I wrote your name in the sand, but the waves washed it away. I wrote your name in my hand, but I washed it the next day. I wrote your name on a piece of paper, but I accidentally threw it away. I wrote your name in my heart, and forever it will stay.
I thought I saw your face today, in the sparkle of the morning sun. And then I heard the Angel say,
" His work on Earth is done. " ~~ I thought I heard your voice today, and laugh your hearty laugh, and then I heard the Angel say, " There's peace dear one, at last." ~~ I thought I felt your touch today, in the breeze that rustled by. And then I heard the Angel say, " The spirit never dies." ~~ I thought I saw my broken heart, in the crescent of the moon. And then I heard the Angel say, " The LORD is coming soon." ~~ I thought you had left me for the stars so far above. And then I heard the Angel say, " He left you with his love." ~~ I thought I would miss you so, and never find my way. And then the Angel said, " He's with you every day." " The sun, the wind, the moon, the stars, will forever be around, reminding you of the love you shared, and the peace he's finally found."
There was no love more genuine than mine; in giving and receiving it as pure. Grieve not, for my legacy is love in endless measure, each memory a gift that will endure, returning you to moments fair and fine.
It's lonely here without you, we miss you more each day, for life is not the same to us, since youwere called away. To your resting place we visit, place flowers there with care, but no one knows ou heartache, when we turn and leave you there.
Everywhere I go. Every smile I see. I know you are there smiling back at me. Dancing in the moonlight, I know you are free. I can see your * (star)smiling down on me.
Ecclesiastes III 3:1- 3:8. To everything there is a season, a time for everything under the sun. A time to be born and a time to die. A time to laugh and a time to cry. A time to dance and a time to mourn. A time to seek and a time to let go. This is the time we remember ones who gave meaning to our lives. This is the time we remember the bonds that tied us together. The love that we shared. And the memories that remain with us still.
As we go through each day of our life, somehow thoughts of you, spring to mind. Too precious, never to be forgotten, because you were a rare and special kind.
When you wake up tomorrow and I am nowhere to be found. When you scream out my name to the emptiness around. When every beat inside your heart is skipping and unsure. Cry not my love for I am here, inside your love so pure.
Don't grieve for me, for now I am free. I'm following the path GOD laid for me. I took his hand when I heard his call. I turned my back and left it all. I could not stay another day to laugh, to love, to work or pray. Tasks left undone must stay that way. I found peace at the close of the day. If my parting has left a void, then fill it with remembered joy. Perhaps my time has seemed all too brief, don't lengthen it with undue grief. Lift up your hearts and share with me, GOD wanted me now, He set me free.-- In memory of J.D.A.
Memory can tell us only what we were, in comapny of those we loved ; it cannot help us find out what each of us, alone must now become. Yet, no person is really alone; those who live no more echo within our thoughts and words, and what they did has become woven into what we are.
John you were an angel before your time. You were loving and loyal. You were eager to learn and live. You loved the Army, your family, friends & everyone else in your life. You loved Holidays especially Christmas and Halloween. You were inspirational, you had a sweet innocence about you. You are special, and safe in the loving arms of Jesus.
Why does my heart hurt so ? The most painful day of my life was the day you had to go. I will never understand why ? Why did GOD take you so early ? Why did you have to die ? The feeling of losing you is something I cannot explain. The world thinks I am coping - that I am strong. But inside I am in so much pain.
Dave,You were a great friend and a great soldier. I will miss you man. Someday we will meet again. I will always remember the first day I met you in Iraq. You were one of the first soldiers I talked to. I am so sorry for your loved ones and I ask God to be with them in these difficult times. Green Berets All The way.Wiley-w_macc@yahoo.co m
Dave,You were a great friend and a great soldier. I will miss you man. Someday we will meat again. I will always remember the first day I met you in Iraq. You were one of the first soldiers I talked to. I am so sorry for your loved ones and I ask God to be with them in these difficult times. Green Berets All The way.Wiley-w_macc@yahoo.co m
Don't tell me you understand. Don't tell me you know. Don't tell me I will survive or how I will surely grow. ~~ Don't tell me that this is just a test, that I am truly blessed. That I was chosen for this task apart from all the rest.~~ Don't come at me with answers that can only come from me, don't tell me my grief will pass, that I soon will be free. ~~ Don't stand in judgement of the bounds I must untie. Don't tell me how to suffer and don't tell me how to cry !~~ My life is filled with selfishness, my pain is all I see. But, I need you now, I need your love unconditionally. ~~ Accept me in my ups and downs, I need someone to share. Just hold my hand and let me cry, and say, " My Friend, I care."
And at the end of my time here, whether it was short or long, or whether it was difficult or easy, will not really matter. It will have been a good life because I laughed and loved in the company of some of GOD'S finest.
I did not live for money, nor the accumulation of material possessions, nor fleeting pleasures. Rather, I lived for that which was priceless, unpossessible, and everlasting -- for the love of those who I love still from Heaven Above. -- Love You all, John
Can you hear me when I talk to you ? Answer me, I have no clue. I speak to you every day still no answer, so I pray. I look up into the sky each and every night. Please let me know how to make this right. I wish you could be here holding me. Can't you see. Can't you see. I don't understand why you had to die I din't even get a chance to say good-bye. Did you ask GOD lots of questions ? Will you ask him why he did this, made me all alone ?Will you ask GOD if you could please come back home. I wish you could be here holding me. Can't you see. Can't you see. No matter what - remember that I Love You. I am so sorry there was nothing I could do. Just wait for me in Heaven, I Love You and will see you soon.
Tomorrow is not promised to anyone, young or old alike, and today may be the last chance you get to hold your loved one tight. So if you're waiting for tomorrow, why not do it today ? For if tomorrow never comes, you'll regret the day, that you didn't take that extra time for a smile, a hug, or a kiss and you were too busy to grant someone what turned out to be their one last wish. So hold your loved one's close today, and whisper in their ear, tell them how much you love them and tha you'll always hold them dear. Take time to say " I'm sorry," " Please forgive me," " Thank you, " or " It's okay."
Gone but Not Forgotten. Dedicated to John. You were so full of life. Always smiling and carefree. Life loved you being a part of it. And I loved being a part of your life. You could make anyone laugh, if they were having a bad day, no matter how sad I was, you could take the hurt away. Nothing could ever stop you, or even make you fall, you were ready to take on the world, ready to do it all. But GOD decided He needed you, so from this world you left, but you took a piece of all of us, our hearts are what you kept. Your seat is now empty, and it's hard not to see your face, but please always know this, no one will ever take your place. You left without warning, not even saying goodbye, and I can't stop asking the question ? Nothing will ever be the same, the halls are empty without your laughter, but I know you're watching us from Heaven, watching over us and looking after. I didn't see this coming, it hit me by surprise, and when you left this world, a small part of me died. Your smile could brighten anyone's day, no matter what they were going through. I know every day for the rest of my life I'll be missing you.
Think of the Tales of John D. Aragon -- as a tremendous collection of short stories. now that the collection is complete, and Mr. John D. Aragon has retired....We can go back and re-read our favorite chapters again and again -- In our GOD given memories. I invite you to : * Bookmark the good parts. * Be sure to look at all the pretty pictures. * And as John would have most certainly insisted -- feel free to color outside of the lines.
The Rose Beyond the Wall. Near a shady wall a rose once grew, budded and blossomed in GOD's free light, watered and fed by the morning dew, shedding it's sweetness day and night. ~~As it grew and blossomed fair and tall, slowly rising to a loftier height, it came to a crevice in the wall through which there shone a beam of light.~~ Onward it crept with added strength, with never a thought to fear or pride. It followed the light through the crevices length and unfolded itself on the other side.~~The light, the view, the broadening view were found the same as they were before, and it lost itself in the beauties new, breathing it's fragrance more and more.~~ Shall the claim of death cause us to grieve and make our courage faint and fall ? No ! Let us faith and hope receive -- the rose still grows beyond the wall.--Scattering fragrance far and wide, just as it did in days before, just as it did on the other side, just as it will forevermore.
If I knew it would have been the last time that I'd see you fall asleep, I would have tucked you in more tightly and pray The LORD, your soul to keep. If I knew it would have been the last time that, I saw you walk out the door, I would have gave you a hug & kiss and called you back for more. If I knew it would be the last time, I would have heard your praise, I would have videotaped each action and word, so I could play them back day after day.--Loved so much by your grieving family.
I know you miss me. I see the pain inside your heart, but I am not so far away. We aren't really apart. I send you each a special gift from my Heavenly Home Above; " My undying love ! " After all, " LOVE" is the gift more precious than pure gold. It was always most important in the stories that JESUS told.
10things we loved about you.1.) Your smile. You lit up the room.2.) Your laugh. It always cheered us up.3.) Your courage. You always stood up for what
you thought was right. No matter what.4.) Your beauty. Beautiful both inside and out.5.) Your kindness. You always thought about others feelings.6.) Your love. You loved us with your whole heart.7.) Your compassion. always looking out for the
voiceless.8.) Your mind. Smarter than you thought.9.) Your comments. Never a dull moment.10.) You.Lots of love, your fa,ily and friends.
I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright, no matter how gray the day may appear. I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun even more. I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive & everlasting. I wish you enough pain so that even the smallest joys in life will appear bigger. I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting. I wish you loss to appreciate all that you possess. I wish you enough hello's to get you through the final good-bye.
I have not turned my back on you, so there's no need to cry, I am watching you from Heaven, just beyond the morning sky; I have seen you fall apart, when you could barely stand, I asked The LORD to comfort you, and I watched Him take your hand. He told me you were in more pain, than I could ever be, He wiped his eyes and swallowed hard, then gave your hand to me; although you may not feel my touch; or see me by your side, I've whispered that I love you, while I wiped each tear you cried.
I can't believe it's almost a year, it seems like yesterday that we received the dreaded news. I think of you always and miss you. Rest in Peace. All my love!
Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!
Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!
Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!
Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!
Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!
Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!
Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!
Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!
Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!
Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!
Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!
Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!
Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!
Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!
Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!
Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!
Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!
Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!
Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!
Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!
Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!
Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!
Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!
Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!
Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!
Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!
Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!
Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!
Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!
Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!
Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!
Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!
Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!
Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!
Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!
Thank you so much for patriotism, love of our country and the ultimate sacrifice you have made for us. May your family and friends find comfort with their fond memories of you. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace and God Bless You!
Native American Prayer. I give you this thought to keep - I am with you still - I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds tyhat blow. I am the diamond glints on snow. I am the sunlight on ripened grain. I am the gentle autumn rain.
In our hearts....we thought of you with love today. But that is nothing new. We thought of you yesterday and the days before that too. We think of you in silence. We often speak your name. Now all we have is memories and your picture in a frame. Your memory is our keepsake with which we will never part.
Missing someone is your hearts way of reminding you that you love them.-- Since Heaven has become my home, I sometimes feel I'm so alone, and though we are now far apart, you hold a big piece of my heart. -- Pay attention to your dreams.GOD'S Angel's often speak directly to our hearts when we are asleep.
Is Heaven in the Yellow Pages ? John went to Heaven, but I need him here today, my heart hurts and I cried all day, I need him right away.-- Operator can you tell me how to find him in this book ? Is Heaven in the Yellow Book, I don't know where to look ?-- I think his family needs him too, at night I hear them cry. They just grieve and sigh.-- Maybe if I call him, he will come home to me. Is Heaven very far away, is it across the sea ? He's been gone too long. He really needs to come home now.-- Help me find the number please, is it listed under Heaven ? I can't sleep at night, it is already quarter after eleven.--I'm sorry Operator, I didn't mean to make you cry. Is your heart hurting, or is there something in your eye ? -- If I call my church maybe they will know. John said when we need help that's where we should go. I found the number to my church tacked up on the wall. Thank you Operator, I'll give them a call.
My Most Loved Family, I'm still here, though you don't see. I'm right by your side each night and day. And within your heart I will always stay. My body is gone but I'm always near. I'm everything you feel, see or hear. My spirit is free, but I'll never depart as long as you keep me alive in your heart. I'll never wander out of your sight -- I'm the brightest star on a summer night. I'm never beyond your reach -- I'm the warm moist sand when you're at the beach. I'm the colorful leaves when Fall comes around, and the pure white snow that blankets the ground. I'm the beautiful flowers of which you're so fond -- The clear cool water in a quiet pond. I'm the first bright blossom you see in the Spring; the first warm raindrops that April will bring. I'm the first ray of light when the sun starts to shine, and you'll see that the face in the moon is mine. When you start thinking there's no one to love you, you can talk to me through The LORD above you. I'll whisper my answers through the leaves on the trees, and you'll feel my presence in the soft Summer breeze. I'm the hot salty tears that flow when you weep and the beautiful dreams that come while you sleep. I'm the smile on your face ( when you think of me.) Just look for me, I'm every place.
My Most Loved Family, I'm still here, though you don't see. I'm right by your side each night and day. And within your heart I will always stay. My body is gone but I'm always near. I'm everything you feel, see or hear. My spirit is free, but I'll never depart as long as you keep me alive in your heart. I'll never wander out of your sight -- I'm the brightest star on a summer night. I'm never beyond your reach -- I'm the warm moist sand when you're at the beach. I'm the colorful leaves when Fall comes around, and the pure white snow that blankets the ground. I'm the beautiful flowers of which you're so fond -- The clear cool water in a quiet pond. I'm the first bright blossom you see in the Spring; the first warm raindrops that April will bring. I'm the first ray of light when the sun starts to shine, and you'll see that the face in the moon is mine. When you start thinking there's no one to love you, you can talk to me through The LORD above you. I'll whisper my answers through the leaves on the trees, and you'll feel my presence in the soft Summer breeze. I'm the hot salty tears that flow when you weep and the beautiful dreams that come while you sleep. I'm the smile on your face ( when you think of me.) Just look for me, I'm every place.
To one gone too soon. Kind and caring Angel, sent from GOD to a desperate family in need. You touched the hearts of those you loved, with every word and deed.--The pain you suffered and endured would have conquered a weaker soul. Your willful, stubborn, hope-filled heart placed you in a stronger role.-- Twenty-two pecious years you nurtured and loved. You gave us your love, and life and hope and kept our spirits buoyed.--Now in Heaven, John, please watch over your other fallen brothers and remember, won't you please you were loved like no other.
There is nothing I can do, to make John come back. There are no words I can say, that replaces the words and voice you so long to hear. There are no answers I can give to satisfy your questions. There is not another soul that will ever replace him. Never another love that could ever replace the special love you shared. I can not promise your broken heart will ever be complete. I will not deny it was a tragedy. I will not lie and tell you that he will come back. For he never really left.-- Martha Marlar, Louisville, Ky.
" I know how you feel" - because I don't. I have lost parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends and pets, but I have never lost my child. So how can I say- I know how you feel ? "~~I won't say, " You will get over it - because you won't." Life will have to go on. The working, washing, cooking, cleaning, the common routine. The chores will take your mind off of your beloved son, but the hurt will still be there.~~ I won't say,
" other's will comfort you " - because they may not. ~~ I won't say, " Never mind, you are young enough to have another child. A new child can not replace the child you lost.~~ So what will I say ? ~~ I will say, " I am here. I care. Anytime. Anywhere. " I will talk about your beloved John. We will talk about the good memories. I won't mind how long you grieve. I won't tell you to pull yourself together. ~~ No, I do not know how you feel - but with sharing, perhaps I will learn a little of what you are going through. ~~ And perhaps, you'll feel comfortable and find your burden has eased. Try me.~~David Thompson, Ft. Campbell, Ky.