I was just sitting around thinkin about oldtimes with you before we grew up . before anything matterd . when we were just partying with clark or when we stole my camero before either of us were old enough to drive . i miss you man for some reason im tyoing like im sending this to you . when i know you can here me think . you and clark RIP I will see you eventully . your friend Lucas P (Email Link)
I hope you'll forgive me for contacting you! I am a portrait painter and would like to paint military portraits. I picked you because Albert is a good looking man. I would be willing to paint his portrait in oils for free if you would allow me to show it in my portfolio. It would be life size and hopefully become a family heirloom. You can see my work at (More Info) I am an honest and straightforward person. I hope I haven't offended you! David Longthorne 916-663-3393
god bless you marcuse. to his family remember that its going to be ok. because god gave him to you as a blessing but now he needs him back. just remember that he's in a better place he died fighting. so stay strong for him because he's smiling down and watching over you guy's.
I only met him once and will never forget it. I pray for him, his wife, and his two beautiful twins that I know will grow up to be smart, beautiful, bright women. God Bless you and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.-K
Capt. Cory J. Jenkins was my doc at Fort Lewis he help me over come server headaches and he was a good friend i will mess you.....God Bless the family and may he help you through this time of need
Rest in peace Brother. God Bless your soul and your Family. I will continue to fight for our country and our way of life for the both of us and our families.
We are so sorry for your loss. I am a friend of RuthAnn, from MI and met Kyle as a young boy. He was an amazing child even then. What a hero he became in so many ways. We pray that God will comfort you all and wrap His arms around you and give the comfort needed during these difficult times. RuthAnn, if you see this please let me hear from you. 2319240285 or (Email Link). You were there when we lost Melissa, , I treasure you and the friendship we have been recently been out of touch with since I lost your address and phone #.Sid and I will continue to pray for yui all...Love, Anne Luchies...
Thank you for showing me what it truly means to be a soldier. Thank you for teaching me how to wear my uniform, how to march,and how to fight. Most of all thank you for teaching me how to live. May you sleep in peace for eternity Drill Sergeant.
its been 7 months...i still cant believe this happened. i went to school with him from 8th and up. always a chearful guy. ill miss the hell out of this man. rest in peace my friend rest in peace
Damn dog... It seems like only yesterday we were kickin it, enjoying a burger and shooting the shit. I'm still having trouble accepting this. You were one of the few people who could make me crack up regardless of my mood. This world got a little less bright once we learned what happened.I'm sure we'll see each other again one day homie. The next burgers on me. Much love and INFINITE respect. Your wife and kids will be in my prayers 'til the day I die.
this is for his family but mainly for him its me sean michael hupp we were childhood friends i just want totell you yhat i miss and love you and your a hero and i always looked up to you ,steve and sean ! i will see you again when i join you in the paridise that you now call home. til then love you stickman,
I love you Michael with all that a mother can. I miss that wonderful big smile of yours and the way you would make us all laugh when you were telling story's to us. I have always been so very proud of you and you grew up to be a great young man, father and Hero. I just wished that we could of had more time. Time for you in enjoy your baby boy and have him know you. But I will promise that he will know all there is to know about his great daddy. I'm sorry that I cry a daily for you, my heart has a empty spot. I love you with the love of a mother and a father since I was both to you. I want to feel your wings wrapped around me and telling me "mom it's all good".I love you my baby boy. Love your mama
I am Sgt. Michael Scusa's mom and I send out my condolences to Joshua family because I do know how it feels. I pray for all of you along with my family and the other 6 familys that maybe together we can get threw this. I have a memoral page on FB for Michael if anyone would like to join and then I will be able to speak to any family member. My heart goes out to all of you...GOD BLESS YOU. Proud mom of Sgt. Michael Scusa (Cindy Woodard)
To one of the oldest, wisest and funniest 22 year olds I have ever known. You always had a heart of gold and knowledge beyond your years. You chose the mission you always wanted. You always said all people deserve the right to a decent life...I always asked if you were willing to give yours for people you don't even know and you did. It still seems impossible but I have to believe you are in a better place with your brothers planning the next mission. You are my hero, my soldier, my son and I'm proud of you....
Davie, you live as my inspiration to pick up where you left off.I saw you last as a childhood friend; the same dimpled faced smiling that I immediately recognized 30 years later in this photograph. You gave your life serving your wounded brothers in a medical evac mission. While you answered a higher call, gained admission and graduation from Annapolis and served your country in Active Duty I became a Board Certified General Surgeon, 20 years now in private practice. You anonymously served me and my family through an Active Duty and Reserve career.
Last year, I left private practice to enlist in the Medical Corps, U.S. Army. They have given me Lt. Col. rank and today I am admitted to the Medical Staff at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. I will be taking care of injured soldiers and the surgical needs of their families. I will deploy overseas to combat areas to care for our brethern. I will always be sustained by your sacrifice.
I grew up with Boyie on Nelson street Port of Spain and then attended the Brooklyn Tabernacle church with him. I knew his mom, dad, wife Lynette and his two kids. Boyie was a very quiet person. I miss you my dear friend.. Enjoy Heaven.
Demetrius, it is an honor to have you in our ranks. We are the Voids, living and dead who served our country in the combat arms. Quite a few are serving now. One day we'll all salute the real Top Sergeant together. Until then, rest soldier. Outstandiing!
I was out on that final mission with COL Berrettini in the wadi known as four corners. He made coffee for us and it was cold as hell he came by our possition repetedly to check if we were o.k. We talked about fly fishing for hours out in the dark on that mission. He was the nicest damn officer i ever met he volunteered to out of wire with us repeatedly because he cared out the kids and he had the knowledge to help. He may have been the only person these kids ever got treated by he did it with a smile on his face. He also was not scared to get on the gun either. He joked on that mission that he is the highest paid driver in the army. Awesome guy and soldier my heart goes out to him and his family. Hope they know of the good he did over there he made a difference in the world.
Tess and I were good friends with Mike and Donna in Hong Kong, when Mike and I worked together, forming a strong friendship out of a miserable atmosphere at work. What a fine, kind man. Our thoughts have always been with you, Mike and with you too Donna. I hope you remember us, for we certainly remember you.
If any one has any information on his place of burial, please email me at (Email Link). I was serving in A 2-17 FA in Iraq with SGT Toy. THank you! My prayers go out to his family and friends. He was a terrific leader.
My deepest condolences to the family of Gunny. A nick name the troups called him. My best best friend was seriously injured in the same Humvee as Terry and is still recovering 3 years later in DC. I wished I had known Terry, as I hear so many wonderful stories about him.I pray that time has healed your broken hearts as he's serving our Lord Jesus Christ.
To one of the best friends a person could have by his side. Ever since our days back in Grambling i was always able to depend on you. We laughed together, we cried together and I love you like a brother. You will always live in my heart. You have always and forever be a hero to me. i salute you.
Was einer ist,was einer war,beim scheiden wird es offenbar,wir hören nicht wenn Gottes weise summt,wir schaudern erst wenn sie verstummt.Wir werden immer an dich denken!Wir wünschen Deiner Familie viel Kraft und Gottes Beistand.
Michael's wife and baby daughter who was just 6 months old when he passed.
Michael left you with a wonderful child. By the grace of God you two were truly meant for each other and he was your soul mate. Keep his memory close as I know you will.We love and miss you Michael so much.
Joshua I miss u soo much. No words will ever explain how much i wish u were sitting here next to me watching out daughter grow up and do things just like you. I wish I could have changed so much from that day. I love u for forever and a lifetime.
Javier, not a day goes by that your not thought of and missed. By family, friends, and comrades. I hear about you often though i never got the chance to meet you. I've always heard about you and they were always in the you were always spoken of in the highest reguards. Thank you for your service. I know your watching everyone and keeping them smiling. James and Cathy are proof.I Love you and respect you in more ways then one. Rest In Peace, we'll all see you on the other side.
dad this alisha and i just wanted to say that i love u so much and everything little thing i can find about u i look at it and comment on it to just say i love u and miss you and u will live in my heart always.
My deepest condolences go out to the family of this great solider. Thank you Sgt. Juan Calderon Jr. for your sacrifice to our country. Our fallen heroes will forever be remembered. God bless you and your family!Cris G., Edinburg, Texas
Cousin, you will forever remain in my heart. I love you and will cherish our childhood memories for years to come. Your sacrifice will forever be remembered and honored. Your kind and spirited heart showed the best in you and many love you for that. We still visit you at your grave even though we know you're with our heavenly Father now. Thank you for everything. I love you dearly! I'll see you when I get there!Your cousin, Cris Garces