Liberty unites

liberty unites us
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George A Pugliese

Merry Christmas ~ I love you always!

Lee Anne

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Miriam Hyman

I worked with you many years ago, and remember you very fondly as a kind, friendly and very thoughtful colleague. My thoughts, prayers and sympathies are with your family and friends. Rest in peace Miriam.

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Travis L. Youngblood

An unselfish hero...

Dedicated to his brothers in combat...

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You will never be forgotten and will always be in our hearts.

My deepest sympathies are with every family who has lost someone.

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Hey Punk, its almost X-mas and your not here to help mike put the star on the you know were short! anyhow, I was thinking about you and wanted to write, Ill see you after new years when philly calms down a bit cause you know how i get when i drive there, thats why you always would!!! ADSW work is coming up again and it's deff not going to be the same without you, nothing like an over night guard/ammo duty alone huh? (bet your laughing at that one on your cloud, expecially when SGT Coles almost caught us) well baby Ill write you again on christmas, mikie misses you and runs around in your beanie hat all the time, as for me, well i have your clothes that are still here but you know they fall off my ass! I love you bunches! see you soon, oh yeah babe how about them EAGLES! sorry sweetheart you know i couldnt resist! I love you.


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Travis L. Youngblood

As the Christmas season continues, the loss of my son, Travis, is almost overwhelming. He loved Christmas, and the act of giving. He made the ultimate gift to our nation with his life in Iraq. I love you Travis, and miss you so, so much. I feel you will be with us this holiday season. Love you always,


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Ron Schulz

Sincerest condolences from North Dakota.

Vicious inhumane killers. It's as simple as that. Merry Christmas to the Schulz family & the loved ones of Ron Schulz

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Edgardo Lebron

My heart and prayers go out to him and his family.The state of N.J and the hole world is praying for him and his family.

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his family

i lit this candle because there is another brotha that wont live to see tomorrow

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his family

i lit this candle because there is another brotha that wont live to see tomorrow

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Ronald Schulz

Ey, das tut mir echt voll leid, was die mit dir gemacht haben!!

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Elizabeth Jacobson

What a beautiful woman to lose her life, to help others understand democracy and Freedom. May the idots who killed her parish!

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Ronald Schulz

As a long time Alaska resident my deepest sympathy goes out to Ron's family, trust that Alaska's heart is with You

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Peter Jennings

You will continue to live in the minds of those who you touched their lives.Rest in peace

Olabisi Ajadi

(Email Link)

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Its a few days before Christmas, and it doesn't even feel like it. I have nothing to celebrate this year. I remember how much you loved the holiadays. We didn't put up a tree or anything this year, it just doesn't seem right without you. I can't describe the pain I feel, I just miss you so much baby. I would give anything to have you back. The whole family will remember this Christmas as the saddest. Thank you for your ultimate sacerfice. I hope this nation truly appreciates what a fine young man that was lost due to this senseless war. You may be out of sight, but you will never be gone from my mind or heart. Our souls will always be together, as you used to promise me. Rest in peace my love.

Forever your Babe,



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Ronald Schulz

Ronald's murder is felt deeply here in Alaska where he chose as his home, Eagle River is less for his loss and all of our prayers go to his Family and Friends and we call for swift justice on those that took him from us.

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Elizabeth N. Jacobson

Thank you for your selfless service,

determination, strength, and contribution to world peace.

College Park, Maryland

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Mikey Lehmiller

My Heart goes out to all of Mikey's family & friends, I've known Mikey since he was a little boy who lived next door. MIKEY YOU WILL ALWAYS BE LOVED & NEVER FORGOTTEN


Sherry Waters

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Shayne Cabino

Times are tough through the holiday season my sympathy is with your entire family. God Bless

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Daniel L Arnold

May u rest in the LORD'S arms

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Brett Wightman

I've known Brett since i was 4 years old. He was my first friend outside of my family, and I considered him my best friend for most of my life. We went to school together and babysitted Brett for about 10 years. he was part of my family. Brett was the kind of person who would do anything for anyone. We grew up together, he was always there for me, and i was for him. Now its hard to think he is not. When we graduated we grew apart in a way, but i always loved him just the same. I never got a chance personally to tell Brett how much i thought of his service in the military. I respect and honor him more than any one i know. I love his family and my prayers are with Pam and Keiths familys. We will never forget Brett and what he done for us.

With love and respect

Daniel Denney

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Andrew D. Bedard

Rest in peace...I hope that your an angel who is watching over all of us

God bless you

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Ronald Allen Schulz

My thoughts and prayers are with Ronald’s family and friends. Peace be with him

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Those Who Serve In Honor

From one band of brothers to another, we all miss Andy like no other. He was the biggest little guy I have known. He was my brother. He became my hero.

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The family

As a soldier with 2/69 Armor during Desert Storm I, I understand the pain that you must feel. IF it wasn't for soldiers like Sgt. Johnson, I might have not come back...God bless.

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You are by my side and in my heart yet I miss you so MUCH. Rest in peace. I Love you always. XO

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garry tan rimes

peace be with you.we miss you and god bless you.thanks for your service and undying love for the prayers for patti, tita helen,tita venus,tita bella,tito jr. and mom.we love you garry.

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condolences to your mom helen,sister patti,your aunts,friends and relatives who miss you.God bless may you rest in peace.thanks for your service to your country.

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Shyanuja Parathasangary

God Bless you - you are in heaven now.

Dear Ruth and family, my heart goes out to you



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Tulsa, Kate, Vanessa, Sophia

Climb to His Glory and know that He will carry you through. May Gods hands guide you Tulsa. Kate, Vanessa, Sophia, may the love of God help to comfort and heal you.

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Major Fester

God Bless, And Thank You!

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I'm a Desert Storm Veteran stationed in Haifa, Israel in 1991. You have my prayers. My name is Richeson Chappelle. My e-mail is (Email Link)

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Alan Gifford

We love you and miss you. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you or shed a hundred tears. I know that one day we will meet again.


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Tom Fox

My condolences goes to his famely and all christians friend arround the world. Lets us all

say a pray to our god in heaven, to give us all strenght to fight all these people, who do these things, and are destroying the world pease, fight them with the words of god, and not with weapon. There are many religions in the world to day, and there will bee many more the bible say, there will bee many fake preatcher, who will lead many people in the death, but we have to keep preatching the word of god.

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Tom Fox

Please Lord protect them

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Tom Fox

Holding you and all near you in body, mind or spirit in the light.

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Matthew C. Bohling

Thank you for giving your life to protect us from being held hostage like Tom Fox and so many others

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All Hostages

We pray you are released, safe & unharmed!!!

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Tom Fox

May you safely be delivered from the wraths of evil; and God bless you and the Peacemaker Team.

Your fellow Virginian, Holly C., age 15

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Tom Fox

As a friend of Tom Fox's son Andrew, he and his family are thought of and prayed for by all of Lee High School's orchestra.

God bless. I am praying for your safe release.

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Norman Kember

i hope you freed,love to you and your family

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tom fox

That the light within you be enough to clear your way to freedom.

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Tom Fox

May God's peace and love surround you, wherever you are.

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Tom Fox and Peacemaker Team

May the Creator be with you to comfort and protect you. May you return home unharmed and with a deeper understanding of our duties in this world. We are with you, Tom, in all ways we can be. The power of prayer will sustain you and yours.


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Tom Fox

To St. Joseph for Protection

Gracious St. Joseph, protect me and my family from all evil as you did the Holy Family. Kindly keep us ever united in the love of Christ, ever fervent in imitation of the virtue of our Blessed Lady, your sinless spouse, and always faithful in devotion to you. Amen.

Continuing prayers for Tom Fox and his family

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Tony Yost

To the Yost family, I'm sorry for your loss. The 6'4" Apache Green Beret was a good friend and brother. I will miss you Tony.

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Tom Fox

You are in our thoughts and prayers Tom constantly as you go through this difficult time...Shelley here from Opequon camp we've cooked together and laughed together so now?...little did we know when we saw you in Winchester in Sept. that you faced this...we hold you in the light.

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Tom Fox

Let all our prayers be answered and Tom is released from his ordeal.

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Nazy Mozakka

I'd spend a lifetime with you.

I know your fears and you know mine.

We've had our doubts but now we're fine,

And I love you, I swear that's true.

I cannot live without you.

Goodbye my lover.

Goodbye my friend.

You have been the one.

You have been the one for me.

And I still hold your hand in mine.

In mine when I'm asleep.

And I will bear my soul in time,

When I'm kneeling at your feet.

Goodbye my lover.

Goodbye my friend.

You have been the one.

You have been the one for me.

I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow.

I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow.

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Tom Fox

May prayers of light and protection be with him. May his family find strength as Angels draw near to comfort them.

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Tom Fox

As a friend of Tom Fox's son Andrew, I pray for his release now. The deadline passed about ten hours ago but we have not yet heard any news. Tom, you are in the thoughts, prayers, and hearts of every member of Lee's orchestra.

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tom fox

you are in my prayers, i am african and muslim i known you from wholefoods market, you are fair and good. May god protect you and return home safe

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Tom Fox


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sergio escobar

Best of luck in heaven.

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Tom Fox

I am still praying that you are ok, and will go home safe soon

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Bobby, Mel, Billy, Justin,Brandi, & Zach

i have no words to ever say what i really mean. im so sorry, and you're all amazing people. love you guys<3 hang in

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Elizabeth N. Jacobson

You fought the good fight, now rest in peace young brave soldier.

To Elizabeth's family. Nothing could be worse than losing your child. I will pray for Elizabeth and for God to give you strength.

From an ally in Australia.

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Shayne M. Cabino

Shayne, sweetheart, its times like this when I try to forget about the fact that I will never ever get to see your smile again...I try to drink away my thoughts, but then I remember how strong you were for all of us that you left behind. I just wanted to say sorry for never believing you, and that I will never ever forget what you've are my HERO and I will love you over us Shayne

missing you more and more every's so unreal

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James F. Cathey

My name is Ute I live in Germany. I have read the report in a german newspaper and have seen the pictures when his wife slept one more time near him. These were so sad pictures and I have cried very much. I hope that the baby boy was born healthy. And I am sure that his Daddy looks in heaven at him and is proud

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thankyou for giving your life up to help keep america safe from terrorists. you were always the strong one and i can not thankyou enough for the sacrafice that you made you will never be fogotten. and now i won't be afraid to die when my time here is over cuz i know you will be waiting for me at the gates of heaven love you always

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may you be up in heaven looking down on us all. you are loved and missed by us all you will always be my boy. i love you dan

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Hostages in Iraq

You are in my thoughts and Prayers- but you are in the hands of God.

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Army Sgt. Bryan W. Large

Thank you for your service!! I Will not forget!

Don't Let The Memory Of Them Drift Away

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Behnaz Mozakka

July 7

August 7

September 7

October 7

November 7

December 7

How many more 7s?

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Nate Rock

I love you so much and miss you.........But I will see you in the future......Love your big sis

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Behnaz Mozakka

Yet another inauspicious 7 in the month. Difficult for us but you are at peace. Thinking of you today and everyday.

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Shayne Cabino

Love you!!!

Miss you !!!


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Shayne M Cabino

Love you always Shayne

Miss you more than anything!!!

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A Sweet Angel

To The Family: Remember to be strong because GOD has a plan for this excellent, brave young lady. She knows exactly how you feel and I know she's watching you every single day. Sorry For Your Loss.

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SSG Nelom ( God's Strongest Angel)

SSG Nelom,

Keep smiling because GOD has you now. We will see you again.It's so hard to think that you are not with us because you affected so many soldiers lives. You were like a strong lion with a lot of courage. We love you so much !We will miss you! Don't worry GOD has your family in his loving arms.

SPC Gibbs

SPC Carter

18 QM Co

Fort Bragg, NC

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My Loving Husband

Thank you for being such a great husband and father. And thank you for all that you did for us. You will never be forgotten and you will always be my hero! I love and miss you!

Your Loving wife,

Rhonda Rose :)

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all the us military soldiers that are fighting for our country

to all the soldiers that died fighting for our country.

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Ryan Ostrom

I served with Ryan for the past three years, as well as a deployment with him to Bosnia. I was honoreed to be chosen to be one of the pallbearers at the funeral. He was one of the few guys I could feel I could really count on from our unit. I miss him so much, and I am glad I got to know. Every day when I pray I thank God for Ryan Ostrom.

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The dead soldiers in Iraq

For the familes that remain. BUsh lied they died!

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PFC Clemons

To One of the bravest, toughest, and most kind-hearted Marines I ever had the pleasure to meet. See you on that moto run in the sky. To his family, thank you for raising such a great Son. Semper Fi, Brother!

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Tom Fox

Bless you Tom.

I'm praying for you at this trying time.

Stay strong and know that you're in my thoughts and prayers.

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Army Pfc. Nathaniel E. Detample

Thank you Pfc. Detample for all you've done.

My thoughts and prayers are with you, your family and friends.

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Tom Fox

may god protect you and give you courage.

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Tom Fox

Your mission has now reached the hearts of millions! May our prayers lift you from this fate brought on by evils destruction

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Leon James

LT. Col Leon James

was my uncle everyone called him buster

i think i can talk for everyone when i say he will still be here in spirit and heart

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Holly Charette

Holly was a great person, anyone lucky enough to have met her knows the happiness and love she gave off. I think of her often and wish I could talk to her one more time. It is hard to lose a friend that you have not talked to in a while. Even though I will no longer be able to make contact with her in person, I talk to her daily. I know that she is an angel in heaven looking over all of us. One day, if I have a little girl of my own I will name her Holly. SO

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Kurtis DK Arcala

We love and miss you. Rest proudly and peacefully Kurtis, for you have done your duty. Until we are all together again...

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Tom Fox

I am praying for your safe release Tom. I have Faith you will be released unharmed and stronger in your mission for peace! God be with you Tom Fox

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Marcus and his Family

Marcus was a great man who I will never forget. He loved his family. I was blessed to have known him.

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Benny S. Franklin

My love and thanks go out you him and his family.

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Nicholas J. Greer

My love go out to him and his family.

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My love go out to him and his family.

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Well Baby what do I say? Everyone tells me with time I will do better, but with time it only gets worse. I can't stand to be here with out you. At least we got to spend those two weeks together while you were home. I will never forget the time and the love we shared. I only regret it wasn't longer. I wish we could have made our vows and started the family we always planned. Well until we are together again, our love will always live strong, and burn bright forever. By the way you have a nephew. He is beatiful, a true Straub. He also carries your name Sean Francis Straub. I only wish you were here to see him. Well Baby rest now when we meet again we'll have alot of catching up to do. I Love You Forever.oxoxo


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Shane Swanberg


You were so young but fought so bravely for us. We thank you and send out our love and condolences to your family.

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Ryan J. Nass

We miss you Ryan.

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Sgt.Nathaniel S. Rock

Sadly missed by all. You will be in our memories. To our brave hero loved by all you will forever live on in our hearts. GOD BLESS

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Army Staff Sgt. Ryan S. Ostrom

I am currently working in a art program that seeks to recognize and honor the heroes that have fallen in the Iraq war. I would just like to state that I am proud and honored to be painting a portrait of Army Staff Sgt. Ryan S. Ostrom. The show will be a taking place in Sonoma County, Ca.. If anybody is interested in more information, please contact me via e-mail: (Email Link)

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Army Sgt. Francis J. Straub Jr.

I am currently working in a art program that seeks to recognize and honor the heroes that have fallen in the Iraq war. I would just like to state that I am proud and honored to be painting a portrait of Army Sgt. Francis J. Straub Jr.. The show will be a taking place in Sonoma County, Ca.. If anybody is interested in more information, please contact me via e-mail: (Email Link)

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may god be with you

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George Pugliese

Your example that you set has made us all better people.I assure you that you and your family will always be in my families prayers.thank you friend.

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SGT Howard Paul Allen

What can I say baby? I love you still with all my heart and soul. This isn't the way this was supposed to be. We were supposed to grow old togther. I'm so very proud of you. You put yourself in danger so others wouldn't have to be. How can I not be proud of that? You always thought you were a nobody but you were always a somebody to us and now you're a somebody to our country. We miss you and we love you. Until we are together again... h+k+l+g+f I love you baby!

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Jeremiah Wayne Robinson

Jeremiah was a "brother" to my husband. He died the day we buried my husband. They are together watching over those they loved. I think of Jeremiah every day and I will NEVER forget him.

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The James Family

You will not be forgotten.

Sylvia, I pray for you and the girls every day. I'm always just a phone call away.



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 For Philip A. Murphy-Sweet   For David A Wilkey Jr   For Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia   For Frank E. Adamski III   For Benjamin Walker   For Trevor B. Adkins   For Adam D. Jones   For Laurie Cobb   For Larry E Polley Jr   For Paul C. Holter III   For Alex D Gonzalez   For Christopher D Young   For Jose E Ulloa   For John Michael Roy Curwin   For Derek L. Shanfield   For Marisol Heredia   For John Charles Jenkins   For Todd Beamer   For Steven Paul Chucknick   For Geoffrey Perez  
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