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I pray constantly for all those affected, especially for the children, for they are our future. May God continue to comfort you, and I will continue to donate and share what I have.

America is united to help all of you recover from this natural disaster.

United We Stand!! In God We Trust!


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70 Vigil Post For Hurricane Katrina Victims (4 Pages, 20 Per Page)
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Prayers & Condolences For:
Hurricane Katrina Victims
BY Anonymous on Jan 14, 2009
  To those lost my God be with you, and those whom remain, may you be stronger than ever!

Prayers & Condolences For:
Hurricane Katrina Victims
BY Anonymous on Dec 28, 2008
  may god be with you in your time of need

Prayers & Condolences For:
Hurricane Katrina Victims
BY Anonymous on Dec 04, 2008
  god bless all the americans god bless america ,,1 small step for america and 1 giant leap for sudam husane

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Prayers & Condolences For:
Hurricane Katrina Victims
BY bbbdol on Nov 05, 2008
  My Thoughts And Prayers are with you all!!

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Prayers & Condolences For:
Hurricane Katrina Victims
BY LauraW on Aug 01, 2008
  I am wishing all the best to everyone in the Big Easy'

,L.U.S& frm Canadas Nrth wst Territories god bless U all

Prayers & Condolences For:
Hurricane Katrina Victims
BY Anonymous on Jul 02, 2008
  I.m so sorry:((((

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Prayers & Condolences For:
Hurricane Katrina Victims
BY specialed1 on Jun 03, 2008
  may god heal and cure ans bless all those suffered in huricane disasters.may the deads ones soul rest in peace in heaven


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Prayers & Condolences For:
Hurricane Katrina Victims
BY miyembro on May 25, 2008
  May God protect and heal the injured.

May the ones that were taken rest safely and securely in God's Loving Arms.

Prayers & Condolences For:
Hurricane Katrina Victims
BY Anonymous on Oct 29, 2007
  how horrible

Prayers & Condolences For:
Hurricane Katrina Victims
BY Anonymous on Apr 06, 2006
  your family are in my prays.


Prayers & Condolences For:
Hurricane Katrina Victims
BY Anonymous on Feb 28, 2006
  My dear friend, I heard that you lie in a coma, I will pray for you and your family, Im sending you all my love and hope.

Love from

Birthe from Denmark

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Prayers & Condolences For:
Hurricane Katrina Victims
BY muddassir on Oct 31, 2005
  My heart goes out to all of you. May God bless you all and I will keep you in my prayers. A lot of the time we take life for granted and our daily problems seem so big until your up against such tragedy and devastation. God will see you through just have faith.

Prayers & Condolences For:
Hurricane Katrina Victims
BY Anonymous on Oct 29, 2005
  I wish I had enough space for everyone of you to live, enough food for all to eat, enough water for all to drink and bath, enough clothes and blankest for all to stay warm and dry, and enough power to make all your fears and pain vanish...But all I have is all the love in my heart and all the power in my soul to pray everyone else combind can give all my heart wishes it could. To all of you know that even though we have never met I love you anyway. God Bless you all.

Prayers & Condolences For:
Hurricane Katrina Victims
BY Anonymous on Oct 18, 2005
  Words could never express the destruction to so many lives. I can only say that there's hope, healing, strength, and power in the name of JESUS!

Although, I am grieved and pained by all I saw, I know its nothing compared to those that survived. I will continue to pray that God will give you all the strength to endure and rebuild. He loves you more that you will ever know.

Prayers & Condolences For:
Hurricane Katrina Victims
BY Anonymous on Oct 17, 2005
  My prayers go out to all of you of New Orleans. No one suffered such a horrible tragedy but the ones whom lived there in that part of the state. Please keep your head up no matter what no one think or say. God Bless You all!

Prayers & Condolences For:
Hurricane Katrina Victims
BY Anonymous on Oct 13, 2005
  My heart hurts everyday, just to see our people go through the devastation and pain. Hold your head up and be strong. If no one understands your pain just remember that god does, and everything will be okay.

Prayers & Condolences For:
Hurricane Katrina Victims
BY Anonymous on Oct 07, 2005
  To all of the loved ones missing, and to all of the loved ones gone for good, god will hold your hand and guide you through. Never fear his work, for he loves us all as one! Never forget what you had, but continue to consentrate on what you have now, it shall be valued deeply. Never let a day pass without telling who you love, that you love them! Who knows if you will ever have that chance again! LOVE YOU ALL!! YOUR STRENGTH HAS MADE ME STRONGER!! THANK YOU FOR YOUR COURAGE!! GOD BLESS YOU ALL!! GOD BLESS AMERICA!!

Prayers & Condolences For:
Hurricane Katrina Victims
BY Anonymous on Oct 06, 2005
  I knoow times are hard right now but just hold on. This is no the end. There is time to get your lifes back on track. KEEP PRAYING AND ALWAYS PUT GOD FIRST. bECAUSE HE IS THE ONE WHO WILL HELP YOU THROUGH YOUR TROUBLES. All of the people in New Orleans are in my prayers.

Prayers & Condolences For:
Hurricane Katrina Victims
BY Anonymous on Oct 03, 2005
  My heart goed out to all the familys lives that were forever changed by Katrina. Nothing can ever make up for the loss of life by this terrible storm. Just know that so many are praying for your recovery , and one day a light will shine down on your shattered lives and a new day will begin. You will allways be in our minds, hearts, and prayers.



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Prayers & Condolences For:
Hurricane Katrina Victims
BY PQUINLAN on Oct 02, 2005
  i'm a katrina survivor ,from pascagpoula ,ms i've been praying hard for everyone affected from this terrible storm .just about everyone i know has lost thier home ... also i have a grandbaby from venice la who also is homeless ...i've been so sick but trying to keep head high and think of the good things and remmeber we will re build ....please continue to pray for us ... from pascagpula ms to venice la
70 Vigil Post For Hurricane Katrina Victims (4 Pages, 20 Per Page)
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