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This is dedicated to anyone who has suffered a loss of a loved one, friend, neighbor or was even touched by the death of a complete stranger. We all must lose in life though we do not understand why. I know that it is hard to watch so much tragedy at one time and not understand why this has been allowed to happen, but, remember that in the end GOD will give or take whatever or whomever HE needs. We don't know why and we don't always agree but GOD does have a reason for everything that HE allows to happen. Never say this is a victory for the enemy because GOD is the supreme ruler over who is victorious and who is not.

.:: Light A Candle & Post Your Condolences ::.

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Prayers & Condolences For:
All Victims
BY Anonymous on Sep 11, 2008
  GOD bless you all...

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Prayers & Condolences For:
All Victims
BY DraintyLiainc on Sep 11, 2008
  God Bless You too dear


Prayers & Condolences For:
All Victims
BY Anonymous on Sep 11, 2008
  Thank you for being a mother, father, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, grandparent, cousin, and friend. Your life made someone else's life better. Thank you the most for being so brave and leaving too early. God Bless the victims of 9/11 and their families.

Prayers & Condolences For:
All Victims
BY Anonymous on Sep 11, 2008
  The tragedy here is that the people who caused this have not been stopped!!!!

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Prayers & Condolences For:
All Victims
BY trstuder on Aug 17, 2005
  It almost 4 years ago. And I still have those pictures on my mind. I will never forget this day, never ever in my life.

I still keep my clothes in a box I was wearing that day.

My dear friend, I miss you so much. Sometimes I wish I was with you in the tower and not on my way to visit you. I can't forget the how you died, a way I wouldn't wish to my baddest enemy. I would love to be with you just one more time. Sitting on da couch with you, talking to you, laughing with you.

I catch myself so often thinking about that it's my fault you died that day, cuz you wanted to visit me over here in Germany. But I said "No, I'm coming your way."

I know it's not my fault, but it still hurts so much, to know I will never ever see you again in my life.

To all who lost their loved one, it doesn't matter if husband, wife, son, daughter, father, mother or friend, I feel with you. I know how much it hurts. And I know your dreams, which are coming back night by night.

All candles and condolences of the worlds won't heal my aching heart. The anguish is too deep.

But I also, and we all who lost one, shouldn't abandon ourselfs to our grief.

You are always on my mind and in my heart.


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Prayers & Condolences For:
All Victims
BY ninomar on Aug 17, 2005

Prayers & Condolences For:
All Victims
BY Anonymous on Jul 25, 2005
  This is to the soldiers of all force. I pray for your safe return. I can only hope that you are safe and sound. To the wounded soldiers I pray that god will return you to your full capacity and guide you. To the walking wounded I pray that the combat you experience will pass from your mind.

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Prayers & Condolences For:
All Victims
BY webbc on Jul 20, 2005
  Everyday, you are in my thoughts.. My Words can never be enough to comfort, nothing big enough could be done to take back that day and the days that followed caused by that day..

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