Liberty unites

liberty unites us
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Prayers & Condolences For Chris Njoya

tu viens de si loin et tu étais si loin de chez tu seulement connu d'où tu viens ? je ne t'ai pas connu personnellement, mais tu étais mon frère de part tes origines. que la terre de nos ancêtres te soit légère.

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To all who hold Anthony dear

"Tears are words the heart can't express".. but

"you need not hold onto the pain to keep the memories alive"....

To all those close to Anthony... I wish you strength, courage and healing.

To Anthony... rest in peace.

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Neetu Jain

Our sincere condolences to all the family and Gous on your tragic loss.

Our thoughts are with you.

God Bless

Stuart and Rosalie Chorley

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Giles Hart

Polish president posthumously decorates

victim of London bombings

Text of report in English by Polish news agency PAP

Warsaw, 22 July: President Aleksander Kwasniewski on Friday [22 July] posthumously decorated Giles Hart with the Knight's Cross of the Order of Merit of the Polish Republic, the Presidential Chancellery reported.

Giles Hart died in a terrorist attack in London on 7 July 2005 as one of the victims of the bus number 30. He was 55. Hart was an employee of the British Telecom concern.

Throughout the 1980s Giles Hart was a prominent British supporter of the Solidarity movement in Poland, especially when Poland was under martial law. He was an executive member of the Polish Solidarity Campaign (PSC), the main group in Britain supporting the Solidarity movement. Hart was also the editor of the volume "For your and our freedom" a collection of memories of the PSC members, issued in 1995.

He founded the Polish Refugee Rights Group helping Poles who stayed in Great Britain after the martial law. The foundation exists to this day as a charity, the East European Advice Centre.

Hart remained absorbed by Solidarity till his very last days. He co-organized October's conference in London on the impact of Solidarity on Britain. He had recently accepted an invitation to a conference in Warsaw commemorating the 25th anniversary of its foundation.

He is survived by his wife, 54, and their children Maryla, 21, and Martin, 17. He is also mourned by his 85-year-old mother Elsie and sister Erica and her husband Geoff.

Source: PAP news agency, Warsaw, in English 1132 gmt 22 Jul 05

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Helen Jones

Helen when you moved out I missed you anyway, there were no nice cooking smells, no laughing and no banging of our shared front door. I am still unable to grasp that you are gone, I miss you incredibly. God bless you, angel x

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Everyone who has lost someone

Our thoughts are with you all

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Rest peacefully, beautiful girl.

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Susan Levy

I am so sorry for the Levy family and offer my condolences.

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rest in peace, bella, from all your old friends in gravesend, you will always have a place in our hearts

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Prayers & Condolences For Anthony Fatai-Williams


I never knew you but as a young Nigerian in London, I feel like I knew you. Your mother's strength during her speech was amazing. You are the face of the London tragedy for me. May God wipe the tears of your family and loved ones and give them the strength to bear this unimaginable loss.

Rest in Perfect Peace!


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jamie gordon

we loved you well rock your way to heaven

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You are in our hearts and prayers-


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Shane Eric Patton - My Son

I love you... I Love You... I LOVE YOU... I miss you... bring Miracles... bring Miracles... Bring Miracles... Bring Miracles... I will wait... I Love YOU... My Son... My Son...

Love Mom.

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Marie Fatayi Williams

My heart goes out to you and your family. Over the last couple of weeks your strength in this heartbreaking time has been amazing. Now I know where Tony got his resilience and determined strength. I met Tony in Bradford when he was in his final year, and the love has stayed strong. I since moved to NY when he moved to London and we kept in touch regularly. He never forgot me. I'll never forget him.

R.I.P Tony

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Mike Matsushita

Rest in peace Mike. May God welcome you into heaven with open arms.

Don't worry the cowards that did this to you will pay.

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James Adams

Mistake made on tribute name. should read James Adams-not Thomas Palmer

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Thomas Palmer

I was born in Peterborough, but have lived in Canada since 1967. I am so sorry

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Shane Patton

I know how you loved and the kindess in your heart. The bright smile that flashed so easily across your handsome face. I love you and have always love you Shane. Grandma

Linda Berdeski Hamilton


Kauai Hawaii

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I was in a show with Jenny a few years ago and with her sister Liz last year. She was a lovely girl, and I know she was cherished by her family. It just doesn't seem right for her young life full of potential to have been taken this way! Goodbye Jenny! I pray that you are with the Lord x Prayers and blessings to the Nicholsons x

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Jennifer Nicholson

I knew Jennifer's sister. It brings it home to you when someone you know is involved in something like this. Our prayers are with the family at this time.

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Philip Russell

As you went to school with my brother Brad and lived behind me, this has hit quite hard, especially to my brother. my familys and my thoughts go to your parents. and they have many people around to help them through this difficult time.

you will not be forgotten.

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Anthony Fatai-Williams

God bless you. May your soul rest in perfect peace and may he grant your family the fortitude to bear the loss. What a tragedy!!

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Anthony Fatai-Williams

God bless you. May your soul rest in perfect peace and may he grant your family the fortitude to bear the loss. What a tragedy!!

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All 7/7 London Victims of Muslim Extremist

My condolences for all of the families that will suffer because of these sinful extremist who murder innocent people to futher their political, financial and religious goals. The bible predicts that followers of the Muslim religious faith will become a blemish on the earth and that we'll have to put up with them and the trouble that they make.

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Fiona Stevenson


We met a couple of times ages ago - I dont think you would remember me but you would recognise me... I hope there is peace where you are now... The world is more empty without you... take care

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All 7/7 London victims

My heart-felt prayers and sympathies go out to all the families and loved ones left behind on 7/7. You are not alone. We stand with you in every way!

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Adrian Johnson

Nottinghams Heart is broken.

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Emily Jenkins


It is so hard to know what to say when there is still such disbelief that surrounds you not being here any more.

I have such fond memories of you when we were at school together and I send you lots and lots of love.

My thoughts and prayers are with your family as well and I send them love and light.

Lizzie xxxx

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Anthony Fatayi Williams


How could this happen? I know you brought such a lot of joy to young Charleens life, and I just wish things could have been differant!

I know you were always polite and as everyone has mentioned your smile lit up any where you entered.

God is our creator and he is our saviour. He has taken you home, but the memory of you will always remain.

May the love you gave so freely, live on in all who knew you and rebuke the evil of the cowards who condone their actions by saying it's in the name of religion. Anyone who knows the fundamental basis of any religion knows the greatest commandment is "Though Shalt NOT Kill".

Your Mother's speech reflects the type of family you were from, and on behalf of every citizen in the UK we embrace her, your Father and Sisters and we stand united in saying "your death will NOT be in vain".

Rest in Peace Anthony, and may the Angels, Arcangels, and all the company of Heaven receive you in Jesus Mighty name. AMEN

Annette Dore

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We are with you! Romania

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Helen Jones

She was my friend. I knew her for 11 years and her life was torn from her by cowards and charlatans. when the finally rekoning comes god will not forgive them but condem the to the fate they deserve. RIP Helen i'll miss you x x x

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prayers for the terror victims around the world

God had made this colourful world,but some human beings split themselves as the pure could their God almighty will forgive them.....when he see them killing innocent people...lots of families are left with many will they kill....may the almighty sat guru.....bless the souls of those are gone and bless their families....

from a Sikh...from hong kong.....surjit.

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james gordon

james gordon, i knew you and as your ffriend i shall miss you deeply, may you now rest in peice and never feel the pain again that you went through.

thanks james for being an ispiration in my life and teaching me wrongs from right, i shall always miss you.


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Arthur Frederick

To the family of Arthur...All Montserratians feel your hurt !

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The people of Britain

I am first generation American, (my parents' relatives originally fled from Europe to Canada and UK before WWII.) Most of my family served the Crown proudly, and many died... When my Mother came to USA, I was raised to know that the UK and Commonwealth scarificed treasure, territory and thousands of lives to hold Evil in check until USA decided to get into the fight... Moreover, I know Britain remains a quiet, understated, - yet strong, leader in the fight against global terrorism and fascism.

Lest We forget: We thinking members of our nations' Public Safety agencies, as well as the armed forces, are ever-mindful that over 300 Britons were killed in NYC on 9/11, as well as on active combat service. We truly and deeply grieve for your losses. Now, 'let us pray for the dead, and fight like hell for the living ...' DELENDA ISLAMO-FASCISM EST!

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odpoczywaj w spokoju

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Shelley wir werden Dich nie vergessen.....

deine Freunde...

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anthony fatai-williams

rest in PEACE brother - from nigeria

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Mr. & Ms. Mohammad (From Cyprus)

Left behind only daughter Amina. God give you courage, help you through this tough time. Peace be upon all the victim's soul.

God Bless

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sadly missed but remembered forever!!!!! hope u r in a better place and lighting the place with that winning smile mate.....xxxxxxxxxlove always...aunty sash n kids..xx

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Anthony Fatayi Williams

What a waste, what a tragic waste. My prayers are with him and his family.

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Chris Njoya

I knew Christian from Salsa dance class, Mondays at Ladbroke Grove! but I talked to him just once after the familiarity of seeing his face week after week became the ice breaker for our one and as it would turn out, only conversation. It struck me then what a bright and beautiful man it was who stood before me, as he told me animatedly and engagingly why he had changed his name after his trip of enlightenment to Africa, "Wow" I thought, I would love to know more but then it was time to get in line, take a partner and dance.... and so I danced with this man called Chris Njoya, a novice like myself, we laughed as we stepped on each other's toes and got the steps wrong!

It is such a vivid memory of an encounter I will treasure forever, for now I know I will never talk to him again, his life so cruelly taken that very week.

For his family and friends to no longer have the light of his smile is difficult for me to comprehend, I cannot begin to even imagine how you, you who were closest to him, must feel, as the feelings I have, I who knew him so very briefly, are of indescribable shock and sadness.

My deepest, heartfelt sympathy to his family, his friends, his lover, his associates, his colleagues and to everyone whose life was richer for having known him, my heart goes out to you and to all those who have been touched by this awful tragedy.

For me, I am grateful, privileged and honoured that I knew this man if only for a few moments, though I could not bring myself to go to Salsa class on Monday, I will go again, go on as life must go on…

…but Dancing will never be the same again.

Paula M

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shelley Mather

I love you shelley. I miss you so much.

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Emily Jenkins

Dearest Emily,

I have such happy memories of all of us in South America. You won't ever be forgotten. I hope you are happy wherever you are.

Lots and lots of love.


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Elizabeth Daplyn and Family

Dawn Cooper and her Mother Carole Cooper are thinking of the Daplyn Family at this sad time.

Dawn was at school with Elizabeth and Eleanor and Carole was associated with Mr. and Mrs. Daplyn in business matters.

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Benedetta Ciaccia

Forever in our hearts!

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Emily Jenkins


We all miss you so much. Life is so terribly cruel and so incredibly precious. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. Your life was full of love. Lou x

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miss em

em we all love you, thousands of miles away on this big island.. i am so happy that i saw you only the other day, to see that you were happy and lovely, silly & funny as normal.. i will always have you here in my heart.

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Everyday, you are in my thoughts.. My Words can never be enough to comfort, nothing big enough could be done to take back that day and the days that followed caused by that day..

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all took harm by this act

We are sorry for you. We will never forgive them. I hope we finally learn how to live together regardless of our religion, race and origin. God be with you all.

Kadir Gokhan Simsek

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Jamie Gordon

I pray for your soul to rest in peace and my loving and kind thoughts are with your loved ones who are suffering at this difficult time.

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He worked with us for a short while in Croydon. Although we never got to know each other, but I do know he was a individual who came across as compleley harmless and genuine. He never showed anger nor did he have anything bad to say about anyone else.

If someone didn't deserve to go, it was Christian.

Our condolences go out to his family & friends, from all at the Croydon office where he worked.

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Christian Small

Our deepest condolences to Christian who worked with us a couple of years ago. A pleasant, intelligent and caring man, its not often you come across people that are so genuine and have a heart of gold. He will never be forgotten.

Minesh Pattni

and all of the staff and management Hexpress Ltd.

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May the g-d of Israel be always with you and our country

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Joe's family

Joe was truly a good man and great warrior. 6 months later, the loss is still felt. My prayers are with your family.

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Denise and Family

Keith was truly a good man and great hero. He will never be forgotten. My prayers are with you and your family.

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Meleah and family

My heart goes out to your family. I knew Steve and my husband is a fellow aviator of Steven's. May GOD help you through this time of grief. Steven was a good man and a mighty warrior.

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Miriam Hyman

What a cruel twist.

May her parents and family be given strength to cope with this terrible tragedy

Rest in peace

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Anat Rosenberg

What a tragic irony that someone who was scared of terrorism inner country of birth should die at the hand of a terrorist on a London bus - Israel and London united in sorrow.

We have to pray that people of all faiths will come together in peace.

The teaching and incitement of hatred can only lead to disaster.

Rest in peace Anat

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Emily Jenkins and her family

I hope that wherever you are, you are in peace and safe. As an old school friend I send my love to your family. You were always so happy and a wonderful person to be around. You will be greatly missed.

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Ayoade Adejumo

May the rest of us realize the gift you gave. My prayers are with your family and friends.

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Shelley Mather

She was a person that was full of energy and always had a smile on her face. She is part of some of my best memories of my life and she inspired me with her joy for her work. Shelley Mathers family and friends are in my prayers to help them get through this hard time.

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Helen Jones

There are no words or thoughts that might help to understand such senseless murder.

Helen, I only knew you very briefly. I feel so sorry I did not have the chance to get to know you better. I know you have peace now and that is the only consolation I can find. May you sleep with angels tonight.

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I am an Italian boy and I follow with sadness the make happened in these days. Condolences rests in peace miriam

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am an Italian boy and I follow with sadness the make happened in these days. Condolences rests in peace fiona

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james adams

ernie and elaine

we are all thinking of you at this very sad time

steadman family

from ellesmere port

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Anthony Fatayi-Williams

Dear Anthony,

I still can't believe you are really gone. Words cannot describe the sadness I feel. You were such a fantastic person and I feel so privileged to have known you. Thank you for blessing us all with your beautiful smile, your beautiful personality. It just does not seem fair, but I know you are in a better place, "Innocent blood will always cry to God Almighty for reparation". May God give your family strength and comfort in this sad time.

We love you, we miss you, and we will never forget you. God bless you Anthony, and may your soul rest in perfect peace, Amen.


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anthony williams

may gentle soul rest in peace... amen.

may the lord strengthen ur family and loved ones... amen.

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Christian Small

I would like to pass along my condolences to Christian's family. He was a very special young man and he will be greatly missed.


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I didnt know you terribly well, but I knew you well enough to care about you. You brought an awful lot of smiles and giggles to Tabatha's and my days man. The world is definitely a better place for ever having you in it. You will be dearly missed, and your family will forever stay in my prayers

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all the Israelis living in Israel despite Arab terror

We must root out and eliminate terrorist threats before they kill us!

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Danny Healy

My thoughts are with the Healy family. Danny has been a wonderful family friend for 20 years and we greatly miss him - the memories will be with us always and we know that Danny was where he wanted to be doing what he knew needed to be done.

We love you and miss you Danny!

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Benedetta Ciaccia

I'm sorry for your loss-

A fellow Pearson employee in Eagan, MN USA

-Cherelyn Werre

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Anat Rosenberg

Anat we want to offer our condolences to your family here in Israel and your partner Mr. Falding in England. We are sorry you have to return to your homeland to be buried in our capital of Jerusalem. You were afraid to return to Israel due to the waves of terror attacks that had occurred here in recent years. It is very ironic that a terror attack caused your return. She lo tedu od tsar. Am Yisrael Chai!

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All the families who are in pain

Every victim of this terrible tragedy is in our thoughts.Such beautifull smiles and such hopes of future lost.I too have a brother who is an imigrant in London, and feared for his life.Your daughter and all other daughters and sons are in our hearts.May Alah bless those who shead tears, and bring them comfort.

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Teejay Carrillo

I am sad to know that he is gone..he was a great friend..and he made me happy from the first day i knew him. i dont know what else to say other then i miss him dearly...and loved him very much. i will pray for all of you that were close to him....i am proud i got to know you Teejay...never forgotten...

Tabatha Peterson

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I new fi through a friend of a friend, she was a really nice girl and it's so sad to know that I will never see or speak to her again, I hope she will be looking down from Heaven knowing that she was loved and adored by her friends and family.


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Am Yisrael Chai

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Emily Rose Jenkins

I, too, only met you once or twice as you were growing up. It is impossible to grasp that you have been destroyed for ever by such evil. May the loss of your life not be in vain.

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Christian 'Njoya' Small

My heart/thoughts go out to Christians family and friends and those that had the pleasure in knowing him from college as I did. I cannot describe the feeling I felt when I bought the paper and saw his face at front. Christian is in a safer place next to the Lord! For he now is in peace. I pray that his family & friends can find the strength to get through this difficlut stage in their lives.

My heart is with you all.

God Bless!!

Michelle B.

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a chinses girl

you look so nice and lovely, I pray for you

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Anthony Fatayi Williams

you will be missed by loads. May the lord grant your family the strength they need to get over this loss. Rest in Peace.


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Anthony Fatai-Williams

My dearest Anthony,

How happy I feel to have known and how devastated now you have been so suddenly taken from us.

May God give your mother, sisters and family comfort in the days and months ahead.

Rest in peace, My darling.

You were never too young, I was just too damned old!!


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Anat Rosenberg

Your tragic death saddens us all. May your passing not be in vain.

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the city of London

My name is Lauri, and i live in the northeast usa.

my thoughts and prayers are with you all as you make your way through this difficult time.

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Monika Suchocka

Jestem Polką i jest mi bardzo przykro , że Monia nie żyje... Najgłębsze wyrazy współczucia dla rodziców i braci...

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monika suchocka

kondolencje dla Rodziny- niech Wam Bog da sily do przejscia przez te trudne chwile- rodaczka z New Jersey, Agnieszka K.

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Jeffery Ake

We want everyone to know that you are not forgotten, you will always be in our prayers until your safe return to your family and friends. Your family and friends will never give up.

A friend in LaPorte

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Lee Baisden

im an old college mate, now living in Australia, very distressed to hear the news but always remember you as a fun loving person, rest in peace and my love to your mum

cheers Simon

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philips family

may you find strenghth during these difificult days god bless

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rest in peace

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laura webb




























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Ojara Ikeagwu,

May god bless your heart and soul and may god comfort your family in their hour of need and loss and it has also been a great loss to the social services in hounslow for the loss of such a great collegue.....

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my god bless her heart and soul and may god comfort her family for the loss that they have incurred...

An evil attack was committed and innocent lives were lost may those responsilble rot in hell!!!

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my thoughts are with all of bennies friends and family, she was a lovely person with a kind heart, in the short time that i got to know her we become good friends, god bless

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Benedetta Ciaccia

My deepest sympathies and condolences go out to the family and friends of Benedetta. May God embrace each of you with his tender loving mercy and give you the comfort you need during this most trying of times. I will be praying for Benedetta and the family.

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Carrie Louise Taylor

Dear Carrie I hope you are finally at peace, and that lots people here in this slice of the universe, care about you and are caring, loving people. And that you can look across the chasm and feel the wam sun-ray beam of love light to bridge our worlds.

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 For Philip A. Murphy-Sweet   For David A Wilkey Jr   For Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia   For Frank E. Adamski III   For Benjamin Walker   For Trevor B. Adkins   For Adam D. Jones   For Laurie Cobb   For Larry E Polley Jr   For Paul C. Holter III   For Alex D Gonzalez   For Christopher D Young   For Jose E Ulloa   For John Michael Roy Curwin   For Derek L. Shanfield   For Marisol Heredia   For John Charles Jenkins   For Todd Beamer   For Steven Paul Chucknick   For Geoffrey Perez  
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