Liberty unites

liberty unites us
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Javier Marin Jr.

he was a great uncle to my cousins but then I hheard that he died in war and I couldn't stop crying because he was a great uncle to me

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James L. Miller

I love you buddy and miss you so much RIP love Aunt Missy

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Michael P. Flores

Rest in Peace and Honor.

Anne and Rich Stanley

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Joel C. Gentz

Rest in Peace and Honor

Anne and Rich Stanley

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Benjamin D. White

Rest in Peace and Honor.

Anne and Rich Stanley

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Demetrius L. Void

You are in my thoughts everyday as a train new soldiers knowng that they too could make the ultimate sacrifice. May God be with your famly and peace in their hearts until you meet again.

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Philip P. Clark

"Softly falls the light of day as your campfire fades away, silently you always ask have i done my daily task. Have i kept my honor bright? Can I guiltless sleep tonight? Have I done and have I dared, everything to be prepared." Always the faithful Scout, always the great Marine! You will forever be remembered and loved.

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Ryan H. Lane

On July 23, 2009, a hole in my heart was created. This will never heal. My every waking moments are thoughts of you. You as a baby, you as a small child, you as a teenager, and you as the man. You are a great man and a great Marine. I will never let you or your sacrifice be forgotten. I always told you that no matter where you are in this world - you are always in my heart. Rest easy my son.

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Jonathan D. Porto

Rest easy Jonathon.

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Jake W. Suter

God Bless you Jake. Thank you for your service to our country. Semper Fi!!

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John K. Rankel

God Bless you John! You will be truly missed by all. Thank you for your service. Your fellow marines will continue to fight in your honor. Although your life was cut short, your inpact on those around you will live forever. Semper Fi!!

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Michael P. Flores

My prayers are with you and your family. Honor, Hero come to my mind.... Rest in peace my friend....

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Benjamin D. White

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this most difficult time. You are a hero without question, may god bless you and your family. Rest in peace my friend..........

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Richard K. Jones

Bubba i miss you so much....its been almost a year and it still were my bestr friend.....i love you and miss you.....

love always your sister,,Kaitlyn

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Jeremy L. Brown

He was a truely amazing and brave young man, thank you Jeremy! We all should help his family out even if it is just by saying that he is our HOMETOWN HERO and will never be forgotten.

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Denis D. Kisseloff

I miss you... your Sis...

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Michael R Dinterman

You are so young and gone too soon. Your bravery and service to your country will not be forgotten. May you rest in peace. My prayers are with you.

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Omar G. Roebuck

Omar is a Hero. He will not be forgotten. His service to his country and dedication as an American, will not be forgotten. I'm so sorry for your loss.

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Cory F Hiltz

It takes a very special person to be a hero and you are such that person Cory. Your bravery to protect and serve our Nation will never be forgotten. May your family and friends find peace and comfort, and know that others care. You and the service to your country will not be forgotten.

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David C. Smith

Rest in Honor and Peace.

Uncle Kenny and Aunt Anne

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Monique E. DeJesus

I had no idea Monique had passed away during 9/11. We all graduated from Murray Bergtraum High School and went our separate ways. The last time I saw Monique was at graduation and she had such a wonderful smile, as she alwasy had. Monique was such a wonderful friend. I will think of her and keep her in my prayers. God Bless You and may you rest in peace!

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Michael G. Plank

Thank you for your courage & Service.

Rest in Peace.

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Benjamin D. White

Thank you for your courage & Service.

Rest in Peace.

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David C. Smith

Thank you for your courage & Service.

Rest in Peace.

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Joel C. Gentz

Thank you for your courage & Service.

Rest in Peace.

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Michael P. Flores

Thank you for your courage & Service.

Rest in Peace.

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Zachary J. Walters

Thank you for your courage & Service.

Rest in Peace.

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Derek L. Shanfield

Thank you for your courage & Service.

Rest in Peace.

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Erick J. Klusacek

Thank you for your courage & Service.

Rest in Peace.

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Brendan P. Neenan

Godspeed Brendan. We will forever be grateful for the selfless sacrifice you have given in protecting our freedom. We love you and we will never ever forget you. --The Barrett Family

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Zarian Wood

mandy and jolynn brewer along with cathy koah and david lucas and linda brewer.......are deeply sadden by this news...he will be missed and he was a great young man.

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John K. Rankel


You paid the ultimate sacrifice for your country. We will forever be greatful for your selfless commitment to the war efforts and standing up for what you beleived in. I am so proud of you and feel very blessed to have had you in my life. I'll miss you so much and will strive to be the kind of courageous and giving persoon you were. We need more all around great men out there like you in this world. You were loved. Until next time...Semper Fi.

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Adam R. Fales

thank god for people like adam fales

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Russell S. Hercules Jr

russel we miss you man miss hangin out with you and the family you will always be in our hearts rip in peace cousin

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Jonathan K. Peney

My son, SGT Jonathan K Peney (22), was killed in action on June 1st, 2010 at 1000 EST. Jon is an Army Ranger Medic. He has always wanted to be a solider. He loves our country. I love my son. The worse possible nightmare to a mother is to see the notification team walking towards you in full dress uniform. But what allows me to grieve is what stands behind those uniforms. I know my son was doing what he loved - protecting our freedoms!!!!! He did not hesitate to go to the aid of another fallen Ranger when a sniper mortally wounded my son. Jon comes home today and I cry not only because I will not see his face and mischief pranks but because most Americans don't understand "freedom is not free". Freedom is earned and respected. Freedom is a privilege. My son is a hero but to me he is my son and child. Jon will be missed but never forgotten. Jon and many others who give the ultimate sacrifice do so with pride and no regrets. God bless America and long may it's flag wave! God bless all who serve in the military.

I ask that each and everyone of you when you see an individual in uniform to acknowledge their presence. This can be done by simply place your right open hand over your heart as you walk by them. Pay for their cup of coffee. Pay for their meal - you don't have to let them know you are doing this kind gesture. Just ask your waitress to pay for them without any grand affair. Our military men and women do not receive enough recognition from us. They deserve kindness. I am a hugging person so I just usually walk up to them and give a hug. Handshakes are good. You never know if that solider sitting at the airport or walking down the street has just returned to our wonderful country from a war torn area. You don't know what those eyes and heart are carrying all for the sake of our freedoms! You don't know if that solider is going to war and doesn't know what to expect he will see. We all need to stand up PROUD to be an American and support our military. God Bless America and all who serve in our military.

My dear son - welcome home! You did not die in vain! I love you. Mom

These should be relatively firm details but still considered tentative plans because they all depend on the arrival of our beloved "Doc" Peney. These are being forwarded to give an estimate of the timing for all whom are traveling. The family does not want babies nor small children (infants to 5 years old) to attend.

Bonaventure Funeral Home

2520 Bonaventure Rd.

Savannah, GA 31404

Phone: 912-335-8506

Fax: 912-335-8521

Viewing will be on Thursday, the 10th day of June, 2010 from 6 to 9 pm.

Friday, the 11th day of June, 2010, there will be a 10 am Mass at Cathedral of St John-Baptist.

The Cathedral of St. John the Baptist

savannahcathedral. org

222 East Harris Street

Savannah, GA 31401

Phone: 912-233-4709

Immediately following the Mass, there will be a procession by horse drawn hearse thru the streets of historic Savannah pass Kevin Barry's Irish Pub. There will be a memorial in the 2nd floor Ranger room.

In lieu of flowers, Kristin has asked that memorials be made to The Rangers Scholarship Fund. This is a merit based scholarship fund to provide assistance to the dependents of Rangers to meet the financial cost of continuing their education. This is a 501(c)3 organization. Interested persons can learn more about this fund by visiting the web site at: (More Info)

Contributions should be mailed to:

Rangers Scholarship Fund, Inc.

P.O. Box 52184

Fort Benning, GA 31995

Donations made payable to:

Rangers Scholarship Fund

Honoring the Memory of SGT Jonathan K Peney

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Hector Ramos

i love && miss u hector!!! :) although u were never officially my cousin in my heart u will always b my cousin!!!



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John M. McHugh

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Paul R. Bartz

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Thomas P. Belkofer

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Richard J. Tieman

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Joshua A. Tomlinson

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Patrick Xavier Jr

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Jacob C. Leicht

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Jake W. Suter

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Anthony A. Dilisio

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Francisco J. ado Ramirez

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Joseph J. Theinert

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Michael E. McGahan

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Brandon C. Bury

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Derek Hernandez

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Donald M. Marler

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Brendan P. Neenan

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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John K. Rankel

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Shane S. Barnard

My thoughts with SSG Barnard's family during this hard time and coping. My heart aches for his children; God speed. I work at the MAMC and the flag is being flown half-staff today in honor of him. I am originally from Willow Lake/Vienna area so this seemed to hit home more.

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Jonathan K. Peney

Thank you. Rest In Peace.

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James L. Miller

If tears could build a memory and memories a lane Id walk right up to heaven and bring you home again. I love you and miss you so much James. Love your Aunt Missy

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Phillip G West

we all miss and love you

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Lukasz D. Saczek

R.I.P Lukasz Saczek, you were always a good friend and everyone respected you.

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Serge Kropov

Dear Kropov Family,

Please know that your son, Serge, was remembered in a special prayer service for our departed Orthodox Warriors on Memorial Day at the Fort Bliss National Cemetery in El Paso, Texas. As well as he is remembered throughout the year in the prayers and Liturgies of the Saint George Orthodox Military Association.

We are also keeping your family in our prayers and ask Christ to ease the pain of your loss.

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Serge Kropov

To our son, to whom we are missing so much.

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George E. Spencer III

Thinking of you today

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Brent T Vroman

We all love you Brent.

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Lauro G DeLeon Jr

love you ,we miss you but we understand you had to do what was in your heart. love mom

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Joel D. Clarkson

It was an honor to fight beside you. You will be missed greatly. RLTW

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Joel D. Clarkson

It was an honor to fight beside you. You will be missed greatly. RLTW

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Robert J. Barrett

I love you.. we usto chill all the time & watch movies & you usto help me with my problems an I usto help you when you had your difficulties.. I just wish you was still here so we can talk. I really could use your advise riqht now . I love you so much and i miss you incontrollably. Love you!

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Kyle R. Van De Giesen

Forever will I try to live up to the standards and morals that Kyle lived by. He's an inspiration and a hero and he will forever be in my thoughts and prayers. He has given me the opportunity to succeed in a field that I am extremely passionate about. You have my uttermost respect and gratitude and I will always be the best that I can even in the darkest of times. My heart goes out to the Van De Giesens and I will eternally be indebted to you. My sincerest thanks, Brendan Emanuel

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Mario L. Santoro

Please join/Like the Mario L. Santoro Memorial Page on FaceBook

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Richard R. Penny

i will always remember you as the quiet shy young boy that lived next door who loved to ride his 4 wheeler and his yellow lab "Buster" thank you richard for being so dedicated and giving your all! you will not be forgotten

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Jesse D. Delatorre

condoglianze dall'Italia - Florence

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Damian L Heidelberg

Annette Cole

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Bradley S. Bohle

Brad I miss you every day my Brother, I shall not soon forget you. You have completed your mission, rest well in our Lord's arms.

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Christopher D. Worrell

I just heard of Chris's death and I am saddened by the news. I knew Chris back in high school and will remember him forever. He was a great guy and a wonderful friend. My thoughts and Prayers go out to his family. He will definitely be missed. R.I.P. Chris and may you watch over us and keep us safe. I will never forget you. Love you. - Maria "sunshine"

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Mark Anthony Zapata

Miss u mark ,my brother. Love always Humberto Salinas

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Mark Anthony Zapata

miss u brother love Humberto Salkinas

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Justin D. Coleman

Justin, although I never personally knew you I am the uncle of Griff from your unit. You sir have touched the lives of so many in such a short time.

Your service and ultimate sacrifice will NEVER be forgotten, know that it was not in vain and there are so many people that think of you everyday. Your patrol is over here on earth, but we know you are standing watch at heavens gates. R.I.P Justin and God Bless

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Jerry C Burge

Thinking of you and your family....We miss you....

Robert Smith

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Jerry C Burge

This Memorial Day we are thinking of you "Chip" We Miss You....You are not forgotten

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Eric J. Lindstrom


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Ronald W. Culver Jr

God Bless you Sir!

Semper Fi, MGUNZ Mike Santivasci

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Jesse Melton III

Jesse, I met your wonderful Mom today at your gravesite. I'm sure you witnessed this. I see where you got your strength, not just from God but your Mom. You were the first to get me into fantasy football, and of course our favorite team the Redskins. Semper Fi brother on this Memorial Day. You gave the ultimate sacrifice, God bless you brother. MGUNZ Mike Santivasci

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Alex D Gonzalez

Gozaez we are going to miss you so much

Just remember god only takes the best.

And now you are ina better place.

may u rest in peace

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Jesse D. Delatorre

We keep you in our hearts and thoughts jesse, thank you for your sacrifice. We love and miss you much, RIP brother!!


Jason Fourmont

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Forest J Jostes

I went to high school with Forest. You are not forgotten.

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Christopher M. Cooper

Our prayers go out to your family. Thank you for your service. honoring you today

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Clayton P. Bowen

miss you little brother

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Matthew R. Lembke


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Robert L. Jones

Thank you for fighting serving our country. My thoughts and prayers go our to your family.

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Elijah J. Rao

Thank you for fighting for our country. My thoughts and prayers are with your family. RIP

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Lucas T. Beachnaw

RIP Lucas. Thank you for serving our counrty. May God bless your friends and loved ones.

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Alexander J. Miller

You are in my Prayers.

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Alexander J. Miller

I am so sorry for your loss. But thank you for allowing your son to serve our Country. It's people like him that keep this Country Free!

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Billy G. Anderson

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Philip P. Clark

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Stanley J. Sokolowski III

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Amilcar H. Gonzalez

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Jason D. Fingar

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Ronald W. Culver Jr

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Christopher R. Barton

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Edwin Rivera

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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 For Philip A. Murphy-Sweet   For David A Wilkey Jr   For Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia   For Frank E. Adamski III   For Benjamin Walker   For Trevor B. Adkins   For Adam D. Jones   For Laurie Cobb   For Larry E Polley Jr   For Paul C. Holter III   For Alex D Gonzalez   For Christopher D Young   For Jose E Ulloa   For John Michael Roy Curwin   For Derek L. Shanfield   For Marisol Heredia   For John Charles Jenkins   For Todd Beamer   For Steven Paul Chucknick   For Geoffrey Perez  
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