Liberty unites

liberty unites us
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Lucas T. Beachnaw

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Kyle J. Wright

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Christopher R. Hrbek

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Robert Donevski

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Michael P. Shannon

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Adam K. Ginett

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Paul W. Pena

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Gifford E. Hurt

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Thaddeus S. Montgomery

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Jeremy M. Kane

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Xin Qi

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Zachary D. Smith

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Timothy J. Poole

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Daniel M. Angus

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Duane A. Thornsbury

my friend .... my brother ... i couldnt believe when i heared ... and i still dont want to .... i will miss you my brother ... i still remember the things we were doing bro ... i will come and visit you very soon brother .

rest in peace

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John P. Skala

I thought of you today no different from any other day. I can't help but think of you and remember the times we worked together and shared a laugh or two. Times we were both exhausted but still managed to go out to help those in need. You showed me what true sacrifice was and still is. Because of who you were, we are all a better person. Love you John, your memory lives on.

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Michael B Quinn

We miss you still so very much, but we know that you are in a better place. I am grateful to have been blessed by you and for all that you have done for us and our country. You will always be in our thoughts! We love you!

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Corey J Aultz

You`re for ever in my mind! three years - feels like yesterday...R.I.P.

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Craig S Frank

God Bless You and your family

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Holly J McGeogh

You may never be forgotten df

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Kimble A. Han

I was looking through people magazine this morning and happen to spot the " Honoring The Fallen" page. I was curious if anyone from my hometown was in there, and sure enough there was your brave face. As my Grandfather was in The Vietnam War, and my Uncle in World War II.. I have never had to deal with the pain of losing them to war. So many others like myself take others like you and our country for granted. From this day forth, I give my word to take notice and do something other than leave it up to you. Thank you so much for all of your many sacrifices so that my family may continue to enjoy their freedom. My heart goes out to your wife and 3 children, Parents, brothers, and sisters. My prayers are with all of you

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Jose A Garibay

i miss you soo much!!!!!!

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Kevin S Mowl

God Bless you and thank you for your service and ultimate sacrafice for our nation

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Kevin A Cuming

i remember that that day. you will be missed. you was brave and wanted to go out on patrol even with a diffrent mos. we did our job well i was proud to have served next to you keven. i will remember the good times we had in fort hood. and to mom keven spoke about his family all the time, he loved his family. may god bless you all.

will santiago

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Donovan E Watts

I offer my heartfelt condolences to CSM Watt's family. I served with CSM Watts while with the 325 AIR. He was a leader and more than that he was a true friend. he will be missed by all who knew him. ALl that did not him will also miss him as he brought a smile to everyone's faces.

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Lance C Springer II

My condolences to your family. You will always be remembered!

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Shannon D. Taylor

Sadly missed by your family and friends. As your aunt and ex-soldier I'm honored and proud of the service you rendered to your country.


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Antione V Robinson

Thank you for your kind words, sincerly his family

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Robert Walter Noonan

You will be remembered.

CPT Russell A. Jones

US Army

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Robert Walter Noonan

You are not forgotten.

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Steven Paul Chucknick

My Beloved

Today I light this candle for you just to remind you of the love I still have for you and only you

My heart to yours forever

Your wife Barbara

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Nicholas J. Hand

God bless you and your family. May you rest in peace.

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Justin J. Swanson

i grew up with justin. after jr high school we went our separate ways. justin was an amazing person with a good heart.

may he rest in peace. my prayers are with his family.

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Dale R. Griffin

Expressing my heart felt condolences to the family of this brave American warrior.

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Jose Amancio Perez III


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Ruben Valdez Jr


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Aaron J. Rusin

Aaron did devote his life from a young age to careing about and helping others. He did not join the army following in anybodies footsteps or need of a GI bill for schooling. Aaron was accepted to Greensburg Tri-tech after receiving high grades in his entry exams. He wanted a career in Drafting mech. eng. Aaron was such a valuable human being, He was torn between the decision of a career of defending his country. I, as so many others are so proud of Aaron, those words were never to hard to tell him and I thank God I did that alot in Aarons and his brother Adams life. Now I can only tell him in my prayers, nobody but another mother of a fallen soldier or child who lost their lives at an early age(excuse me,AnyAge) could understand this pain. I just want you to know what a remarkable young man Aaron was and always will be. Always and Forever Deeply Loved and Missed My Son. The Memories of your angle face will never be forgottten.

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Jason L Sparks

I am extremely sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you. ** Zanesville, Ohio

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Keiffer P. Wilhelm

I am extremely sorry for your loss. *Zanesville, Ohio

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Michael A Diraimondo

Miss you Buddy...See you soon!

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Christopher M. Cooper

My name is Spc John Wolter. Christopher Cooper was once my team leader, room mate, and dear friend. Man I'm still shatterd over what happened. I'll alway love you bro!!

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David W Textor

Dave, still thinking about you. Take care bud...

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Operations Specialist Joseph D Alomar

You are always in our heart brother. We all still mourn your passing.

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Jonathan M. Walls

I miss you everyday that goes by Jonathan. I see so much of you in our 3 beautiful kids. And there isn't a moment that goes by that I don't wonder if you are watching everything the kids are doing. You were and will always be the love of my life. I always thought that we would be married a lifetime... And even now, I consider myself married, you are forever in my heart. Nobody can ever take that away from me. I love you always baby!


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Michael L. McNulty

A Loving father and Devoted husband. The greatest man the walk the earth.

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Steven Paul Chucknick

My sweet Angel,

I am sorry I haven't been here but everything is ok now

I light this candle to remind you that you are in my heart always. I missed you for Christmas as I always do but you weren't far away. You were in my thought everyday and night I love you so much

My heart to yours forever

Your wife Barbara

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Jose Franci Gonzalez Rodriguez

I always saw him in the barracks and I would yell "whats up private." We both knew his rank was a bit higher but we would both laugh. I didn't know you well but I always loved seeing you. You would always make me laugh. You always had a funny joke or a big smile on your face. Im so sorry for what has happened. I know your ok though, up there, looking down on all of your friends and family. I have a picture of you from Kuwait where you were holding a lizard: I have that and a poem for you parents but could never find their address. Maybe you have met my son Julian up there. He was born and then went to heaven three days later. I wish I could see you smile one more time.

All my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Love, Jenny Eisnor. xoxo

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Michael D. Martino

My thoughts and prayers to your whole family and for you, Michael. I wish I had the honor of knowing you. Ellen King

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Esau I. De la Pena Hernandez

I miss you everyday Ivan.

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Matthew K.S. Swanson

God blessed us with your short permanence on earth; now, you are a beautiful angel watching over your twin Tracy, and your little brother Hakan. It is painful knowing that we will not have the privilege to see you again; but, we know that you , always, will be among us. Your memories will bring just smile on my face, You were so loving creature, you had so much love to give my little nephew. It was too soon your departure to heaven, but we just have to accept God decisions. Love you very much..aunt Pilar.

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Cody R. Stanley

I look at your sweet face and I cry. Thank you for being the friend that you were to my son. May your family be will forever be in my thoughts and my heart. I wish I could have known you. To your family, I am so sorry for your loss.

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Joshua R. Whittle

i miss you so much i thought it would get easier but it getting hard i love you and i will see you again

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Devin J. Michel

Miss you fuzz man. I am proud of you and still think about you every day.

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Joseph M Hernandez

Beloved cousin,

Today is your one year anniversary in heaven. We love and miss you dearly. Send some love down to your mom. She misses you very much.

Your cousin,


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Michael C. Roy

I would just like to give my condelences to his family and let them know that mike is a hero and his sacrifice will never be forgotten.

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Joseph F Gonzales

To my little cousin: Much love we miss you.

Fatty, Irma, Fatso and Isaac

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Jason E. Dore

Rest in peace Jason, thanks for fighting for our freedom.

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Joon Koo Kang

im thinking of you and all you have done for us i the usa!


morgan mullenaux

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Ryan D. Walker

Ryan Walker was a great human being an I had the Honor to serve with him and have him ride in one of my vehicles while patroling the rough cities of Iraq during our deployment. Since I met Ryan, he always carried himslef in such a positive way you'd always ended up smiling and sharing his enthusuasm wheter it was studying for a promotion board, working out at the gym, or sharing some laughs in the AID Station with the other medics.

For some reason everythime He was in our convoy we felt if something would happened that He would save us and would let us die, and thats exactly how everyone in 1-76 FA felt until the tragic day in Jan 5th, 2006. He told us that he would stay back and go out on patrol until the last fellow Patriot was relieved from our tour, and He carried out his promise, as he got out of the HMMWV to rescue SGT Jason Lopez after an explosive device exploded next to his vehicle. May Him Rest In peace and the Mighty Lord bless and comfort his family. Ryan will never be forgotten and there will always be a flag flown for him at the Heroes walk @ ft. Stewart.

always in my heart and thoughts:

SSG Carmona

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Clinton R. Upchurch

Bless Clinton Upchurch, Lord. Bless his father Gregory; his mother Cynthia; his wife Kari; his stepsons, Earl and Ryan (a soldier); and his foster child Patrick. Console them, Lord.

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Jason A. McLeod

Jaybo, We miss you. I know I didn't know you as well as others but you are a hero to me and everyone. I know your looking down on your family/friends wait till you see them again. I wish I could have said this face to face but Thank you Jason, for everything to did for this country, You are really a hero to everyone, I hope i can be a hero to someone like you are to me. We miss you. See you again.

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Kevin James Hannaford

Kevin James was my cousin. Although I did not know him well, I do know that his parents and family loved him dearly. May He Rest in Peace.

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David L Roustum

Rest in Peace

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David L Roustum

I'm sorry. I have recently won the Dave Roustum Sportsmanship Leader award where I play hockey and it is a true honor to be associated with Dave

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Daniel Lee Galvan

Your courange and strength in risking your life for your all of US will never be forgotten. You will always be remembered as a true American Hero.

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David T. Wright II

Your courange and strength in risking your life for your country will never be forgotten.

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Tyler J. Dickens

Such a tragedy...such a tragedy.

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Thomas A. Damaskinos

You are in my heart forever my friend. I will never forget man. 9 -1 - 1 NEVER FORGET

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Ryan J Hill

We were only aquintances, but rest in peace my friend. Thoughts and prayers go to your family.


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Taylor D. Marks

We were only acquintances, but then again who doesnt know of everyone in our town. Thoughts and prayers are still going out to your family. Thank you for paying the ultamite sacrafice, death, for our freedom, just like Jesus did. Rest in Peace my friend.

- DD

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Kory D Wiens

Merry Christmas and Happy New Years, Kory and Cooper, my "extended brother". You will never be forgotten. We love you and miss you so much.

--Nikk's Sis, DD

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Jared W Southworth

LT, although I only knew you for a short time, you were an inspiration to me. I will never forget you, thanks for all that you have done.

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Samuel Oitice

so hard to believe it's been 8 years. I'm trying to do my best and keep it together for the kids, but some days it's tough. I know you are looking down on us and smiling- I will take good care of our Granddaughter !!!

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Willard T. Partridge

god bless from australia

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Jose E Ulloa

May peace be with you as you did for us....

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Johnny R. Polk

just wanted to say happy birthday


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Michael P. Montgomery


It was enough for me to know you had a beautiful family and successful military career, but knowing that you're gone...I can't cry hard enough. I will miss you with all my heart.

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Marcus A. Tynes

God bless you Marcus! To Marcus family stay strong .God does not make mistakes know that Marcus is simling down on you all and letting you know that is ok .Love Minister T.Strappier

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Briand T. Williams

God bless Briand soul.To Briand family stay strong and know that God does not make no mistakes .Love Minister T.Strappier

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Daniel P. Drevnick

God bless Daniel soul.To Daniel family I know how it feels to lose someone very close to you .My father and two brothers got killed in NYC and it feels like you can't go know futher in life .Know that God loves him more then you do and God knew what was best for him.Be strong and hang in there and know that Daniel is smiling down at you all letting you all know that he is ok.God Bless Minister T.Strappier

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Daniel P. Drevnick


Its been five months since you left us and there isn't a day or minute that does not go by without you in our thoughts. Christmas was not the same without you and your happy spirit. We kept your giving heart alive this Christmas and sent your fellow soldiers stockings filled with gifts and treats as you would have wanted, we will continue this until all your Guard Family are home. We are so proud of your accomplishments and your service to god and country.


Dad, Mom and Shelby

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Michael P. Montgomery


I will never forget our times at Ft. Mother Rucker and Panama City with the boys. May god be with you and your family. You are among your warrior buddies now along with my son Dan who was killed in Basra Iraq this last July.

Scouts Out,


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Bufford K Van Slyke

Bufford and myself talked while serving in Iraq in 2007 about home and how we both used to go to the big house in Bay City and we also talked about how we were going to hang out when we got home. He will be greatly missed as a friend and a fellow marine, there is not one day where he dosen't cross my mind and the talks we used to have.

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Ricardo X Rodriguez

amado hijo feliz navidad que el señor este siempre contigo recibe mis besos y bendiciones esta navidad te amamos mucho y te extrañamos te amo hijo mama

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Marcus A. Tynes

(RIP) Marcus A. Tynes 19 of moreno valleys, valley view high school... we will always remember you in our minds and our hearts. Let us never forget the price you paid for our freedom... now i truly know what it means when they say FREEdom isnt free... :'( im gonna miss you bro! i still have your gamertag on my xbox (lazycoon) but it says your "offline" i still have the macho card u gave me from when u worked at del taco too... ill always remember the fun times we had and how i regret being at your going away party before you shipped out to basic... i love and miss you bro... and always know your sacrifice wasnt in vain :'( im actually crying as im writing this... im such a girl lol

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Jordan C Haerter

Jordan, always on our minds...I got to catch up with your mom..sharing great memories of our boys! :-)

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Roberto D. Sanchez

Psalm 34:18

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit

Your family is in my prayers

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Thomas D. Rabjohn

I could never express my deep and sincere sadness for the loss of Thomas' family of their loving father and husband. Please know that you are in my prayers.

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Cody R. Stanley

Cody, thank you for your bravery. Your soul and your family are in my prayers

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Brian R. Bates Jr

Psalm 34:18

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit

As a fellow American, I thank you for your bravery and my prayers are with your friends and family

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Aaron J. Taylor

I'm so sorry about this tragic loss. A fellow American thanks you for your bravery

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Russell L. Collier

I am Ruessll L. Collier daughter. I missed my dad alot. I know that it has been 5 yeard since his death, but I know that he is watching over me. I believe that he will always be watching over me.

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Johnny R. Polk

hi daddy? This is zay... i just wanted to stop by and say "marry christmas." We had a good christmas this year it was actually the best i have had since i was a child. dadddyguess what? while we were trying to give you a toast george stupid drunk self knocked over all the drinks lol so mamm poured a cup drank on him lol. but i just want to keep in touch i love you and will talk to you soon. your birthday is coming up in a few days.

Xavier jones (2end oldest son)



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Michael K. Spivey

We thank and honor Spc. Spivey as he is without question a hero in any sense of the word. God Bless Spc. Spivey as well as his family who no doubt miss him dearly. God Bless you Spc. Spivey may you rest in peace and God bless the United States of America....

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Michael K. Spivey

Rest in peace Michael.

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Jason Lopez-Reyes

Brave souls all they are, loved by many, never forgotten. We will honor them, and morn the lost of our sons and daughters. My God bless their souls.

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Frank B. Hernandez

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, for your selflessness. May God Bless you and your family.

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Kyle A. Coumas

Not a day or mission goes by, where I don't remember the faces of friends lost in this place. Its the only drive I have left as I figure out why we are here. Every action I take is on behalf of you and your brothers who finally found peace in war. DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR!

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Tyler R. Walshe

Tyler, I love you. I miss you. It still doesn't seem real. Your daughter acts just like you! I know you're looking down on us, forever and ever booger bunny!

Your wife,


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Daniel J. Beard

This is for all those serving both in the US and Canada (Afghanistan) and Great Britain who have put their lives on the line for all of us. Let's never forget their sacrifices.

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 For Philip A. Murphy-Sweet   For David A Wilkey Jr   For Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia   For Frank E. Adamski III   For Benjamin Walker   For Trevor B. Adkins   For Adam D. Jones   For Laurie Cobb   For Larry E Polley Jr   For Paul C. Holter III   For Alex D Gonzalez   For Christopher D Young   For Jose E Ulloa   For John Michael Roy Curwin   For Derek L. Shanfield   For Marisol Heredia   For John Charles Jenkins   For Todd Beamer   For Steven Paul Chucknick   For Geoffrey Perez  
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