Liberty unites

liberty unites us
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Nicholas P Olson

Nicholas, Our son Joey made the jouney to Heaven with you and Donald. We think of everyday. You are a Hero. Love, The Landry Family

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Benjamin Millman

I'll always remember to remember you!

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John Paul Bocchi

I use to work at the Post Office in the town that he lived. He always seem to be kind and always smiling. Wife Michelle, was so sweet and they have the cutest boys! Attended the service for him and was of the saddest moments in my life. Hardly knew him but was just amazed at how many he touch and loved. May God continue to bless his wife and those four boys to grow without a father. God Bless.

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Gary Albero

I was very sadenned when I became aware of of Gary's passing by accident 2 years ago. I met Gary at a gym in NYC in 1990. We struck up a freindship and became good friends. We worked in the same neighborhood uptown and would head down to the gym after work. Gary was one of those rare individuals that if he befreinded you , it was like you were a family member. He was always there for you needed him, always a joy to be around, and always willing to try anything that sparked his interest. I had boxed in the PAL and when he mentioned that he wanted to try the Golden Gloves, I warned him it wouldn't be easy. To his credit however, he saw it through and said it was one of the greatest athletic experieces that he ever had. Unfortunately we lost touch when my job was relocated and I was blessed with a new son which limted my time at the gym. I'm so sorry that we did.

I was blessed however to have gotten to know Gary, a great human being, even for the short time that I did. My deepest condolences to his family on this sad day.

God Bless,

Leo Kapakos, friend

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Steven Paul Chucknick

My prayers are with your family today and everyday. Peace be with you

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Vincent C Winston Jr

i miss you so much already and I will do everything in my power to make sure this doesnt happen to anymore of us brother...Please watch over us here and keep us safe...Comanches are the same with out you...Spc Forsyth

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Scott Powell

We love and miss you! Your family from pittsburgh!!!!!!!!!

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Mary Lou Hague

Mary Lou, I think of you so very often throughout the year; however, I find myself drawn to search for every memorial I can find on this day of remembrance - so that I can let you and everyone else know how much you still mean to me. I am in complete shock that it has been 7 years since your beauty and grace blessed this earth. You are, and will always be, one of the most amazing individuals that I have ever known. As time passes, I will never forget and I will always hold a special place in my heart just for you. If only…

I miss you Mary Lou!

D. Brown, friend

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Lt. Glenn Wilkinson

I would like to let his family know that I am a firefighter in Colorado (Littleton). I was at a 9/11 memorial stair climb today put on by firefighters. I climbed 110 stories today (9-11-08) in full bunkers and pack in memory of Lt. Glenn Wilkinson. He kept me motivated and inspired. I would love to contact his family somehow.


Tim Urban


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Bart Joseph Ruggiere

We will always remember the special people we lost . prayers for the victims and their families.

and I especially remember bart joseph Ruggiere...

my family name...from Rome, Italy. now Ruggere.

God bless, and keep him in the palm of his hand. Forever young.

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Susan Ann Ruggiero

We will never forget all the terrible loss of that day.

and today on the seventh anniversary I saw the name, so similar to my family name..

Ruggere from Rome, Italy.

special prayers for Susan Ann Ruggiero

God keep you in his hand Susan,

and special blessings for her family.

forever young. God Bless

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Mildred Naiman

I miss you auntie and i love you with all my heart :)

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Shevonne Mentis

Condolences on your loss from a fellow American in Newhall, California, God Bless Shevonne and her family and friends.

We will never, ever forget any of them!!!

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Stephen G. Hoffman

Stephen, forever you will be in our hearts. You are never forgotten. I think of that day, 9.11.01, every single day of my life. we will NEVER forget you. Gone in body, but not in spirit. Your family has been so strong all these years, and I know that you will continue to look out for them.

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Michael R Dinterman

Your son makes me so proud of being an American. Americans and indeed civilized peole throughout the world have be so thankful for the sacrifice he made in such a far off place to keep that 13th century, brutal regime from coming back to power in the country which harbored those who attacked us on Sept. 11th, 2001. I know God has already welcomed him but I pray that God sends some comfort to you, his parents, in what has to be a horrible time. Bill Grant, Sarasota, FL

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Sareve Dukat

We are sorry for your loss Joel .

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Donald G. Havlish Jr.

To Mrs. Havlish. Mrs. Havlish, I had commuted with your husband for years. We use to say good morning to one another every day. On very bitterly cold days, your husband and I use to be on the train platform in Trenton smoking. I am a smoker like your husband was. I still am today. When Amtrak use to have the smoking cars, your husband and I would be in them.

Sincerely, Nick Taylor

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Tan Q Ngo

R.I.P Tan!!! You were a good pal to me and us all at job corps.

--------HERO'S NEVER DIE--------------

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Colleen Ann Barkow

I can still remember you on the day this photo was taken, my wedding day. How I miss all the years we could have shared together, thus far. I will never forget you and think about you oftern. Missing you always, Carolyn ~ BCF

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Jake Jagoda

I'll never forget. God Bless the Jagoda Family.

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Derek J Plowman

May you be in god's grace forever.

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William Edward Micciulli

we miss you uncle billy. i love you

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Alan Wayne Friedlander

Dearest Alan: On this the anniversary of losing a loved one and friend I think of you. The events of 9/11 were so incredibly tragic and moving. But learning that you were among the victims, personalizes it for me and makes it all the more heartwrenching. I think of many memories I have of you. I was blessed to know you...

I attended mass, took communion and lit a candle today in honor of your memory. I pray that your family is coping with your loss. You will never be forgotten. I am confident that you are at peace and in a far better place than us. We all miss you. Til we meet again.... Pat Dobler

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Noell Maerz

We will never forget

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Yamel Merino

Por los hermonos recuerdos de nuestra niñez nunca te olvidare... Se que estas en el cielo muy cerca de Dios rogando po todos nosotros

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Kenneth B Gibson

I never got to meet you, but I know you were a great man!

Thank you for your service and God bless

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Michelle Coyle Eulau

One of the nicest people you could know. Even though I didn't know Michelle that well - we were co-workers - I know that she is the kind of person who is missed in the deepest kind of way.

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Christine Barbuto

For you Christine - you are not forgotten. Rest in Peace,

Shari, Septebmer 11, 2008

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Colleen Ann Barkow


I will never forget any of you. I wanted you to know this today - September 11, 2008.

May you Rest in Peace. Way too young to have lost your life.


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Alysia Basmajian


I do not know you...I am so sorry this happened to are not forgotten...Rest in Peace.

Shari, September 11, 2008

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Lorraine G. Bay

Rest in Peace.


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Todd Beamer

Rest in Peace....September 11, 2008


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Alan Beaven

Alan, you are not forgotten. Rest in Peace,


September 11, 2008

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Thomas Edward Burnett, Jr

You will always be rememberd in our heart and minds and we shall never forget. May you rest in peace.

September 11, 2008


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Deora Frances Bodley


You are remembered....this candle is for you...September 11, 2008.


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Robert Deraney


Rest in Peace...You are Remembered...September 11, 2008


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Nicole Miller are remembered...this candle is for you....Rest in peace.


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Khalid M. Shahid


May you rest in peace. We will never forget.

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Kevin Patrick York


You are in our heart and memories forever. We will never forget.


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Barbara Jean Bobbi Arestegui

Barbara, I do not know you but please know I will Never Forget. May you rest in peace.


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Salvatore J. Zisa

Sal, I do not know you, but know I will never forget.


Rest in Peace.

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Eskedar Melaku

You are missed dearly.

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Daniel Hal Crisman

Miss you Dan!

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Michael Horn

I am sure you are missed by your loved ones. You worked with someone very close to my family Stephen Hoffman please tell him he is missed also. My heart goes out to all the victims and their families.

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Jose J. Marrero

Que Dios te tenga en su GLORIA, Te llevo siempre en mi CORAZON... Nos vemos PRONTO....Lizzy

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Matthew Picerno

Hey Matt,

Miss seeing you on the ferry everyday..Mr. Smiley! You''ll always be remembered you and your family are always in my thoughts and prayers

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Paul F. Sarle

I so miss going to see you and your brother play in your band we so looked forward to that your guys were so good together and such a pleasure to work with. Look over your family and friends! You are so missed!!!

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Dennis J. O'Connor Jr.

You were such a sweet nice guy Look over your brother and your family you are so missed!

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Michael Patrick Iken

You were such a down to earth sweet guy and a pleasure to work with! You'll always be missed Look over your family and friends we miss you!

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Vincent Abate

You guys were so much funt to work with and we had the best times! Miss you guys so much Watch over Drew and your family you guys are so missed!



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Andrew Anthony Abate

Was such a pleasure working with you I remember every time I got frustrated at work all I had to do was look your way and you'd make me smile! Miss you bro! Look over your family and give Vinny a hug for me!

Bridget Ganey

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Gregory James Malone

You were one of a kind and I miss that raspy voice! You'll never be forgotten!

your lil Buddy,


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John F. Casazza

You'll always be remembered John!

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James V. DeBlase

You and your family are in my prayers ..Miss you Big guy!


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Steven Harris Russin

Your greatly missed! And have a beautiful family!

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Jude Elias Safi

Miss you Jude It's been over 7 years since I last saw you but I'll never forget your charm,your smile and your ability to make everyone smile around you! xoxo Watch over us and we Will meet again!

Your friend,

Bridget Ganey

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Jude Elias Safi

Miss you Jude It's been over 7 years since I last saw you but I'll never forget your charm,your smile and your ability to make everyone smile around you! xoxo Watch over us and we Will meet again!

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Steven Paul Chucknick

My Beloved Husband,

Today I can't stop crying. All the what if's come flooding back into my mind. I can't believe it is 7 years already and my heart remain broken forever. I pray that on that on this day 7 years ago that you were lifted to God in the arms of the Angels. Oh how I miss you..

My heart to only yours for all eternity

Your wife Barbara

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Thomas J. Collins

Tom was classmate a friend of mine at Ithaca College. This picture of that you have of him is exactly the way we all remember him. I will never forget Thomas for the rest of my life. My heart is with all of his family and friends, Tony (Email Link)

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Michael J. Pescherine

I think of Michael every year. I graduated from PHS the same year he did.

Lori Morgan (Jaycox)

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Joann Tabeek

You will always be in my heart. I love and miss you very much. Give Jimmy a great big hug and kiss from Aunt Lou. Please give Dad a hug and a kiss too.

Love ya...........LouAnn

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Brandon J. Buchanan

Brandon you and your brother will never be forgotten...Look down on us and your family and get us through this HORRID day. We love you and we miss you. Godspeed my friends

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Michael R Dinterman

I didn't know Michael or his family, but my brother Army Pv2 Micheal Prigge was friends with him in training and in fort hood where they left together for Afghanistan. My brother is in Afghanistan now in the recon group and he is very sad about his friend Michael. I know he is thinking of him and he will remember the time they spent together. My deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Michael, we appreciate his sacrifice and yours and you are in our thoughts and prayers. God bless our Troops.

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Estell L Turner

God bless Spc. Turner and his family, he served his country and made the ultimate sacrifice.

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Cynthia L. Connolly

I lit a candle for you on the 1st year anniversary and I have remembered you since. Peace be with you.

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William Esposito

Esposito Family,

Every year, on this day, I think about when i came by your house (visiting Craig, I was dating Craigs friend at the time)and the Sorrow that was felt. IM SO SORRY for the loss of your father Craig. I pray for you guys all the time. I hope you guys are doing well, and I pray for you sister as well...May God be with you guys, not only on this day every year, but EVERDAY there after.

With ALL my love,

Jennifer Thomas (Eddy)

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Vincent C Winston Jr

thank you Winston for being one of my favorite Soldiers. The squad and I will never forget you.... We love you bro.... Always and forever

PUMA's Lead the way.....

SSG Smith

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Manuel Da Mota

My condolences after all this time, I still remember him. To Barbara and his children my sympathies as well as his family in Portugal, Canada and U.S.A.

Cindy Silva

He will never be forgotten.

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Lt. Ronald T. Kerwin

Today I heard your name spoken the the 9/11 tribute on TV. I didn't know til then that we lost you. We both went to Hicksville High and were in the same grade and I will never forget your beautiful smile and kindness back then.

God Bless You and your family and thank you for being a proud and brave member of the NYFD.

An old friend, Sue Andersen

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Jose Cardona

Te recordaremos siempre. Que Dios te tenga en su ceno

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Julie Lynne Zipper

even tho i dont know you, u will never be forgotten

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Jill Carroll

i feel so sorry for all the poeple that was in the 911 it was a very bad thing that happen

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Edward T. Strauss

Always Remembered!

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Yamel Merino

Missing you cuz.

Betty Brito

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Jeremy M Heines

Miss you sweetheart

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Capt. Thomas Moody

Thank you for this meaningful tribute. Capt. Moody, RIP. To his family, you will always be in my thoughts and prayers and may God hold you in the palm of his hand.

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Jasper Baxter

to the baxter family..jasper's spirit will always be alive..i know because god's angels are always around us....may peace be with you..

carol v.wilson of 21st & tasker

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Colleen Supinski

Noreen & Stephen--

I don't know if this will get to you, but I had to try. It's Kristin Phillips--Colleen's old rommate from Hoboken. I always wake up thinking about you on 9/11, and of course, of Colleen. My heart is with you today and prayers and thoughts always. I hope it is the slightest comfort to you to know what an affect your daughter's life had on people--the world. God bless you! Kristin, Fairhope, AL

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Robert Emmett Parks Jr.

Dear Bobby -

You are always remembered and forever loved -

Love the 'Leary' Family

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Marcus R. Neblett

I can't believe it's been 7 years since you've been gone. I remember all the good times we had together. I it's not just on 9-11 that I think of you. It is all the time. You are greatly missed and will never be forgotten.

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Mauricio Gonzalez


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Christopher J. Scudder

It's been 7 years - you're still missed. Kimmie has passed and I know if she were alive she would post a poem or thought but she died in 2003 of heart failure(I know she is with you) you were such a good friend to her and Sekou.

On this day when I feel the wind on my face I will know it's both you and Kimmie. God bless baby girl (Chris's daughter). I pray for her always as well as my daughters son, my son's daughter. The losses are overwhelming. Much love to Christopher's family.

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Manuel O. Asitimbay

May god bless you and your family

May god bring peace to everyone who suffered form these horrible attacks and let them rest in peace

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Craig Damian Lilore

I grew up in Lyndhurst, and that last name sounds so familiar. God bless friends and family of Craig.

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Frederic Kim Han

We think of you and your family often.

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Jane Eileen Josiah

7 years today, and needless to say I miss you as much as always. You are forever embedded in my heart and your smile in my memories. Every so often you appear in my dreams to console me and tell me you are alright. Unfortunately it is a fleeting comfort. We love and miss you Mama Jane.

-Conny Austin, TX

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Frederic Kim Han

You are remembered

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Rebecca Lee Koborie

Seems like yesterday...I remeber jogging in my old neighborhood that morning and seeing so many stars in the morning sky. I love you sis. Being your little brother, I always knew you were out there acting and being a star. You're a star forever now.

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Jennifer DeJesus





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Thomas J. Collins

Tom was classmate a friend of mine at Ithaca College. This picture of that you have of him is exactly the way we all remember him. I will never forget Thomas for the rest of my life. My heart is with all of his family and friends, Tony (Email Link)

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Barbara Jean Bobbi Arestegui

We will never forget uyou...May you rest in peace..Mayra Colon

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Elaine Myra Greenberg

My condolences for your loss. This attack was so devastating for me as a citizen. I can't imagine how it impacted Elaine's family.

Myra Elaine Zurofsky

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Edmund M. McNally

May the grace of God, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever. Rest in peace!

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Brian Joseph Cachia

We remember you!!

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John Nicholas Humber Jr.

Jeff & Judy:

I was horrified to hear of Nick's death. I remember the times I spent at your Mom and Dad's home. My parents were Andy and Mary Knowles. Your grandmother was my Great Aunt Rose. When I would visit Aunt Clara & Johnny I would spend time in your play houses in the backyard in Ludlow. I remember the wonderful picture of the three of you hanging in your mom's & dad's house. Your mom would always send me home with a bag full of walnuts. It is a shame we lost contact after your mom's passing. I think of Nick every now and then but especially on 9/11. My deepest sympathy is with you and your families.

Barbara Knowles

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John Nicholas Humber Jr.

Jeff & Judy:

I was horrified to hear of Nick's death. I remember the times I spent at your Mom and Dad's home. My parents were Andy and Mary Knowles. Your grandmother was my Great Aunt Rose. When I would visit Aunt Clara & Johnny I would spend time in your play houses in the backyard in Ludlow. I remember the wonderful picture of the three of you hanging in your mom's & dad's house. Your mom would always send me home with a bag full of walnuts. It is a shame we lost contact after your mom's passing. I think of Nick every now and them but especially on 9/11. My deepest sympathy is with you and your families.

Barbara Knowles

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James Thomas Murphy

When Chrissy and Sean got married, our family married the Murphy Clan and were the better for it. Jimmy was always at the center of some funny story or joke at family gatherings. That's how I'll always remember him.

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Katie Marie McCloskey

You are missed

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Manette Marie Beckles

I knew Manette very well; she and my mom were close. Although this happened seven years ago, I still think I'm going to hear my mother say "I just got off the phone with that crazy Manette." It's not until another September 11 passes that I realize that won't happen, and it never gets easier.

A funny, gorgeous, outspoken, intelligent woman and mother; Manette will truly be missed, I miss her. I know her spirit will remain with everyone in her life, and she will continue bless everyone she loves.

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 For Philip A. Murphy-Sweet   For David A Wilkey Jr   For Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia   For Frank E. Adamski III   For Benjamin Walker   For Trevor B. Adkins   For Adam D. Jones   For Laurie Cobb   For Larry E Polley Jr   For Paul C. Holter III   For Alex D Gonzalez   For Christopher D Young   For Jose E Ulloa   For John Michael Roy Curwin   For Derek L. Shanfield   For Marisol Heredia   For John Charles Jenkins   For Todd Beamer   For Steven Paul Chucknick   For Geoffrey Perez  
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