Liberty unites

liberty unites us
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Jacob M. Pfister

Rest in peace. You are not forgotten!

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Jeff LeBrun

Rest in peace. You are not forgotten!

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David M McKeever

Rest in peace. You are not forgotten!

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Charles E Bush Jr

Rest in peace. You are not forgotten!

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Michael L Williams

Rest in peace. You are not forgotten!

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David Evans Jr

Rest in peace. You are not forgotten!

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Reserve Brandon S Tobler

Rest in peace. You are not forgotten!

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Eric J Orlowski

Rest in peace. You are not forgotten!

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Travis C Krege

Rest in peace. You are not forgotten!

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Riayan A Tejeda

gracias por aver hecho esto aqui para mi hijo, aunque los americanos me negaron la parternidad de mi hijo, claro ellos tenian la de ellos por dentro, no quisieron darme un informe sobre la muerte de mi hijo, prefirieron hacerlo un heroe, de engano, ya que ahora lo demostraron, quitandole su nombre y nuestro apellido, tejeda, que mas haran manana, le quitaran el nombre ala calle, lo sacaran del cementerio, que hagan lo que quieran que yo siempre estares pendiente de todo, lo uqe hagan con riayan augusto tejeda. su padre, augusto reinaldo tejeda, mi cel. 809-516-5175. gracias

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Clayton L. Adamkavicius

To the Adamkavicious family

You don't know me, but our paths crossed on 21 April 2006. I was a member or the crew of the B-52 that was unable to ride to the rescue of your son...we were however, able to avenge his death.

My prayers are always with you.

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Stephen F. Dearmon

I love you lil brother i miss you!

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Richard A. Dewater

Your bravery and sacrifice will remain in our hearts for a

lifetime, with intense gratitude. May God bless you and

your family.

Rest Safely and Securely in God's Loving Arms.

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Raul Moncada

Your bravery and sacrifice will remain in our hearts for a

lifetime, with intense gratitude. May God bless you and

your family.

Rest Safely and Securely in God's Loving Arms.

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Blaise A. Oleski

miss you forever kid

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Jason E. Dore

jason you were a one in a million kind of guy. god sure broke the mold when he made you. i am so proud of you for getting out of bingham. you made life for yourself, and fought for the rest of us to have a better one. you died a real american hero. and you lived your dream. i'll miss the times we shared at the cabin!! luv and miss you bunches.. kerrie and taylor.

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Francisco X. Aguila

May God bless you and your family.

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Jon M Schoolcraft III

Thank you for your service. May God bless you and your family always.

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Jon M Schoolcraft III

I'll always miss you more than you'll ever know.

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Andrew L Tuazon

Uncle Andy,

today i was listenin to "Milkshake" and memories just went through my head, they played over and over. Me and mom miss you so much we cant believe its almost 5 years. We ALL love and miss you. Keep watchin over us.

Love your niece,


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Santos Valentin Jr.


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Francisco X. Aguila

Your bravery and sacrifice will remain in our hearts for a

lifetime, with intense gratitude. May God bless you and

your family.

Rest Safely and Securely in God's Loving Arms.

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Michael J. Anaya

Your bravery and sacrifice will remain in our hearts for a

lifetime, with intense gratitude. May God bless you and

your family.

Rest Safely and Securely in God's Loving Arms.

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Jacob I. Ramsey

Your bravery and sacrifice will remain in our hearts for a

lifetime, with intense gratitude. May God bless you and

your family.

Rest Safely and Securely in God's Loving Arms.

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Gary L. Woods Jr

Your bravery and sacrifice will remain in our hearts for a

lifetime, with intense gratitude. May God bless you and

your family.

Rest Safely and Securely in God's Loving Arms.

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Edward W. Forrest Jr

Your bravery and sacrifice will remain in our hearts for a

lifetime, with intense gratitude. May God bless you and

your family.

Rest Safely and Securely in God's Loving Arms.

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Jason G. Pautsch

Your bravery and sacrifice will remain in our hearts for a

lifetime, with intense gratitude. May God bless you and

your family.

Rest Safely and Securely in God's Loving Arms.

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Bryan E. Hall

Your bravery and sacrifice will remain in our hearts for a

lifetime, with intense gratitude. May God bless you and

your family.

Rest Safely and Securely in God's Loving Arms.

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Bryce E. Gautier

Your bravery and sacrifice will remain in our hearts for a

lifetime, with intense gratitude. May God bless you and

your family.

Rest Safely and Securely in God's Loving Arms.

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Joseph A Ford

The tears in our eyes we can wipe away, the ache in our heart will always stay. When your birthday came it was such a sad day. It took us all off guard. But we tried to remember the funny things you would do when you where little. We miss you so.

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Kyle W Wilks

Something told me to look you up this morning. Your in my thoughts I guess because it has been a year.. We love you so much. Forever in my heart my dear cousin.. My prayers an thoughts go to your mom and dad and lil Tigger.

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Bryce E. Gautier

Thank you for your courage and Service. May God bless you and comfort your family and friends.

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Bryan E. Hall

Thank you for your courage and Service. May God bless you and comfort your family and friends.

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Jason G. Pautsch

Thank you for your courage and Service.

May God bless you and comfort your family and friends.

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Edward W. Forrest Jr

Thank you for your courage and Service. May God bless you and comfort your family and friends.

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Gary L. Woods Jr

Thank you for your courage and Service.

May God bless you and comfort your family and friends.

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Jacob I. Ramsey

Thank you for your courage and Service.

May God bless you and comfort your family and friends.

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Michael J. Anaya

Thank you for your courage and Service.

May God bless you and comfort your family and friends.

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Raul Moncada

Thank you for your courage and Service.

May God bless you and comfort your family and friends.

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Francisco X. Aguila

Thank you for your courage and Service. May God bless you and comfort your family and friends.

Rest In Peace.

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Brandon L. Teeters

I did not know you man but I know those who did

and they speak so highly of you. I just wanted to say "Thank You" for your ultimate sacrifice.

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Brandon L. Teeters

Bubby I love you and miss you. Your niece talks to

your picture every day. May god envelope you in

his loving embrace.

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Brandon L. Teeters

Brandon this is dad. I'm just going to say, till we meet again in heaven. Love you man.

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Brandon L. Teeters

Brandon this is mom. We miss you so much. Your

death has left a void that can never be filled except

when we meet again in heaven. I love you.

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Bryce E. Gautier

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Bryan E. Hall

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Jason G. Pautsch

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Edward W. Forrest Jr

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Gary L. Woods Jr

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Raul Moncada

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Francisco X. Aguila

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Marcelo R. Velasco

Usted estará siempre amó y pensó en.

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Yull Estrada Rodriguez

Sabes que nunca te eh olvidado y nunca lo hare Te Amo mi corazon, se que estas feliz con Dios.

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Michael J. Anaya

soo sorry for your loss klets hope he didnt die in vain

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Fernando A. Mendez-Aceves

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Tyanna S. Avery-Felder

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Jacob I. Ramsey

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Michael J. Anaya

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Shane P Harris

I thought of Shane today. He was a darling little boy, and a brave young man. He is missed.

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Joseph A Ford

Hey Joe just wanted to let you know we all miss you brother.....In my 7 yrs in the military now I have never met someone as determined as you were. I hope that one day we will meet and be able to talk about the things us "infantry men" talk about. Until then rest in peace and watch over your family from above just as you did in life.

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David A Hartman

RIP BRO! SSG Roger DeCoster 1/221 CAV Las Vegas,NV 1986 Graduate of Akron-Fairgrove High School-Fairgrove MI

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David J Ramsey

David, We all Love & Miss You.

You were a good son, brother, uncle, husband/father.

God Bless You & Rest In Peace,

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Daniel J. Beard


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Scott B Stream

Scott, you are terribly missed by your family. May you rest in Peace.

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Ivica Jerak


You were a true warrior. You were a excellent friend and mentor. You will always be missed!

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Robert J. Shay Jr.

Uncle robert Happy Easter .. I love you soo muchh! I know we all miss you and I know your here mentally. I do miss you soo much sometimes its hard to even get up knowing you were taken from us. You are always in my heart.. I wish there was a way to change this all so that grandma and grandpa wouldnt have such a hole in theyre heart. We miss you .. Everyone misses you.. HAPPY EASTER UNCLE ROB

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Ismael G Solorio

Thank you for your courage and service. May you rest peacefully in Gods loving and secure arms forever.

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Darrick D Wright

Thank you for your courage and service. May you rest peacefully in Gods loving and secure arms forever.

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Ronald A Schmidt

Thank you for your courage and service. May you rest peacefully in Gods loving and secure arms forever.

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Byron J. Fouty

Thank you for your courage and service. May you rest peacefully in Gods loving and secure arms.

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John P Phillips

Thank you for your courage and service. May you rest peacefully in Gods loving and secure arms.

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Daniel J. Beard

Thank you for your courage and service. May you rest peacefully in Gods loving and secure arms.

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Phillip A Myers

Thank you for your courage and service. May you rest peacefully in Gods loving and secure arms.

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Israel Candelaria Mejias

Thank you for your courage and service. May you rest peacefully in Gods loving and secure arms.

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Blaise A. Oleski

Thank you for your courage and service. May you rest peacefully in Gods loving and secure arms.

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Florence B. Choe

Thank you for your courage and service. May you rest peacefully in Gods loving and secure arms.

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Travis A. Van Zoest

Thank you for your courage and service. May you rest peacefully in Gods loving and secure arms.

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Stephen F. Dearmon

Thank you for your courage and service. May you rest peacefully in Gods loving and secure arms.

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Daniel J Thompson

Thank you for your courage and service. May you rest peacefully in Gods loving and secure arms.

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Edward J. Lehman

May you rest peacefully in Gods loving and secure arms.

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Jack T. Hennessy

Thank you for your courage and service. May you rest peacefully in Gods loving and secure arms.

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Michael A. Uvanni

Thank you for your courage and service. May you rest peacefully in Gods loving and secure arms.

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Christopher P. Abeyta

Thank you for your courage and service. May God bless you and your family always. R.I.P.

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Christopher P. Abeyta

My deepest sympathy goes to Chris's family.

Miss you. You will never be forgotten.

Veronika Gaidadzisova

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Steven Paul Chucknick

My Sweet Husband....tomorrow is Easter Sunday and I miss you so very much..I wish you were here to see what a wonderful man our son has become!!!.Happy Easter in Heaven my love

My heart to only yours forever

Your wife Barbara

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Angel Leigh Coates

To my loving grandchild,i believe you are present with the Lord.You were born to my special son, John ,whom I admire and love.I thank God for the blessing you were born to us..Your life was short.God,s purpose and will for you continues on ,with those who work here on earth to protect the unborn and those born with disabilities.It is written, eye can not see, nor is it known what a beautiful place where you are now.I BELIEVE you are a happy in GOD'S kINGDOM of heaven,with HIS family and saints and angels .Until we meet in eternity.Your Loving grandmother,sandra coates keffer.

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Daniel J. Beard

may you rest in peace.and the LORD comfort your family. until we meet in eternity.a friend in Jesus

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Darrick D Wright

rememberimg you and your family and friends that know and love you.until we meet in eternity,peace with you.

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Ronald A Schmidt

remembering you and your family thru out the year with prayers.until we meet again in eternity.God bless you.A FRIEND IN Jesus.

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Byron J. Fouty

remembering you and your family thru out the year.peace be wth your family until we all meet again in etrernity.

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Jose Franci Gonzalez Rodriguez

Hello, i whas a friend from high school from 11 grrade into he gratueit from Glenn in 2001. then he join the marines when he did not know that much english but he whas smart. whe train together PT for the marines but he whas the 1st person got send and i needed to finish high school because he whas a grade higher then me. his best sport whas baysball, he never give up. just like he did not give up on his *****ry. Die with honor and prave.

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Steven Paul Chucknick

My Love

Today is Good Friday and I miss you so very much, but please know that you are and always will be safe in my heart..I love you so very much

My Heart to only yours forever

Your wife Barbara

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John P Phillips


I miss you always, I love you always. I will see you again. Until then I will try to honor you by the way I live.



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Stephen F. Dearmon

Your bravery and sacrifice will remain in our hearts for a

lifetime, with intense gratitude. May God bless you and

your family.

Rest Safely and Securely in God's Loving Arms.

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Daniel J. Beard

Your bravery and sacrifice will remain in our hearts for a

lifetime, with intense gratitude. May God bless you and

your family.

Rest Safely and Securely in God's Loving Arms.

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Phillip A Myers

Your bravery and sacrifice will remain in our hearts for a

lifetime, with intense gratitude. May God bless you and

your family.

Rest Safely and Securely in God's Loving Arms.

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Israel Candelaria Mejias

Your bravery and sacrifice will remain in our hearts for a

lifetime, with intense gratitude. May God bless you and

your family.

Rest Safely and Securely in God's Loving Arms.

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Adam M. Kuligowski

Your bravery and sacrifice will remain in our hearts for a

lifetime, with intense gratitude. May God bless you and

your family.

Rest Safely and Securely in God's Loving Arms.

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 For Philip A. Murphy-Sweet   For David A Wilkey Jr   For Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia   For Frank E. Adamski III   For Benjamin Walker   For Trevor B. Adkins   For Adam D. Jones   For Laurie Cobb   For Larry E Polley Jr   For Paul C. Holter III   For Alex D Gonzalez   For Christopher D Young   For Jose E Ulloa   For John Michael Roy Curwin   For Derek L. Shanfield   For Marisol Heredia   For John Charles Jenkins   For Todd Beamer   For Steven Paul Chucknick   For Geoffrey Perez  
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