Liberty unites

liberty unites us
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Bernard T. Pietronico

We are all better people for having known Bernard. We'll all remember the happy times at the pool and Ocean City. God bless you and your wonderful family. All of Lakeridge will miss you dearly.

Ralph Marino, neighbor

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Thomas H. Polhemus

To a dear friend, we lost touch over the years, but I still thought of you often. My best childhood memories are of all the fun & adventures we had together, baseball, football, fort-building, snow-day marathon monopoly games. Thank you for being a wonderful friend. Thank you for the memories. Heaven has another angel.

Joan Gregorowicz Hager

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Robert David Peraza

We will always love you and will never forget you! You have left a terrible void in our hearts and our lives, but you will continue to be a hero. With great sadness I thank you for giving your life in such a tragic manner and for having enriched our lives so much during the last 30 years.

Maria Elenbaas, cousin

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Josh Piver

Josh Piver was 24, young and full of life and my friend. I laugh out loud and am sometimes brought to tears when I think about him. I first saw Josh, devilishly handsome and shy, about my first week at UVM. We became part of a close group of friends, and we knew from the start the friendships would outlast our experiences in Vermont. I was cautious at first because of his laid-back nature, but later, when we had become more familiar, I told him how I had felt. Josh's quiet intelligence inspires me. I have a picture with Josh that is now peeling apart at the corners and bowed to the shape of my back pocket. I take it out and show people. This is my friend, I say.

Catharine Pear, friend

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Patrice Paz

You left behind so many people who love you: A father, a husband, 5 sisters, 13 neicees and nephews, one great-nephew, and hundreds of friends and co-workers. We all miss you, and we'll never forget you. Patrice, you were the best! Love, Nicole.

Nicole Greenman, niece

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Nicholas P. Pietrunti

Thank you for the great memories and laughs at Noonan's. May you rest in peace. You will be missed. Your memory will always make me smile.

Bill Lawless, co-worker

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Shawn Edward Powell

To Peggy, Monique, Jean, and Joshua: No one knows why bad things happen to good people. You're all still in shock, but please know your family is always here for you to talk to, listen and pray.

Janine Lyles, cousin

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Stephen E. Poulos

I first met Steve at Columbia University, where we were both enrolled in a computer network program. Steve was always sharing his knowledge about networks and computers with everyone in our class. After Steve recommended me for a position at Aon, I saw that Steve's quest for knowledge was never-ending -- he always tried to learn something new each day. He also had a great way of encouraging me to try my best. I am always going to try a little harder in whatever challenges I face in my life, because of what Steve said. The world is a poorer place without Steve, but I am richer for having known him.

James Lyons, friend

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Stephen E. Poulos

My sister and brother-in-law, Lynda and Kevin Dew, were dear friends of Stephen. My thoughts and prayers go out to his wife Lisa and all the friends and family he left behind. As soon as I heard he was missing, I started praying and lit a candle at our church here in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, as did friends in Portland and Minneapolis. I have not forgotten what happened to Stephen and the people he loved that were left behind, and not a day goes by that I don't pray for their peace of mind as well as the other victims loved ones.

Julia Anderer, family friend

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Richard Poulos

You're most notable expression -- "It's a beautiful thing" -- has new meaning whenever I find myself using it these days. Life is a beautiful thing. You left a lot of good things behind -- a wonderful wife, beautiful children, loving family and friends. Your life, though too short, was well lived and full of achievement. We celebrate your life, which was truly a beautiful thing.

Kevin P. Jordan, cousin

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Daphne Pouletsos

I worked with Daphne in the Data management department at AON. Every morning before I would have my coffee, she eagerly waited for me to learn something new on the system. She was always smiling, always helpful. She never had an unkind word about anyone. I only knew her for 3 months but she was an exceptional woman.

Marissa Panigrosso, co-worker

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Dominick Pezzulo

Dominick, you died a hero. But you were always a hero to me and to all who knew you. You were like a brother to me and I will always feel that way. Rest in peace, my buddy. I promised you that I'll watch over your wife and kids and I will till I die, I promise. Till we meet again, love and miss you, Mimmo.

Peter Serra, good friend

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Joshua Poptean

Joshua was married to my friend years ago. What I remember about him is the information he had about our country. He knew all the information that most Americans take for granted. He was from Romania and spoke all the Romance languages. He could be very funny. And made us laugh many times.
Sandra, family friend

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Lt. j.g. Darin Howard Pontell

I spent my first year at the Naval Academy as a plebe under Darin's charge. We became friends over the following two years, and I know that he became a good, trustworthy officer in the U.S. Navy. In life, there are a few people that we're lucky to run into, and Darin was one of them. God bless you, Darin.

ENS John Gaines, friend

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Lt. j.g. Darin Howard Pontell

Lt. Pontell taught me to be a great sailor. He made watch fun, even at 2 a.m. on a Saturday. We will miss him!

Rachael Wolfe, co-worker

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Lt. j.g. Darin Howard Pontell

Just wanted to say that he was a pleasant person to work with and he made a fine officer. He will be missed.

IS2(SW) DeMitra Pittman, co-worker

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Lt. j.g. Darin Howard Pontell

Never had I met someone who lived life to its fullest and laughed and enjoyed everything that he did. Darin loved his job, his family, his friends, his country, and most of all his wife Devora. I was fortunate enough to think of Darin as a friend. We will miss you very much, Darin.

Matthew Kachura, friend

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Steve Pollicino

You and your familly will always be in my prayers.

Lori Panettiere, friend

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Thomas H. Polhemus

To a dear friend, we lost touch over the years, but I still thought of you often. My best childhood memories are of all the fun & adventures we had together, baseball, football, fort-building, snow-day marathon monopoly games. Thank you for being a wonderful friend. Thank you for the memories. Heaven has another angel.

Joan Gregorowicz Hager

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Angela Susan Perez

It was a long time ago. Too long. I lived in the shadow of the World Trade Center just across the Hudson. You lived in the Bronx. We were best friends. We were Yankee fans. We worked together. We spent our free time together. Looking back, I remember that I could never get my lips to speak the words that were in my heart. I love you, my friend from so long ago. I have thought about you almost every day of my life. Now I will miss you for the rest of my life. My deepest sympathies go out to Susan's family. She was one of the best things that ever came into my life. I will always be grateful for our brief time together.

James Price, friend

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Zandra F. Ploger

We will miss the young, vibrant and caring daughter, mother, sister and friend to so many people that we had in Zandra.

Randall S. Myers, friend

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Zandra F. Ploger

On the 11th, the Lord decided to bring home many angels who were needed to do his work. Zandra and Bob will no doubt be two of the best. Although the time we spent together were limited, those times were surrounded with family and love, two of the greatest gifts the Lord gives us. The memories of those times will remain with me and so many others. May the Lord bless them and keep them and watch over their friends and family who mourn them.

Bill Langworthy, relative

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Daniel Pesce

Danny, You are missed! You will always be missed. What a great person you were. It was a blast working with you for the time I did. May you rest with the Father, our Lord. God bless,

David Bellows, friend

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Josh Piver

Josh Piver was 24, young and full of life and my friend. I laugh out loud and am sometimes brought to tears when I think about him. I first saw Josh, devilishly handsome and shy, about my first week at UVM. We became part of a close group of friends, and we knew from the start the friendships would outlast our experiences in Vermont. I was cautious at first because of his laid-back nature, but later, when we had become more familiar, I told him how I had felt. Josh's quiet intelligence inspires me. I have a picture with Josh that is now peeling apart at the corners and bowed to the shape of my back pocket. I take it out and show people. This is my friend, I say.

Catharine Pear, friend

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Berinthia Berenson Perkins

A hero never dies, but will live in the hearts of all those he has touched. Your

talent will be missed. God Bless You.

Cecelia Spinelli

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Joseph Piskadlo

Thoughts and prayers.

Will Price, neighbor

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Nicholas P. Pietrunti

To the families and friends of Nicky, I am deeply sorry for what has happened. I had the pleasure of working with him at Noonan Astley & Pearce. I was scrolling through this list and it brought to me great pain to see his face in here. I know that whereever he is right now, he is still the happy energetic Nick I know.

Jose Diaz, friend

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Nicholas P. Pietrunti

Nikki was a great person. He had his ups and downs like everyone else but he always treated everyone with kindness and he used to joke around a lot. I loved him as the great person he was. I know that he's in heaven because he deserved no less.

Janine Diaz, co-worker

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Nicholas P. Pietrunti

Thank you for the great memories and laughs at Noonan's. May you rest in peace. You will be missed. Your memory will always make me smile.

Bill Lawless, co-worker

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Bernard T. Pietronico

We are all better people for having known Bernard. We'll all remember the happy times at the pool and Ocean City. God bless you and your wonderful family. All of Lakeridge will miss you dearly.

Ralph Marino, neighbor

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Dennis J. Pierce

I never knew my dad's cousin, but I am in Saudi Arabia fighting for his memory and the memory of others who died in this tragic events of September 11. I left my wife and four children so that I could fight for freedom and for what it stands for. It is the least I can do in his memory. God bless America!

Bill Pierce, second cousin

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Joseph O. Pick

I miss your smile. I miss your sense of humor and your wisdom. You were always a great friend and someone I will never forget. I thank you for all you did for me and for the rest of the "family." Your honesty and loyalty is something we all could use as an example of friendship.

Barbara Wyker, friend

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Nancy E. Perez

May God take care of you.

Yolanda Perez Knepper, sister

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Emelda Perry

Emelda, rest in peace. Thanks for taking care of our telephones and miscellaneous needs. I will always remember you.

Carmen Walrond, co-worker

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Dominick Pezzulo

Dominick, you died a hero. But you were always a hero to me and to all who knew you. You were like a brother to me and I will always feel that way. Rest in peace, my buddy. I promised you that I'll watch over your wife and kids and I will till I die, I promise. Till we meet again, love and miss you, Mimmo.

Peter Serra, good friend

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Michel Adrian Pelletier

Michel's family is in our prayers. We have a daughter the same age and with the same name. Condolences from Ohio.

Eric, Beth and Sydney

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Glen K. Pettit

I met Glen through a good friend of mine who also perished Sept. 11 -- John Napolitano. Glen then became my neighbor, living across the street from me for the past four-plus years until this past spring. He was a really good person -- generous, caring and with a good sense of humor. All of his friends and neighbors on Vincent Place in Oakdale will not forget him. May he Rest in Peace. God Bless.

Vincent Martell, neighbor

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Roland Pacheco

I just want to say that I am a long time friend of Roland and he was a very sweet guy and this is a great loss. The pain in my heart is so great. I would like to say to his mother that I am terribly sorry for the losses you have suffered. I met Roland many years ago through his older brother Richie whom I attended high school with, Richie passed away many years ago and so my heart aches for his family, and I will remember them both forever.
Jacqueline Ortiz, friend

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Mark Petrocelli

Tribute from

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Mark Petrocelli

I went to college with Mark. He sat behind me in a woman's studies class and passed me notes all the time, because he got bored. He was always a very nice guy and my heart goes out to his wife and his family.

Adrianna Rodriguez, classmate

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Mark Petrocelli

Mark was one of my first true friends. He defined the word "friendship" for me. I will always remember his wonderful and unique sense of humor,along with his hearty laugh. He had a smile that gave it all away. Everyone who knew him will go through life a little less complete. Thanks for everything, Mark.

Ken Shardt, friend

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Mark Petrocelli

Mark, you were taken from us all suddenly and

prematurely, we all miss you very much, more than most

of us will ever be able to express in words or deeds.

To me and Christine you were the son we never had.

You were a friend to us. The way you treated Nicole

let us know that you were a very fine gentleman.

Kind,sweet and considerate. We loved your happy-go-lucky way, your big smile and wonderful sense of humor.

Your love of good food and dining out as well as

cooking home illustrated to everyone that you were a

good family man. Your absence in our home has created

a huge void which will never be filled. When you and

Nicole were present it was "show time."

Our sadness can only be lessened by the knowledge

that we pray that you are in a better place. I wish

that I could have told you these things before, but

maybe you can see them now.

You will always be on our minds and in our hearts.

God bless you.

Bruce & Christine De Cell, father- and mother-in-law

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William Russel Peterson

Billy: I know you're up there fishing and looking down on us smiling. Miss you and all the fun "Philly, Billy & Patty" had in this lifetime.

Phyllis, friend

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Davin Peterson

God bless you.

Enrique Labrador, friend

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Davin Peterson

I heard a story about this young man and was taken by the name. My son's name is Davin and have yet to have met another with that unique name. Please take my prayers and my sons in thought whenever you may think of him. I know that I will tell my son one day of a young man who died for our country with your name. I may be out of line sending this to you, but needed to let you know somehow.

Amanda and Davin Nolan

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Davin Peterson

What I remember most about Davin was his amusement at the impracticality of literature. He was in my advanced placement class; he loved to read, and was a precise, skillful, and thoughtful writer. But his reading interests and writing projects clung to what was real, historical, achievable. And he was an achiever, with grace, a smile, a joke if possible. Perhaps it was not until he witnessed Gregor Samsa transformed into a dung beetle in Kafka's "Metamorphosis" that he understood the intersection of the real and the artful. His life would not be meaningless. He was a young man who wanted to make things "right" if he could, and he was consciously aware of his power to do so.

Crystal E. Davis, high school teacher

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Daniel Pesce

Danny, You are missed! You will always be missed. What a great person you were. It was a blast working with you for the time I did. May you rest with the Father, our Lord. God bless,

David Bellows, friend

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Franklin Allan Pershep

Frank was a good friend and co-worker of my dad. He was a great guy and fun to be around. I will never forget him.

Pat Corrigan, friend

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John William Perry

Mr. Perry was like a mentor to my daughter, Sloane Kelly. I never knew John personally, but I always appreciated the things he did for my daughter. I am so sorry for his family and friends, because I know that he was a special person. God bless you, John Perry. We will meet someday in heaven, and I'll have the chance to thank you then.

Jackie, family friend

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John William Perry

I worked with Perry at the 40th Precinct. He was a good police offficer. He was there for the community. I wish God has a spot safe for him in heaven. God be with him.

Officer Rodriguez Antonio, friend

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John William Perry

As a city, New York lost a great public servant.

As individuals, we lost a good friend.

Christopher Papajohn, classmate

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John William Perry

Once I was jogging around Washington Square Park when I heard a horn honking loudly.

I looked up to see John waving at me.

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John William Perry

I graduated in John's class - class of '89 from NYU school of law. I remember him as a wonderfully outgoing nice guy. He always had a friendly word for me at reunions.

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John William Perry

I met him once, at a bar with his old college buddy, Michel Paris Colbert. What a nice person John was. I believe to this day that when John heard the explosion he ran to WTC to make sure his friend Mike was ok. You see, Mike worked with me for Cantor on the 105th Fl. Now, John and Mike are in Heaven with the Father. John was a very open and giving person - may he rest in peace.

David Bellows, acquaintance

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Emelda Perry

A good friend. Will always remember you.

Barbara Russell, friend

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Emelda Perry

Emelda, rest in peace. Thanks for taking care of our telephones and miscellaneous needs. I will always remember you.

Carmen Walrond, co-worker

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Joseph John Perroncino

I am so sorry, Joey, that your life was cut short, and I am so sorry that your family is feling such pain. You were a wonderful person and a dear friend of mine, and i will miss you. God rest your soul -- you are in my heart and thoughts always.

Maria Alfano, friend

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Joseph John Perroncino

We had alot of fun on the LIRR. Rest in peace my friend.

Mike Eisert, friend

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Berinthia Berenson Perkins

My prayers have been, are now and will always be with you. God Bless.

La Wanda Jackson, Pasadena, California

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Berinthia Berenson Perkins

A hero never dies, but will live in the hearts of all those he has touched. Your

talent will be missed. God Bless You.

Cecelia Spinelli

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Nancy E. Perez

May God take care of you.

Yolanda Perez Knepper, sister

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Paul Ortiz Jr.

How can I describe this individual of whose presence the world is temporarily deprived? Such as some reporters have stated about ground zero that cameras and pictures don't truly do it justice, I feel the same about the following few words in this attempt to describe to you exactly who Paul Ortiz Jr. is. Some may refer to him as a small man, a person measuring about 5' 8" and approximately 145 pounds. Judging him from a physical aspect, I would have to agree that he is not a huge person. However thinking of him as who he is, what he has accomplished in his brief life and the amount of people who love and respect him, I would have to conclude that Paul Ortiz Jr. is truly a man of noble stature. From the time that he was just a young child, he has always shown intelligence, a sense of responsibility and also love towards those who were closest to him. As he grew into a young man, these qualities grew with him and so it is not surprising to see how so many lives were affected by his disappearance. He was a very loving individual who always showed consideration to his peers by treating these people with respect and dignity. It goes without saying that until he is recovered, his family and friends will sorely miss him.

Jesse Valentin, cousin

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Ivan Perez

We love you, Ivan. We miss you very much. God bless you. Don't worry, the kids are in good hands.

Eddie, brother

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Anthony Perez

My condolences for your loss. Go with God.

Sabrina, friend.

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Angela Susan Perez

It was a long time ago. Too long. I lived in the shadow of the World Trade Center just across the Hudson. You lived in the Bronx. We were best friends. We were Yankee fans. We worked together. We spent our free time together. Looking back, I remember that I could never get my lips to speak the words that were in my heart. I love you, my friend from so long ago. I have thought about you almost every day of my life. Now I will miss you for the rest of my life. My deepest sympathies go out to Susan's family. She was one of the best things that ever came into my life. I will always be grateful for our brief time together.

James Price, friend

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Angel Perez Jr.

It has been a very painful loss for our family. But I know time will heal the pain, and God will make justice to those who lost their lives under these circumstances. Angel will always be in our hearts.

Marisol Rodriguez, cousin

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Angel Perez Jr.

To a dear friend and former co-worker: Angel, you are not dead,just passed on to another life. Friend, I'll miss your smile and your kindness. The dog you gave me is doing fine. I'm going to change his name to "Angel" so I'll call your name every day. Why did you leave Aspers Leeds & Kellogg? Things might have been different, but only God knows. Sleep on my friend.

Errol Bryan, friend

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Robert David Peraza

We will always love you and will never forget you! You have left a terrible void in our hearts and our lives, but you will continue to be a hero. With great sadness I thank you for giving your life in such a tragic manner and for having enriched our lives so much during the last 30 years.

Maria Elenbaas, cousin

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Carl Allen Peralta

The USA is a nation of immigrants. It is the immigrants that brought to America the skills of their brains and hands to make this place a great nation to live a peaceful life, full of freedom and love for fellow men and humanity. You, together with the others, will go down in history as innocent victims of terrorists who envy and hate the successes of the Americans. May you rest in peace. God Bless you and America.

Santiago F. Dumlao, uncle

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Robert Penninger

You are in a better place. All who knew you are hurting and miss you.

Raymond Premo, former neighbor

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Robert Penninger

May your soul be free. Your work kept so many free. God bless and keep you in his hands.

Kathy Dempsey, co-worker

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Robert Penninger

God bless! You're now with John.
J. Premo, old neighbor

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Angel Ramon Pena

Dear Angel, we know you are in heaven watching out for us. Our tears will never dry. We will see you again. We love you.

Richie and Patti, cousins

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Michel Adrian Pelletier

Michel's family is in our prayers. We have a daughter the same age and with the same name. Condolences from Ohio.

Eric, Beth and Sydney

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James W. Parham

Semper fi. Go with God. I'll never forget the good times on Okinawa.

Todd Rojcewicz, friend

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Thomas Nicholas Pecorelli

I used to stay over Pecorelli house in Leominster, Massachusetts, when I was a

kid. I still cannot believe what happened to this day on September 11th,

especially to a family like the Pecorellis. I remember them as a fun loving, very

tight,close knit family who would treat a stranger like a friend. Always happy

and doing everything possible to make you feel welcome. The type of family you

wished you came from and this is the way they get rewarded. I guess I would just

like to say that my heart goes out to everyone in the Pecorelli family. My

prayers and thoughts are constantly with you in this time of difficulty.

John Monopoli, friend

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Thomas Nicholas Pecorelli

This photo is of my beloved brother who is gone to soon. At age 30 he was taken

from us like so many thousands of others. He will be sadly missed. All the tears

we shed and the memories of this dreadful day on September 11 cannot take away

the wonderful memories that we were able to share with our loved one. God has

chosen you to help and guide him now and you are our new angel. May God craddle

and hold you ever so tight as we hold you so close to our hearts. Your smile is

forever embeded into our minds and you certainly will not be forgotten. I love

you always and forever may God bless you Thomas.

Angela Veltos, sister

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Durrell Pearsall Jr.

With love. Rest in peace in Jesus Christ.

Barbara Chiofaro, family friend

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Richard Allen Pearlman

After seeing someone my own age victimized by the attack on New York, my heart was immediately pained. No person should have their life cut short at an age when you truly start to discover the world and the challenges and rewards therein. My prayers go out to you, Richard, and your friends and family. May you rest in peace. God Bless.

Daniel R. Johnson

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Richard Allen Pearlman

Dear RIchard,

You where a friend, worker,and a scouter.

You will be greatly missed.

Wherever you are I know you will spread your friendship!

Ira Nagel, friend

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Richard Allen Pearlman


We all miss and love you very much.

You have no idea what you really meant to me. No one does.

You are my hero and now I know that you are my very special angel.

Lisa Ann Pearlman, sister

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Sharon Cristina Millan Paz

Sharon was a beautiful person, precious to all and especially to her family. I only wish I had not lost touch with her this past year, but as many of us do, we move, leave and continue on our journey. Now what is left are fond memories and photos of our special times together. Sharon had such a good heart and the soul of an angel!

Peggy Desmoineaux, friend

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Patrice Paz

You are still on our minds daily and missed very much. We would love to hear that great laugh one more time.

Eileen, co-worker

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Patrice Paz

You left behind so many people who love you: A father, a husband, 5 sisters, 13 neicees and nephews, one great-nephew, and hundreds of friends and co-workers. We all miss you, and we'll never forget you. Patrice, you were the best! Love, Nicole.

Nicole Greenman, niece

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James R. Paul

Jim served on the Board of Directors of the FINEX division of the New York Cotton Exchange, now the New York Board of Trade, for several years. I remember his quick wit, smile and positive outlook. He taught me never to be timid about calling people to ask for help. He firmly believed that most people, even in a competitive business environment, truly enjoy being helpful. Thank you, Jim, for that nugget. God bless you.

Jon Peabody, colleague

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James R. Paul

Jim had an unmistakable voice and a highly infectious laugh. When Jim spoke, everyone listened. He had this amazing teaching ability. I learned more from Jim in the time that I worked with him than anyone else. He always meant what he said and said what he meant, which is so rare. He used to always say that the most important thing in life is being happy. He worshipped and adored his family and was a true and dear friend to all that he knew.

Harmony Smith, co-worker

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James R. Paul

I did not know him, but I know his brother, Terry. I am very sad for the family. They are in our thoughts and prayers.

Tom Lehner, family friend

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Maj. Clifford L. Patterson Jr.

I want to send a tribute to you for loving my cousin and being the best of what the military brings in an outstanding soldier's life. May God bless you!

Jackie (Taylor) Smith, cousin

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Maj. Clifford L. Patterson Jr.

The lights of heaven shine brighter with the glow of the September 11 angels.

Karen Caffee, cousin

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Steven B. Paterson

How can words express the sorrow? To your family, to your friends, my deepest sympathy.

Cathy Barone, high school classmate

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Manish K. Patel

Manish, I wish to give you a last goodbye. You were a generous and loving human being. You will be forever in my memories and preyers. I miss you.

Stefano Vranca, friend

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Avnish Ramanbhai Patel

Avnish, I only wished I had known you longer. You entered my life so quickly and exited it even faster. But the times you were there, are the ones I will never forget. Thank you for being the big brother and helping out, and just for being you.

Vishal, friend

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Robert Parro

To a special light in the Parro family: You will always live in my heart forever.

Barbara Latesta, aunt

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Jason Douglas Oswald

Dear Jason, I found out recently that you are no longer with us today.
For you are in a better place where I know we will see you some day.
Although I had not seen you since Chicago during the time when we were there,
I had heard from our mutual friends how you were doing and that you were very well.
You see Jason, the short time I knew you, you left an imprint on my heart.
Your presence was warm, friendly, and sincere right from the very start.
Only a few people provoke a feeling in me that makes me want to search,
Search for that part to have inside me which takes away all hurt.
I have found events and moments that provide a similar emotion.
Events like watching sunsets to even swimming in the ocean.
So Jason, although I cannot see you or touch you or even smell you now.
I will remember in my mind all the things that I have learned when you were around.
For what you had that was unique and beautiful and unforgettably the best,
Was the gift of Love that is never ending and makes me feel so blessed.
Blessed to have known you, talked to you, and smiled with you during our time,
And while I am sad today I know it will lessen and your good in me will shine.
I promise to share this sunshine and Love to all my other friends,
And by doing that Jason, I will see you everyday through them.
So Jason, although you have left us during this short time on this earth,
You will be remembered and never forgotten for Love takes away all hurt.
Diane, friend

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Michael A. Parkes

To mother Sonia, twin sister Monique, dear friend Nicola, and family: Always remember Matthew 5:4 -- "Blessed are they which mourn, for they shall be comforted." From all accounts Michael was a fine young man who left a positive lasting impression on all who knew him. His service to God and man will often be recalled, many, many years from now.

Jocelyn L. Spencer-Hilaire, friend

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Michael A. Parkes

Michael, though I met you once, you left a pleasant "first impression" on me as a person who was warm, intelligent and witty. Between my husband and I cherish that dinner at your home where you so patiently waited on us and saw to our comfort. We are sorry that we didn't have more time to spend with you.

Michelle and Jason Clarke, acquaintances

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Philip L. Parker

I chose to send this tribute because my name is also Parker, and I also have young daughters. I liked reading Philip's profile, and smiled when I read about the MG that Joan plans to learn (to drive), and Philip saying, "Don't burn the clutch!" My heart goes out to Joan and Stephanie. May he rest in peace.

Dave Parker

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Thomas Anthony Palazzo

o the Palazzo Family. That you may all be comforted with the sure knowledge that Thomas is at peace in heaven with God. And that even now Thomas is with all those he loved whenever he is remembered. May God keep you all safe and well. Your Cousin in Virginia.
Andrea Marie Botticelli, cousin

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Israel Pabon

To the man who made the best pizza on Manhattan Island, Izzy. I guess now you have your own place with the Father. No matter how hard you worked, you never lost your cool -- even near the hot pizza ovens! God Bless.

David Bellows, acquaintance

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Debra (Debbie) Paris

A wonderful person who pulled no punches just told it like it is and stood by her convictions. I admired her for that as well as for her honest down-to-earth personality. I was so hurt to hear she was lost in this tragic event. My prayers are with you, Debbie. You may be missing, but not forgotten.

Anne Matros, former co-worker

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 For Philip A. Murphy-Sweet   For David A Wilkey Jr   For Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia   For Frank E. Adamski III   For Benjamin Walker   For Trevor B. Adkins   For Adam D. Jones   For Laurie Cobb   For Larry E Polley Jr   For Paul C. Holter III   For Alex D Gonzalez   For Christopher D Young   For Jose E Ulloa   For John Michael Roy Curwin   For Derek L. Shanfield   For Marisol Heredia   For John Charles Jenkins   For Todd Beamer   For Steven Paul Chucknick   For Geoffrey Perez  
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