Liberty unites

liberty unites us
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My ex wife

I am very saddened by what happened to you Anat and even though we never saw eye to eye i shall never forget you and i hope you are in a happier place

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Adam J Crumpler

Adam I just want to say that I love and miss you

very much. I am proud of the man you became, but

I'll remember you as a litte who loved his family. But I know you really missed your Mom

so I know when you opened your eyes in heaven

she is who you saw first. Like I said I miss you


Love you forever

Aunt Jill

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My Friend

I am going to miss my classmate.. He was my Hero.. Thank you so much for fighting for our Country.. Your're truly going to be miss.. Your Classmate Lena

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Edward A. Schroeder

May peace be with you Edward. Thank you for fighting to make the world a safer place. My prayers go out to your family and friends for strength in dealing with this awful loss.

You will always be remembered for your selfless act for humanity.

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Andre Williams

Dre was like a brother to me. His loss has hit me hard and made this war very real when it hits this close to home. Rest in peace brother you will be missed by many.

Brad Lucas

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The girl really cared about the boy, Teejay.

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Lt. Michael P. Murphy

Mike: You were a special nephew who turned out to be an extraordinary young man who lived his life to the fullest. You are truly missed and not a day goes by that you're not in our thoughts. I will remember you not how you died but how you lived. You and your team are everyone's heroes. You are that special person who will live on in everyone's lives. I love you and miss you terribly. Aunt Gerry

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Christian Small

It's hard facing up to the fact that such a wonderful brother as Christian has gone, but God has a plan mapped out, and so our only hope is in him. I met Chris in 1998 when we worked together at Peter Jones. He was a really down-to earth guy, who never had a bad word to say about anyone. I pray that the Lord comforts your family at immensely sad time. God bless Robin.

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Mike, Matt and Danny.

You will never be forgotten. The examples you all set will be followed by future Naval operators. May you rest in peace.

With my profound gratitude and condolences to each and everyone of your family.


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Carl R. Fuller

Rest in peace Carl, Thank you for everything

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Brad Squires

You will be missed so fiercely....

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anthony fatayi williams

i know u didn't like being called you do look like him. come on. admit it. you are so funny and sweet and just comfortable to be with. so even meeting you for the first time is like knowing you forever. i love talking to you and love knowing that people like you still exist in this world. you keep rapping and reading those poems and keeping your dreams alive because i know that you're here with us and you're watching and talking and if we listen close enough we can hear you. keep smiling cuz everyone just seems to love you smile.

take care and see u some day.

ps... i really could read your mind

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Ida Mboob

I never know why you meet a person but now i know that God wanted me to know that an amazing person like you existed and it wasn't for long but i'll never forget the laughter that we shared and all the jokes and raps and poetry readings. lol. my poet hmmm.. anyways i know you're watching down on us and that makes me feel good cuz i can imagine you're protecting us. I can't explain how i feel about you being gone, but you're not are you? My prayers are always with you.

take care marques.......... remember that? haha

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Fiona Stevenson

YOu will be greatly missed by us all.

Chandra, Stephanie, Rowena, Claire.

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my brother christian njoya smalls(dee)

christian noe ur sum where good. who can we blame i'l tel you whose to blame tony blair people stop voting for him and maybe this won't ever happen. innosent ppl hav died for the rong doins of the mp's. luv you lots chris. goin to make sure in the olympics on your behalf :(xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) on behalf of enfield and haringey xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx

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Adam Harting

A hero amongst us. I pray for your family to find peace within your hearts, that God loves you. He will be missed so much.

Barbara Maul (Billy Sokol's mom)

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Ciaran Cassidy

why!!!! I will never understand the human race. Rest in peace.

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Ricky W Rockholt Jr

I have loved u always and will forever.......

-Sheridan Rockholt

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Lt. Michael Murphy, USN

May you and your brothers rest in peace, especially where you rest with Jeffrey Wiener,USNR hospital Corpsman. Please know how much you meant to your family in its entirety, and how their hearts are broken for your loss.

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Lance Cpl Christopher Lyons

You are most missed, Chris. Your bravery, commitment, and honorable ways continue on even after you have passed. We miss your smile and humor. You will always be remembered with these positive traits. Thank you for your sacrifice and your bravery.

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Fiona Stevenson

A lovely life cut short - so sad. We will miss you always, Fiona.

The Pynes

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Jacques Brunson

Thank you for serving our country to keep us free. You will always be remembered.

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Anthony Fatayi-Williams

Anthony was my first boyfriend at the British School of Paris. He was the best looking by far! He was a very happy, kind and generous person and he will missed by those people he knew and whose lives he touched.

My sincerest condolences go to his family.

R.I.P Anthony x

Emily Dent

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Cara Benedetta,

il destino ha giocato con la tua vita e quella di tanti altri innocenti. Penso al dolore che

accompagnerà per sempre le persone che ti sono state care e spero che il ricordo del tuo sorriso

possa rincuorarle.

Una preghiera.


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Pvt. Ernesto R. Guerra

"Eternal rest give to them, O Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon them."

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Tricia L. Jameson

Thank you for fighting to free a world Tricia. Peace be with you

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King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz

May Peace Be Upon Him

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Mihaela Otto's family and friends

I didn't know her [or luckily anyne else involed on that awful day last month] and although I live aroad now I grew up in NW London... I'm so very very sorry abut yur horrendous loss

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Bendetta Ciaccia

Hello Benny, is here, had to come to London with Rob, therefore would have been entirety! we had to go in ferie together in Sardinia and had planned to go to new york . perhaps hour you us already will have been, you will be last in that place in order to describe to we in our spirit how much you would have had to see together. Benny, you have make empty a large one within of we, Roby you were attacked you and I with she, you are close to she and protect she, gives the force to us to continue without your "physical" presence. but I know that are HERE, than you can see to us and "u call we". as I have written to you in the ticket that you have hour to you close: "an eternal one I embrace therefore as eternal it will be your smile!!!" always from your Cristian brother-in-law!! For all the persons: i'm have arrived in this forum trying all that that she regarded Benny, reading your heat your affection the tears have accidentally covered my ace, thank's to all to name mine and of the family of Benny, it is important to feel the heat of the persons! THANKS A LOT With Cristian affection (brother-in-law of Blessed)

sorry for not well english!!!

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Benedetta Ciaccia

Ciao Betta, eccomi qui, dovevo venire a Londra con Rob, così saremmo stati insieme...dovevamo andare in ferie assieme in Sardegna ....e avevamo progettato di andare a new york..noi 4...

...ora tu forse ci sarai già stata...sarai passata di lì per descriverci nella nostra anima quanto avremmo dovuto vedere assieme....

Betta...hai lasciato un vuoto incolmabile dentro di noi, Roby era attaccata a te e io con lei...stalle vicino e proteggila, dacci la forza di continuare senza la tua presenza "fisica" so che ci sei...che ci vedi....e ci "chiami"......e come ti ho scritto nel biglietto che hai ora vicino a te "..un eterno abbraccio così come eterno resterà il tuo sorriso!!!" ...da tuo cognato Cristian !!

Per tutti: sono capitato in questo forum per "caso" cercando tutto ciò che riguardasse betta, e inutile dire che leggendo il vostro calore il vostro affetto le lacrime hanno percorso il mio viso, ringrazio tutti a nome mio e della famiglia di Betta , è importante sentire il calore della persone!


Con affetto Cristian (cognato di Benedetta)

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Emily Jenkins


Words are not enough. Life will never be the same.

You know how much we all love you. xx

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The Russell family

I grew up in the same village as the Russells and spent primary school and secondary school in the same year with Philip. My thoughts are with you all at this time.......Rest in peace Philip, you are now safe and back with your family.

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Christian Njoya Small

I saw your picture that Day, alongside the other victims of this meaningless attack. Your Spirit touched my heart, I never knew you, never met you.....I waited and checked everyday to see that you were found...I prayed that you would be, and that you felt no pain as I did for the other victims. You had a spiritual oneness that I cant really explain. ...As a Christian woman I can only Pray that The Grace of Jesus Christ can see youf family through this sadness and confusion. You are safe now, and to the people that knew you personally - to your family and Your friends....I Pray The Lord gives you the peace that surpasses understanding and comforts you all at this time and always....May God Bless You all. Bambi

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Tricia L. Jameson

What a beautiful smiling face. May your family be comforted.

You, are not forgotten, Tricia L. Jameson.

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Steven P. Gill

May your family be comforted.

You are not forgotten, Steven P. Gill.

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Eric P. Woods

May your family be comforted.

You are not forgotten, Eric P. Woods.

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to the family of adam harting

i am sorry about your loss I love Adam to death I have known him for 10 years he was a great guy had a big heart and was always a happy person Adam RIP honey I will always miss you and love you Ashley Akers

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Ciaran Cassidy

i wish to offer my condolences to the family and friends of Ciaran. He will be sadly missed by all. Ciaran was such a lovely young lad and will be remembered for ever. God bless you Ciaran

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Anthony Fatai-Williams

I did not know Anthony personally as I joined the British School of Paris in his year just as he left but his death still has affected me, and hearing about him from friends who knew him reinforces the sadness.

Such a tragic waste of life, my thoughts go to Anthony's family, who have been incredibly dignified.

Rest in peace Anthony.

Nathalie Randall

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Army Sgt. John F. Thomas

Rest in peace my brother in arms. God bless you and the 48th.

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Helen Jones

I only knew you briefly and regret not having had the chance to know you better. You were such an energetic person, full of life and excitement in your eyes.

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Jennifer Nicholson

Jen was my neighbour in my first university halls. She was so full of life. It is awful to hear that someone so special has been taken from the world at such an early age. It seems like not long ago I was watching her overtake me in the Arthur Hill pool in Reading. My heart goes out to her family and all those close to her. She will be missed.

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Anthony, what i have read and heard about u says alot about the life u lived. This disaster is really touching but God will turn it into success for the family and your loved ones during this period of sadness. I pray the lord will give your family the strength and courage to go through it. May your gentle soul rest in peace.


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The People of London

Your American brothers and sisters stand united with you in the recent attacks. We feel your pain and hope you know that country's reslove in the recent weeks is a model for all civilized people throughout the world. Stay strong and don't let the evil doers win. In this life or the next, they will pay for their crimes against humanity.

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people of London

My very deep condolences.

In our hearts forever.


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all who have suffered

My deepest condolances to all who have suffered from the unnecessary and inhuman violence.........may we find in their honor peaceful and respectful ways to settle our differences.............. ......................... ......................... ......

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pfc. veashna muy

i'll see you soon...i'll be there.....

love you so much


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pfc. veashna muy

i noe..ur up there..buh i still cant belib it babe...damn u promis me ure comming back..its sucks how we parted...i noe youre hapy wit God...buh damn i miss youu..i still cant belib bein redundant buh its true....i'll alwais love you! uve been a part of me...i'll see you soon

love you the most...


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You will never be forgotten!!

I love and Miss You everyday, I want you here with us, I know God had better plans i can't see it. I can remember the last time we talked remembering our childhood growing up. I am proud of you I am so glad your dreams came true being a boxer and solider in the USMC.

Tell everyone hello up there. I can't wait to see you again.

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My Grandson Shane Eric Patton

Dear Shane, You were stolen from Grandma at 11 years old, and now stolen again by death. I have always loved you; I have missed you and your brothers, Jimmy, Chase and Deano. I hold my memories of our times together so dearly. Remember My Little Cafe and the fun we had at Christmas at the Carey's house when Santa would come and Grandma's birthday on Christmas eve? I do, the hammock, the love, the kindness and the joy of being together. I miss you all. Truth is so much better than lies.

Maybe someday the truth will be told. I hope before I am too old to see you all with my blue eyes. 808-821-2093 Still on the island of Kauai

love Grandma Berdeski

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My husband, my friend, my hero

To my dearest husband-

It has been a little over a month since you went still seems so unreal. I miss you more and more everyday. Our son Elijah (3 yrs.) asks about you every day and it kills me to see him hurting. I tell him what an amazing person you were and how you loved him so much, but it just doesn't seem to be enough. I pray that you are now at peace and I also pray that this country will someday find that as well. You are my heart, my soul, my world, you will never be forgotten. May you always rest in peace my sweet angel. I love you now and forever. Love- Danielle

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my condolence to you , You seem to be a fellow Kenyan trying to eke out a living in the world. The terrorist struck, but You are still with us in the spirits

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Everyone that lost their lives

May God find a way for you.

A beautiful face like yours will be missed.

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Shane Patton

He will never be forgotten! He was a brave man to give his life to help others. He gave all he could give. God Bless Him. May Peace be with the family and friends of Shane Patton. The world will one day be a safer place because of Shane’s sacrifice. I’m so sorry it happened to him. I will forever be grateful for what our service men and women wage for our freedom. Thank you Shane Patton! With loving graces from ST. Petersburg FL

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Shane Patton

To our Dearest Shane, I know you can see us now and be with us in another way. We love you forever. Grandma Linda Berdeski

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Richard Ellery

I was at Tauntons college with Richard and in the same class as him for 2 years!we built up quite a good friendship!he was easy to talk to and get along with!

unfortunatly when we left college we lost contact but did bump into eachother in Southampton (normally the square ballon)!

my thought are with you

My prayers and condolences for the family and friends of Richard Ellery!

Where ever you are mate your in a better place mate and in Gods safe hands!

God bless Richard


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Innocents who lost their life in London attack

May your Soul rest in peace. It is so tragic and heart rending.

May God give the just punishment to the Islamic terrorists. May God instruct Allah to rein his goons who are spreading hate and mayhem on your earth.

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Richard Ellery

Richard was a good mate at college!unfortunatly we lost contact after we all left but saw him out in Southampton a few times now and then!

Prayers and condolences for his family and other friends!

i was glad to of known you mate!where ever you are your in a better place and in safe hands!

God bless Richard

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Adam Harting

Our thoughts and prayers are with all of your family. Even though we had only met you last summer the boys will never forget the fun you had with them.

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Im feel completly sick i can not belive jenny has gone.

I met jenny at aerobics ever tuesday, she was such a lovely girl and i really looked forward to our chats.

I feel so sad for your family.

i will miss you.x

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Rest in peace Adam.

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CWO2 Steve Shepard and Family

As a native Okie and an ex Army engineer and Gulf War veteran, I pray that God grant Steven Shepard eternal blessings and peace and may the Creator bestow peace and comfort to his family. May God bless CWO2 Steven Shepard.

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Susan Levys Family, Harry and boys

Harry, we hope you are doing better. Not a day goes by that we don't think of you and your family. You are in our thoughts, prayers, and hearts. Love from Florida.

Michael Welchman and Jenni Dixon

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i think off your girlfriend Yvonne everyday since that day ,her face ,her tears ,her desperation and most off all her hope and i prey for you and that your memories off your life together will see her through ...God Bless You xx

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To the family of Adam Harting

My deepest condolences to this soldier's family, friends and his fellow soldiers.

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Marie Hartley


Although we were friends a long time ago as children, I remember how lovely you were and I am so sad to hear what has happened to you.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I am certain that you are in Gods loving care.

God Bless



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Michael Murphy

May you rest in peace knowing you were fighting for our freedom and the freedom of others

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Adrian Johnson





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To Philip Russell's family and friends.

We cannot imagine the great pain that you feel, but we know that this is an extremely difficult time for all of you.

The good, kind people in this world grieve with you and send you their deepest sympathies.

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David Foukes

My sincere condolences to the family, friends and girlfriend of David who I know is lost without him around. I miss David's phone calls but feel his presence. I know he is still smiling down on us as he always was on earth. I will miss his charm and wit but most of all his cheeky smile. Anyone who ever met David would know that there are not many people that tough you in the world, but when you met David he did exactly that.So sorry that I did not see you before this terrible tragedy you will always be in my heart.

Missing you always your friend Kaye x

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I am truly saddened by your passing. I did not know you and yet your humility resonates from every picture I have seen in the media. The comments posted on here obviously reflect what kind of man you were, beautiful inside and out. My thoughts go out to your family and friends in what must be a truly awful time for them.

May you rest in peace always. x

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sam ly

Hi Sam, I was your manager at the souvenir shop in Melbourne in the late '90's. You were making your way through uni back then. I recall seeing you in Bourke Street just before you made the big move to London. You were so full of dreams.

My prayers are with your family and your partner, theirs is the long and lonely road to acceptance. I pray that you have found your peace.

Your former colleagues and workmates at Souvenirs On Swanston

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all those who perished

rest in peace, and in there names lets beat this evil and build a better world where discussion and understanding win through and not bombs strapped to evil cowards

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Brett Petriken

To Brett's family and friends. Rest assured your loved one is in heaven and looking down on all that loved him.

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Benedetta Ciaccia

Benny, You will be greatly missed by your friends in London. I will always remember you for your thirst for life and abundance of energy, which were the drving forces in your life allowing you to accomplish so much.

In the short time you lived with me I will never forget your effortless smile, beauty and style and

your ability to live your life with so much openess and integrity that it endeared so many people to you.

Benny, may we all learn from you that embrassing life to the full was your code for living, may this also be your legacy.

Benny, keep smiling at us.

Love Tracy ( London housemate)

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Shelley was my Contiki tour guide last year.

Re-writing a line that has already been written, Shelley was part of some of my most amazing experiences and memories.

Shelley was a lovely individual who really left an impression on me.....

You will always be in our hearts and our memories, you touched my life.

I will never forget you or your life.


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Aiden Yun

My condolences to the family and friends of such a brave soldier. Thank You Aiden for your service and for your sacrifice.

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Brett Petriken

My condolences to the family of a fine soldier. May he rest in peace.

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Nick Erdy

Rest in Peace, Nick. We will not forget you.


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R.I.P To all who passed on, I love and miss you all

Rest in peace to all the innocent victims of the london terror attacks. I'm deeply saddened by the news and pray for the souls of the dearly departed. I never knew any of the victims, but I can't get my head around the fact that I'll never get the chance to. Rest in peace my sweethearts. I'm so sorry. I'm thinking of each and every one of you each and everyday. If I had one wish, it would be to end the killings. It's due time we all lived in peace with each other. As for the terrorists, they don't deserve to be given a second thought. Words can't express the anger and disgust I feel for these people, I can't even call them people. Rest in peace, looking forward to meeting you all someday beyond the clouds

Love Chris Cummings

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Spc. Nicholas Idalski

Nick you will truly be missed by your family, friends, and I. I know you died doing what you loved, serving our country. I will always have our memories. My heart will be with you always and forever.

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to the people who all died at london

i give my condolence from me n my family

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christian smalls- dee

carn't belive my eyes to hear you were in the bombings shocked my day only saw you the other day you were ment to help me with my hurdles. i think of you day and night when i'm at trining eveyone who comes in i pray it's you. waiting for you to turn up talk to me. :(i can honestly say i cry and i will cry for as long as i live. although not many people knew you from the track i did what can i say i noe everyone. i can say you were a very sporty person determined and i noe in my heart you would of been in the olympics alongside me:) my target for the next 8 years is to make it to the olympics and i'm doing this not just for myself but on behalf of my brother christian njoya smalls luv you lotsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:(:( :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(not sayin goodbye as i noe in my heart this is not the end:)

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Sevgili Gamze'nin ailesi

Uzuntumuz sonsuz, acinizi paylasiyoruz.

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Lee Harris

On behalf of my family over here in Canada, my condolences to my Aunt Lynne, Uncle Brian, Robert and Wayne along with Samantha's sister. Our heartfelt sympathies go towards you all.

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Benedetta Ciaccia

Non ti conoscevo, ma mi sembra d'aver perso una cara amica. Per giorni ho sperato e pregato e ancora ora stento ad accettare la triste realta'. La tua vicenda mi ha molto coinvolto, sara' perche' siamo connazionali, perche' conosco molto bene il percorso che facevi in treno ogni mattina o perche' dovevi sposarti un giorno dopo di me. Penso di continuo alla tua famiglia che stava preparandosi a festeggiare un lieto evento, al senso di vuoto che debba provare il tuo fidanzato, e spero che tu non abbia sofferto.

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John W. Maloney

My husband, Msgt Johnson and I were stationed with John back in 1988 in Adak, Ak. We have many fond memories of him. We think and talk about him often. He was wonderfull fun loving person who we were proud to know. We just found out about this loss as my husband retired in Jan 2005 following 2 deployments in iraq. Our hearts are full of love and grief, and we send out sympathy to his family and friends. Because of him we met and have now been together for 17 years. I am so sorry for your loss. He will never be forgotten.

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Sgt. Thomas Houser

I miss you Tommy. You will always be in my heart and I will cherish the memories of you forever.

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Benedetta Ciaccia

Benny you gave me the most beautiful 5 years as being your boyfriend. Everyday I have thought of you even before this horrible attack. The 3 years of the deep loving friendship after we broke up are treasured by me too. I can't describe the pain im in not being able to just say something as simple as hello to you and hear your laugh or speak your unique version of the English language! I used to love getting emails from you with spelling errors, they made me smile so much. Ive saved every email of yours and everyone I sent to you in the past 3 years. I will read them you forever...Your Raj

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May your humble soul rest in peace!

We will miss you a lot Tony!

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Phil Beer

Phil I know we havent seen eachother for a while but Ill always remember you making me laugh debating what colours to do your hair next while I was getting my hair done at Jane Grey. You will be deeply missed. Your in my thoughts every day.

Love you lots


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Phil Beer

Phil I know we havent seen eachother for a while but Ill always remember you making me laugh debating what colours to do your hair next while I was getting my hair done at Jane Grey. You will be deeply missed. Your in my thoughts every day.

Love you lots


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Anthony Fatai-williams

i pray God Almighty will receive your soul. May he continue to console your family, and the families of those that were killed along with you on that day.


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djamel et mohamed

nike moke un million de fois parceque ntouma bghito tahtalou bilade el rafidainne nike nsakome nike okhte plir et djordj boooooooooooooooouche

oui la makache djibou mkome el mohamed antaa el brachma

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Anna Brandt

Spoczywaj w pokoju. Do konca mialam nadzieje, ze los chociaz Ciebie oszczedzil...

Dlaczego tak sie stalo? Dlaczego nie dane Ci bylo zobaczyc sie z corka? Dlaczego los byl tak okrutny...


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Monika Suchocka

Bylas taka mloda i mialas cale zycie przed soba i nie moge zrozumiec, czemu ktos Ci je odebral...

Nigdy Cie nie znalam ale zawsze bede o Tobie pamietac.

Spoczywaj w pokoju!


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Karolina Glueck

Spoczywaj w pokoju!!! Mimo ze Cie nie znalam to bardzo mi Ciebie brakuje. Mialam nadzieje, ze razem z dwiema innymi Polkami uda sie Was odnalezc.


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 For Philip A. Murphy-Sweet   For David A Wilkey Jr   For Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia   For Frank E. Adamski III   For Benjamin Walker   For Trevor B. Adkins   For Adam D. Jones   For Laurie Cobb   For Larry E Polley Jr   For Paul C. Holter III   For Alex D Gonzalez   For Christopher D Young   For Jose E Ulloa   For John Michael Roy Curwin   For Derek L. Shanfield   For Marisol Heredia   For John Charles Jenkins   For Todd Beamer   For Steven Paul Chucknick   For Geoffrey Perez  
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