Liberty unites

liberty unites us
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James W. Parham

Semper fi. Go with God. I'll never forget the good times on Okinawa.

Todd Rojcewicz, friend

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Hardai (Casey) Parbhu

You will be missed forever. We are always thinking about you and we know you are in a better place now. Love always (from) the staff of Yeshiva University Registrars Office.

Irene Lopez, friend

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Vijayashanker Paramsothy

You'll never be forgotten: TCI 8th floor 6am wake-ups, Wednesday nights at Windows. You will always be remembered.

Edwin Marin, college friend

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Vijayashanker Paramsothy

Sometimes I call you and hope that you will pick up the phone and make me laugh again. I miss you my friend.

Anh Bui, friend

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Vijayashanker Paramsothy

To my dearest friend Vijay, we miss you so much... You brought so much into our lives... but we will meet again someday, and we will all laugh and have fun... all together... again... Luv ya buddy. Forever.

Ana Oliver, friend

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Edward J. Papa

I never met Eddie, but from everything my Mom and my Dad and Mrs. Hart tell me, he was a great guy. I will keep him and your family in my thoughts and my prayers always.


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Alan N. Palumbo

I miss you Alan. Hope your kitchen up there is full of gadgets :) and full of dancing girls :) LOL
Valerie, friend

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Orio Joseph Palmer

Dear Debbie & Family, Please accept my deepest condolences in the death of Orio RIP. I know he will be watching over you every day. My prayers are with you all.
Kay O'Sullivan, friend

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Orio Joseph Palmer

As the nursery school teacher of his son Keith, I was privvy to the stories he would tell about fishing trips he and his father would take on a regular basis. As a normally shy child, Keith's eyes would light up when he would talk about the time he spent with his father. AS I got to know the family and it was evident that all 3 children had the love, devotion of a dedicated father.
Karen Kiernan, friend

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Orio Joseph Palmer

Simply THE BEST.
Stephen Palmer, brother

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Ruben S. Ornedo

I met Ruben 15 years ago, when we both first began working at Hughes together. I remember his vitality, kindness, sweetness and always constant smile throughout the years. I wish his immediate and extended family peace as we enter the Christmas season. Constantly reminded of how huge a hole his passing has left, I pray for his wife and unborn child, that they will be comforted and blessed by God, and know that there are others thinking of them and of Ruben.
Mary Milford, friend and co-worker

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Thomas Anthony Palazzo

o the Palazzo Family. That you may all be comforted with the sure knowledge that Thomas is at peace in heaven with God. And that even now Thomas is with all those he loved whenever he is remembered. May God keep you all safe and well. Your Cousin in Virginia.
Andrea Marie Botticelli, cousin

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Amy O'Doherty

You were a dear sister and an amazing individual. Those who knew you were blessed, and we will truely miss you! You and your family will be in the thoughts and prayers of Kappa Phi now, and always.

Lauren Pacello, sorority sister

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Michael Benjamin Packer

Several months before the WTC attacks, Michael Packer offered to assist, pro-bono, the Lower Hudson Regional Information Center -- a non-profit, consortium of schools in Westchester, Rockland and Putnam counties -- in achieving our goal of being an organization synonymous with excellence. He was a world class business executive with a successful track record as a strategist, team builder and manager. When he first met Michael in August, we were impressed by his expertise and humor, as well as his genuine wish to help us. In one meeting, he established a bond of trust. We decided to get together again on September 14th, and we all had the highest hopes. We at the LHRIC were but a small part of Michael Packer's world but his kindness and sincerity were evident in each of our encounters.

Peter Reilly, acquaintance

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Roland Pacheco

I just want to say that I am a long time friend of Roland and he was a very sweet guy and this is a great loss. The pain in my heart is so great. I would like to say to his mother that I am terribly sorry for the losses you have suffered. I met Roland many years ago through his older brother Richie whom I attended high school with, Richie passed away many years ago and so my heart aches for his family, and I will remember them both forever.
Jacqueline Ortiz, friend

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Israel Pabon

To the man who made the best pizza on Manhattan Island, Izzy. I guess now you have your own place with the Father. No matter how hard you worked, you never lost your cool -- even near the hot pizza ovens! God Bless.

David Bellows, acquaintance

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Jason Douglas Oswald

Dear Jason, I found out recently that you are no longer with us today.
For you are in a better place where I know we will see you some day.
Although I had not seen you since Chicago during the time when we were there,
I had heard from our mutual friends how you were doing and that you were very well.
You see Jason, the short time I knew you, you left an imprint on my heart.
Your presence was warm, friendly, and sincere right from the very start.
Only a few people provoke a feeling in me that makes me want to search,
Search for that part to have inside me which takes away all hurt.
I have found events and moments that provide a similar emotion.
Events like watching sunsets to even swimming in the ocean.
So Jason, although I cannot see you or touch you or even smell you now.
I will remember in my mind all the things that I have learned when you were around.
For what you had that was unique and beautiful and unforgettably the best,
Was the gift of Love that is never ending and makes me feel so blessed.
Blessed to have known you, talked to you, and smiled with you during our time,
And while I am sad today I know it will lessen and your good in me will shine.
I promise to share this sunshine and Love to all my other friends,
And by doing that Jason, I will see you everyday through them.
So Jason, although you have left us during this short time on this earth,
You will be remembered and never forgotten for Love takes away all hurt.
Diane, friend

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Paul Ortiz Jr.

You were a great student and a really nice guy. I hope Star and the baby are doing alright. I have no way of contacting them. God bless you and I am very proud of all the work you did at the Katharine Gibbs School in New York.

Mr. Estepa, teacher

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Paul Ortiz Jr.

How can I describe this individual of whose presence the world is temporarily deprived? Such as some reporters have stated about ground zero that cameras and pictures don't truly do it justice, I feel the same about the following few words in this attempt to describe to you exactly who Paul Ortiz Jr. is. Some may refer to him as a small man, a person measuring about 5' 8" and approximately 145 pounds. Judging him from a physical aspect, I would have to agree that he is not a huge person. However thinking of him as who he is, what he has accomplished in his brief life and the amount of people who love and respect him, I would have to conclude that Paul Ortiz Jr. is truly a man of noble stature. From the time that he was just a young child, he has always shown intelligence, a sense of responsibility and also love towards those who were closest to him. As he grew into a young man, these qualities grew with him and so it is not surprising to see how so many lives were affected by his disappearance. He was a very loving individual who always showed consideration to his peers by treating these people with respect and dignity. It goes without saying that until he is recovered, his family and friends will sorely miss him.

Jesse Valentin, cousin

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Peter J. O'Neill Jr.

Pete had that special reality about him that could change anyone he met into a friend at any given time. The craziest part of the whole thing is that we have a lifetime of memories built around four years of knowing such a special person. We should all be thankful for those memories, for they have become one of life's precious gifts, which will never fade away. Remember that we have a best friend in the sky for life and for that we should all be thankful.

Andy Albano, one of his many friends at Bentley College

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Emilio (Peter) Ortiz Jr.

Pete, my friend Anthony and I used to talk now and then on the "R" train. He showed us a picture of his new baby twins. I am deeply saddened by his loss. May God Bless his soul and may God bless his wife and daughters.

LoriAnn Strocchia, friend

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Peter K. Ortale

You were too soon a gift to God.

Carol Richardson, family friend

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Ruben S. Ornedo

I met Ruben 15 years ago, when we both first began working at Hughes together. I remember his vitality, kindness, sweetness and always constant smile throughout the years. I wish his immediate and extended family peace as we enter the Christmas season. Constantly reminded of how huge a hole his passing has left, I pray for his wife and unborn child, that they will be comforted and blessed by God, and know that there are others thinking of them and of Ruben.
Mary Milford, friend and co-worker

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Virginia A. Ormiston-Kenworthy

I was a college classmate of Virginia. Like her, I also have two young children. I can only imagine how hard it must be for her husband and family. This was not a faceless tragedy -- each of the victims had a family, friends and even people who they did not know who cared immensely about them.

Larry Trachtman, classmate

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Margaret Orloske

My family's thoughts and prayers are with the Orloske family for their horrible loss this holiday season. Although we did not know Mrs. Orloske personally, we feel the deep loss for her family and friends. She left this world a hero with so many others and she is not alone. She and all the victims of this terrible, monstrous act will always be remembered in our hearts. God bless them all.

John Ferrari, neighbor

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Margaret Orloske

Your thoughtfulness and amazing energy will forever be missed.
Aina Geske, friend

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Gerald M. Olcott

Gerry was a great guy -- always had a smile and a story. He always lifted everyone's spirit. He loved his family and respected his friends.

Matt Jablonski, friend

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Keith K. O'Connor

To the most noble person I ever knew, who gave me the honor of his name, his child and his life. Our day will come.

Sandy O'Connor, wife

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Philip Paul Ognibene

"Eddie" was the most reliable, grounded, warm-hearted guy I've ever met. He was always there when you needed him, would listen when you were down and would always give you that little ego boost everyone needs from time-to-time. He was so full of life and energy, loved to play and watch sports (how 'bout dem Yanks), and his life revolved around family and friends. I am truly honored to have known him and I will always remember what he meant, and still means, to me. I'll miss ya buddy.

Michael Kitson, friend

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Diana J. O'Connor

A wonderful cousin who left a 3-year-old child and husband. She was so loved by so many.

Felicia Petosa, cousin

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Kevin O'Rourke

Thank you for your heroism and sacrifice for others. While tragic, your tremendous and superhuman efforts were not in vain.

Ian Ross, high school classmate

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Barbara K. Olson

She was my favorite lady on CNN. She's sensible, decent, vigorous, but professional. My mind weeps in rage as my eyes look on in shock. She was our friend.

Michael Osei, fan

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Barbara K. Olson

Barbara is already missed. I watched her on TV. I tried not to miss seeing her whenever she was on CNN or FOX. Loved her opinions and her feistiness. My greatest condolences are extended to her loving husband.

Patricia Learnard, viewer

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Barbara K. Olson

You were an inspiration. You will be greatly missed.

Kathy Harvey

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Barbara K. Olson

She was a beautiful person and I enjoyed her conversations when she spoke on "Larry King Live" and other shows. Very talented and a good heart. Sadly missed.

George Murdock

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Barbara K. Olson

Barbara is sorely missed on the programs she once appeared on. My heartfelt sympathy goes out to Ted Olson.

Anne Murdock

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Barbara K. Olson

Barbara was one of my favorite commentators on CNN. Her smile seemed to radiate from the TV screen into our hearts. She was a beautiful person, and reflected that image beautifully. I did not know her personally, but I think she was the greatest. I miss seeing her on CNN.

Rita Owen

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Barbara K. Olson

My daughter and her friends raised money and had 189 bouquets of roses sent to the employees of the Pentagon after they saw how profoundly affected I was by the loss of Barbara Olson. The flowers were delivered by Dan Philbin and other employees of the Public Affairs office to people throughout the buildings. It was our way of telling them how brave we thought they were to come back to that site. The loss of Ms. Olson will always be with me.

Gale Schimke

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Barbara K. Olson

The joy of your radiant smile still warms me. I must admit that my sorrow is great and overwhelming. Thank you for encouraging and inspiring those that love you.

Love, David Jr., nephew

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Eric T. Olsen

You dedicated your life to helping others. You gave your life that others

may go on living. There is no award or medal on earth good enough to honor

you for what you have done. I only pray that heaven's rewards can do this.

John Arnesen, relationship unknown

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Eric T. Olsen

I heard a reporter refer to New York City Firefighters as "Our New Superheroes". The only thing new about the fact that you are a superhero is that the world now realizes this. I am sorry that it took the September 11th tragedy to bring this to light. You dedicated your life to helping others. You gave your life that others may go on living. There is no award or medal on earth good enough to honor you for what you have done. I only pray that heaven's rewards can do this. Rest in peace Eric. We will never forget.

John, cousin

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Leah E. Oliver

I was at a wedding with Leah on September 8, 2001. As I walked up to her, I told her how beautiful she looked, and I will never forget the smile she had on her face. Leah, may God keep you in his hands.

Judith Pineiro, friend

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Leah E. Oliver

I remember meeting Leah when she interviewed with my company in spring of 2000. She was a classy, pretty young woman with a soft-spoken intelligence about her. I was glad that my company decided to hire Leah the next day. Although we worked in different cities, I still had the pleasure of seeing Leah when she was in town on business trips. She was easy to talk to and had a good sense of humor. I am glad to have known her!

Jeff Peeler, co-worker

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James Andrew O'Grady

I only met Andy once. He was a member of my Sands Point Golf Club, of which I am a member. We were introduced by a friend, Richard Tuohey, a fellow member who sponsored Andy into the club. Andy was, unfortunately at his desk that day. Richard was fortunatley at a meeting outside the office. Our prayers are with Andy's family and his fiancee. God Bless you all.

Daniel Black, aquaintance

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Gerald M. Olcott

Gerry was a great guy -- always had a smile and a story. He always lifted everyone's spirit. He loved his family and respected his friends.

Matt Jablonski, friend

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Philip Paul Ognibene

"Eddie" was the most reliable, grounded, warm-hearted guy I've ever met. He was always there when you needed him, would listen when you were down and would always give you that little ego boost everyone needs from time-to-time. He was so full of life and energy, loved to play and watch sports (how 'bout dem Yanks), and his life revolved around family and friends. I am truly honored to have known him and I will always remember what he meant, and still means, to me. I'll miss ya buddy.

Michael Kitson, friend

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Kevin M. McCarthy

God bless your family. May they always know you are here with them in spirit!

Melissa Walsh, friend

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Robert W. O'Shea

Bobby, we will all remember your happy face at Pete's Tavern. You always had a smile for everyone. May you rest in peace. We will never forget September 11!!

Phyliss Reynolds, friend

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Kevin O'Rourke

Thank you for your heroism and sacrifice for others. While tragic, your tremendous and superhuman efforts were not in vain.

Ian Ross, high school classmate

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Robert Grant Norton

Robert, we looked forward to finally meeting you in person after all these years. The day it was to happen was the day you were killed. We are beyond sorrow. You made my sister a happy woman and she loved you dearly. My wife and I always enjoyed our conversations with you on the telephone. You are a gentleman and we miss you and Jackie more than we can express. God bless you both.

Doug McGuire, brother-in-law

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Peter J. O'Neill Jr.

Just wanted to say that we will never, ever forget you...You and your family are always in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for being a true hero!

Stacy Kurmay, classmate

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Peter J. O'Neill Jr.

My thoughts and prayers are with the O'Neills during this time of sadness, but try to always remember those times when Peter made all of his friends and family so happy by bringing smiles to their faces.

Michael, friend

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Peter J. O'Neill Jr.

Pete had that special reality about him that could change anyone he met into a friend at any given time. The craziest part of the whole thing is that we have a lifetime of memories built around four years of knowing such a special person. We should all be thankful for those memories, for they have become one of life's precious gifts, which will never fade away. Remember that we have a best friend in the sky for life and for that we should all be thankful.

Andy Albano, one of his many friends at Bentley College

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John P. O'Neill Sr.

A great friend, sadly missed and will never be forgotten. Rest In peace.

Alexander and Maureen Mosson, The Lord and Lady Provost of the City of Glasgow, Scotland, friends

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James Andrew O'Grady

I only met Andy once. He was a member of my Sands Point Golf Club, of which I am a member. We were introduced by a friend, Richard Tuohey, a fellow member who sponsored Andy into the club. Andy was, unfortunately at his desk that day. Richard was fortunatley at a meeting outside the office. Our prayers are with Andy's family and his fiancee. God Bless you all.

Daniel Black, aquaintance

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Amy O'Doherty

Amy was one of the most vivacious and energetic young ladies I ever knew. She seemed to have a zest for everything ! I had the privilege of coaching Amy in youth soccer for a number of years. She will be missed.

Rick Geissinger, soccer coach

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Amy O'Doherty

You were a dear sister and an amazing individual. Those who knew you were blessed, and we will truely miss you! You and your family will be in the thoughts and prayers of Kappa Phi now, and always.

Lauren Pacello, sorority sister

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Lynne Irene Morris

Lynne was a dear friend to our daughter and our family and one of those shining stars who lit up a room with her very presence. She told me how excited she was about working in the big city and I told her to follow her dreams. The only thing I warned her about was the guys because she were so beautiful. You will always be beautiful in our hearts and memories. We love you.

Margaret Emerson, friend

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Keith K. O'Connor

Keith and my son, Jeffrey Leo, went to college together and were the best of friends. Keith was a guest in my home on some weekends when Jeff would come home. Keith was to me a gentle giant, always caring, well-mannered, sociable but quiet, and he loved to eat my Italian cooking. He did say that my stern voice scared him and I found that humorous, considering I am only 5'2" and he was very tall and had a truck driver's build. Even with his tall stature, he remained a very nice, very loving person and we enjoyed his company tremendously. He will be especially missed by Jeffrey, but the rest of the family feels a loss also, and our hearts and our prayers go out to his wife, his daughter, and his parents. Such a senseless loss of such a loving person.

Cozette Dodson, mother of college friend

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Keith K. O'Connor

To the most noble person I ever knew, who gave me the honor of his name, his child and his life. Our day will come.

Sandy O'Connor, wife

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Diana J. O'Connor

A wonderful cousin who left a 3-year-old child and husband. She was so loved by so many.

Felicia Petosa, cousin

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Khang Ngoc Nguyen

Khang was a very special person. He had a very fine mind and was most conscientious. He was a kind and gentle soul. The way Khang lived his life will always be a source of inspiration to those of us whose lives he touched in his own special way.

Robert Podell, friend and former co-worker

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Lt. Daniel O'Callaghan

You were always filled with so much energy -- that is one of the reasons why we all wanted to be around you. You were so much fun and you always loved playing with us. You will be remembered by all as the best uncle in the world. I love you.

Kellyann O'Callaghan, niece

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Christopher C. Newton

Amy - Just had my hair cut at Chamberlin's and found out about the love of your life. You've been thru so much - hug those babies and show them the way to be stronger than you've ever been as a family. You have me prayer, my love and my hopes that you will see the hidden message God has put before you in such a painful manner. There is meaning Amy. Find it. Use it. Flourish.
Barbara McGuinness, acquaintance

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Robert Walter Noonan

Rob Noonan was one of the rare people that immediately light up the room upon entrance. He will be missed deeply by many.

Brooks Hodnette, friend

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Daniel R. Nolan

We will never forget you. God bless his family and help them get through this tough time.

John McGowan, friend

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Susan D. Murray

I did not know Susan, but I do know her husband and sister-in-law. My heart goes out both of them. I can only imagine the pain this loss has caused.

Erica Dougherty, family friend

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Jeffrey Nussbaum

God bless you and your family, and may all the good come out of what is right in life.

Victor Santiago, friend

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Jeffrey Nussbaum

There is not a day that goes by without my thinking about you. I will never forget. Our 2002 season is dedicated to you!

Peter Goldschmidt, friend

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Brian Felix Nunez

He was the most adoring, lovable man anyone had ever known. He is my love and life, my guardian, my soul mate, my best friend. We will be together again. I will carry all that he has taught me til my time here is done. I miss you Brian.

Carolyn, soul mate and best friend

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Martin Niederer

I didn't know you well, but your girlfriend, Tara, was one of my good friends at UVM. I pray that you are safe and at peace in heaven. I also pray that your family and friends make it through the holidays in peace as they lean on each other for comfort. Tara, you are a strong woman that will carry Martin's soul with you on your journeys.

Melissa Fallon, friend

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Karen S. Navarro

She was a wonderful, kind, generous and friendly person. She loved her sister and parents as much as they loved her!

Jennifer Lunde, family friend

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Brian Novotny

I just wanted to express my deepest sympathy with the Novotny family. I didn't know Brian, but had met his brother briefly through friends of mine at Plattsburgh State Universtiy that were from Rockland Co. I know everyone from that community is grieving with you during this time of loss. God now watches over your son.

Darren "Dink" O'Hern, friend of sibling's friends

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Brian Novotny

Brian was a classmate and a person that will be missed by friends and especially family. My prayers to you and your family are forever, buddy.

Raymond Marrero, friend

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Brian Novotny

My brother Brian was most of all a good friend. Not only to me but to many others. It wasn't apparent to me how many lives he touched until after this tragic event. I met so many people who traveled from different states and even different countries to pay their respects. They had nothing but great things to say about my brother. Their memories all reflected the caring, humorous side of my brother that we'll always remember. He was a passionate competitor at work and at play. Some might say that my brother lived a lifetime in his thirty three years. His zest for life him all over the world. His love and respect for his grandparents drove him to file for Irish / US dual citizenship. He was always on the go. I was often envious of his travels. After September 11th we had many calls from relatives in Ireland. Many people in Ireland had relatives lost in this tragedy particularly the families of the NYPD and FDNY. We heard a touching story from County Tyrone in Northern Ireland, home of my mother's parents, where Catholics and Protestants held a joint candlelight vigil in memory of the victims from the World Trade Center holding their pictures and joining in prayer and song. He's working his magic from above. The great picture attached shows my brother at Windows of the World looking out over the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, the same site our grandparents viewed as they entered this great country 80 years ago. It will hang in my house as long as I live and my childrens from then on. We'll never forget his smile, his jokes or his caring touch. His number in sports was always 14. Whether it was soccer, basketball or baseball it was always 14. Never knew the significance ....didn't really care. This year my son's, Brendan and Tyler will both honor their uncle Brian by giving up their numbers to proudly wear #14 for the upcoming Lacrosse season. In a world sometimes short of role models they were fortunate to have him in their midst. He will never be forgotten.

Bill Novotny, Brother

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Robert Grant Norton

Robert, we looked forward to finally meeting you in person after all these years. The day it was to happen was the day you were killed. We are beyond sorrow. You made my sister a happy woman and she loved you dearly. My wife and I always enjoyed our conversations with you on the telephone. You are a gentleman and we miss you and Jackie more than we can express. God bless you both.

Doug McGuire, brother-in-law

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Jacqueline J. Norton

The world is not the same place without you. We all miss you so much. Dottie and I think of you every day and pray that you died without pain.

Doug McGuire, brother

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Robert Walter Noonan

Rob Noonan was one of the rare people that immediately light up the room upon entrance. He will be missed deeply by many.

Brooks Hodnette, friend

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Daniel R. Nolan

We will never forget you. God bless his family and help them get through this tough time.

John McGowan, friend

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John Ballantine Niven

Although I hadn't seen you since we were all very young,

I feel so fortunate that my family and your family have remained friends for over 50 years.

I will be seeing your mom and sister Susie over Christmas and will share my sorrow with them.

Thomas Colgrove, friend

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John Ballantine Niven

John was a wonderful person to work with.

He was always helpful, concerned, personable, stuck to his word.

If he said he would help with something, we knew he'd get the right person on the job!

We are very saddened by his passing.

Kim Pilo, co-worker

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Gloria Nieves

I met Gloria's husband at the armory on September 13th. I just wanted to tell her family that they are in my thoughts. I wish them peace and happiness in their lives.

Natalia, acquaintance

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Alfonse J. Niedermeyer III

Al was bigger than life itself. At 6-foot-4, Alfonse was a gentle giant ... a big man who had a large heart who lived life to the fullest. Not an hour goes by without me thinking of my buddy. Al is now with God, because sometimes God breaks our hearts just to let us know that he only takes the best.

Joseph M. McGill, friend

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Martin Niederer

I didn't know you well, but your girlfriend, Tara, was one of my good friends at UVM. I pray that you are safe and at peace in heaven. I also pray that your family and friends make it through the holidays in peace as they lean on each other for comfort. Tara, you are a strong woman that will carry Martin's soul with you on your journeys.

Melissa Fallon, friend

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Christopher W. Murphy

I worked with Chris briefly at Wheat First Union. Although I didn't know him well, since we worked in different offices, my association with him has brought this terrible event much closer to home for me. Although my words cannot begin to describe the loss you and your family must be feeling, please know that my thoughts are with you.

Greg Weibley, co-worker

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Khang Ngoc Nguyen

Khang was a very special person. He had a very fine mind and was most conscientious. He was a kind and gentle soul. The way Khang lived his life will always be a source of inspiration to those of us whose lives he touched in his own special way.

Robert Podell, friend and former co-worker

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Stephen V. Mulderry

I only knew Stephen for a short time when he was a wholesaler for Oppenheimer. I will never forget his optImism and enthusiasm. Stephen was the kind of person you never forget. He will be greatly missed.

Gary Trobee, friend

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Christopher C. Newton

Amy - Just had my hair cut at Chamberlin's and found out about the love of your life. You've been thru so much - hug those babies and show them the way to be stronger than you've ever been as a family. You have me prayer, my love and my hopes that you will see the hidden message God has put before you in such a painful manner. There is meaning Amy. Find it. Use it. Flourish.
Barbara McGuinness, acquaintance

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Renee Lucille Newell

Always remembered as the woman with the smile on her face, along with her son Matthew, at all of those summer festivals where we used to run into each other. May God aid you in watching over your son and your husband.
George & Sally Mancini, friends

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Michael D. Mullan

All gave some. You gave all. We miss you. We love you. God bless you.

Danny Mullan, cousin

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Robert Minara

He risked his life so selflessly and not once thought of himself. His family and friends are so proud of him for his courage and bravery, and will miss him and hold him close to our hearts forever. We love you Bob!

Roseann Porcelli, stepdaughter

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Robert M. Murach

Bob was the father of two wonderful kids, aged 9 and 6. He was a graduate of Columbia University where he was co-captain of the 1978 Track Team and still is holds the school record for the 4x400 meter relay. He was an outstanding hard worker and loved life.

Pete Schuder, college track coach

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David William Nelson

David was a dear friend that I cherished in my heart long after we'd lost contact when I moved to Mississippi with my husband. Our prayer was always that David would come to know where he'd spend his eternity and that David's sweet, loving spirit would be passed on to his children. We trust that all those things were accomplished in his life before this tragic day. We send our regards to his family and hope to one day hear from them.

Melanie Mariano-Lamar, friend

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Ann Nicole Nelson

I was privileged to read the kind words written about you and the impact of your life written by members of your family for your memorial services. Your loss has had a devastating affect on those close to you, and also serves as an example to those of us who didn't lose any personally loved ones in this heinous act. The world has one less wonderful person, in Ann, who certainly could have had a positive impact on our lives someday. The world will never forget you, whether you touched our lives before or after your passing.

Rob Thomson, friend of a friend

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Luke G. Nee

The Luke I knew was a caring, bright and gentle man. He had enormous integrity and a brilliant smile. He was a delight to work with. His passing means the world loses someone particularly special.

Betty Perper Jarusiewicz, boss early in his career

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Laurence Nedell

Larry and I worked together at Colonia Insurance Company about 5 years ago. He was a good person and I will miss him. I am glad I got to know him!

Matt Denny, friend and co-worker

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Karen S. Navarro

She was a wonderful, kind, generous and friendly person. She loved her sister and parents as much as they loved her!

Jennifer Lunde, family friend

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Shawn M. Nassaney

I did not know Shawn well, but I do know that he was loved by many people. When I was at the funeral mass, I never felt so much love. Shawn, you will be missed.

Jamie Wilcox, friend of family

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Shawn M. Nassaney

Shawn always had a smile on his face. He was the go-to guy and always willing to help wherever he could. He is terribly missed.

Matt Newman, co-worker and friend

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Shawn M. Nassaney

I did not know Shawn, but he was my relative. I have heard about him through family and what I heard is that he was smart, kind and very well liked. My prayers go out to him and the family, especially during this holiday season. I am so sorry for the loss and for all the losses of these helpless people. May God be with you and guide you to heaven.

Teri Nassaney, distant cousin

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 For Philip A. Murphy-Sweet   For David A Wilkey Jr   For Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia   For Frank E. Adamski III   For Benjamin Walker   For Trevor B. Adkins   For Adam D. Jones   For Laurie Cobb   For Larry E Polley Jr   For Paul C. Holter III   For Alex D Gonzalez   For Christopher D Young   For Jose E Ulloa   For John Michael Roy Curwin   For Derek L. Shanfield   For Marisol Heredia   For John Charles Jenkins   For Todd Beamer   For Steven Paul Chucknick   For Geoffrey Perez  
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