Liberty unites

liberty unites us
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Hagay Shefi

Our beloved son Hagay!

We cannot believe that you will not be with us physically.

However, your memory will be preserved by every one of our family.

You have been a most loyal son, husband to Sigal and father to Roy, 5, and Naomi, 3.

You were loved and appreciated by your brother Yishai and your sister Pazit and their families.

All of the greater Shefi family admired you for your distinguished achievments:

An excellent soccer player as a boy, a businessman from the age of 5, (yes 5) a distinguished officer of the I.D.F.,

a distinguished student who completed Bar-Ilan University with an MBA (magna cum laude).

Shortly after your arrival to the U.S.A. with your wife Sigal you were appointed as president and C.E.O. of a company at the age of 29.

The president of the mother company -- Chris C.-- most appreciated you and used to call you "Hagay what a guy."

And all your friends in the U.S. and in Israel are missing your loyal friendship and your sense of humor.

Your old friend and co-founder of the last company which you were also a co-founder and C.E.O., GoldTier Technologies

said that you were the heart and the dynamo-buster-turbo of the new company.

All of us in the family will remember you forever and you will continue to be in our hearts and our source of pride.

We shall provide Sigal and your kids -- our beloved grandchildren -- the best of our love and care.

Rest in peace.

Esther and Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Dov Shefi, IDF, mother and father

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Linda Sheehan

My heart is empty of words, we all can only feel, love one another, put trust in God. I am so sorry for all your family the suffering. God bless you all.

Patricia Ann Sheehan Hartman

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Linda Sheehan

She was my girlfriend Angie's best friend. I saw her the Sunday before the attack at Foxhound's restaurant on South End Avenue and that was the last I saw of her. She was the sweetest girl you could ever meet. Her other best friend, Greg took care of her belongings and made most final arrangements afterwards--and he did a phenomenal job. Linda was a great person, very friendly, caring and the sweetest girlfriend that my Angie ever had. Angie cries every time she and I look at the ruins of the WTC. We miss her very much.

Ed Long and Angie Shaw, friends

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Robert Michael Shearer

God bless you and your family. Words cannot express. We can only feel and love one another.

Patricia Ann Sheehan Hartman

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Robert Michael Shearer

Dad, I miss you. Your granddaughter has your smile.

Karrie Castro, daughter

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Mary Kathleen Shearer

We miss you, now and forever...

Jacquie and Debbie, neighbors

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Mary Kathleen Shearer

Mom, I miss you. I'm waiting for you to visit me in my dreams. I love you.

Karrie Castro, daughter

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Jeffrey J. Shaw

There is no explaining what has been removed from my life and the lives of my family as a result of the loss of my brother.

I love him dearly and will never forget the times we shared together. He will live on in me and I will try to be as good a brother, son, husband and father as he was to his family.

Richard Shaw, brother

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Jeffrey J. Shaw

You were definitely one of a kind, a terrific dad, a wonderful husband

and the best friend anyone could have asked for.

I'm having such a hard time accepting this, babe,

because, to me, you were to strong for this to happen to you.

I waited all day to hear you call and tell me you were OK

and that you couldn't come home yet

because you had to help the other people

just like you did back with the bombing there years ago.

But I knew in your voice when you said it didn't look good

I might not get to see you again but as the days go on my heart aches more and more.

I'm trying to be strong for the kids, and they're doing the same for me,

but it's not easy when you always were the strong one we had to lean on.

You'll never be forgotten and will be forever loved.

'Til we meet again,

All my love, Debbie

P.S. remember: SEE YA TUESDAY

Debbie Shaw, wife

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Howard Selwyn

This is a message of condolence to the Selwyn family -- especially Lisa, whom I used to go to school with. My thoughts are with you all.

Deborah Levy, family friend

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Neil G. Shastri

May the lord be with you. My deepest condolences. May god rest your soul.
Paritosh Patel, friend

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Cmdr. Dan Frederic Shanower

You will always be remembered as the most hilarious person I've ever known. You had a special gift of making people laugh and bringing joy into the lives of everyone you knew. I know you have a special place in heaven. You will be greatly missed!

Lisa Collevechio, friend

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Cmdr. Dan Frederic Shanower

Dear family, what can I, a total stranger, write to make you feel better? Probably nothing. Just let me state that I am so very proud and thankful that we in this country have protectors like Dan. I am not one of the "newly patriotic." However, I am grateful to see Americans respecting our armed services again. Thank you Dan for the price you paid for my freedom.

Barry J. Smith

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Cmdr. Dan Frederic Shanower

Cmdr. Shanower was always rewarding to work for! He would always call his troops war dogs. It was always a treat to go to work and witness the energy that he emitted. Fair winds and following seas commander!

James A. Jamieson, shipmate

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Cmdr. Dan Frederic Shanower

I'll never forget your huge smile, refreshingly silly sense of humor and

infectious laugh. Although our paths crossed for only a brief time, I will never

forget you.

Cathi Rippe, friend

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Jayesh Shah

You will always be remembered for your smile, mild-manneredness, athleticism and intellect.

Niloy Shah, brother

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Jayesh Shah

Very sorry about your loss.

We all prayed that somehow he made it out safe.

God Bless the Shah family

The Gustafson family, neighbors

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Jayesh Shah

Dear Daddy, I miss you. It has been 3 months now and I pray for you to be at peace everyday. I miss you coaching me in soccer, baseball, and swimming. I miss you at dinner and when it will first snow. I wish you were with us when we went to see the Harry Potter movie. And I miss you in many more ways. I Love you.

Nikita Shah, daughter

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Davis (Deeg) Sezna Jr.

One of the greatest feelings of loss I have ever experienced in my life.

The only consolation I have is the hope that Deeg and Teddy are somewhere, together again,

and are smiling down on us.

Edward Ingersoll, cousin

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Karen Lynn Seymour-Dietrich

My dad worked in the same company that you did. I'm sure you knew him because he knew you. I'm sorry for what happened. Please rest in peace.

Jim, friend

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Alena Sesinova

Alena, you would be pleased by all of us coming together here this evening to celebrate your life.

I can see you now, somewhat amused and not quite embracing all the fuss.

As heroic as you were, you were also quietly unassuming and self-effacing.

When Gail introduced us almost 30 years ago, we discovered an immediate kinship.

We were both immigrants and, while I'd been here for a decade before you,

you'd ventured into territories unknown to me.

Wasn't it you who taught me how to dance THAT way, your leg firmly planted between mine?

Later you'd join my worlds. You'd take the subway from your apartment on St. Marks Pl.

to mine in Queens so I could be with my 3-year-old daughter Nicole,

or sensing my isolation, you came to Waterville, Maine, to spend a weekend with me

when I moved there.

Today, having lost you, the emptiness we feel is only somewhat mitigated

by the memories of our enjoyment of life and each other on Fire Island, in Morristown, Provincetown,

Prague, The Poconos, New Orleans, The Hamptons,

and especially the New Year's Eve we spent together

in Paris 22 years ago when all you could talk about, all night, incessantly,

was NOT the New Year, Not Paris, NOT the meal we'd just enjoyed,

just one thing, your newfound love: Barbara. I got such a kick out of your attempts

to speak English, omitting all articles, especially after a "few" glasses of red,

when you'd gradually start speaking your own version of our language "Czechlish"

it wasn't really English.

And it was especially funny because, normally a woman of few words,

you'd suddenly became loquacious.

You'd be totally incomprehensible and laugh at what you were saying,

and we'd join right in.


Laughing with you.

Not understanding a word.

More than anyone else I knew, Alena, you loved life and

the opportunities America afforded you, and the fabric of your life with Barbara.

You were my hero and my champion.

The risk-taker whose brave story of coming to America I'd tell to whomever would listen.

You were wise, you were intelligent, you took nothing for granted and you understood struggle.

You touched me with your generous heart in a way no one else ever has.

You were so damn important to me.

Quite simply you were, the sister I never had.

Like a family we have each other's emergency numbers posted prominently in our homes,

along with the gifts and mementos we've given each other throughout the years.

Nicole, who was so fond of you, has your plants hanging in her studio apartment.

I've planted your roses in my garden in Sag Harbor.

They'll bloom next year, by the pond you loved so much.

Alena, I trusted you completely and loved you unconditionally.

You were always there for me when it mattered

and supporting me when I gave my last academic paper at Hofstra University

(and hanging the poster of that conference in your dining room)

or seeing me through an extremely difficult time when my father died.

There will never be for me another friend with whom I can speak in shorthand,

move with through the world and accumulate a history.

Your death is sobering.

Red wine has lost it's power to cheer.

Today I am guided by your sense of right and wrong,

asking myself what YOU'D do in this case or that.

I'm trying to live, as you did, with meaning and integrity.

So tonight in the spirit of Alena who had no use for a lot of fuss,

I urge you to do as she would & as we did so many times

in Prague, let's lift our glasses to her and say "'Ahoy".

Nanette Shaw, best friend

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Frankie Serrano

Our hearts go out to Frankie's family today and always.

Jessica Cole, co-worker

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Howard Selwyn

This is a message of condolence to the Selwyn family -- especially Lisa, whom I used to go to school with. My thoughts are with you all.

Deborah Levy, family friend

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Michael L. Selves

Mr. Selves came to our Army Tricare clinic and always was positive and appreciative of everyone. His love for people will be missed by his friends everywhere.

Ellen O'Donohue, clinic nurse

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Michael L. Selves

Mike Selves was the kind of director (IMCEN) like no other. He would go out of his way to say hello to you, down the long halls of the Pentagon, even if you didn't know he was there. Just an exceptional, professional, caring person. I'm better for knowing him. I hope the Oregon football team can win their bowl game for Mike, who is a very big fan.

Gary Glantz, co-worker

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Matthew Carmen Sellitto

You were brave.

You remembered to call home and tell us that you loved us.

To be so scared and to still be so focused.

You are my hero.

You never judged; you always loved.

We dedicate Christmas Eve to you for you always made it so special.

You may be gone, but you'll never be forgotten.

Your spirit lives on in all of us.

Anne Marie Jarka-Hajjar, first cousin

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Matthew Carmen Sellitto

Your mom has returned to her teaching job at the high school. We can only imagine how difficult it must be for her to see so many young vibrant faces around her. She is so brave. On her first day back and within minutes of being here she was trying to figure out a way to help women in town who have lost spouses in the attack. She was attempting to connect Key Club to these women with the hope that members could mow a lawn, rake some leaves, do something to make their lives easier. What a mother you have. She misses you so. The pain is everywhere in her face. May a host of angels surround her always and may God's blessings in abundance shower her forever.

Barbara Fahey, friend

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Rahma Salie

Rhama & Michael lived upstairs from some good friends of mine. I'd only met

them a few times, but Rhama (the more outgoing of the two) was always very

friendly and quick to engage you in conversation. I remember her as being

very energetic, and having a great smile. Michael seemed a bit shy, and

would stand next to his wife with a smile on his face as she would chat you

up. Rhama was pregnant with their first child, and they were both so excited

about starting a family. My heart goes out to their families.

Derek Marotta, acquaintance

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Randolph Scott

May your family find peace after their tragic loss, and may you find peace in heaven.

Jennifer Ryals-Scott

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Janice M. Scott

May God bless your family and bring them peace after your senseless loss. Words cannot express the pain and disgust we feel at the horrific actions that took your life.

Jennifer Ryals-Scott

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Adriane Victoria Scibetta

Words can't explain how much I miss you. I love you.

Marianna Scibetta, sister-in-law

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Mark Schwartz

Mark was an Emergency Medical Technician for Hunter Ambulance, and was dispatched to the scene on September 11. He was killed in the collapse of Tower 2. Anyone who ever met Mark will tell you that he had a huge heart. He was like a teddy bear. He was more than your boss -- he was your friend. I can't even count the number of times I went into his office just to talk, sometimes to cry. We will always remember him as "Uncle Mark."

Crystal Passarotti, co-worker

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Frank G. Schott

Frank and I met a few time at the Trade Center. He was a very sweet and accommodating human being, helping me many a time with problems. He will be sorely missed.

Jessica Angiullo, co-worker

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Mark E. Schurmeier

To Mark's family: All on Gilbert Lake mourn with you. He will never be forgotten. May your memories of Mark help to comfort you in this most difficult time.

Dick and Sue Downing, family friends

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Sean Schielke

To a friend who always put others before self and never put anyone down because they were less able than he. His twin brother Brandon will always be a reminder of a great guy and a great friend. May God bless his family as they go through this intense time of mourning.

Tim Colson, friend

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Christopher J. Scudder

I worked with Chris in a previous job we both had with a mortgage company. I'll always remember Chris with a smile on his face, ready to help you out with whatever was the computer problem of the day. I've spoken with other co-workers of Chris, and we'll all miss him!

Paul, co-worker

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Christopher J. Scudder

I first met Chris, as we called him, while he and my daughter attended Buffalo State College. Chris was always extremely respectable. Chris also celebrated the same birthday as my daughter, Detrel, and would always call on October 9th. It was strange not to hear from him 1n 2001, but never did we think he became a victim of the WTC attack.

To his family, especially his daughter and mother, are hearts are very heavy and we will be in touch with you all in the very near future.

Helen Howell, friend

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Randolph Scott

May your family find peace after their tragic loss, and may you find peace in heaven.

Jennifer Ryals-Scott

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Janice M. Scott

You were a very good friend to me as I began both my new career and motherhood in Heidelberg. Thank you for your friendship. I send my heartfelt condolences to Crystal and Major Scott. Rest in peace.

Alba, friend

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Janice M. Scott

May God bless your family and bring them peace after your senseless loss. Words cannot express the pain and disgust we feel at the horrific actions that took your life.

Jennifer Ryals-Scott

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Paul R. Salvio

Paul was not only my son, he was my best friend. He was a wonderful person and full of life. I just can't belive he's not coming home anymore. Paul was a very special person -- he knew when to make you laugh and loved his two brothers and sister very much. He was always there for them. Now my heart is broken, and so are their hearts. My special angel, rest in peace.

Rosemarie Giallombardo, mother

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Michelle Scarpitta

I am deeply sadend by the loss of my friend, Michelle. I send my best wishes and thoughts out to her family. You will be in my prayers. Michelle was a very kind,warm and sincere person, and that made her a good friend. We love her and will miss her greatly. We love you!

Adam Yasso, friend

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Adriane Victoria Scibetta

Words can't explain how much I miss you. I love you.

Marianna Scibetta, sister-in-law

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Mark Schwartz

Mark was an Emergency Medical Technician for Hunter Ambulance, and was dispatched to the scene on September 11. He was killed in the collapse of Tower 2. Anyone who ever met Mark will tell you that he had a huge heart. He was like a teddy bear. He was more than your boss -- he was your friend. I can't even count the number of times I went into his office just to talk, sometimes to cry. We will always remember him as "Uncle Mark."

Crystal Passarotti, co-worker

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Lt. Col. David M. Scales

A Lieutenant Colonel at the time of the attacks, Scales was posthumously promoted to full Colonel.

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Clarin Shellie Schwartz

You will always be a special light in my life. I will always remember your smiling face and your generous heart. You will always be remembered by those who were privileged to love and be loved by you. Our lives are better for knowing you but diminished forever by your loss.

Mary Cirillo-Goldberg, friend

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Mark E. Schurmeier

To Mark's family: All on Gilbert Lake mourn with you. He will never be forgotten. May your memories of Mark help to comfort you in this most difficult time.

Dick and Sue Downing, family friends

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Edward W. Schunk

Eddie, Ronnie and I love you and miss you so much. You were such a wonderful and dear friend to us. Our lives are so different without you. We will continue to honor you by being kinder and more loving to others. We will always take care of the love of your life, Lisa. She is such a love. I know you are with God. Please bless us.

Helen Frost, friend

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Deepika K. Sattaluri

You lived a great life and I can see that from the people before me. Why did they take a great soul to God? I guess we'll never get answers, and into the vagueness we'll stare. I no longer want answers because nothing could make this nightmare fair. To the people you left behind, your memory will never be forgotten. And as a sign of our affection, these are our tears, a lot of them. I can't ease the pain and I can't bring a smile to your wife. Just know somewhere out in heaven, you are now living your new life. We wish we could bring you back and that the terrorism did no harm. You were an innocent human, kind, witty, possessing this boyish charm. I still remember the days at Rutgers, or the days chilling in Somerset. From the big bread fight, to the B-Ball tournament, where we all burned a sweat. I can't see this every happening to someone so wonderful, someone so kind. And being a newlywed, you had many dreams that still needed your attention. I wish I could have taken your place, so all these people wouldn't have to mourn. Reality is much harder, when it's filled with sorrow. The dreams were much better, when we sat thinking about tomorrow. Now that day is even further, the day we will once again meet. Until that day, to you, no other will ever compete. I need to finally say my farewell, but it's never a goodbye. I'll see you one day, but for now, I can only cry.

Mickey Virdi, friend

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Frank G. Schott

I knew and worked with Frank sometime ago and also at my present company, Smith Barney. He was a good person and loved his family. He had a good sense of humor, and we always picked on him and joked with him. He never got mad, but always had a smile and a chuckle. My heart goes out to his wife and children. May his soul rest in peace forever.

Gloria Leone, former co-worker

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Frank G. Schott

Frank and I met a few time at the Trade Center. He was a very sweet and accommodating human being, helping me many a time with problems. He will be sorely missed.

Jessica Angiullo, co-worker

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Marisa Di Nardo Schorpp

My 16-year-old daughter Brittany DiNardo is a relative to Marissa. Seeing Marissa's picture and realizing that she and my daughter are related and could pass for twins made the World Trade Center disaster so very real for me and my daughter. I wish to extend my and my daughter's sincerest, most heartfelt condolences to Marissa's immediate family and my deepest regret and sadness for such a tragic loss of a beautiful young woman in the prime of her life. May she rest in heavenly peace and happiness, and may her family be comforted in the promise that some day they will be reunited with Marissa in heaven. People all across America are praying for you all! God bless and keep safe. And God bless America.

Deb Woznick

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Steven Francis Schlag

I met Steve two weeks before the tragic event. By a twist of fate we found out we grew up in the same town and went to the same high school. We had planned to reconnect and chat, but God had a different idea. God bless Steve and his family. Although I only spoke with Steve for a few moments, he touched my life.

Matt Jablonski, friend

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Sean Schielke

To a friend who always put others before self and never put anyone down because they were less able than he. His twin brother Brandon will always be a reminder of a great guy and a great friend. May God bless his family as they go through this intense time of mourning.

Tim Colson, friend

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Scott M. Schertzer

My friend and soul-brother, we miss you so very much. The joyful times we all shared together, doing what we enjoyed in life, will always live in our hearts and minds forever. Your loss has affected our circle of friends in the most profound way. I will never listen to Phish again without thinking of the incredible times we had at their concerts together. Rest in peace my brother, we'll see you on the other side. Much love to your wonderful family.

Chris Levy, friend

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Mark Petrocelli

Mark, you were taken from us all suddenly and

prematurely, we all miss you very much, more than most

of us will ever be able to express in words or deeds.

To me and Christine you were the son we never had.

You were a friend to us. The way you treated Nicole

let us know that you were a very fine gentleman.

Kind,sweet and considerate. We loved your happy-go-lucky way, your big smile and wonderful sense of humor.

Your love of good food and dining out as well as

cooking home illustrated to everyone that you were a

good family man. Your absence in our home has created

a huge void which will never be filled. When you and

Nicole were present it was "show time."

Our sadness can only be lessened by the knowledge

that we pray that you are in a better place. I wish

that I could have told you these things before, but

maybe you can see them now.

You will always be on our minds and in our hearts.

God bless you.

Bruce & Christine De Cell, father- and mother-in-law

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Fred Claude Scheffold Jr.

Fred was my friend, my hero. I will never forget him. He was a brave firefighter and a giving and loving man.

Betsy Mineo, friend

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John G. Scharf

Semper Fi, Marine.

Jim Greene, co-worker

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Michelle Scarpitta

I am deeply sadend by the loss of my friend, Michelle. I send my best wishes and thoughts out to her family. You will be in my prayers. Michelle was a very kind,warm and sincere person, and that made her a good friend. We love her and will miss her greatly. We love you!

Adam Yasso, friend

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Keith Roma

All our prayers go out to your family, with a special prayer for your daughter. We will never forget you and all your brave bothers and sisters during this tragic situation.

Kevin and Virginia Wenng, family friend

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Lt. Col. David M. Scales

God bless you sir, and may you rest in peace.

William Mitchell

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Lt. Col. David M. Scales

David was a wonderful person. He had a listening ear and always had a story to tell. He brought joy to those around him. He was a loyal husband, father, son and brother. We miss you, Dave. Keep playing your music in heaven. We'll see you on the other side.

Bonita Scales, sister-in-law

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Lt. Col. David M. Scales

Somewhere, it has been written that there are those who "are too gentle to live among wolves." David Scales was such a man. The world was a brighter place when his intelligence, keen sense of humor, kindness and warmth graced all who came into contact with him. A gifted composer and musician, he loved nothing better than entertaining people with his music that radiated joy -- a joy he believed came from God. David, we thank you for your love. We will miss you always.

Trisha and Ashton Scales, wife and son

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Lt. Col. David M. Scales

A Lieutenant Colonel at the time of the attacks, Scales was posthumously promoted to full Colonel.

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Gregory Saucedo

This has been a difficult Christmas for Americans and I am one of them. I am trying to find an avenue to help in the aftermath of September 11. And since I also lost a Greg S -- not on September 11, but also in a senseless and heartbreaking way. So, I reach out the the parents and other family members of Greg Saucedo. My Greg would be the same age ... just 32. May God grant you peace and the assurance that you will see your beloved Greg again!

Gail Sangregorio

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Gregory Saucedo

What was so great about Greg was that it didn't matter if you saw him yesterday or six months ago -- he always greeted you with a big grin and a great big hug. He also hosted the best parties. I miss my friend everyday.

Carolyn Buonocore, friend

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Gregory Saucedo

We miss you so much. We are so proud of you. May God bless you in heaven. You will never be forgotten. We all love you.

Mark Macari, cousin

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Deepika K. Sattaluri

You lived a great life and I can see that from the people before me. Why did they take a great soul to God? I guess we'll never get answers, and into the vagueness we'll stare. I no longer want answers because nothing could make this nightmare fair. To the people you left behind, your memory will never be forgotten. And as a sign of our affection, these are our tears, a lot of them. I can't ease the pain and I can't bring a smile to your wife. Just know somewhere out in heaven, you are now living your new life. We wish we could bring you back and that the terrorism did no harm. You were an innocent human, kind, witty, possessing this boyish charm. I still remember the days at Rutgers, or the days chilling in Somerset. From the big bread fight, to the B-Ball tournament, where we all burned a sweat. I can't see this every happening to someone so wonderful, someone so kind. And being a newlywed, you had many dreams that still needed your attention. I wish I could have taken your place, so all these people wouldn't have to mourn. Reality is much harder, when it's filled with sorrow. The dreams were much better, when we sat thinking about tomorrow. Now that day is even further, the day we will once again meet. Until that day, to you, no other will ever compete. I need to finally say my farewell, but it's never a goodbye. I'll see you one day, but for now, I can only cry.

Mickey Virdi, friend

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Paul F. Sarle

Never to be forgotten. Rest in Peace.

Eric Brandt, friend

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Paul G. Ruback

Paul, We remember all the years of love you have given to us. You will always remain in our hearts. You are a true hero. If only there were more time. You have touched so many lives, your spirit will live on.We miss you... Love, Your wife Lynne, children David, Gina, Shannon and Paul, stepson Danny stepdaughter Denyse, son-in-law Andy, grandchildren Ryan and Justen.

R. Lynne Ruback, wife

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Susan G. Santo

Every candle I light will burn in your memory. You will never be forgotten, I miss you, your humor, your love for Mike Piazza, your stories. Your family will always remain in my prayers and your daughter will let your soul live through her. We all miss you. Your friends.

Melissa, friend

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Maria Theresa Santillan

If ever there was an angel among us, it was you. You made the world a better place. I hope we meet again someday.

Mike, friend

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Jean Destrehan Roger

After seeing Jean's picture, my only thought was how tragic to see a young and beautiful woman's life cut short. I'm so sorry for her and her family.

Kurt Sagendorph

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John Salvatore Salerno Jr.

I didn't know you but your father is a friend of mine. Your memory lives on through your family and friends.

Mark Walters, friend of family

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Philip M. Rosenzweig

I worked several years for Sun Microsystems and when I saw Mr. Rosenzweig's name on the Memorial list I was moved to write a note.

I didn't know you, but we still shared employer who is always conscious of its employees and tries to treat them well.

I'm sure he was just "doing his job," and had no idea that day he would become a name amongst thousands who will forever be in our minds and hearts.

I wish the Rosensweig family the best and send them much love.

Karen George, employee of the same company

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Raymond J. Rocha

Ray, we miss ya buddy. You've touched so many lives, your legacy wont ever be forgotten. Our hearts go out to Jen and the rest of your family and friends.

Ryan Gill, fraternity brother

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Edward Ryan

A great man and caring father. His family misses him very much.

Aaron Schlesinger, friend of niece

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Rafael Humberto Santos

I worked with Rafael Santos and Ricardo Quinn many years ago. I will always remember them both.

Raul Torres, friend

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Catherine Patricia Salter

I remember when Cathy came to stay with Cyndi our freshman year at OWU. She was pretty quiet but I could tell she was brilliant. I was so shocked to hear that she was in the WTC. Cyndi,if you read this please e-mail me.

Ann Eliot-Naille, aquaintance

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Susan G. Santo

Every candle I light will burn in your memory. You will never be forgotten, I miss you, your humor, your love for Mike Piazza, your stories. Your family will always remain in my prayers and your daughter will let your soul live through her. We all miss you. Your friends.

Melissa, friend

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Rena Sam-Dinnoo

May you rest in peace. You are a hero!

Kathleen M. Rahill, sister's friend

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Maria Theresa Santillan

If ever there was an angel among us, it was you. You made the world a better place. I hope we meet again someday.

Mike, friend

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Wayne Saloman

I was a neighbor of Wayne, Debbie and their son Justin. Wayne was a great neighbor and someone who would help you. I know he touched many in life, because he was an outgoing great guy. I feel great sorrow for his wife and child, as they were a very close family and had just built a beautiful home. What a great loss to all that Wayne is gone. My thoughts are with his family.

Patricia Romero, neighbor

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James Sands Jr.

I pray that God truly blesses his family during their time of loss. May He comfort them always.

Rev. Bob Jensen, former brother-in-law

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Herman Sandler

We only met you once, in Florence, Italy, a few years ago. You and your wife, Suki, seemed like old friends. We had talked of you often since our trip and were very saddened to hear that you were one of the victims of this tragedy. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, and with your family. We know you are at peace now.

Steve and Joe, acquaintances

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Samuel R. Salvo Jr.

Dad, you will be greatly missed by all of us but never forgotten. Watch over us. We love you.

David R. Salvo, son

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Marjorie C. Salamone

True to her spirit, convictions, family and country.

Ann Marie Salamone, daughter

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Eric Sand

Eric was my brother-in-law and friend. He made my sister happier than she has ever been. He gave us the gift of Aaron, my nephew. Eric was soft-spoken and good-hearted. He will be missed.

Steven Rosenblum, brother-in-law

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Jesus Sanchez

I want to give my sincere sympathy to the Sanchez family. I know Ralph Sanchez who I believe is a cousin of Jesus. God's blessings.

Steven Moehling, friend of family

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Jesus Sanchez

Oh Jesus...we had so many great times. I will always remember dancing with you at Zuff's, Plaza Ghirabaldi, all those Karaoke nights and so much more. Thank you for the Spanish lessons and for being such a joy to work with. Who will do all those doubles for everyone now? It seems so recently I was consoling you over your mother's passing. You were so very good to her and it comforts me that she is there with you now again. I will never forget you.

Michelle Lamora, co-worker

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Charles E. Sabin

It is impossible to capture in words the feelings I have for you. They are the strongest feeling that I have ever had about anything. Chuck, I Iove you so very much, so very deeply. I remember looking into your eyes and seeing the most loving, kind, beautiful person. Every waking moment I wish for you just one more time. Chuck you are the most wonderful person in my life and and one of the greatest persons ever to walk this Earth. I will love you forever.

Jean L. Coisman, girlfriend

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Richard L. Salinardi

Our hearts go out to the Salinardi family and others who lost their lives September 11. Although we didn't know anyone personally who died in the attacks, we have a connection with "Richie" as he grew up in St. Louis. Our brother, Tom Sutch, is friends with his father. Our prayers are with his family and those who knew Richie. The tragedy has effected everyone and we are grieving the losses.

Nancy and David Sutch, friends of his parents

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John Thomas Resta

Dearest Sylvia, you are a shining star. John and you will continue your journey together in heaven.

Jodi J. Ellison, co-worker

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Jessica Leigh Sachs

You passed away too young, but your passing will not be in vain. The pain of your loss will inspire us to rid the world of the scorge of terrorism. My prayers are with you.

Joe, co-worker

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Francis J. Sadocha

Our heart goes out to the Sadocha family. Frank was a truly a caring and wonderful person.

The Placella family, former boss

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Jude Elias Safi

Jude, even though I only knew you a short time, you always made me laugh. Seeing you was the highlight of some of my nights. You, Rob and Richie will always be missed.

Jon Saraniti, friend

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Rena Sam-Dinnoo

May you rest in peace. You are a hero!

Kathleen M. Rahill, sister's friend

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William R. Ruth

Bill, you're a great person and you will be missed by so many. God bless! Semper fi, my friend.

Gary A. Gruenwald

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Jason E. Sabbag

I believe you had family in Montreal. The whole Jewish (specifically, Sephardic) community misses you dearly. We are so distraught and saddened by your loss and we sincerely hope the pain will some day subside. You are with Hashem, now. I am so unbelievably discouraged by your shortened life. God bless you and please know that you did not suffer for nothing. The whole world is listening empathetically now. It still does not replace you for the ones who loved you closely, but --for what it's worth-- you are thought of and loved by strangers, but also brothers and sisters. I'll say a shemah for you. Love,

Nicole Fraenkel

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Samuel R. Salvo Jr.

Dad, you will be greatly missed by all of us but never forgotten. Watch over us. We love you.

David R. Salvo, son

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 For Philip A. Murphy-Sweet   For David A Wilkey Jr   For Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia   For Frank E. Adamski III   For Benjamin Walker   For Trevor B. Adkins   For Adam D. Jones   For Laurie Cobb   For Larry E Polley Jr   For Paul C. Holter III   For Alex D Gonzalez   For Christopher D Young   For Jose E Ulloa   For John Michael Roy Curwin   For Derek L. Shanfield   For Marisol Heredia   For John Charles Jenkins   For Todd Beamer   For Steven Paul Chucknick   For Geoffrey Perez  
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