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Edward J. Dycus

Words cannot express our sorrow, and thank you seems so inadequate. Your willingness to serve our country will never be forgotten, and your memory will live in the hearts of the MS Delta. Thank you for giving your all. Sending prayers for your family and friends.

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Edward J. Dycus

I am the wife of a Army soldier. I am the mother of a Army soldier. I watched my son go to a foreign country. I waited everyday to hear his voice or see him on Skype. Thank you for your service to our country. You are a very brave soldier that did his country well. God bless you and keep you in his loving tender arms. Prayers and thoughts go to your family. Love to all.

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Edward J. Dycus

There is no greater tragedy than losing a child. My heart breaks for your family, but I know that Heaven has another angel watching over us. May God grant you peace in abundance as you go through this season of grief. Teri Ramsey

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Sean M. Walsh

From the Parents of SGT. Sean M. Walsh, in Chicago, Illinois Don & Marge Walsh: Are prayer are with Sean's family. Our Sean, nickname "Sean-e-o" served in Iraq in the 933rd MP Company for two years and is now back in Chicago, Married and sends his prays to Sean's Mother and Father in Ca. Your son in in our hearts.

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Edward J. Dycus

To Edward's Parents- My Sincere Sympathy on the loss your Son- May He be remembered for HIS BRAVERY- and SACRIFICE HE gave to all of US-

I PRAY you will find PEACE in God's Promise , for one day YOU will be REUNITED-

Wendy, Ben Mize

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Edward J. Dycus

My condolences and prayers go out to the family of Lance Cpl Dycus. He made the ultimate sacrifice to which we are so very grateful. Freedom has a cost which he paid for us and it's my prayers that God will carry you through this time and that you may feel His comfort with this painful void.

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Edward J. Dycus

Eddie was a true hero. He was an amazing person and my condolences go out to his family. I know he is in a safer place now, watching over and still protecting us from above. You will never be forgotten, sweet boy.

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Edward J. Dycus

I am so sorry for your loss, may god bless him

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Edward J. Dycus

God Bless you! There is special place for you and others like you! I'm honored to be from the same hometown. Although we never met, I hope you felt the outpouring of respect for you that our town has put out. May your family find peace in knowing that you were out there protecting your country with pride! we are grateful for your sacrifice.

Alicia Bariola

Greenville, MS

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Edward J. Dycus

Thank you for your sacrifice! Rest In Peace! Our prayers are with those you left behind!

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Edward J. Dycus

My thoughts are prayer our with you. Thank you for your bravery and courage. It is real American Hero's like Edward that keep our country safe.

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Edward J. Dycus

true hero.. GOd bless you and go sing with the angels... thanks for caring for all of us.

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Edward J. Dycus

My sincere condolences to the Dycus family for the loss of a true American hero.

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Edward J. Dycus

Sorry for your loss, family is in my thoughts and prayers!

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Edward J. Dycus

Thank for serving our country!! You are my hero n Hero to your HOMETOWN

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Edward J. Dycus

I am truly sorry for you familys loss,may God bless you and keep you is my prayers.Edward is at home with God and at peace.

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Joanne Rubino

I'll love you forever.Your Fiance.Ian.

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Edward J. Dycus

I grew up in Greenville, my son is a Marine and just got home from Afghanistan......He is at Camp LeJuene......I share your worries and sleepness nights......As a parent, BE PROUD! All his "brothers" would have traded places with your son without fear. You raised a HERO and He stood for us all! Pain and tears will linger on, but His pride will never be discounted. He gave His life for what He believed, now live Your life for that! Thats what He would want. My heart goes out to You and your family. Semper Fi :)

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Edward J. Dycus

God please watch over this family...and I want to say thank you for our FREEDOM we have because of their Son . God Bless

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James M. Darrough

My husband is on his way home. He spoke with you daily. Your passing still hurts his heart and he sends prayers to you loving family.

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Aaron J Ward

dear aaron i still think about you all the time, i dont think ill ever forget you even though sometimes i wish i could. if not for meeting you id maybe find true happiness again. since our time togeather, ive never been able to find anyone to love as much as i loved you. i still see you and greg pulling up to my house, the day you came home from boot camp to tell me you were dumb for leaving me and i was all you ever thought about. i still see you at a football game were you insited we be togeather. i still smell your green curve bottle that always sat in the front seat of that awful mavrik. valintines is comeing soon and all i can do is remember kims pagota with the heart table. at christmas i remember the year i helped decorate your tree with your family and i also remember the year that i did not. im sorry i couldnt sit by your stone this year but i live so far away its almost impossable. i promise that when i return to visit that i will be there. the thought i have most is what if, what if you had come home alive and we were togeather, would we be togeather now? i suppose ill never really no. all i can say is i love you so much and miss you so badley it aches. xoxo aaron

your girl always, anonymous

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Edward J. Dycus

There are no words to express the gratitude, Thank you doesn't seem enough. You gave your life to protect people like me and my two kids. You died for our freedoms. You paid the ultimate price for strangers. And now you join the others who have gone before you. Hearts and prayers go out to the Dycus family. May God place His comforting arms around you at this time. Know he will never be forgotten. My heart is saddened by the loss of such a hero..... but my heart also swelled today as Greenville pulled together to honor this hero. From the bottom of my heart Eddie, Thank you for your service and for your ultimate sacrife for our Freedoms.

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Edward J. Dycus

As a parent, I can not imagine the worries of knowing my child is in harm's way in a foreign country, so far from home. To have the worst happen has to be unimaginable pain and loss.

I pray the Dycus family have peace in their minds and pride in their hearts for raising such a special person. Thanks to Edward and all military for their daily sacrifice in their service and the ultimate sacrifice by those lost in protecting our freedoms here at home.

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Edward J. Dycus

Thoughts and Prayers go out to the Dycus family.

I just wanted to send up a BIG THANK YOU to Edward Dycus for risking his life to save our lives here at home in the USA. You were and still are a brave young man. You would have been so proud of your home town today. I know that you were looking down on us all.

Thank you Lance Cpl. Eddie Dycus for your courage. Even thou you have left this earth to be with to good Lord above, you will always be remembered down here on earth for your outstanding job.

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Edward J. Dycus

Thoughts and prayers go out to the family of Edward J. Dycus.

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Edward J. Dycus

rest in peace Eddie

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Edward J. Dycus

Thank you for serving our country. You will forever be a hero for America. Our little town will never be the same. You are love by all and will for ever be missed, but never forgotten. R.I.P Eddie!!!!

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Edward J. Dycus

This was very sad. My daughter is in the National Guard and she has been on two tours to Iraq. I will certainly keep your family in my prayers.

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Edward J. Dycus

Thank you Lance Cpl. Eddie Dycus for your courage. Prayers to your family and friends, may they find the strength during this difficult time. Your home town "Greenville" was there today to welcome you back home. RIP

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Edward J. Dycus

From Tallahatchie County, Mississippi: Your service to this country will NEVER be forgotten. At least not by this person. Semper Fi

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Edward J. Dycus

Dear Hero,

You gave your life so we could live in freedom and peace. We are very thankful for your sacrifice and your family's sacrifice.

May God bless your family with comfort and strength in the difficult days ahead.

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Edward J. Dycus


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Edward J. Dycus

Edward we grew up together we went to the same school. I want to thank you for serving this country. Thanks and you'll always be remembered. You will bemissed but not forgotten.

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Neil I. Turner

He was my best friend and the best man I'd ever met! I'll love you forever Neil!

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Edward J. Dycus

A true American Hero.

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Randy S. Agno

I love you and I miss you everyday!

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Edward J. Dycus

Thank you for serving our country. My prayers and condolences to your family and friends.

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Paul R. Nimbley

Rest In Peace...You will be forever missed and loved...

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Paul R. Nimbley

Rest In Peace

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Edward J. Dycus

I just want to thank Lance Cpl. Edward J. Dycus as well as every other Soldier for your service to our Country!!!! I am SO VERY SORRY to Edward's MOM, family & friends for suh a SAD LOSS. My prayers are with you all. R.I.P. Edward.

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Edward J. Dycus

Such a sad loss. As a military mother, this is the one thing that I pray that I never have to deal with. God Bless you and thank you for serving our country!

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Edward J. Dycus

Thank you to everyone for your prayers and condolences. We greatly appreciate it. God bless you all.

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Edward J. Dycus

God Speed

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Edward J. Dycus

Thank You , may God be with your family at this time

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Keith D. Benson

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Jesse W. Stites

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Travis W. Riddick

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Kevin J. Reinhard

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Nathan R. McHone

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Edward J. Dycus

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Robert D Odell

Odie you are a true hero,warrior and soldier.You will never be forgotten.May God Bless you and your family.

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Phillip D. McGeath

Me and Hawk think about you many, many times during the day. It still doesn't seem real, it still seems like you should be here. I know you're safe and hanging with God, but there's a LOT of people who wish you were still here on earth with us. Your family, your Sarah, are doing pretty good, they all love and miss you terribly, we all do. Keep an eye out for us and meet us at the gate when it's our time.

Love, Lisa & Hawk

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Phillip D. McGeath

Thoughts and prayers are will you and your family. My husband Jay was stationed with your husband and has such fond memories of Phillip as a young boy. Great memories...May God bless and keep you and bring you comfort as each day passes. God Bless, Deb Strong

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Phillip D. McGeath

Rest in peace Marine and thank you for your service.

Marine Dad

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Phillip D. McGeath

RIP, Cpl. McGeath. Thank you for your sacrifice. Others hope to leave foot prints in the sand; you have shifted the whole coast line.

God's blessings and support to your Sarah, mom, and family.

Semper Fi,

Muddy Mateu, a proud Marine mom

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Phillip D. McGeath

Thank you Philip for serving and protecting our

country you will always be in our hearts and

never forgot you are true hero RIP Philip you

will be miss Semper Fi . Renee Voth

Marine Mom

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Phillip D. McGeath

My heart breaks for a beautiful life gone too soon and for your family left behind. It always seems so trite to say, "Thank you for your service and sacrifice", but Thank You anyway. I understand that men and women such as you secure my freedom. I will be forever grateful. I will never forget your name. I pray God brings comfort and peace to your family. Semper Fi!

Schari Bibb, Texas Marine Mom

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Phillip D. McGeath

No words can say how much we thank you and your family for all you have done for us .....May you rest in gods love now and may his arms embrace your family with peace and love ......You will never be forgotten

Marine Mom from ohio

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Phillip D. McGeath

You are forever engraved in my heart Phillip. Your Mama is strong and vigilance. She will see that you are never forgotten.. You are a Hero. God Grant Peace to your loving sweet wife Sarah and your beautiful family who miss you.. Semper Fi Son.. Always.. Dee McNeal Houston Tx

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Phillip D. McGeath

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal,

love leaves a memory no one can steal.

Much Love,

Tamara Caliendo

United States Marine Mom

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Antoinette Sherman

I was at the 9/11 site today and ran across your name at the memorial site. I was taking photo's and I wanted to put a face with the name. You might be gone but never forgotten, and always in our hearts.

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Joseph D. Logan

Thank you for your service to our country. I pray that God moves in the lives of your family members to keep them close in this time of grieving and that they all keep their eyes on our Lord Jesus Christ and look to him for the same love and courage it took you to give your life for your country. Thank you Joseph, you are an American hero.

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Phillip D. McGeath

With a heavy heart I have been trying to sum up my thoughts, courage, and feelings on Philip. The little boy that I met when he was almost 4 to the young man he became. Oh how we laughed at some of the comments he had made…”well they are”. So many sweet memories of the boys of Pease Drive, all of the boys playing together, TMNT, running through the sprinklers, playing army, going to the base pool, and family bbqs. . Philip deciding he wanted to go to UNL and coming up to Bellevue for the weekends…the boys coming to my house to watch the Husker games and all of our red themed food. Philip asking for a (red) beer…me telling him when he turned 21. Oh how I wish I would have given him that beer now. Philip was my “Go Big Red” buddy. Whenever the Huskers played and I knew Philip would be on Facebook I would update the scores for him just as his mom did or vice versa. The instant messages we had about either how good they played or how bad they sucked. Philip and I had talked before he left and he said he wouldn’t be able to come to a “Husker” party this year but could he come and bring his wife next year and would I give him a red beer if he made it up. Well first game this next season we will have a Husker party with our red themed food and I will have my red wine and Chuck will have a “red” beer for the biggest Husker fan that has walked this earth. Rest in Peace Cpl Philip D McGeath you will never be forgotten and always in our hearts…GO BIG RED!!!!

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Phillip D. McGeath

Thank you Phillip! I had the privilege to know you the last several years and want to thank you for serving this wonderful country and for being an outstanding person! My prayers will go out to you and your family and you will be missed!

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Daniel L. McCall

Thank you so very much for your service & sacrifice. May God bless & comfort your family and friends! All my love to our 3 Fallen Heroes.

Pamela Carver

Proud mother of PFC Cody M Carver

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Syed Abdul Fatha

Words cannot describe how much you meant to me. You were there for me when i was born and even picked out my name. Thanks uncle. May Allah grant you jannah and may all your prayers and good deeds be accepted. I love you so much and its so sad to see this happen to you :'(

-Your Niece

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Daniel B. Bartle

Dan was and will continue to be a hometown hero.

Always quiet and unassuming, but had the biggest heart you could ever know. He will forever be missed in his home town. RIP Dan.

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Evan A Marshall

Thank you Evan for your selfless willingness to serve, and for the freedom that too many of us take for granted. You are not forgotten.

Dan Riggs - PGR

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Evan A Marshall

Thank you Evan for your service and sacrifice. You are not forgotten. Your family continues to be in my prayers.

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Evan A Marshall

" You are not gone until you are foregotten" And this young hero is not foregotten . He served his country well. He made the ultimate sacrafice to keep us free. And he will always be in our memory & prayers.

Al "GATOR" Reger Ga. Patriot Guard Riders

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Christopher G. Singer

He answered the call, of himself he gave all, and

a part of America died. One can only imagine

what your future would have been.

Marine Cpl. Christopher G. Singer, the flag of

the United States of America has your blood

sewn into the fabric. It shall wave forever in



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Evan A Marshall

Thank you Evan for your service and sacrifice. Although it's been 4 years we haven't forgotten. Your family remains in our prayers.

George and Denise Jones

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James J. Cathey

My name is Helen white. I'm from Cuba,Missouri U.S.A I read about Lt. James Cathey. I'm so sad about his death. I was cry and cry so much. Especially, I see his wife slept next to his coffin. I feel so bad for her. I just want holding her and said sorry about her lost. I hope you Mrs. Cathey doing fine and the baby. God Bless u and the baby. I will pray for u and your baby. Take care yourself.

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Jonathan M. Metzger

I know Jonathan's In-laws. Patric and Lisa always bragged about him. Even though I have never met him in person, I will always see him as a great leader, role model, and a loving husband and son!

My prayers go to Jonathan and his family

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Joel A Taylor

I was in Iraq with Taylor and he saved my life. I have a lot of regret about his passing! I want to thank his family for what I have today. I don't know who has it best the man put to death or the one living wishing he could take his place! You are on my mind, and everything I do is for you! We miss you buddy!

Gilbert 1/3 acr

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Phillip D. McGeath

Thank You for all you have done and may you rest in peace........Marine grandmom from Al

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Jay M. Hoskins

Bdays r a gentle reminder that death may take our angels out of sight, but it doesn't take them out of being

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Jay M. Hoskins


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Jasper K. Obakrairur

RIP Oby you served your country well I will always remember u as a great friend and fellow soldier save a spot for me up there....CATAMOUNTS!!!!

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Dane O. Carver

I grew up with Dane, My heart goes out to his family. I'll see you soon brother.

-Josh Marble

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Rickey L Bell

My prayers are still with the Bell family... I still feel his loss deeply.

SGT. Roy, Michael E.

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Phillip D. McGeath

Thank you Cpl McGeath for all you did for our country, may you rest in paradise....

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Phillip D. McGeath

Thank you for your service Phillip. Your service is much appreciated. May the Lord comfort your Family and all your friends at this most difficult time. Our prayers are with you all always.

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James C Matteson

J.C. I would like to Thank You For serving our country! You are a number 1 Hero..We all miss you and Yes One Day we will reunite.We all have grew up together and yes ya'll in Heaven are our Angels.You have put alot of smiles on everyone face's .We all have cry,Laugh,Joke Around,Smile,Enjoyed our lives and Family..One day we all will reunite...Thank you for doing your Job JC You are a Number one hero..Never be Forgotten...Sadly Miss and Love Aunty Sue Forever and For Life and The Matteson Family

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Pablo Ortiz

a true and incredible hero!

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Joanne Rubino

Hi my Joanne,Every day you are on my mind.I'm in college now working to recieve my Associates degree in substance abuse counseling.Youand I loved,and lived life to It's fullest.Someday I promise you we will spend all eternity together.And I allway's kept my promises to you.Loving you allway's,Your Fiance Ian.

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Phillip D. McGeath

Thank you Cpl Phillip McGeath for your ultimate sacrifice for our country. No words can express the sadness in our hearts for the loss of this fine young Marine. May God wrap his loving arms around your family and give them comfort, grace, and the strength to face the days ahead. Our hearts go out to you! God Bless!

Marine parents from OR

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Phillip D. McGeath

America solutes Cpl. Phillip McGeath. May God's comfort surround your family and wife at this time.

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Phillip D. McGeath

Thank you dear Marine for your Sacrifices. I pray for you and your family. My heart goes out to your family.

Marine Mom in California

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Phillip D. McGeath

"Thank you" cannot begin to convey the gratitude I feel for the sacrifice of this courageous young man and all the other fallen soldiers who have given their lives to protect what we so often selfishly take for granted. I pray that he may now rest peacefully in Heaven and that his family may find some small solace knowing that he is now and forever in the care of our Lord.

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Jeffrey D Bisson





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Mikayla A. Bragg

You are a true hero. I served back in 2007 . FOB Wilderness. Not far from Khost . I head back in a few months. You are not forgotten

SSG Jordan.

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Jonathan M. Metzger

he was a loving uncle of mine and a hard working person i will pray for him forever and someday i will join him

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Benjamin B. Wise

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Kenneth E. Cochran

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Jon Luke Bateman

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Brandon Dewey

I miss my darling, wonderful, unbelievable nephew.. I missed out so much but you hugged me in the most loving, sincere hug. You didn't judge. I'm so glad I got that love from you. We talked on the phone. I remember our last phone conversation. You were on leave and you and 2 other friends were meeting girls. You answered one of my many emails and told me you were sorry, you only answered your Mom.. That is beautiful.. I didn't care if you answered, just wanted you to know that I love you! I love you so much! Thinking of you and talk to your Mom, she is trying to be ok, just tell her to be ok..

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Andrew R Weiss

Even though you're not here with us, we know you'll never be too far from us. Some days this quote helps on others I miss you so much.

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John Kulick

Thank you. You lived such a brave and selfless life. It was an honor to know you.

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Jason F. Dene

Hard to believe you are gone!! I remember all the good times we had while you were in Colorado.. Skiing at Keystone.. Dancing the night away at the Den.. Thanksgiving dinner.. You were one in a million.... RIP Jason!!

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 For Philip A. Murphy-Sweet   For David A Wilkey Jr   For Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia   For Frank E. Adamski III   For Benjamin Walker   For Trevor B. Adkins   For Adam D. Jones   For Laurie Cobb   For Larry E Polley Jr   For Paul C. Holter III   For Alex D Gonzalez   For Christopher D Young   For Jose E Ulloa   For John Michael Roy Curwin   For Derek L. Shanfield   For Marisol Heredia   For John Charles Jenkins   For Todd Beamer   For Steven Paul Chucknick   For Geoffrey Perez  
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