sister while I went through my stormy 7th and 8th grade. She was a good friend and a wonderful sister. All my love to you all.

Enrique (Ricky) Ramos and Irma Ramos, my mother who loved her as if she were her own daughter. Blessings!!!

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Nitin Parandkar

Remembering you on this anniversary day!

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Elizabeth Ann Darling

Definitely one of the Lights of The World. I had the pleasure of knowing her for a very short time, but it seemed like a long time from the very first introduction. I took her under my wing immediately to look out for her and let her know that she is someone I would always keep uplifted. Reminds me so much of my kids. I miss this young woman. Full of so much potential and a life that was full blessings to be a blessing. God Bless you today my sister.

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Elizabeth Ann Darling

Liz is my Cousin and the short moments that we spent together throughout our lives were good ones. There are no words to express how much our family love and misses you Liz. Grandma Ivy talks about you everytime I visit. I feel her hurt and sadness that you cannot visit her. I enjoy reading the comments from your friends and other family members. They remind me that we are not the only ones who know how special you are.

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James Patrick White

I saw someone holding a photo with this name this morning on Fox business news and just wanted to say I'm so sorry for your loss and I hope that time, family and friends haved helped anyone who knew James get past the loss of him.


V Haas

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Denise Gregory

We love you and missed you some much. God took you from us too soon. keesha, Al, Lenny,kirk, Yvonne, Shawn, Kenrick, and all your other relatives.

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Joanne Rubino

I love you My Joanne.It has been eleven years since GOD has brought you into Heaven.My life is trully empty without you.I am patiently waiting for GOD to bring me to you,and all of our loved one's in Heaven.Your Fiance,Ian

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Jean Marie Wallendorf

In Memory of my Baby girl

Jeanmarie Wallendorf August 7th 1978 -September 11th 2001

The tragedy of 911 may have taken you from this earth but Never from my heart

I find an old photograph

and see your bright and beautiful smile.

As I feel your presence anew,

I am filled with warmth

and my heart remembers love.

I read an old card

from many years ago

The words written then

still caress my spirit

and bring me peace.

I remember who you used to be

the laughter we shared

and wonder what you have become.

Where are you now,

Where did you go,

When the body is left behind

and the spirit is released to fly?

Perhaps you are the morning bird

singing joyfully at sunrise,

or the dragonfly that dances

so carelessly on the breeze

or the rainbow of colors

that brightens a stormy sky

or the fingers of afternoon mist

delicately reaching over the mountains

or the final few rays of the setting sun

lighting up the skies

edging the clouds with a magical glow.

no matter what form you may have become

I name each one after you.

I miss you Jaime

but I feel your presence,

In whatever form you choose to take,

however you now choose to be.

Your spirit has become for me

a guardian angel on high

guiding, advising, and watching over our family.

it may have been 11 years you were taken away

but it does not change a thing because

Each day that goes by I miss and love you the same,

the only thing that keeps me alive is knowing that

You are with me and then... I am not afraid.


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Karen Sue Juday

Dear Mr. Pecorella, for years the image of the person in the blue sleeveless top and white pants jumping from the trade center has been etched in my mind. I even saved the newspaper with the series of photos of that soul waving from the open window than finally doing a cannonball dive out the window, as if they were merely diving into a pool. I have often gone online to see if any of the people were identified. I tried again tonight and I found your story. I hope upon hope that it was Karen and there is a sliver of closure for you. I live in New Jersey and so as with so many others, still can't believe it happened. Anyway, just know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and at least I have the knowledge that you found your lovely Karen. Sincerely on this September 10th, 2012, Joan Sabat-Schmid

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Diane Parsons

may God bless you and your family. you will always be in their hearts and the hearts of people that were around you.

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Kevin M. Jones

To the family of SPC Kevin Jones, please contact me, there are some things I would like to get off of my chest. I understand that that it has been seven years; this has been my weakness.

ssg parker wiley

parker.wiley@yahoo.c om.

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Brandon W Farley

i hate to speak bad about the dead but the person below is rite. this guy was abusive to multiple women

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Steven Paul Chucknick

My Angel,

Today is your Birthday and we miss you so very much. So we light this candle to let you know how much we love you and forever will.....

Our Hearts to only yours forever

Your wife Barbara and Son Steven!!!!!

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Jessica Wing

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Christopher J. Birdwell

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Mabry J. Anders

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Shane W. Cantu

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Jonathan P. Schmidt

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Jeremie S. Border

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Kyle R. Rookey

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Alec R. Terwiske

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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James F. McClamrock

God Bless You PFC McClamrock, you will never be forgotten. God Bless your family.

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Ronald E. Magnuson

Ron was my boss..Ron was my mentor...Ron was my friend. I miss him every day. I will never forget our talks, lunches, rounds of golf. Most of all I miss his wisdom. Ron was a remarkable man.

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Merideth L Howard

You and SSG Paul left for that dreadfull mission today 6 years ago. I will never forget that! I wish I was never removed from that mission. My life has been a disaster ever since! I am trying to get my life in order but I fail every day. I miss you guys badly! I miss the times we worked the towers together at the PRT, and your laugh was something else:) I always said that you need to keep it down because the enemy was watching us. But I think they were enjoying your laughter too.


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Joanne Rubino

Hi My Love,It's been eleven years since GOD has brought you into heaven.I always feel your presence with me.I am missing half my heart,and soul since GOD has brought you to heaven.I know in my heart,and soul that GOD will bring us back together again when i am brought to heaven.I miss you dearly.I know that you,and my mom are together.I also know that debbie is also with you,and the rest of our love ones that GOD has brought into heaven.I love you Joanne.Love your Fiance,Ian.

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Eric D. King

Hi my name is Brian Bobaly. Sorry for the loss of Eric. My son and I were hunting in an area around Surprise Arizona and found a set of dog tags. The name matches Eric's If these are his I would like to return these tags to his family. Please forward my phone number 323-371-1865.

Thank You Eric for all you have done.

Brian Bobaly

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Kum Kum Girolamo

my condolences to kum-kum's family. i remember her fondly from richmond hill high school.

judy (oestreicher) weisman

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Shane L Goldman

You will forever be remembered and missed. Thank you for your service. You will always be in my heart and memories that ill forever cherish!!

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Lee C. Wilson

i was with Moose till the end. He was my friend, my brother, my hero. I hope you are waiting for me in the end, and if not, please keep that goofy smile we all came to find comfort in.

your brother

your friend


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Lee C. Wilson

i was with Moose till the end. He was my friend, my brother, my hero. I hope you are waiting for me in the end, and if not, please keep that goofy smile we all came to find comfort in.

your brother

your friend


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Richard A. Essex

You were a much loved and treasured member of the family. You are a brave hero. God bless you and may he welcome you with open arms.

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 For Philip A. Murphy-Sweet   For David A Wilkey Jr   For Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia   For Frank E. Adamski III   For Benjamin Walker   For Trevor B. Adkins   For Adam D. Jones   For Laurie Cobb   For Larry E Polley Jr   For Paul C. Holter III   For Alex D Gonzalez   For Christopher D Young   For Jose E Ulloa   For John Michael Roy Curwin   For Derek L. Shanfield   For Marisol Heredia   For John Charles Jenkins   For Todd Beamer   For Steven Paul Chucknick   For Geoffrey Perez  
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