Liberty unites

liberty unites us
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all the family of the victims of the hurricane

I really express my sympathy to all the family members of the deceased.I really think that all of the deaths could have been prevented if there was proper preparation. I really would like to help if i had the money but i can only send my condolences cause i'm not a working individual so please accept my sympathy.

BE STRONG, Kimberly(13years)

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i know thsi is very hard. But everyone who suffered in the tragity is in my prayers.

Things happen for a reason and everyone will prevail you are all in my prayers love and God Bless

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to all the cjildren who can't find their parents

i sened my deepest condolences to all the victims of this tragedy.. I hope that america and even the world will pull together to help you and your families to go back to life as usual as soon as possible...

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Pvt. John M. Henderson, Jr.

We miss you John, and love you!

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I can't explain what I've seen for the past week or so. First I thought I was watching a third world country that needs totally assist. Then it dawned on me that this horiffic devastation was taken place in the U.S. My heart and soul goes out to all of the victims---not refugees who have lost loved ones or those who have been affected by this hurricane. So keep your heads lifted up, and your eyes towards heaven....I KNOW THAT U CAN MAKE IT!!!!!!!!!THIS IS ONLY A TEST!!!

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Our prayer for the family and comrades of SFC Benson

On behalf of our family, we are sorry for the loss of your loved one. Our prayers are with you. We remember, and we are thankful for your sacrifice.

The Bergs

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Colby Mace

It has been six months, thirteen days, and 8 hours since you left this Earth and I still miss you every second of everyday. Baby I love you Always and Forever!

Love always,


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to new orleans

My heart goes out to all in New Orleans mostly to the Black people because we have been done so wrong I am from Cali but have there so many times and was getting ready to move there now its not there to move but it will be soon New Orleans keep your heads up

I lvoe you all blk white green or red

Thelma thomas


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to new orleans

My heart goes out to all in New Orleans mostly to the Black people because we have been done so wrong I am from Cali but have there so many times and was getting ready to move there now its not there to move but it will be soon New Orleans keep your heads up

I lvoe you all blk white green or red

Thelma thomas


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All victims & Pets

My heartfelt thoughts are with all the victims, their friends and families and their pets that were left behind by no god given choice. The victims don't realize how much support there is out there for them. The one thing that I can offer you all is to be strong and get by with what you have now. EACH OTHER. I feel all your pain for having to leave your beloved pets behind. I can't tell you know how the tears flow when I keep seeing pictures of dogs stranded on roofs with noone or nowhere to turn to or about the little boy who cried until he got so sick b/c he didn't want to leave his dog when he boarded the bus. For all those who have loved ones that have passed on, my heart and soul is with you. I have faith in this Nation and by such a travesty, this will make us all defeat our hardships and make us one nation and define what human family really is. GOD BLESS YOU ALL. WE ARE PRAYING FOR YOU EVERYDAY.

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I miss so much not getting your emails and it is very hard for me lately to realize that hitting the reply button gets me no where. I never met you but i knew you. I thank you for becoming a part of my life. I pray for your family and know that you are watching over all of us.. I pray for you.


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The Ostrom Family

Mansfield VFW Post 6757 wants you to know that you are in our hearts and prayers. We will be here for you in anyway we can help.

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There is not a second of the day that you are not on my mind. I remeber you once said that if you were ever to go, you would want Aaron to think of you as a hero..... He thinks of you as that and so much more. He always says, "My daddy shot the bad guys. he fought for us because he loves us. he is an angel now and is always here. he's my Rescue Hero." Our baby thinks the world of you. You are truly our hero, Isaac. I miss you so much but even more than that.. I am proud to have ever been lucky enough to be your wife and to have a beautiful baby boy with you. he looks more and more like you every day. I love you so much baby and that love will never end. I look forward to the day we can be together again. Thank you for being you. You toched many hearts during your life.

Your loving wife and son

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Hurricane Katrina Victims

My family's thoughts and prayers are continuing, I know that all the states involved will come back stronger than ever. Don't lose faith in God and each other, be kind to one another, you need each other more than ever, everyone pray for your neighbors.

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Katrina Victims

I just wanted to send my condolences to the families of the victims of this horrific hurricane. I have relatives in Miss. but they are ok. I am sorry to hear about what happend there. Mississippi is filled with beautiful places and beautiful people. May God bless and keep you. If anyone needs a place to stay The city of Pine Bluff has a convention centerand several hotels and plenty of restaurants here and you are all welcome. God Bless each and everyone of you.

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Katrina Victims

Words can hardly describe our sorrow and compassion. Our thoughts and prayers are with the people on the Gulf coast, with our friends in Gulfport and with our 16year old son Felix, who is doing a High school year at GHS.

God bless you

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Al Victims Of Katrina

It is difficult for me to view the devastation of a place I once called home. My wife is from Biloxi and I was stationed at Keesler 1981-1986 as a pilot in the Hurricane Hunters. We lived in the Sunkist area of north Biloxi at that time. We remember Hurricane Elena and my wife was a teenager in Biloxi during Hurricane Camille. We both agree that Katrina has dealt you a much deadlier blow than any previous storm. Our hearts go out to all of you on the Gulf Coast of Mississippi and, for those of you who have lost family members and loved ones, we grieve with you as we watch the aftermath unfold. Viewing the situation from our home in Ohio, we know that you are suffering the post-storm effects of no running water, no electricity and diminishing supplies. Survival is all you concern yourself with every day. It is my sincere hope that your ordeal will be over as soon as possible and that you will rebuild your shattered homes and lives. I intend to help you in any way I can.

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Katrina Victims

We are praying and thinking of you all, everyday, as we were of the Victums of 9/11. we are dounating to red cross,starting up projects to get you things and everyone up here is trying to get you all help.stay strong and have faith!

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Katrina Victims

My heart aches for the kindest people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Please know that you are in the thoughts and prayers of so very many people.

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Hurricane Katrina Victims

Seeing all of the tragedy & elderly victims break my heart. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone in the effected areas. Thank God that there are compassionate people willing to give their time to assist these helpless people. It also breaks my heart to think of the pets who had to be left behind.

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Katrina Victims

I hurt everyday for the people who have had to endure this disaster, but my pain can not match the pain of these people who have gone forward with such perserverance and determination. I pray for all of you daily. Louisiana is our neighbor and I uplift you for your spirit. May God be with each and everyone of you.

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To All The Victims of Hurricane Katherina

Muslim all around the world pay condolences to the victims for Hurricane Katherina

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Neetu's family

Killed by muslims. Irony can be so cruel.

Those that live by the sword.......

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Every Mother And Father And Family that have lost a loved one.

I'm so sorry for your lost I pray for your heart to heal in time I pray for your soul and mind to stay strong. I pray that your days once again be filled with love and sunny days. Please know your not alone. God Bless you

God be with you

God heals bleeding hearts.

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Every Mother And Father And Family that have lost a loved one.

I'm so sorry for your lost I pray for your heart to heal in time I pray for your soul and mind to stay strong. I pray that your days once again be filled with love and sunny days. Please know your not alone. God Bless you

God be with you

God heals bleeding hearts.

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Heather Bustard

Frankie you are truly Missed and will forever be our HERO. My heart goes out to Frank,Lynn,Sean,Brian and Dana. I will love you guys forever and every day you are in my thoughts and prayers.

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Michael Lehmiller

He was my fiance and my love..I am going to miss him dearly and I well never forget him!! I love him so much!!

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Shelley Marie Mather

Always thinking of you.

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god bless, sorry for your loss

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Army Staff Sgt. Jorge L. Pena-Romero

I didn't know Staff Sgt. Jorge L. Pena-Romero,I came across this while searching for a friend of mine!

I thank you for your service to our country,You are an American Hero whose ultimate sacrifice will not be forgotten..


"Not In Vain".

My deepest condolences to the family and friends

of Staff Sgt.Romero

Another Angel Guards The Gates Of Heaven.

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To Phillip's family

I do not know you or your son but the sacrifice you have all given is deeply felt. A young man I knew was also lost this month. May you carry the wonderful memories and somehow heel the wounds from this horrible tragedy. God bless you all and God bless Phillip.

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Staff Sgt. Ryan S. Ostrom

I had the honor of knowing Ryan when he was younger, and played all stars with my son. I also know some of Ryans family. Ryan went from a star then, to an all American Hero. Now hes one of Gods chosen angels. May his family and love ones find peace in knowing that Ryan is still with them everyday, it's just in a different way now. Hes the angel that walks beside you all day long, every second of every day. God Bless you Ryan, God Bless Ryans family. And God Bless America.

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Pfc. Detample

I went to high school w/ nate...we always had a bunch of classes together. we would always get into it about the service being a marine and him being in the army. although we would always kid w/ eachother, we both knew that we were on the same team. Nate was one hell of a guy and im sure a great will be lost, but not forgoten my friend. may god be with you and your family.

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Nathaniel E Detample

Rest in peace my hero .

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Casey Sheehan and loved ones

Dear Casey,

I am so sorry for the loss of you to this war and for the pain this has brought to your loved ones as well.

I support your mother wholeheartedly in her quest for answers for your death and the deaths of so many others like yourself...who dedicated part of your lives to serving America.

Rest in peace and if you can, teach us what we need to learn about all this. Big request I know. But somebody has to and obviously, you are one willing to take on the toughest of tasks.

Thank you, Casey.


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Ssgt Ramon E Gonzales Cordova

I will miss you son. You were our Ben's best friend before he died. I know you are with him now but I will miss you along with Ben.

Love MaMa G

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Thank you for igniting the anti-war movement. I know that it is a terrible price to pay, and that I can never repay your sacrifice.

Love from me - a Vietnam wae resister.

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Thomas Oliver Keeling

Even though your no longer here. I feel your spirit with me and know your still present. Nightly you are remembered in my prayers. You have alot of visitors at your grave who also leave you momentos. I'm glad to hear that. Your marine picture sits next to my childrens gradution pictures where your remembered fondly. Everyday we think about you and remember you. I know your mission was accomplished here and your on to more important things in the after life. Soon we will remember your 24tth birthday September 10th. You are gone but will never be forgotten.

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John and his family

R.I.P.- John Kulick

may my prayers be sent to you and your family

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Jorge Pena

We were childhood friends, and though you and I have not seen each other in over 15yrs. Our mothers remained close for many years. My only regret is that we did not see each other again. Many blessings to your family.... and thank you.

Gabriel Chavez.

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Benedetta Ciaccia

Dear Benedetta

Miss you so much. Miss your laugh,your radiant personalitty. Not ever seeing you again is so painful daily. You were like a daughter to me. There has not been a moment since the day you have passed away that I have not remembered you. For the rest of my life you will always be in my heart and mind. rest in peace. Balbir

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Benedetta Ciaccia

Dear Benedetta

Miss you so much. Miss your laugh,your radiant personalitty. Not ever seeing you again is so painful daily. You were like a daughter to me. There has not been a moment since the day you have passed away that I have not remembered you. For the rest of my life you will always be in my heart and mind. rest in peace. Balbir

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richard ellery

that count owed me a tenner

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Jason Redifer

I love you more than you'll ever know! we had so much fun together and good times! I miss you everyday I wake up! I love you and always will

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Nate Detample

Maya Angelou once said " When people show you who they are believe them." I was Nate's 5th grade teacher

and even in 5th grade he showed me the kind of kid he was , always respectful and always smiling. He loved the Philadelphia Eagles and he loved life. Nate showed me who he was and I believed him. Rest in peace Nate!

Mrs. James

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Sgt Justin Hoffman

We all miss you so much! We know you are in a better place and that you are watching over each of us! This candle burns for you, and will burn for eternity! Rest in Peace my friend.....

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Elizabeth Daplyn

I was at Fort Pitt with Liz, and being 2 years older than me she really took me under her wing.

We played music and sung in the choir together and shared lots of laughs.

I have often wondered how Liz was and I was shocked and very sad to hear that she had died.

My best wishes and condolences to Liz's family.

LOL Jennie Harrison (Balanck)

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Gennaro Pellegrini Jr. and Those who loved him

To the loved ones of Gennaro Pellegrini Jr.,

I was Gennaro's angel through a program called Soldiers' Angels and i was so saddened when they called to tell me. I wish I would have known Gennaro longer, but with the little that I did know and through the few emails, I know he was a great, respectful man. My prayers go out to all of those that knew him and may God bless you all and give you the strength to make it through each day easier.

Love Always,


Houston, Tx

beautifulme2002@excite. com

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mi querido primo

deseo con todo mi corazon quela luz y el amor te acompañen por siempre, y aunque dejas un vacio inmenso e irreparable se que estas en el cielo y algun dia volveremos a estar juntos.

te quiero mucho y permeneceras en mi mente y mi corazon por siempre. Nereyda herrera

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benedetta ciaccia

Sono molto addolorata per quello che è capitato a quella povera ragazza,e mi piacerebbe molto poter contattare il suo fidanzato anche solo via mail.Qualcuno potrebbe indicarmi come?Giuliana

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Nathaniel E. Detample

19 - far too young to lose a young life. Your family must be devastated. May God Bless and look after you in Heaven.


Chelmsfor d, UK

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Juan C. Venegas

You have and will always be my hero, most honorable and genuine person..the hardest worker possible. You gave the ultimate sacrifice my love and my heart aches for you. I miss you and I love you babycakes. Your hija forever mi amor. Your Mariam. May the Lord give our families strength as you watch over us together and help us cope with this tremendous tragedy. Its never going to be easier. But I know You're always with me.

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Casey Sheehan

My brother-in-law was killed by an IED one month ago. I understand the pain and grief his family is going through. I also have nothing but respect for what his mother is trying to accomplish. I, too, support our soldiers but I do not support the war. Please, dear God, bless our soldiers and help President Bush realize he needs to bring our troops home, NOW!

My condolences to the Sheehan family.

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Ron Wood

Ron was my brother-in-law, but in my heart, he was my brother. Ron was truly the nicest guy in the world who would've done anything for anyone at anytime without questions or complaints. He will be deeply missed by family and friends alike. Ron had a profound effect on my family and I know we are all better people for having known Ron and for being able to call him "family" for six years. He will never be forgotten and is a true hero to all of us. He was a fantastic friend, brother and a great uncle to my children. And Ron gave the best hugs, ever!


Hugs and kisses forever, Ron!

Love ya - Katie, Bob, Seth and Garrett

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SSGT Ryan S. Ostrom, PAANG

I had the privilege of attending SSGT Ryan S. Ostrom's funeral in Liberty, PA on 19 Aug 05. The outpouring of support from his community and our families was heart wrenching. He believed in why he was over there, and he put his love of country before everything.

May those who knew and loved him be comforted and may God bless and sustain them.

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Casey Sheehan

Casey paid the ultimate price for serving in the military. To him there is honor in that sacrifice and he shall always be remembered as a hero. But when his and other lives are needlessly wasted as cannon fodder for the over inflated ego of a dweeb with delusions of grandeur, who happens to be in a bought position of power, that is nothing less than murder and his blood and the blood of all the others with him shall always remain upon the hands of the man who, in truth, killed him.

My heart goes out to Casey's mom and all the families of those who have and must die for nothing more than the greed of power.

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Armyman Johnny K

John, you are the true definition of an American hero! You dedicated your life to helping others. To know you was one of the greatest gifts. You brought smiles to faces everywhere you went. You will never be forgotten. All we need to do is close our eyes, look in our hearts and see that smile wherever we go! We love you Johnny K!

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Tricia Jameson

Tricia, each time I see your smile, my heart aches again for your mother, my sister, Patty. May your and God's unending love shine down upon her to bring her and our family strength and consolation. You are missed, you will never be forgotten. I believe now you are your mother's guardian angel -- the angel she so prayed to watch over you. We love you Tricia.

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Memory of Casey Sheehan

Casey Sheehan was an adult who volunteered to serve in the army at the age of 21. He was a responsible adult who re-enlisted for a second tour, knowing full well that he might be sent to Iraq. He died a hero, doing what he was trained to do. It is a shame that his own mother is dishonoring him, his choice, his service, his committment in order to gain recognition for herself. She does not speak for Casey! He spoke for himself.

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Staff Sgt. Jorge Pena

To my Big Brother,

I know that you are in a better place. May you rest until our Heavenly Father returns for us. I love you and miss you. We all love you and miss you! You will NEVER be forgotten. Your memory will live on forever in our minds and hearts, along with all of your silly jokes. You still make us laugh, even in your absence. Can't wait to be together again...until then,

Love your Sis,

Karla :-)

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timothy m. bell and family.

we miss you with all are hearts and every breath we take. we know you will be with us always and forever. thank you for your bravery and your love for all of us. we love you timmy!!!

aunt jen

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Peter Jennings

Deepest sympathy to the family.Peter was much loved and will always be missed.

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(SEAL) Matthew G. Axelson

Dear Matt, my heart reaches out to your soul. I am so sorry that this had to happen to you and your family. May the gift you gave forever impact our world in grace and goodness. Linda Berdeski Hamilton.

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Navy Operations Specialist 1st Class (SW) Thomas C. Hull

Thank you for your service to our country. We are the land of the free....only because of the BRAVE!!

Sympathies to the family and God Bless

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Marine Sgt. James R. Graham III

Thank you for your service to our country. We are the land of the free....only because of the BRAVE!!

Sympathies to the family and God Bless SEMPER FI

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Marine Sgt. Nathaniel S. Rock

Thank you for your service to our country. We are the land of the free....only because of the BRAVE!!

Sympathies to the family and God Bless SEMPER FI

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Marine Lance Cpl. Grant B. Fraser

Thank you for your service to our country. We are the land of the free....only because of the BRAVE!!

Sympathies to the family and God Bless SEMPER FI

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Marine Cpl. David Kenneth J. Kreuter

Thank you for your service to our country. We are the land of the free....only because of the BRAVE!!

Sympathies to the family and God Bless SEMPER FI

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Marine Staff Sgt. Chad J. Simon

Thank you for your service to our country. We are the land of the free....only because of the BRAVE!!

Sympathies to the family and God Bless SEMPER FI

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Marine Gunnery Sgt. Theodore Clark Jr.

Thank you for your service to our country. We are the land of the free....only because of the BRAVE!!

Sympathies to the family and God Bless SEMPER FI

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Army Pfc. Nils G. Thompson

Thank you for your service to our country. We are the land of the free....only because of the BRAVE!!

Sympathies to the family and God Bless

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Army Spc. Edward L. Myers

Thank you for your service to our country. We are the land of the free....only because of the BRAVE!!

Sympathies to the family and God Bless

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Army Pfc. Damian J. Garza

Thank you for your service to our country. We are the land of the free....only because of the BRAVE!!

Sympathies to the family and God Bless

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Army Capt. Benjamin D. Jansky

Thank you for your service to our country. We are the land of the free....only because of the BRAVE!!

Sympathies to the family and God Bless

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Army Spc. Benyahmin B. Yahudah

Thank you for your service to our country. We are the land of the free....only because of the BRAVE!!

Sympathies to the family and God Bless

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Army Pvt. John M. Henderson Jr.

Thank you for your service to our country. We are the land of the free....only because of the BRAVE!!

Sympathies to the family and God Bless

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Army Staff Sgt. Michael W. Schafer

Thank you for your service to our country. We are the land of the free....only because of the BRAVE!!

Sympathies to the family and God Bless

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Army Staff Sgt. Jefferey J. Farrow

Thank you for your service to our country. We are the land of the free....only because of the BRAVE!!

Sympathies to the family and God Bless.

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Army Staff Sgt. Jorge L. Pena-Romero

Thank you for your service to our country. We are the land of the free....only because of the BRAVE!!

Sympathies to the family and God Bless.

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Army Sgt. 1st Class Brett E. Walden

Thank you for your service to our country. We are the land of the free....only because of the BRAVE!!

Sympathies to the family and God Bless.

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Army Spc. Ronnie D. Williams

Thank you for your service to our country. We are the land of the free....only because of the BRAVE!!

Sympathies to the family and God Bless.

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Marine Lance Cpl. Efrain Sanchez Jr

Thank you for your service to our country. We are the land of the free....only because of the BRAVE!!

Sympathies to the family and God Bless. SEMPER FI

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Army Sgt. 1st Class Ronald T. Wood

Thank you for your service to our country. We are the land of the free....only because of the BRAVE!!

Sympathies to the family and God Bless

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Army Pfc. Seferino J. Reyna

Thank you for your service to our country. We are the land of the free....only because of the BRAVE!!

Sympathies to the family and God Bless

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Army Sgt. Travis S. Cooper

Thank you for your service to our country. We are the land of the free....only because of the BRAVE!!

Sympathies to the family and God Bless

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Army Spc. Jared D. Hartley

Thank you for your service to our country. We are the land of the free....only because of the BRAVE!!

Sympathies to the family and God Bless

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Army Pfc. Timothy J. Hines Jr.

Thank you for your service to our country. We are the land of the free....only because of the BRAVE!!

Sympathies to the family and God Bless

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Marine Cpl. Clifton B. Mounce

Thank you for your service to our country. We are the land of the free....only because of the BRAVE!!

Sympathies to the family and God Bless SEMPER FI

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Marine Staff Sgt. Joseph P. Goodrich

Thank you for your service to our country. We are the land of the free....only because of the BRAVE!!

Sympathies to the family and God Bless SEMPER FI!

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Army Sgt. Deyson K. Cariaga

Thank you for your service to our country. We are the land of the free....only because of the BRAVE!!

Sympathies to the family and God Bless.

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To Patrick,Rose,Anthony and Raphael.The Lord knows how best to assure you that Kevin is ok. with Him.You remain in our prayers.Mary,Victor and William.

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arthur frederick

You were always an inspiration to us. Your memory and legacy will live on in our hearts. We know that where ever you are, you will find peace.

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SGT Jeffcoat

I did not know SGT Jeffcoat but I know he was a wonderful man. My best friend was Spec. John Kulick who wrote me an email the morning before he was killed that he was planning on attending a service for SGT Jeffcoat and how devestated he was. These men are heroes and will never be forgotten. My prayers are with his family and friends.

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PFC Rios

Thank you for paying the ultimate price for freedom. I will keep your family and friends in my prayers. Thank god we have so many men and women that are willing to lay down their lives to protect our way of life. God Bless America!

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Staff SGT OStrum

I did not knoe Staff Sgt OStrum but he was an american hero. My best friend Spec. John Kulick was kia on Aug. 9th so I know that it is painful. My thought are with his family and friends. Thank you for protecting your country and keeping the american way of life safe. God Bless America.

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SPEC Krout

I did not know Spec Krout but he was in the same unit as my best friend Spec. John Kulick. Your family and friends are in my prayers. Thank you for protecting our freedom and our way of life. Heros will always be remembered.

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 For Philip A. Murphy-Sweet   For David A Wilkey Jr   For Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia   For Frank E. Adamski III   For Benjamin Walker   For Trevor B. Adkins   For Adam D. Jones   For Laurie Cobb   For Larry E Polley Jr   For Paul C. Holter III   For Alex D Gonzalez   For Christopher D Young   For Jose E Ulloa   For John Michael Roy Curwin   For Derek L. Shanfield   For Marisol Heredia   For John Charles Jenkins   For Todd Beamer   For Steven Paul Chucknick   For Geoffrey Perez  
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