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 Previous John & Joyce Myers    
  John & Joyce Myers
We have read about Donal and what a fine person and dedicated soldier he was. We know your grief is deep, but your pride must be beyond depth. We admire Donal and those like him who are willing to risk, sometimes sacrifice their lives for the rest of us. Donal obviously felt he was risking his life for the people of Iraq and for the whole civilized world.

We thank Stephen & all who knew & loved him for his & your sacrifice on behalf of a world free of terrorism & senseless violence.

His having been from Montserrat, a tiny island which has no wars & whose people are among the best in the world, makes his loss all the more poignant. We are sad at his loss, but proud of his fine character.

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Prayers & Condolences For:
John & Joyce Myers
BY John on Oct 10, 2005
  Rest in peace

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