Liberty unites

liberty unites us
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For Seteria

Rest In Peace. May God be with you and with all your family and loved ones.

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Rest In peace. May God be with you and your family always. Thanks for everything you did in this world.

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William J Mulvihill

Never got to meet you, but i did hear soo much about you.... you sound like a real amazing guy and your going to be truly missed....

From all us in Australia

R.I.P Will


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William J Mulvihill

Never got to meet you, but i did hear soo much about you.... you sound like a real amazing guy and your going to be truly missed....

R.I.P Will


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James M Finley

I met James when he was a brand new PVT in Bamberg, Germany. He lived just a few doors down from me, and we became friends before I left there. We did not have contact after that. I will miss him very much. He was a good man and a good soldier. I feel privileged to have known him.

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Jennifer L Cole


You will be missed so very much. Especially your laughter and your smiles. I have a lot of fond memories of you and will remember you always. Be at peace, for now you have passed this world into another. I love you.

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Timothy J Hutton

Timmy, sweetheart, I miss you so much. Its so hard here without you.

I love you so much and I promise I will forever. No matter what happens you will always be firmly in my heart and mind.

I'm sorry we didn't get to grow old together like we had dreamed, hoped and planned. We would've had an amazing life, but its alright.

You live on with me.

I love you, Tim.

Your girl,


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Israel Garcia

Mi nombre es Nelson Castro y yo conoci ha Israel Garcia desde su infancia ,para mi fue un joven ejemplar y la verdad no tengo palabras para expresar mis condolencias ha sus padres y ha su hermano,solamente pedirle ha Dios que los ayude ya que Dios lo mando ha pedir y por su comportamiento ejemplar ha de estar a su lado.


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Danny P Dupre

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Daniel R Verbeke

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Kevin R Dickson

I love you baby brother. ~Ashley Dickson

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Ara T Deysie

dear son you choice what you wanted in life, I will miss you with every last breath I have in me. Till we meet again, You were always my pride and joy, my hero even before you went into the military. I am sad of the sarcrafice you made but thats me as your mother never wanting to let you go. I know youare safe and with your father, till were together again God Bless your mom

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James A McHale

god bless you.....

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Seteria L Brown

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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James A McHale

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Andre D Mitchell

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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David J Badie

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Michael R Girdano

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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William J Mulvihill

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Jair DeJesus Garcia

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Ryan P Baumann

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Kevin R Dickson

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Jennifer L Cole

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Brian K Miller

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Ronald A Schmidt

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Jaime Gonzalez Jr

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Timothy J Hutton

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Jonathan D Menke

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Garrett T Lawton

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Gary M Henry

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Vigil for victims of China earthquake

We will remember...

None of us knew all the victims, but they and their relatives may still reside in our prayers

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Alan E McPeek

mcpeek, i regret not taking you up on going to that skatepark in giessen you had told me about. you live through us.

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Diego Fernando Rincon

I wept when I read the Letter to his mother, it was so touching and it broke my heart. I cannot imagine the great loss of this sweet young son, who loved and adored his family. I don't even know him, but I cry everytime I see his picture and all I can think about is how proud his parents and family must be of this Wonderful HERO!!! My prayers are with the Rincon Family and know that Diego will NEVER be forgotten...God Bless You!!!

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Clint J Storey

I am a lucky one...I have a part of you & See it everyday! I miss you!

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Robert L Frantz

I miss you so much Robby. Thank you for being my hero

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Marc Scott Zeplin

We all miss you.

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Ihab al-Sherif

I pray that you are well, if not in this world, I'll see you in heaven

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Kelly Ann Booms

Kelly Ann, you had your entire-life ahead. Until those heartless terrorists had to cut it short & make sure your career-dreams we're a no-go. But now you're able to pursue them all you want in Heaven, which is an infinitely better-place than we humans on this puny, little earth can imagine. Soon me & my family & friends will get to know you in heaven along with all the other-victims of this tragedy Let's say a little prayer before I finish the message:

Dear Lord, take Kelly Ann into your arms, bring her into your eternal-kingdom where suffering is no more. Help Kelly Ann's still-grieving families & friends who have gone on with they're lives without an important portion of they're lives. help them resist all forms of bitterness & hate from this tragedy so they too can one day meet they're dear daughter & friend again in Heaven. R.I.P. Kelly Ann!!! You will never be forgotten!!! Amen!!!

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Matthew B Phillips



Brad Stuart, Texas. 2008.

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Brian S Leon Guerrero

My cousin Brian was a great person. We used to play when we were kids and later we had kids of our own. We would laugh at how time flew by and how our children were little miniature of ourselves. I am saddened that Brian will not be present for his children. But I will most honored to tell them what a great person he was. You will be missed but never forgotten.

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Steelworker SW Eric L Knott

I did not know you but am sorry to see a young wunderfull person to go so soon :( My son is in the Navy 20 years old.May God be on your Families side Love a Navy Mom...

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Manuel O. Asitimbay

May God bless you and your family.

Rest Safely and Securely in God's Loving Arms.

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Manuel O. Asitimbay

My concolences to the family. I'm from Ecuador and I'm also Asitimbay, I always wonder where the name comes from and I'm looking around to know where are family name started.

Any information please let me know at (Email Link).

thanks and I'm really sorry for your lost.


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Vivian Casalduc

We miss you everyday..

R.I.P. Viv.

Until we meet again..


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Jackie L Larsen



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Michael D Elledge

I have no words to ease the pain, but i wish there was such a thing.

I can only give my deepest condolences.

I hope this helps even though i know it doesn't.

He served a great deal for our country.

I can't even imagine what you are going through.

I am sorry about the tragedy and when i heard about it on the news channel, i immediatly googled Michael D. Elledge condolences.

I appologize again...

The loss of a hero like such is unreal.

He sacrificed for us all...

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Hurricane Katrina Victims

I am wishing all the best to everyone in the Big Easy'

,L.U.S& frm Canadas Nrth wst Territories god bless U all

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Wilberto Suliveras

As we just passed the year mark of Sullies death, I'm sure many others are feeling the emptiness I feel.... I loved this man... He was a great leader to my husband, and a great inspiration as a fellow NCO. So I sit back and drink one of his favorite "green pepsis" in memory of a great friend..... RIP brother... I still miss you

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David W Textor

you will be honored and in my prayers. Thank you for everything you have done for our country.

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James M Treber

i wish you didn't have to leave us bro everyone misses u, u will not be forgotten, my prayers to your family.

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Adam L Marion

I miss you more & more everyday. Not a day goes by that I don't think about you!

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Cody C Grater

The year of many first without you. Our hearts are still broken. You are missed very much. I know you are in heaven sitting with our Lord and watching down on us and smiling. Love you forever!

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John Paul Bocchi

After all this time my heart still goes out to the family.

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Jason D Mann

my heart goes out to the family of First Lt. Jason mann. I am deeply sorry for the loss and pain the family must be enduring at this time of sadness.

God Bless

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David W Textor


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Col Dominic R Baragona

Your sacrifice will remain in our hearts for a lifetime,

with intense gratitude. May God bless you and your family.

Rest Safely and Securely in God's Loving Arms.

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Willington M Rhoads

Your sacrifice will remain in our hearts for a lifetime,

with intense gratitude. May God bless you and your family.

Rest Safely and Securely in God's Loving Arms.

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Jackie L Larsen

Your sacrifice will remain in our hearts for a lifetime,

with intense gratitude. May God bless you and your family.

Rest Safely and Securely in God's Loving Arms.

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Jason D Mann

Your sacrifice will remain in our hearts for a lifetime,

with intense gratitude. May God bless you and your family.

Rest Safely and Securely in God's Loving Arms.

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Nick A Dewhirst

Your sacrifice will remain in our hearts for a lifetime,

with intense gratitude. May God bless you and your family.

Rest Safely and Securely in God's Loving Arms.

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Ivan I Wilson

Your sacrifice will remain in our hearts for a lifetime,

with intense gratitude. May God bless you and your family.

Rest Safely and Securely in God's Loving Arms.

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Army Spc. Armand L Luke Frickey

Your sacrifice will remain in our hearts for a lifetime,

with intense gratitude. May God bless you and your family.

Rest Safely and Securely in God's Loving Arms.

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Justin L. ODonohoe

Your sacrifice will remain in our hearts for a lifetime,

with intense gratitude. May God bless you and your family.

Rest Safely and Securely in God's Loving Arms.

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Bryant L Davis

Your sacrifice will remain in our hearts for a lifetime,

with intense gratitude. May God bless you and your family.

Rest Safely and Securely in God's Loving Arms.

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Michael J Jakes Jr

Your sacrifice will remain in our hearts for a lifetime,

with intense gratitude. May God bless you and your family.

Rest Safely and Securely in God's Loving Arms.

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Neil C Roberts

Your sacrifice will remain in our hearts for a lifetime,

with intense gratitude. May God bless you and your family.

Rest Safely and Securely in God's Loving Arms.

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Matthew L Hilton

God Bless you and be with your family. Thank you for your sacrafice and keeping us free. Rest in peace my brother.

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John Paul Bocchi

God Bless, Rest in peace. You are not forgotten.

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Angelo J Vaccaro

God bless my Son.

I never new I had such a brave man in my mist.

He will be missed always, and my wife and I could not be any more proud of him as we are.

God bless all the other troops serving and those who have lost their lives.

Angelo is surely watching over them.

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Ivan I Wilson

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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David W Textor

Dear David and Family: Thank you all so much for your sacrifice and the precious gift you have given us in David's service. I only knew you, David, as the little kid on the schoolbus. I am very proud that you grew up to be such a remarkable man and that I at least had the opportunity to know who you were. I can only tell you how much I know you are loved by your family and friends that knew you better than I. There are many more who are strangers and are across the world thanking you for your gift as well. I am sure you were an angel on earth and God did great things with you here. You will be honored and remembered always by many of us. Thank you. P.S. If you aren't too busy in heaven, keep a protective angel wing out for my husband and his soldiers currently serving in Afghanistan.

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Sandra W. Bradshaw

Sandy Is my Hero, and Rolemodel. I truly look up to her. I strive to be just like her. I never got to meet her, but I think it's amazing that she touched lives of people she did not even know, including me. She is the reason I go after my dreams. I think about her everyday. I even have a bracelet that is engraved with her name in it. It helps me to not forget. We shall never forget. I pray for her familly everday, and Just know you'll see her again.

Love Always,

Kayla Foor

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Steven Paul Chucknick

My Love

Tonight my heart is hurting because I miss you so very much.... I will always love you

My heart to only you forever

Your Wife Barbara

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Kevin T. Szocik

God bless

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Benedetta Ciaccia

I have recently graduated from the same college – Birkbeck, and I know that waiting for the final year results is extremely exciting and stressful at the same time. It is such a shame that Benedetta never got hers. It could be any of us - Birkbeck students and we all should be aware of it. Rest in peace Benedetta, I will definitely think about you when receiving diploma.

Artur (Birkbeck College student)

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Bruce C Salazar Jr

you are and always will be in our hearts and we miss you so much but know your in a better place and we will see you soon love you and miss you R.I.P BRUCE AKA JR.


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Jason M Bogar

Jason I only met you 2 with your best friend Nathan Cullison but it has been a blessing to meet someone so strong and a great soldier that you will be truly miss from me and the Cullison family, rest peacefully in gods hands. Again you will always be in our heart.

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David W Textor

David I want you to know that this is Caleb your step son, Anyways even though you weren't my real father I loved having you share the same title. And throughout the six years you had lived with me you tought me more and shared more memories than I thought you would ever take up in my life, and I thought that you were not gonna like me at first but you know we grew to like eachother over time and I am glad we did i wish you were still here man R.I.P.

love your son-


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Christopher R. Kilpatrick

This is sgt blanchard even though im not in 603rd anymore i will never forget the man that had the biggest heart for his country you will never be forgotten my condolences jason blanchard former sgt blanchard

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Jason D Mann

I am honored to have known Jason. He was my brother's, Jay King, best friend. I remember the days he came around and the bond they shared. Jason was and will always be an incredible man. I will remember him as an amazing friend and hero who fought for our country. I hope you can find comfort in the hugs, hearts and listening ears of family and friends. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

May God Bless you.

Sharon King

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Cody C Grater

You are always on my mind...thinking of all our conversations especially the last one. I am so proud of you all all that you accomplished. I talk of you all the time. Love and miss you so much!

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Jonathan R Ayers

Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!

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Jason M Bogar

Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!

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Sergio S Abad

Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!

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Jeremy D Vrooman

Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!

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David W Textor

Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!

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Jeffery S Stevenson

Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!

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Willington M Rhoads

Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!

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Jackie L Larsen

Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!

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Jason D Mann

Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!

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Nick A Dewhirst

Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!

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Dawid Pietrek

Dawid,to mlody czlowiek,ktory urodzil sie w jednym kraju,walczyl i zginal za drugi, w jeszcze innym odpoczywa w spokoju.

Dziekujemy, ze moglismy poznac Ciebie Dawidzie i pokochac jak syna.

Malgosia i Jarek(Jaro tak mowiles)


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Dawid Pietrek

Dawid,to młody człowiek,który urodził się w jednym kraju,walczył i poległ za drugi, w jeszcze innym odpoczywa w spokoju.

Dziękujemy za to,ze mogliśmy Ciebie Dawidzie poznać.

Małgosia i Jarek(Jaro tak mówiłeś)


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Sergio S Abad

i wish to express my deepest regret for your name is andrew victory and attended basic training with abad,he was bright and full of enery. he was well known in basic for messing with our drill sgt's.

i would attend the funural but regretably im being deployed again in 2 days,so just know that my thoughts and prayers go out to you and may God shower his mercy and love on you.

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Jason D Mann

A great kid, a great father, a great husband and a great MARINE.

Miss you Jason

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Jackie L Larsen

Im widushan

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Cody C Grater

First my friend....then my my angel!

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Freeman L Gardner Jr

Hello #1 Son, I truly miss you, however, you will always be a part of my heart.

Thank you for caring and sharing your love for your country. You are a hero to many.

I understand the saying "All gave some, and some gave all."

While you were in Iraq, you dreamed of peace, now you can enjoy as you rest in peace.

Love from your MOM, Farra

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 For Philip A. Murphy-Sweet   For David A Wilkey Jr   For Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia   For Frank E. Adamski III   For Benjamin Walker   For Trevor B. Adkins   For Adam D. Jones   For Laurie Cobb   For Larry E Polley Jr   For Paul C. Holter III   For Alex D Gonzalez   For Christopher D Young   For Jose E Ulloa   For John Michael Roy Curwin   For Derek L. Shanfield   For Marisol Heredia   For John Charles Jenkins   For Todd Beamer   For Steven Paul Chucknick   For Geoffrey Perez  
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