Liberty unites

liberty unites us
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Daniel A. Frazier

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Brian M. Patton

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Justin B Onwordi

Justin was my classmate in Delta State University. He was also a bossom friend. may his soul rest in peace. amen......martins ezeamaka.

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Daniel Lee Galvan

Miss You so much and Love You with all our Heart. Waiting till we can all be together again. You should not have left us.

Mom and Dad

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Alfonso Ochoa Jr

I am so sorry for your loss. My son was with him in Afghanistan and they were friends.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. We will never forget his sacrifice.

God bless you

Michaela Blanchette

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Justin D. Coleman

I'll always be proud

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Justin J. Swanson

He was reallly going somewhere.

i knew him.

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David G. Ries

I served with Sgt Reis in Portland, I have never in my life seen a Marine that was more squared away then Reis. I joined the Marine Corps at 25 then reported to 6th esb after boot and mct then school. Reported to my unit, sometime later Reis joined our unit after leaving active duty. Sgt Reis prepared Marines for combat with his mentality and his work ethic. If there were any questions while working on a piece of equipment Reis was our go to man. So as we passed the 8th of nov we must all remember the great things he did for fellow Marines, the country, and his fellow Americans. I have many great stories about Sgt Reis, I will always hold them close to my heart. Semper Fi Brother, we continue to carry out your dream while you watch over us.

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Eduviges G. Wolf

Honoring Duvi.............

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Benjamin W. Sherman

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Stephen L. Murphy

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Christopher J. Coffland

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Shawn P. Hefner

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Ryan L. Zorn

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Gary L. Gooch

Rest in peace man!!!!

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Shane W Woods

Happy Veterans Day, to one who gave all.

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Alan E McPeek

Happy Veterans Day, to one who gave all.

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Matthew T Zeimer

Happy Veterans Day, to one who gave all.

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Keith Yoakum


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Niall Lyons

The Army has lost a true warrior. Niall was a member of our task deployed to Iraq in 2007-2008 and he was a professional in every sense of the word. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family. You will be missed.

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Colin William Wilmot

so sorry to hear you left us, you were one the finest example of a man i ever knew!

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Eduviges G. Wolf

rest in peace duvi.u will never be forgotten.

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Cesar B. Ruiz

My deepest Condolences to the Family , friend and fellow Marines. My prayers go out the all the service men and their families, I too have my son servering in the Marines. God bless you

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Cesar B. Ruiz

My name is Kyle Davis. I had the honor and privledge of serving with cesar from 2003 to 2006 in Hawaii. We deployed together to Afghanistan in 04-05. My deepest condolencese go out to his family. May god bless all of you. You will all be in my prayers.

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Mathew C. Heffelfinger

Thank you for your service. May god bless you and yours.

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Justin J. Swanson

Thank you for your service. May god bless you and yours.

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Earl R. Scott III

Thank you for your service. May god bless you and yours.

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Marcelo R. Velasco

This candle is lit in your honor & memory.

Rest in peace knowing that you will never be forgotten.

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Milton A Gist Jr


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Lukas C. Hopper

My deepest sympathy to your entire family. My son had the privilage of knowing your son at Ft Benning. I had the privilage of meeting him during graduation. Thomas, my son, is currently deployed in Afghanistan and just heard the news, he wants to know he is thinking of all of you and expresses his deepest condolences. God Bless all of you.


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Darren Ethan Tate

My loving cousin, u were so brave and so strong. Your family including myself is sooo proud of your accomplishments. I wish so desperately for you to still be with us...and i also wish that i could have told you i love you one last time...

I love you!

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Jesus Martin Antonio Medellin

I miss you every day

even though you are gone today you still live in my heart. you have been a guiding light, an Angel sent from heaven. You have never really left you're always around to listen.. to protect your wish was to make a huge difference in the lives of many people, and that is just what you did. Your wish came true but you made more than a difference you gave so much more and it's because of you that so many people are enjoying freedom today, it's because of you that i was not killed one night your spirit was there to protect me from evil.

I never got to say goodbye to you but i know in my heart that i didn't need to

you didn't believe in goodbyes remember..

and neither do I

Marty you will forever have a special place in my heart

I'm happy God allowed me to meet you

you continue to inspire me.



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Christopher M. Cooper

Rest in Peace Coop. Semper Fi. The this thing needs to show that he was also a Corpral of Marines. He had the best name for his amtrack, "The Dirty Sanchez". Love you man, I'll never forget you. YAT-YAS

Thoughts and prayers to your family.

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Jared D. Stanker

Jared was destined to be a soldier from the time his was a young boy. He was a committed and focused soldier as well as a fun-loving and big-hearted person. He will be missed everyday by his family, friends and fellow soldiers. We know he is safe from harm with God now and watching over everyone he loved.

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Bruce Miller Jr

I was in the same platoon as Miller in Iraq and he was the kindest, most sincere person who would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. I remember going to his room after PT and him giving us hot pockets and soda from his fridge. My condolences are with his family and friends.

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Kenneth G. VonRonn

I didn't know SGT Kenneth VonRonn however, last night, I was gifted with the Hero Band honoring this brave soldier. I am truly humbled to have been given such a gift. The young, 20 yr. old soldier, was killed when a roadside bomb e­xploded under his Bradley fighting vehicle in the village of Awad al-Hussein, north of Baghdad, Iraq.

Thank you, SGT Kenneth VonRonn, for giving your life while defending our freedom.

Thank you, SGT Joseph Brooks, for giving me the honor and passing this responsibility on to me, I will wear it proudly and serve it well!

God, Bless and keep Kenneth with you always. God Bless all of our troops and this great country... I'm so proud to be an American!

Please, help me fulfill my duty, by passing this on, and memorializing what this young man sacrificed for all of us. Pray for those soldiers who are still out there doing the same today.

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Kenneth G. VonRonn

I didn't know SGT Kenneth VonRonn however, last night, I was gifted with the Hero Band honoring this brave soldier. I am truly humbled to have been given such a gift. The young, 20 yr. old soldier, was killed when a roadside bomb e­xploded under his Bradley fighting vehicle in the village of Awad al-Hussein, north of Baghdad, Iraq.

Thank you, SGT Kenneth VonRonn, for giving your life while defending our freedom.

Thank you, SGT Joseph Brooks, for giving me the honor and passing this responsibility on to me, I will wear it proudly and serve it well!

God, Bless and keep Kenneth with you always. God Bless all of our troops and this great country... I'm so proud to be an American!

Please, help me fulfill my duty, by passing this on, and memorializing what this young man sacrificed for all of us. Pray for those soldiers who are still out there doing the same today.

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Christopher M. Cooper

Coop I hope you are at peace. Once a Marine always a Marine RIP good friend. My Prayers go out to you and your family.

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Jose Bienvenido Gomez

rest in peace

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Kenneth W Mayne

i miss you very much. i wish we had more time to bond together. i love you. you are the best person i have ever known. you will be in my heart and thoughts forever.

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Rayshawn S Johnson

Love you and miss you always

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Robert P. Devitt Jr.

I had the privilege of knowing Bob through work as a vendor of his. I remember Bob often. And just about everytime after a moment of sadness, Bob still manages to bring a smile to my face. I'll never forget the great conversations while having lunch in his office, his great sense of humor; or his incredible approach shot for an Eagle he made at Sleepy Hollow Country Club on our company golf outing. What a great guy! Bob will always be remembered and missed. My thoughts go out to his family and loved ones and I will continue to keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. He has been influential in my life I wanted you to know that. He will always be remembered!

-Jim Charlesworth

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Alexander R Varela

Roger, I met you today at Lowe's. We talked about my dog and how you would like to have one like him. Please accept my most sincere condolences for your loss. God bless you and your late son.

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Charles I. Cartwright

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Mathew C. Heffelfinger

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Earl R. Scott III

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Justin J. Swanson

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Jared D. Stanker

I read Jared's name today at the Universal Unitarian Church in Tallahassee, FL as a solider killed in battle. My deepest sympathy to Jared's family and friends.

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Jason Richard Freiwald

Jason,your sacrifice will never be forgotten.I think of you every time I hear The Star Spangled Banner, and on Veterans Day. God bless you, and your family. We truely are "The land of the free BECAUSE of the brave." (You, and all the other soldiers who put themselves in harms way for us all.) SanDee (Briesmeister) Saari

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Cody R. Stanley

May the grace of God,the love of Juese,and peace of the holy spirit be with you and your family but we miss u CODY R.I.P. for me and we love you

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Cody R. Stanley

hey i am sorry but dont cry but i hope u feel ok but i am so sorry but my name is Gabriel Salinas from Smithville High School ok

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Cora Hidalgo Holland

Cora was a school friend of mine, there were four of us from Jr High to High School. The old Memorial web site I made, AOL has discontinued their service here is a link to an updated version with new picture's. Please visit this site.

(More Info)

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Kyle R. Van De Giesen

with a heavy heart, our thoughts are with Capt. Van De Geisen's wife, children and family. Have peace in knowing he is watching over all of you and smiling.

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Rafael Reynosa Suarez

Condolences to dinora my heart cries every day. My brother dint make it and i did and now i have to live with it.Miss you big brother.

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Luis M. Gonzalez

diablo loco, la vida que nosotro cojimo esta del carajo, pero ya tu sabe te bamos a estranar que dios te vendiga

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Josue E. Hernandez Chavez

May God Bless you and help your family through their healing process. You are a Hero and will always be remembered.

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Cesar B. Ruiz

My name is Adriana Leon and I had the honor of knowing Cesar since May of this year here in California. My boyfriend and him worked and were deployed together. Our deepest sympathy goes to his parents, siblings, wife and son whom I feel like I know just because of how much he talked about them. Cesar is a true Hero!!!!

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Jacob J Toves

I remember skating with you growing up, and going to Taco Bell, and your mom's old Volvo.

I wish this sacrifice wasn't demanded of you. I hope there is peace where you are now. You are remembered.

End this war. There's no reason to it.

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David E. Metzger

I got a chance to work with dave on several occasions, I was assigned to 1/7 SFG He was A great person to know, And will be greatly missed.

G Hamer

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Norman L. Cain III

To my husband, my beloved, my hero - I stood proudly by your side. I love you! I'll always love you! You are misses every second of every minute of everyday.

Your Wife


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Vincent C Winston Jr

Rest in peace fellow serviceman

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Kyle W Powell

Love and Miss You Brother. Till we meet again... Semper Fi 1stSgt Shawn Hannah

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Patrick O. Williamson


Your family is in my prayers. I know you are watching over them and Sidney as well. I am posting your photo in my classroom right next to the American Flag and will think of you every morning in homeroom while saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Thank you, Patrick. You have made the ultimate sacrifice.

God Bless America...

Mrs. Daigle

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Christopher M. Rudzinski

I had the privelage to serve with Chris, or as we called him "Sgt Ski" here in Afghanistan. I would just like to pass on my condolences to all his friends and family. He was an excellent man and in the short time I knew him he became a good friend. He is truly missed.


Constable Gregor Aitken

Canadian Police Contingent

Canadian Reconstruction Team

Kandahar Afghanistan

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David E. Metzger

To David's family & friends~ My thoughts and prayers are with you guys. I got the chance to meet David this year right before he deployed when he made a trip to Camp Lejeune NC to see some Marines whom worked with him on his last deployment. I know that from the Marines side he will be missed greatly and that these boys lost an amazing friend & brother. R.I.P Dave, I'm honored to say that I had the chance to meet such an amazing man!

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Gary L. Gooch

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Stephen D Shannon

I miss you Stephen. I hope you are well up there, and always watching over your family. Much love to you.

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Angelo J Vaccaro

May God always be with his family and friends. God Bless All Of The Heros!

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Raymond L White

Rest easy brother, I have the watch now

CPL Powe, David L

17th PsyOps BN (ABN)

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Raymond L White

Rest easy brother, I have the watch now

CPL Powe, David L

17th PsyOps BN (ABN)

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Ryan H. Lane

You are remembered in the hearts of the American people. Thank you for your Ultimate Sacrifice.

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Christian P Engeldrum

May you be resting in the arms of the Lord. You will always be remembered and missed. God Bless to your family.

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Cesar B. Ruiz

I served with this Marine and can attest to the level of dedication that he had to his family, his country, and his Corps. He will be greatly missed.

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Daniel J. Rivera

i am very srry for this loss i knew daniel j rivera i went to basic training with him i was in the same platoon as him i lived with him for 4 months during osut he was one of the coolest guys i knew and was never the type to bully someone just to fit into the popular crowd he was a close friend and a great soldier and he will be missed severly

PFC:Kye Sadler

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Michelle R Ring

Remebering you SPC Ring, 2 years after your passing. I wear my KIA bracelet with your name everyday. God Bless your family and your children. Once you passed 92d MP was never the same.

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Roberto A. Hernandez

he was a great person its just like yesterday when i last spoke to him he was anxious and excited to come home i still cant believe god took u away from us if i could do anything to have u back i would we all miss u but i know you are in a better place watching over all of us we all miss u Roberto and we will always love u you will never be forgotten

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Michael T Seeley

Lest we forget Mike

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Kenneth E Bostic

We could never thank you enough for what you have done for our country. Our small town will never forget you and you will always be a hero in our eyes! God Bless you and Rest in peace.

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Chad R. Hildebrandt

Thinking of you today and always Chadder Box- Love and Miss you!

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Issac B. Jackson

Issac, I am so Proud of you. You will alway be in my Heart. Thank You!

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Thomas James Hamilton

my mom babysat Thomas when he was little and we were always so close to there family we were all as one big family he is and always will be loved

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Cesar B. Ruiz

my name is tiffany (hunter) rodriguez. i attended Taft HS with cesar. i want to send to his family, his wife and friends my deepest sympathy. the ruiz family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Cesar was a wonderful and friendly person. he always had a smile on his face for everyone he met. he will be missed very much.

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David E. Metzger

Today is the day you are finally laid to rest. May you rest in peace and continue to protect us from above. You are our gardian angel and may your sons remember their father as a great soldier and a great man. Thank you.

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Eric J. Lindstrom

eric was a leader second to none and will live on in the soldiers he touched along the way. With the discipline , knowledge, hard work, and love he gave and instilled in the soldiers that to him were brothers. God bless and thank you

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David E. Metzger

My Deapest condolences to his entire family. May you rest in peace. God Bless

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Phillip R Anderson


It's been a year and half since we lost you. Not a day goes buy that we don't think about you. You will allways be in our thoughts and prayers. Tomorrow is Veterans Day we are taking your son to Tahoma Cemetery where you are layed, he enjoys that. Thank you for touching our family.You are missed

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Cody R. Stanley

Thanks Cody! RIP

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Richard M. Salter

If anyone knows how to erach Janet or Matt's parents, please contact me. There will be a flag flying in honor of all the fallen soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan on Wednesday, 11/11/09. i would like to give this flag to his family.

Thank you,

Angela Lewis (Mike Gaston's daughter)


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Eric N. Lembke

Maggie Wethington

Eric you will live on forever in our hearts we are all so proud of you. I am so glad that you were in my life. You were and will always be a true hero. I hope to see you in heavan one day.

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Paul Balint Jr

RIP PFC Paul Balint Jr.

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Luis M. Gonzalez


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Linda C Jimenez


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David L. Audo

Dave you will be sadly missed....thank you for your great service to our country!!!

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Eric M Kavanagh

Its been a long time, still miss you and still think it was just yesterday that i said good bye. I love and miss you very much and I wish you could be here right now. Love you so much.

Kisses and hugs

yours Cat

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Lukas C. Hopper

Luke, it's me Kelie although something tells me you know that....I keep posting everywhere because I just have to make sure you know how much I love you....I miss you so much already my friend....I pray that you are at peace and I believe you are because I feel your spirit surrounding us and lifting us up...I feel so helpless and I wish I could do something to help Danny and your parents and Celeste and Chantal...I hope one day they will find the same comfort I have, knowing that you are watching over us, and that you continue to protect us....Never Forget Hopper....I love you Lukas

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Michael A. Dahl Jr

Thank you cousin for all that you did for us, you have brought great pride to the hearts and lives of our family and friends.

Im going to miss you so much, but i know someday that we will meet again, and i know you are safe now.

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John M. Holmason

Robert and Melba Alexander

El Reno, Oklahoma

You are in our thoughts and prayers.

God Bless

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Kerry W Frith

My name is Paul Robert Frith the nephew of Kerry Wayne Frith. I thank those responsible for all the memories posted on the web honoring my uncle for the world to see. I have enjyed showing my Son that he has a hero for a great uncle and will honor his memory for all of my life.

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Jonathon M. Sylvestre

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Cesar B. Ruiz

Thank you for your courage and service. May God bless you and your family.

Rest in Peace.

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 For Philip A. Murphy-Sweet   For David A Wilkey Jr   For Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia   For Frank E. Adamski III   For Benjamin Walker   For Trevor B. Adkins   For Adam D. Jones   For Laurie Cobb   For Larry E Polley Jr   For Paul C. Holter III   For Alex D Gonzalez   For Christopher D Young   For Jose E Ulloa   For John Michael Roy Curwin   For Derek L. Shanfield   For Marisol Heredia   For John Charles Jenkins   For Todd Beamer   For Steven Paul Chucknick   For Geoffrey Perez  
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