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  Cody M. Carver
Name: Army Pvt. Cody M. Carver

Age: 19

From: Haskell, Okla.

Assigned to the 1st Battalion, 15th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, Fort Benning, Ga.

Incident: Army Pvt. Cody M. Carver died Oct. 30 of wounds sustained when enemy forces engaged his unit with small-arms fire and an improvised explosive device. Also killed were Pfc. Rush M. Jenkins and Sgt. Daniel L. McCall.
Died: October 30, 2007

Oklahoma soldier killed in Iraq

The Associated Press

HASKELL, Okla. — An Oklahoma soldier was among three killed in Iraq on Oct. 30 when a bomb exploded as they patrolled southeast Baghdad, the soldier’s mother said.

The parents of Pvt. Cody Carver, 19, from the Haskell area, say the military notified them Oct. 31 of their son’s death.

Carver’s mother, Pamela Carver, said she hoped to learn more about the death of her son when representatives of the Army arrived at her home that evening.

Carver attended schools in Coweta and Haskell before joining the military and hoped to finish his service so he could further his education on the GI Bill, his mother said.

He served with the 1st and 15th...


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Prayers & Condolences For:
Cody M. Carver
BY Anonymous on Aug 24, 2012
  I miss you son!!! I love you so very much!!!

All my love,



Prayers & Condolences For:
Cody M. Carver
BY Anonymous on Jan 02, 2009
  To Cody's parents: I am so very sorry for your loss. I know it has been a long time since Cody died, but nonetheless I feel this is the best way for me to offer you my condolences. I knew Cody well--he was a good soldier, always on time and always smiling, no one had anything bad to say about him. He was one of the most upbeat people I knew during my time on Kelley Hill before we deployed. I hadn't been long on the hill when I met him, he arrived maybe a few months after I did. He deployed before me, I had to stay back because I was still on dwell time at the post from a previous deployment. I was crushed when I heard that he had died. The tatoo on my chest inspired him, he said, and he got the same one done a little while before he left. Cody will be the little brother who served with me in my unit until the day I die, and I visit the memorial here on Kelley Hill bearing his name everytime I get the chance. Once again, I give my condolences, and God bless.

Prayers & Condolences For:
Cody M. Carver
BY Anonymous on Sep 15, 2008
  Dear Cody I had the pleasure of meeting your parents this weekend. They could not say enough about you and the stories they tell about are wonderful. You must be a guiding light in heaven as much as you must have been here. I only wish that I would have been able to meet you all. The motorcycle your Dad has built for you is awsome and truly reflects his love for you.I was proud to receive a hug from both your parents when we said goodby standing in the rain. Gary

Prayers & Condolences For:
Cody M. Carver
BY Anonymous on Jul 10, 2008
  I miss you, Cody,


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Prayers & Condolences For:
Cody M. Carver
BY miyembro on May 17, 2008
  Your sacrifice will remain in our hearts for a lifetime,

with intense gratitude. May God bless you and your family.

Rest Safely and Securely in God's Loving Arms.

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Prayers & Condolences For:
Cody M. Carver
BY 2noddy on Feb 27, 2008
  Tomorrow will be 4 still doesn't seem real...I MISS YOU SO MUCH AND LOVE YOU SO VERY VERY MUCH!!! I am so proud to have been you mother. I thank the Lord above for blessing me with such an awesome son!!! I will see you soon!!! All my love Momma

PS Daddy and Jake love and miss you too!!!!

Prayers & Condolences For:
Cody M. Carver
BY Anonymous on Jan 30, 2008
  I miss you so very much son and am so very proud of you and your courage to step up for what you believed in. I am also very proud to have been chosen to be your mother. It is the greatest privilege and honor and blessing to me. You were my friend, my soldier, my hero and my son!!!! You are with the greatest Army of all the universe!!! THE ELITE ARMY OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST!!!!! I love you and miss you so very much...I will see you again soon you can count on that!!! All my love, Momma

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Prayers & Condolences For:
Cody M. Carver
BY 2noddy on Dec 27, 2007
  My Friend, My Soldier, My Hero, My Son....I miss you so much....If only I could have held you a little longer that last night when we took you told me not to worry you would be home in came back way too soon and didn't walk back in like you were supposed to. I am so blessed and so priviledged to have been chosen to be your mother!!!! I couldn't have asked for a better son, I never had to worry you were getting into trouble because you had a great sense of always knew right from wrong and when you knew you was right you went for it all the way that's why when you said you had enlisted there was no stopping you and like i always did I backed you 100%!!!! You were an incredible person to be around....always doing everything you could do to turn my frown upside down....I look forward to seeing you again some day!!!! I love you son and thank you for your sacrifice...I miss you so much!!!!! Forever in my heart and always on my mind!!!!! There's not an hour that passes that you don't cross my mind!!!!! I LOVE YOU SON!!!!! All my love MOM

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