Liberty unites

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Prayers for Jill Carroll

Good thoughts and prayers for a courageous woman.

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Eric Pearrow

I served with Eric in Baumholder Germany with D Co 2-68 (later redesignated as 1-35). He was an outstanding NCO. My prayers are with his family.

Phil Harrington

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ryan ostrom

thinking about u every second ry...come back please

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For you Nicky

You are an amazing Man. I love you.


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He is a brother!

Darren Howe was my bestfriend growing up. His family and mine has known each other for 20 years. We always got in trouble doing very very very stupid things but it only made us better adults learning from our mistakes. Hell will always be remembered as long as I live. He is and alway will be a brother to all of his friends. We love you bro! You will never be forgotten! You are and always will be my hero!

love "Mr.Clean"

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Paul & Patience

You've shown real strength through all of this Patience.

I don't know what I would do ... Chin up girl, Paul's watching , and hopefully watching over all the other soldiers still there.

Until they all come home ............... HOOAH !!!


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Jill Carroll

I am thinking of you.

You are in our prayers daily.

-Susan, Indianapolis

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Brett E. Angus

Cute person outside as Im sure in ......

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Ray M. Fuhrmann II

Your service is greatfully appriciated.. thank you

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Christopher L. Palmer

Thank you for your serves rip

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George T.Alexander,Jr

May God be with your family at this time of need.

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George T. Alexander Jr.

Alexander we miss you so much. Your daughter is growing up to be a wonderful little girl that loves you so much. She misses you but does understand that one day she will see you again.

Today, Tomorrow and Always

We Love You

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My Love, Francis Straub

Hey sweetheart, i was thinking about you so I decided to write. I mailed your brothers package and the poster amanda made to remember you to your mom. I know it took forever but i was scared. I miss you so much and its so hard to go on or move on for that matter. i want you back so badly, my heart aches everyday, i need you so much. I love you Frank, forever and always.


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My cousin Staff Sgt. Jason A. Fegler

Jason was such a moving person! He was my cousin! Thank you Jason for giving the ultimate sacrifice! You are my hero!! You will always be my cousin and my friend!! I love and miss you!

Love you,

Amy (Lee) Toledo

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Family and Friends of William

May God hold you all so very close. May he pour His peace that surpasses all understanding upon you. Thank you Marine CPL William G Taylor. You are a true American Hero

God bless you all

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Friends and Family of George

May the Lord bless and keep you May the Loord make His face shine upon you May the Lord bring you peace. Nobody understands more that Freedom isnt Free than those that have lost.

Thank you Army Sgt George R Draughn Jr. You are a true American Hero

God Bless you all.

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LCpl J Kremm

Rest in Peace brother. I know this man from boot camp. We serve together during the hardest part of the Marine Corps. You did a fine job out there in Iraq. You will always be remembered..Semper Fidelis Marine

Sgt Chu

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J.R spears

i new you since boot camp. when i heard my heart sank. i pray for your family and friends. you will be missed. holt

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Jill Carroll

I pray for a miracle everyday that Jill’s life will be spared. Dear God let her return home to her family unharmed, I know you hear our prayer to protect her. Your will is also done and all who love you know that you are a loving God. Please protect her Lord.

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Marine Pfc. Joshua P. Klinger

My deep condolances to the family and friends of Marine Pfc. Joshua P. Klinger. I don't know how to begin to convey to you the deepest gratitude, appreciation I hold for the sacrifice he made for the cause of freedom. May God grant you comfort and peace, and the knowledge that Joshua is at rest.

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My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Know that Josh died in the most brave and honorable way, and everyone from Easton is proud to call him one of our own.

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Jill Carroll

May God be with you Jill Carroll and bring you home safely.

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John A. "JT" Lucente

Tony and Naomi Lucente,

I send you my heartfelt condolence in the recent loss of your son. May all the angels in Heaven surround you and your loved ones during this very painful and difficult time. God Bless you and your family.

Love and Prayers,


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Donald Jay Hasse Jr

He was my baby brother, a wonderful father, and a devoted son and grandson. I will miss him more than words could ever say. He will always be in my heart.

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Jeremy Doyle

RIP will forever be missed.

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Army Sgt. Jerry W. Mills Jr.

may God admit him into the kingdom of glory

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Christopher M. Pusateri

you are missed by many not surprising since you were in many hearts .you were a caring man.till we meet again..uncle Benny

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Behnaz Mozakka

We are all thinking of you all the time. How cruel it was you have been taken from us so untimely. Miss you badly.

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Chris Pusateri

Its been a year today since he last left us.. but his smile n laugh is still always on my mind.. he was a great guy and he loved what he did.. hes a brave man

Rip Man we miss you alot

Love, cousin..Amanda J

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Army Staff Sgt. Vincent E. Summers' family

|Please accept my condolences.

Will pray for the family.

Betty Summers

|Hillsboro, TN

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I will remember you Comrade! God Bless You and rest in piece.

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Jared Kremm

my thoughts and prayers are with you and Robert everyday

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Robert F. Eckfield

Bobby, you've been gone for almost 4 months now. Your birthday is next Monday, the 4 month anniversary of when we lost you. We love you and miss you

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Shayne Matthew Cabino of Franklin, MA

February 15 it was 20 years ago when I held you in my arms. You were only hours old at this time. I have never felt a greater love, than holding my babies in my arms for the very first time. Brandi, Justin, Billy, Shayne and Zachary, you are all heart of my hearts. Always my babies. I remember, I feel you in my arms, I see your sweet face, I hold you close. Through tears I smile at the moments I hold on that day you were born and even until the day you took your last breath on earth and your first breath in Heaven. On this day, I leave the place that goes beyond who I am, where I am wrapped in silence, for a moment, to say

Happy Birthday, Dear Little Boy of Mine, Happy Birthday. Always and forever in this life and the next,

I love you Shay. Love Your Mommma"

Jodi Cabino Cipriano of FRANKLIN, MA (Email Link)

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Jill Carroll and Family


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George A Pugliese

Happy Valentine's Day! Together forever ~ I love and miss you so much Sweetheart ~ By my side and in my heart always.

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Michael T. Robertson

Mike you will never be forgotten. You were such a great friend to me and your will always be cherrished.

My prayers go out to Barbra Booker, your wife and son and the rest of your family. You are in the kingdom of god where we will see you again soon. So look for me!

Crystal Reyna

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My Son

David..This is not getting easier..but harder..I know you are a hero for the country and for me..I love you DJ....for always


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Jill Carroll

More days have passed without your release, I think of you every day too and also pray that you will be released soon unharmed. May god protect you and guide these people holding you, and may you see freedom and be allowed to go backto your family soon

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Hey Baby, wanted to say "Happy Valentines Day". I miss you so much but Im sure you know that, you are my heart and my strength, because of you I fight harder everyday to accomplish the things we wanted so badly together. Im going to officer school like we planned, just wish you were still going with me, your my backbone! I love you so very much and even though we didnt have the chance to get married when you came home I will never marry anyone, your my one and only. I love you Frank, happy v-day!


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Juan M. Solorio

Sweetie, I'm doing my best, but I miss you every second.

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A bright light blown out too soon...You touched the lives of everyone that took the time to get to know you.. I hate that our time together was so short..but I enjoyed them I know that you are still with me because i feel your presence..God Bless!

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Christopher W. Thompson

so very sorry for your loss

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Thomas Wren

My most heartfelt condolences go out to the family and friends of Thomas A. Wren. A hero, who on the other side of the globe gave his life for our inalienable rights to freedom and the pursuit of happiness - THANK YOU Lt. Col. Thomas A. Wren!

I pray all the loving graces of God are comforting your family and friends.

May peace be with them as you watch over them from heaven above.

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Hi Frankie. We all miss you very much. Although it was only once I met you I knew how much compassion and pride you had for what you did. You are a hero and are sorely missed. Your shoes can never be filled but your memory will go on forever.

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The Straub Family

Our thoughts and prayers go out to you in this time of loss. Without men and women like Frank our country would not be what it is today. He is a kind, generous and amazing young man. I think about him everyday and know that he is looking down on you all. Please tell Sean Jr. what an amazing uncle he has.

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Lt. Col Thomas A. Wren

We miss you.

Holly & Ty

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A coward dies a thousand death But Galant commarade dies once and lives on for ever....

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Army Sgt. Michael T. Robertson

We will never forget!

My heartfelt condolences go out to

Michael's family and friends.

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Army Spc. Robert W. Tucker

It's because of people like Robert why we have...

"Land of the Free and Home of the Brave"

in the anthem.

My hearfelt condolences go out to Robert's family and friends.

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Army Col. William W. Wood

My heartfelt condolences go out to

William's family and friends.

We will never forget!

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Army Spc. Derence W. Jack

My heartfelt condolences go out to

all of Jack's family and friends.

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Marine Cpl. William G. Taylor

to all whom perish in this god forsaken time of terroism

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greg tull

you will never be forgotten. my condolences to his family and friends, i to know what its like to lose a loved one to the senseless war.

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Matthew A. Kimmell

I will miss you cousin.

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Jill Carroll

I think of you everyday and pray for your safe release to return to your family. God is with you, God is with your family and watching over all of you. He is holding you in his protective arms until you come home. God Bless you and my thoughts and prayers are with you in this trying time as well as your family.

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Jill Carroll

My prayers for your safe return home. May god be with you and your family.

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Ronald Schulz

My prayers and thoughts are with Ronalds friends and family.

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Major Michael D. Martino

“No life passes without a purpose, no sorrow goes


My hearfelt condolences to Michael's family and friends. It's people like Michael that make me proud to be an American. Thank You Major Martino.

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Jill Carroll

I hope and pray that Jill will be released by her kidnappers unharmed very soon. My prayers are with her.

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Jose E. Rosario

Only 20 years old, life ended before it really began. Sgt. Baker shouldn't have let you drive on that patrol...maybe you would have had the chance to get out like Baker did, but then this would be dedicated to him instead. No third tour for the 3rd ID!

Nancy Nahvi

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Arthur A. Mora Jr.

Met Arthur's wife at the tree ceremony at Ft. Stewar...unconsolable, poor girl. Arthur's son newborn son was beautiful...he never saw him. No second tour in Iraq. Too much lost already.

Nancy Nahvi

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Russell's brothers in arms

It is too late for my son Russell Nahvi, but like my daughter Nina, my only wish now is for his "brothers" to not have to make a second tour of duty in god-forsaken Iraq. Anyways, why wasn't god watching, listening, why wasn't god there.

"No mortal or immortal hand did deliver or defend you."

There is no god.

We should have sent him on a grand world tour then he would have come home and bought a motorcyle and been content. I know it now, too late.

Nancy Nahvi

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Major Michael D. Martino

Thank you for your brave service Maj. Martino.

My thoughts and prayers are with you, your family and friends.

May God keep you in His hands.

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Travis L. Youngblood

It is sad to come here and see how many of our young brave men and women have lost their lives in Operation Iraqi Freedom. This young man, Daniel Scott R. Bubb, deserves our prayers and most humble gratitude for his ultimate sacrifice for our nation. God be with his family and friends.

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J.R. Spears

To JR's family- Our prayers continue to be with you and we hope that with time you begin to heal. JR will be missed.

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Major Michael D. Martino

Our family has received hundreds of emails, phone calls, and letters in response to the death of our beloved son Michael, and we cherish each one. It is obvious from the tremendous response that Michael touched many lives. He was one of those rare and special people…gentle, caring, loyal, and very passionate about what he believed in; country, liberty, freedom, and family.

Mike could have been anything he wanted to be yet he chose a life characterized by sacrifice and infrequent reward. Someone once said, “No life passes without a purpose”. Michael always wanted to fly and serve the country that he loved. In the Sermon on the Mount at Mount Sinai, God gave guidance to his disciples on the obligations of every society for its sustainment. Among these obligations, God said, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God”. I believe Michael was put on earth to be a peacemaker. Although I wish he had chosen a safer career, I feel he was doing what he was meant to do. His entire family feels tremendous pride at the man he turned into; however, we are inconsolable at his loss.

The family was recently notified by the Marine Corps that Michael has been posthumously promoted to Major.

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Gary W. Walters Jr.

Gary, you are so missed and loved. It's been almost 10 months and it does not get any easier. Love, Uncle Ron & Aunt Sandy

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Russell Nahvi

Russell is my older brother...well, I guess now I am an only child. I miss him more and more as the days go by...

I just wish that the rest of his brothers, all of the troops in Iraq, would come home. It would be the only thing that can lessen my pain.

I miss you bro.

Nina Nahvi

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I knew Fiona from church in danbury, my thoughts are for her family and friends.

Jack Walsh

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All who knew Mrs. Cobb

Mrs. Cobb was the kind of person who touched everyone she met in a caring and positive way. She is and will continue to be missed by many.

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Marine Lance Cpl. Andrew D. Russoli

Makes me proud to be an American because of people like Lance Cpl. Andrew D. Russoli.

My heartfelt condolences go out to all of his family and friends.

We will never forget!

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Wonderful tribute

Please tell me who sings that 1st song

God Bless

Lance Cpl. Andrew D. Russoli, Thank YOU!!!!! You are a hero brother!! Rest in peace!!!!! Many others will because of YOU!

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Douglas E kasmer

We miss you so much. We think about you every day that goes by. We are so proud of you and we know that you are in heaven watching over me and your daughter. We love you and Miss you.

Love your wife and daughter

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Jill Carroll

To Jim, Mary Beth and Katie Carroll I pray that God blesses you with peace.

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Jill Carroll

Father God, Thank You for always being there for us no matter what we face. I know that You would never fail us, even in our most intense trials. Though I don’t always understand why we go through these trials, I put my faith in You O’ Lord. You are in control and we need guidance for in this situation in that I find myself not understanding. I only know one thing for sure and that is I only need to trust in You. So Lord, Father O’ Mighty, I ... we put our Faith in You to bring Jill back to us save. Dear God bless your child Jill with the words that need to be spoken, to touch the hearts that need to hear your word. We reach out to you in faithful prayer as in Luke 8:43-48 and ask for healing. Lord you have never failed me and I pray for our captors and ask for your forgiveness for them. I ask this in the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen

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Nicholas R. Idalski

Our thoughts and prayers are with our extended family and friends of Nick. I cannot express the deep sadness we feel for those of you who are left to mourn for this honoured young man.

With the deepest of sympathies and prayers for healing,

The Oklahoma Idalskis.

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Behnaz Mozakka

God Bless you Behnaz.

Your family and friends are keeping your memory alive.

Peace be with you.

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Jill Carroll

Freedom isn't free. It's a shame some scared people hide behind a lady and say it for there god and it's not. They are just scared lit,l boys.

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You will never be forgotten....

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Jill Carroll

Praying for your safe return

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we miss you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Empty house, shell of a home,

The hope, heart and life of it's gone;

She went on and left me alone'

Down the sweet years our life we shared,

Our dreams, plans--hopes were here.

But, now, I'm here and she is gone.

Desolation black as night,

World so bleak, so bare without

Her love, without her near.

Her arms and lips so warm and dear--

Always faithful, always here--

But...she is gone...and, now, I'm left...

(from (More Info) site)

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Behnaz Mozakka

May God keep you in His arms til you are reunited with your loved ones. Rest in peaceful slumber


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You will be free!

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Behnaz Mozakka

I light this candle for Behnaz Mozakka, and her love ones that are suffering from this tremendous loss. I don’t know what else to say after reading these posts. It makes the pain you are going through so clear to all of us. I am so sorry this happened to you! NO ONE should have to endure such a living hell of having a love one murdered by terrorist pushing their twisted ideological beliefs on the free world. I am so sorry! I pray you find peace in your life and the pain someday becomes bearable for you. As the webmaster of Libertyunites - please know that I do my best to show our world the pain terrorism and war causes so many people! I pray for you every time I see you post. God knows I wish I could take your pain away, I wish I could bring her back for you. I’m so sorry you have to go through this!


John Coates

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Behnaz Mozakka

Again another 7 in the month, wish it was 2005, not 2006. You were with us.

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You will not be forgotten.

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I pray for your safe return. If i could take your place help you out I would.

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absent friends

I hope you will be released soon and returned to your family and friends

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Army Staff Sgt. Kyle B. Wehrly

It is my honor to offer my thanks to the family and friends of Army Staff Sgt. Kyle B. Wehrly for his and thier sacrifice. His life will not have been spent in vain. Already the idea of freedom has taken hold in the Middle East and with the continued help of our bravest young men we will help to change the world. Thank you.

Ryan, Amarillo

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James M. Gurbisz

To the friends and family of James M. Gurbisz,

I would like to also add my thanks to James M. Gurbisz for his valant sacrifice on the line in Iraq. The very concept of freedom is what these men serve to protect. The liberty of the United States of America is the envy of the world and those who love freedom must stand to protect it. The powers that hate freedom and loathe those who practice it must be defeated and with the caliber of men such as James M. Gurbisz and Pfc. Dustin A. Yancey serving our cause we will be victorius.

You have my thanks and mine and my family's oathes that we will never take for granted the gift we have in this nation because of your sacrifice.

Ryan, Amarillo

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Army Pfc. Dustin A. Yancey

To the friends and family of Army Pfc. Dustin A. Yancey,

I would like to offer my sincerest thanks for the service of their son/brother/friend. It is only because of men like him that people in this great land are afforded the abundant lives we enjoy. Thank you for the gift that was Pfc. Dustin A. Yancey. This world is safer for his sacrifice on behalf of the cause of freedom.

Ryan, Amarillo TX

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Zena McComb, SPC 249th QM CO

I just wanna say that i am truly sorry for your lost. He was an awesome man and an outstanding leader. I met him back in March of last year and ever since then he has been the one to keep me laughing. It's very unfortuanate that we have lost him but keep your faith and know that he is in a better place.

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Timothy Brown

My heartfelt sympathy to the Brown family in the loss of Timothy. I did not know Timothy, but my heart is broken and I am sadden for your loss of such a fine young man and hero. May God bring you peace in your heart as you reflect on all the wonderful memories you hold so close. Please know that you are in my heart and prayers.

I send each of you a hug from the most inner part of my heart.

Love and Peace


To live in the hearts

of those you leave behind

is never to die"

~Robert Orr~

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Brian Conner

My heartfelt sympathy to the Conner family in the loss of Brian. I did not know Brian, but my heart is broken and I am sadden for your loss of such a fine young man and hero. May God bring you peace in your heart as you reflect on all the wonderful memories you hold so close. Please know that you are in my heart and prayers.

I send each of you a hug from the most inner part of my heart.

Love and Peace


To live in the hearts

of those you leave behind

is never to die"

~Robert Orr~

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 For Philip A. Murphy-Sweet   For David A Wilkey Jr   For Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia   For Frank E. Adamski III   For Benjamin Walker   For Trevor B. Adkins   For Adam D. Jones   For Laurie Cobb   For Larry E Polley Jr   For Paul C. Holter III   For Alex D Gonzalez   For Christopher D Young   For Jose E Ulloa   For John Michael Roy Curwin   For Derek L. Shanfield   For Marisol Heredia   For John Charles Jenkins   For Todd Beamer   For Steven Paul Chucknick   For Geoffrey Perez  
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