Liberty unites

liberty unites us
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BrIan P. Montgomery

Your memory will live on forever in our hearts!

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Gary R. Harper Jr

Another brave soldier killed in the line of duty.

Heartfelt symathies to all his family.

His children will grow up proud of there father.

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Cpl Joshua J Kynoch

Josh my pain is unbearable, I miss you so much son! How do I make this up to you? You are my ROCK, my SOUL! I will carry so many memories of you through the rest of my life and I pray that you will be there to greet me when my time comes. I don't know how to do this life without you, so I am counting on you to help me by watching over me and helping to guide me in the direction you want for your daughter Savannah. I have always been so proud of everything you do. You turned into such a beautiful young man, strong, smart, funny, and responsible -- a mother couldn't have asked for more or a better man. May god accept you into his kingdom and may your spirit always be free. God bless you soul until we meet again. I miss you deeply! You are the best!

Eternal Love,


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Shane Patton

We will miss you Shane. I wish we would have followed through with our plans we made when we were younger of you and your brother and me and my brother of moving back to California and surfing everyday. Shane was a great friend, and a hero and fought for our freedom. He be greatly missed. If anyone has contact for his brother Jimmy please contact me @ (Email Link) we were childhood friends who lost contact 2 years ago.


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Happy Thanksgiving baby! Miss you bunches!

Love Always, Kristy & Family

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richard jame ellery

the little witch was a good friend of mine. we shared very fond moments...most of them having a laugh. he always stood by me, throughout whatever had happened. he is always in my heart. he is a fantastic friend and i still cant believe hes gone.

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LCPL Dale Castleberry Jr.

Deborah is not Dale's mother. His mother also faught a very brave battle against breast cancer loosing her fight in 1999. Gaye Castleberry and Dale Sr. raised this wonderful and very brave young man together. Now, Gaye is with her loving son once again.

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You will be missed mein freund. Sgt Sam Hco 2/3ACR Ft. Bliss Tx 1992-1995

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All Security Forces

It is sad when a military member dies but even more sad when another SF Defender dies. Rest in peace Elizabeth and may God have mercy on the souls of those that took you from us.

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Special Education Teachers

To whom it may concern,

I just heard about Mr. Wallace on the news as a special education teacher who's students made him a banner before he left for war saying 'wherever you go we will follow'. I don't think anyone expected this unfortunate and untimely end to his life. I'm very sorry to hear about this and I off my condolences to his family, friends and students.

-Sara A Kenney

skenney_7@hotmail.c om

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Cpl Garry Rimes

In behalf of your sister's friends and family, our condolence to your family and friends. I know that you're now in good hands with our Creator.

Rest in peace.

-Your sister's BUDDYBEST

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Army Spc. David H. Ford IV

You are not forgotten, David H. Ford IV. The face of a child-who died like a man.

The namesake of a family has come to an end.

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George Pugliese

"Sua Sponte" brother, "Sua Sponte"

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You are in my prayers

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Leon G. James II

Rest in peace

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Leon M. Johnson

Thank you for you service. May peace be upon you

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LTC Leon G. James II

Honey the girls and I miss you. But we are doing great. I was just thinking about you and had to write. Love you,

Sylvia and the girls xoxoxoxoxo

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Corporal Garry Wesley Tan Rimes

Hi bro, just to let you know We love and miss you so much.. I LOVE YOU MY BROTHER!!! I MISS YOU SO MUCH!!!

Rest in Peace my dear brother.. Our protector.. Our hero!




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Corporal Garry Wesley Tan Rimes

Hi bro, thanksgiving day is coming and we really miss you.. you know what bro, last Veteran's Day Nov. 11, 2005 the Santa Maria paid tribute to you by opening a new street named after you, yes it was RIMES COURT. Mayor Lavagnino was true to his word that you will be remembered and my dear brother you are now always with us your family and you will be always in our community. We love and miss you.. I LOVE YOU MY BROTHER!!! I MISS YOU SO MUCH!!!




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Daniel M. McVicker

Iv heard great Things about you. You & Carl were Both amazing!! Thank You For everything & You are our Hero's

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Carl L. Raines II

I LOVE you Baby! iL alwyas remember the good times we shared. You'll always be My ONE TRUE Love.

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Staff Sgt. Damion G. Campbell

My heart aches with gratitude. Thank you for your sacrifice.

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Obediah Kolath

Thank you for your sacrifice. It is appreciated and words cannot express our thanks.

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Sandman...a True American Hero

Sandman, you will always be special to me! You will never be forgotten. Your friends and family have the upmost respect for you, and the most intense love one could ever dream for! God Bless You and may you rest in eternal peace.

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A1C Elizabeth N. Jacobson

Thank You, I wish I could trade places with you. I'm honored to know that I'm in the Air Force because of airman like you. God Bless and may you rest in peace.

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Elizabeth N. Jacobson

Rest in peace, may God be with you

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Joseph L. Martinez

Thank you for your sacrifice. May God Bless you and your loved ones

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Semper Fi! You are and always will be the best!

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Casey E. Howe

Rest in peace Casey. Thank you for you service, and bravery

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Charles R. Rubado

Rest in peace Charles. I live in Clearwater where you were from. I know you will be missed. You will always be loved by many

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Nicholas Cherava

To the family and friends of Nicholas: I grieve with you. My husband, Lt. James Cathey, who also served in 2/2 was killed Aug. 21 by an IED. Know that James loves his marines, and will keep Nicholas by his side in heaven, always.

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Shayne Cabino




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Jerry Bonifacio (aka Beaver)

I will miss you forever, and remember you always.



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Stephen McGowan

I love you and miss you. Stephen you are forever in my heart and in my memories. May your light shine down upon us all.

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Behnaz Mozakka

An awful night after watching that devastating programme about the day you never arrived to work. Nazy (as we knew you) we all miss you at work.

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You are a true knight. I Love You and Miss You!


Sandee (your other mom)

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SSG Troy S. Ezernack

Troy was a friend of mine, and a special person. He loved being a soldier, and especially a paratrooper. He died honorably, in service of

our great country. Please keep Troy's wife, Gail,

and Troy's family in your prayers. Never forget

the men and women who serve, and sacrifice

to give us the freedom that we have!

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elizabeth jacobson

Thank you for everything you did for our country. God bless you -

jake dawson

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I am so proud of you!

You are the best little brother anyone could want and I will miss more than words can every express.

Love Always


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Elizabeth N.Jacobson

To the family.

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Capt. Lowell T. Miller II

You are not forgotten,Capt.Lowell T. Miller II.

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Army Staff Sgt. William A. Allers III

A family's namesake has been taken-may you, William A Allers III, never be forgotten.

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To my son. I miss you.


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Elizabeth N. Jacobson

rest in peace child.

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Shayne Cabino

May you rest in peace.

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Sgt. Jeremy Wright

We miss you Jeremy!

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Lance Cpl. Sergio H. Escobar

May you rest in peace and you will always be in our hearts. God Bless You and your family!

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As an Afghan, I would like to express my condolences and sympathy to her family and friends. She has done a wonderful job and service to the poor people of Afghanistan. She will rememebered for ever.


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holly a charette

holly, we all think about you every day and whenever i cry about you, i just remember that you served our country and sacrificed your life for our freedom, and i know that you would be so happy to know how much everyone misses you...i love you

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Sgt M. Alan Westbrook


I had the pleasure of knowing you, even if it was brief. You brought much joy into my life, along with other things. I am proud of you. You always put other people before you. You were the ultimate warrior. I know your last thoughts were of your family. May you finally rest in peae. You will always be in my thoughts and in my heart. K

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John Kulick

My thoughts and prayers go out to John and his family. I was not fortunate enough to have known John however my cousin Frankie Straub served with him and died with him. I believe they were called to war for a reason that is they were then called to Heaven. Together they faught, together they die, together they will look down on us, together they will rest in peace, together they will wait for our arivle to the Heavens above. Remember they died doing what they loved and they died for their country and family as well. They fought along side one another and they were called to the Heavens together aswell. They will always be missed and NEVER forgotten. They are both in my heart and forever they will stay.

love you guys always

Lauren Leyland

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My thoughts and prayers go out to Gerry and his family. I was not fortunate enough to have known Gerry however my cousin Frankie Straub served with him and Gerry was his best friend. I will never forget the stories Frankie would tell me, he told me the one how Gerry got his nickname and he had so many pictures with him. I wish i could have meet him however I believe they were called to war for a reason that is they were then called to Heaven. Together they faught, together they die, together they will look down on us, together they will rest in peace, together they will wait for our arivle to the Heavens above. Remember they died doing what they loved and they died for their country and family as well. They died along side one another as they joined with one another they were called to the Heavens together aswell. They will always be missed and NEVER forgotten. They are both in my heart and forever they will stay.

love you guys always

Lauren Leylan

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My thoughts and prayers go out to Nate and his family. Nate attended school with me however i only knew him only though wrestling. I am a senior at pennsbury as of now so i attend school with your other son. Frankie was my cousin and was along side Nate. I believe they were called to war for a reason that is they were then called to Heaven. Together they faught, together they die, together they will look down on us, together they will rest in peace, together they will wait for our arivle to the Heavens above. Remember they died doing what they loved and they died for their country and family as well. They will always be missed and NEVER forgotten. They are both in my heart and forever they will stay.

love you guys always

Lauren Leyland

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For people who dont no me i am frankies younger cousin. This is my first time writing in this because i didnt even know about this one i have signed the other one however. I just want to thank all of you who have light a candle for frankie it really does mean a lot to me and the rest of the family. We are still dealing with his loose as im sure many are. I would really like it if anyone who is in the military who has known frankie if you could send me and email so i can contact you my email address is (Email Link) thank you very much


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Nicholas and family!

God Bless all of you!!!

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God Bless you and your family in this great time of sorrow and thank you for fighting for our country!!!!

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God Bless you and thank you for defending our country!!!

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Elizabeth's family

My family and I would like to extend our most sincerest sympathy to all of you in this difficult time. Elizabeth was a beautiful individual!!

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It has been well over 4 months now...we still miss you very much mate.

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Nate Detample

Thank you, Nate and the Detample Family, for your support of our freedom. Your sacrifice is appreciated and deeply respected. My heart goes out to you as the loss of your son is a pain that is incomprehensible. I pray that your faith and family commitment, which was so evident during the services for Nate, will continue to help heal the pain and sorry in your hearts.

The Shaw Family, Lower Makefield, PA

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Nathaniel E. Detample and family

I'm so sorry for your child's loss. It must be really hard going about life every day and knowing you can't see your son. September 11th. was a cruel harsh dark day for all and I believe we can all just remember our loved ones and keep them in our hearts. Once again, i'm sorry for the death of your son and i hope as years go by you all get better.

Thanks for listening.

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Robert Derenda

I did not know you, but I do know that you volunteered to serve this country and its people and kept your promise when called. The cost of your dedication was everything you had. I am humbled by your sacrifice. There is no way to thank you, but - thank you.

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Nate Detample

My thoughts and prayers go out to Nate and his family. This world has lost an amazing person. I remember in elementary school, we put on a Thankgiving play. We all did mini-speeches in pairs and nate was my partner. I'll always have that memory. He will truly be missed.

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guerra family

ernsto we will never forget you rember you got family that loves u although we never knew you

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William V. Fernandez

You are my hero. You have always been the light of my world, and the love of my life. I miss you more every day. When my "deployment" ends, we will be reunited again, forever. All my love, darling man, for you.

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Hi baby just dropping a line to say how much I miss you. I keep hoping I wake up from this nightmare and you come home to me next month. I never pictured life without you and now I just feel empty. My family tells me it will pass but Im not sure it will. I love you so much. You know that country song That says " if you get there before i do, dont give up on me, ill meet you when my chores are though, i dont know how long ill be. im not gonna let you down, darling wait and see. between now and then till i see you again ill be loving me" we sang it together a few times on the radio ( when you werent singing frank sanata to well just remember that verse, we'll be together again, i promise! I love you baby.


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Robert D. Macrum

I feel fortunate to have known Robert Macrum whom I will always remember as Bobby. I had the privilage of knowing Bobbys family and seeing Bobby grow up during two periods of his life. What I remember the most was his dirty blonde hair, mischevious smile, and eyes that sparkled with life. Bobby was a fun kid to be around and always kept things interesting. There is no question that Bobby was the apple of his mothers eye and was deeply loved by his sister. Unfortunately life eventually led me away from Bobbys family and I did not have the pleasure of knowing Bobby as a young man. Though I am confident Bobby became a handsome, confident and brave sailor that I will always remember gave his life protecting this country that I love.

I feel blessed to have these memories of such a beautiful soul.

My Heart And Prayers Go Out To The Krueger And Macrum Families.

God Bless You All.

- Bradley K. Forman

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Jerry Bonifacio, Jr.

Rest in Peace, Jerry. Nawa'y ang hinanakit ng iyong pamilya sa pagka-wala mo ay mapuno ng pagtatanggap na ngayo'y nasa mabuti kang kalagayan--sa kamay ng Diyos. God bless you, Jerry, and condolences to your family.

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Love you always

George, You will be loved and missed for enternity, You were the greatest man I ever knew and will cherish all the wonderful memories. I love and miss you so much. I honor you for your bravery, and will keep you alive in my heart, your "sister"


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Marine Sgt. Justin F. Hoffman

Happy 28th Birthday! RIP Marine.

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George Pugliese

Lee Anne and Kids,

George will never be forgotten, and neither will you. You know we are always close by.

Jim, Laurie, Mike, and Erin

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Mario Portillo

Mario you will be truly missed. Angela my heart goes out to you and the entire Portillo family. You all will be in my continual prayers.


--Siob ahn Robinson

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I wish to give my prayer's and thoughts to the family. lean on jesus he will answer your prayer's/

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Behnaz Mozakka

Another 7 of the month, another month without you.

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Thank you for the great sacrifice that you have made and for defending our freedom...Bless you.



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Eric W. Slebodnik

I met Eric briefly when he came to visit his friend and mine Steve B. in Los Angeles. Steve had invited his brother and Eric out to dinner at a restaurant I was managing in Santa Monica, Steve had mentioned to Eric that I had been in the Marines and Eric was quick to make conversation with me. I knew he was getting ready to ship out in a few months and I remember telling him to be safe and that I looked forward to seeing him when he returned and wanting to listen to all his stories.

I am truely sadened by Erics death and my heart goes out to his family and those who knew him better than I. I called Steve when he was on the other line and he had just received word of what had happened. We got together a few hours later, and almost polished off a fifth of Jack in Erics memory.

Eric you may be gone but you will never be peacefully soldier........ -JS

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behnaz mozzaka

july 7 2005

august 7 2005

september 7 2005

october 7 2005

4 months !

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Daniel M MCVicker

Thank you for your service son. Though I do not know you or your family, I know that you are a Marine and that says it all. To the family of Daniel Thank you for your sacrafice. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

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William Evans

Rest in Peace!

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George A Pugliese

All my love always ~

Lee Anne

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The Family of SSCG Kimmell

I never knew SSG Kimmell. I share my condolences and gratitude soley as a fellow American.

Thank You for your sacrifice Sergeant. I will remember your name.

and to the family THANK YOU. as well.

I will speak it to those who minimize the contribution that you have made whenever I encounter them

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Robert D. Macrum

I love you and am waiting for you to come home. Mom

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Oliver Brown and family

Though I did not have the privilege to know you, I am one of the nameless thousands who mourn each soul who does not return home, and prays daily for the comfort of those who grieve.

Rest well Oliver, you are not forgotten.

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Behnaz Mozakka

Yesterday was 120 days since you left us. Life was completely different if you were around. We all miss you and think about you.

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Emily Jenkins

I pray she shows up unharmed in any way.

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Joplin Family

Brian was a dear friend to me, we could talk for hours about nothing at all or everything. I miss talking to him, I am so sorry for your loss. I wish there was something I could do to ease the pain but when you lose someone like Brian, the pain is too great. Brian would want us all to carry on and live life like he the seat of our pants. To his family: I cannot put into words what he ment to me, I will say this, he saved my life. Because of him I am alive. To Belinda: I know how it feels to lose the man that you love, my husband died a year ago, it does not go away but life does go on. You have his girls, you will forever have him in your heart, he will be with you always. To his girls: Your dad was one of the greatest men I have ever known, you know what people thought of him all I ask is that you live like he did. When you follow the road your father took you will learn to walk like him. To my fellow Shipmates: Let's have a Dr. Pepper for our friend Joppy, and maybe a few jokes. GO SOONERS!!!!!! We beat Nabraska at least!

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Christian Small

Christian, I can't describe how I felt to see your picture in the paper. I recognised you instantly and dropped the paper. We worked together, back in the day, at Loot for a while. I think I may have done your interview and taken you on (good decision!). You left to travel when I was on maternity leave and I always heard positive things about you. I am so glad that I attended your funeral so that I could share my thoughts with you. It was a comforting, warm and surprisingly uplifting ceremony. Your friends and family really did you proud. You touched my life by not being a stereotype and for following your dreams. I will never forget you. I know that God made our paths cross for a reason and for that I thank you. May you rest in peace. Your spirit lives on. Michelle.

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our hero

You are in our thoughts and prayers. God Bless You

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Trevor Diesing

No matter the political rights or wrongs of a war the individuals who give their lives are to be remembered and honoured ~ may you be comforted

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Joshua Kynoch

Josh we are all so very proud of you and none of us will ever forget you and how you sacraficed your life for our freedom. May god accept you into his kingdom and may your spirit always be free. God bless you soul until we meet again. We will miss you dearly.

Uncle Rich

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You won't be forgotton.

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SPC Lee Wiegand

Rest in peace.

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SGT Eric Slebodnik

Rest in peace.

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SGT Daniel Arnold

Rest in peace.

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SFC George Pugliese

George ~

Your love for your family and your country is everlasting ~ I love and miss you so MUCH and know that someday we will be together again ~ I am who I am because you loved me and will be your wife now and into eternity.

All my love always ~

Lee Anne

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Sergio H. Escobar

God Bless you and your family for the loss you have sufferd.

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Francis Straub Jr.

Frank, I am thinking about you today on your birthday. I hope that your soul is at peace. I also pray that God helps your family and everyone who cares about you.

Uncle Frank

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 For Philip A. Murphy-Sweet   For David A Wilkey Jr   For Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia   For Frank E. Adamski III   For Benjamin Walker   For Trevor B. Adkins   For Adam D. Jones   For Laurie Cobb   For Larry E Polley Jr   For Paul C. Holter III   For Alex D Gonzalez   For Christopher D Young   For Jose E Ulloa   For John Michael Roy Curwin   For Derek L. Shanfield   For Marisol Heredia   For John Charles Jenkins   For Todd Beamer   For Steven Paul Chucknick   For Geoffrey Perez  
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