Liberty unites

liberty unites us
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William R Neil Jr

Think of me as one at rest, for me you should not weep. I have no cares, no troubled thoughts, for now I am asleep.--The living breathing me that was, is now forever still, and time goes on without me as time forever will.--Those of you who liked me, I sincerely thank you all, and those of you that loved me, I thank most of all.--It matters not if time began or if time will ever cease ? I was here, I used it all and now I am at peace.

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William R Neil Jr

Submitted with the Neil Family in mind. Love and Gratitude.....The agony is so great and yet I stand it. Had I not loved so very much. I would not hurt so much. But goodness knows I would not want to diminish that precious love by one fraction of an ounce. I will hurt, and I will be grateful to take the hurt, for it bears witness to the depth of our meanings, and for that I will be eternally grateful.

~~I am sorry for your loss. May you find peace, strength, and love.~~Cora Meyer, Louisville, Ky.

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William R Neil Jr

Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day, unseen, unheard, but always near, still loved, still missed, and very dear.~~Margaret Collins, Louisville, Ky.

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William R Neil Jr

Fill cracks of your broken heart with fond memories of the past. GOD Bless you all.~~ Mark Regenauer, Shelbyville, Ky.

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William R Neil Jr

For the loss you had, words do not heal. may the memories held deep within your hearts help soothe your spirit. With each memory, let your hearts be reminded that nothing can take away the love and beauty you have known.~~Irene Richmond, Louisville, Ky.

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William R Neil Jr

No person is ever truly alone. Those who live no more, whom we loved, echo still within our thoughts, our words, our hearts. And what they did and who they were becomes a part of all that we are forever.~~Dorothy Bowling, Louisville, Ky.

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William R Neil Jr

Nothing loved is never lost.~~ Patty Owens, Louisville, Ky.

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William R Neil Jr

Nothing can ever take away the love a heart holds dear, fond memories linger everyday, and remembrance keeps William near.~~Clara Langley

Louisville, Ky.

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William R Neil Jr

Sunshine fades and shadows fall, but sweet remembrance out lasts all.~~Nancy Pace, Louisville, Ky.

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William R Neil Jr

In the quiet moments when the hurt is hard to bear, may love become your shelter. And may the beauty of precious moments be your comfort.~~ Sydney meyer, Louisville, Ky.

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William R Neil Jr

Hero Makes Ultimate Sacrifice...This young man made a sacrifice not for himself but for his country and people who love freedom all over the world. America will truly miss this fine young man. Godspeed to his family and Thank you Mr. Neil for making America safe.~~Ken Meyer, Louisville, Ky.

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William R Neil Jr

The Soldier Poem....I was that which others did not want to be. I went where others feared to go, and did what others failed to do. I asked nothing from those who gave nothing, and reluctantly accepted the thought of eternal loneliness ....should I fail. I have seen the face of terror; felt the stinging cold of fear; and enjoyed the sweet taste of a moments love. I have cried, pained, and hoped....but most of all, I have lived times others would say were best forgotten. At least someday, I will be able to say that I was proud of what I was....a soldier.~~ I salute you Mr. William R. Neil Jr. for your bravery and ultimate sacrifice for America and Freedom.~~

Stevie Coan, Louisville, Ky.

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William R Neil Jr

There beside a grave she stands, a folded flag clutched in her hands. A silent teardrop on her face, her brave young child has entered grace. She does not hear the sermon said, just memories run through her head. The child she held so long ago, the child with faith she let go. The child who heard the nation's call, and in the end gave it all, without fear or thoughts of self, thoughts of freedom and little else. The bugle sounds TAPS in the wind, a mournful song it does send. A reminder to us all, that for freedom, this price was paid, and her sweet young to rest was laid.~~May GOD hold and comfort you tonight and every night for the rest of your life.~~Norma Meyer-Coan, Louisville, Ky.

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Cody C Grater

I miss you! I will see you again one day and we will have a joyous reunion...until then God Bless You and thank you from the bottom of my heart!

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David D Julian

We all Miss you but will finish our ride with your help. God Bless you Dave

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David S Stelmat

You'll never be forgotten Stelmat! -SPC Burris

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Joshua A Molina

Joshua, we miss you dearly!we know you are in a better place but just the thought of not being able to say our goodbyes.We are all keeping you in our prayers,along with your family. trying to help your mom stay strong,just let her know you are always with her no matter what.It broke my heart to see her hug your shirt that she kept from your last return home, she held it with such a care,kissed it,smelled it, just trying to find you in it!You are a fighter you tried to stay alive but God had a bigger plan for you!He needs more of you with him!

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David B Williams

TAPS the most beautiful bugle call, known as the most eloquent of all. Not only to signal the day is done, but to say goodbye, to a comrade, brother, or son. A melody so hauntingly profound, a piercing yet peaceful sound. Sounded over every soldier's grave, to honor those who were so brave. Soldiers raise their hands to their caps, saluting the fallen as the bugler plays TAPS. Rifles are fired in the sky, to say farewell to another American G.I. Listening to the bugle play, reminds us of the price they had to pay. The sound is bittersweet, letting go of a hero, to someday again meet. Nothing is more touching perhaps, or can render emotion like the call of TAPS. You can hear the bugle weep, where men of valor sleep. Tears from a bugle fall, as TAPS is played, for the heroes who gave their all.---Ed Meyer, U.S. Navy, Chief Petty Officer ( WWII Veteran) Louisville, Ky.

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David B Williams

Empty Boots...Dog tags over boots laced up, a bayonet stabs the ground. Kevlar perched on a 16 butt, fellow soldiers gather around.....Warriors in their battle gear, weapons at their side. Bow their heads as words are said, to honor one who died....An American hero gave his life defending liberty. The price he paid was gladly done, for country and family.....Those empty boots do not support a body or soul. No more they'll run for cover or some loved one dear to hold.....As one by one, soldiers pass, this tribute to their own. Thoughts fly to their families across the foam....Now salute as TAPS is played, blink tears out of eyes. The ache you feel inside your heart is Freedom's painful price......William E. Meyer U.S. Army Sgt. Retired, Louisville Ky.

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David B Williams

Heaven's Heroes.....Don't cry for me as I lie in repose, dying for freedom is what I chose.~~There isn't any pain or suffering anymore, because I've walked through Heaven's Door.~~ Here everything is brand new, I'm with my brothers, who were proud to die for freedom too.~~As you stand before me don't weep, it is just my body that is asleep.~~My spirits soar high above, where I'm surrounded by Angel's and GOD's love.~~Thank you for the respects that you pay, I just wanted you to know, I've gone home today.~~My job here on earth is done, and my life in Heaven has just begun.

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David B Williams

Grief like the ocean, comes in waves only to recede and come yet again. But with it comes healing. Memories wash ashore and are bathed by the golden sun. Grab hold of these memories and let them fill the emptiness and bring you peace.

~~Jim Carson ( U.S. Navy Retired WWII Veteran) Louisville, Ky.

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David B Williams

I am wearing a pair of shoes. They are ugly shoes.

Uncomfortable shoes. I hate my shoes. Each day I wear them , and each day I wish I had another pair. Some days my shoes hurt so bad that I do not think that I can take another step. Yet, I continue to wear them. I get funny looks wearing these shoes. They are looks of sympathy. I can tell in other's eyes that they are glad they are my shoes and not theirs. They never talk about my shoes. To learn how awful my shoes are might make them uncomfortable. To truly understand these shoes you must walk in them. But , once you put them on, you can never take them off. I now realize I am not the only one who wears these shoes. There are many pairs in this world. Some people are like me and ache daily as they try to walk in them. Some have learned how to walk in them so they don't walk so much. Some have worn the shoes so long that day's will go by before they think about how much they hurt. No mother deserves to wear these shoes. Yet, because of these shoes I am a stonger person. These shoes have given me strength to face anything. They have made me who I am. I will forever walk in the shoes of a mother who has lost their child.~~My heart goes out to you. I also walk in your shoes~~ May GOD hold you tightly in his loving embrace tonight and every single night for the rest of your life.~~Cordie Griffin Louisville, Ky.

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David B Williams

Don't stand by my grave and weep; I am not there. I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow. I am the diamond glints on the snow. I am the sunlight on ripened grain. I am the gentle autumn rain. When you awake in the morning's hush, I am the swift uplifting rush of bird's in circled flight. I am the stars that shine at night. Do not stand at my grave and cry. I am not there. I did not die.

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David B Williams

In Memory of Dave a wonderful and kind man...I quiver, I shiver. They tell me the news. I wonder why he chose you. I walk the streets remembering you. No matter what they say, it is till the same. Only you could fill the void. I know you're okay and feel no pain, but with each passing day, I say a prayer asking GOD to take care of you---Dave was a wonderful friend that I could tell anything and everything. I'm sure gonna miss him.--S. Smith

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David B Williams

Softly the leaves of memories fall, gently you gather and treasure them all. No length of time can take away, your thoughts of Dave from day to day. Whatever else you fail to do, you will never fail to think of your most beloved Dave.~~Margaret Collins Louisville Ky.

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David B Williams

The measure of a man....Not: ' How did he die?" but " How did he live ?".....Not : "What did he gain ?" but "What did he give ?".....Not : ' What was his shrine ?' Nor " What was his creed ?" But " Had he befriended those really in need ?".....Not: " What did the piece in the paper say ? But " How many people were sorry that he passed away ?" " Was he ever ready with a word or good cheer, to bring back a smile, or to banish a tear.".....These are the units to measure the warmth of a man as a man, regardless of birth.~~George Kessler--U.S. Navy Retired--Louisville, Ky.

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David B Williams

My Dearest loved ones...There's no fairy godmother to make my wish come true. No genie in a bottle to bring me to you. No prayer on a fallen star. No magic potion in a jar. But, I can dream and when I do. I dream that I am still there with you.~` I will love you all forever~~Dave

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David B Williams

Pictures fade away but memories last forever.

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David B Williams

Of all life's gifts, surely the sweetest and most precious is to be loved---simply to be loved.~~ Dave was a true gift to all the knew him.~~

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David B Williams

I did not live for money, nor the accumulation of material possessions, nor for fleeting pleasures. Rather I lived for that which was priceless, unpossessible, and everlasting---For the love of those who I still love from Heaven above.

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David B Williams

Think of the Tales of David B. Williams---As a tremendous collection of short stories. Now that the collection is complete, and Mr. David B. Williams has retired....You can go back and re-read your favorite chapters again and again and again---in your GOD given memories. I invite you to :

* Bookmark the good parts-

* Be sure to look at all of the pretty pictures--

* And as David would have most certainly insisted--feel free to color outside of the lines.

Long Live David.


Yes, David will live forever in the hearts and memories of all that loved him.

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David B Williams

I know you miss me. I see the pain inside your heart, but I am not so far away. We aren't really apart. I send you each a special gift from my Heavenly Home above; " My Undying Love! " After all, " Love" is the gift more precious than pure gold. It was always most important in the stories Jesus told.

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David B Williams

In the quiet moments when the hurt is hard to bear, may love become your shelter. And may the beauty of precious moments be your comfort.~~ Chloe Coan Louisville, Ky.

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David B Williams

In Memory of You..... I find an old photograph and see your smile. As I feel your presence anew, I am filled with warmth and my heart remembers love.~~Dave was a wonderful person and a wonderful friend to have~~He loved unconditionally.~~He will be missed tremendously

~~Anyone that knew him, were truly blessed with a gift more precious than diamonds or gold.~~ Sleep well my friend.

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David B Williams

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the number of moments that take our breath away.

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David B Williams

For all taht knew me, know I have lived a life that has brought me no shame. I have lived and loved. That you can plainly see. I have gone to a better place. So, please don't grieve for me.

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David B Williams

Success or failure in life isn't defined by money or position, rather by the people whose life you change through your life, whether for good or ill, true wealth is measured by the people in our lives that love us.

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Joshua A Molina

No person is ever truly alone. Those who live no more, whom we loved, echo still within our thoughts, our words, or hearts.And what they did,

and who they were, becomes a part of all that we are, forever.~~The love and memories will live on forever~~I am so sorry you lost your most beloved and brave Joshua.~~Mike Smith, louisville, Ky.

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Joshua A Molina

They don't Wear Purple Hearts in Heaven....I lost my brother to a foreign land; I was too young to understand. There was a knock on the door, then Momma wasn't smiling anymore. The man at the door was wearing a blue uniform, not khakki green, the first I ever seen. Momma told me to go out and play, then the preacher came and they started to pray.~~Tears ran down Momma's eyes, and I heard her say, " Why, LORD, Why" ? Father stood their seemingly mindless, all he said was, " We've lost another of America's finest."~~The man hand Momma a small velvet case, inside was a Purple Ribbon attached to a Gold Heart with Washington's face. I asked Momma if it were mine, but she said, " It's your brother's Sunshine." Momma can we send it to Joshua ? She answered, " They don't wear Purple Hearts in Heaven."~~Deepest Sympathy to the family of such a fine young man~~Bill Collins, Louisville, Ky.

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Joshua A Molina

Final Inspection.....The soldier stood and faced GOD which must always come to pass. He hoped his shoes were shining just as bright as his brass.

~~" Step Forward, you soldier. how shall I deal with you ? Have you always turned the other cheek ? To my church have you been true ?"~~ The soldier squared his shoulders and said, "No, LORD I guess I ain't, because those of us who carry guns can't always be a saint."~~"I've had to work on Sunday's and at times my talk was tough, and sometimes I've been violent. because the world is awfully rough."~~"But, I never took a penny that wasn't mine to keep. Though I worked a lot of overtime when the bills got just to steep. And, I never passed a cry for help though at times I shook with fear. And sometimes LORD forgive me, I've wept unmanly tears."~~I know, I don't deserve a place amomg the people here. They never wanted me around except to calm their fears.~~If you've a place for me here, LORD, it needn't be grand, I never expected or had too much, but if you don't, ' I'll understand."~~There was silence all around the throne where saints had often trod, as the soldier waited quietly for the judgement of GOD. ~~" Step forward now, you soldier, you've borne your burden well. walk peacefully on Heaven's streets, you've done your time in Hell."~~Raven Meyer-Coan Louisville, Ky.

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Joshua A Molina

Off to War....Many of our loved ones are off to war .They leave us behind for distant shores. They seek out our enemies to even the score. but some of them we may never see once more.----We give them our thanks and pray each day for GOD to watch over them while they are away. We know they will do their duty for they are brave. To fight those who would make us their slave.---It is the Armed Forces who fight to keep us free. For they are willing to die for you and me. They will do their duty until victory is achieved. If they die (today) their family will surely grieve.----They are my heroes, so young , so brave, and true. Fighting to protect our flag, the red, white, and blue. It is through the American Spirit is renewed and recognition for their sacrifices is long overdue.----Henry Moss ( U.S. Army Sgt. and Korean War Veteran)

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Joshua A Molina

Freedom isn't Free.....I watched the flag pass by one day, it fluttered in the breeze. A young man sakuted it, and then he stood at ease.----I looked at him in uniform, so young, so tall, so proud, with

hair cut square and eye alert he'd stand out in a crowd.----I thought how many men like him had fallen through the years. How many had died on foreign soil ? How many mother's tears ?----How many pilot's planes shot down ? How any foxholes were soldier's graves ? No Freedom isn't free. ----

I heard the sound of TAPS one night, when everything was still. I listened to the bugler play and felt a sudden chill.----I wondered how many times that TAPS meant " Amen." When a flag draped a coffin of a boother or friend.----I thought of all the mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, wives, daughters, sons, sisters, brothers, aunts,uncles, cousins, neices , nephews and friends with interrupted lives.----I thought about a graveyard at the edge of town, Joshua that you wouldn't see. Of all the graves of fallen soldiers. No Freedom isn't Free.

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Joshua A Molina

Understand.....I understand why you joined the Army. You said, " You wanted to make a difference."-----I understand why you went to boot camp. You said, " It would make you stronger." -----I understand why you answered the call. You said, " Because it was your job."-----I understand why you went to that foreign land. You said, " It was to fight for your Country."-----But what I don't understand is why you had to die ? You came to me one night in my dreams and said " Because I died for your freedom."-----Thank You, Spc. Molina for defending our many freedoms. Deepest Condolences to his family.-----Ken Meyer, Louisville, Ky.

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Joshua A Molina

Thank You Soldier !! ---The uniform that you adorn, a piece of our heritage proudly worn. Doing what you have to do, serving our nation brave and true. You put your life on the line to protec t this simple life of mine.. Our Country will stand behind you as one, for our colors do not run. The proud and courageous are but a few. Our hearts and thanks go out to you.~~Chloe Coan, Louisville, Ky.

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Joshua A Molina

I saw her from a distance as she walked up to the wall. In her hands she held some flowers as her tears began to fall and she took out pen and paper as to trace her memories, and she looked up to Heaven and the words she said were these.....

She said LORD my boy was special, and he meant so much to me , and Oh I'd love to see him just one one more time to see, all I have is memories and moments to recall.~~ So LORD could you tell him, he's more than a name on the wall...He said he really missed his family and being home on the special days, and he died for GOD and country in a place so far away.~~I remember just a little boy playing war since he was three. But LORD this time I know, he's not coming home to me.~~And Lord my boy was special, and he meant so much to me and OH, I'd love to see him but I know it just can't be. So, I thank you for the memories and the moments to recall.~~But, LORD can you tell him, he's more than a name on a wall.~~Deepest Sympathy~~Shenita Usher~~Louisville, Ky.

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Joshua A Molina

It doesn't seem enough....I want to tell you "Thank you," but it doesn't seem enough. Word's don't seem sufficient---" blah, blah" and all that stuff.~~Please know that I have deep feelings about your brave and selfless act. You're special, and that's a fact.~~Nikki Clay AGE 10 Louisville, Ky. ---U.S.A. all the way.

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Joshua A Molina

Hero makes ultimate sacrifice. this young man made a sacrifice not for himself but for his country and people who love freedom all over the world. America will truly miss thsi fine young man. Godspeed to his family and thank you Mr. Molina for making America safe.~~Kyle Richmond, Louisville, Ky. ( U.S. Army Corporal WWII) Louisville , Ky.

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Joshua A Molina

I read of a man who stood to speak at the funeral of a friend, he referred to the dates on his tombstone from the beginning to the end.---He noted first came the date of his birth and spoke the following date with tears, but he said 'what mattered most was that dash between the years. For that dash represents all the time he spent alive on earth, and now only those who loved him know what that little line is worth.---For it matters not how much we own...the cars...the house...the cash...what matters is how we live and love and how we spend our dash.---So think about this long and hard, are there things you'd like to change ? For we never know how much time is left that can still be arranged.---If we could just slow down enough to consider what is true and real, and always try to understand the way other people feel.---Be less quick to anger and show appreciation more and love people in our lives like we have never loved before.---If we treat each other with respect and more often smile, remembering this special dash may only last awhile.---So when your eulogy is being read with your lifes actions to be rehashed, would you be proud of the tinhgs they say about how you spent your dash ?---Robert Mattingly ( U.S. Army Sgt. WWII Veteran & VFW Member from Louisville, Ky.)

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Joshua A Molina

TAPS the most beautiful bugle call, known as the most eloquent of all.---Not only signals the day is done, but to say goodbye, to a comrade, brother, or son.---A melody so hauntingly profound, a piercing but peaceful sound.---Sounded over every soldiers grave, to honor those who were brave.---Soldiers raise their hands to their caps, saluting the fallen as the bugler plays TAPS.---Rifles are fired in the sky, to say farewell to another American G.I.---Listening to the bugle play, reminds us of the price they had to pay.---The sound is bittersweet, letting go of a hero, to someday again meet.---Nothing is more touching perhaps, or can render emotion like the call of TAPS.---You can hear the bugle weep, where men of valor sleep.---Tears from a bugle fall, as TAPS is played, for the heroes who gave their all.---Martin Bryant , U.S. Army Corporal (WWII) Louisville, Ky.

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Joshua A Molina

American Soldier....They ask him why he's leaving, why he's shipping off to fight. They fail to see what's on the line, all their freedoms, all their rights

~~Comprehension is beyond their grasps that someone's got to go. And while every breath may be his last, no fear, no doubt will he ever show.~~

Because he knows that if he dies in some far off foreign land, that his valiant efforts may save lives of his countrymen, family, and friends.~~And that girl's picture in his pocket, though he longs to hold her, will forever be carried in the heart of this tue American Soldier.~~Bob Bowling~~U.S. Army Captain (WWII and Korean War veteran) Louisville, Ky.

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Joshua A Molina

Dear Spc. Molina, I am grateful you chose to go when others said the cause was wrong. You did not turn your back in order to help in some way to bring about peace. I am grateful for you because tonight I can sit down and eat a warm meal. I am grateful to you because of your sacrifice, I can say I do not like war. This is with worrying that my door will be kicked in and I will be dragged away. ~~Mostly, I am grateful to you because of you sacrifices, I am reminded once again of what it is that I have. For this I may grateful to you, because I can say absolutely the dumbest things, and do so because being dumb is not a crime.~~ I am grateful to you because I can sit down with family and friends and have a meal in peace. I am also grateful to you because if I think a certain politician is a fool.....I can think it without being lined up against a brick wall and shot.~~There are many things Dear Spc. Molina that I am grateful to you, because of the fact that you did not say no. Peace be to yours and most of all I salute you, because well I am grateful to you Dear Spc. Molina~~Sydney Meyer, Louisville, Ky.

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Joshua A Molina

The Soldier Poem...I was that which others did not want to be. I went where others feared to go, and did what others failed to do. I asked nothing from those who gave nothing, and reluctantly accepted the thought of eternal loneliness...should I fail. I have seen the face of terror; felt the stinging cold of fear; and enjoyed the sweet taste of a moments love. I have cried, pained, and hoped...but most of all, I have lived times others would say were best forgotten. At least some day I will be able to say that I was proud of what I was... A Soldier.~~William E. Meyer U.S. Army Sgt. Retired,

Louisville, Ky.

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Joshua A Molina

There beside a grave she stands, a folded flag clutched in her hands. A silent teardrop on her face, her brave young child has entered grace. She does not hear the sermon said, just memories run through her head. The child she held so long ago, the child with faith she let go. The child who heard the nation's call, and in the end gave it all, without fear or thoughts of self, thoughts of freedom and little else. The bugle sounds TAPS in the wind, a mournful song it does send. A reminder to us all, that for freedom, this price was paid, and her sweet young to rest was laid.~~May GOD hold and comfort you tonight and all the nights for the rest of your life. Norma Meyer-Coan, Louisville, Ky.

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Joshua A Molina

Eagles--To bring down evil, some must fall. To fight for right, some answer the call.--To help the oppressed, some give up their time, their homes, their loves, they're eagles not doves.--To keep peace for those in need some go into wars of just we read.--To keep us safe it's soldiers we call. They will all give some and some will give all.--I'm sorry for your loss. May you find peace, strength, and love.--Ed Meyer (U.S. Navy, Petty Officer 1st Class, WWII Veteran)

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David B Williams

My name is John Metcalf I want to express my deepest condolences to the family of Sgt Willams. Sgt Thomas Ray was my brother-in law so me and my family know your pain. He will always hold a place of HONOR in my heart and will always be in my prayers. Sgt David Willams is a HERO to you and now to me too. Thank you and god bless

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Gregory B Rundell

The Soldier Poem---I was that which others did not want to be. I went where others feared to go, and did what others failed to do. I asked nothing from those who gave nothing, and reluctantly accepted the thought of eternal loneliness...should I fail. I have seen the face of terror; felt the stinging of cold fear; and enjoyed the sweet taste of a moments love. I have cried, pained, and hoped... but most of all, I have lived times others would say were best forgotten. At least someday I will be able to say that I was proud of what I was...a soldier.~~In memory of Greg a true American Hero.~~Ed Meyer (U.S. Navy, Petty Officer, WWII Veteran)

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Gregory B Rundell

A life well-lived doesn't end any more than the music ends, it echoes through time with whispers of beauty and grace. If we listen, we can hear the encore with our hearts, for the song plays on, just as love lives on. Just remember that grief cannot take away the happiness you shared, that sorrow will fade in time, but love remains forever.~~Deep and most heart-felt sympathy~~Bob Bowling, Louisville, Ky.

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Gregory B Rundell

Don't think of Greg as gone away, his journey has just begun, life holds so many facets, this earth is only one.~~Just think of him as resting from sorrow and tears, in a place of warmth and comfort, where there are no days and years.~~Think of how he must be wishing that you could know today, that nothing but your sadness can really pass away.~~And think of him as living in the hearts of those he touched and he was loved so much.~~I am sorry for your loss. May you find peace, strength, and love.~~Dorothy Bowling, Louisville, Ky.

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Gregory B Rundell

Beautiful memories are wonderful things, they last till the longest day, they never wear out, never get lost, and can never be given away. To some you may be forgotten, to others a part of the past. But to those who loved you, your memory will always last.~~Mark Regenauer, Shelbyville, Ky

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Gregory B Rundell

There was no love more genuine than mine; in giving and receiving it was pure. Grieve not, for my legacy is love, pure and true, each memory a gift that will endure, returning you to moments fair and fine.

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Gregory B Rundell

Smile when you are sad. Love what you got and always remember what you had. Always forgive. Learn from your mistakes. But never regret things.

pepole change and things go wrong--but always remember my love for you goes on and on !

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Thomas C Ray II

I met you in 1997 and you were not forgotten by me since then, and the world will never forget you now. Thanks in peace.

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Gregory B Rundell

The tide recedes but leaves bright seashells on the sand, the sun goes down but the gentle warmth still lingers on the land. The music stops & yet it echoes on in sweet refrains...for every joy that passes, something beautiful remains.~~GOD BLESS ~~ Raven Meyer-Coan, Louisville, Ky.

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Gregory B Rundell

I have not turned my back on you, so there's no need to cry, I am watching you from Heaven, just beyond the morning sky; I have seen you almost fall apart, when you could barely stand, I asked the LORD to comfort you, and I watched Him take your hand. He told me that you were in more pain, than I could ever be, He wiped His eyes and swallowed hard, then gave your hand to me; although you may not feel my touch; or see me by your side, I've whispered that I love you, while I wiped away each tear you cried.

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Keith E Lloyd


We miss you so much, this wasn't suppose to happen. You are a true hero to your family. We will miss you at all the Lloyd's outings and all the parties.

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Gregory B Rundell

Nothing can ever take away the love a heart holds dear, fond memories linger everyday, and remembrance keeps Greg near.---David Hatfield New Orleans, Louisiana

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Gregory B Rundell

Sunshine fades and shadows fall, but sweet remembrance out lasts all.~~Clara Langley, Louisville, Ky.

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Gregory B Rundell

In the quiet moments when the hurt is hard to bear may love become your shelter, and may the beauty of precious memories be your comfort.~~ Sydney Meyer, Louisville, Ky.

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Gregory B Rundell

This is my wish for you; comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips, hugs when the spirit sags, sunsets to warm your heart, friendships to brighten your being, beauty for your eyes to see, faith so you can believe, confidence when in doubt, patience to accept the truth, courage to know yourself, love to complete your life.~~Cora Meyer, Louisville, Ky.

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Cody C Grater

Thank you for all the wonderful memories throughout the years. I only wish we had more time together. You will forever remain in my thoughts and hearts!!!!!

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Gregory B Rundell

To some I may be nothing more than a distant memory. My life on earth is over now, but do you remember me ? I know I left without warning, but GOD's work for me was through. Please do not try to stop the thoughts of me, because I never will of you. ~~ Some may hear or speak my name and vanish the thought of me. Why is it now that I am gone no one stops to see, I am closer to you now than I ever was before ? I love you all the same and will for ever more. So plese don't let my memories slowly fade away...for I'm still inside your heart you see, where I will always stay.~~Don't think of me as gone forever because someday we'll meet again. keep me close inside your heart until GOD tells you when.~~You may be there for many years, no one ever knows, so let my memory stay alive as the love inside you grows.

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Gregory B Rundell

Remember me in your hearts, in your thoughts, and the memories of the times we loved, the times we cried, and the times we laughed, for if you always think of me, I will never be gone.

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Gregory B Rundell

Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us everyday, unseen, unheard, but always near, still loved, still missed and very dear.~~Stevie Coan Louisville, Ky.

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Gregory B Rundell

Submitted with Spc. Rundell's family in mind.~~ Love and Gratitude~~The agony is so great and yet I stand it. Had I not loved so very much, I would not hurt so much. But goodness knows I would not diminish that precious love by one fraction of an ounce. I will hurt, and I will be grateful to take the hurt, for it bears witness to the depth of our meanings, and for that I will be eternally grateful.~~Nikki Coan, Louisville, Ky.

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Gregory B Rundell

For the loss you had, words do not heal. May the memories held deep within your heart help soothe your spirit. With each memory, let your hearts be reminded that nothing can ever take away the beauty you have known. (Yes your beloved Greg was beautiful---he had a heart of pure gold)~~GOD BLESS~~J. Moss

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Wendy R. Faulkner

We miss you

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Gregory B Rundell

They say memories are golden, well maybe that is true. We never wanted memories, we only wanted you.~~You will be missed by all of the guys~~ You were a wonderful friend to all~~R.I.P.

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Gregory B Rundell

If my parting has left a void, then fill it with remembered joy.

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Gregory B Rundell

May friends comfort you, faith uphold you, and loving memories heal you heart.~~Jackie Ellis~~

Greenville, Mississippi

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Gregory B Rundell

Memories...within my book of memories, are special thoughts of you, and all the nice things you often say and do.~~As I turn the pages, and recall each single thought, I realize the happiness that knowing you has brought.~~There are memories of the time we've shared, both bright and sunny days. There are memories of your kindness and your friendly thoughtful ways.~~And when I recall these memories as I go along life's way, I find they grow more precious still with every passing day.~~Deepest Sympathy to the family of Greg.~~

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Gregory B Rundell

Think of me as one at rest, for me you should not weep. I have no cares, no troubled thoughts for now I am asleep.~~The living breathing me that was is now forever still, and time goes on without me as time forever will.~~Those of you who liked me, I sincerely thank you all, and those of you that loved me, I thank most of all.~~It matters not if time began or if time will ever cease ? I was here, I used it all and now I am at peace.

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Gregory B Rundell

There beside a grave she stands, a folded flag clutched in her hands. A silent teardrop on her face, her brave young child has entered grace. She does not hear the sermon said, just memories run through her head. The child she held so long ago, the child with faith she let go. The child who heard the nation's call, and in the end gave it all, without fear or thoughts of self, thoughts of freedom and little else. The bugle sounds TAPS in the wind, a mournful sound it does send. A reminder to us all, that for freedom, this price was paid, and her sweet young to rest was laid.~~In sympathy. May the blessings of love be upon you, may it's paece abide with you, may its essence illuminate your hearts, now and forever~~~Norma

Coan Louisville, Ky.

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Jose A Rubio Hernandez

Please accept our sincere condolences for your loss. Our son-in-law, Stephen, was his roommate in Iraq. We will pray for him and your family. We are grateful for his service and his friendship to Stephen. Sincerely, "Mom" C.

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Thomas C Ray II

i am truly sorry that this has happened to thomas he will be greatly missed by us all...

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David B Williams

Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day, unseen, unheard, but always near, still loved, still missed and very dear.~~Irene Richmond, Louisville, Ky

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David B Williams

Fill the cracks in your broken heart with fond memories of the past. GOD BLESS YOU ALL~~

Dorothy Bowling Louisville, Ky.

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David B Williams

For the loss you had, words do not heal. May the memories deep within your heart help soothe your spirit. With each memory, let your hearts be reminded that nothing can ever take away the beauty you have known.~~Cora Meyer

Louisville, Ky.

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David B Williams

Love and Gratitude...The agony is so great...and yet I stand it. Had I not loved so very much. I would not hurt so much. But goodness knows I would not want to diminish that precious love by one fraction of an ounce. I will hurt, and I will be grateful to take the hurt, for it bears witness to the depth of our meanings, and for that I will be eternally grateful.~~May you always know the joy of giving and receiving love and gratitude.~~Chloe Coan Louisville, Ky.

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David B Williams

No person is ever tuly alone. Those who live no more, whom we loved, echo still within our thoughts, our words, our hearts. And what they did, and who they were, becomes a part of all that we are forever.~~Stevie Coan Louisville, Ky.

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David B Williams

Memories...Within my book of memories, are special thoughts of you, and all the nice things you often say and do.~~As I turn the pages, and recall

the happiness that knowing you has brought.~~There are memories of the times we've shared, both bright and sunny days. There are memories of your kindness and your friendly thoughtful ways.~~And when I recall these memories as I go along life's way, I find they grow more precious still with each passing day.~~Deepest sympathy to all of you.~~

Raven Meyer-Coan Louisville, Ky

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David B Williams

Think of me as one at rest, for me you should not weep. I have no cares, no troubled thoughts , for now I am asleep.~~The living breathing me that was is now forever still, and time goes on without me as time forever will.~~Those of you who liked me I sincerely thank you all, and those of you that loved me I thank most of all.~~It matters not if time began or if time will ever cease ? I was here, I used it all and now I am at peace.

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David B Williams


will give

you wings.

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David B Williams

There beside a grave she stands. A folded flag clutched in her hands. A silent teardrop on her face, her brave young child has entered grace. She does not hear the sermon said, just memories run through her head. The child she held so long ago, the child with faith she let go. The child who heard the nation's call, and in the end gave it all, without fear or thoughts of self, thoughts of freedom and little else. The bugle sounds TAPS in the wind, a mournful sound it does send. A reminder to us all, that for freedom, this price was paid, and her sweet young to rest was laid.~~May GOD hold and comfort you tonight and all the nights for the rest of your lives~~Norma Coan

Louisville, KY.

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Cody C. Grater

I love you forever and ever....Amen!

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Dustin L Canham

Our family is so sorry for your loss. I know the grief is unbearable right now. We lost our son in April 2007. Just remember all the wonderful memories of your time together. It will help you during this difficult time.

God Bless this American Hero

Rhonda Kirkpatrick

Mom of PFC David Austin Kirkpatrick

K.I.A. 4-27-07

Fallujah Iraq

Matthews, In.

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Joseph D Gamboa

God Bless you and your family at this very difficult time. I am so sorry for this brave soldiers lost life. I appreciate what he has done for me and our country.

Rhonda Kirkpatrick

Mom of PFC David Austin Kirkpatrick

K.I.A. 4-27-07

Fallujah Iraq

Matthews, In

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Gregory B Rundell

We are so sorry to hear of another American Soldiers sacrifice. Remember that American's care and are thankful for Greg's bravery. We all can live here free, because of the brave men and women like Greg.

Rhonda Kirkpatrick

Mom of PFC David Austin Kirkpatrick

K.I.A. 4-27-07

Fallujah Iraq

Matthews , In.

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George Delgado

I am so sorry for the loss of your son. He is a true American Hero. His sacrifice will never be forgotten. Our son was stationed at Ft. Stewart also. He was K.I.A. 4-27-07. We know exactly what you are going through. Keep his memory alive and remember that everyone appreciates George's great sacrifice.

God Bless you and your family. May you get great comfort from your memories.

Rhonda Kirkpatrick

Mom of PFC David Austin Kirkpatrick

K.I.A. 4-27-07

Fallujah Iraq

Matthews, In.

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Christopher M Hake

I am so sorry for the loss of this great American Hero. His sacrifice and the sacrifice of the family will never be forgotten. We lost our son David in april of 2007 and it has helped us so much, to do everything we can to keep his memory alive. I hope you can find the same comfort. We appreciate what Christopher has done for our country. David was also stationed at Ft. Stewart. If you can go, you don't want to miss Christopher's tree planting ceremony at Warriors Walk. It was very helpful to our family. You realize how many Americans do care and it will help you get through these difficult days.

Rhonda Kirkpatrick

Mom of PFC David Austin Kirkpatrick

K.I.A. 4-27-07

Matthews, Indiana

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Andrew J Habsieger

I am so sorry for your loss. Andrew was a true American Hero and we thank him for his great sacrifice.

Mom of PFC David Austin Kirkpatrick

K.I.A. 4-27-07

Fallujah Iraq

Stationed Ft. Stewart Ga.

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