Liberty unites

liberty unites us
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Bryan L Quinton

For the loss you had, words do not heal. May the memories held deep within your heart soothe your spirirt. With each memory, let your hearts be reminded that nothing can ever take away the beauty you have known.~~Thank you Spc. Quinton for keeping America safe, and most of all I salute you for your bravery and valor.~~William E. Meyer U.S. Army Sgt. Retired, Louisville, Ky.

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Bryan L Quinton

In the quiet moments when the hurt is hard to bear, may love become your shelter. And may the beauty of precious moments be your comfort-----

Jodi Hatfield, Grenada, Mississippi

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Bryan L Quinton

Don't think of him as gone away, his journey has just begun. Life holds so many facets, this earth is only one.~~Just think of him as resting from sorrow and tears, in a place and warmth and comfort, where there are no days and years.~~Think of how he must be wishing that you could know today, that nothing but our sadness can really pass away.~~And think of him as living in the hearts of those he touched and he was loved so much.~~~David Hatfield, Grenada, Mississippi.

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Bryan L Quinton

May you rest peacefully for the rest of eternity and live on forever in the hearts and memories of the people who loved you.-----Henry Hinkle------

New Orleans, Louisiana.

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Bryan L Quinton

Smile when you are sad. Love what you got and always remember what you had. Always forgive. Learn from your mistakes. But never regret. People

change and things go wrong. But always remember that my love for you goes on and on.

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Bryan L Quinton

Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us everyday, unseen, unheard, but always near, still loved, still missed, and very dear.----I am sorry for your loss. May you find peace, strength, and love.----Genetta Griffin ---Gulf Shores , Alabama

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Bryan L Quinton

Tattered around the edges and faded now with time; memories that linger still, are what they left behind. Like a precious package, kept in a secret room; each memory a treasure, a family heirloom. On rare and quiet occassion, the package opens wide; revealing then the memories, that nestle there inside, faces etched in memories like a photo from the past; each snapshot printed in the heart, and memories that last~~Worn and ragged photographs, so faded now with time; yet the lasting love deep within your heart, is what they left behind.-----Thanking you Spc. Bryan Quinton for Defending America and Defending Freedom.---

Stevie Coan Louisville, Ky. U.S.A.

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Bryan L Quinton

Beautiful memories are wonderful things, they last till the longest day, they never wear out, never get lost, and can never be given away. To some you may have been forgotten, to others a part of the past. But to those who loved you, your memory will always last.----Deepest Sympathy to you all and Thank You Spc. Bryan Quinton for giving it all.-----Chloe Coan Louisville, Ky.

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Bryan L Quinton

The tide recedes but leaves bright seashells on the sand, the sun goes down but the gentle warmth still lingers on the land. The music stops & yet it echoes on in sweet refrains....for every joy that passes, something beautiful remains.----I am so sorry that you have had to endure the loss of your beloved Bryan. I can not even begin to image the grief and heart-ache you (his family and friends) have experienced.---------Nikk i Coan, Louisville, Ky

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Bryan L Quinton

There was no love more genuine than mine; in giving and receiving it was pure. Grieve not, for my legacy is love, pure and true. Each memory a gift that will endure, returning you to moments fair and fine.

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Bryan L Quinton

May GOD Bless You.---With bright stars in the sky when the way seems dark.---With smiles to cheer you when the road seems long.---With sunshine to warm you when the world seems cold.---With love to greet you when each day is done.---Jackie Ellis

Greenville, Mississippi

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Bryan L Quinton

Love lives on forever in each memory and thought of the loved ones who meant so much and the happiness they brought.~~Love lives on forever.... it will never fade away....For, in our hearts, our loved ones are with us everyday.~~I am so sorry that you lost your beloved Bryan. ~~

Dorothy Bowling Louisville, Ky.

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Bryan L Quinton

Think of me as one at rest, for me you should not weep. I have no cares, no troubled thoughts, for now I am asleep.~~The living, breathing me that was, is now forever still.~~Those of you who liked me, I sincerely thank you all, and those of you that loved me, I thank most of all.~~It matters not if time began, if time will ever cease ? I was here, I used it all and now I am at peace.

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Bryan L Quinton

Remember......Remember the laughs. Remember the smiles. Remember the times we had for a while. Remember the good. Remember the bad. Remember the love we once had. Remember with a smile. Remember with a tear. Remember the times you held me in fear. Remember the kisses. Remember the hugs. Whatever you do, don't forget


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Bryan L Quinton

I read of a man who stood to speak at the funeral of a friend, he referred to the dates on his tombstone from beginning to end.~~He noted first came the date of his birth and spoke the following with tears, but he said what mattered most of all was the dash between those years.~~For that dash represents all the time he spent alive on earth, and now only those who loved him knows what that little line is worth.~~For it matters not how much we own....the cars....the house....the cash....What matters is how we live and love and spend our dash.~~So think hard about this, long and hard, are there things you'd like to change ? For we never know how much time is left that can still be arranged.~~~If we could just slow down enough to consider what is true and real, and always try to understand the way other people feel.~~ Be less quick to anger and show appreciation more and love the people in our lives like we have never loved them before.~~If we treat each other with respect and more often wear a smile, remembering this special dash will only last a while.~~So when your eulogy is being read with your lifes actions to be rehashed, would you be proud of the things they say about how you spend your dash.~~May GOD hold and comfort you tonight and every night for the rest of your life.

Edward P. Meyer ( U.S. Navy Retired--WWII Veteran)

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Bryan L Quinton

For all that knew me, know that I now have no pain. I have lived a life that has brought me no shame. I have lived and loved. That you can plainly see. I have gone to a better place. So, please don't grieve for me.

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Bryan L Quinton

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves memories no one can steal.

Sydney Meyer Age:10 Louisville. Ky.

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Bryan L Quinton

There beside a grave she stands. A folded flag clutched in her hands. A silent teardrop on her face, her brave young child, has entered grace. She does not hear the sermon said, just memories run through her head. The child she held so long ago, the child with faith she let go. The child who heard the nation's call, and in the end gave it all, without fear or thoughts of self, thoughts of freedom and little else. The bugle sounds TAPS in the wind, a mournful song it does send. A reminder to us all, that for freedom this price was paid, and her sweet young to rest was laid.~~~Deepest Sympathy~~~Norma Coan Louisville, Ky. U.S.A.

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Bryan L Quinton

When Life Gets So Hard.....I wanted to find some words on a e-card. That would help you when life gets so hard. When it seems that you can't bear your grief----perhaps can't go on. When deep in your heart there's no trace of joy or happiness. Some words that would comfort you----when late at night----the sadness and grief returns----when you are too tired to fight. The tears that flow so often that you often think you will run dry----and life get's so tough you feel like you just want to cry.

Or at least hide somewhere safe from the unbearable pain. Someplace you can rest until you can find some joy again.~~ I wish, I knew what the words are you so desperately need to hear.----That will help and remove some of the tears. What are the words that will lighten the load ? I wish, I had a secret code. If, I only knew the words to say

----to encourage and Bless you or comfort you in some way. I do not know the words. But, this I can do. I will pray to the Father for you.~~~Deepest and Most Heart-felt Sympathy.~~~Cora Meyer

Louisville, Ky. U.S.A.

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Gary D Willett

There beside a grave she stands. A folded flag clutched in her hands. A silent teardrop on her face, her brave young child has entered grace. She does not hear the sermon said, just memories run through her head. The child she held so long ago, the child with faith she let go. The child who heard the nation's call, and in the end gave it all, without fear or thoughts of self, thoughts of freedom and little else. The bugle sounds TAPS in the wind, a mournful sound it does send. A reminder to us all, that for freedom this price was paid, and her sweet young to rest was laid.~~

I can't comprehend just how sad you must feel. For the loss of your beloved Gary who you love so much. This sorrowful time must still feel unreal.

And you look for strength from above.~~I hope from my heart , that your pain will decresase, that your spirit will gain strength again. And I pray your faith will create inner peace.~~ Deepest Sympathy and GOD BLESS. Norma J. Coan Louisville , Ky. U.S.A.

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Cody C Grater

You have know taken a new soldiers role in life.. one of the Lords guards at Heavens gates. Thank you for defending our country. We are so proud of all that you accomplished and the young man you became. May you rest in peace and know that you are loved and missed every single second, minute, hour and day.

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Gary D Willett

Softly the leaves of memories fall, gently you gather and treasure them all. No length of time can take away the thoughts you have of Gary from day to day. Whatever else you fail to do, you will never fail to think of your beloved Gary.

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Gary D Willett

It matters not how long a star shines, What is remembered is the brightness of the light.

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Gary D Willett

The tide recedes but leaves bright seashells on the sand, the sun goes down but the gentle warmth still lingers on the land. The music stops & yet in echoes on in sweet refrains...for every joy that passes something beautiful remains. ---May the music play on and on for Sgt. Willett. ---

Stevie Coan Louisville Ky. U.S.A.

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Gary D Willett

Beautiful memories are wonderful things, they last till the longest day, they never wear out, never get lost, and can never be given away. To some you may be forgotten, to others a part of the past. But to those who loved you, your memory will always last.--- I am so sorry for the heart-breaking loss that you are forced to endure. Genetta Griffin, Gulf Shores Alabama.

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Gary D Willett

May you rest peacefully for the rest of eternity and live on forever in the hearts and memories of those

who love you.-----Donetta Jewell from Clarksville Tennesee

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Gary D Willett

Don't think of him as gone away, his journey has just begun, life holds so many facets, this earth is only one. Just think of him as resting from sorrow and tears, in a place of warmth and comfort, where there are no days and years. Think of how he must be wishing that you could know today, how nothing but sadness can really pass away. And think of him as living in the hearts of those he touched and he was loved so much. ----Thank You Sgt. Willett for giving your all to answer the nation's call. Junior Jennings Jacksonville Fla.

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Gary D Willett

Nothing can ever take away the love a heart holds dear, fond memories linger everyday, and remembrance keeps Gary near.---Jackie Ellis Greenville Mississippi

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Gary D Willett

No person is ever truly alone. Those who live no more, whom we loved, echo still within our thoughts, our words, our hearts. And what they did and who they were becomes a part of all the we are forever. Deepest Appreciation Sgt. Willett for being all you could be and defending our Country and me. David Hatfield New Orleans, Louisiana.

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Gary D Willett

Sunshine fades and shadows fall, but sweet remembrance out last all.........I am deeply grateful

to you Sgt. Willett for defending freedom and protectiing me. Sincerely Mark Regenauer Shelbyville Ky.

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Gary D Willett

Heaven's Heroes~~~Don't cry fo me as I lie in repose, dying for freedom is what I chose.~~~ There isn't any pain or suffering anymore, because I've just walked through Heaven's Door.~~~Here everything is brand new, I'm with my brothers, who were proud to die for freedom too.~~~As you stand before me don't weep, it is just my body that is asleep.~~~My spirit soars high above, where I'm surrounded by Angel's and GOD's love. ~~~Thank you for the respects you pay. I just want you to know, I've gone home today.~~~My job here on earth is done, and my new life in Heaven has just begun.

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Gary D Willett

TAPS---TAPS the most beautiful bugle call, known as the most eloquent of all.----Not only to signal the day is done, but to say goodbye, to a comrade, brother, or son.----A melody so hauntingly profound, a piercing yet peaceful sound.---Sounded

over every soldiers grave, to honor those who were so brave.----Rifles are fired in the sky, to say farewell to another American G.I.----Listening to the bugle play, reminds us of the price they had to pay.----The sound is bittersweet, letting go of a hero, to someday again meet.---Nothing is more touching perhaps, or can render emotion like the call of TAPS.----You can hear the bugle weep, where men of valor sleep.----Tears from a bugle fall, as TAPS is played, for the heroes who gave their all.----Edward P. Meyer U.S. Navy Veteran WWII. Louisville Ky. U,S.A.

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Gary D Willett

This is my wish for you; comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips, hugs when spirits sag, sunsets to warm your heart, friendships to brighten your being, beauty for you eyes to see, faith so you can believe, confidence when in doubt, patience to accept the truth, courage to know yourself, love to complete your life.

GOD BLESS YOU ALL----Faith Meyer Louisville Ky.

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Gary D Willett

A life well-lived doesn't end anymore than the music ends, it echoes through time with the whispers of beauty and grace. If we listen, we can hear the encore with our hearts, for the song plays on, just as love lives on. Just remember that grief cannot take away the happiness you shared, that sorrow will fade in time, but love remains forever.

Chloe Coan Louisville Ky. U.S.A. all the way.

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Gary D Willett

To some I may be nothing more than a distant memory. My life on earth is over now, but do you remember me ? I know, I left without warning, but GOD's work for me was through. Please don't try to stop the thoughts of me, because I never will of you.----Some may hear or speak my name and vanish the thought of me, Why is it now that I am gone no one stops to see, I am closer to you now than I ever was before. I love you all the same and will for ever more.----So, Please don't let my memory slowly fade away....For I'm still inside your heart you see, where I will always stay.----Don't think of me as gone forever because someday we'll meet again. Keep me close inside your heart until GOD tells you when.----You may be there for many years, no one ever knows, so let my memory stay alive as the love inside you grows.

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Gary D Willett

Remember me in your hearts, in your thoughts, and the memories of the times we loved, the times we cried, and the times we laughed, for if you always think of me, I will never be gone.

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Gary D Willett

Fill the cracks of your broken heart with fond memories of the past. GOD BLESS You All.

Clara Langley Louisville, Ky.

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Gary D Willett

In the quiet moments when the hurt is hard to bear, may love become your shelter. And may the beauty of precious moments be your comfort.

Deepest and Most Heart-felt Sympathy. Cora Meyer

Louisville, Ky. U.S.A.

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Gary D Willett

It Has Always Been The Soldier----It is the Soldier, not the President, who gives us Democracy.----It is the Soldier, not the Congress, who takes care of us.--It is the Soldier, not the Reporter, who has given us Freedom of the Press..----It is the Soldier, not the Campus Organizer, who has given us the Freedom to Demonstrate.----It is the Soldier, who Salutes the Flag, Who Serves Beneath the Flag, and Whose Coffin is Draped By the Flag that allows the Protestor to Burn the Flag----Kyle Richmond U.S. Army Sgt. Retired (WWII Veteran)

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Gary D Willett

EAGLES~~To bring down evil, some must fall. To fight for right, some answer the call.~~To help the oppressed, some give up their time, their homes, their loves, they are eagles not doves.~~To keep peace for those in need, some go into wars of just we read.~~To keep us safe, it's soldiers we call. They will all give some and some will give all.~~ Thank you Sgt. Willett for Defending Freedom and America.~~Sydney Meyer Age 10 Louisville, Ky.

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Corey E Spates

Dedicated in memory of Sgt. Corey E. Spates with his loving family in mind.----Love and Gratitude---- The agony is so great....and yet I stand it. Had I not loved so very much, I would not hurt so much. But goodness knows I would not want to diminish that precious love by one fraction of an ounce. I will hurt and I will be grateful to take that hurt, for it bears witness to the depth of our meanings, and for that I will be eternally grateful.

GOD BLESS~~David Hatfield ---New Orleans, La.

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Corey E Spates

Fill the cracks in your broken heart with fond memories of the past. GOD BLESS you all. Clara Langley Louisville Ky.

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Corey E Spates

For the loss you had, words do not heal. may the memories held deep within your heart help soothe your spirit. With each memory, let your hearts be reminded that nothing can ever take away the love and beauty you have known. ~~Deep and Sincere Sympathy to you all.~~Cora Meyer Louisville, Ky.

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Corey E Spates

Of all life's gifts, surely the sweetest and most precious is to be loved.....simply loved.

May GOD hold and comfort you tonight and each night for the rest of your lives.

Irene Richmond ..Cecilia Ky.

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Corey E Spates

There beside a grave she stands. A folded flag clutched in her hands. A silent teardop on her face, her brave young child has entered grace. She does not hear the sermon said, just memories run through her head. The child she held so long ago, the child with faith she let go. The child who heard the nation's call, and in the end gave it all. Without fear or thoughts of self, thoughts of freedom and little else. The bugle sounds TAPS in the wind, a mournful sound it does send. A reminder to us all, that for freedom, this price was paid, and her sweet young to rest was laid.~~Deep and Heart-felt Sympathy to your family~~Stevie Coan Louisville, Ky. U.S.A.

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Corey E Spates

EAGLES~~To bring down evil, some must fall. To fight for right, some answer the call.~~To help the oppressed, some give up their time, their homes, their loves, they're eagles not doves.~~To keep peace for those in need, some go into wars of just we read.~~To keep us safe it's soldiers we call. they will all give some and some give all.~~Thank you, Sgt. Spates for giving your all to defend America. I wish you didn't have to die. Sincerely, Sydney Meyer Age 10 Louisville Ky.

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Corey E Spates

Dear Sgt. Spates, ~~I am grateful you chose to go when others said the cause was wrong. You did not turn your back in order to help in some way to bring about peace. I am grateful for you because tonight I can sit down and eat a warm meal. I am grateful for you tonight because of your sacrifice, I can say, " I do not like war." This is without worrying my door will get kicked in and I will be dragged away.~~Mostly, I am grateful to you because of your sacrifices. I am reminded once again of what it is I have. For this I am grateful to you, because I can go out and say the absolutely dumbest things, and do so because being dumb is not a crime.~~I am grateful to you, because I get to sit down with my family and friends and have a meal in peace. I am also grateful to you because if I think a certain politician is a fool.....I can say it without being lined up against a brick wall and shot.~~Their are many things Sgt. Spates that I am grateful to you, because of the fact you didn't say no. Peace be with yours and most of all I salute you. Because, well I am grateful to you Sgt. Spates. ~~Thank you again Sgt. Spates for your ultimate sacrifice to defend freedom and keep America safe. Nikki Coan Louisville, Ky. U.S.A.

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Corey E Spates

Don't stand by my grave and weep; I am not there. I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow. I am the diamond glints on snow. I am the sunlight on ripened grain. I am the gentle autumn rain. When you awake in the morning's hush, I am the swift uplifting rush of bird's in circled flight. I am the soft stars that shine at night. Do not stand at my grave and cry. I am not there I did not die.

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Corey E Spates

My Shoes.~~I am wearing a pair of shoes, they are ugly shoes, uncomfortable shoes. I hate my shoes. Each day I wear them, and each day I wish I had another pair. Some days my shoes hurt so bad that I do not think I can take another step. Yet, I continue to wear them. I get funny looks wearing these shoes, they are looks of sympathy. I can tell in other's eyes that they are glad they are my shoes and not theirs. They never talk about my shoes. To learn how awful my shoes are might make them uncomfortable. To truly understand these shoes you must walk in them. But, once you put them on, you can never take them off. I now realize I am not the only one who wears these shoes. Their are many pairs in this world. Some people are like me and ache daily as they try to walk in them. Some have learned how to walk in them so they don't hurt quite so much. Some have worn the shoes so long that day's will go by before they think about how much they hurt. No family member or friend deserves to wear these shoes. Yet, because of these shoes I am a stronger person. These shoes have given me the strength to do anything. They have made me who I am. I will forever walk in the shoes of a family member or friend who has lost a soldier defending our freedom. ~~Deepest Sympathy to his family and friends.~~Norma Coan Louisville, Ky. U.S.A.

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Javares J Washington

EAGLES~~ To bring down evil, some must fall. To fight for right, some answer the call.~~To help the oppresses, some give up their time, their homes, their loves, they're eagels not doves.~~To keep peace for those in need, some go to wars of just we read.~~To keep us safe, it's soldiers we call. They will all give some and some will give all.

Staff Sgt. Washington thank you for keeping me safe. Sydney Meyer Age 10 Louisville Ky. U.S.A. all the way.

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Javares J Washington

Final Inspection~~The soldier stood and faced GOD, which must always come to pass. He hoped his shoes were shining as bright as his brass ? How shall I deal with you ? Have you always tiurned the other cheek ? To My Church have you been true ? "~~The soldier squared his shoulders and said " No LORD, I guess I ain't , because those of us that carry guns can't always be saints."~~I've had to work on Sundays and at times my talk was tough, and sometimes I've been violent , because the world is awfully rough."~~ But, I never took a penny that wasn't mine to keep. Though I worked a lot of overtime when the bills got just to steep.~~And I never passed a cry for help, though at times I shook with fear, and sometimes GOD forgive me I've wept unmanly tears.~~I know, I don't deserve a place among the people here. They never wanted me around except to calm their fears.~~If you've a place for me here, LORD, it needn't be grand, I never expected or had too much, but If you don't, " I'll Understand." ~~There was silence all around the throne where saints had often trod, as the soldier waited quietly for the Judgement of his GOD.~~" Step forward now, you soldier, you've borne your burden well. Walk peacefully on Heaven's streets, you've done your time in Hell."

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Chad D Groepper

Love and memories live on forever.

Chloe Coan Louisville Ky. U.S.A.

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Luke S Runyan

No person is ever truly alone. Those who live no more, whom we loved, echo still within our thoughts, our words, our hearts. And what they did and who they were becomes a part of all that we are forever.

May GOD hold and comfort you for all the days of your lives. Cora C. Meyer Louisville, Ky. U.S.A.

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Luke S Runyan

Nothing can ever take awy the love a heart holds dear, fond memories linger every day, and remembrance keeps Luke near.

Clara Langley

Louisville Ky. U.S.A.

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Luke S Runyan

Sunshine fades and shadows fall, but sweet remembrance out lasts all.

I am so sorry that you lost your beloved Husband and the Father to your Daughter.

Irene Richmond


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Luke S Runyan

There beside a grave she stands. A folded flag clutched in her hands. A silent teardrop on her face, her brave young child has entered grace. She does not hear the sermon said, just memories run through her head. The child she held so long ago, the child with faith she let go. The child who heard the nation's call, and in the end gave it all. Without fear or thoughts of self, thoughts of freedom and little else. The bugle sounds TAPS in the wind, a mournful song it does send. A reminder to us all, that for freedom, this price was paid, and her sweet young to rest was laid.

Deepest and Most Heart-felt Sympathy.

Norma Coan Louisville Ky. U.S.A.

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Luke S Runyan

EAGLES....To bring down evil, some must fall. To fight for right, some answer the call.~~To help the oppressed, some give up their time, their homes, their loves, they're eagles not doves.~~To keep peace for those in need, some go to wars of just we read.~~To keep us safe it's soldiers we call. They will all give some and some will give all.

Thank You Mr. Runyan for Defending Freedom.

Sydney Meyer Age 10 Louisville Ky. U.S.A.

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Luke S Runyan

TAPS the most beautiful bugle call, known as the most eloquent of all.~~Not only to signal the day is done, but to say goodbye, to a comrade, brother or son.~~A melody so hauntingly profound, a piercing yet peaceful sound.~~Sounded over every soldiers grave, to honor those who were so brave.~~Soldiers raise their hands to their caps, saluting the fallen as the bugler playTAPS.~~Rifles are fired in the sky, to say farewell to another American G.I.~~Listening to the bugle play, reminds us of the price they had to pay.~~The sound is bittersweet, letting gp of a hero, to someday again meet.~~Nothing is more touching perhaps, or can render emotion like the call of TAPS.~~You can hear the bugle weep, where men of valor sleep.~~Tears from a bugle fall, as TAPS is played, for those heroes who gave their all.

Deepest sympathy to the family of Mr. Runyan.

Ed Meyer (U.S. Navy Sgt. WWII Veteran)

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Luke S Runyan

In the quiet moments when the hurt is hard to bear may love become your shelter. And may the beauty of precious memories be your comfort.

Nikki Coan Louisville Ky. U.S.A.

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Kevin S Mowl

Grief like the ocean, comes in waves only to recede and come yet again, but with it comes healing. Memories wash ashore and are bathed by the golden sun. Grab hold of these memories and let them fill the emptiness and bring you peace.

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Jerald A Whisenhunt

thank you for giving the ultimate sacrifice

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Cody C Grater

We came to see you today and it all came flooding back from when you were buried. There was a funeral next to yours. You will remain in our hearts forever. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you. You were a special young man and was loved my many. I don't think you ever met a stranger. I was wearing my charm that I had made of you and was talking to a new neighbor and she asked can I see your charm. She says oh my gosh that's Cody, he worked with me at Steak and Shake. He was a great kid and good worker. May you rest in peace in the Lord's arms. Love, Kim

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Kevin S Mowl

The Wall~~I saw her from a distance as she walked up to the wall. In her hand she held some flowers. As her tears began to fall, she took out pen and paper to trace the wall. And, she looked up to Heaven and the words she said were these....~~She said, " LORD my boy is special, and he meant so much to me. And, Oh I'd love to see him just one more time to see. All I have is memories and the moments to recall." ~~So LORD could you tell him, " He's more than a name on the wall~~. She said, " He really missed family and being home on special days, and he died for GOD and Country in a place so far away".~~ And she said," I remember just a little boy playing war since three. But, LORD this time I know, he's not coming home to me."~~And she said, " LORD my boy was special and meant so much to me. And , Oh I'd loove to see him but I it just can't be. So I thank you for the memories to recall."~~But Lord could you tell him," He's more than a name on the wall."

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Kevin S Mowl

TAPS~~TAPS the most beautiful bugle call, known as the most eloquent of all.~~Not only signals the day is done, but to say goodbye, to a comrade, brother or son.~~A melody so hauntingly profound, a piercing yet peaceful sound~~ Sounded over every soldiers grave, to honor those who were so brave.~~Rifles are fired in the sky, to say farewell to another American G.I.~~Listening to the bugle play, reminds us of the price they had to pay.~~The sound is bittersweet, letting go of a hero, to someday again meet.~~Nothing is more touching perhaps, or can render emotion like the call of TAPS.~~You can hear the bugle weep, where men of valor sleep.~~Tears from a bugle fall, as TAPS is played, for the heroes who gave their all. .....GOD BLESS.... Kyle Richmond (U.S. Army Sgt. WWII) Cecilia Kentucky

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Kevin S Mowl

EAGLES~~To bring down evil, some must fall. To fight for right, some answer the call.~~To help the oppressed, some give up their time, their homes, and their loves, they're eagles not doves.~~To keep peace for those in need, some go into wars of just we read.~~To keep us safe, it's soldiers we call. They all give some and some give all.~~Thank you Mr. Mowl for keeping me safe and free. Sydney Meyer--Age 10--Louisville, Ky.

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Kevin S Mowl

Fill the cracks of your broken heart with fond memories of the past. GOD BLESS you all.

Irene Richmond from Kentucky.

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Kevin S Mowl

For the loss you had, words do not heal. May the memories deep within your heart soothe your spirit. With each memory, let your hearts be reminded that nothing can ever take away the beauty you have known. Edward Meyer U.S. Navy ( WWII Veteran)

Louisville, Ky.

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Lui Tumanuvao

Dedicated to the memory of Sgt. Lui Tumanuvao with his grieving family in mind.~~Love and Gratitude.~~The agony is so great.....and yet I stand it. Had I not loved you so very much, I would not hurt so much. But goodness knows I would not want to diminish that precious love by one fraction of an ounce. I will hurt, and I will be grateful to take the hurt, for it bears witness to the depth of our meanings, and for that I will be eternally grateful.

Most Heart-Felt Sympathy..........Nikki Coan

Louisville Ky. U.S.A. all the way.

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Kevin S Mowl

In the quiet moments when the hurt is hard to bear may love become your shelter. And may the beauty of precious moments be your comfort.

What a heart breaking loss of such a brave, young man. May GOD hold and comfort his family every night for the rest of your lives. Deepest Sympathy Cora C. Meyer Louisville Ky U.S.A.

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Kevin S Mowl

Dedictaed to the memory of Spc. Kevin S. Mowl with his family in mind.

Love and gratitude~~The agony is so great....and yet I stand it. Had I not loved so very much. I would not hurt so much. But goodness knows I would not want to diminish that precious love by one fraction of an ounce. I will hurt and I will be grateful to take the hurt, for it bears witness to the depth of our meanings, and for that I will be eternally grateful.

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Kevin S Mowl

Remember me in your hearts, in your thoughts and the memories of the times we loved, the times we cried, and the times we laughed, for if you always think of me, I will never be gone.

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Kevin S Mowl

I have a wish for the family of Spc. Kevin S. Mowl. This is my wish for you: Comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips, hugs when the spirit sags, sunsets to warm your heart, friendship to brighten your day, beauty for your eyes to see, faith so you can believe, confidence when in doubt, patience to accept the truth, courage to know yourself, love to complete your life. Deepest Sympathy-----Norma J. Coan Louisville, Ky. U.S.A.

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Kevin S Mowl

Love and memories live on forever.

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Lui Tumanuvao

Life is but a stopping place, a pause in what's to be, a resting place along the road to sweet eternity. We all have different journeys, different paths along the way, we all are meant to learn some things, but never meant to stay.~~Our destination is a place far grater than we know. For some the journey's quicker, for some the journey's slow. And when the journey finally ends, we'll claim a great reward, and find everylasting peace, together with the LORD.

Cora Meyer Louisville, Ky. U.S.A. All the way.

Cora Meyer Louisville, Ky. U.S.A.

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Lui Tumanuvao

I stood by your bed last night; I came to have a peep. I could see you had been crying, you found it hard to sleep. I talked to you softly as you brushed away a tear, " It's me, I haven't left you, I'm well, I'm fine, I'm here." I was close to you at breakfast, I watched you pour the tea, you were thinking of the many times you spent with me. I was with you at the shops today; your arms were getting sore. I longed to carry your parcels, I wish I could do more. I was with you at my grave today; you tend it with such care. I want to reassure you, that I'm not lying there. I walked with you towards the house, as you fumbled for your key. I gently place my hand on you; I smiled and said, " It's me." It's possible for me to be near you everyday. To say to you with certainty, " I never went away." You sat there very quietly, then smiled, I think you the stillness of that evening, I was very close to you. The day is over....I smile and watch you yawning and say "Good night, GOD Bless, I'll see you in the morning." And when the time is right for you to cross the brief divide, I'll rush across to greet you and we'll stand side by side. I have so many things to show you, there is so much for you to see. Be patient, live your journey out....then come home to be with me. Till we meet again, I will miss you everyday. Love Lui

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Lui Tumanuvao

Remember me in your hearts, in your thoughts, and the memories of the times we loved, the times we cried, and the times we laughed, for if you always think of me, I will never be gone.

Thank you for my freedom Sgt. Tumanavao.

Sydney Meyer Age 10 Louisville Ky. U.S.A.

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Lui Tumanuvao

There beside a grave she stands. A folded flag clutched in her hands. a silent teardop on her face, her brave young child has entered grace. She does not hear the sermon said, just memories run through her head. The child she held so long ago, the child with faith she let go. The child who heard the nation's call, and in the end gave it all. Without fear or thoughts of self, thoughts of freedom and little else. The bugle sound TAPS in the wind, a mournful song it does send. A reminder to us all, that for freedom this price was paid, and her sweet young to rest was laid.

Deepest and most heart-felt sympathy to the family of Sgt. Tumanuvao.

Norma Coan Louisville Ky. U.S.A.

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Lui Tumanuvao

Nothing can ever take away the love a heart holds dear, fond memories linger every day, and remembrance keeps Lui near.

Deepest Sympathy Stevie Coan Louisville Ky. U.S.A.

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John D Flores

In the quiet moments when the hurt is hard to bear may love become your shelter. And may the beauty of precius memories be your comfort.

Norma Coan Louisville Ky. U.S.A.

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Ryan J Baum

Love and memories live on forever.

Deepest Sympathy Stevie Coan Louisville Ky. U.S.A.

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Explosive Ordnance Disposal Diver Curtis R Hall

No person is ever truly alone. Those who live no more, whom we loved, echo still within our thoughts, our words, our hearts. And what they did and who they were becomes a part of all that we are forever. Deepest Sympathy to the family Of Mr. Hall. Nikki Coan Louisville, Ky. U.S.A.

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David A Stephens

In the quiet moments when the hurt is hard to bear may love become your shelter. And may the beauty of precious memories be your comfort.

Chloe Coan Louisville Ky. U.S.A.

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Jennifer M Hartman

Sunshine fades and shadows fall, but sweet remembrance out lasts all. Deepest sympathy to the family of such a brave young woman.

Nikki Coan Louisville Ky. U.S.A.

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Chad A Barrett

No person is ever truly alone. Those who live no more, whom we loved, echo still within our thoughts, our words, our hearts. And what they did and who they were becomes a part of all that we are forever. Stevie Coan Louisville, Ky. U.S.A.

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Chad A Barrett

In the quite moments when the hurt is hard to bear may love become your shelter. And may the beauty of precious memories be your comfort.

Nikki Coan Louisville Ky. U.S.A.

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Bryant W Mackey

thank you god bless

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Chad A Barrett

A life well-lived doesn't end any more than the music ends, it echoes through time with whispers of beauty and grace. If we listen, we can here the encore with our hearts, for the song plays on, just as love lives on. Just remember that grief cannot take away the happiness you shared, that sorrow will fade in time, but love remains forever.

Deepest Sympathy to the family of Staff Sgt. Chad Barrett. Norma Coan Louisville, Ky. U.S.A.

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Conrad Alvarez

god bless

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Chad A Barrett

A Soldier's Last Moments.....What strength, what pride shines on a soldier's face, as he prepares to die for us in this God forsaken place.~~He thinks about his family, of the tears his mother will cry, as he prepares to fight for us and die.~~He knows before him they are outnumbered 10 to 1. But he sits and waits to fight because he knows it must be done.~~Just before the fight begins he writes a letter home. He tellls them that he loves them and that they should go on.~~He tells them that he fights for them and then tells them bye. Then he goes to fight for them and then he dies.

Chloe Coan Louisville Ky U.S.A.

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Albert Bitton

Give all that I am~~Albert Bitton, a nation salutes you for living your words, " Give all that I am", and dying to keep them for the sake of your fellow troops and the love of the U.S.A.~~And oh....How your words ring so true for all who share the medal of honor that you do. All going above and beyond the duty with exceptional valor, doing what must be done under the most difficult battle conditions to completee the mission, put self last....and all others first.~`Albert Bitton your fellow citizens proudly welcome you to the wall of America's greatest heroes.~~Where your name and " Give all that I am" will always remain.

Cora Meyer Louisville Ky. U.S.A.

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Jared D. Hartley

To the family, I served with Hartley in Iraq. He was a very dedicated soldier and always willing to cover our backs at any moment. I remember if Hartley was there, so was Wegman. The dynamic duo I called them. To this day and for thoes to come, he is not forgoten, etched in the hearts of many. God bless Hartley family.

Sincerely, Calabrese

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Micheal E Phillips

Eagles~~To bring down evil, some must fall. To fight for right, some answer the call.~~To help the oppressed, some give up their time, their homes, their loves, they're eagles not doves.~~To keep peace for those in need, some go into wars of just we read.~~To keep us safe it's soldiers we call. They will all give some and some give all.~~Thank You Spc. Micheal E. Phillips for giving it all to keep America safe. Deepest Sympathy to the family of Mr. Phillips.~~Chloe Coan Louisville Ky. U.S.A.

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Albert Bitton

Eagles....To bring down evil, some must fall. To fight for right, some answer the call.~~To help the oppressed, some give up their time , their homes, their loves, they're eagles not doves.~~To keep peace for those in need, some go into wars of just we read.~~To keep us safe it's soldiers we call, they all give some and some give all. Thank You Cpl. Bitton for giving it all to keep America safe. Most Heart-felt Sympathy to your family.

Norma Coan Louisville Ky. U.S.A.

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Albert Bitton

Dear Cpl. Bitton ~~ I am grateful that you chose to go when others said the cause was wrong. You did not turn your back in order to help in some way bring peace about. I am grateful to you because tonight I can sit down and eat a warm meal. I am grateful to you because of your sacrifice I can say I do not like war. This without worrying that my door will be kicked in and I will be dragged away.~~Mostly, I am grateful to you because of your sacrifices, I am reminded once again of what is is I have. For this I can go out and say absolutely the dumbest things, and do so because being dumb is not a crime.~~I am grateful to you because of you I get to sit down with family and friends and have a meal in peace, I am also grateful to you because if I think a certain politician is a fool....I can think it without being lined up against a brick wall and shot.~~There are many things Cpl. Bitton that I am grateful to you, because of the fact you did not say no. Peace be to your loved ones and most of all I salute you, because well I am grateful to you Cpl. Bitton.~~Deepest and most heart-felt Sympathy to your family.~~Nikki Coan Louisville, Ky. U.S.A.

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Nathan R Raudenbush

Empty Boots~~Dog tags hang over boots laced up, a bayonet stabs the ground. Kevlar perched on a 16 butt, fellow soldiers gather around.~~Warriors in their battle gear, weapons at their side. Bow their heads as words are said, to honor those who died.~~An American hero gave his life defending Libety, the price he paid was gladly done for country and family.~~These boots do not support a body or soul. No more they'll run for cover or some loved one dear to hold.~~As one by one, soldiers pass, this tribute to their own. Thoughts fly to their families across the foam.~~Now salute, as TAPS is played, blink tears out of your eyes. The ache you feel inside your heart is Freedom's painful price.

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Nathan R Raudenbush

American Soldier---They ask him why he's leaving, why he's shipping off to fight. They fail to see what's on the line, all their freedoms, all their rights. Comprehension is beyond their grasps that someone's got to go. Because he knows that if he dies in some far off foreign land, that his valiant efforts may save lives of his countrymen, family and friends. And that girl's picture in his pocket, though he now longs to hold her, will forever be carried in the heart of this true American Soldier.

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Cody C Grater

Thank you so much for being my friend. I miss you more than you will ever know. You are my Hero! Only 2 people have died for us......Jesus for our sins and you for our freedom!

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Steven Paul Chucknick

My Angel

I cant believe it is Easter already. So I light this candle for you to let you know that no matter how fast or slow the days may go, You are in my thoughts morning noon and night. I love you so very very much

Your wife Forever


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Micheal B Matlock Jr

May you rest peacefully for the rest of eternity and live on forever in the hearts and memories of the people who loved you.

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Micheal B Matlock Jr

A life well-lived doesn't end anymore than the music ends, it echoes through time with the whispers of beauty and grace. If we listen, we can hear the encores with our hearts, for the song plays on, just as love lives on. Just remember that grief cannot take away the happiness you shared, that sorrow will fade in time, but love remains forever.

Deepest and heart-felt sympathy

Stevie Coan

Louisville, Ky. U.S.A.

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