It will be the little things that you will remember, the quiet moments, the smiles, the laughter. And although it may seem hard right now, it will be the memories of these little things that help push away the pain and bring the smiles back again.
Now that you are gone our hearts are breaking. Your spirit lives on but it doesn't stop the aching.--Such a beautiful smile that would light up the sky. You knew a lot of people and you touched their lives.--We know you are watching over us, smiling as you do. But, we need you here with us because we miss you.--But, now we have to stay strong and carry on.--We will see you soon. I'm sure you'll be standing there arms open wide, waiting at Heaven's Door.--Margaret and Bill
I can't comprehend just how sad you must feel. For the loss of someone you love. This sorrowful time must still feel unreal. I wish you strength from above. I hope with my heart, that your pain will decrease, that your spirit will gain strength again. And I pray your faith will create inner peace and that GOD will send His blessings.
Something to think about....Name the five wealthiest people in the world. Name the last five Heismann Trophy Winners. Name the last five winners of the Miss America Contest. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize. How did you do ? The point is, none of us remember the headlines of yesterday. These are no second-rate achievers. They are the best in their fields. But applause dies, awards tarnish. Achievements are forgotten. Accelades and certificates are buried with their owners. Here's another quiz. See how you do on this one: List a few teachers who aided your journey in school. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time. Name five people who have taught you something special and worthwhile. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special. Name a half-dozen heroes who have inspired you. Easier ? The lesson ? The people who make a difference in you life are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money, or most awards. They are the ones who care. John you were a very important person in some many of our lives because you truly cared about others.--101st Airborne Ft. Campbell, Ky.--You will be missed so very much.--We will see you again one day my friend.--Love Nikki and Chloe.
A Guardian Angel flew down from above, to teach us a lesson about the powers of love.--He whispers to me, take a hold of my hand, there are so many things I wish you understand.--About the powers of love, and all it can do, to someone who needs to share it with you.--A pat on the back, a kind smile on your face, can make someone's life, a much brighter place.--It doesn't take much to show someone you care, to give them the love, GOD gave you to share.--So please keep in mind, all the powers you possess, to grace someone's life when they're in distress.--You've been put on this to bestow the powers of love, and with these final words, he disappeared up above.--Take care John for you are a most wonderful Guardian Angel.
I loved and am very proud of my nephew and will always hold onto the memory of Marc, in my heart. I miss he very much, he was so special, he was very insightful even at a very young age, and so very motivated.Much Love
We all miss you Dustin! I know that you are with all of us in spirit & still the angel you were on this earth. Its so hard to believe that you are gone. My heart goes out to his wife family & everyone back home that knew him
A Pocketful fo Sympathy...A pocketful of Sympathy is really rather wonderful to stop a scratch from stinging or a bruise from blacking and bluing.--A pocketful of sympathy can stop a heart from hurting or catch a tear that's falling like a raindrop on a cheek.--A pocketful of sympathy costs absolutely nothing, it's the cheapest kind of plaster you'll ever find.--And a pocketful of sympathy is like John's love and kindness, because the more you give it away the more you leave it behind.
Happiness keeps you sweet, trials keep you strong, sorrow keeps you human, failures keep you humble, success keeps you glowing, but only GOD keeps you going !
Memory Box. There is a place in our hearts with your name etched deep. A sweet special place where our memories we keep. We lock it up tightly at the end of each day, hold them securely and put them away.
Memories. Within my book of memories are special thoughts of you, and all the nice things you often say and do.--As I turn the pages, and recall each single thought, I realize the happiness that knowing you has brought.--There are memories of the times we've shared both bright and sunny days. There are memories of your kindness and friendly thoughtful ways.--And when I recall there memories as I go along life's way, I find that they grow more precious still with every passing day.
It's me your Angel just checking in with you. I know you're sad because I'm gone and I'm sad too.--It's beautiful here, wherever I am, there's such a lovely view. But mostly when I'm sitting here I'm looking down on you.--I see all of your feelings, everyday when I look down . I love to see you smile and I know sometimes you frown.--But guess what? I have a job to do. GOD saved it for me. I get to watch over you and protect you from the world.--So though you cannot see me and I know it's hard on you, you'll surely see the benefits of the job GOD has me do.
John this is so painful to do, words cannot express the loss of such a special person as you. You were always there to listen and guide us. Your kindness always shone through, your warmth so strong. Your little smile that meant so much, your heart that gave so much too. We will love you John now and forever. Yes, you were loved by so many of us. You were like a brother. Rest in Peace.--101stAirborne, Ft. Campbell, Ky.
My Dearest Family and Friends if you must weep then weep not long. In memory keep my love strong. But, please remember one thing just I have but gone, which we all must. And though my leaving may cause pain, my joy is greater that you remain.
There's a pain beyond imagining that's burning in our heart for suddenly our world has been cruelly ripped apart. The only source of comfort are our memories & love & they will shine forever like the brightest stars above, but....your loving smile will always be tucked in our hearts with love. Watch over us from Heaven & help us through the pain. We will always love and miss you until we meet again.--John you were such a kind and loyal friend. You will be missed by so many people. You are irreplaceable.-- Friends from Ft. Campbell Army Base.
Friendship is a priceless gift, that cannot be bought or sold, but its value is far greater than a mountain made of gold, so when you ask GOD for a gift be thankful if He ends not diamonds, pearls or riches but the love of real, true friends.
My Dearest Loved One, I received your letter from Heaven, it made teardrops fall, but knowing that you're with GOD Above, sweet memories, I will recall.--I know that you are with me, for I feel your presence near, and if I listen closely, your voice I then can hear.--I know you're watching over me, as you promised you would do, and when I feel so saddened, it's your letter that sees me through.--When I lay in bed at night, the day's chores put to flight, I truly feel your presence, like a warm glowing light.--The rocky roads you mentioned, and the hills I must climb; I've done exactly what you said taking one day at a time.-- I've tried to help others who are in sorrow and pain, and now I am contented my day was not in vain.--I'll lend a hand, as you have said , when someone is feeling low. I'll pray for them and be there, Until on their way they go.--And when it's time for me to go, to join you in Heaven High, my wings I shall spread wide, to my home up in the sky.
Life goes on. If I should go before the rest of you break not a flower or inscribe a stone or when I am gone speak in a Sunday Voice but be the usual selves that I have known.--Weep if you must parting is Hell. But life goes on so...sing as well.
Remember me on quiet days while raindrops whisper on your pain. But in your memories have no grief, let just the joy we knew remain. Remember me when evening stars look down on you with steadfast eyes. Remember if once you awake to red sunrise. --And when your thoughts do turn to me, know that I would not have you cry. But live for me and laugh for me, when you are happy, so am I.--Remember an old joke we shared; Remember me when Spring walks by. Think of me when you are glad and while you live, I shall not die.
To the Family and Friends of this Hero...You were blessed to have shared in Eric's life...May God bless you and hold you close in this time of loss and always..With Love and Respect... Jodi, Anna, Bobbie, Tayler, Jr. and Brandon
To the Family and Friends of Dustin, You were blessed to have shared in this heroes life. May God be with you and bless you all in this time of loss and always...with respect and love...Jodi, Anna, Tayler, Bobbie, Jr. and Brandon
To the Family and Friends...We are sending our sympathy and respect to this brave,young hero and his family..May God bless you and hold you in the palms of his hands in this time of sorrow and for always...Jodi, Anna, Bobbie, Tayler, Brandon, JR
To the Family and Friends...We are sending our sympathy and respect to this brave,young hero and his family..May God bless you and hold you in the palms of his hands in this time of sorrow and for always...Jodi, Anna, Bobbie, Tayler, Brandon, JR
To the family and Friends of Du have been blessed to have shared their life..May God bless you and hold you in the palms of his hands and always..Jodi, Anna, Bobbie,Jr, Brandon, Tayler
A Hero. Standing here looking at this stone, you're someone I've never known. But, I can feel your spirit, your voice I can almost hear it. Eyes looking back at me are stoic, your expression so heroic. Your life you courageously gave, for the home of the brave. America you proudly defended, and you will always be commended. America will always be proud of you, you're the proud, the brave, and the few. You sacrificed your life for those, who turned their back to oppose. Freedom will always be worth, the reason you left this earth. Heroes don't come back from war, over America their spirits soar. Thank you Soldier for being brave, sacrificing your life for mine to save.
A Soldier's Last Moments. What strength and pride shines on a soldier's face, as he prepares to fight and die for us in this GOD Forsaken Place.--He thinks about his family, of the tears his mother will cry, as he prepares to fight for us and die.-He knows what lies before him they're outnumbered 10 to 1. But he sits and waits to fight for us because he knows it must be done.--Just before the fight begins he writes a letter home. He tells them that he loves them and that they should go on.--He tells them he fights for them and then tells them bye. Then he goes out to fight for them and dies.
Ballad of a Soldier. I am a Soldier. My name is Freedom. I walk in the Valley of Shadow of Death. I fear no Evil. I stand for Courage, Compassion, Dignity and Life. My Love is Democracy. I am the Light in Darkness. I am the Sword of the Meek. I Do Not Hate. My code is Justice. I Do not Pale in the Face of Danger. I Will Not Turn a Blind Eye. I Do Not Tolerate Trangression. I am an Eagle. I Empower the Weak. I March Boldly. I Cry Quietly. I Sleep Light. I Love Unconditionally. Call Me in the Night, I Will Come. Pray for me in Darkness, I will bring my Lamp. Whisper My Name and I Will Hear. I am the Blood of Innocence. I Am Not One Face, But Many. I am a Mother, a Father, a Son & a Daughter. I am No One and I am Everyone. I am a Soldier and Freedom is My Name.
Empty Boots. Dog Tags hang over boots laced up. a bayonet stabs the ground. Kevlar perched on a 16 butt, fellow soldiers gather around.--Warriors in their battle gear, weapons at their side, bow their heads as words are said, to honor one who died.--An American Hero gave his life Defending Liberty. The price he apid was gladly done, for Country and Family.--Those empty boots do not support a body or soul. No more they'll run for cover or some loved one dear to hold.--As one by one, soldiers pass, this tribute to their own. Thoughts fly to their families across the foam.--Now Salute as TAPS is played, Blink tears out of eyes. That ache you feel inside your heart is Freedom's Painful Price.--Fellow Troops from Ft. Knox, Kentucky.
Dear Soldier, I am grateful you chose to go when others said the cause was wrong. You did not turn your back in order to help in some way bring about peace. I am grateful for you because tonight I can sit down and eat a warm meal. I am grateful because of your sacrifice I can say I do not like war. This is without worrying that my door will be kicked in and I will be dragged away.--Mostly, I am grateful because of your sacrifices, I am reminded once again of what it is I have. For this I am grateful to you, because I can go out and say absolutely the dumbest things, and do so because being dumb is not a crime.--I am grateful to you because I get to sit down with family and friends and have a meal in peace. I am also grateful to you because if I think a certain politician is a fool...I can think it without being lined up against a brick wall and shot.--There are many things Dear Soldier that I am grateful to you, because of the fact you did not say no. Peace be with you and yours. And most of all I salute you, because well I am grateful to you Dear Soldier.--Nikki Clay,Louisville, Ky.
Travis you will be forever in my heart and loved. I watched you grow from a boy to a man. From a babysitting job to a friend. I look forward to the day I will see you again at heaven's gate.
It's so sad that you are no longer with us. You were a great husband, father, son and friend. You will be greatly missed. Your family is in our prayers. I love you cousin. Semper Fi!Kristina
Eagles.--To bring down evil some must fall. To fight for right some answer the call. -- To help the oppressed, some give up their time, their homes. their loves, they are eagles not doves.--To keep peace for those in need. some go into wars of just we read.--To keep us safe, it's Soldier's we call. They will all give some and some will give all.
It has always been the Soldier, not Congress, who takes care of us.-- It is the Soldier, not the reporter, who has given us Freedom of the Press.--It is the Soldier, not the poet, who has given us the Freedom of Speech.--It is the Soldier, not the Campus Organizer, who has given us the Freedom to Demonstrate.-- It is the Soldier who salutes the Flag, who serves beneath the Flag, and whose coffin is draped by the Flag, that allows the Protester to Burn the Flag.
Give all that I am.--John D. Argon a nation salutes you for living your words, " Give all that I am", your words and dying to keep them for the sake of your fellow troops and love of the U.S.A. -- And your words ring so true for all who share the medal of honor with you. All going above and beyond the duty with exceptional valor, doing what must be done under the most difficult battle conditions to complete the mission, put self last and others first.--John D. Aragon, your fellow citizens proudly welcome you to the Wall of America's Greatest Heroes.....Where your name and " Give all that I am" will always remain.
to my big brother! thank you for teaching me so many great things abou tlife! i only had you as my brother and best friend for 25 short years, but i still look to you for my answers! i will never forget my brave,strong, whole hearted brother. you protected your family, and country! you have always been a leader, and nothing less! you are my hero and i love you and miss you so much. there isnt a minute that goes by i dont htink about you. love you broda man! love your little sista!
Hello John. We are well. I hear you made it to Heaven from The Gates of Hell.-- I don't have the words to Thank You, for the high price you paid. Sadly the road before you was already paved.-- Just like your comrades & friends did too, you all died defending the RED, WHITE, AND BLUE. And we owe them a lot and now we owe you too.--I am so sorry that you will never again see the land you helped keep FREE, but since you were SO BRAVE and BOLD,You will walk the STREETS of GOLD.--Well I guess I better go still lots to do you know. Another letter yet to write to a Daughter I lost overnight.--May GOD'S hands embrace you. Your job here is now done. We will never forget you. Your are My Native Son.--LOVE AMERICA.
Thank You. I can't shake every hand. I can't put flowers on every grave. I can't console every family member. But I can say Thank You.-- You have given me the freedom I enjoy today. Your blood was shed in place of mine. Your family grieved so mine could rejoice. All I can say is Thank You.--There are no words big enough. There is not a hug strong enough. There is not a smile wide enough. All I can offer is Thank You.--You are my hero. You are in my thoughts. You are in my prayers. For all you've done, Thank You.
Heaven's Heroes... Don't cry for me as I lie in repose, dying for Freedom is what I chose.-- There isn't any pain or suffering anymore, because I've just walked through Heaven's Door.--Here everything is brand new, I'm with my sisters and brothers, who were proud to die for Freedom too.--As you stand before me don't weep, it is just my body that is asleep.--My spirits soars high above, where I'm surrounded by Angels and GOD'S Love.--Thank you for the respects you pay, I just want you to know, I've gone home today.--My job here on Earth is done, and my new life in Heaven has just begun.
They say that there is a reason. They say that time will heal. But neither time nor reason will change the way I feel. For no one knows the heartache that lies beyond the smiles. No one knows how many times I have broken down and cried. I want to tell you something so there won't be any doubt. You're so wonderful to think of but so hard to live without.
Understand.... I Understand why you joined the Army. You said," you wanted to make a difference."I understand why you went to bootcamp. You said "it would make you stronger." I understand why you answered that call. You said," because it was your job." I understand why you went to that foreign land. You said," it was to fight for your Country" But what I don't understand is why you had to die ? You came to me one night in my dreams and said " Because I died for your Freedom."
TAPS.--TAPS the most beautiful bugle call, known as the most eloquent of all.--Not only to signal the day is done, but to say goodbye, to a comrade, brother or son.--A melody so hauntingly profound, a piercing yet peaceful sound.--Sounded over every soldiers grave, to honor those who were so brave.--Soldiers raise their hands to their caps, saluting the fallen as the bugler plays TAPS.--Rifles are fired into the sky, to say farewell to another American G. I.--Listening to the bugle play, reminds us of the price they had to pay.--The sound is bittersweet, letting go of a hero, to someday again meet.-- Nothing is more touching perhaps, or can render emotion like the sound of TAPS.--You can hear the bugle weep, where men of valor sleep.--Tears from a bugle fall, as TAPS is played, for the heroes who gave their all.-- Ed Meyer U.S. Navy Veteran WWII, Louisville, Ky.
The Eagle Flies. Yes I'm an American, I will not run from fear. I won't forget the founding fathers or the freedom which I hold dear.-- We live free or die. That is just our way. Our hands are now joined as one, across the U.S.A. -- The Eagle flies once again to protect this great and noble land. You'll never see these colors run, and united we shall stand. -- Brothers and sisiters that we have lost will not have died in vain. Terrorist may have hurt our nest, but the Eagle remains. -- Bob Bowling U.SArmy Veteran ( WWII and Korean War), Louisville, Ky.
Thank You Soldier ! -- The uniform that you adorn, a piece of our heritage proudly worn. Doing what you have to do, serving our nation brave and true.You put your life on the line to protect this simple life of mine. Our Country will stand behind you as one, for our colors do not run. The proud and courageous are but a few. Our hearts and thanks go out to you! -- Corkie Kinsley, Louisville, Ky.
I saw her from a distance as she walked up to the wall. In her hand she held some flowers as her tears began to fall and she took out pen and paper and she looked up to Heaven and the words she said were these.....She said, LORD my boy was special to me and OH, I'd love to see him one more time to see, all I have is memories and moments to recall.-- So LORD could you tell him, he's more than a name on a wall....She said, he really missed his family and being home on all the special days and he died for GOD and Country in a place so far away. -- I remember just a little boy playing war since three but LORD this time I know, he's not coming home to me.-- And she said, LORD my boy was special and he meant so much to me and Oh I'd love to see him but I know it just can't be. So, I thank you for the memories and the moments to recall.-- But LORD could you tell him, he's more than a name on a wall.
Freedom isn't Free.-- I watched the flag pass by one day, it fluttered in the breeze. A young Soldier saluted it, and then stood at ease. -- I looked at him in uniform so young, so tall, so proud with hair cut square and eyes alert he'd stand out in a crowd.-- I thought how many men like him had fallen through the years. How many had fallen on foreign soil ? How many Mother's tears ? -- How many Pilot's plane shot down ? How many foxholes were soldiers graves ? No - FREEDOM isn't Free.-- I heard the sound of TAPS one night when everything was still. I listened to the Bugler play and felt a sudden chill. --I wondered just how many times that TAPS meant "Amen. " When a flag had draped a cofffin of a brother or friend. -- I thought of all the children, mothers and wives, of fathers, sons sisters, brothers, and husbands with interrupted lives. -- I thought about a graveyard at the edge of town, John that you wouldn't see. Of all the graves of Fallen Soldiers. No FREEDOM isn't FREE.
Final Inspection. The Soldier stood and faced GOD which must always come to pass. He hoped his shoes were shining just as bright as his brass. ~~" Step forward you Soldier, How shall I deal with you ? Have you always turned the other cheek ? To My Church have you been true ? "~~ The Soldier squared his shoulders and said " No, LORD I guess I ain't. Because those of who carry guns can't always be a Saint." ~~ I've had to work on Sundays and at times my talk was tough, and sometimes I've been violent, because the world is awfully rough. ~~ But, I never took a penny that wasn't mine to keep. Though I worked a lot of overtime when the bills got just to steep. ~~ And I never passed a cry for help though at times I shook with fear. And sometimes GOD forgive me, I've wept unmanly tears. ~~ I know I don't deserve a place among the people here. They never wanted me around except to calm their fears. ~~ If you a place for me here, LORD, it needn't be grand, I never expected or had too much, but if you don't, " I'll understand ! " ~~ There was silence all around the Throne where Saints had often trod as the Soldier waited quietly for the Judgement of his GOD.~~ " Step forward now, you Soldier, you've borne your burden well. Walk peacefully on Heaven's Streets, you've done your time in Hell."
My Friend John was wise beyond his years. When we were in High School he often gave this advise--Be yourself.--Why would you want to be someone else. When you could be better being yourself. Why pretend to be someone you are not when you have something they haven't got.-- Cheating yourself of the life you have to live deprives others of that only you can give. You have much more to offer by just being you than walking in someone else's shoes. -- Trying to live the life of another is a mistake, it is a masquerade; nothing more than a fake. Be yourself and let your qualities shine through. Others will love you more for just being you. -- Remember that GOD loves you just as you are. To HIM you are already a bright shining star. Family and friends will love you more too if you spent more time practicing just being you. ~~ John you will be missed so very much. Thank You for letting me see the true secret of life.~~Dee
Safely Home... I am home in Heaven dear ones; Oh, so happy and bright. There is perfect joy and beauty in His everlasting light.~~ All the pain and grief is over, every restless tossing passed; I am now at peace forever, safely home at last.~~Did you wonder why I so calmly trod The Valley Of Shade ? Oh, but Jesus' love illuminated every dark and fearful glade.~~ And He came Himself to meet me on that way so hard to tread; And with Jesus' arm to lean on, could I have no doubt or dread ? ~~ Then you must not grieve sorely, for I Love You dearly still; Try to look beyond Earth's Shadows, pray to trust our Father's will.~~There is work still waiting for you. So you must not idly stand. Do it now while life remains. You shall rest in Jesus' Land.~~ When that work is completed, He will gently call you home; Oh, the rapture of the meeting, Oh, the joy to see you come.
My Dearest Loved Ones, please listen to me. As I take time to write. I see family and friends struggling daily. Their pain is such a fight... All of us who have gone on and left the rest of you behind...We're OK, I promise...Heaven is beautiful, and GOD is kind.~~You used to tell me one day GOD would call and take you home. You told me you'd make me strong so I would stand tall when alone.~~ But things happen sometimes, that does not go in our plans. I wasn't scared, When GOD held out his hand. I didn't want to leave you. I didn't have time to question why ?~~ I've watched daily, I know your heart was broken in two. But, GOD really needed me because my earthly life was through.~~I'm always alongside you...I smile and touch your hair. I whisper " I LOVE YOU," you just can't see me there.~~I'm the one who gently touches you on the shoulder when you're sad. I'm happy now that you finally found GOD again, and are no longer mad.~~Tell everyone for me that all of us in Heaven are okay. GOD had plans for our lives when He called us home that day.~~I love you, I always will, and remember I'm not far away. We're going to be together when GOD calls out your name.~~ Love John ~~
When you look into the sky and see a shining star, think of me and send a kiss, I'm never very far. --When you see the moonlight dancing on the sea, feel a kiss brush on your cheek, that's a kiss from me.--When the sun is bright on the fields and there's flowers everywhere, if you'll look a little closer you'll see me over there. --When the snow is falling hard and sparkling on the ground, feel the flakes on your face and know I'm around. -- When you see a glistening raindrop or the grass all covered in dew, don't let your heart feel heavy, just remember " I LOVE YOU. "--Sending you all of my love JOHN. xoxoxoxoxoxox
I want to leave you something better than words or sounds. Love doesn't die, people do. So when all that's left of me is love, give me away. I'll see you at Home in Heaven.
Like a comet blazing across the eveening sky. GONE TOO SOON.--Like a rainbow fading in the twinkling of an eye. GONE TOO SOON. -- Shiny and sparkly and splendidly bright. HERE ONE DAY. GONE ONE NIGHT. --Like the loss of sunlight on a cloudy afternoon. GONE TOO SOON. -- Like a castle built upon a sandy beach.-- GONE TOO SOON. -- Like a perfect flower that is just beyond your reach. GONE TOO SOON. -- Born to amuse, to inspire, to delight. HERE ONE DAY. GONE ONE NIGHT.-- Like a sunset dying with the rising moon. GONE TOO SOON.
GOD sent me down a ray of hope and it has broken through. Tomorrow is a brand new day and I can start anew. The forecast is for sunny skies with not a cloud in sight. So I'm getting a pair of shades and walking in his light. I'm packing up my yesterdays and leaving them behind. To run off with Joy and Love and Hope and my new found Peace of mind. So, Mr. Despair don't look for me when tomorrow's day is done. I'm putting down roots in this place I found called GOD's Garden in the Sun.
The Oak Tree. A mighty wind blew night and day, it stole the OAK Trees leaves away, then snapped it's boughs and pulled it's bark until the OAK Tree was tired and stark. But the OAK Tree held it's ground while other trees feel around.~~ The wind gave up and spoke, " How can you still be standing OAK ?"
The OAK Tree said, " I know that you can break every branch of mine in two, carry every leaf away, shake my limbs, and make me sway. But, I have roots stretched in this Earth, growing stronger since birth. You'll never touch them, for you see, they are the deepest part of me. Until today, I wasn't sure of just how much I could endure. But now I've found with Thanks to You, I'm stronger than I ever knew. "
I've only gone to rest awhile. Fill not your heart in pain and sorrow, but remember me in every tomorrow. Remember the joys, the laughter, the smiles. I've only gone to rest awhile. ~~ Although my leaving has caused pain and grief, my going has eased my hurt and given me relief. ~~ So dry your eyes and remember me, not as I am but as I used to be. ~~ I will remember you all and look on with a smile. Understand in you hearts I've only gone to rest awhile. ~~As long as I have the love of each of you, I can live my life in the hearts of all of you.
Dear Loved Ones, As I sit here in Heaven and watch you everyday, I try to let you know with signs I never went away.-- I hear you when you are laughing and watch you as you sleep, I even place my arms around you to calm you as you weep.--I see you wish the days away as you beg to have me home. So, I try to send messages that you are not alone.-- Don't feel guilty that you have a life that was denied to me. Oh, Heaven is truly beautiful just you wait and see.-- Please live your life and laugh again, enjoy yourelf, be free. Then I'll know with every breath you take.....your taking one for me.