Liberty unites

liberty unites us
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Clinton W. Cubert

I am so sorry your gone Cornbread, at the same time I know you are in a better place and all that served with you are also better for being able to have you in their life. You are remembered every day, I know you are in a better place, glad for that. Take care Brother

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Dennis M. Williams


You should still be here. This is just crazy. You will be forever missed, and forever remembered not only for your bravery, but you as the amazing person you are. Fly high, and rest in peace. Love you.

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John C. Beale

im so tired of all these e-mails that friends send me where you are supposed to receive good luck if you forward something to ten other people... I was blessed today to receive this dedication for Mr. i wish i could have been standing there showing love and support to his family...God Bless ALL of you who did. Our men should not be over there, EVERY soldier deserves the show of support that was shown in this video.... i will be sending it to everyone i know for the next year. Thank you Mr. Beale for your bravery and your unselfish sacrifice.

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John C. Beale

what a remarkable video to watch, god bless everyone who took the time to stand by the streets and honor one of our own fallen heroes. my heart goes out to the family of mr beale and ALL those who have had to bury a loved one

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Dennis M. Williams

I love and miss you extremely your best friend, Monique...

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Alexander Jordan

Gone But Not Forgotten! God's unfailing love and amazing grace be with you! God Bless your family and give them the grace and peace.

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Alexander Jordan

I know God has a special place and my prayers are with Jordan's family God Bless you! Gone But Not Forgotten.

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James J. Carson Jr.

I still think about you alot JJ. Hope you

are resting in peace. I want to meet your

wife and son. I regret not knowing them

already. I have too much to say to you

right now --- hopefully you already know.


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Benjamin P. Castiglione

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Jordan M. Shay

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Todd W. Selge

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Christopher S. Baltazar Jr

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Darryn D. Andrews

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Randy M. Haney

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Jonathan D. Welch

Jon I loved you so much, you were amazing and I will never forget you. We're still gonna drink Pabst and get shitfaced and party. Love you Spaz


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Cody C Grater

Your always on my mind....I miss you!!!!

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Joseph D. Fortin

With deepest sympathies.

Paul Fortin

Ottawa Canada.

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Steven Paul Chucknick

My Love,

I light this candle for you today because it is you Birthday. I miss you so very very much.

My heart to only yours forever

Your Wife Barbara

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Pablo Ortiz

You are a hero and will always be remembered. Thank you for your courage. What you did will remain in the memories of those you saved and in the hearts of their families-- whom you prevented pain from.


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Brian C. Karim

Forever float that standard sheet!

Where breathes the foe but falls before us?

With Freedom's soil beneath our feet,

And Freedom's banner streaming o'er us!

The American Flag

by Joseph Rodman Drake

Thank you Brian................

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Christopher Quackenbush

Forever float that standard sheet!

Where breathes the foe but falls before us?

With Freedom's soil beneath our feet,

And Freedom's banner streaming o'er us!

The American Flag

by Joseph Rodman Drake

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Jordan M. Brochu

Forever float that standard sheet!

Where breathes the foe but falls before us?

With Freedom's soil beneath our feet,

And Freedom's banner streaming o'er us!

The American Flag

by Joseph Rodman Drake

Thank you our fallen soldier.

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Jonathan D. Welch

You did not know me but you gave all that I and others remain free. You lost everything that I and others might remain free. Those who love you will never forget you. Memories are like roses in December. Thank you my friend.

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John D Aragon

The pain those who love you and the liberty you preserved will remain.

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Simone A Robinson

Adaquate words fail....thank you for my freedom.

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Tromaine K. Toy Sr

happy bday to you

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Michell Lee Robotham

Missin you Michell. I will never forget you and your sweet smile.Thanks for all the beer and burgers at the lakeside cafe. Love Cochise

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Ronald W. Sawyer

Words cannot even begin to express how proud I am to be your sister. I love you Ron and miss you. Thank you for everything you did for your family and especially your country. You are and forever will be a true HERO!

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Troy O. Tom

krazyy bear..tomtom!!

troyy i miss you soooo much!!! i just want to see your smile and hear you were one of the coolest,nicest brothers..i am going to miss you greatly but i know your looking down on us keeping us safe! i

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Dennis M. Williams

Hi Dan and Family...I am thinking of you...Sharon Williams

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Eric J. Lindstrom

eric was my brother and he saved us all he was a good solider

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Kurt R. Curtiss

In Memory

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Douglas D. Ketcham

It still seems so strange he lost his life - he was so lovely, so infectious with his kindness and patience and giving spirit. I worked with him in Midlothian, Va at my first ever job - at The Biscuit Barn. We both ended up in NYC pursuing our dreams. I am so sorry he is not still doing this. A family lost a great son and brother - and many of us lost a wonderful friend. Time has not let us forget. God Bless him, and may God Bless his family as we near the 8th anniversary of this horrific event.

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Troy O. Tom


I can't believe the guy who was another brand new private with me in 3rd platoon is gone. It was an honor to serve with you. You will be always be missed and never forgotten...

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Ronald W. Sawyer

SFC Sawyer, it was an honor to serve with you in 1-17.

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Jonathan D. Welch

Brother, it was an honor serving with you and Walshe in Charlie Co.

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Tyler R. Walshe

Brother, it was an honor serving with you in Charlie Company.

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Christopher Hugh Forsythe

Thinking of you at this time Fossy.

Mick the Kick.

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Leopold F. Damas

Our heart goes out to the family as we salute Leopold's great courage !

May all the good times spent together bring strength and courage, smile and pride to all of you.

With love

Estelle & Jean-Paul Manuel

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Kelly E. C. Watters

E.c. died to for our country and freedom and for that he will not be forgotten. He died too young but he went with honor and courage. May he find salvation and rest in peace.

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Joshua M. Bernard

As a parent of an active duty military man, my prayers and thoughts are with you young man and your loved ones. May god bless you.

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Joshua M. Bernard

I am so sorry for your loss. My husband is an Iraq War veteran and we just want to say you are not alone in your grief. Our prayers are with you. May you find the peace and guidance to endure this difficult time. Semper Fidelis!

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Joshua M. Bernard

Dear Family,

As I sit here tonight watching over my three young children, my heart is hurting for you and for your loss. Words can not express, how thankful I am for your son! Please know America does "THANK YOU" for the sacrifice you have made for this country. May God bless you and watch over you during this time of need and for the years to come. May God Bless this country and all the service man and women. As an American, I am bless to have read about your son and learned about his sacrifice. Thank you! Someone who cares in SC

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Joel W Lewis


We miss you and think about you everyday. We just visited your grave a couple days ago and put your EIB by your headstone. We know how proud you were of earning that, as not many people do. We love you!

Justin and Abby

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Dennis M. Williams

I will remember you always and pray for your family.

Love, Denise

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Joseph A Richard III

I love you Unlce Joe!

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Paul C. Holter III

Paul, Those of us who know and love you may be going on with our lives but will never forgive the coward, Marlin Goombi Jr of Anadarko, Oklahoma for taking your life from us.

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Donald J. Hogan

May God bless you and hold your family in the palm of His hand. As a Mom of one of your fellow Marines, I want to thank you for your service to our country. You gave your life and you shall always have a place in my heart. You have left footprints on my son's heart.

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Joseph D. Fortin

we love you joey my heart hurts but also rings with pride i am honored to be you aunt and i will miss you always but will keep you close to my heart and will carry the pride of the sacrifice you made for us and our country....RIP my little man

aunt marcie

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William T Flanigan

Tim was one of my dearest friends from the old aeroscout days...I have so many great memories of the times we and our families hed together, from the times at mother Rucker to the time I visited him at his dad's in Indy... Tim is greatly missed..but don't cry for too long...Tim wouldn't have wanted that. Love you and your family bro..see ya in the skys

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Dennis M. Williams

I am the Aunt of Ronald W. Sawyer who also lost his life with Dennis. Our family wants to send our condolences to all of your family. these heros will never be forgotten.

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Theodore A Spatol

Ted, for the short time I got to know you at Walter Reed, I will forever be grateful. Atrox

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Ronald W. Sawyer

i am so proud to be your cousin ron. i love and miss you. you will never be forgotten. we all love you..

the sieberts

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Michael T. Wholey

you gave your life so others could live, a true hero! may god always be with you and your family

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Troy O. Tom


we still don't believe you are gone.

it will take awhile before we come to terms with it.

we love you very much and we miss you deeply.

wish you would call and say you're fine and that you'll be home soon. However, we know you are with you love ones in heaven.

i love you very much & i miss you.

your Aunt Daiz.

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Christian A. Guzman Rivera

Christian, thank you, thank you the service, thank you for fighting for our freedom, thank you for paying the ultimate sacrifice for our country. May God continue to bless your friends and family. You will be truly missed, but we will soon see you again.

Rest in Paradise Cpl. Guzman Rivera

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Tyler R. Walshe

Thank you for your sacrifice and may you find peace on the other side.My love and condolences to your family in our time of grief. Jordan's Auntie

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Jonathan D. Welch

You were with my nephew at his last moments and for that I am grateful he wasn't alone...May you also find peace on the other side and our family is grateful for your sacrifice as well. Much love to your family! Jordan's Auntie

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Jordan M. Brochu

I am devastated by your loss and love you very much! May you find peace on the other side.All my love to our family and friends in our time of grief. Love you sweetie! Auntie Laura

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Noah L Boye

Man, I miss you and Joe, God Bless you and your family. It's nights like tonight when I think about you guys...Thank you for the memories and our freedom. Kraus

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Joshua M. Bernard

My son, Corporal Jason Michael Charles Bogar, was killed in Afghanistan on July 13, 2008. It was months of emotional Hell, and I still miss him. My deepest condolences and prayers for you and all who knew your precious boy. They are America's best, and their Soul's have graduated with honor.

Michael Bogar

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Joshua M. Bernard

You were so young and had your whole life ahead of you. God Bless you and your family. Freedom definately is not free. Thank you

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Joshua M. Bernard

Thank You Sir!

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Joshua M. Bernard

You will be forever live in our heart. You are the hero that always stay with us.

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Joshua M. Bernard

sorry for your loss and thanks for giveing of yourselfs and share one of our heros

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Clayton P. Bowen

Thank you for all the laughs. I'm really going to miss you...especially the "ish" lol.

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Joshua M. Bernard

I thank-you for your service and for the sacrifice that your family has made.


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Joshua M. Bernard

I thank-you for your service and for the sacrifice that your family has made.

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Adam F. Benjamin

Adam, we miss you very much. Thank you for serving our country.

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Keiffer P. Wilhelm

To this young Soldier's family and heart goes out to you for this loss. The details regarding young Keiffer's death are abhorent.

He is at peace now.

God bless your family...

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Clayton P. Bowen


You will missed by all, RIP


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John L. Hallett III

I served with him from 2003-2006 in 1-21 IN as his former company commander. He is a professional soldier, honorable officer and will be missed by all. Notably, he loved his family and prioritized them above personal glory in the military.

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David R. Hall

Thank you for your courage and service. May God Bless you and comfort your family & friends.

Rest in heavenly peace.

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Clayton P. Bowen

He was a great Soldier and a true hero to our nation May his soul rest in peace.. I feel sorry for all the young ladies that he had convienced that he cared so much about you. You were truely not the only one in his life. He definately shared his love. The say what happens in the dark comes to light. It is ashame to find out all the promises he made to all those ladies. May his soul finally rest in peace.

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Steven Paul Chucknick

My Love

It is 6 days until your birthday. We miss you like crazy!!!

My heart to yours forever

Your Wife Barbara

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Ronald W. Sawyer

SFC Sawyer - we lost an fine soldier and an incomparable leader on August 25, 2009. Your soldiers miss you. You will forever be in their hearts and the hearts of their families.

All our love - the Ryans

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Ricky D. Jones

I miss Mojoe so much cause he was my cousin and his mom is my aunt.


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Chris Davis


My little brother,My Hero.

Still dying inside because your not here.Still shedding a tear daily because your not near.I want to feel your touch I want to hear your voice.I know your gone because it was gods choice.

I love you and miss you.


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Nestor Andre Cintron

I am a member of Project 2,996 and I'm going to celebrate your life on September 11, 2009.

May your loved ones find peace and renewed strength. May God bless and keep them till you meet again.

Sandee @ Comedy Plus

(More Info)

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Javier Olvera

We were truly blessed to have known him for a few months before he was deployed to Afghanistan. He always had a smile on his face and so full of energy. HE WILL BE TRULY MISSED. OUR PRAYERS GO OUT TO HIS FAMILY AND FRIENDS.


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David R. Hall

We were truly blessed to have known him for a few months before he was deployed to Afghanistan. During these short months he talked about his family, his faith and of having a family one day. We only hoped that we were able to fill his void of missing his family while he visited our home. He became part of our family. HE WILL BE TRULY MISSED. OUR PRAYERS GO OUT TO HIS FAMILY AND FRIENDS.


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Clayton P. Bowen

I'll will miss you Bro..Rest in peace my friend


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Chris Davis

To my best friend, my better half, but most of all my brother. I love u and miss u. I can still remember all the fun we use to have and all the fights we use to have but i wouldn't change or trade any of those memories; unless i knew i would have u back with me. Remember the great words of OZZY I'll see you on the other side!!

love you!

your little sister Brenda

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Dennis M. Williams

From the ultimate sacrifice, a hero lives on. You will NEVER be forgotten. To the Williams family, dont listen to the media. Know that there are still those of us who support our troops and their families with our whole hearts.

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Donald J. Hogan

Yesterday afternoon while driving home around 12:30 on the 5 Fwy I saw over passes from Ortega to my exit Camino Estrella full of Police cars and Fire Engins. Looking at the Local section of the OC Register this morning I now know why.

Had I known, I would have joined the tribute and thankyou show of support. God bless Donald and there are not enough words to describe how I feel.

May God keep the family he left behind in the palm of His hand as Donald is now.


Lt.K. Pezzolla Ret.

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Kurt R. Curtiss

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Matthew E. Wildes

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Taylor D. Marks

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Earl D. Werner

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Abraham S. Wheeler III

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Jason S. Dahlke

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Eric W. Hario

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Tyler R. Walshe

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Jordan M. Brochu

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Jonathan D. Welch

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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David R. Hall

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Paul E. Dumont Jr

I'm sorry my friend. Dumont and I were in 155th Fort Eustis together. I'm just hearing of what happened and wanted to send my condolences out the the Dumont family. I know it's hard right now, but you have to pray and be strong. SPC Dumont, you will forever be missed.

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Edward Lichtschein

ed: i love you and miss you

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Dennis M. Williams

you are and always will be the most amazing person. we all love you and miss you....

you will never be forgotten.

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 For Philip A. Murphy-Sweet   For David A Wilkey Jr   For Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia   For Frank E. Adamski III   For Benjamin Walker   For Trevor B. Adkins   For Adam D. Jones   For Laurie Cobb   For Larry E Polley Jr   For Paul C. Holter III   For Alex D Gonzalez   For Christopher D Young   For Jose E Ulloa   For John Michael Roy Curwin   For Derek L. Shanfield   For Marisol Heredia   For John Charles Jenkins   For Todd Beamer   For Steven Paul Chucknick   For Geoffrey Perez  
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