Liberty unites

liberty unites us
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Bradley James Fetchet

Today marked the tenth anniversary of 9/11. It was my honor to carry Bradley's name tag on our motorcycle rally around the area. I pray for all the people including the families of those lost. We live far away from where these things happened but it is in our country and it will always affect us and we remember. Our club is comprised of firefighters, but all the clubs participated in honoring you. Like the man said "let's roll", and that's what we do. We'll meet someday up the road. God bless.

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Gavkharoy Mukhometovna Kamardinova

Today (9/11/2011) recieved a card at my church, Christ United Methodist in College Station, Texas with Gavkharoy's name on it so that I would have someone special to pray for. My prayers are for peace and serinity for Gavkharoy's family and friends today and for years to come till we all gather in heaven united with love. God Bless y'all.

Bill Osborn II

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Norbert P. Szurkowski

Norbert byl tylko dzieckiem kiedy bawilam sie z nim gdy byl z mama na wakacjach w Dzwirzynie. Dopiero teraz w dziesiata rocznice dowiedzialam sie o tej tragedji. Niech Pan Bog ma jego i wszystkich mu naj blizszych w opiece.

Agata Repec /Burakowska

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Stephanie V. Irby

Hey Stephanie,

I miss your hearty laugh and having private times in the car to chat about life. I miss you but I know I'll see you again. Do they have hand-ball courts up in heaven?? Smooches My Prayers will be to your family.

-Alicia Fieldings, Maryland

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Richard M. Blood Jr.

Thinking of you today and everyday. I love you and miss you so much.


Your sister,


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Jessica Leigh Sachs

Thinking of you today, Jessica - its seems like only yesterday I saw you.


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Stephen LaMantia

hoping to be back as we all once were in our happiest of times. thinking of you Cuz. Salvatore La Franca

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Lt. Michael K. Healey

Ten years gone, but your heroism and personal sacrifice have not been forgotten. Your actions in those final moments of your life defined your life, and placed you in the company of heroes!

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Jake Jagoda

You are forever missed...From all your friends and everyone you meet on the James Joseph

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Pablo Ortiz

Reposa en paz Pablo... eres un eroe para toda la humanidad y gracias de corazon porque tu vives... vives en todas las personas que salvaste ese dia y viviras para siempre como un ejemplo para todos nosotros....

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Paul M. Fiori

Paulie, You came to my dream the other night. You were on the putting green waiting for me so we could go play. We will play again my friend. Untill then rest in Gods kingdom. All my love goes out to you.

Greg Ehrlich (The Barber)

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Peter Victor Genco


This is a long time coming. So forgive me. My name is Arlene F. Oettgen, My fathers name is Wlliam E. Oettgen (deceased). My mother(deceased) was the sister of Margaret and her name was Helen. She took care of Gregory and Victor. Victor is the grandfather of your children. So now you know why I didn't pass the Bar Exam. My brother William and Peter were friends when they were younger. Unfortuantely my brother passed away in 2007. Please call me at 228-215- 0164. As I am now living happily retired at 62 in Ocean Springs Mississippi. Yes, we can read in MS and I do have a Degree so I will undestand what you write.



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Norbert P. Szurkowski

May you rest in peace Norbert. My thoughts and my prayers are with you and your family. Maggie Schwarz.

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Allen P. Boyle

My condolences to your children and family. Although I did not know you personally, I worked with you and saw you that morning. You are sincerely missed by your coworkers in the blue shirts. You worked hard and were a good family man. May you rest in peace.


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Pablo Ortiz

Godbless you Pablo Ortiz i might never meet you but you always be in my heart we miss and you are a brave men we love you and miss you alot your family

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Jemal Legesse DeSantis

May You Rest In Peace!!!

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Pablo Ortiz

your heroism will always be remembered.May you rest in peace.As what other's said you can escape on the danger but still you saved other's life and that's what inspire most of us.we will always pray for you.REST IN PEACE PABLO ORTIZ!I am a Filipino but I am Inspired on your Story..

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Jemal Legesse DeSantis

May You Rest In Peace!

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Pablo Ortiz

A true hero!

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Pablo Ortiz

Beautiful Human Being - RIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!

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Francis S. Riccardelli

May the grace of God, be with you and your family forever.

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Eric Thomas Steen

I search your name out every year and would like to learn about you. I just want you to know I will think about you everyday and u will be remembered. Savannah Steen/North Carolina

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Jemal Legesse DeSantis

You will never be forgotten.

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Jason Douglas Oswald

As strangers we only share a last name, but as citizens of this great country we also share a terrible association. You bear the unfortunate circumstances of being a victim of terrorism and I fortunately have lived on. Today I remember the event that we both share and the sacrifice you were forced to make. I will not forget.

I hope to one day meet you in glory with our savior Christ Jesus.

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Jemal Legesse DeSantis

You will nver be forgotten

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Pablo Ortiz

Desde Ecuador, Dios te bendiga, gracias por salvar vidas a cambio de la tuya misma.

El mundo necesita hombres extraordinarios como tu y Frank.

Viva USA.

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Vincent Princiotta

RIP Vinny. You will always be remembered as a friend by many, and a hero by all.

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Vincent Princiotta

Vinny, thinking of you and all those lost on that tragic day.....May Gods loving arms continue to embrace you and your family......

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Andrew Garcia

I knew Andy from our business association at C&D Batteries. We put in a new microwave power supply for 20 some sites in N California. We lost contact for a long time, but met again at a trade show, when I heard "Dick Fedyk, how in the heck are you?". It was Andy, we hugged, and had lunch. This was about 6 months before 911. We were looking forward to seeing each other at a sales meeting in Jan of the following year. I was in Paris on vacation with my wife on 911 and found out that Andy was on the flight when we got back and I returned to work. Today brings back many fond memories of Andy and I pray that his family has been able to cope with his passing. God love you and all the people who had family and friends who perished on 911. Rich & Lucille Fedyk

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Vincent Princiotta

Gone but not forgotten. RIP my friend.

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Karen Sue Juday

May ur gentle soul rest in perfect peace Amen.

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Paul R. Nimbley

I didn't know you but I knew your lovely sister, Dee and I know she has been a guiding light for your daughters. Dee, I miss you and I wish you lots of love, schweetie.

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Lucy Fishman

I think about you and your family every day. Today is the 10 year anniversary and you are missed and thought about as if it was that terrible day all over again. You were such a beautiful person...I remember always watching you at parties and thinking what a beautiful personality you have, you always had a smile on your face, which made everyone around you smile. Love LuLu Ekmanian (Richie's sister)

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Angel Luis Juarbe Jr.

Rest in peace, U will never be forgotten!

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Klaus Sprockamp

In memory... of my dear friend Klaus. Special blessings, you are loved and missed. September 11, 2011. Jane Tierney

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Pablo Ortiz

God Bless You in heaven.. you are a hero R.I.P. Pablo

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Paul M. Fiori

Lynda, Debbi and Adriana,

I just returned from a tribute here in Hanover,PA named the Healing Field. Of the 3,000 flags on display with information cards attached, Paul's stood out for his "gift of gab" remark. You see, my wife was with me and she was able to see that I'm not the only one who talks constantly, even to strangers. I thank you for sharing a part of his story with us, and Godspeed to you all.

Kevin & Virginia Murray

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Craig Damian Lilore

GOD Our Father Has you and so many now. May He keep you and all others close until we meet again! You Will Never Be Forgotten and Our Fight Will Never End!

Shawn P. Braue

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Roy Wallace

On the first anniversary on 9/11 every student in my high school was given a name a victim, my name was Roy's. I have had that slip of paper in my bible for 9 years praying for his wife and two daughters and family often. Please know my thoughts and prayers will continue to be with you for years to come.- Monique Waggoner

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Edgar H. Emery Jr.

God Bless you Ed. From Australia

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Ruth E. Ketler

Ruthie graduated from high school one year before me .... I think of her each September 11th and pray for her and her family ... what a wonderful soul God brought home that day.

Darlene Bonetti Marnich, Slippery Rock - PA

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David L. Brodeur

God Bless from Australia

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Keith Roma

We never met but when I heard about you 10 years ago today I knew right then what a true hero you were. You may be gone but will never be forgotten, even by those who did not know you personally. Prayers from Florida.

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Lance M Clark

God Bless you and hold you close, may your family and friends rejoice in your memory and know they will see you again in heaven.

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Eustace Rudy Bacchus

Juanna, though I didn't know your husband I rember him every year because of you.


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Farah Jeudy

We remember you forever. RIP

Condolences to Jeudy family.

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Randy Drake

Remembering Randy today. From a grateful customer BorgWarner. Paul Barry.

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Gerard J. Coppola

Go with God...

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John A. Hofer

John, it's been 10 years and you have not been forgotten, nor will you ever be.

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Thomas E. Gorman

My daughter was your son's classmate. We will forever remember your sacrifice. Go with God.

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Lance M Clark

May God bless your family and friends while Jesus cradles you in his loving arms, until you are reunited with those who love and miss you.

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Marisol Heredia

I'm a Heredia and Marine Corps Veteran from the San Francisco. I give my condolences and prayers.

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Vincent Princiotta

Although I hadnt seen you in years since St Lucy, I will always remember how everyone loved little Vinny. On this 10th year anniversary, I pray that your soul is at peace. And I am praying for your sisters and the entire Princiotta family. Your bravery will always be remembered...Thank you for your service and God bless you and your family...

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Todd Beamer

To the Beamer Family,

I wanted to say how deeply moved by Todd's action's during a crisis that inspires all of us, may God bless you Todd and your family, i will never forget you and your heroic actions , rest in peace. David

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Norbert P. Szurkowski

R.I.P. Norbert!

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Kevin Raymond Crotty

With deepest sympathies. May God bless and grant peace.

From a fellow Crotty.

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Dennis Buckley

10 years has past

Dennis you will never be forgotton

Always in my thoughts and prays

I didn't no you we share the same surname

R .I. P

Jayne Buckley sims


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Thomas G. Crotty

With deepest sympathies. May God bless and grant peace.

From a fellow Crotty.

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Dennis Buckley

10 years has past since that awful day

Dennis you will never be forgotten

In my thoughts and prays always


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Stephen G. Hoffman

We had a lot of fun at Buffalo State.

Brian Coffey

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Pete Negron

Your son looks so much like you and you would be so proud! As there is no way a young man speaks as he did, accomplishes what he has done and thinks as he does without being influenced by a very special father! May you rest in peace and your sons find peace and happiness knowing that the world supports them and will never forget their sacrafices.

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James Martello

I'll never forget. My prayers to you and your family.

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Mark Y. Gilles

I cry a tear every year for you and the other souls lost that day. This year is no different. I miss you and want the world to know you were a good person, friend, son and father and that my friend is your lasting legacy. Until we meet again.

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Yvette Nicole Moreno

Rip Yvette 10yrs gone but Never forgotten ♥ Remembering all the innocent lives taken. may you all be resting in peace. xOxO Kathy

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Thomas F. McGuinness Jr.

God bless you and your family Tom, my Dad was friends with your dad. You will forever be in our thoughts.

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Jemal Legesse DeSantis

Jemal- So many of your classmates from GHS remember you, throughout the year and years as they pass. You will never be forgotten.

May Peace, Love, and Compassion surround your soul for eternity, and help soothe the hearts of your family and loved ones as time rolls on.

Respectfully, Robin C

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Pete Negron

Dear Sir,

Your service does not go in vain. We are rebuilding and remembering that tragic day and moving forward. It is 10 years later and it still hurts but things are being put into perspective. Rest in Peace.

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Anthony Richard Dawson

10 years on and we all still remember.

RIP Richard - Chris Whitley

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Deborah Lynn Williams

I never met you but i know a lot of people who knew you. They always spoke so highly of you and still do. I'm so sorry for what you had to go thru didn't deserve that. Way to young for you to die. Life is not fair in this case because you were such a great person. You are in heaven now..dancing with the angels and looking down on your sweet little girl making sure shes ok. God bless you and my prayers are with you and your family on this 10th anniversary of your unfortunate passing. RIP xox

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Todd Morgan Beamer

you are a true hero godbless you in heaven with god.

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Pablo Ortiz

godbless you in heaven now with god pablo ortiz...

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Alok Kumar Mehta

Keep smiling buddy.

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Stephen Patrick Cherry

I am praying for your mother and father, your wife, and your 4 boys. I am so sorry your life had to end so tragically. You still had so much you wanted to accomplish. Please know that you will not be forgotten.

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Paul R. Nimbley

RIP Paul R. Nimbley

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Karen Sue Juday

I read about her story. I am so very sorry. My heart goes out to her fiancee and family. God Bless you and may peace be to her memory.

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Brian Hennessey

RIP, Brian. Hurricane Island Outward Bound and boat #9 in 1983 seem so long ago but your bright smile seems like yesterday. You and the rest of "Y'all Watch" greet me every day on my laptop's screensaver.

I pray for peace for your friends and family on the 19th Anniversary... Your bright light burns on.

Mickey F.

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Pablo Ortiz

You have a VIP seat in Heaven, and are doubt and angel. Thank you for all you did and RIP

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Daniel Martin Caballero

Still miss you and think of you often

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Susan D. Murray

toyour family....tonight i spent the evening with a few thousand people remembering and celebrating America. I recieved a glow stick with Susan D Murray name on it as they were passed out during the service of all those who lost their lives on that day none of us will ever forget. I want you to know Susan has not been forgotten and will from this day forward be remembered by this stranger not in a group of many but by name. God bless you all.

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Alan K. Jensen

You would be proud of the men your sons have grown to be.

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Alan Linton

I new Alan Linton went to school with him. He was a very bright student. It so sad that we had to lose him on 9/11/2001. Praying for his family and love ones every day. Hoping they are doing well.

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Robert Arthur Rasmussen

I just received a Memorial bracRoelet with Robert's name on it today from the Tribute WTC Visitor Center store and I googled his name & found this site. Robert's family is in our thoughts & prayers as we are approaching the 10 year mark of the 9/11 tragedy. God bless.

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Vincent R. Slavin

i miss you think about you always rest in peace. we will meet again.

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Giovanna Porras

I Will always remember you my friend Giovanna we shared so many wonderful moments especially hanging out on 106 Street with our friends good moments ... you will live in my heart forever ...lulu

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Angela R. Kyte

You will always be in my thoughts and prayers Angela...I miss our talks and I miss you...My dear friend an coworker as I was then working at Tufts University...Rest in peace....

Love Rosanne Giuliano

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Anne Marie Sallerin Ferreira

May God give strength to her family and friends, RIP.

From Yara da Silva-Heying from Sao Paulo living in California.

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Karen Sue Juday

My name is Bob Wells and I am superintendent of schools in a small Texas town. Yesterday, our students randomly drew names of the victims of 9/11 and wore that name all day to remember the terrible loss. I drew Karen's name and wore it all day. Thought you would like to know that she remains remembered and that our prayers are with you.

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Edward Mazzella Jr.

Edward, I ran the Las Vegas 9.11 kilometer race today in honor of you. Rest in peace, you will never be forgotten.

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Nancy Muniz

we love you and miss you

Tiffany McCann

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Weibin Wang

Weibin, rest in peace!

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Zhe Zack Zeng

On Sept. 11, 2001, Zack was at the scene, walking to work, and instead of fleeing for his personal safety, he bravely risked his life by assisting firefighters who were rescuing many injured victims. His heroic rescue efforts were captured on Fox 5 TV cameras until his one last trip into the collapsing buildings. Being a first generation immigrant from China, Zack was the epitome of a loyal and courageous American Hero.

Zack, rest in peace!

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Nitin Parandkar

Your selfless contribution of your life to save innocent lives is eternally memorable. May God bless your family and give them strength to overcome the loss a proud son.

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Todd D. Pelino

And are on my mind. Forever missed.81

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Tyrone May

I am very sorry for your loss of Tyrone. This Sun. will be a difficult day and you are in my prayers.

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Nitin Parandkar

May your soul rest in peace

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Steven Paul Chucknick

My Beloved,

As we get closer to the 10th anniversary of 9/11 I hold you in my heart as I always have. I love you so very much.

My heart to only yours forever

Your wife Barbara

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 For Philip A. Murphy-Sweet   For David A Wilkey Jr   For Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia   For Frank E. Adamski III   For Benjamin Walker   For Trevor B. Adkins   For Adam D. Jones   For Laurie Cobb   For Larry E Polley Jr   For Paul C. Holter III   For Alex D Gonzalez   For Christopher D Young   For Jose E Ulloa   For John Michael Roy Curwin   For Derek L. Shanfield   For Marisol Heredia   For John Charles Jenkins   For Todd Beamer   For Steven Paul Chucknick   For Geoffrey Perez  
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