Liberty unites

liberty unites us
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John D Aragon

When someone you love becomes a memory, that memory becomes a treasure...

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John D Aragon

Innocent doggie, sitting there, wary-eyed looking at me; are you lost.., or could it be someone left you there...all alone to face this world ?--Soon the sun will fade from sight and the day will turn to the darkest night. You have no water or food to eat; come I'll take you home with me. Abandoned doggies need loving care....perhaps that's why GOD put me here.--This sounds so much like John especially when he was a small child. John always looked out for the defenseless. This world is sure gonna miss him.

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John D Aragon

Never waste the opportunity to tell that "someone", you love them.

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John D Aragon

If I could write you a Rainbow and splash it with all the colors of GOD and hang it in the window of your being so that each new GOD'S morning your eyes would open first.--If I could, I'd wipe away your tears and hold you close forever in my arms. But GOD never promised I could write you a Rainbow, never promised I could suffer for you. Only promised I could love you. That I do my beloved family.....Love always and forever John

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John D Aragon

You cannot imagine what it was like that day to place a final kiss on that box and turn and walk away.--If you really love me, and I believe you do, if you really want to help me, here is what I need from you.--Sit down beside me, reach out and take my hand, say " My Friend, I've come to listen, I want to understand."--Just hold my hand and listen that's all you need to do, and if by chance I shed a tear, it's alright if you do too.--I swear that I'll remember till the day I'm very old, the friend who sat and held my hand and let me bare my soul.

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John D Aragon

You ask me how I'm feeling, but do you really want to know ? the moment I try telling you, you say you have to go.--How can I tell you, what it's been like for me, I am haunted, I am broken by the things you don't see.--You ask me how I'm holding up, but do you really care ? The second I try to speak my heart, you start squirming in your chair.--Because I am so lonely you see no one comes around, I'll take the words I want to say and quietly choke them down.--Everyone avoids me now, because they don't know what to say. They tell me I'll be there for you, then turn and walk away.

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John D Aragon

How very softly you tiptoed into my world. Almost silently, only a moment you stayed. But what an imprint your footsteps have left upon my heart.

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John D Aragon

Always on my mind and in my heart.

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John D Aragon

Live so that when your children think of fairness and integrity, they think of you.

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John D Aragon

John each day passes but the emptiness doesn't.

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John D Aragon

Friends, grief is like the wake behind the boat. It starts out as a huge wave that follows close behind you and is big enough to swamp and drown you if you suddenly move forward. But, if you keep moving the big wave will eventually dissipate. And after a long enough time, the waters of your life get calm again, and that is when the memories of those who have left begin to shine as bright and enduring as the stars above.

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John D Aragon

The one and only thing that helps us with the pain is dreaming of the time when we will see you again.

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John D Aragon

Having you not with us hurts more and more each day. Although we feel a closeness to you in a very special way. Even as we go to sleep, every thought is of you. And we never thought we'd miss you in quite the way we do. So I'm hoping that these words may some how let you know that you're in our hearts forever and we'll always love you so.

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John D Aragon

Dear LORD in Heaven Above give John all of our love. Hold him gently when he feels blue and let him know we love him too !!!

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John D Aragon

They think I am fine and over it, accepted that you died. But I live with all this pain and remember countless tears I've cried.--I am forced to live with endless pain that others can't accept. They think I'm fine or over it or that I'll forget.--I want to scream from the rooftops or silently just cry. I will never be over it my Son has died.--It makes no sense to argue my enenrgy is low. So when they think I'm over it I simply tell them No.-- I've become what they wanted, a turtle in a shell. Just keep thoughts within myself and never, ever tell.-- I mask my life to others, to myself as well. For living every day on Earth is surely more like HELL! --- Simply put I won't get over it. Not better .... stronger .... fine. It is only that I've had no choice live this life of mine.

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John D Aragon

Tiny stars shining bright, it's time to say goodnight. So close your eyes, and snuggle tight, I'm wishing you sweet dreams tonight.

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John D Aragon

If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I'd climb up to Heaven and bring you home again.

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John D Aragon

When I walked through Heaven's Gates, I felt so much at home. When GOD looked down and smiled at me from HIS Great Throne, HE said, " This is eternity, and all I've promised you."

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John D Aragon

Other's who do not know, tiptoe around your name unaware that your name is silently written on my heart, my soul, my life. And inwardly I cry out to hear it spoken.--Other's who do not know, think of you only in the past and believe that you only exist in my past too. Not understanding that you are my past, present, and future.--Other's, who do not know, feel you are gone, and never fail to see the reality of you never being truly gone from me. The empty void of your absence is filled with your presence, your life will forever weave through mine. The divine bond cannot be severed.

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John D Aragon

A Bouquet of Beautiful Memories sprayed with a million tears, wishing GOD could have spared you if just for a few more years.

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John D Aragon

Memory Lane. There's a place in my heart, they call it Memory Lane, where thoughts of loved ones lost will forever remain.--GOD made this special place when he first created man, for He knew it would be needed, as part of our life's plan.--He knew when loved ones left us, we'd need some time to heal, to come to terms with sorrow and the loneliness we feel.--So when you lose a loved one and your life is filled with pain, the comfort of their presence will be found in Memory Lane.

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John D Aragon

An Angel's Kiss. We go through life so often not stopping to enjoy the day. And we take each other for granted, as we travel on our way.--For pain and sorrow an Angel's kiss will help you through. This kiss is very private, for it's only meant for you.

--We never stop to measure anything we might miss, but if the wind should blow by softly, you'll feel an Angel's kiss. --A kiss that is sent from Heaven, a kiss from up above. A kiss that is very special, from someone you love-- So when your hearts are heavy, and filled with tears and pain and no one can console you remember once again....

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John D Aragon

I'm trying to face the hours, trying to make it through, I was right when I said, there's nobody quite like you, as life goes on without you, and days turn into years they hold a thousand memories and a million silent tears.

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John D Aragon

John if we could visit Heaven and be with you again maybe for a moment the pain would go away. We'd put our arms around you and whisper words so true " that living life without you is very hard to do."

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Eric D Terhune

i swam with Eric when we were growing up. He was always the kindest and most respectful person, even during those awkward adolescent years when kids are so mean to one another. My prayers go out to his family

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John D Aragon

Friends are like flowers each unique in there own way, put them all together what a beautiful bouquet. Some are brilliant full of light, sharp and clear, while others are more subdued, to both you can adhere. You are a flower in my garden that makes up my bouquet, my friends you all make a very impressive display.

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John D Aragon

Flowers will die, the sun will set, but your a friend I will never forget, your name is precious it will never grow old, it is engraved in my heart with letters of pure gold.

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John D Aragon

And for those who love, there are no final partings. Where love has been, there love will forever be.

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John D Aragon

Have faith in love and do not fear the sadness that comes when someone has gone away. For love is deeper than the deepest sorrow; it's light can reach beyond the darkest day. Have faith in love...

for love is sure and constant......

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John D Aragon

A candle lit to light the way for those left behind that grieve today. Taken too soon to your place up high, look down on your loved ones as they may mourn and cry. May your love surround them and dry their tears. May peace be with them that they have no fears. I light a candle just to say to those left behind, " I'm thinking of you today."

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Bryan M Thomas

We will most definitely miss you. You are angel watching above us all. May your vibrant personality bring joy to heaven as it did on earth. May your spirit rest and God watch over your family.

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Jason N Cox

Words are hard to come by when this happens. My son is assigned to the same Unit as Jason. Jason has been with some of these guys since basic training. He will be greatly missed. Our prayers and thoughts are with the family and friends of Jason.

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John D Aragon

" No Tears in Heaven"--John they say there are no tears in Heaven, but that must be wrong today, because you took a part of my broken heart when you went away. I know my tears must have followed you, how else can it be ? My spirit feels broken, because you are no longer with me. LORD knows how I cried to the Heavens, my tears fell like rain. So, I know my tears must be in Heaven, things will never be the same. John they say someday I will accept your passing, but, right now that can't be true, because part of me is in Heaven, my tears followed you.

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Eric M. Holke

Eric, I think of you nearly everyday. You were such a special part of my life during the time that I knew you. I will never forget you and all you did for me. Thank you. R.I.P. ~ Lisa

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Jason N Cox

Jason was a great man! His personality left an impression on anyone that knew him. Always with a smirk on his face, and love in his eyes for his fiance. He made her the happiest I have ever seen seen her. And I thank him for that. Jason is loved and missed.

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Dwayne M Kelley

You are more than a family friend. You will always be remembered as a member of our family.

From Roy B. & Jannie L. Paige

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Col James J Walton

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Anthony L Mangano

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Andrew Seabrooks

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Nelson D Rodriguez Ramirez

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Bryan M Thomas

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Gregory T Dalessio

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Ryan J Connolly

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Robert C Hammett

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Dwayne M Kelley

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Christopher D Strickland

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Joshua L Plocica

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Alejandro A Dominguez

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Joel A Taylor

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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James M Yohn

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Washington DC Darryl T Dent

It's been five years I still find myself thinking about you. We had so many battles through ROTC. You meant so much to so many and as you can see five years later you are definitely not forgotten. Missed, but not forgotten.

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Keisha M Morgan

I never knew her, but it is a shame. God bless this family as they deal with their loss. Being from DC myself I fell honored for what she has chose to do. May your soul rest in peace.

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RE: Prayers & Condolences For Davy N Weaver

Davy I Love you Joka you will always be here with me and Ella we both miss you so much I cant believe that I will never be able to hold you in my arms again I love you baby......

Love Always Your Wife,

Kathy Weaver

Proud wife of MSG Davy N Weaver

HHC 48th BDE

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John D Aragon

A saying that sticks in my head : " Grief is the price you pay for LOVE." You do not grieve for the loss of someone you do not love.

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John D Aragon

The beginning is always scary, the end is usually sad, but, it is what is in the middle that counts.

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John D Aragon

If kisses were raindrops, I'd send you showers. If hugs were seconds, I'd send you hours. If smiles were water, I'd send you the sea. If love were a person, I'd send you me. I know you are waiting at the end of the rainbow.

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John D Aragon

GOD'S loving arms enfolded you, with tender loving care, He saw you were suffering as you laid there, He said the time has come for you to take a rest, He held you in His arms and said, " I ONLY TAKE THE BEST !!! "

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John D Aragon

Don't cry for me Mom and Dad, I'll wait for love so true; and that gentle breeze upon your skin are kisses I'm sending you.

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John D Aragon

I was sitting here in Heaven and having a wonderful day. I started thinking about you and all the things I din't get a chance to say. I don't want you to worry about me and please don't shed any tears, because I'll wait for you in Heaven if it takes a hundred years. Everything I had on Earth I have in Heaven too ! My first day here my body became brand new. It is pretty here and I love my new home, although your heart is broken because my body is gone, my love will always be there as you go along the way, just take a peek inside your heart, there is where I'll stay. Know that I loved my family and all my friends too, my thoughts will be with each of you your whole life through.

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John D Aragon

You were a bright spark, that shone like a star, you touched so many hearts, now we are apart, memories of you are kept in my heart, at least you're in no more pain, one day we'll meet again, through your life, you've made so many people happy, as you were a cheerful, warm-hearted man, now that you are gone, we have to try to carry on, even though you are an angel, you not here with me is really painful, when I think of you, I remember all the things you used to do.

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John D Aragon

Heartprints. Whatever our hands touch, we leave fingerprints, on walls, on furniture, on doorknobs, dishes, books, as we touch we leave our identity.--

Oh please where ever I go today, help me leave heartprints!! Heartprints of compassion, of understanding and love. Heartprints of kindness and genuine concern.--May my heart touch a lonely neighbor or a runaway daughter, or an anxious mother, or perhaps a dear friend.--I shall go out today to leave my heartprints, and if someone should say, " I felt your touch," may that one sense be ...your love touching through me.-- This is how John lived his life. He was one of the kindest, most compassionate people that you could ever know.

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John D Aragon

Afterglow. I'd like the memory of me to be a happy one, I'd like to leave an afterglow of smiles when life is done. I'd like to leave an echo whispering softly down the ways, of happy times and laughing times and bright and sunny days. I'd like the tears of those who grieve, to dry before the sun of happy memories that I leave when life is done.

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John D Aragon

Footsteps. GOD sees when the footsteps all falter, when the pathway has grown to steep. Then he touches the weary lids and gives his dear one's sleep.

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John D Aragon

Nothing is lost, not a hair, not a breath ! The lilac that blooms today is made of last years crumbled leaves and this morning's dew. It has perhaps the breath of a tiger and minerals that were part of an ancient dinosaur. the raw materials of that lilac perhaps spent time in a seashell, a wagon wheel, a butterfly and a hawk.--How old is this morning's lilac ? And how old are you ? You are as young as the morning, as old as the world, you are as new as a raindrop, as old as the mountains. You are forever a part of the world.

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John D Aragon

John lived his life by these principles forgive quickly

...kiss truly...laugh uncontrollably and never regret anything that made you smile.

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John D Aragon

My Oath to You. When you are sad...I will dry your tears. When you are scared...I will comfort your fears. When you are worried...I will give you hope. When you are confused...I will help you cope. And when you are lost...and can't see the light. I shall be your beacon...shining ever so bright. This is my Oath...I pledge till the end. Why you ask ? Because you are my friend. Signed : GOD.

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John D Aragon

A dove for love, your family and friends are missing you so much, sending their love on the wings of a snow white dove.

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John D Aragon

The Message: Everything is different since you've gone away. My heart keeps on breaking a little more each day.--But don't look at this as the end but just the very start. Together for eternity, never again to be apart.--But I feel so sad that GOD took you away. I'm so scared and lonely and miss you every day.--Please know I din't leave you, I loved you all so much. One day we'll be together to see, to feel, to touch.--You say, you didn't leave me, then why am I so blue ? How can I get through the day, when I need to talk to you ?-- I'm here and I will listen, my love did not depart. Ask anything that you want and I will answer in your heart.--I love you.

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John D Aragon

GOD made Angels to keep an eye on happiness and needs, but they aren't easy to find, because they are in the hearts of a few...and we are fortunate to find that Angel in you.

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John D Aragon

Pay attention to your dreams, GOD'S Angels often speak directly to your heart when you are asleep.

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John D Aragon

The road isn't as straight as it used to be. It twists and turns and is scary to me. I don't want to travel alone. Please take my hand, show me the way home. Around every corner nothing's the same. I don't know the streets, I don't know their names. This journey is long, the end is unknown. I'm getting weary and want to go home. But as I travel, there are others I see traveling down the same road as me. Maybe these travelers will understand I want to go home, please take my hand. When traveling alone the road seems so long, but traveling with others will make you strong. Together we'll walk down the path of the unknown, and by walking together we'll make it home.

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John D Aragon

When your heart feels a tug, maybe it's an angel hug.

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John D Aragon

A happy family is but an earlier Heaven.

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John D Aragon

If we wrote a million verses it would not be a start, to tell the world about you, and what is in our hearts.

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John D Aragon

Reminiscing has shown me the good times you had and the great man you were. Too early, too soon, but we were blessed to have had you in our lives. The love, the memories and the stories of your life on earth with us will be told over and over again to bring smiles to our faces and joy to our hearts.

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John D Aragon

My Dearest Family and Friends, I have you in my heart and there you will always be, as I dwell among the Angels in peace and harmony. Pray for strength and courage. Please don't dismay. Know that your love surrounds me in His perfect presence today. Life is forever changed because we are now apart. So until our Heavenly reunion I have you in my heart.--Love John

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John D Aragon

One in a million, not one of a million.

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John D Aragon

You'll never walk alone.....

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John D Aragon

I know a picture is worth a million words and I must have said a million lately as I stare into your picture. All I wish for and hope and dream about is hearing your voice, feeling your touch ( you absolutely wonderful hugs) and seeing your beautiful smile. I have shed a million tears these last 15 days and I can't seem to stop them. I miss you terribly and have a hard time to go on, everyday is a challenge. I love you with all of my heart and I want to turn back time so that I could let you stay with me always.--Love you so very much John. From your loving family and friends.

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John D Aragon

We had a wonderful son, one who never grew old. His smile was made of sunshine and heart was solid gold. His eye's were as bright as shining stars and in his cheeks fair roses you see. We had a wonderful son, and that's the way it will always be. But take heed, because he is still keeping an eye on all of us. So let's make sure he likes what he sees.

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John D Aragon

The mention of John's name may bring tears to my eyes, but never fails to bring a smile to my heart and music to my ears.

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John D Aragon

We danced for a short time together on Earth, but we will dance again for a million lifetimes in the clouds of Heaven.

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John D Aragon

Only a heart with wings can fly......

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John D Aragon

Pictures fade away but memories last forever.

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John D Aragon

You have one thing no one else heart.

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John D Aragon

John was the kindest and most generous person. His personality was not just once in million. He was once in a lifetime. We are all blessed to be loved by him. Love you forever and eternity. Your family and friends.

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John D Aragon

Although it is difficult today to see beyond the sorrow, may looking back in memory help comfort you tomorrow.

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John D Aragon

Well John as you always told me," If it doesn't kill you it will make you stronger." John, I am not getting stronger. Losing you is killing me.

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John D Aragon

When it seems that I am out of your reach, remember the times we had at the beach. The soft waves swaying and rocking you to sleep. My love you will always keep.

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John D Aragon

When you see a beautiful dove--that is me coming to see you from way up above. And when you hear it's beautiful coo--that's me telling you how much I really do love you. So you see that even though I am not in the same form--my love for you will always be warm.

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John D Aragon

In My Pocket. I have memories in my pocket. They rattle among the change.-- My memories of you are treasures I carry wherever I go.--They are stored in bits and pieces, parts of a beautiful whole. They give me comfort when I think I am alone.--Yes, I have memories in my pocket, like so much other stuff I keep there.--But of all the treasures I have, it's the memories of you that are the most precious.

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John D Aragon

I remember who you used to be and the love and laughter we shared. If you only knew how much I loved you and cared.

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John D Aragon

If my parting has left a void then fill it with remembered joy.

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John D Aragon

May you find strength in the love of family and in the warm embraces of friends.

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John D Aragon

Miss me, but let me go.--When I come to the end of the road and the sun has set for me, I want no rites in a gloom filled room. Why cry for a soul set free ?--Miss me a little- but not too long and not with your head bowed low. Remember the love we once shared. Miss me-but let me go.--For this is a journey that we must all take and each must go alone. It's all a part of the Master's Plan, a step to the road to home.--When you are lonely, and sick of heart go to friends we know and bury your sorrows in doing good deeds.--Miss-me but let me go.

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John D Aragon

A ship sails and I standing watching till it fades on the horizon and someone at my side says he is gone.--Gone where ? Gone from sight is all. He is just as large now as when I last saw him. His diminished size and total loss from my sight is in me, not him.--And just at that moment, when someone at my side says he is gone, their are others who are watching him come over their horizon. And other voices take up a glad shout. THERE HE COMES !!! -- That is what dying is. An horizon and just the limit of our sight.--

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John D Aragon

Extending deepest sympathy for you in your loss. And hoping, too, that comfort and peace may come to you.

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John D Aragon

Someone so special.....can never be forgotten.

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John D Aragon

May the love of those around you, help you through the days ahead.

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 For Philip A. Murphy-Sweet   For David A Wilkey Jr   For Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia   For Frank E. Adamski III   For Benjamin Walker   For Trevor B. Adkins   For Adam D. Jones   For Laurie Cobb   For Larry E Polley Jr   For Paul C. Holter III   For Alex D Gonzalez   For Christopher D Young   For Jose E Ulloa   For John Michael Roy Curwin   For Derek L. Shanfield   For Marisol Heredia   For John Charles Jenkins   For Todd Beamer   For Steven Paul Chucknick   For Geoffrey Perez  
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