After 10 years, we still remember our childhood friend and neighbor from Kingsbridge with great affection, and we keep Wally and his family in our thoughts every day.Rob and Liz Harvey
I never knew you, but in my memory you are the one who represents all the victims of 9/11 in my heart.I send a kiss to you. You'll be always in my heart and in my mind. God bless you.Cris from Italy
Thank you. I will remember Your name even though I was never able to meet you. You were a true hero. Thank you for that. I hope that you are happy in the place you are now.
1989 Panama combat veteran here. My heart goes out to my very young brother and all who love him and whom he loves. Such lights will never go out if the Spirit of God lives within. Know that we all are with you, will support you and be here for you in all that God will grant us. Aaron, you will NOT be forgotten, but remembered and loved.
Sad to see an old Co C 180th Troop Pass.Never got to meet you I ets'd in 03, from the tire change story in the paper wow you had a heart of gold and strong values. Your parents did good
God bless you, your family and your squad Sgt may you all find peace.
You do not know me and I do not know you or Jessica, but... Today I went to Section 60 of the Arlington Cemetery and saw Jessica's head stone. I thought it was important to let you know that someone is visiting her and praying for you all. I walked a lot of Section 60 today and Jessica stood out to me. I, always, was a female Army soldier and Jessica was the first and only female soldier that I came across during my visit. Not knowing her but seeing her head stone among a sea of men names just struck me. Please know that she has had an impact on me that I can't explain and I will do everything I can to visit her often.
It has been 10yrs now and know that you are not and never will be forgotten. We shall hold all of you in our hearts and in our minds as time goes on, knowing that we shall all be with one another again. God Bless all of you!
I had the honor of meeting him twice. From what I knew, Michel was a wonderful husband, father, son, friend and employee. I think of him and his family often, and send my love.
Ten years after the tragedy at 2 WTC. I still remember Yuji, who was about to embark on a new career opportunity with S&P in Tokyo due to my recruiting efforts. I remember well the day after the collapse of Tower 2, not knowing if Yuji would be in the office, or still traveling towards downtown. I called his wife and identified myself as the one responsible for their coming return to Tokyo. We talked and she was still expressing hope that Yuji would be found and return home, such difficult moments. I called again a few days later, when it was certain that Yuji would be part those tragically perished in the 2 Tower. I am sending my condoleances to his wife and family on this day of rememberance.Hans van den Houten - (Email Link)
altough i only met him when he was a small boy in the city, I stlillcan picture him. I was devastated to learn that he had perished on 9/11 .I grew up next to the McElrlean family in Manasset. They were our dearest friends and Jack and Harry Scott were best friends. We all were close and loved each other.. I pray for all the members of his family and send love . Abbie Scott...
My condolences goes out to SFC Hughes's family and everyone who had the honor of serving with Brad as I did. Brad you are a GREAT AMERICAN HERO!! Till we meet again my friend.JHarrod
Just finished reading an article about William Fallon Jr. According to his widow, Brenda Fallon, he didn't go down, he went up. His military training, take charge attitude and survival of the 1993 WTC bombing prompted him to go up to how how his colleagues in the POrt Authority were doing on a higher level. Unfortunately he didn't make it befor the tower collapsed. His bravery and sacrifice is an inspiration to anyone and yet another example of the heroism shown on that day when so many PATRIOTS lost their lives to try to rescue others in need. May you rest in peace with the angels in heaven!!
Honor to you Sgt Isenhower. May God Bless your family and brign them comfort in this season of loss. Thank You for your service to mankind. Carolyn McNatt-Hill, McAlester, OK
We want to express our sincere condolences.Elvira, you are very much in our thoughts.We are from Germany and we know your sisterSandra.Reinhard, Ursula, Bettina, Michael, LeaSept. 13, 2011
My Love,The 11th of September has passed and my heart remains broken. Nothing could have kept me from crying yesterday. I miss you more than ever. I love you so muchMy heart to yours foreverYour wife Barbara
I sat next to you in H.S. We had some great conversations together. You were very sweet. When I saw your picture I could not believe it. May you rest in peace with the Lord.
Spent a summer in Belmar NJ in 1980 with Sal. A bunch of us rented a house near the beach. Sal was a great guy. We were young. He was one of the more level-headed guys there. I liked him. Terrible tragedy.Jon Hausburg
As a Denver Metro area Firefighter I paid my respects yesterday by climbing the Qwest tower twice with 342 other firefighters to remember those 343 that perished 10 years ago. I want the family of this brave man to know that I am thinking and praying about him and them. I have read what I can find about FF. Gambino Jr. He led an inspirational life of service and courage. And the effects of his life and death are long-lasting and widespread. If any of his family members read this, I would love to hear how and what you are doing now. God bless you.FF. Tyler Szabo, Aurora Fire Department, Eng. 1 (More Info)
I saw her name on the 9/11 memorial that was shown on TV during the 10th anniversary. I thought it was a distinct name, one that would be easily "Googled." I never met Karen, did not know her or that she even existed, until this morning. So I searched her name and the search quickly took me to this site. I offer my condolences to her family and friends, for a loss I know you will feel for the rest of your lives. We will not forget. From San Antonio, Texas.
I did not know that Vinnie was lost to us on 9/11 until I ran into a classmate of ours. Vinnie was always in my homeroom. I transferred to Sacred Heart in our sophomore year and he was always nice to me. He was funny, smart and kind. The world is a sadder place for losing him.
I am the Nephew of these two fine people. Kathleen was my mother's youngest sister. I remember Mike and Kathleen very fondly. Both very up-beat, pleasant, giving, kind people. I remember and shall remember you both--Bill Brower
Today I got your name in church. I was told to pray for you, your family, and any one who was affected by you. A week, I'm supposed to pray for you but I will pray for you my whole life. I'm seventeen years old, living in Los Angeles. Jane Josiah, your memory will be forever in my heart.
Here a Puertorrican family with respect, praying for you and your family. Rest in peace. Daniel, Arnaldo and Brenda from Kissimmee Fl. We pick a flag with this name at Orlando activity today. God bless your family and have your soul with him
I never met you but today I climbed in your honor at the Colorado Memorial Stair Climb. Words cannot accurately depict how that day changed all of our lives and how your family must miss you. Please know that I will never forget what you did that day and how fearless a hero you truly were. God bless.
My husband represented you in the Dallas 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb today. It was his honor to take your name up 110 flights of stairs in your memory. You are not forgotten.
Good Evening Mr. Sherry,Today in honor of everyone that lost their life on 9-11, my family and I did a 5k walk. At the end of our walk we were handed a flag to place by a name. My son Rudy, chose you. So when we got home he looked your name up and this page came up. He is so excited to go to school tomorrow and share the info he read about you. I hope you can read this from heaven! My son will forever remember you and it is an honor to know you even though we never met. May you rest in peace.Sincerely,The Lopez Family Sacramento, California
Today is the 10th anniversary of 9/11. In church many of us wore wristbands with the name of person who lost their life in the Wolrd Trade Center. I just happened to pick your name and wore it around my wrist. I prayed for you today hoping that all is well in heaven. All day i walked around with yout wristband. From now on I will have you in prayers.May God Bless You
I hope you know that you have the greatest daughter and you should be very proud of her! You were lost far too soon and will be forever remembered. RIP.
I'm so sorry this had to happen, but every darkness has it's light. Thinking of Madeline and her mother right now, and the pain they have gone through. Yes it's been 10 years, but gone doesn't mean forgotten. God bless both of them. I'm sure Stephen is very proud and loves you both.
Here a Puertorrican family with respect, praying for you and your family. Rest in peace. Daniel, Arnaldo and Brenda from Kissimmee Fl. We pick a flag with this name at Orlando activity today. God bless your family and have your soul with him.
Here a Puertorrican family to remembrance you. God bless your family and have your soul with him. Daniel, Arnaldo and Brenda. We pick your name on a flag at Orlando activity today, and we want to say a pray for you, with all our respect.Brenda Serrano from Kissimmee Fl
I was given a card at church with this man's name on it to pray specifically for his family. We included him in a specail prayer at the dinner table. God bless you in your are in our thoughts.
sean u were a good person / supporter of all things irish / i remember u from the breffni bar/ the fund raising for irish freedom / may u rest in peace / derek
Hard to believe it was 10 years ago today. In Sacramento, CA we had a 9/11 remembrance run today. At the end of the run we were given an American flag to place by a name of someone that lost their life that day. I picked Karen Sue Juday. I can't imagine the devastation. My prayers are with her family and friends. Take care of each other.
Tommy,A person like you is hard to forget, As a friend who attended Farmingdale High School with you I was always impressed by your love for life, you were a person who made a friends with everyone you met, repectful and generous to everyone. You are missed and thought of. May your soul rest in peace on this 10th anniversity of our loss.Teddy Mustakas
Hi Jakki, I only knew you from the Temptations message board, and i loved the way you would end each message with a quote from a Tempts song. My sincere condolences to your family, God bless you all.
Read his story years ago and always wondered what happened to his family. I hope their grief will be less painful as time goes on, although it will never go away. May he rest in peace.
We miss you! We always wonders why you had to go...and now Lamonte too..His two buddies. Although my kids didn't get to meet you they talk about what a hero you were and how you were the first EMT to set the alarm for the city! Thank you for ever!
Dear Sherri and Family,I had helped in leading Minyan at your home in the days following Sept. 11th. I just wanted to let you know that I have thought of you and your four daughters thru these years, and especially on this the tenth anniversary.I am sure that Aram would be proud of how you have raised your daughters, and I wish you and your family good health and peace.Gary Sanders
It was my honor to carry Joseph Ogren the nine laps around the Red Rocks Amphitheater this morning at the Colorado 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb. May all those who loved him and all those he loved receive peace, comfort, and healing on this ten year anniversary. I couldn't settle for the nine laps (110 flights), but I also did one more for the navy seals who took out bin Laden and one more yet for the army rangers. My son is an army ranger with nine deployments on his sleeve. Thank you, Ogren family, for your sacrifice and for your Joseph's amazing service to NYC and to this country!peace peace