You were a great friend of mine and to touched so many...a shining light that brightened up my day, each and every day that I came to work at the Pentagon. I spent many long nights working to complete projects & tasks for you...but I knew it was important because you were motivated, driven, and passionate about what we were doing that is saving so many others during these tough times. I can remember our time in Brussels...sorry for yelling...we also spent many nights eating, drinking, talking about all the goodtimes in life.
Mike Neumann & FamilyP.S. I am sorry I didn't reply back to your email on the January 24th answer your question...Emily & Paige are just fine....We all love you, miss you, and will see you again some day in friend.
you are a true hero and we salute you for the great service. You gave your all for this great nation and our freedom. We will be ever grateful for this commitment you had in your chosen military service. We know that you are at peace and one day we shall all rejoice together.Deep sympathy to the family and friends of SFC Kahler, our AMERICAN HERO !!!!!
May you rest eternally Katie! We loved you very much and you are greatly missed by us all. I'm sorry you had to go so soon, but hopes are that you are in a better place... Miss ya'K-dawg
You are missed so much. Thank you for doing what you believed in. You are now amongst the most elite soldiers....guarding the gates of Heaven. May God hold you in his loving arms. You are a True American Hero. I love you and am so proud of the young man you became.
I am thankfull for you in so many ways , you gave what not to many will and that is your life for freedom . please know i know that freedom is not free for men and women like you have payed for it . thank you again and my you serve well in the Lords army now .
thank You for all you gave , you were a brave soilder and you payed the price so that all could be free. I understand that freedom is not free . I lost my brother to an ied on oct 30 and i know how great the lose is . But we are so proud and thankfull to and for you and we will never forget you and what you have done . Thank you again and serve well in god's army .
Although i have never meet you or your family i share a strong bound with you , i lost my brother on oct.30 and although we are oh so proud of our men and women we do miss them so much . But i know that we will see them again one day and know that there are people that will make sure that your son will never be forgoten . Thank You again!
Thank you so much for all you gave to keep us safe, i dont know you but i love you . I hope God gives your family peace in this time . I know the pain to well i lost my brother on oct. 30 in iraq . now you have a new mission and that is the mission of serving in the Lords army . Thank you again .
Hey buddy just thought i would stop in and say i miss and love you . I am so proud of you even more so everyday as i truly see what a hero you truly are. Thank you so much mickey for all you gave , I hope though in time that we heal from your lose cause we miss you so much. love you.
My deepest sadness to you my dear Mary. As I write this, I hear the howling wind out side blowing a gale. I wonder if that is you trying to have one of our many conversations again. I hope so. You fly on the wind now with the angels of heaven. Rest in peace child of God. We will all be with you again. Know this. Although you passed away so young? Many were glad that you lived among us. Sweet dreams chuck! Gary, Jayne, and Bradley. XXX.
My son served with you-stated to me "he was one of the nicest guys you'd meet, everyone liked him mom."Prayers and thoughts will be with the family.From a parent of a soldier of the 1-87 IN;
I miss you so very much son and am so very proud of you and your courage to step up for what you believed in. I am also very proud to have been chosen to be your mother. It is the greatest privilege and honor and blessing to me. You were my friend, my soldier, my hero and my son!!!! You are with the greatest Army of all the universe!!! THE ELITE ARMY OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST!!!!! I love you and miss you so very much...I will see you again soon you can count on that!!! All my love, Momma
I can't believe it's been 6 months since you were called to heaven to be with God. I think of you every day. I am thankful that you came into my life and appreciate everything that you did for me. I miss you and know that we will see each other again. I Love You! Kim
To the family of my fallen brother in arms. My life was touched by this fine American while we served together in Bco 2/504th PIR. Mike was always there for all of those who needed him. He was as excited as I was to see my first daughter born in January of 2002 and I will never forget the times we spent together in training and in Garrison. I knew that when I served with him in his first tour in Afghanistan, he was truly in his element. He had many gifts and it is truly an honor to have known and served with such a great man. If there is anyone who would like any pictures of Mike, I have a few from the time we served together at Fort Bragg. Just send me an email and I would be happy to share. Sincerely SSG Jeremy karr. (Email Link)
As a 9/11 family member I would like to send my deepest condolences to your family.
Thank you for making the ultimate sacrifice fighting for our freedoms, and keeping the United States safe from terrorism. I will keep you in my nightly prayers.
As the days pass by, may all who mourn the loss of this brave soldier be comforted with the love of our heavenly Father. He holds you in the palm of His hands and will see you through the days, months and years ahead till you will be joined in Eternal bliss together. He will be waiting for you and welcome you there. PEACE and LOVE to all and grateful THANKS for the service you gave all of us Americans SFC John J Tobiason. You are our HERO !!!!!
You will always remain in my heart. I light this candle for you and pray that you have everlasting peace. Thank you for the ultimate sacrifice you made for us. You are an American HERO! I salute you PFC. Cody Grater.
My HERO, my friend, I miss you very much. I can't believe when I saw you in July it would be our last visit together. I treasure all the memories and you are forever in my heart. Always keep smiling and watching over us. Rest in Peace!!!!!
You should of been nearing the end of your tour in Iraq, but you were called by our Lord and Father for another tour of duty to guard the gates of Heaven. You are missed greatly and loved even more. Rest in Peace! Until we meet again. I Love You!!!!!
as jimmy's aunt I would like to send my dearest sympothy to my sister and jimmy's father danny of lowville,I hope as time goes by you realize it was what jimmy wanted and he enjoyed doing it,soon your heart will heal and you can remember the good times and the bad.
Oh Mary! The tears are still flowing. I just can't imagine never being able to chat with you again.So, I'll wait for you to come into my dreams.Right now I'll just pretend I'm posting in your "Good Night" thread,Sleep well, my friend.Annie
You will be sorely missed Mary.....I gave you a special section on my forum just for you and your books and was most happy to have you as a forum menber.....53 is way to young to check out, but we will all see you again on the flipside.....all your friends at
Mary, I'm sure you'll be amused to know.......... that I'm at a loss for words. I have been searching for the right thing to say for days, but I don't know that there is any "right" thing and there is no undoing the past. ..our friendship grew strong and soured at the end. Apologies at this point would only be self serving, so I will not dishonor your memory by extending any. Accomplishments, I have a few, regrets..........I have many...but in your death I haved learned something more about life.
May you rest in peace for eternity, and have an occasional dance on the moon, and perhaps someday we'll meet again in Mary's kitchen.With love,
My love,You are all I will ever need in my life. I am so blessed to have you for my husband.Today I light this candle as a reminder of the love I will forwver hold in my heart for youI love you so very muchMy heart to yours foreverYour wife Barbara
You lit the candles of so many others. At one time keeping Liberty Unites was your passion but you had so many passions. You will be missed and remembered for the rawness and beauty that was you. Rest in Peace Mary.
Mary, Mary, quite contrary..Why did you have to go..You're up above, now wrapped in love..With friends still here below..We love you and we miss you..We'll meet again, someday..Until that time, please know my friend..We're sad you went away..Love you and miss you Mary.Sleep well my friend. xxxx
To your friends and family peace is a long way off but you have found it. We will try to remember you will never suffer again and we will pray for the love ones you left behind. Thank you for all that you are.
To a Best Friend, Victor W. Jeffries, for whom the entire State of Hawaii will remember as Flags will fly a half-mast to honor you (as a result of the Govenors Proclaimation for next Tuesday, January 22, 2008. As a High School Physical Educator (back in "the world" at Farrington) you were the first state employee to make the ultimate sacrifice in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. I congratulate you, my bruddah, for finally receiving the respect you've so consistently earned. I believe that in GOD's eyes you earned your wings and I pray that we'll meet again. A twenty-one gun salute at your memorial service was so appropriate. I'll remember you always and honor you wish!
To my amazing cousin,I couldn't be more proud of the man that you became. You followed your heart in what you thought was right, and you lived for Jesus. Enjoy your reward. I know that we will meet again in heaven one day.
Thank you so much for giving so much for your country. What a brave young man with so much courage. May the Lord hold you in his arms and give you peace and comfort. I pray for peace for your family may the Lord heal their pain and suffering. All of our thoughts and prayers are with your family.
Thank you so much for your service to your country. I know that your family was so proud of you. May the Lord lift you up in his arms and keep you safe. I hope that your family knows that you are with the Lord and he is taking care of you. Extending our heartfelt sympathies to your family. May the Lord ease all your pain for your loss.
May the Lord bless you and keep you safe in his arms. Thank you for giving so much to your country. Our prayers are with your family at this time. The Lord will take away all your pain and give you peace
May the Lord lift you up in his arms and give you peace. Hope that your family knows that you are being taken care of in the Lord's hands. Extending our sympathies and our pryaers to your family
Thank you for giving so much for your country. May God bless you and hold you in his arms and give you peace. May your family find comfort in knowing that God is carrying you in his heart to take care of you. For a special young man. You are home safe and sound with the Lord.
miss u brother i remember when i told u i joined the marine corp and u told me u join the army.....but i kno ur lookin down on all of us and takin care of u and c u soon.
May you have love and comfort in the arms of God. Thank you for all that you have done for us. You are a true Hero. God Bless you and your family and friends!
I am so sorry to hear about this and so sad that I just now heard about this inncidence, remember going to church with him as a kid and to hear he has departed makes me very upset he was a great guy who I am sure would be missed~~~Diana Allen
Gracias a todos por sus mensajes. Soy la esposa del SSG Suliveras. Aun no encuentro el consuelo para la partida de Wilbert. Wilbert siempre fue bien amoroso y cariñoso tanto conmigo como con sus hijos y con toda su familia. Te sigo llorando ... te amo! Lydia
Death is nothing at all. I have only slipped away into the next room. I am I, and you are you. Whatever we were to each other, that we still are. Call me by my old familiar name, speak to me in the easy way you always used to. Put no difference in your tone; wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow. Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes we enjoyed together. Play, smile, think of me, pray for me. Let my name be ever the household word that it always was, let it be spoken without effort, no trace of a shadow on it. Life means all that it ever meant. It is the same as it ever was. There is unbroken continuity. Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight? I am waiting for you, somewhere very near. Just around the corner. All is well."- Henry Scott Holland (1847 - 1918) Canon of St Paul's, London
SFC Tobiason, you are a true American Hero and we are very proud of you and thankful for all the years of military service.God bless you as you spend peace filled days with your heavenly Father now.
My cousin, Ben Dillon, was also in 3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment and served with Shea. After his death Ben wore his bracelet until his own death on Oct. 6th. They are now together and hopefully do not know war and only know joy, which they so deserve. My heart goes out to his family.
My name is PFC Wegner. Casey Mason was my best friend. we were in basic training together in Ft. Leonard Wood. The toughest thing ive ever done was speak at his memorial cermonie. he was a great man and i will never for get him
I am friend of Mitch Milam and am very sorry for your loss. It is obvious that you were very lucky to have such a wonderful, proud and strong man in your lives. Everyone that is state side can not thank the men and women that have gone overseas to protect us enough. They are trying to make this world a better place for everyone to live in and again, proves that Luke was a great soldier and person. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.Sincerely,Bill & Ashley Faber
I heard from your SGT. yesterday and was crying my eyes out. He said you were a great soldier and a wonderful friend. He also told me that you have been watching over them and playing a few tricks on them too. Everyone who came in touch with you misses you. May you be resting in peace and know that you are loved and missed. xoxo Kim
You are always on my mind and forever in my heart. My True American Hero. Thank you for all that yolu have done for our country. You will never be forgotten.
Hello #1 Son,This is a new year 2008. You were miss at the dinner table on Christmas. I have so many wonderful pictures of you, and some of them brought joy to my heart. I sat and played a video of your last days in Iraq. Freeman you were a wonderful son, who never gave me trouble. You were truly a blessed young man, who loved the Lord and his family. Today I walked into the Living room and looked at your picture, and I said "THANK YOU Freeman". I will always love you, from MOM!
Dearest Gunnar,yesterday marked the 3rd anniversary of your death. We still miss you, more than words can ever express, but we've all managed, to find a way, to go on, with our was the hardest thing, I've ever done. Life, as we knew it, ceased to exist, that cold windy night, 13jan2005, when the Army knocked on our door. We are all so proud, to have been a part of your short life, and are so proud of everything you stand for. thanks, for the memories, they have to get me thru, until we meet again...You will always be my baby boy. I love you, with every beat of my heart, always and forever,mom
You are now in the hand of our Lord our Father. May he comfort you on your new journey. You are missed by many. You will never be forgotten. Thank you for the sacridice you have made for all Americans. Love and Kisses.....
I had the opportunity to work with MC1 and will never forget the great attitude he presented on good and bad days. A very positive individual that always, even with humor, knew how to lighten another Sailors mood.
I am very sorry for his families loss. MC1 would talk about his family and how much he cared about them. This was one of the reasons he volunteered for the middle east.
He wanted to support his family and provide for them.
Rowdy, You were a bright light for all that knew you. Paul will always carry you in his heart forever, and that promise he made to you, he will honor. He will make sure that Shannon and the kids will be taken care of. You will be forever missed. Love, Paul and Jill Wiley and the twins.
Rowdy, You were a bright light for all that knew you. Paul will always carry you in his heart forever, and that promise he made to you, he will honor. He will make sure that Shannon and the kids will be taken care of. You will be forever missed. Love, Paul and Jill Wiley and the twins.
You are an American Hero. You sacrificed your life for all of us to be free. May God hold your hand and walk with you in peace. You will never be forgotten. Missing you more than you will ever know. Rest in Peace! God Bless You and God Bless America!
that thing that says he was a health care specialist needs to be changed....he was a damned proud combat medic. i know what the job title is...but he didnt work in no hospital...he worked on the line with the rest of us.
His Journey's Just BegunDon't think of him as gone away--his journey's just begunlife holds so many facetsthis earth is only one.Just think of him as restingfrom the sorrows and the tearsin a place of warmth and comfortwhere there are no days and years.Think how he must be wishingthat we could know todayhow nothing but our sadnesscan really pass away.And think of him as livingin the hearts of those he touched...for nothing loved is ever lost--and he was loved so much.rejoice in The Good Lords Loving Arms. Stand down, you mission is complete. RIP. God Bless and may His Loving Grace comfort those left behind.You will never be forgotton, thank you.
His Journey's Just BegunDon't think of him as gone away--his journey's just begunlife holds so many facetsthis earth is only one.Just think of him as restingfrom the sorrows and the tearsin a place of warmth and comfortwhere there are no days and years.Think how he must be wishingthat we could know todayhow nothing but our sadnesscan really pass away.And think of him as livingin the hearts of those he touched...for nothing loved is ever lost--and he was loved so much.rejoice in The Good Lords Loving Arms. Stand down, you mission is complete. RIP. God Bless and may His Loving Grace comfort those left behind.You will never be forgotton, thank you.
His Journey's Just BegunDon't think of him as gone away--his journey's just begunlife holds so many facetsthis earth is only one.Just think of him as restingfrom the sorrows and the tearsin a place of warmth and comfortwhere there are no days and years.Think how he must be wishingthat we could know todayhow nothing but our sadnesscan really pass away.And think of him as livingin the hearts of those he touched...for nothing loved is ever lost--and he was loved so much.rejoice in The Good Lords Loving Arms. Stand down, you mission is complete. RIP. God Bless and may His Loving Grace comfort those left behind.You will never be forgotton, thank you.
His Journey's Just BegunDon't think of him as gone away--his journey's just begunlife holds so many facetsthis earth is only one.Just think of him as restingfrom the sorrows and the tearsin a place of warmth and comfortwhere there are no days and years.Think how he must be wishingthat we could know todayhow nothing but our sadnesscan really pass away.And think of him as livingin the hearts of those he touched...for nothing loved is ever lost--and he was loved so much.rejoice in The Good Lords Loving Arms. Stand down, you mission is complete. RIP. God Bless and may His Loving Grace comfort those left behind.You will never be forgotton, thank you.
His Journey's Just BegunDon't think of him as gone away--his journey's just begunlife holds so many facetsthis earth is only one.Just think of him as restingfrom the sorrows and the tearsin a place of warmth and comfortwhere there are no days and years.Think how he must be wishingthat we could know todayhow nothing but our sadnesscan really pass away.And think of him as livingin the hearts of those he touched...for nothing loved is ever lost--and he was loved so much.rejoice in The Good Lords Loving Arms. Stand down, you mission is complete. RIP. God Bless and may His Loving Grace comfort those left behind.You will never be forgotton, thank you.