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106 Vigil Post For Peter Jennings (6 Pages, 20 Per Page)
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Prayers & Condolences For:
Peter Jennings
BY ninomar on Aug 15, 2005

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Prayers & Condolences For:
Peter Jennings
BY scene-it on Aug 15, 2005
  This is a poem by James Whitcomb Riley that got me through my own dear father's death and I hope it means as much to others as it does to me.

"I cannot say,and I will not say That he is dead - He is just away! With a cheery smile and a wave of his hand, He has wandered into an unknown land. And he left us dreaming how very fair It needs must be, since he lingers there. And you - O you, who the wildest yearn For the old-time step and the glad return. Think of him fairing on, as dear In the love of There as the love of Here; Think of him still as the same, I say; He is not dead - He is just away !!"

Simple words to get you through! Heed them well as they are true! He waits for us all and will greet us there, across the Rainbow Bridge that we all will share! (MM-2005)

Prayers & Condolences For:
Peter Jennings
BY Anonymous on Aug 15, 2005
  GOD gave me eyes that I might see

The work that could be done by me.

He gave me ears that I might hear

The cry of those who need me near.

He gave me lips that I might speak

comfort and peace to some who seek.

He gave me a mind that I might know

How to help those who need me so.

He gave me hands that I might do

Some large or simple task for you.

He gave me a prayer that I might pray

Thy help and guidance every day.

And this one thing all else above

GOD gave me a heart that I might love.


This was Peter Jennings

May GOD give you (the family)peace.

Prayers & Condolences For:
Peter Jennings
BY Anonymous on Aug 15, 2005

I will miss your professionalism, your warm smile and the delivery of news and reports that made us feel interested, informed, educated. We have lost the best news reporter, anchor, we have had. May your family find comfort in you leaving a leagacy. May god bless your family and keep them with joy and peace at this very somber time.

Prayers & Condolences For:
Peter Jennings
BY Anonymous on Aug 15, 2005
  Peter you made me proud to be a Canadian from your home town of Ottawa.

May you rest in peace in the Gatineau Hills, Que and N.Y. State.

Prayers & Condolences For:
Peter Jennings
BY Anonymous on Aug 14, 2005
  Your voice will no longuer sound in my home.But your face and memories of a job well done will never leave my heart. May you continue to watch for us and tell us the good news up above, God has his arms and a new job for you,we will see you again Peter, may you rest in peace. Victoria Durand

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Prayers & Condolences For:
Peter Jennings
BY lindsayj on Aug 14, 2005
  My deepest sympathies and condolences to the Peter Jennings family. They, and the world, have lost a GREAT man. I feel his loss as though it were a loss in my own family.

Prayers & Condolences For:
Peter Jennings
BY Anonymous on Aug 14, 2005
  On Aug. 13, 2004 I had a heart attack, Aug. 14th my Dad died from cancer, Sept. 9th my Mom died, Oct. 1st my cat died, Aug. 1, 2005 my new cat died from leukemia. Then, Aug. 8th my friend, Peter Jennings, died. No, he never new my name nor did he ever give me a call and we never had lunch together but, every night he engulfed my living room with his smile, his tears, and his love for people, animals, and countries. His love for his job made me love what he talked about and also love the places he reported about. Never has there been such a man to sit at an anchor desk. I mourn with the world over this great loss. Mr. Jennings has been added to my list of significant losses in my life.

May God fill the losses in our lives with more of His love.

Thank you for allowing me to express thoughts today.


Prayers & Condolences For:
Peter Jennings
BY Anonymous on Aug 14, 2005
  To a man of grace, honor, intelligence and compassion, may God hold you in the Palm of His Hand.

Heaven has undoubtedly become more beautiful since you arrived!

Prayers & Condolences For:
Peter Jennings
BY Anonymous on Aug 14, 2005
  Our condolences go out to Peter Jennings' family in the loss of their loved one. He will be missed by everyone who listened to him on the nighly ABC weekly news. He will never be replaced as the most outstanding journalist of all times.

Prayers & Condolences For:
Peter Jennings
BY Anonymous on Aug 14, 2005
  I was really saddend and shocked by the news of Mr. Jennings departure from our world.

I used to watch channel 7 news everyday because I like the way he delivered it.

May God Bless his soul.

Prayers & Condolences For:
Peter Jennings
BY Anonymous on Aug 14, 2005
  A very painful loss for many American families.He was a source to the world,to the news.He Reported,and anchored(& he was literally an anchor for all of us in the most uncertain & terrifying times in our lives) with a wealth of knowledge and personal experience that came across with such a real & sincere respect and responsiblity to all of us .Nothing better illustrates this mentally ,then during 9/11.In my living room was my famiily & Peter bringing us the details & with an amzing sense of duty to comfort every American ,in a way no other could.Sincerely it is such a loss of comfort & security knowing we/I will not be able to turn to Peter again in the so many times we did,to get "the real news" without all the sensationalism that so prevalis across other endless channels.I must commend the awesome 2 hour reprt on Peter that ABC did.I knew he was special but after seeing that I was inspired & in awe of what a real & special man he was.My condolences go out to his family & to his public whom obviously feels the great loss of a real special personal whom will stand as one of the best of us .Peace & blessings To you Peter Jennings

Prayers & Condolences For:
Peter Jennings
BY Anonymous on Aug 14, 2005
  Condolences to your wife and children.

Prayers & Condolences For:
Peter Jennings
BY Anonymous on Aug 10, 2005
  I admit to having cried when Peter's death was annouced, as did my 35 year old daughter. He will forever remain in my memory......from puberty to late 50's as someone I felt not only that I knew, but a trusted friend----rare to feel in the world of celebrity that someone has integrity in all things.....Peter Jennings was such a man.....I will never turn on the TV to watch the news that I won't miss you Peter.....My warmest thoughts to your family in their time of sorrow........I will see you up above and hear you again.....Gayle McEwen

Prayers & Condolences For:
Peter Jennings
BY Anonymous on Aug 10, 2005
  Peter Jennings has been on my mind latley. I find myself crying sometimes when i watch interviews about this amazing journalist who brought us the world news nightly. He was so dedicated to his work and did it extremely well. I remeber watching him report on 9/11 and how he showed us that he too was human by trying to hold up at best, but even then breaking down into tears at times. Even though, he still sat there behind his desk and reported on this horrific tradegy and brought us all the up to date news as we watched unable to pry ourselves from the television. He was the guru of television news and will be greatly missed. My deepest condolences to his family at this time. He will be greatly missed and always remembered.

Prayers & Condolences For:
Peter Jennings
BY Anonymous on Aug 10, 2005
  Life is so unpredictable. I think that is what kept Peter going! He was a man of undeniable talent-you can reflect on all of the professionalism that Peter brought to broadcasting. He will be missed, but take comfort that he lived a good life, and there is a brighter tomorrow!

Hugs of sympathy,

Tom and Lynne Mantz

Prayers & Condolences For:
Peter Jennings
BY Anonymous on Aug 10, 2005
  Heaven is surely a better, more informed place with Peter in it.

God Bless and keep you all.

Prayers & Condolences For:
Peter Jennings
BY Anonymous on Aug 10, 2005
  We will greatly miss Peter Jennings. He was an important part of the American family. Our condolences to those who were close to him.

Prayers & Condolences For:
Peter Jennings
BY Anonymous on Aug 10, 2005
  Our prayers are with you as you go through this time of great loss. I pray to God to give you peace that surpass human understanding. Peter Jennings was a great broadcaster and he will truly and sincerely miss him. He's been my source of world of news. I pray to God to rest his soul in eternal peace.

Prayers & Condolences For:
Peter Jennings
BY Anonymous on Aug 10, 2005
  May he rest in peace. He is a wonderful and remarkable man with talents as non college graduate to be an anchor on ABC NEWS. We will never forget him. May the Lord give you all the strength as the pain is going through with the suffering of your loss.
106 Vigil Post For Peter Jennings (6 Pages, 20 Per Page)
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