Liberty unites

liberty unites us
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David Brian Brady

thinking of you this Christmas season

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Michael Bradley Finnegan

you are in my prayers this Christmas season

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Brent T Vroman

You are deeply missed!

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Joshua D Seitz

Your sacrifice will remain in our hearts for a lifetime,

with intense gratitude. May God bless you and your family.

Rest Safely and Securely in God's Loving Arms.

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John P Pryor

Your sacrifice will remain in our hearts for a lifetime,

with intense gratitude. May God bless you and your family.

Rest Safely and Securely in God's Loving Arms.

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Stephen M Okray

Your sacrifice will remain in our hearts for a lifetime,

with intense gratitude. May God bless you and your family.

Rest Safely and Securely in God's Loving Arms.

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Stephen G Zapasnik

Your sacrifice will remain in our hearts for a lifetime,

with intense gratitude. May God bless you and your family.

Rest Safely and Securely in God's Loving Arms.

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Christopher G Smith

Your sacrifice will remain in our hearts for a lifetime,

with intense gratitude. May God bless you and your family.

Rest Safely and Securely in God's Loving Arms.

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Matthew C. Frantz

Mattie I miss you everyday and I am so proud of you I love you Matt. Love, Mom

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Matthew C. Frantz

I miss you every day Mattie! I LOVE YOU!! MOM

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Christopher G Smith

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Stephen G Zapasnik

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Stephen M Okray

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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John P Pryor

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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atArms Apprentice Joshua D Seitz

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Thomas H. Byrd

You are sorely missed my son. We will honor you forever as you truly are our american hero.

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Thomas Reilly Jr

Our son went to basic and was serving with this fine young man and was honored to have known Thomas Reilly Jr. No words can begin to express our sincere sympathy for you and your family in this time of devastating loss. Please know you are in our deepest thoughts and prayers. Your brave Marine has done your family, our family and this Great Free Country PROUD!!! Thank for the ultimate sacrifice a man can give!

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Army Pfc. Gunnar D. Becker

R.I.P. Gunnar D. Becker my heart remans with you and your never forgotten bye me miss you everyday so much.

~your cousin,


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London Terror Attack Victims

we all miss you....

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Jason A Schumann

Jason, there is always a candle lit for you. I miss you so much. I wish this were but a dream.

Love Mom

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Christopher Gathercole

I was there helping to work on Chris in the Aircraft on our way back from the firefight...I'm still hurtin, man...Take care up there.

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Thomas Reilly Jr

Your sacrifice will remain in our hearts for a lifetime,

with intense gratitude. May God bless you and your family.

Rest Safely and Securely in God's Loving Arms.

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Kip A. Jacoby

Your sacrifice will remain in our hearts for a lifetime,

with intense gratitude. May God bless you and your family.

Rest Safely and Securely in God's Loving Arms.

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Jonathan W Dean

i love you and I should have said things that I always ment to say

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Luis Eduardo Torres



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Katie M Soenksen

From the heart of a wounded soldier's mom, on behalf of a grateful nation, my Tribute & condolences in song, to friends & family of PFC Katie Soenksen.

(More Info)

ALL Free Stream/Downloads

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wei wang

a brave spirit

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Martin Paul Michelstein

Hello, only met you once or twice, but knew you nephew (Ron) veyr well. Your brother (Jay) and his wife (Sonny) - Ron's parent's, were very good to me.

With peace and respect,


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Travis A. Van Zoest

Forever Loved!!!!!!!!

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Willie P Celestine Jr

"One Heart. One Blood. One Soul." In basic training you were the toughest, most squared away warrior I remember. Today, in Iraq, I learned of your sacrifice from another one of our brothers from 3032. Almost two years have passed since you moved on, but your legacy is still alive and among us. You will not be forgotten, brother. You are an inspiration to us all.

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John R Dennison

Did it hurt, John? The glory's graet, but those bullets sure can hurt.

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John R Dennison

I wish to express my condolences to the families and friends of the Iraqis whom this thug murdered, as well as to the Iraqis who were wounded by this criminal.

The U.S. invaders and their wannabe junior partners in crime will be driven out of Iraq and Afghanistan by those who don't take kindly to being invaded.

Rot in your casket, John.

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Kip A. Jacoby

There was no one else like you, man.

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Michael W Murdock

Murdock you will be miss brother. It still hurts me to this day how it all went down but I LOVE YOU BROTHER!!!


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London Terror Attack Victims

may the god always be with their souls

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Garrett T Lawton

I look back and I am thankful to have called Garrett Lawton my best friend. I will carry Garrett with me evryday as he shaped a great deal of who am. He was the best man I have ever known. We have lost a great person, friend, father, and Marine. We all should aspire to stand for the things Garrett exuded evryday in his life. A true American Hero.

Your Friend,

Justin Kelly

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Gilbert Ruiz

I have your memory bracelet purchased from the WTC store, and I just want to say that I am thinking of your family and keeping them in my prayers. May God hold your hand in heaven. Love from Violette

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Ricardo X Rodriguez

Amado hijo Dios esta contigo eres mi orgullo mama te seguira amando hasta que podamos encontrarnos para seguir abrazandonos y besandonos como siempre, recuerda que tu Dios te guiara en tu nuevo caminal por ese mundo espiritual y donde tu paso tambien dejara huellas como las dejastes aqui en la tierra eres mi bello sargento y ranger rodriguz el mejor TE AMOOOOOOOOOO, POR SIEMPRE MAMITA.

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Hurricane Katrina Victims

may god be with you in your time of need

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Jonathan W Dean

You were a great friend and mentor. You'll be missed greatly. Thank you for all the good times JD.

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Thomas Reilly Jr

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Tara Debek

Szkoda mi Paige.Znam ją jest, naprawdę miłą dziewczynką.Teraz ma opiekunkę którą pokochała.

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Javier G Paredes

we all miss you Pez, you were always a great friend to everyone and that will never be forgotten

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Cody C Grater

Merry Christmas in Heaven Cody! I was thinking of you all day. I was thinking of you all day wishing you were here with us physically but I know that you are here in spirit and are looking over us. I hope you liked the tree I made you! You will be forever in my heart and always on my mind. Thanks for all the fond memories and the greatests gift of your friendship! Love, Kim

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Steven Paul Chucknick

My Beloved Husband

Today is Christmas day and my heart is so broken without you besided me...I light this candle to let you know that I hold you safe in my heart where you will never be hurt again....

My heart to yours forever

Your Wife Barbara

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Shosei Koda

Hope all is well up there. Merry Xmas, thinking about you and all that have suffered.

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Rodney A Jones


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David A Mitts

iam his sister arlayne merry c-day bro

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Colman J Meadows III

Your sacrifice will remain in our hearts for a lifetime,

with intense gratitude. May God bless you and your family.

Rest Safely and Securely in God's Loving Arms.

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Jakia S Cannon

Your sacrifice will remain in our hearts for a lifetime,

with intense gratitude. May God bless you and your family.

Rest Safely and Securely in God's Loving Arms.

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Jonathan W Dean

Your sacrifice will remain in our hearts for a lifetime,

with intense gratitude. May God bless you and your family.

Rest Safely and Securely in God's Loving Arms.

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Marcelo R Velasco

Merry Christmas lovey... You are in my thoughts today and always. xo

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Heath K Pickard

he was my cousin

i was allways with him, he tought me many thing in life

i am 14 (brett jones)

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Heath K Pickard

he was my cuz

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Luis E Tejeda

God has another angel with him. I know that where ever you are your shining down on me.

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Jonathan Briley

I say too if it was you, you remains in my mind as a symbol of all who made the right choice because there was no other choice. God bless you and all who felt the sorrow of your departure for the beautiful blessed being you are.

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Marcelo R Velasco



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Keith E Lloyd

I love you and miss you all the time.

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Eustace Rudy Bacchus

May your soul rest in peace

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Eustace Rudy Bacchus

I am really sorry for you...

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Andrew F Whitacre

It is Christmas!!! We miss u back in Jay County!!

Merry Christmas Andrew!!

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Jonathan W Dean

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Charles Y Barnett

Charlie you will be missed rest in peace.

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Daniel Ilkanayev


I did not know you, but met a friend of yours while travelling through Egypt. Your loss meant a lot to her, and you will not be forgotten.

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Bryant A. Herlem

Rest in peace, Bryant. It was a pleasure to serve with you, and you will be deeply missed by many. There are many young soldiers much safer due to the things they learned working for and with you.

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Charles Y Barnett

He was an old friend. I went to middle school with him. When I think of him, I think of a witty and adventurous kid with a great sense of humor. I guess I'll always remember him that way. Charlie, may you Rest in Peace.

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Christopher L Poole Jr

i'm happy i got to know you and you stole my heart as i did to you you are my hero and my angel Rest In Peace my love

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Fireman E Jakia S Cannon


It's been at least 15 years or more now, but we will see each other again. I remember when you left for Italy-- I was hurt-- you were my best friend, and summer was sure to be lonley without you-- and it was. I'm so proud of you for stepping up to serve our country in a way that many are timmid to do. I've seen your brother, WOW, he 's not little Josh anymore, and your uncle Pat just saw him last week, he speaks so highly of you, I can tell he misses you so much! You life on earth was short , but you will live eternally in heaven and in my heart and memories. Your with your Mommy now, what a joyous reunion! I love you girl! There surley will never be another KiKi!

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Marcelo R Velasco


Suddenly the regular phone calls and e-mail messages stopped… I guess you gave me 3 weeks to get used to the idea of not ever hearing from you again before revealing the truth. What an honourable man you are… Thankyou for trying to protect my heart – but nothing would ever have prepared me for this news.

You will live in my heart forever. Rest in Peace bubbie. Mady

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John Paul Bocchi

we are against our terririsom .

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Warren A Frank

You were killed while bringing food to those who were in need. People like you have a legacy that lives on and inspires others. Thank you for your service to the nation.

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John J Savage

May your family be comforted in this season. Thank you for your courage and service.

Jan Craig Scruggs

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William P Rudd

May you rest in peace.

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Colman J Meadows III

Such a happy young kid, rest in peace and keep smiling down on us Colman. Thank you for giving all you could for freedom and America.

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Army Staff Sgt. Donald D. Griffith Jr.

You will never be forgotten.

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Jose Regalado

Greater love have no man, then to lay down his life for his Brother.....

We rarely talked, yet spoke alot. Two differnent branches but served the same. I remember the conversation we had May of 2007. Just know, in my eyes your a HERO and someone I look up too. Someone that one day I hope I can meet, yet your sister would hate me for. We talked alot of crap, I always had you beat. But now, your a step ahead of the game. I look up to you and HOPE that Marines are allowed into Heaven so that one day we will meet again. You should of told me what you were going to do. I would have taken your place, Your family misses you......


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Solomon T Sam

It is almost 30 years ago when we were together at the Pacific Theological College (PTC) when your father Rev. Harry Sam did his Bachelor of Divinity accompanied by the whole family including your Mother Teaoi who is my elder sister. At that time then you attended the Veiuto Primary School. You were a joyful and adventurous seeking boy always on the go! I am back in Suva on an attachment and I am very sad to learn of your untimely death. I am sure your parents and family on Majuro are in great sorrow at this time of the year, and we together with families on Kiritimati Island and on Tarawa and in Kiribati mourn your loss and are aggrieved by the fact that your life has come to an end as such. We look up to God almighty for His peace, love and grace and pray He will fill in in your absence. We are grateful indeed and proud of your courage and responsibility in facing the risks and eventual price for the call of your duty and the values you hold dear. We will always remember you as someone from the family who went far and wide to serve and in doing so gave your whole and your life. This is what we will remember you by and this will be what we will always salute you for. May God receives you in His Grace and grant you everlasting peace. Our love and deep symphathies to Teaoi and Rev. Harry Sam and the family in Marshals as they come to terms with this very unfortunate event in their lives. WE pray God will give comfort and be with all of us. Tebania and the family in Fiji in conjuction with the families in Kiribatii.

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Vincent C Winston Jr

Holding his family in my thoughts and prayers.

The Wind on The Downs

“I like to think of you as brown and tall,

As strong and living as you used to be,

In khaki tunic, Sam Brown belt and all,

And standing there and laughing down at me.

Because they tell me, dear, that you are dead,

Because I can no longer see your face,

You have not died, it is not true, instead

You seek adventure in some other place.

That you are round about me, I believe;

I hear you laughing as you used to do,

Yet loving all the things I think of you;

And knowing you are happy, should I grieve?

You follow and are watchful where I go.”

(Written by Marian Allen during World War l )

Two lines that I wish you to keep near your heart…….

“You seek adventure in some other place.

That you are round about me, I believe”

I did not know Vincent, but I am remembering

his service and sacrifice. He is my hero. !


Deb Estep ~ Ohio

Proud Air Force Mom SSgt Vince – Lackland AFB

Proud Air Force MIL SrA Dana – Randolph AFB

Remembering The Fallen – Blog

(More Info)

Angel and soldier drawing.

(More Info)

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Solomon T Sam

Our love and praise to you Solomons for the sacrifice and service you have responsibly carried out in the service of your duty. We will always remember you.

We stand besides your Dad and Mum and family on Majuro in this difficult and trying times at your sudden departure, especially during Christmas and the New Year. Tavita Tebania and Katiata Tebania.

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Solomon T Sam

Ti a bon anga ngaira bwaanaara n rainanoanga nakon te tari te mwane te nati ae moan te tangiraki iroura ae Sgt. Solomon T Sam ni buam man te maiu aei.

Ti raoniia Sam ma Nei Teaoi n reitaki ma buum natim ao ai mwanem ma tarim nako ake a tiku i Marshal island

Ngaira naan nako tarim, mwanem, tamam, tinam, ao ai natim aika araroa nako mai irarikim - Fiji, Kiritimati, Arorae, Marakei ni kaibuken Germany ao ai bon Tarawa

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John J Savage

I am your step aunt and though we are not related by blood, I feel your loss greatly. Your father is my step brother and I see the grief in his words when he speaks of losing you. You are loved and will be missed greatly.

May you find peace in God's hands and my your family always remember you with a smile.

I was in the Air Force and in the "first Gulf War" and wish we could have stopped there from being a need for you to ever be in Iraq. You were so young and should have not had to be in danger. God Bless You.

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Richard G Cliff Jr


We love you and will never forget your amazing spirit. You live in little Richie everyday!

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Scott E Duffman

Your sacrifice will remain in our hearts for a lifetime,

with intense gratitude. May God bless you and your family.

Rest Safely and Securely in God's Loving Arms.

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James M Finley

i met him before he left at church in fla. he was as big as life .i told my daughter that was the kind of man i wanted for her. a true hero. im pleased i had the honor to meet him and his father.corkey alford (More Info)

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Marcelo R Velasco

Dear Marcelo,

You are the world to me. I miss your smile, the laughs we had, the simple things and the beautiful years we had together. When you died Marcelo, a part of me died too. I miss you so much. You will never be forgotten. You will always live in my heart, my love. - Your Ivanka (Australia)

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Steven Paul Chucknick

My Angel

Tonight I light this candle just because I love you so much and miss you more than ever...

My heart to yours forever

Your wife Barbara

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Shosei Koda

Great man, god bless you, terrible insident.

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The 1,000 people who are dying daily in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

God bless all on earth, evil and good, make the evil shine after the good light of God.

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Candle lighting.....

I pray. Thank you God for help this empty souls who you fill up.

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I dont know a prey right now who match to this situation, but ill try. Thank you God, might you bring us safe home or make another road in our destiny, someone gotto die, someone will love further, but 1 thing in commong, all will meat at same place happy at the end. Always look at the bright side, if it isnt anyone, find one or make one.Bless you all.

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wei wang

Hope you had a great life. And i hope you get another great life up there. I pray for you, RIP

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Ihab al-Sherif

I pray for you.

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Ayoade Adejumo

Have a good afterlife my friend. I pray for you and your familly. See you soon my friend. I will remember you. RIP

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Steve Centanni

Look like a healthy well behaved man. Honors for you my friend! Honors for you... RIP

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Jill Carroll

After all this i drown some of my sadness in believing in God, people who lost some of their the same..but dont forget..dont forget! RIP

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Tyler L. Creamean

Great man, great man. May the familly be strong and healthy. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace my dear loved Tyler.

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John J Savage

So young. Too young. R.I.P We will never forget you.

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 For Philip A. Murphy-Sweet   For David A Wilkey Jr   For Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia   For Frank E. Adamski III   For Benjamin Walker   For Trevor B. Adkins   For Adam D. Jones   For Laurie Cobb   For Larry E Polley Jr   For Paul C. Holter III   For Alex D Gonzalez   For Christopher D Young   For Jose E Ulloa   For John Michael Roy Curwin   For Derek L. Shanfield   For Marisol Heredia   For John Charles Jenkins   For Todd Beamer   For Steven Paul Chucknick   For Geoffrey Perez  
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