People try to help me and everyone's so kind. But no one matter what they say to me I always seem to find, I start to get upset again. They can see it in my face, I wonder how they'd handle it if they were in my place. They look at me with sympathy, in a caring sort of way, I thank them and attempt a smile as I walk away. The tears start welling up again, every time it's the same, I simply fall to pieces at the mention of your name.--Submitted with Sgt. Aragon's Family in mind.--
My Shoes. I am wearing a pair of shoes. They are ugly shoes. Uncomfortable shoes. I hate my shoes. each day I wear them, and each day I wish I had another pair. Some days my shoes hurt so bad that I do not think I can take another step. Yet, I continue to wear them. I get funny looks wearing these shoes. They are looks of sympathy. I can tell in other's eyes that they are glad they are my shoes and not theirs. They never talk about my shoes. To learn how awful my shoes are might make them uncomfortable. To truly unerstand these shoes you must walk in them. But, once you put them on, you can never take them off. I now realize I am not the only one who wears these shoes. There are millions of pairs in this world. Some people are like me and ache daily as they try to walk in them. Some have learned to walk in them so they don't hurt quite as much. Some have worn the shoes so long that day's will go by before they think about how much they hurt. No parent deserves to wear these shoes. Yet, because of these shoes I am a stronger person. These shoes have given me the strength to face anything. They have made me who I am. I will forever walk in the shoes of a parent who has lost their child.~~ Norma Meyer Coan, Louisville, Ky.~~ I am so sorry for the loss of such a fine young man. May he rest peacefully forever. And may his family find comfort in warm and wonderful memories.
Don't bow, don't bend. Don't give up, don't give in.Hold on, just be strong. GOD will step in and it won't be long. After you have gone through the hurt. After you've gone through the pain. After you've gone through the storm. After you've gone through the rain. Prayed and cried, you've prayed and cried. After you've done all you can, you just stand.~~ Deepest and Heart-felt sympathy.~~ Nancy Pace, Louisville, Ky.
Tattered around the edges, and faded now with time; memories that linger still, are what they left behind. Like a precious package, kept in a secret room; each momemt a treasure, a heirloom.~~ On rare and quiet occasions, the package opens wide, revealing then the memories that nestle inside, faces etched in memories like a photo from the past; each snapshot printed in the heart, and memories that last.~~ Worn and ragged photographs, so faded now with time; yet the lasting love deep in your heart, is what they left behind.~~ Cora Meyer, Louisville, Ky.
Don't think of John as gone away, his journey has just begun. Life holds so many facets, this earth is only one.~~ Just think of John as resting from sorrow and tears, in a place of warmth and comfort, where there are no days or years. ~~ Think of how John must be wishing that you could know today, how nothing but sadness can really pass away. ~~ And think of John as living in the hearts of those he touched and he is loved so much.~~ Bill from Ft. Campbell, Ky.
In our hearts your memory lingers, sweetly tender, fond and true, there is not a day, our precious John, that we ( your family and friends) do not think of you.
When the darkness of the evening crowds away the sun's last rays and you lift your eyes to Heaven, you may see a brand new blaze. It's brilliant and it's lovely, and it's shining just for you, lit to welcome someone new. Though your days may seem much longer since he had to cross that line, if you lift your eyes to Heaven, you will see that he still shines. It's just a soft reminder that although he is gone, as long as you let love grow, his light shines on. And though you want him in your arms, he's as safe as can be, for he is in the arms of angels and most perfect company. And even in the morning, stars are not lost in the light of day, your loved one is shining, and not so far away.~~Stevie Meyer Coan, Louisville, Ky.
Those we love remain with us, for love itself lives on. Cherished memories never fade, because a loved one is gone. Those we love can never be more than a thought apart, for as long as there's a memory, they willl live on in our hearts.....
John was taken away suddenly and the life he lived in this world was so short. His physical, emotional, and mental beauty will resonate in all of our hearts forever. We who loved him, will remember him forever.--Perhaps John was an angel all along and was sent to remind us of love and compassion.--John has touched so many people in his life. We that loved him feel so unlucky to have lost him and yet so lucky to have had him in our lives.
Life is beautiful, though so many things go wrong, and you may hear such sadness in its strange and lovely song.--Though friends and loved ones die, they're never really gone. No more, no less than yesterday, in you they will live on.--They live on in you, as everything you see, though it must vanish, will remain alive in memory. --Alive in what you think and feel and dream and say and do, for all who were still are upon this earth in you.--Ed MeyerLouisville, Ky., U.S. Navy Veteran WWII.
There was no love more genuine than mine...; in giving and receiving it was pure. Grieve not for my legacy is love, pure and true, each memory a gift that will endure, returning you to moments fair and fine.
Life matters not what you take with you...but the things you leave behind...and it is clear now he left a world of smiles. How could you not smile...lookinglooking into those deep,dark brown, soulful eyes.~Dottie Bowling
Never take someone for granted. Hold every person close to your heart. Because one day you might wake up and realize that you lost a diamond while you were collecting stones.~~ John was a diamond for he was a gem of a friend.~~ Jodi Lynn
In the quiet moments when the hurt is hard to bear,may love become your shelter, and may the beautyof precious moments be your comfort.--Sydney Meyer, Louisville, Ky.
" To those I love, and those who love me. " When I am gone, release me, let go-- I have so many things to see and do. You mustn't tie yourself to me in tears be happy that we had so many years.~~ I gave you my love. You can only guess how much you gave me in happiness. I thank you for the love that you have shown, but now it's time I traveled alone.~~So grieve awhile for me if grieve you must. Then let your grief be comforted by trust. It's only for a while that we must part so bless the memories within your heart.~~ I won't be far away, for life goes on. So if you need me, call and I will come. Though you can't see or touch me, I'll be near, all my love around you soft and clear.~~And then, when you must come this way alone, I'll greet you with a smile and " Welcome Home."--On with life.
GRANTED.~~ We took for granted " another day."We took for granted " we'll talk to you later." We took for granted " we'll see you tomorrow." Tomorrow didn't happen for you. Talk didn't happen either. And we didn't get another day with you. We took for granted we would have all of these things with you. But now we stand corrected in knowing we were GRANTED the privilege of knowing you and in that we are forever blessed with your memory. Only GOD knows how much we miss you. For John, you were priceless.~~U.S. Army 101st Airborne, Ft. Campbell, Ky.~~ John was a True and Loyal Friend to so many of us. You will be missed tremendously.
My Beloved Family and Friends, I have you in my heart and there you'll always be. As I dwell among the angels in peace and harmony. Pray for strengthand courage. Please don't dismay. Know that your love surrounds me in his perfect presence today. Life is forever changed for now we are apart. So until our heavenly reunion, I have you in my heart.~~ Love You Always.~~
It fills my heart with joy to know that you are in a better place. It fills my heart with joy to know that YOU made a difference for everyone you left behind. It fills my heart with joy to know that you were so loved. It fills my heart with joy to know that you loved others. It fills my heart with joy to tell people your story. It fills my heart with joy to know that my girls had the opportunity to know and love a true American Hero! Thank you Frankie for giving me all this joy! You will forever be in our hearts with your big smile,bright eyes and those dusty cowboy boots on your feet. We are rollin' on!~With love- Tia Alma
I recently purchased a Heroes Bracelet and randomly received one for Ms. Jameson. I would like to express my condolences to her family, and thank them for her service to our country.
Tim, Your have joined a special Band of Heros. We, who have made it home, give thanks for your honor and commitment so others could live in freedom. My condolences for your family, friends and comrades in arms. You are missed, But not forgotten. Moon
Dear Timmy,We miss you so very much! Your Dad, Mom, Brother and Sister are dealing with a tremenous amount of greif and their hearts as well as ours ache every moment of every day. You meant so much to so many people and will forever be our "Tahoe Son". Until we meet again Timmy! The Erickson Family
To some I may be nothing more than a distant memory. My life on earth is over now, But do you remember me ? I know I let without warnng, but GOD'S work for me was through. Please don't try to stop the thoughts of me, because I never will of you.--Some may hear my nmae and vanish the thought of me, why is it now that I am gone no one stops to see, I am closer to you now than I ever was before. I love you all the same and will for ever more. So please don't let my memories slowly fade away...for I'm still inside your hearts you see, where I will always stay.--Don't think of me as gone forever because someday we'll meet again. Keep me close inside your heart until GOD tells you when.--You may be there for many years, no one ever knows, so let my memory stay alive as the love inside you grows.
Softly the leaves of memories fall, gently we gather them all. No length of time can take away, our thoughts of you from day to day, whatever else we fail to do, we never fail to think of you.--John you will be missed tremendously.--101st Airborne Division, Ft. Campbell, Ky.--Army Airborne all the way.
We hold you close within our hearts, and there you shall remain, to walk with us throughout our lives, until we meet again. So rest in peace dear loved one and thank you for all you have done. We pray that GOD has given you, the crown that you have truly won.
A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.~~Your beloved John was a friend to many of us from Ft. Campbell. May he rest in ever lasting peace.~~ Jacob
John's Motto for Life....Life is too short. Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness. Laugh when you can. Apologize when you should. And let go of what you can't change. Love deeply and forgive quickly. Take changes. Give everything and have no regrets. Life is too short to be unhappy--you have to take the good with the bad. Smile when you are sad. Love what you got and always remember what you had. Always forgive. Learn from your mistakes but never regret. People change and things go wrong--but always remember my love for you goes on and on !!!
The tide recedes but leaves bright seashells on the sand, the sun goes down but the gentle warmth still lingers on the land. The music stops & yet it echoes on in sweet refrains...for every joy that passes, something beautiful remains.
There beside a grave she stands, a folded flag clutched in her hands. A silent teardrop on her face, her brave young child has entered grace. She does not hear the sermon said, just memories run through her head. The child she held so long ago, the child with faith she let go. The child who heard the nation's call and in the end gave it all, without fear or thoughts of self, thoughts of freedom and little else. The bugle sounds TAPS in the wind, a mournful song it does send. A reminder to us all, that for freedom, this price was paid, and her sweet young to rest was laid.~~Thank You Mr. Aragon for defending America and Freedom. And to your family I am so sorry for the loss of such a fine, young man.~~Cora Meyer, Louisville, Ky.
The Soldier Poem~~ I was that which others did not want to be. I went where others feared to go, and did what others failed to do. I asked nothing from those who gave nothing, and reluctantly accepted the thought of eternal loneliness....should I fail. I have seen the face of terror; felt the stinging cold of fear; and enjoyed the sweet taste of a moments love. I have cried, pained, and hoped....but most of all, I have lived times others would say were best forgotten. At least someday I will be able to say that I was proud of what I was ...A Soldier.~~Submitted in deep appreciation of Sgt. Aragon and his selfless act of heroism in defending America and Freedom all over the world.~~Nikki Coan, Louisville, Ky.
My son, my hero. You will be missed, but NOT FORGOTTEN. YOU will forever be in our hearts. Your bravery, committment, and love for our country will forever be remembered. With love and prayers.
Yet another fallen hero! But NOT FORGOTTEN. My sincere condolences to you and your family. David, is my hero and I appreciate his sacrifice for me, our country and others. May you be comforted at this time. I pray you will forever have memories in your heart. I share you pain and grieve with you.
In loving memory of SSG FRANK GASPER
Killed in action May 25,2008 in Iraq.
Signed a GOLD STAR FAMILYJoel & Anita Richardsaj-richards@att.n et
by the dedication and determinationof these mena nd womenwho serve in the US Armed Forces,"taking it to them:,and giving us a chance
to remain from oppression,free from international terrorism,free from attacks on our homeland.Thir homeland.We are their fathers and mothers,sisters and brothers,wives and children.And we are proud of them,and pray for them,and will continue to support and encourage thembecause they certainly support and encourage us!To the family of David R. words can never conveyour sympathy and for youand love for you son.I wish there was more that I could say, a father of a former Guardman,my heart goes out to you.His efforts, his sacrifice
will not be will not be wasted.God bless you all...
Love and Gratiude. The agony is so great....and yetI stand it. Had I not loved so very much. I would not hurt so much. But goodness knows I would not diminsh that precious love by one fraction of an ounce. I will hurt, and I will be gratetful to take the hurt, for it bears witness to the depth of our meanings, and for that I will be eternally grateful.
Life is but a stopping place, a pause in what's to be,a resting place along the road to sweet eternity. We all have different journeys, different paths along the way, we all were meant to learn some things, but never meant to stay.... Our destination is a place, far greater than we know. For some the journey's quicker, for some the journey's slow. And when the journey finally ends, we'll claim a great reward, and find an everlasting peace, together with The Lord.
A life well-lived doesn't end any more than the music ends, it echoes through time with whispers of beauty and grace. If we listen we can hear the encore with our hearts, for the song plays on, just as love lives on. Just remember that grief cannot take away the happiness you shared, that sorrow will fade in time, but love remains forever.
No person is ever truly alone. Those who live no more, whom we loved, echo still within our thoughts, our words, our hearts. And what they did and who they were becomes a part of all that we are forever.
Please don't cry though I'm not here. I'm still watching over you. I'm in your hearts, when you laugh at something I did. ~~Don't get teary because I'm not here, just remember me for me.~~I'll always be around no matter where you go. So Please don't cry, because I'm still there.
Dave's Philosophy for Life....Never take someone for granted. Hold every person close to your heart;because you might wake up one day and realize that you've lost a diamond while you were too busy collecting stones......
Remember me in your hearts, in your thoughts, and the memories of the times we loved, the times we cried, and the times we laughed, for if you always think of me, I will never be gone.
The Oak Tree....A mighty wind blew night and day. It stole the Oak Tree's leaves away, then snapped its boughs and pulled it's bark until the Oak Tree was tired and stark. But still the Oak Tree held it's ground, while other trees fell around.~~ The weary wind gave up and spoke, " How can you still be standing, Oak ? " The Oak Tree said, ' I know that you can break every branch of mine in two, carry every leaf away, shake my limbs, and make me sway. But I have roots stretched in the earth, growing stronger since birth. Youll never touch them, for you see, they are the deepest part of me. Until today, I wasn't sure of just how much I could endure. But now I've found, with thanks to you , I'm stronger than I ever knew."
For the loss you had, words do not heal. May the memories held deep within your heart help soothe your spirit. With each memory, let your hearts be reminded that nothing can ever take away the beauty, kindness, and selflessness you have known.
Tattered around the edges, and faded now with time; memories that linger still, are what they left behind. Like a precious package, kept in a secret room; each memory a treasure, a heirloom.~~ On rare and quiet occasions, the package opens wide, revealing then the memories that nestle inside, faces etched in memories like a photo from the past; each snapshot printed in the heart, and memories that last.~~Worn and ragged photographs, so faded now with time; yet the lasting love deep in your heart, is what they left behind.
Don't think of Dave as gone away, his journey has just begun. Life holds so many facets, this earth is only one.~~ Just think of him as resting from sorrow and tears, in a place of warmth and comfort, where there are no days or years.~~ Think of how he must be wishing that you could know today, how nothing but sadness can really pass away.~~And think of Dave as living in the hearts of those he touched and he is loved so much.
To some I may be nothing more than a distant memory. My life on earth is over now, but do you remember me ? I know I left without warning, but GOD'S work for me was through. Please do not try to stop the thoughts of me, because I never will of you. Some may hear or speak my name and vanish the thought of me, why is it that I am gone no one stops to see, I am closer to you now than I ever was before. I love you all the same and will forever more. So please don't let my memories slowly fade away...for I'm still inside your heart you see, where I will always stay. Don't think of me as gone forever because someday we'll meet again. Keep me close inside your heart until GOD tells you when. You may be there for many years, no one ever knows. So let my memory stay alive as the love inside you grows.
Beautiful memories are wonderful things, they last till the longest day, they never wear out, never get lost, and can never be given away. To some you may be forgotten, to others a part of the past. But to those who loved you, your memory will always last.
My name is Wanda Smith. I worked in Vidor with Kamisha. She is definately some the youth of today need to emulate. She was a sweet and carin person and she will truly be missed. We love you Kamisha.
This is my wish for you; comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips, hugs when the spirits sag, sunsets to warm your heart, friendships to brighten your being, beauty for your eyes to see, faith so you can believe, confidence when in doubt, patience to accept the truth, courage to know yourself, love to complete your life.
I stood by your bed last night; I came to have a peep. I could see you had been crying, you found it hard to sleep. I talked to you softly as you brushed away a tear, " It's me, I haven't left you, I'm well, I'm fine, I'm here."~~I was close to you at breakfast, I watched you pour the tea, you were thinking of the many times you spent time with me.~~ I was with you at the shops today; your arms were getting sore. I longed to carry your parcels, I wish I could do more.~~ I was with you at my grave today; you tend it with such care. I want to reassure you, that I'm not lying there.~~ I walked with you towards the house, as you fumbled for your key. I gently put my hand on you; I smiled and said, " it's me." You looked so tired and sank into a chair. I tried so hard to let you know that I was standing there. It's possible for me, to be so near you everyday. To say to you with certainty, "I never went away." You sat there very quietly, then smiled, I think you the stillness of that evening, I was very close to you.~~ The day is over.... I smile and watch you yawning and say " good night, GOD BLESS, I'll see you in the morning." ~~ And when the time is right for you to cross the brief divide, I'll rush across to greet you and we'll stand side by side.~~ I have so many things for you to see. Be patient, live your journey out....then come home to be with me.~~ Till we meet again, I'll miss you everyday. Love Dave.
Your Garden...After a while you learn the difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul. And you learn that love doesn't mean leaning and company doesn't always mean security. And you begin to learn that kisses aren't contracts and presents aren't promises. And you begin to accept your defects with your head up and your eyes ahead. With the strength of a man not the grief of a child. And you learn to build all your roads on today because tomorrow is too uncertain for plans.And futures have a way of falling down in midflight.And after awhile you learn that even sunshine burns if you get too much. So plant your garden and decorate your own soul instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers. And you learn that you really can endure, that you are really strong. And you really do have worth. And you learn and learn, with every goodbye, you learn.
Rainbows would never be rainbows if sunshine had never met rain. No one would ever need comfort if there was no sadness and pain. But life holds both sunshine and showers. The days aren't all bright and fair. So look through the showers for the rainbows, you'll always find hope shining there.
What a legacy Dave has left of love and kindness. Most of us could never equal his standards in a lifetime. He serves as an example to all of us. GOD BLESS him and may he rest in everlasting peace. --Friends from Ft. Polk.
The Soldier Poem...I was that which others did not want to be. I went where others feared to go, and did what others failed to do. I asked nothing from those who gave nothing, and reluctantly accepted the thought of eternal loneliness...should I fail. I have seen the face of terror; felt the stinging cold of fear; and enjoyed the sweet taste of a moments love. I have cried, pained, and hoped...but most of all, I have lived times others would say were best forgotten. At least someday I will be able to say that I was proud of what I was...A Soldier.
There beside a grave she stands, a folded flag clutched in her hands. A silent teardrop on her face, her brave young child has entered grace. She does not hear the sermon said, just memories run through her head. The child she held so long ago, the child with faith she let go. The child who heard the nation's call, and in the end gave it all, without fear or thoughts of self, thoughts of Freedom and little else. The bugle plays TAPS in the wind, a mournful song it does send. A reminder to us all that for Freedom, this price was paid, and her sweet young to rest was laid.
Dave's Motto for Life...Life is too short. Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness. Laugh when you can. Apologize when you should. And let go of what you can't change. Love deeply and forgive quickly. Take changes. Give everything and have no regrets. Life is too short to be unhappy--you have to take the good with the bad. Smile when you're sad. Love what you got and always remember what you had. Always forgive. Learn from your mistakes but never regret. People change and things go wrong--but always remember my love for you goes on and on !!!
The tide recedes but leaves bright seashells on the sand, the sun goes down but the gentle warmth still lingers on the land. The music stops & yet it echoes on in sweet refrains...for every joy that passes, something beautiful remains.
Think of me as one at rest, for me you should not weep. I have no cares, no troubled thoughts, for now I am asleep.--The living breathing me that was, is now forever still, and time goes on without me as time forever will.--Those of you who liked me, I sincerely thank you all, and those of you that loved me, I thank most of all.--It matters not if time began or if time will ever cease. I was here, I used it all and now I am at peace.
I am wearing a pair of shoes. They are ugly shoes.Uncomfortable shoes. I hate my shoes. Each day I wear them, and each day I wish I had another pair.Some days my shoes hurt so bad that I do not think I can take another step. Yet, I continue to wear them. I get funny looks wearing these shoes. They are looks of sympathy. I can tell in other's eyes that they are glad they are my shoes and not theirs. They never talk about my shoes. To learn how awful my shoes are might make them uncomfortable. To truly understand these shoes you must walk in them. But, once you put them on, you can never take them off. I now realize I am not the only one who wears these shoes. There are many pairs in this world. Some people are like me and ache daily as they try to walk in them. Some have learned how to walk in them so they don't hurt quiet as much. Some have worn the shoes so long that day's will go by before they think about how much they hurt. No parent deserves to wear these shoes. Yet, because of these shoes I am a stronger person. These shoes have given me the strength to do anything. They have made me who I am. I will forever walk in the shoes of a parent who has lost their beloved child.