James, you were one my best friends in life and you'll be forever missed. Your bravery (even while growing up) will never be forgotten. Thank you for your service and love of your country. But most of all, thank you for your friendship.
Nick, I will never again be able to hug you, hear your laugh, or see you smile. These are now only memories that I hold in my heart. I know that you are safe in God's arms. But, I will miss you every day of my life until I see you once again. I miss you, I love you Mom
I am praying for you, and your family. You are in our thoughts, and our wishes. From thousands of miles away we will keep the hopes alive, and the candle lit.
i dont know who this is but I'm sorry any of this hapened. My two heritages are American and English so these terrorists have hit twice in my heart. But hitting the only race u r is even worse. I'm sending this out 2 everybody out there who has these I'm really sorry it happened i hope things get better there for u all
I met him for only 30 minutes but he made a lasting impression. He was an amazing guy, a wonderful boyfriend to my good friend Suz, and a true hero. He will be missed for eternity. Guys like him come along once in a millenium. Heaven is now a better place with him there. I hope his family and friends will recover from this immense loss. -SK
Be assured that the people of Britain will not be brow-beaten by the callous acts perpetrated on us. We will be more vigilant and continue to live in peace and harmony with all races and creeds.
These lunatics are not helping their cause as their actions will unite the rest of the world against them, THEY ARE THE MINORITY. It will make us stronger and more united.
My prayers and thoughts are with all the people affected and my thanks go out to all the Services that performed admirably.
Chris, It has been almost 6 months & not a day goes by that I dont think about you & the sacrafice you made for your country. We all love you & miss you. Thank you.
I am sending my deepest sympathy to William I am from the UK and as you know about 50 innocent civilians died and about 16 still missing in the Al Qaeda bomb blasts at several train stations including one bus. Reading about the gruesome details was bad enough and I went online and saw many volunteered fighting for a cause. An eye for an eye does not always solve problems but I guess to try at least get some justice and democracy. I am so sorry to hear of men like William dying for their country or for a cause....my heart goes out to men and women and children who are suffering for their loved ones. May God be with you all. United Kingdom
May god bless those who protect and serve us in times like this.....as the world is divided into two our hearts remain unchanged we have to one by one learn to forgive one another in order to move on!! We here in Australia stand united with the US and the UK in the fight against terror. My heart goes out to the families of the victims. Tony Blair has to step up his game in order for a more stable world...
You are in our family prayers. Though difficult remember " Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in Heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the righteous and unrighteous."
My heart remains heavy and the tears still flow. Sometimes when I think of the laughs we've shared, I feel even worse-thinking that time and terror has cheated us. I remember watching from my office window the plane hit the Trade Center. I remember thinking that I was going to die. You fought so that I can continue to live. I am forever in your debt and will forever honor you with peace. CC, I miss you so much. I miss just being able to reach out with hope and love and anticipation of your safe return…. I love you. Dee PS: you’ve gone from “my knucklehead” to being “my guardian angel."
Kip, You were one of my best friends and I'll never forget all the great times we had and the trouble we caused. You are the bravest person I have ever known and you will be missed dearly. Until we meet again my friend.
our deepest condolences for all victims families, and to all the british people. from,jose,susie,enrique,b rian,kristian,cody,dylan, bailey,emily,tommy.from the united states.god bless all of us.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and families in London. I admire everyone's ability to hold thier head high during this tragic situation. The terrorists shall be found and I'm hopeful justice will be served. God bless.
Ryan was a wonderful boy who grew to be a wonderful man. He is a true HERO! Our family will always be in debt to him and other like him who are willing to stand and fight for our freedoms. I feel a deep sadness for his family, especially his brother and sister. Their bond was a great one. They can find comfort in knowing their brother loved Jesus and that he awaits for them in Heaven.
We think of you and pray for your often. The hearts of all men are known by our Lord and Savior. I pray for your safe return and strength for you and your family.
James, we honor the service you have given your country and people. Your sacrifce in the cause of freedom and liberty has not gone unnoticed and was not in vain.
V.E. Fritton Former Infantryman & a member of the 27th regiment
Daniel, we honor the service you have given your country and people. Your sacrifce in the cause of freedom and liberty has not gone unnoticed and was not in vain.
V.E. Fritton Former Infantryman & a member of the 27th regiment
Jeffery, we honor the service you have given your country and people. Your sacrifce in the cause of freedom and liberty has not gone unnoticed and was not in vain.
V.E. Fritton Former Infantryman & a member of the 27th regiment
Erik, we honor the service you have given your country and people. Your sacrifce in the cause of freedom and liberty has not gone unnoticed and was not in vain.
V.E. Fritton Former Infantryman & a member of the 27th regiment
Jacques, we honor the service you have given your country and people. Your sacrifce in the cause of freedom and liberty has not gone unnoticed and was not in vain.
V.E. Fritton Former Infantryman & a member of the 27th regiment
Lyle, we honor the service you have given your country and people. Your sacrifce in the cause of freedom and liberty has not gone unnoticed and was not in vain.
V.E. Fritton Former Infantryman & a member of the 27th regiment
We thank you for being the fine son you were, we thank you for being a hero to our country. You will ever be in our hearts and our memories will keep you close. Thank you for making us proud.
im jake, 17, I live here in london. what happened on july 7th 2005 shows we are all vulnerable. White, black, christian, jew, muslim, sikh, big, small, short, tall... whether you are of the same religion or culture as the terrorists or not, you, like everyone else are targets of these acts. We must not let terror win. We will find these killers in the name of the dead. Lets not make these innocent victims die in vain. These terrorists will NOT win!
Our strength you'll find remains unbowed We're London and we're very proud
Hey mate and brother, I know you hear me know and I know you are in heaven enjoyng the ultimate and eternal life, your family is missing you heaps especially Ingy your lovely daughter, May Allah get you all together in heaven
Your soul was not wasted brother, you payed the ultimate price and you deserve the ultimate reward
Michael, you were so young to be taken from us, but I want to thank you and any members of your family for the service to our country. Without brave men like you, all our hopes and dreams for the future of freedom for all would be gone in an instant.
My prayers and sympathy goes out to your family and friends with the hope that they stay strong in their belief that your purpose in life was to help us all be free.
This is my first time posting on this site and I just want to say my heartfelt sympathy goes out to this brave soldier's family. His duty and service to our country deserves the utmost honor and respect from those of us who live in freedom. My hope is that his wife and two daughters are strenthened by our prayers and cherish the memories of their husband and father as the "tough, dedicated, and skilled warrior" that he was.
We send our heartfelt Sympathies to the familes and friends who lost Loved ones in the London Bombings 7th July 2005 ,
To thosae who are injured we wish you a speedy recovery and hoping youll all get better , In time.
To those who have loved ones that are missing at this time, We send you positive energy an are praying youll find your Loved ones safe and well. To the Emergency Serrvices , Thank You for all yu did to help. To any and everyone involved especially the Injured and also families of victims, we pray youll find the strength to get you through this ordeal and we will be adding you to our prayers.
From Managers and Members of Scorpio Rising an MSN Grioup.
To the family and friends he left behind, I send my deepest condolences and respect to you, and may your faith guide you and give you the strength you need.
I was sent an email about a response to a fly-over,and wanted to find out more about Capt. Fresques. I hold the military in high regard, and those who don't can piss off and go to hell!
To yu all, mourning families.You were touched, tomorrow maybe we will be too.. trrorism is a plague, and I want to tell everybody I deeply sympathise with your sadness and anger.. May life bring you a bit of relief.. GIGI, from france..
May you all find peace during this unexpected loss. Many people are praying constantly that you all will have the strength to pull through this huge tragedy that you unfairly have to suffer through. Try to keep your head up. Always be proud of who you are, where you come from, and what you believe in, bacuse will all know these menices will never win. I offer you my deepest condolences. God Bless.
We must rid our countries (US & Bristish) of all people of Middle Eastern descent. Regardless, none of them can be trusted. They are just lying in wait for there call from Allah to kill and destroy you and your country. Look them straight in the eye and you will find yourself looking at pure evil, at the devil.
Im so sorry for everyone that we had to lose such an awesome person. im going to miss hanging out, you taught me so much about life, and how i should always live it to the fullest. later brother.
May God wrap HIS arms of love about each and every one of you and give you the strength to face each new day. This is a road that we in the USA have been down ~ we're with you in thought and prayer. God speed!
To Chris's Family, The whole world mourns and misses your loved one. Chris, you are a lodestar and you are not forgotten. Thank you for being an everyday and yet, an uncommon HERO.
As you were so loved, you shall be greatly missed. Make room for all of us to join you! xoxoxo, Mary
Dear Marcus, You are a Hero and an Angel. Thank you for making the ultimate sacrifice. Thank you for defending and protecting us. I've got a couple of connections for you up there in heaven. I'm sure you have many also, but it doesn't hurt to have backup. Please look up Brad Squires and Bronwen Hollows. They will forever look out for your welfare and befriend you as you wait for all of your loved ones to join you. Love eternally,
Somewhere, Shamus' journey continues... Along a path that stretches over the stars, Beside a river that flows with memories, As his spirit soars into the LIGHT And enfolds those left behind in the glow of his love And the promise of reunion.
Oh God, Brad, I miss you so much. You were just a kid when I first met you. I am Colin's Mom. I'm listening to the Bronwen's Gift CD when you sang the lead song, "CALLING OUT". The song was for Beau, a little boy who was afraid of everything..."little Beau, don't you cry, there are Angels by your side". You have always been a hero, from the very first day I met you right up until the day you died. Your life was a GIFT and a JOY to everyone around you. Dear darling Brad, please know that "There are Angels by your side". I look forward to the day when we meet up again. Bronwen is up there waiting for you to discover that she is Colin's sister. She will be a good friend to you and show you the ropes. Soon we will all be together again. So much love.... Mary
It is so painful what happen to the victims who died in the bombing. Its sure does bring back memories of 9/11. You people of london should keep your heads up and please accept my prayers. Love you Britain.
Jeff: You've been an inspiration to me and others interested or engaged in international trade and an all-around great guy - my prayers and hopes are with you!
You always made me laugh at work with your silly nicknames for me. You always harrassed me but I never minded. Til we meet again. I will miss seeing your face. NSDQ
Holly, im not sure if you are going to read this, so i will be sure to tell you tonight when i pray. Holly i cant find any words that can fully express how sad and lost i am. I NEVER thought this would happen, and here i am, writing to a friend that is no longger here. camp lejeune is going to be so lame with out you. Holly you will be missed and i will never forget about you, my kids are going to know about the great holly. Peace Holly, ill see you when i get there. P.S hope you liked the chips!!!!
You come to place your bags of hate On bus and train, you made us late Yet we’ll be back again tomorrow We’ll carry on despite our sorrow
Your bags of hate caused some to die Yet we stride out strong with heads held high You’ll never win, we will not bow You can’t defeat us, you don’t know how
This London which we love with pride Is a town where scum like you can’t hide Don’t worry we will hunt you down Then Lock you up in name of Crown
We’re London and we’re many races Just look you’ll see our stoic faces We all condemn your heinous act You will not win and that’s a fact
We’ll mourn our dead and shed a tear But we will not bow to acts of fear You’re out there somewhere all alone There’s nowhere now you can call home
Olympics ours we’ve won the race Your timing then a real disgrace Our strength you’ll find remains unbowed We’re London and we’re very proud.
I did not know you personally. I served with 3/8, and was born and raised in Shreveport, LA. You have my utmost respect and I pray that your family knows there are people like myself out here that will do everything we can to help with the hardship of your lose. Semper Fi brother. You will not be forgotten.
My prayers are for you... Your brevity will be an inspiration for many women around the world. Hoping for your safe return. God's Peace and spirit be with you, Clementina.
You are not forgotten. We will continue to keep you in our hearts and thoughts praying that some of God's compassion can find its way into the hearts of those who are responsible for this senseless act to a good and decent man. We pray that you are soon able to return to your home, family and good work.
America is praying for all of you in this time of great pain. May your deceased rest in peace with their Creator and may your wounded heal not only on the outside, but on the inside. My prayer is that the people of Great Britain will stand up to those who inflict harm on the innocent and your resolve be strengthened.
I just got back from my first trip to London 2 weeks ago. My heart is with all the people of London. May your loved ones be found safe and may you find the strength and peace to stand together and move ahead, like we in NY did after 9/11. My prayers are with all of those who are still searching for loved ones.
god be with you all that died that day ! these evil animals will never take away our freedom. we british are a very strong nation & these animals will not win ! GOD BLESS BRITAIN & OUR ALLIES .
First and foremost I would like to say how proud I am to have served with Brittish soldiers here in Iraq. I am a US soldier and appreciate the efforts of England and the support for the war on terrorism. May God bless you all!
my heart goes out to all the people who have been hurt one way or another, there are too many bad people out there in our world but the good people outweigh the bad by far, we have to keep on smiling and be brave. As someone whos brother in law was caught up in it all, i know what everyones going through, we were worried for hours and his phone was dead, but we were one of the lucky ones. One thing more, im so proud to be a londoner even if i now live in Manchester. Thinking of you all, joanne in Sale xxxxxxx