I still can't believe that you are gone. When we met, we were just little kids. I am praying for you and for your family. So many loved you. My dear friend, you will always be in my heart.
I knew Mike personally. He was one of my friends & classmates in high school. We all miss him always. We will never forget you Mike. You were such a great guy, a great friend, and a great classmate. You'll never be forgotten. We all think of you as our hero for serving our country. RIP
Mike, I think back to the times in high school and remember the great memories of our class of 2007. You'll always be remembered by everyone in our class. Josh just got back from Iraq, and in a month he is going to Afghanistan, please watch over him. We all miss you always!
Jose was a dear friend and i know that he died a hero. Dear friend i miss you and still cant believe that you are gone. Knowing that you are in heaven looking down on us making sure that we laughing and never sad. Buddy, I miss you sooooo much...I'll be seeing you
To everyone who takes the time to read these I want to say Thank You. Brian was my husband and is the father of our two beautiful children. I know there are many out there that share my pain. God Bless You all. I have you all in my prayers and I thank you for yours.
May God bless you and keep you in perfect peace,resting in the wings of his love. I extend my sympathy to your mom and your family as well. Rest in peace! Domino.....
Hello L'iL Vincent, I know you're at peace, however I miss you mega much! So does your Dad and Don. The holiday's are upon us, thursday is Thanksgiving! you love Macaroni and cheese not to mention the candy yams and A honey baked Ham...we will all say A prayer for our fallen hero, "YOU"! talking and remanising about the times we all shared with you. You will always be near and dear to us. Don and your Dad are coming for the holiday so is your uncle June,Karl and walter I'm looking forward to seeing your uncle Knico You remember him as uncle (BOE), my love I've got A lot on my plate planning for out of town guest, I just wanted to share A few things with before I started my day. Rest in peace my love the whole world smiles on You! NANNO......
Thank you for your service. Families of the DUSTWUNs endure some of the hardest pain. The criminal responsible for this attack and the murder of Matt Maupin was reported killed on 11/11/2008. Only two men remain missing now, Altaie and Gilbert. I pray they all come home at last. God bless you and give you peace.
Sweetheart,I light this candle especially today to thank you for our son. Today he is 20 years old, and a constant reminder of the love that you gave to me...I love you so muchMy heart to only yours foreverYour wife Barbara
My family would like to let the family of Joseph J. Ogren know that we bought the 911 memorial braclet with his name on it. If you would like we can send you a pic of it. We thank you for your family sacrafice. you can contact us at (Email Link).
Vincent will live on in the hearts of those who loved him...may those memories soothe the spirit. I send my heartfelt sympathy. Cousin RaMona SMOOCHES!!!!
You remain forever in our hearts and in our thoughts. Jeff and Robbie and Jenna are still sorry about not taking that last Tavern fishing tournament as seriously as you did. (Not really.... but you all had fun, and it's still a very fond and funny memory.)We will never forget (and probably will never again experience) the 5 star meal and 10 star treatment that we got at Norman's when you guys came down to stay with us after moving up to VA. We will also never forget the Tuesday fishing trips on "Another Reward" or the escorted dog walks around the Grove.Chris, our very dear friend: Rest in Peace. We are so proud of you, and to have been friends with you, and most especially of your service to this country.-Dorothy & JeffP.S. Weird guy Manny, from the Grove (the one that salivated all over Liz all the time), has his own freaking TV show on Discovery Channel these days. We miss you like all hell, but we're kind of glad you never had to see Manny in a camoflauge bananna-hammock, especially in hi-def!!We love you and miss you. Mitzy-- if you read this, we've tried to get in touch with you numerous times, but don't know if still check your old email address. We're up in MD now, pretty close to WV and would love to get back in touch.
My Love..this weekend Steven will be 20 years old..I can't belive that he was only 12 when you were taken from us...I love you so much and miss you each and every dayMy heart to yours foreverYour wife Barbara
"Vincent". You are such an un-selfish person, you believed in this Grateful Nation, America! You sacrificed your life here on earth to keep us free. I am so proud of you, my thoughts are on you every day God sends however, I want you to know I will not stand at your grave and weep, I know you are not there. you do not sleep, you are a thousand winds that blow, you're diamond glints on snow! When I awake to gentle rain I think abou't you and wonder if you're the soft uplifting rush of quiet birds in circling flight. When I look up at the stars I feel you are that soft star shining at night! For those reasons I willnot cry at your grave Iknow you're not there because you did not die!!!!!! I miss you so much! My Beloved Grandson. I Love You Forevermore. Your "Nanno"
Vincent, you are truly A hero! Your family is so proud of you. I know your grandmother personally,she misses you so much. I wish you could see how she has displayed all of your Medals,Honors.Awards and Letters you even got A letter from the President himself." You are truly A Son, A Grandson and A Nephew any one would be proud to have! I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Rest in peace as I know you are! I wish I could have thepleasure of meeting U! Sharon
Vincent, you are truly A hero! Your family is so proud of you. I know your grandmother personally,she misses you so much. I wish you could see how she has displayed all of your Medals,Honors.Awards and Letters you even got A letter from the President himself." You are truly A Son, A Grandson and A Nephew any one would be proud to have! I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Rest in peace as I know you are! I wish I could have thepleasure of meeting U! Sharon
I will forever be indebted to you for your friendship and for serving our country. You are missed by so many people and your memory will live on forever. The local post office was dedicated in your name for your bravery and patriotism. I love you and miss you! Kim
Ray, you are a true hero! This day is for you and the many others we have lost in the struggle. You made the ultimate sacrifice for not just your family or your friends but for your people! You fought for us and for our Freedom and for that I truly thank you. I have always thought of you like a brother, I still do and always will. I still remember when we were kids without any worries or problems just the good times and the smiles, I miss those days.
Ray you and your family will ALWAYS be in my heart. I still can't believe I lost you man, I know your in a better place but the pain won't go away. From boys to men we grew, I have nothing but respect and honor for you. I cherish the days we had and know that one day we shall meet again.
May our Father take you into his Kingdom and bless you and your family! May you dance across the stars as we mourn you in our hearts. I miss you so much and I love you Ray watch out for your boy!~Eric Jones
I love you man! Your children are with me and your memory will live on forever. Azaria has sent you a message "I miss my Marquis Daddy!" Micah is just like you. You are here living inside him. Veterans Day brings a new meaning in my life.
Rob was a true hero. I worked with him in Bowling Green and admired him greatly for his integrity. I will truly miss him. God bless him and his family.
I am Joshua's Sister Mandy and today marks the 4 year anniversary of my brothers death. Every solider fighting for our freedom today has my prayers for a safe return home. I am so proud of my brother for fighting for what he had to. He is missed dearly and loved so much. I was blessed to have him as my brother.
i wish my dad was still here with me i was really looknig foward to seeing him again after so many years but then this horrible thing happend im sad but then again i think it was hes time to go and i want him to rest in peace i really miss him when i see hes name or picture i think about him and how he was a great father to me and thank him for everything
Kevin we love you. You will always remain in the hearts of your military family. We promise to be here for your family and wrap our arms around them in their time of need. Sleep now in forever peace.
My Beloved Hero! I miss you so much Li'l Vincent. However, I thank God for the time we shared together! My memories of you are good ones. Your life here on earth was cut short to journey with the Lord, nevertheless I love you so much I'm heart broken knowing I talk to you, look forward to you coming home on leave anymore or ever cooking your favorite meal. Even now I'm crying the reality of losing you is so much to come to terms with in such A short time. I love U! Nanno!!!
My Beloved Hero! I miss you so much Li'l Vincent. However, I thank God for the time we shared together! My memories of you are good ones. Your life here on earth was cut short to journey with the Lord, nevertheless I love you so much I'm heart broken knowing I talk to you, look forward to you coming home on leave anymore or ever cooking your favorite meal. Even now I'm crying the reality of losing you is so much to come to terms with in such A short time. I love U! Nanno!!!