10 Apr 2009Just read about the death of Lt Choe in Afganistan.
The young woman was shot to death along with another Lt. A third person was shot but only wounded.I am sorry Ms Choe's life is over, because she was a beautiful young woman who should have died of old-age after living a full and happy life.
I have concluded that both the Afganistan and Iraq wars never should have taken place. Further, both wars must end now (right now): Not one more death. Our focus must immediately switch to peace, and our involvement in the peace process must be indirect, as our status in both Iraq and Afganistan is obviously like France in Vietnam, prior to our military involvement there.Not sure Lt Choe did not have a NAVFAC memorial since Lt JG Toner did. Regardless, I am both moved and angered by the violent loss of life of this beautiful young servicewoman whom I know only from a news article; hence MY memorial to her, Ms Florence B. Choe. My very sincere condolences to her family and friends.Peter C. Thurman, 48NAVFAC Mechanical EngineerBremerton, WA
Daniel:i miss you so damn much. i can't believe you're gone. its not fair, it shouldn't have been you. you had such an amazing life ahead of you and its all gone. you were my cousin, and i'll always love you. i'll think of you every time i watch a christmas story, and when something gets broken. chrismas isn't going to be the same without you. i love you so much.
My Love,I light this candle for you on Palm Sunday. Please know how much we love you and how much Steven and i miss you.. You are in our hearts forever...because you are our hearts!!!!!!!Only you hold our hearts foreverLove You wife Barbara and your son Steven