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Condolences :
130 Vigil Post For London Terror Attack Victims (7 Pages, 20 Per Page)
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| Prayers & Condolences For: London Terror Attack Victims BY Anonymous on Jul 15, 2005 | | | I live in USA and having learned of the unfortunate circumstances in London, I feel for all of the victims families. Even though I live many hours away from London I feel deeply sadden by the loss of human lifes. I know that the victims that have passed away are in a better place but what can I do to make it easier for the victims families or those that survived such misfortune? The only thing I can do is pray and fight for peace in the world. My promise to all is to not let your names be forgotten. O.Efthimiou
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| Prayers & Condolences For: London Terror Attack Victims BY Anonymous on Jul 14, 2005 | | | I am a few hundred miles north of london and have only been to the capital once. When I visited a few years back people did not appear friendly and I assumed london although vast to be a lonely place to be. HOW WRONG WAS I!!! Having seen the devastation last weeks terror has caused and watching the city come to a complete standstill for the silence today I am completely humbled by their community spirit, their love for their fellow neighbours and their courage to carry on. Although I knew no-one affected by this terrible event I am deeply saddened for everyone involved. My sincere and heartfelt condolences to you all. xxx
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| Prayers & Condolences For: London Terror Attack Victims BY Anonymous on Jul 14, 2005 | | | Who has lost and suffered in this awful tradegy, it makes my blood boil to think these evil people have cut short the lifes of people who were just going about their business, these evil people have taken moms and dads away from their children and children away from their moms and dads, to all the victims and their families you are in my thoughts and prayers.
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| Prayers & Condolences For: London Terror Attack Victims BY Anonymous on Jul 14, 2005 | | | Who has lost and suffered in this awful tradegy, it makes my blood boil to think these evil people have cut short the lifes of people who were just going about their business, these evil people have taken moms and dads away from their children and children away from their moms and dads, to all the victims and their families you are in my thoughts and prayers.
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| Prayers & Condolences For: London Terror Attack Victims BY victor8982 on Jul 14, 2005 | | | Our thoughts and prayers are with all the families who lost loved ones, relatives and friends and those who are still searching and waiting for news.
May God be with you in this time of great sorrow, pain and need.
We will stand firm in the fight against terrorism!!
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| Prayers & Condolences For: London Terror Attack Victims BY Anonymous on Jul 14, 2005 | | | To those that have lost their friend or family member. Our hearts are heavy knowing the pain and hurt you are feeling at this time. Our country suffered a great loss as well 0n 9/11. We feel your sorrow..... May God's hands be on each and every one of you in London and carry you thru this difficult time. These ruthless killers have meet the "Devil" now and they are getting what they asked for. Your loved ones are in the loving home of the Lord Jesus Christ. My prayers are with you and your family and your country..... May God Bless You...from Lee'a in Dallas,Texas
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| Prayers & Condolences For: London Terror Attack Victims BY Anonymous on Jul 13, 2005 | | | I am so sorry - my heartfelt prayers for all the bereaved. How can these wicked young men have believed they were acting for Islam? Who has taught them such wicked ideas? I am so sorry for their parents, and of course, for all those who have had their lives devastated by this terrible act of terrorism. May God receive all the souls of the dead and bless them, and enable their families to find some comfort. I do not know how Allah will deal with those four men. A terrible tragedy. Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood.
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| Prayers & Condolences For: London Terror Attack Victims BY Anonymous on Jul 13, 2005 | | | An official online book of condolence has been set up for the Victims of the London terror attacks. please visit and leave a message at www.LondonBombVictims.co. uk
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| Prayers & Condolences For: London Terror Attack Victims BY Anonymous on Jul 13, 2005 | | | May the Angles in Heaven be with you and protect you. These evil ones will be caught. So if you see these anti protesters who preach hate in the streets of london and evil and foul your country, just take them off the street and kick em out of your country. These people who preach hate are not Muslims, these are terrorist. When are the liberlas in london are going to wake up. Why you let these evil one's on your street of London to preach death to freedom. Wake up france remember who saved your ass in WW2. All the libs said that Iraq had these WMD's during the Clinton years even the United Nations and now france and Germany are turning the blind eye because you guy's sold weapons behind closed door's. So if North Korea sends a nuke over to Germany or france...guess what..fight your own battle... and let Tony Blair do his job and get rid of these terrorist for good...Liberals talk the talk but they will never pick up a gun to kill terrorist...liberals and anti war protesters are spolied and don't know the cost of freedom is...
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| Prayers & Condolences For: London Terror Attack Victims BY Anonymous on Jul 13, 2005 | | | Sympathies and condolences to the relatives and loved ones of those who lost their lives and for those who have survived this terrible tragedy!Let's all hope that our governments STOP committing crimes against their own people in order to cover up and distract from their evil-doings. We MUST bring them to justice for the sakes for the past and future victims of these crimes against humanity.
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| Prayers & Condolences For: London Terror Attack Victims BY Anonymous on Jul 13, 2005 | | | salam
My prayers are all with you.
Allah bless you all.
salman ahmed
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| Prayers & Condolences For: London Terror Attack Victims BY Anonymous on Jul 13, 2005 | | | I pray to god that we dont give up. These murderers are sooooo scared they have to attack innocent people. I know not everyone likes america, or the west, but keep in mind these people dont really know our country. They dont even have TV. If they could live a life with freedom as we do, they would give their lives to stop this madness too. I just watched one of the beheadings on my computer, it almost made me vomit. the last attack showed signs of weakness. Now more and more people of the world hate these bastards. How long do they think they can keep it up. We seem to forget about the america that dropped the only two nucs in history. The bada** america that did'nt take sh*t from anyone. It is time to forget about being PC and start keeping our eye on all these towelheads. They are so brainwashed they would give their lives to kill innocent ones. I think we need to free all their weman first. The only people I know that are so scared of letting their spouce out of the house, are guys with small penises. Maybee thats what this is all about. leave your comments at totally411.com
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| Prayers & Condolences For: London Terror Attack Victims BY Anonymous on Jul 13, 2005 | | | I'm not very good at praying and never seem to know what words are fitting, or what to say. I know I'm glad to have allies like the British and I do thank God for them.
I have visited London. I was in the UK for three months during which time I grew to love the Brits very much. When the time came to fly home, I remember being heartbroken at the thought of leaving. I cried on the busride to the airport.
I have never found myself so attached to a country or her people as I became while in England. My dream is to one day return.
My heart is broken again, by the actions of a cowardly barbaric group of worldly misfits.
I am saddened by the actions of these monsters, and pray to God that those lost have not left us in vain.
I'd say "chin up" to London if I thought it otherwise. But knowing the British, you can rest assured that it would take a lot more to lower their chins than the actions of sub-humans filled with hatred.
They know not who they mess with.
God bless and keep you all, from an American
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| Prayers & Condolences For: London Terror Attack Victims BY luiz on Jul 12, 2005 | | | May God give them special place in Heaven. And Hell to Islamist heathens who perpituated this inhuman crime. May they rot for ever.
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| Prayers & Condolences For: London Terror Attack Victims BY Anonymous on Jul 12, 2005 | | | I am very sorry to hear that William is missing. I worked with William some years ago at Equitas and subsequently ITNet. I have fond memories of William as a gentle man, good at his job and with a wicked sense of humour.
My family and I are thinking of you during this terrible time.
Andrew Manwaring.
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| Prayers & Condolences For: London Terror Attack Victims BY Anonymous on Jul 12, 2005 | | | My prayers go out to Marie's husband, children and family. Lets just hope and pray Marie is found safe.
love to you all xxxxxxxxx
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| Prayers & Condolences For: London Terror Attack Victims BY Anonymous on Jul 12, 2005 | | | My thoughts and prayers are with you all in London. The thought of losing a Father, Mother, sister, brother, son, daughter and loved ones is somewhat unimaginable. I can't even begin to imagine what you are going through. May you all find peace and comfort. God bless you all.
The Cole Family Perth, Western Australia
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| Prayers & Condolences For: London Terror Attack Victims BY Anonymous on Jul 12, 2005 | | | im really sorry for everyone who has lost somone in the london bombings and im thinking of people. we are going to find who did this awfull bombing whatever they do we will stay strong for the country.
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| Prayers & Condolences For: London Terror Attack Victims BY Anonymous on Jul 12, 2005 | | | May God continue to give you all peace and grace during this time. My prayers and admiration is with you all.
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| Prayers & Condolences For: London Terror Attack Victims BY Anonymous on Jul 12, 2005 | | | You are in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. God Bless you all!
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130 Vigil Post For London Terror Attack Victims (7 Pages, 20 Per Page)
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