Liberty unites

liberty unites us
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John D Aragon

Time stands still for no one.....

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John D Aragon

Family Ties...In every sense of the word John...

F riendship, A ffection. M emories, I mportance,

L aughter, Y ou.

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John D Aragon

Yeserday's Dream. John is dead. I do not want to hear about the fabulous weekend you've just had or the new man that has just walked into your life. I'm holding on tight to a slender thread, hoping it won't break if I lean on it too hard. I'm depending on it to carry me through a winter of tears, where frost seems much colder. I haven't got much strength to do very much or think about anyone else but him, and my dreams that were washed away in seconds.

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John D Aragon

May GOD'S richest blessings be upon you today and throughout the year, and may those blessings flow through you to touch the lives of everyone you meet.

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John D Aragon

GOD made Angels, to keep an eye on our happiness and needs, but they aren't easy to find, because they are in the hearts of a few....and we are fortunate enough to find that Angel in you.

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John D Aragon

Learn as if you were going to live forever. Live as though you were going to die tomorrow....

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John D Aragon

Death is well understood, it's life that isn't.....

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Alejandro A Dominguez


Sgt. Alejandro A. Dominguez, a Soldier, a Son, a Husband, a Lover, a Father!

from one Cavalry Soldier to another: "BRAVE RIFLES" & If You Aint Cav You Aint Shi...!

May GOD place you at his Pearly Gates to pull Guard Duty over ALL who enter. May HE give hope and comfort to your Loved Ones. You are a SOLDIER amongst soldiers. All Gave Some, YOU GAVE ALL!



1SG US ARMY CAVALRY (Retired) 2nd Squadron, 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment

Vietnam & Desert Storm Veteran

Viet Nam Vets MC / Legacy Vets

DAGO Chapter, CA

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Alejandro A Dominguez


Sgt. Alejandro A. Dominguez, a Soldier, a Son, a Husband, a Lover, a Father!

from one Cavalry Soldier to another: "BRAVE RIFLES" & If You Aint Cav You Aint Shi...!

May GOD place you at his Pearly Gates to pull Guard Duty over ALL who enter. May HE give hope and comfort to your Loved Ones. You are a SOLDIER amongst soldiers. All Gave Some, YOU GAVE ALL!



1SG US ARMY CAVALRY (Retired) 2nd Squadron, 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment

Vietnam & Desert Storm Veteran

Viet Nam Vets MC / Legacy Vets

DAGO Chapter, CA

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Alejandro A Dominguez


Sgt. Alejandro A. Dominguez, a Soldier, a Son, a Husband, a Lover, a Father!

from one Cavalry Soldier to another: "BRAVE RIFLES" & If You Aint Cav You Aint Shi...!

May GOD place you at his Pearly Gates to pull Guard Duty over ALL who enter. May HE give hope and comfort to your Loved Ones. You are a SOLDIER amongst soldiers. All Gave Some, YOU GAVE ALL!



1SG US ARMY CAVALRY (Retired) 2nd Squadron, 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment

Vietnam & Desert Storm Veteran

Viet Nam Vets MC / Legacy Vets

DAGO Chapter, CA

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Nelson D Rodriguez Ramirez

you are missed so much. By so many people. You are our angel and hero. You live through your daughter, she will be so proud of her father. Your story will be told, and never forgotten.

Nelson D. Rodriguez

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Louis A. Griese


I love you so much I miss the hell out of you.I am trying to be strong for sky.I am so very proud of you..I will see you again one day..Wait for me

-Stephanie Griese-

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Nelson D Rodriguez Ramirez

We will love you forever, and remember the sacrifice you did for our country. Your memory will forever kiss the beat of our hearts. love you

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Alejandro A Dominguez

May you forever rest in peace Alex, peace and love be with your family and friends... We will miss you forever. Watch over us... Your spirit will forever live on with your family...

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John D Aragon

Every memory remains as the days pass quickly by. As I look upon the past my heart just wants to cry.

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John D Aragon

know that our love for you will never fade just as your love on earth never did.

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John D Aragon

Rest now John, for we can go on because we know you are smiling down on us from Heaven.

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John D Aragon

I whisper your name... to myself. I whisper Happy 4th of July, and I love you. I whisper... I still think about you. I whisper...goodnight and till we meet again. I whisper and hope your Angel Ears can hear

my whispers here on Earth. I whisper...because I am afraid that if I speak too loud, my heart will hear and break I just whisper.

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John D Aragon

Love does not end a relationship just how you communicate.

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John D Aragon

My sadness today knows no bounds, as I sit here attempting to scribble verbs and nouns. I cannot laugh; I sigh and frown. I'm helpless.~~My thoughts are confused; I can't think clear while you are far away, yet spiritually near. I speak- I do not know if you can hear me. I'm helpless.~~ I cannot begin to understand, why you were taken from this land ? Have you been selected for some eternal plan ? I'm helpless.

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John D Aragon

Although the road of grief is long and dark, there is a blessed light that shines down from our LORD JESUS' Kingdom of Heaven. It is a light of love we share with those who have gone before us. For whatever reason, the LORD called them home, they are still with us. Some day we will rejoin them, to be with them beyond forever.

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John D Aragon

Goodbye is never easy, it's always hard to say, for now, we say farewell, but we will meet again someday.---Chloe C.

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John D Aragon

No tears past the Gate....Someone new has entered home above. The Heavenly Gate has opened wide to welcome the one we love. We cannot help the tears that fall, our hearts need time to grieve, when earthly life has ended and a loved one has to leave. Yet even in the saddest time, we know our Saviour lives, and we trust completely in the promise that he gives, that in a glad reunion with the LORD, our loved ones wait to welcome us in joy, with no more tears beyond the Gate !!!

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John D Aragon

Although he left us far too soon, he left an imprint on our lives and in our hearts. John was loved by many. He had charisma and a love of life. His optimism was inspiring.--Kenny Winnfield

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Nicholas R. Idalski

wow nick! i miss you so much! happy bday! love, crystal

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Hurricane Katrina Victims

I.m so sorry:((((

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William J. Brooks

We miss you. RIP

Your aunt B

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John D Aragon

Heartstrings. When those we love go away, they never really leave us; they are with us now, wherever we are. Those whom we have cherished, live on forever, for love wraps itself around the heart. ~~ Although it is difficult now, someday beyond our tears and all the world's wrongs; beyond the clouds and all that we can see and touch, we will understand.

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John D Aragon

Grief like the ocean, comes in waves only to recede and come again. But with it comes healing. Memories wash ashore and are bathed by the golden sun. Grab hold of these memories and let them fill the emptiness and bring you peace.

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John D Aragon

Whispers from Heaven. They say that life is fleeting, I know this is true, I left this world quickly, with no good-bye to you.-- I know how much you miss me, your tears fall every night, the pillow where you lay your head is wet with them at night. ~~ I know your heart is hurting, the words we left unsaid. I love you's left unspoken are spinninhg in your head. ~~The strength that I have carried that served to make you whole, remains to make you stronger within the grieving soul. ~~ For you see while you were weeping on the day I passed away, at the graveside near the flowers, where my loved ones knelt to pray. ~~ An Angel came to see me. She took me by the hand, she led me to a kingdom in a very distant land. ~~

As I look down from Heaven and see you standing there, your heart so ever burdened with more grief than it can bear. ~~ I long to bring you comfort. I long to bring you peace. I long to hold you closely, and all your tears to cease. ~~The joy I've found in Heaven goes beyond compare, the love that is so elusive, can be found here everywhere. ~~ The light is softly shining. There's no storm clouds here or rain. There's no teardrops found In Heaven. There's no suffering or pain. ~~You needn't be so troubled, stay close to GOD and pray, that someday we'll be together, one bright and glorious day. ~~ So my love, you shouldn't question. My dear you need not cry. I've gone to be with Jesus. I really didn't die.

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John D Aragon

Death is nothing at all. I have only slipped into the next room. Whatever we were for each other, that we are still. Call me by my old familiar name; speak to me in the easy way you always used. Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes we enjoyed together. Pray, smile, think of me. Let my name be the houdehold word that it always was. Let it be spoken without effort. Life means all that it ever meant. It is the same as it ever was; there is absouletly unbroken continuity. Why should I be out of your mind because I am out of your sight ? I am but waiting for you, for an interval, somewhere very near, just around the corner. All is well. Nothing is lost. One brief moment and all will be as it was before, only better, infinetly happier and forever- we will all be one together with CHRIST.

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John D Aragon

When all around you is looking grim and the aching comes from deep within, nobody knows the pain you bare, when your dreams are shattered and you're in despair.-- But right behind you, about arms length, is your Guardian Angel to give you strength.

And about this time, he moves closer to you placing an arm aound your shoulder to help you through.-- Although you can't see him, his presence is known, it's that feeling that now you're not alone. -- You spirits lift way up on high and soon you will feel like you are able to fly.-- What happened to make you feel like this ? A hand on your shoulder, a gentle kiss. Your Angel steps back, he's now at arms length, he's done his job, he's given you strength.--John will always be watching over you, for you see he has always been

your Guardian Angel. Yes, he was and will always be there for you all.

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Anthony L Mangano

My prayers for this soldiers family. May he never be forgotten. God Bless America and her soldiers. He died so we stay free, strong and fearless from evils of the world.

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David Nunnez

David my prayers are with your soul and spirit and your parents and siblings.

David knowing you since you were 17yrs of age before you and my daughter were married, of that unioun you blessed our family with two beautfuil lil ones. I have always called to tell you thank you for protecting us with your life, i have also shared with you many times that i ve admired you for leaving Cali. and making a successful life for you and your family. I will miss your smile and hearing you say that "I'm A BAD ASS" I pray that your spirit is resting in peace.

you will always hold a special place in my heart!!!!!



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Peter Jennings

... will do peter - we light a glowing candle for you - and our condolences to you reads thusly ( you were a great news broadcaster - and for years ( 2-decades ) you delivered the news to all of america - you were a news icon - you kept us up on what was happening - the world over - there is no other like you - Gods Speed Peter - is our prayer ) it had been a few years - and so by now - your family ( now & yet miss you greatly ) maybe somewhat - have been comforted by the Almighty ... family is like that peter - there is no end to ( that feeling of we miss you ) that space at the dinner table - and at the picnic - and all of your family occasions ( you are missed peter ) and your television audiences - the world over ( still feel that void as well ) and all of our hearts - still skips a beat - when the news world and your former colleagues - shares a file stripe of your old news performances and productions ( your big stories ) that you covered in years gone by peter - the truth is - some special individuals can not be replaced - they are just that great at what they do - you were such a person - To God Be The Glory For The Things He Has Done ... have decided to write a book about you - there is that sector of us - who grew up on your news broadcasting career - when we came in from the cotton fields ( african americans / 1950s / 1960s / 1970s / etc ) during that new era of television watching - in the evenings it was supper and the six oclock news with peter jennings - as we listened to that great voice of yours - we were in awe peter - what is he going to tell us tonight - whatever it was that you shared - be it then - good or bad - we certainly were enlightened - by one mr peter jennings - is our prayer - ms e m garrison of pine bluff arkansas ... cc:emg/wl ... am still working on the sub-title - but the main title of course will be ( PETER JENNINGS ) my readers are to look for a book on you - in my bookstores ( THE ONLY BOOKS BOOKSTORES USA ) am thanking you in the spirit peter ...

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Peter Jennings

... will do peter - we light a glowing candle for you - and our condolences to you reads thusly ( you were a great news broadcaster - and for years ( 2-decades ) you delivered the news to all of america - you were a news icon - you kept us up on what was happening - the world over - there is no other like you - Gods Speed Peter - is our prayer ) it had been a few years - and so by now - your family ( now & yet miss you greatly ) maybe somewhat - have been comforted by the Almighty ... family is like that peter - there is no end to ( that feeling of we miss you ) that space at the dinner table - and at the picnic - and all of your family occasions ( you are missed peter ) and your television audiences - the world over ( still feel that void as well ) and all of our hearts - still skips a beat - when the news world and your former colleagues - shares a file stripe of your old news performances and productions ( your big stories ) that you covered in years gone by peter - the truth is - some special individuals can not be replaced - they are just that great at what they do - you were such a person - To God Be The Glory For The Things He Has Done ... have decided to write a book about you - there is that sector of us - who grew up on your news broadcasting career - when we came in from the cotton fields ( african americans / 1950s / 1960s / 1970s / etc ) during that new era of television watching - in the evenings it was supper and the six oclock news with peter jennings - as we listened to that great voice of yours - we were in awe peter - what is he going to tell us tonight - whatever it was that you shared - be it then - good or bad - we certainly were enlightened - by one mr peter jennings - is our prayer - ms e m garrison of pine bluff arkansas ... cc:emg/wl ... am still working on the sub-title - but the main title of course will be ( PETER JENNINGS ) my readers are to look for a book on you - in my bookstores ( THE ONLY BOOKS BOOKSTORES USA ) am thanking you in the spirit peter ...

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Bryan M Thomas

I was a friend of Bryan's and he was a great guy. He always made me laugh. He was so full of life. We're gonna miss you Bryan. Rest in Peace.

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John D Aragon

Our Father... who art in Heaven... I come to you with a heavy heart today...I know you know... but I have lost my son John....and am feeling I have lost my way. ~~ People seem to think I am so strong ... I am not invincible ... I am not Superman

...I am just a grieving father ... missing my son and could use a helping hand. ~~ I have always been the typical fixer-upper type of man ...I could fix anything ...ever since I was ten ... but I cannot fix the clock of time... but, please GOD, can you help me wind it up again ? ~~Please Bless my grieving family....each hour throughout this day ...with the strength to keep moving ahead ... even one baby step at a time ... would be okay. ~~

Please bless all the grieving families ... each day throughout each and every single week ... and guide them on their journey of grief ... as the meaning of life they do seek. ~~ Please bless all the grieving families ... each month throughout the year ... with hugs of comfort ... in our time of need and people to realize ... our grief doesn't just disappear.~~ Please Bless all grieving families ... each year until the end of time ... with faith in you ... to see us through ... from sunrise to sunset

... our whole lifetime. ~~ Please God Bless all the grieving families ... each day throughout this year

... as seasons change ... this year ... as seasons change ... and times unfolds ... day by day ... month by month ... year by year ... especially today ... on this very day. Amen

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John D Aragon

The Spirit of John.--I was standing on a hillside, in a field of blowing wheat, and the spirit of John appeared suddenly at my feet.--He looked at me with kind brown eyes an ancient wisdom shining through, and in the essence of his being I saw his love for me, too.--His mind did lock upon my heart,

as I stood there on that day, then he told me of this story about a place so far away.--I stood upon that hillside in a field of blowing wheat, and in a twinkling of a second his spirit left my feet.--His tales put me at ease, my fears did fade away. He helped me know where he had gone when he left that day.-- I live among GOD and his creatures now, in the Heavens of your mind. So do not grieve for me, my friend as I am with my kind ( other defenders of the defenseless. Yes, we protect both man and beast.)--My heart is a rainbow's hue. My love is a shooting star. My boundaries are the milky way where I sparkle from afar.--There are no restrictions here for I am not confined but free to roam GOD'S Heavens among my kind ( defenders of freedom and the defenseless as well as making sure their life is not Hell.)--I nap the day on a snowy cloud, gentle breezes rocking me. And dream the dreams of my loving family and how it used to be.-- The trees are full of cookies and hamburgers abound. Pizza's line the walkway just waiting to be found.-- There is even a ring set up, the grass all lush and green. And everyone who gaits around becomes a beauty king or queen.--For we're all winners in this place. We have no faults, you see. And GOD passes out beauty crowns to each and everyone, even me.-- I drink from waters laced with gold. My world is a beauty to behold. And wise old people do form my pride, to amble at my side.--At night I sleep in an Angel Dog's arms, her arms protecting me. And moonbeams dance about us as stardust falls on thee.--You picture me as I was on Earth just before I died. The pain is gone, I am whole again, filled with love and pride.--So when your life on Earth is spent and you wait at Heaven's Gate. Have no fear or loneliness, for here you know I wait.

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John D Aragon

Thanks to you the bright stars shine. My life is blessed because you were mine. Thanks to you my heart can sing and even Winter seemed like Spring. Thanks to you have dreams to share; and thanks to you my life held so much more. The memories of you make my life worth living for.

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John D Aragon

Memories can bring a smile. When you've lost someone you dearly love it's hard to find the sun. Shadows fill the land with gloom and cover everyone. But memories live on and on, safe from death's cold touch, in memories we find those, still, we love and miss so much. Memories can bring a smile even on the saddest day.

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Dawid Pietrek

My condolences to your family and friends. Thank you for your services to me, our country and others. May your family be comforted and know that your sacrifice will not be forgotten! Rest In Peace, Korzan family In Memory of Marine Pfc. Dawid Pietrek. 7/1/08

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Javier Perales Jr

we love you cousin

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Eugene D M Kanakaole

I knew Pvt. Kanakaole....I trained with him, we called him "Hawaii".

He was, uuhhhh, full of energy alright. He was constantly fighting people and had no privileges toward the end of training for his temper and fighting. He was still popular but wow...the temper on this guy was unfathomable....R.I.P Hawaii....hail spartans...!!!!(the motto of our company)

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James F Kimple

James, your son, Dominic misses you so much. You would be so proud the way he stands like a man at the foot of your grave. He says "Daddy I miss you and love you!" as he looks up at the clouds. He asks "Mommy if we bury daddy in the ground how does he get to the clouds?" It breaks my heart when he asks that. We miss you James.

We are proud of the father, proud of the friend, and damn proud of the Marine!!

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John D Aragon

I knew a man... I knew a man who taught me by how he lived and loved. I saw what GOD expected of us by watching what he did.--He showed that strength is quite and gentle, not arrogant, loud, or tough; that true caring is gauged not by words, but by the silent acts of love.--A simple man he may appear to those eyes that cannot know, his heart of gold and depth of soul made him a hero.-- A better man I've never known, best friend I ever had. So blessed I am to knew this man, that I proudly call friend.-- Ed

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John D Aragon

Every day and every night when you feel the need to hold me tight, just blow a kiss into the sky, for I will be that close by.~~ In the Heavens throughout the day, I watch over you and hear you pray. I see you smile and shed a tear, for you know that I'm still near. I'm the Angel of your Eye, Your Angel in the Sky.

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John D Aragon

A loved one is not gone until they are forgotten ! And to live in the hearts of those left behind is to live forever.

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John D Aragon

Though he is gone, his memory imparts a feeling of love in all of our hearts.

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John D Aragon

John. He is the light in our eyes. He is the star in the night skies. He is the rainbow after a long rainy day. He is the sunshine lighting the way. He is the warmth of the bright summer sun. He is the laughter of us having fun. He is the melody of our favorite tune. He is the sweet smell of roses in bloom. He is the one we all miss so much. His smile, his kindness, his loving touch. He is the angel looking down from above. Who is blessing us still with happiness and love. He wanted no sadness, to shed not a tear. Just never forget He will always be near.

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John D Aragon

Many have told us time heals. We have to disagree. Love heals. Your love is what keeps us going on a steady course in life. Your love and our faith in our LORD keeps us going. Although we were together for a short 22 years, we look forward to spending eternity with you in our LORD'S KINGDOM. Love your family and friends.

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John D Aragon

Forever changed....Can you see the change in me ?

It may not be obvious to you. I participate in family

activities. I attend family reunions...I help plan holiday meals. You tell me you're glad I don't cry anymore. But I do cry ! When everyone is gone- when it is safe- the tears fall. I cry in privacy so my family and friends don't worry. I cry until I am exhausted and can finally fall asleep. You tell me you admire my strength and positive attitude. But I am not strong, I feel that I have lost control; and I panic when I think about year. I go about the routine of my job. I complete my assigned tasks. I drink coffee and smile. You tell me you are glad to see I'm " over " the death of my loved one. But I'm not " over " it.

If I get over it, I will not be the same as before my loved one died. I will never be the same. At times I think I am beginning to heal, but the pain of losing someone I loved so much has left a permanent scar on my heart. I visit neighbors. You tell me you're glad to see I'm holding up so well. But I'm not holding up well. Someties I want to lock the door and hide from the world. I spend time with my friends, I seem calm and collected. I smile when it is appropriate, you tell me it's good to see me back to my " old self." But I will never be back to my " old self." Death and grief, have touched my life... and I am forever changed.

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John D Aragon

My Dearest Loved Ones, I'm an Angel Now. One night I cried to Jesus as I sat beneath a tree, I looked into the open sky and hoped, He'd answer me.~~ " I'm lost Dear LORD, I've traveled far, but

I still seem to roam. Please light the way and lead me, LORD, I need to get back home."~~ I told him of my burdens and of the sadness in my heart, that from His gracious love I'd never felt so apart. " Why did you take John, LORD ? I cannot understand ! I'm angry LORD, I'm missing him, I'm drowning in my sorrow. Please help me heal my yesterday and face each new tomorrow."~~ It was then I heard his gentle voice, and felt his presence near, how I wanted to hold John as I cried another tear.~~He said, " My Dearest Loved ones, I'm an Angel Now, my spirit will be free, I'm an Angel Now in Heaven, so please don't cry for me. I was chosen by our LORD above and now I'm in HIS care, when you need me, look inside your heart, I promise to be there.~~ No one can ever take away our bond with one another. For I'll always be your precious loved one John, as you will be my dear loved ones. So if you can not find your way, or the road seems far, just look up to the Heavens and I'll be your Guiding Star.

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John D Aragon

I did not die. I live on in your hearts. I love you. I will always love you. Death can only take my body away. My spirit lives on inside the hearts of all who love me.

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John D Aragon

Success or failure in life isn't defined by money or position, rather by the people whose life you change by your life, whether it is for good or ill, true wealth is measured by the people in our lives that love us.

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Robert C Hammett

My heart goes out to your family, our son died on 5/25/08 SSG Frank Gasper he is from Fort Carson. Your son is a hero! May he rest in peace! Please know his service and sacrifice to our Country will never be forgotten. May God comfort you!

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John D Aragon

The joys of life may seemed to have disappeared. The loss of John will never be repaired, but that will always be found in the hearts of those he held so dear. Don't worry for now he is in excellent care

not far from your heart. Where he has always been and will forever stay. Look for his mark in every day because he is with you always. Find him in your daily chores, a walk in the park and as always in your heart. He is right there with you walking side by side. You may not see him, yet he is there to help you walk through this despair. To guide you through, back to a happy life with him in your heart and right by your side.

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Frank J Gasper

My hero, my son I miss you. You have fought a good fight! May you rest in peace! You will NEVER be forgotten!


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John D Aragon

Growing up John was someone everybody loved to be around. He could lighten up anybody's day. Those big brown eyes could melt your heart in a minute. In John's eyes I always saw love and caring. Never once did I doubt his love and loyalty to those he loved. One true constant was John. John Aragon was loved by everyone who knew him. He had a wonderful spirit and a genuinely good heart. John loved being with the ones he loved and he could always make us smile.--Sydney

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Dwayne M Kelley

My condolences to your family and friends. Thank you for your services to me, our country and others. May your family be comforted and know that your sacrifice will not be forgotten! rest in peace,


In Memory of SSG FRank Gasper KIA 5/25/08

Joel & Anita Richards

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John D Aragon

A Friend !! A tear runs down my face each and everyday thinking of the memories we shared. I try to understand but then again I never can. I am always wondering if I will see you again. I look at your picture everyday and ask myself why it was you ? So many people loved you, some many people cared. I wish you would come back for at least a day. That would be the only gift I ever want. But, I know I will never get it. I miss you and wish you could come back.--Miss you so much my dear friend.--Love always Nikki

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John D Aragon

About John, well if you didn't know him then you will never know how powerful his effect was on everyone he met. From the beginning he was a special little boy, and he grew into a special man. I could say all the good things about him but those who knew him didn't have to be told. Never was there such a man who loved so much and never will a man be so loved.

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Bryan M Thomas



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John D Aragon

I have you in my heart and there you'll always be, as I dwell among the Angels in peace and harmony. Pray for strength and courage. Please don't dismay. Know that his love surrounds me in his perfect presence today. Life is forever changed because for now we are apart. So until our Heavenly Reunion I have you in my heart...

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John D Aragon

No farewell words were spoken. No time to say goodbye. You were gone before we knew it and only GOD knows why.....

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John D Aragon

Reminiscing has shown me the good times we've had and the great man you were. Too early, too soon, but we were blessed to have you in our lives. The love, the memories, the stories from your years on Earth with us will be told over and over again to bring smiles to our faces and joy in our hearts.

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John D Aragon

Hello John, We miss you so much, we think about you all the time. We look back at all the good times we had, and think of your smiling face. Things aren't the same without you. We'll never forget you. You are our Angel. We love and miss you. Your Family and Friends.

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John D Aragon

Not one day has passed that we do not love you.

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John D Aragon

Two hearts together, one is yours, and the others ours ( your family). Love is always connected, it doesn't know how to disconnect.

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John D Aragon

The broken hearts we carry will only be mended when you are in our arms again. We forever carry the smiles and tears your memories bring us. We are so proud to have you as our Son. Love Always.

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John D Aragon

All through the night you'll be standing over us. All through the night you'll be watching over us. And through the bad dreams you'll be right there. Holding our hands, telling us everything is gonna be all right. And when we cry you'll be right there telling us not to worry because you are our Angel standing by.

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John D Aragon

The greatest joy in our life can also be the greatest sadness. I also lost a dear loved one recently. It does not matter the age, or the reason, the pain is just as great. You are not ever going to forget John.

He will always be with you and you will always miss him. Love, hugs and rainbow smiles....N.C.

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John D Aragon

Changes aren't permanent but change is.

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John D Aragon

May you always have an Angel by your side. Watching out for you in all the things you do. Reminding you to keep believing in brighter days. Finding ways for your wishes and dream come true. Giving you hope that is certain as the sun. Giving you the strength of serenity as your guide. May you always have love and comfort and courage. And may you always have an Angel by your side. Someone there to catch you if you fall, encouraging your dreams, inspiring your happiness, holding your hand and helping you through it all. In all of our days, our lives are always changing. Tears come along as well as smiles. Along the roads you travel, may the miles be a thousands more times more lovely than lonely. May they give you gifts that never, ever end; someone wonderful to love and a dear friend in whom you can confide. May you have Rainbows after every storm. May you have hopes to keep you warm. And may you always have an Angel by your side.

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John D Aragon

To the living I am gone, to the sorrowful I will never return, to the angry I was cheated, but to the happy I am at peace. And to the faithful I have never left. I cannot be seen but I can be heard.

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John D Aragon

" Help someone every chance you get " and ' always give nore than you take. " These were the principles you lived by John. I wanted you to know you still have an effect on many people even though your gone.

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Nelson D Rodriguez Ramirez

I would like to express my deepest condolences to his family. It was truly an honor to be one of the team of the firing party held at Revere. God Bless his family and may Nelson rest in peace....

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Anthony L Mangano

To Connie, your son was well loved and will be missed by all who knew him on the Mountaintop. Our hearts ache with you and for you. Windham, NY

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Joshua E Waltenbaugh

To Josh's family & friends, May the peace of God reign in your hearts forever.

To Josh, Your sacrifice will always be remembered. May you rest in God's loving embrace.

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Frank J Gasper

Frank is someone you would never forget if you meet him. He was and will always be a hero in many peoples eyes. He has always and will never be forgotten in my heart. I love you for being a brave young man, for the freedom to live because of the scarifices you have given of yourself. May God bless us with the peace of knowing that you are an angel on our side now to keep us safe still. Love Tia Maria

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Col James J Walton

My prayers are with the family and friends of this soldier.

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Bryan M Thomas

My name is Sheaffield A. Ferrer i live in los angeles ,ca ..i am from lake charles,la and was shocked to see a person from lake charles who was killed in heart goes out to his family and friends.may his soul rest in peace...

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John D Aragon

The mention of John's name may bring tears to my eyes, but never fails to bring a smile to my heart and music to my ears.--If you really are my friend, let me hear the beautiful sound of John's name. It soothes my broken heart and sings to my soul.

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John D Aragon

We danced for a short time together on Earth but we will dance for a million lifetimes in the clouds of Heaven.

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John D Aragon

And if I go while you're still here...know that I live on vibrating to a different dimension- behind a thin veil you cannot see through. You will not see me, so you must have faith. I wait the time we can soar together again, both aware of each other. Until then live your life to the fullest and when you need me, just whisper my name in your heart.... I will be there.

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John D Aragon

When a loved one is taken from friends and family alike, by the touch of our LORD'S hand, the unsympathetic fragility of human life seems incomprehensible. Yet, without this inherit fragility life would soon lose its luster and shine, and become dull and stagnate. So do not dwell on the fact that roads, paths and lives come to an end. Instead remember the journey that was taken, and the weary, yet joyous travelers who traveled not to reach the end of their predestined time, but who traveled to enjoy the undertaking of life.

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John D Aragon

A soul so pure, a heart of gold, John, we are so proud of you.....

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John D Aragon

John was such a blessing to everyone. He had the sweetest disposition. He was so funny. He had the kind of humor where he could tell you something and keep a straight face the whole time. People could hurt his feelings and he would just forgive them. We love and miss him so much. We couldn't have asked for a better friend. He will be missed by all that knew him.

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John D Aragon

There's a place in me where your fingerprints still rest and your whispers softly echo. It's a place where a part of you will forever be a part of me.

For John you will always be my very best friend.--


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John D Aragon

Our tears will never end. Our hearts will never mend.

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John D Aragon

For years and years he'd always be the one to never change...always the gentle one, the kind one, the real one. I have yet to grasp exactly what happened nor do I want to know why it happened. Because I do know that he left us only because he's probably the best one to watch over I'll shed a lot of tears and pour out a few beers and just sit back and hold on to all the memories... GOD BLESS you all and stay strong.

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John D Aragon

I'm so grateful for all the wonderful moments we shared !!!

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John D Aragon

For life is eternal, love is immortal, death is only a horizon.

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John D Aragon

If I did one thing right in my life, it was when I gave my heart to you.....

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John D Aragon

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

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John D Aragon

The cross is where you leave your burdens and walk in faith.

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John D Aragon

After your race comes rest. You've completed your race and your Saviour knew it was time for rest. Though painful for us, but what can we say ! He knows best. Adieu !

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John D Aragon

It is better to live a good life than an easy life...

sounds like John doesn't it.

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John D Aragon

The moment that you died my heart was torn in two, one side filled with heartache, the other died with you. I often lie awake at night, when the world is fast asleep, and take a walk down Memory Lane, with tears upon my cheek. Remembering you is easy we do it every day, but missing you is a heartache that never goes away. I love you tightly within my heart and there you will remain. With Love and Gratitude.

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 For Philip A. Murphy-Sweet   For David A Wilkey Jr   For Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia   For Frank E. Adamski III   For Benjamin Walker   For Trevor B. Adkins   For Adam D. Jones   For Laurie Cobb   For Larry E Polley Jr   For Paul C. Holter III   For Alex D Gonzalez   For Christopher D Young   For Jose E Ulloa   For John Michael Roy Curwin   For Derek L. Shanfield   For Marisol Heredia   For John Charles Jenkins   For Todd Beamer   For Steven Paul Chucknick   For Geoffrey Perez  
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