Anthony, it is us down here who are lost, you are found, and im glad you are in the better higher dimension, and that you got blasted there by ignorant people who hate the freedom we enjoy here on earth.
Hi Arthur, I am grieving at your loss. My heart is so heavy it feels like it's going to slip down into my stomach.
This is so sad. I pray Arthur, that you are safe and sound in the arms of our sweet and loving God.
It's sometimes very difficult to understand Gods plans for each and everyone of us. I'm having a little trouble trying to understand this myself. But please know that you are in my prayers.
What can I say? My heart is broken. I havn't felt this sad since 9/11
I am so angry at those beasts that took your life. I pray to Our Heavenly Father that he may keep you by his side.
Please God, confort the family and friends of this lady. Make us all strong so we may confront this evil with courage and dignity. God bless you Susan.
Ania, I never knew you. Here I am a 50 year old former Marine from the USA. I consider myself a pretty tough and hardend guy.
But as I look at your picture I can feel a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye. The first time I've shed a tear in a very long time. I pray that your family and friends can find comfort in knowing that you are with God in paradise. God bless you.
Hi Michael. I am so very sad and angry because of what happened to you. You will be missed. I pray that God helps your family in this tragic time. God bless you.
Dear Fiona, Your loss is hard to deal with. Because you,re still young at heart. Your smile tells me what kind of person you,re. Sweet and Warm. You will be missed
We will never forget you little Em, we only met a few times but those times will never be forgotten. You will always be in our thoughts precious girl xoxoxo
For someone who was ever gentle, ever so kind and generous, she will be sorely missed by all who knew her. Given that there is no reason why this had to happen, I can only be thankful for what Rachelle has meant to those around her. My heart goes out to her husband, her mother and father and her siblings. May God's love and peace be with them during this time of loss.
i met fiona in feb this year and she was part of my team for the Belize canoe race. You will always be in my memories. And although i only knew you for a short time, You were a brilliant girl and we had a laugh together. You'll be missed greatly. Rest in Peace x
I worked with Bill from 1974-1985 and would like to say what a kind , intelligent , patient person he was. He had a great sense of humour and he left a lasting impression when you met him. I know he is in heaven and we pray for him. Ron
Our hearts fell just as they did on 9/11 in America. As all of you have been by our side through thick and thin on the War on Terrorism, we Americans mourn with you and for all of you. Nobody deserves the horror and terror that these people have brought to all of us.
America stands UNITED with all of you during these times of grieving and times of terror. May God Bless you all and May God be with all of our soldiers no matter what branch or what country they serve and May He give them the strength, courage and ability to move on. GOD BLESS YOU!! Dee Thayer Lake Almanor, CALIFORNIA
I will miss his laugh, his smile, his hugs, that little quirky grin he gave when he was kidding you, and we would watch Dragon Ball Z until we were nearly blind. I will miss you so much. I love you.
Mi chiamo fulvio e volevo fare le condoglianze alla famiglia e i parenti.Ho seguito con molto dolore e tristezza le vicende, vi sono vicino in questi giorni di dolore.
Oh Anthony, wish i'd kept in touch. anytime i think of your mum and the rest of your family, my chest gets really tight and i'm breathless. It must be excruciating. i'll keep the beautiful memory of your bubbly personality for life. thats a promise. God keep you until we meet at his feet
My heartfelt sympathy goes out to Christian's family and friends. I first heard about Cristian through one of my students at Thames Valley University who had asked me to post the 'missing' email.
Recently i have learned of his dynamicism as a person, his triumphs on his visit to Afrika and great personal accomplishments that i hope will come to fruition, despite his life being cut short.
It's a sad loss - he was obviously a beautiful person inside and out.
May his soul be dwelling in eternal peace and light.
Rest in peace Corlin. I pray you smile while you look at the sympathy of those who loved you...I pray God receives you into His ever loving arms according to His kindness, grace, and mercy. Amen.
Life can be compared to a breath in the wind, a flicker of light, and its like a candle in the rain. But its what we do when we are alive that leaves footprints in the sand, and its what we do when we are alive that determines our eternal destiny. As much as we hate to analyze death...theres a place called heaven and theres also a place very remote from heaven. I pray that even as you loved God dearly, that in the same way God will welcome you into His loving everlasting arms. Rest in Peace Anthony (R.I.P),love...Erere Jenny O. xxx
I was at CCSS with AFW and remember him as always having a ready smile. My prayer is for his family that God may see them through this period loss and give them strength.
This is for Benedetta. lets hope you move on to a better place, now we know what has happened to you. We hope your family and friends can get through this terrible time. We are thinking of you and your loved ones.
Adam grandma was so proud of you i loved you from the bottom of my heart . i still feel after a month i am in a nightmare i cant get out of i really cant accept the thought you are gone i love you . you are with God mom grandpa and brooklyn jade i will see you again my darling boy I have to stay strong for Brittnay SEE you in HEAVEN tell mom and pops i love them and watch for me all three wait at the gate for me of course brooklyn i never got to hold her but i will someday love you baby boy grandma.
I have been on so many of these and have tried so many times to write something, but before now I never could. I guess I have finally come to the realization that no matter what I write, I can not change what happened. I think about you everyday and miss you so so much. You were a great roommate, an amazing person, and an even better friend. With all my heart, I hope you knew just how much you meant to me. I will remember you everyday and cherish all the times we spent together. I love you and I miss you dearly. Until the day we meet again, Sarah (Sarahbadarah)
Your friends and family have done you proud. Your Mother has delivered the most moving and heartfelt speech. We remember a proud, handsome and fiercly intelligent young man at CCSS with a twinkle in his eye and a winning smile.
May God give comfort and strength to Anthony's family in this difficult time and may his beautiful soul rest in perfect peace. We will never forget him. A xxx
A lovely guy, with a radiant, loving face. A picture of innocence, friendship, and interest in life. A peacemaker and a giver. The world will miss you. All my love to Phil and his family.
Your dad and my mum were friends growing up in Nigeria, and I never knew that. I wish I had known you and met you. I hope the family survives through this.
It is always sad when a young person dies, but it is terrible when that young person's life is stolen from him. I would like to extend my deepest sympathy to the family of David Foulkes. I am praying for the family and David's eternal soul.
I would like to express my condolences to Mike's family. When I learned that he was American and may have been in the explosions I began to pray hoping that he would be found alive. It is so sad that he moved to London after 9/11 to only become a victim there. I am praying for Mike and his family's ability to be strong through this heart wrenching tragedy.
I am expressing my sympathy and condolences to the family of Samantha Badham. Even though I did not know Samantha, I feel sadness and sorrow that such a vibrant young woman has been so brutally taken from us. I am praying for the family and for Samantha also.
I would like to express my deepest sympathies to the family of Shelley Mather. I cannot know the depth of your sorrow, but I certainly feel deep anguish for the loss of such a beautiful young lady. The family is in my prayers for strength during this most trying and difficult time.
My condolences on your loss -- may we one day have the tiny consolation, of understanding why this mass murder happened, so that forgiveness may also happen.
The thoughts and prayers of strangers worldwide, are with you all.
Please know that the thoughts and prayers of strangers are with you all. I hope one day we will all understand why this tragedy happened. May peace come to you again.
My condolences to the family and friends of Ciaran Cassidy. Know that he is in heaven with God and safe. Which is more than I can say for the scum that took his life.
my condolences to his family, I hope to find peace in your heart and spirit, he was litin like me, and I pray to finish very soon to fear USA goverment.
for his family, don't forget all the time his is by side in your heart, in your memories and your spirit, if you don't find to him only feeling his spirit in your home.
My most deepest sympathy to all her family and friends. She was a really good friend at university, and unfortunately I cannot give them my condolences personally, though am thinking a lot and praying constantly for Neetu and all her loved ones. My warmest feelings, Isabel Aguirre Arriz from Peru
I never knew Giles Hart, but I have been moved by the accounts of his life that I have read and I extend heartfelt sympathy to his loved-ones. I have, in his honour, tonight enrolled as a member of the British Humanist Association. It is time for people to stand up for reason!
All I want to say is how much I'll miss you. I am trying to be strong just like you asked me to for mommy and daddy. It's very hard because it all seems to fall on me when I am also hurting deeply for you. I love you and know I'll be seeing you again in God's glory. I'll think of you every day until my last breath. Please say hello to Brad and Sam for us and let them know we miss them too. Te quiero mucho!- Tu hermanita
I read about her husband looking for her in my newspaper IN Ny and my heart just broke for him. I am so sorry for what happened in London. Being from New York I can feel your pain and great sadness. I keep wondering when this is all going to end and when innocent people will stop dying? My thoughts and prayers are with you and all the victims familys.
i watched the news hoping that ur gf would find u safe and well. i dont know why this has happened, or why we have to pay with our lives. all i hope is that u can now rest in peace. god bless.
Anat how sad that you must return so tragically to us in Israel and how much more tragic that the world still doesnt understand what we have been thru in this country. If your death had shown them that then it would have had some meaning. Sadly they still dont get it. My heart goes out to you
To Anthony’s parents, sisters & friends I send you my deepest condolences. I was at the British School of Paris with Anthony, in the same year and house. As with most school friends it is inevitable to drift apart but I never forgot Anthony and after nearly 10 years he got back in touch with me. At school I remember him as a happy person and from our recent communications I know he was enjoying his life to the full.
Anthony: You will live on in the hearts and memories of everyone who knew you. We will miss you.
I do not know you, but saw your face pictured in the newspaper with your girlfriend Samantha. The story told of how you would have to be told of her passing once you woke up. This saddened me deeply. I only hope that you and Samantha will now be together forever and eternally happy. I hope one day that the world will be rid of these inhumane people that commit these atrocities and that London and the rest of the world will be a safe place to live. You did not deserve to be taken from the world and my prayers and thoughts are with both of you, your families and friends.
To the family of Adrian, I am in utter shock and disbelief at the tragic loss of life of so many innocent people. I live in Notinghamshire and my heart goes out to you. May Adrian now be at peace and I hope you can carry on with your lives knowing that he touched your hearts whilst he was with you. My condolences also go out to every person that this tragedy has affected.
Slimane I don't know you, but having seen your sweet face staring out at me from the computer screen, I feel saddened and upset that you are out there missing somewhere, so far away from home. I pray for your safe return each day, and keep searching for news of you. My thoughts are with you, your family and friends.
Anthony you were a very loving and caring person. Everyone you encounter remembers you especially for your beautiful smile. You were always of good cheer and were rarely down. My friend, you did not die in vain and I know the Lord will receive you into his care. I know you are smiling down on us from heaven. Don't worry about your family, we will always look out for them because I know thats the type of thing you would have done for us. We love you......... May all the souls of the faithfully departed rest in perfect peace. Amen.
Philoola. I hope your family get to read these so they know you were loved. A lovely young lad. Always a smile and a clever word. A sad loss in this horrible tradegy. My heat goes out to your family, you certainly will be missed. Sonny.x.
Phil was a lovely lad. Always a smile and something clever too say. All my love to his family who must be missing him dearly. You have lost a little star! Sonny.x.
Dear ST Peter :Another Marine Reporting Sir.Please take Holly to the gates to meet her fellwo MARINES.It is a great honor what she did for this country.Speaking for the rest of us former MARINES.WE ARE VERY PROUD OF YOU,GOD BLESS YOU & THANK YOU. SEMPER FI !!!!!!
My name is PFC Slaten. I was part of the firing battery at the grave side today. I personally didn't know Cpl. Cambridge, but I spoke with some of those who had the privilege to know him. From what they said, he sounded like a great soldier who would do anything for his family and country. It was a great honor for me to honor this soldier in this way. My deepest condolences go out to his friends and family.
my heart bleeds........ not because I knew you personally but because you are a Nigerian like me,26 yrs old like me,and even though i am not a male child, I happen to be the ist and only female child of my parents.I think of my parents and I can only imagine what yours must be going through.The first time I saw your picture among the missing people, my reaction was "God this boy is too young and fine to die".I kept saying to everybody around me and to God that I pray you are unconscious and in intensive care but alas.....I am shattered that the worst has been confirmed.If I am feeling this way........I wonder how your parents,siblings,friends, colleagues and other loved ones must be feelin.God knows best and I know that you are safe from everything painful thing those of us here experience in the world today.Rest in perfect peace,baby
My condolences to all the London victims, and their families may they rest in peace. Of all the missing, my heart goes out to their loved ones, and share their anguish. I pray to god that they are found.
Why such a lovely guy had to go at such a young age is beyond me. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and may he be happy wherever he is now.His liveliness, cheerfulness and warm smile will be sorely missed. Rest in peace and God bless Phil xxx
To Shahera family, Sorry for your loss. It is truly hard to lose someone you care about. I have a friend and a niece over in London, England. I was worried about them. Russell
Tony, We are celebrating your life. The last time I saw u was in 1994, but I remember like yesterday our holidays together when u visited papa in Benin years ago. The outpouring of love and affection shows how much u touched the lives of everyone who knew u. Adieu, and may u rest eternally in the lord's bossom. Okunbor
I extend my condolences to the family of the Fatayi-Williams. This is such a terrible tragedy I knew Tony. I pray that Tony's soul rest in peace and that the Lord will give you all the strength to deal with his lost.
It's so tragic to see how brave and enduring men can be castrated from life. They say, you shouldn't have vengence, but I do. Murderers have no place in this world, it was written then and still applies now. May the Lord give him more then we may ever deserve.
Too young and we'll all miss him. His life is not in vain and surely, we will win.....I just wish I had the permission to drop the bomb and end it all. This way, Europe will learn not to mess with the U.S. by selling arms too idiots.
Thank you 2nd Lt.Coutu for your loyalty and for your complete sacrifice. Without soldiers like you, and family like yours - America would surely fold.
To Lt. Coutu's family:
As a mother of a soldier serving in Iraq - i can only imagine the horror and pain of losing your soldier - your loved one. Know that i pray for your strength and your perseverance - and for your peace. Matthew gave all he could give -
i just wish ALL of America could stop - even for a moment - to appreciate your sacrifice - and to honor Matthew's.
Freedom is, indeed, not free.
May God continue to comfort you, to strengthen you, and to carry you - forever. Thank you for having such a fine soldier. As you are - so is Matthew - in my prayers.
- mom of another soldier with the 64th MP CO / 720th -
My deepest condolences to Jamie's girlfriend Yvonne Nash, his family & friends. I first saw Yvonne on CNN broadcasting Jamie's photo in search of his whereabouts the day after the bombings. I thought to myself "what a strong courageous woman she must be" but knew it just had to be done. Since the interview I have been praying everyday that she would find her loved one. To just find out that his body is now laid to rest, I am feeling a great deal of sadness. God bless you Yvonne & family. I hope that soon you can find peace being the brave woman you must be. All my thoughts, Lisa.