My heartfelt sympathy to the Hines family in the loss of Derek. I did not know Derek, but my heart is broken and I am sadden for your loss of such a fine young man and hero. May God bring you peace in your heart as you reflect on all the wonderful memories you hold so close. Please know that you are in my heart and prayers. I send each of you a hug from the most inner part of my heart. Love and Peace Tom
My heartfelt sympathy to the Sheehan family in the loss of Casey. I did not know Casey, but my heart is broken and I am sadden for your loss of such a fine young man and hero. May God bring you peace in your heart as you reflect on all the wonderful memories you hold so close. Please know that you are in my heart and prayers. I send each of you a hug from the most inner part of my heart. Love and Peace Tom
My heartfelt sympathy to the Detample family in the loss of Nathaniel. I did not know Nathaniel,( I lived in the Easton/Bangor PA area for 53 years) but my heart is broken and I am sadden for your loss of such a fine young man and hero. May God bring you peace in your heart as you reflect on all the wonderful memories you hold so close. Please know that you are in my heart and prayers. I send each of you a hug from the most inner part of my heart. Love and Peace Tom
My heartfelt sympathy to the Hodshire family in the loss of Michael. I did not know Michael, but my heart is broken and I am sadden for your loss of such a fine young man and hero. May God bring you peace in your heart as you reflect on all the wonderful memories you hold so close. Please know that you are in my heart and prayers. I send each of you a hug from the most inner part of my heart. Love and Peace Tom
Jill is in my prayers and I prayer that her words touch and change some hearts over there. Lord bring her back home save.
To Jim, Mary Beth and Katie Carroll, May God strengthen you
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work. If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!
i loved him with all of my heart when he was with me, i loved when he left for the army, and i loved him the day i saw the casket. he's a part of me, and without him watching over me, i wouldn't be the same. even though i'm posting this on february 2, and he was killed on august 31, it still feels like it only happened yesterday. i love you jason, i know you're watching over me, and never leave my side. i love you, to forever & eternity
My heartfelt condolences go out to Laurie’s family, friends and students.
Teacher's Prayer
I want to teach my students how To live this life on earth To face its struggles and its strife And to improve their worth Not just the lesson in a book Or how the rivers flow But how to choose the proper path Wherever they may go To understand eternal truth And know The right from wrong And gather all the beauty of a Flower And a song for if I help the world to grow In wisdom And in grace Then I shall feel that I have won And I have filled my place And so I ask Your guidance, God That I may do my part
For character and confidence And happiness of Heart.
This tribute is not only dedicated to the memory of LcPL Steven Szwydek, but to all of the heroes who have given the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedoms. Steven was not only a great son, but a dedicated Marine who was committed to his mission. May God continue to watch over and protect our troops Semper Fi Nancy Szwydek
Missing someone gets easier every day because even though it's one day further from the last time you saw each other, it's one day closer to the next time you will. I love you.
My name is Michael Lamberson. My thoughts and prayers are with Jill. Like others I plead for her release. The situation is far from hopeless. God is mindful of her. The prayers of desire are united. Let us come together and know, reguardless of our religious affiliations, that our creator listens! I believe in Jill's release! To her family I say Jill has my deepest hope. You have my deepest hope. Your daughter is not alone. I will not put my thoughts of her aside. Though I cannot tell you this in person, I believe through our words we have met. My love I send to you from the bottom of my heart. There are things that live within the realm of possibility we cannot explain. To everyone who has heard of Jill Carrol I say this:"Keep her in Mind!"
A part of me still doesn't believe it's real. A part of me is expecting that phone call that your back home and want to hang out. Your memory lives on through your family and friends. Your sacrifice will never be forgotten.
I am so sorry of the loss of your son he was one of the greatest friends that anyone could ever have. My thoughts and prayers are with your whole family
she new the risk of being there, she can report the news from anywhere. getting the story doesnt mean you have to put yourself in harms way. the story isnt that important. im the mean time, my heart and prayers go out to her for a safe and speedy return home.
May you be released, God get you home to your family and friends and that you may tell your story. Even though we are at war we are all brothers in the eyes of God, one day people will finally understand,that by hurting others gets us nowhere.
I have never met you but have heard a lot about you. I heard you had a great smile and I know that you are in heaven smiling down at Sylvia, Maria, Rachel & Kathryn. My heart goes out to them. This candle is for you. D
I have followed Jill Carroll's abduction from day one, researching on the net & listening to the news for hope of her release. My heart goes out to Jill & her family.
I light this candle for the everlasting love between your father and you. May God always be with you both, keep you healthy and safe, and provide you the strength to overcome all adversities before you
Hey Chris, You're never going to believe this, but the Seahawks made it to the Super Bowl! I wish this could've happened while you were still here, but I know you'll be cheering for them like crazy up in Heaven. Go Hawks!! Love, your sister
hell needs to make room, because it seems likethe demons roam the earth. they need to go back and get what they deserve. i pray for jill. Every second.
i hope she is safe and that they treat her the way they would want to be treated. i understand where they are coming from, but this is going to far. The war will end soon. lets all pray for jill.
pray for Jill - - she could be my daughter. All violence must end - - including that of our country. Taking her life or hurting her will not further any cause. Let us pray for this frightened young woman.
Bless all who grieve for Staff Sgt. Summers... It was their loss that we can be free.. I am so sorry for your loss.. peace be with you now and in the future
This is for all the time when we laugh ourselves sick about crazy things, and for all the jokes we never got to share. I promise your memory lives on in the heart of me for forever. I'll be missing you like crazy until the day we meet again. Hold a seat for me so we can pick up were we left off with the jokes I have a few new ones.
All my thoughts and prayers are with you. You are the face of God in all of us. The cowards who hold you captive fear for their lives in hell; that is why they need to be with you before God returns you to us, it's the closest they will ever come to God before he devours them and spits them into the fires of hell.
Fabricio, A day does not go by with out us all thinking about you and your great sacrifice. We are comforted in knowing that you are now in a better place. Till we meet again at the Gates of Heaven.
I served with SSgt in Charlie 1/5 he was a great man. I didn't deploy with him this last time to Iraq, but i will always remember his word of insperation before i left the unit. He will always be missed.
Mere words cannot express the love i have had for you since the day we met. You were my knight in shing armor and always will be. We always said to each other that we live for each other and my heart breaks that the same love also took you from me. I will always love you-til death do us part does not apply here. You were the only thing in my life that did make sense. Until we meet again "rabies"....
This is such a horriable thing to have to go through, but know that the citizens of this nation stand behind jill and her good name. Regardless of the road that lies ahead one thing is for sure and that is those who have jill have a very rough road ahead. I would hate to be any of them when they leave this life they will have alot to answer for. We are all praying for your family. God Bless!
Eventhough this is so unfair, please try to remember that the vengence of God is eternal and to those who seek him and that are rightous...good Jill. This act from the Al Qaeda is wrong and it provokes hate, anger, and vengance, all we will do is feel and ract, but I believe there is justive and mercy in God, and He will do what needs to be done...myt prayers are with you
Perhaps we should appreciate that there is a problem with the vast majority of Arab sympathizers. Where is the outrage when palestinians kill Jews? It is non-existant. Now that the same "techniques" are used against the sympathizers themselves people are surprised? Terrorism is terrorism, whether perpetrated against Jews or Arab sympathizers. You can't have it both ways. Perhpas if these type of actions were condemned to begin with when it only affected Jews, this would never have happened...what a shame!
May you rest in peace free from all pains and sorrows. How you must enjoy singing with the Angels in Heaven above. You will never be forgotten for you brought love to this earth with your son Donald in a legacy of loving Faith. I Pray peace is upon you, and your love ones
They are always stating that they will have their wives put away, if she is not married to one, I do not see how they can do this. Therefore I beleive they will soon be releasing her to her family.
Hey baby just thinking about you. What person in their right mind do you know who writes to someone all the time knowing their never going to write back? I just miss you so much and my love for you is as stronge as ever. I guess writing to you helps me cope with you being gone. Your my strenght and what keeps me going, a part of me died when I found out about what happened and Im striving to find a reason (besides my family) to go on, and your that reason. There are so many things we wanted to acconplish together and i plan on doing as much as i us. I LOVE YOU.
This is Donald and Brand Shores (both deaf) of Aulander, NC and we want to light a candle hoping Jill Carroll will return home safe in her parent's arms. We are praying for you Jill. God Bless.
Please free her she is a innocent young women tryin to help others is all she is guilty of our prayers are with u and your family.... We will keep you in our prayers
Matthew, You are our hero! I have learned through your sacrifice never to take any of our freedoms for granted. You are in our hearts and minds forever. Thank you for being such a principled young man, willing to give your all.
May our wonderful God be with you and bless this day and in the days to come. I will pray that God will answer prayers and do so quickly. Know that you are not alone that there are people all over the world thinking and praying for you. Love, A friend in Christ
America was a better, safer place because of Sgt. 1st Class Lawrence E. Morrison. When he died a part of America died with him.
He will be appreciated for all he did and remembered in the hearts of all that know America would not be the land of the free if it was not the home of brave. Sgt. 1st Class Lawrence E. Morrison was truly a brave man.
My Family and friends haveyou in a prayer group. You will return to us. Maggie Barrier and be released. Excuse my mis~spelling in my original prayer. Love You Much. I am burning candles here at home for you in Manassas, Va.
My Prayers are with you day and night.I ask God for your releand safety.May the Smoke Go Up for You My Precious Sis.Blessed Be, Wado / Maggie / Cherokee (Email Link), Manassas, Va # 20108~4611 Love In Christ .
My heart crys for what you must be going through. Be strong, God be with you! I know the Lord is going to protect you, and I know the Lord hears our prayers for you.
we pray JILL, for your safe return. you are a good person. we pray for your family. GODS PEACE, GOD BLESS YOU JILL . may the HOLY MOTHER PROTECT YOU. AND BE THERE FOR YOU. i know she is. we are with you in spirit, an prayers. AMEN
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this trying time.
Please know you're in the hearts and minds of all of us.
Our father, who art in heaven; hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Please Lord: Place mercy within the hearts of this young ladies captors. There has been so much death, and she strives to help those who need it. Please Lord, let her be spared. Let her be set free, unharmed and alive.
I have cried to myself pondering the fate of words are enough for the pain that must be upon everyone who knew you. God damn this war, this state of affairs, the twisted abberations of a few minds that have brought about this hopeless situation. Inside, I am dying a little everytime I look at your picture. This world has to change now. This cannot be survival.
All of my hopes are for you and your captors to come their senses and show mercy. If they are reading these...please do the right thing...let her go to her family. Violence to match violence solves nothing. Vengeance is fruitless.
When I sleep tonight, I know I will dream of Jill and I hope by morning, she will be safe.
Hey baby, I know its been awhile and Im still writing you. Its hard to just let you go and it get harder as time goes on. I have a gift for your brother, Brian, but I havent sent it. Im scared to honest. I know you wanted so much for me to know him but what if he dont want to know me? I miss you so much Frank I wish the army messed up like they usuakky do and you were just MIA and came home to us. I love you so much, never forget that.
I promise to continue to pray every day for your safe release. Everything is Gods will. We can all try to love each other through the pain and difficulty
I pray for your safe return. You have been in my thoughts since this started. Your in my prayers and my thoughts daily. Jill, may God protect you and keep you from harm. There are so many people here in the USA that are thinking and praying for you and your safe return home to your family. God be with you, Jill.