You are a hero in everyones eyes, you surely must have saved hundreds before it was decided you were needed more in Heaven. Thank You for being a caring loving person. Rose Bartkus, friend of mother-in-law
You where a hero even back in the good old wrestling days, always helping those in need. It was an honor to have known you. Larry Schweitzer, high school friend and teammate
In tribute to her memory, I wish to say that I will always remember Sandra as a fun-loving, vibrant and always cheerful person. She was always kind and friendly, and was always dependable and dedicated in her work. I will remember the sound of her laughter always.
I never met you, but I commemorate your tragic, heroic passing by placing a plaque in your honor on my Web site. May you rest in peace and may your family be comforted by God's loving presence in their lives. Andrea Levasseur
She was always an angel, and I always used to call her that. She would call me whenever the chips were down for me and always give me hope and friendship. I worked with her at Young & Rubicam and will miss her great smile and sincere caring. Her spirit will live on in my heart. Catherine Tompos, friend
Jimmy was the most generous, fun person I have ever known. He was a hard worker which was demonstrated as he moved up the ranks in Cantor Fitzgerald very quickly. He was my oldest brother and made my life richer and full of laughter. I feel blessed to have known him and to have shared so many memories with him, but I will miss him always! I love you, Jim!
I know God is with you and had much more important plans for you. All of us in Atlanta feel the spirit of your loss. I came to the WTC last week just to feel your spirit. You may not even remember me, but your life and loss have impacted me. Thank you, Adam. Terina Isaac, high school counselor
Your spirit shines upon us at this time of year. Your memories have only become more vivid in our minds. Like your brothers, you died for life. We will always treasure your memory. Live on in heaven. 3206 New York's bravest!
Dear Tara, although I never met Eugene I know how much he meant to you. I am so sorry and I am always here for you. Love, Daniel Morse, girlfriend's friend
I graduated from high school with Debbie. I was really shocked and saddened to hear that Debbie was one of the victims of this terrible tragedy. She will surely be missed by all who knew her throughout her lifetime. We had such good times together in high school and the years following. Debbie, I will surely miss you. Ellen Dolan Ercolani, close high school friend
When I think of Debbie I see her bright smile and a bubbly personality that made everyone feel special. I flew with Debbie at Eastern and we had great times in New York. She was so proud of Patrick and his career. She absolutely beamed when she spoke of him. She loved being a flight attendant. I think of her every day and I smile. She made the people she touched better, by knowing her. I am thankful for the memories. Marsha Braverman, Friend
She was such a pleasant person, and I feel honored to have known her. She lived in my neighborhood in New York City, and I would see her often walking her Dalmatian, Dylan, while I was walking my two Dalmatians, Parker and Jezebel. She would always stop and chat about the dogs and everyday things. She was also very popular in the neighborhood. Many people knew her or knew of her. She will be missed. Jason Pelusio, friend
David Weiss was a terrific person, brilliant securities lawyer, and an old friend. When I met my wife Marisol back in 1986 she worked for both David and me. We both knew him well and miss him very much. He loved his wife and children with all his heart, and that's all we used to talk about when I used to call him at Cantor. God bless you, David, and God bless your lovely family. If there is anything I can do for you, please don't hesitate to ask. I pray that soon you will be able to find the peace of mind you used to know. Hank Gracin, friend
Scotty, not a day goes by that I don't think about you and your unbelievable attitude and love for life. You truly have inspired me and will be missed dearly. Andrew Goodstadt, friend
What a beautiful man. It is no doubt how beautiful he was inside to sacrifice his life to help others. Thank you for him, and God bless you. Surely God smiles on Mike for the sacrifice he made. You are in everyone's thoughts and prayers here in Michigan.
I worked with Joanne at Herrick, Feinstein. She was a very friendly woman who was high spirited. Also, she was an expert on pearls. She will truly be missed!
Bill was a wonderful, warm and funny guy who loved his family. He was a great producer--organized, creative and dauntless. His death makes the whole tragedy more painful. Rebecca Miller, friend
I lived in the same corridor as Todd (during our) freshman year at Miami University. Toddalways had a smile on his face. His soul will continue to smile for eternity. John Kern, friend
Michael Wayne was a veteran of the United States Navy and worked as a technichian for America's first passenger rail simulator at Metro-North. He was an honest and dedicated man who studied hard to advance his position in life. He was proud of his position at Marsh. Mike was a veteran who was taken from us too soon. We'll never forget him.
Jimmy was a wonderful guy that I met through mutual Southern friends. He was always extremely positive and a great friend to everyone I knew through him. I'm very sorry for his family and friends. He was just three years older than I. He is the first person I knew personally who was lost in the attack, and it has affected me deeply. My prayers are with the Waters family and his friends.
Jim Waters is one of the most outstanding people I have known in my life. Always outgoing, popular with his friends, I saw him as recently as this summer. We shared a summer house in Bayhead, New Jersey, for a few years, and I shall miss him greatly. My prayers go out to Jim's family, friends and colleagues.
I worked with Charlie at (the law firm) Hall, Dickler et al, when he was office manager there. He always had a smile on his face and was a very, very nice man. The people that knew you, will always remember you. I know that someone like you is with God right now. May God bless you and your family.
I had worked with Brian at Roche and in his last few weeks before leaving for his new job at WTC we became close friends. I got to know him as a person who with a keen sense of humor and no-nonsense persona. He and I shared very similiar opinions on work ethics and he was always there to assist me when asked. A real mench... I am sorry for his family. He was a great guy.in_memoriam: Brian Warner David Devonick, friend
May you rest in Peace. I work with your friend Cindy. I never met you but I can tell that Cindy loved you very much. Give her a sign that you are ok because she needs it!! God Bless you. Keith Costello, friend/co-worker of a close friend
Uncle Jim, I love you and miss you so much. I miss those times we had together with the whole family when we would go to Wildwood or the shore and go fishing. Those are the moments that I will never forget about you. I hope you are happy where you are. I know if you had the chance, you would choose to be here with your wife, four children and the rest of the family. Uncle Jim, you are always in my heart and dreams forever. I love you and miss you a lot. Until we meet again.
I will miss Jimmy very much. I would talk football with Jimmy every Monday. He was so happy that his beloved Packers were doing so well. My prayers go out to his wife and his four daughters. Big Jim will always be in my thoughts and prayers. Rick Watson, friend and co-worker
Tim Ward played basketball for my dad in the early '80s. As with all his b-ball players, Tim was like a brother to me, forever coming in and out of our home. The loving teasing I got from him and the other players is such a great memory for me. This hits hard when you put a name to such a tragedy. Tim will never be forgotten. Living every day to the fullest is what we can do to remember Tim and the others who died.
Every time he spoke his eyes opened up. His eyes showed an uncanny zest for life. I would like to extend my deepest condolences to his family and friends. Ofer Ronen, roommate
Lt. Michael Warchola, the light in the world is dimmed by your loss. We are humbled by your bravery, your selflessness and your sacrifice. Rest in peace.
I knew Blake in Pasadena, California, when we were in grade school together. I remember spending New Year's Eve on the Rose Parade route with him and other friends. He had a wonderful spirit even at the young age that I knew him. He will be missed.
I met Chantal back in 1988 through business, and we became good friends. The last time we spoke was in 2000 -- I regret not speaking to her more recently. But I did meet a few of her friends online from New York. After the memorial here in Montreal, I was tempted to keep Chantal's memory alive by dedicating a Web Site in her name -- (More Info)
I worked with Mr. Wallace at Alexander and Alexander. He hired me right on the spot. Mr. Wallace always kept a serious face, but when he smiled he reminded me of a little kid. We always talked about military stories since he was in the service and I was too. I ran into Mr. Wallace a while back, and he just smiled as usual and said, "You want to join me again?" I have now been with Beth Israel Hospital for 12 years. My older children remember him from coming to the job. He always joked with them.
It would take a lifetime for me to forget a person like Alfred. He was an amazing friend, full of humor, kindness and love. I always knew he was special. He was someone you can turn to when your sprits need a lift. He brings out the best in you. He was so full of love and kindness. Alfred's two sons were the sunshine of his life. I was so blessed to have known him. Nadirick, friend
Marie was special. She loved her niece and nephew very much. She always had pictures of them. She loved life. She was always someone you could count on -- you need someone to be there for you. Always giving to others. That's what I loved about her. The world has lost someone very special.
I just want to say that my prayers go out to Joe's family. He was a classmate of mine at Boston College and although I did not know him very well, he was well liked by many people. Remember him for the good life he led and for the great person he was. We will miss you, Joe.
I worked with Celeste at Philip Morris USA several years ago. Celeste was a intellegent, caring and loving woman. Her daughter Jasmine meant the world to her and all of us here would like to let Jamine know her mother's smile will never be forgotten. Benedetta Campanelli, co-worker
Lt. Robert Wallace's heroism, bravery and selflessness form the backbone of this country. He is, and will remain forever, a true American hero. Rest in peace. Lisa
I worked with Mr. Wallace at Alexander and Alexander. He hired me right on the spot. Mr. Wallace always kept a serious face, but when he smiled he reminded me of a little kid. We always talked about military stories since he was in the service and I was too. I ran into Mr. Wallace a while back, and he just smiled as usual and said, "You want to join me again?" I have now been with Beth Israel Hospital for 12 years. My older children remember him from coming to the job. He always joked with them.
Dear V, I am still in such shock that you are no longer with us. It is truly a recurring nightmare. It is exactly 3 months today. You and I were in grammer school and grew up together in beautiful Demarest New Jersey. You always made me laugh. You had such an amazing sense of humor. I miss you Chris. I think about your family with every waking moment. I cannot imagine the pain they are feeling. I pray for them non-stop. I was at your service in St. Joe's and Mike, Matt, Rick, Eamonn and your football coach did such an amazing job talking about you. It truly was an honor and an amazing tribute. Everyone was so proud to have known you! I really really wished that I had seen you more recently. Your brother Doug got up and had us all high five you! Everyone knew that was your trademark from an early age. The entire church's eyes filled with tears and huge smiles. Demarest will never be the same with out you, nor will New York. You are a great loss to anyone whoever met you. I hope you are at peace and pray your family and those close to you will also find peace. Know in your heart Vio, that President Bush is taking care of those who did this! We miss you dearly. Love, Ann Marie Neary, friend
Larry always had a joke or a laugh at the ready, and you always felt he really cared when he asked how you were. He loved his family, his job and and his neighborhood. It is an honor to have known him.
To the Waldie family, My prayers and thoughts are with you as you enter 2002. Our company, Custom Electronics, Inc., in Oneonta, New York, supplies parts to Raytheon. Ken would visit us on a regular basis. Everyone at Custom liked Ken. I graduated from the Coast Guard Academy at about the same time that Ken graduated from the Naval Academy. Naturally, we had a friendly rivalry! We'd swap "sea stories" from time to time, and I will miss him. May he rest in peace, and may God bless America.
Pete was lost on September 11, 2001, with the crew of Ladder 118 of Brooklyn [Fire Department of New York]. Pete will be missed terribly by all who knew him. He was one of the nicest guys I have ever met. Before becoming a firefighter, Pete was a member of the U.S. Air Force and an ironworker. Pete leaves a loving wife, Regan Grice-Vega, and a beautiful daughter, Ruby Mae. He was a true gentleman who loved to talk and laugh. Pete is also deeply missed by Mr. and Mrs. Rosenberg and by his brother David. Our lives will be forever saddened by his loss. Frank Lakat, friend
At the end of this work day, I saw this site on my screen. It was Lt. Col. Wagner's face which caught my attention. To her family, I want to express my sorrow. She seems to have been a formidable, courageous person. My father was a military man, so I grew up seeing those faces which reflect strength and character traits so necessary to survive in the armed forces. My prayers are with her and her family for her eternal rest. Aida Ruiz
I am a Marine from Texas. I looked through the names and saw that another service member had been struck down -- one from my home state -- and I wanted to offer my condolences to the family. Semper fidelis.
Greg, you are someone I will never forget because you inspired me to do my best in high school, i.e., the pre-calculus class we had together. God bless you and rest in peace.
It would take a lifetime for me to forget a person like Alfred. He was an amazing friend, full of humor, kindness and love. I always knew he was special. He was someone you can turn to when your sprits need a lift. He brings out the best in you. He was so full of love and kindness. Alfred's two sons were the sunshine of his life. I was so blessed to have known him. Nadirick, friend
Never thought that next time I write to you, it would be a tribute. It was an honor to spend a few hours working with you. May you rest in peace. Pramod Chandola, friend
The memory I have of her the most is coming to my mother's house for Christmas dinner when my grandmother was alive and we were a family and how pretty I thought she was. Ever since my grandmother passed we have not seen my aunt and uncle, so it has been along time since we last saw each other. I wish now that our family would have been closer and we could have had more time together when she was alive. I really hope this is a lesson for my family. I love them all so much.
To my dearest sister-In-law whose life was taken on September 11, 2001: You are my guardian angel and will always remain in my heart. Wherever you are, may God bless and keep you safe from any further harm. I Love You
Marie was special. She loved her niece and nephew very much. She always had pictures of them. She loved life. She was always someone you could count on -- you need someone to be there for you. Always giving to others. That's what I loved about her. The world has lost someone very special.
I just want to say that my prayers go out to Joe's family. He was a classmate of mine at Boston College and although I did not know him very well, he was well liked by many people. Remember him for the good life he led and for the great person he was. We will miss you, Joe.
I searched through these memorials for [Melissa] in particular because your frequent appeals on CNN after the tragedy moved me to tears each time I saw you [Melissa's father]. You never gave up hope ... and don't give up on it now. I know your beautiful daughter is still with you. I planted a rose in my rose garden in her memory. Now I know the surname to put on my tag. My heart goes out to you. Marlene Kublin
I saw your father looking for you on the news and connected because I have the same first name. I don't know a lot of people with my name and felt an instant need to know about you, and I watched for days on all the news channels to see if he had found you. I prayed for you and your family even though I did not know you. I know the love that I saw in your father's face, and I will continue to pray for your family that they may somehow overcome this unbearable pain. Good bless the Vincent family. Melissa Buxton
My heart goes out to all the victims and families. The one person that I cannot forget is Melissa. I have never met the Vincent family. I just want Mr. John Vincent [Melissa's father] to know that I am praying for him and his family every day. Mr. Vincent, Melissa was a special person; she will never be forgotten. You have touched my heart, and I know you have touched others. You will always be in my prayers. Debra Randle
I met Chantal back in 1988 through business, and we became good friends. The last time we spoke was in 2000 -- I regret not speaking to her more recently. But I did meet a few of her friends online from New York. After the memorial here in Montreal, I was tempted to keep Chantal's memory alive by dedicating a Web Site in her name -- (More Info)
I recently received a ball cap with Joseph's name on it. As a fellow law enforcement officer and detective, I will wear the cap with pride as a lasting memorial of one of my fallen brothers and detectives. May God always bless Joseph, his family and friends. Rick Hartman
I didnt know her but my husband did. I wanted to say "sorry" to her family and friends. My husand knew her in high school, and he was looking to contact her cousin Amy or her brother. He was very upset and wants to pay his respects to them. My husband called the family to say "sorry." There is a special place in is heart for her.We are so sorry for your loss. God bless you. Chrissy, friend from long ago
I worked with Celeste at Philip Morris USA several years ago. Celeste was a intellegent, caring and loving woman. Her daughter Jasmine meant the world to her and all of us here would like to let Jamine know her mother's smile will never be forgotten. Benedetta Campanelli, co-worker
V, How can words ever describe what you've meant to my life? This won't scratch the surface. I know you'll always be with me. My memory isn't the greatest, but I know there were many times that we talked on the phone until 4 in the morning; and so many topics, so many conversations. you picked me up at my parents' house to go out; so many parties, so many good times. We horsed around; practicing my self-defense, whooping you in tennis, swimming.
We went to the city; uptown, downtown, the village bars, the World Trade Center observation deck. We enjoyed many events: the U.S. Open, World Series, the Jersey shore, for your -- then a year later -- and my senior prom. Crying on each others' shoulders for our ears only. St. Joe's ski trips! Was it just a coincidence? As kids we lived down the street from one another. We both drove Ford Explorers. We had our one kiss that separated us. My fear and I'm sorry. We moved out on our own two months apart and down the street from one another. You came to visit me one month prior. The beautiful butterfly on my window the day it happened. My butterfly tattoo? I guess the point is, we grew together. We grew together and shaped one anothers' lives. You ARE and ALWAYS will be a CRUCIAL part of who I am, who I've become, how I lived my life. You'll always be with me. Friends?!?! Soul mates?!?! I'm glad we always told one another, "I love you." I love you. Don't forget me. I won't forget you. Love,
Dear V, I am still in such shock that you are no longer with us. It is truly a recurring nightmare. It is exactly 3 months today. You and I were in grammer school and grew up together in beautiful Demarest New Jersey. You always made me laugh. You had such an amazing sense of humor. I miss you Chris. I think about your family with every waking moment. I cannot imagine the pain they are feeling. I pray for them non-stop. I was at your service in St. Joe's and Mike, Matt, Rick, Eamonn and your football coach did such an amazing job talking about you. It truly was an honor and an amazing tribute. Everyone was so proud to have known you! I really really wished that I had seen you more recently. Your brother Doug got up and had us all high five you! Everyone knew that was your trademark from an early age. The entire church's eyes filled with tears and huge smiles. Demarest will never be the same with out you, nor will New York. You are a great loss to anyone whoever met you. I hope you are at peace and pray your family and those close to you will also find peace. Know in your heart Vio, that President Bush is taking care of those who did this! We miss you dearly. Love, Ann Marie Neary, friend
Bruce and I played together since we were in diapers. He was a friend like no other. Always loyal and true, he was my friend that I could go to in my deepest time of need and share my most intimate thoughts with ... I introduced him to his lovely wife, Anne, more than 20 years ago. He was a hero on September 11 and will always be a hero to me.
Larry always had a joke or a laugh at the ready, and you always felt he really cared when he asked how you were. He loved his family, his job and and his neighborhood. It is an honor to have known him.
We know a friend of Pete's named Tony Proger. He always had such wonderful things to say about Pete. His face would light up when he mentioned all the fun they had. I'm sorry such a wonderful person such as Pete had to die when he was just doing his job trying to protect others. I feel for his wife and daughters' loss. Jennifer Thayer, friend
I knew Pete when he was in the Air Force stationed at Beale Air Force Base [in California]. He was such a good-hearted guy with a positive outlook and a great sense of humor. So many people lost a good friend. I regret losing contact and never having the chance to know him as the good husband and father I know he was. God bless you, Pete. Gary Stinchcomb, former Air Force comrade
Pete was lost on September 11, 2001, with the crew of Ladder 118 of Brooklyn [Fire Department of New York]. Pete will be missed terribly by all who knew him. He was one of the nicest guys I have ever met. Before becoming a firefighter, Pete was a member of the U.S. Air Force and an ironworker. Pete leaves a loving wife, Regan Grice-Vega, and a beautiful daughter, Ruby Mae. He was a true gentleman who loved to talk and laugh. Pete is also deeply missed by Mr. and Mrs. Rosenberg and by his brother David. Our lives will be forever saddened by his loss. Frank Lakat, friend
God Bless you and Jennifer. May you always be by her side, Ron. May God grant you, Jennifer, peace. The children will always have a guardian angel... Kathy Dempsey, friend
I worked with Erica on the development of an educational CD ROM on cross-cultural issues for business travellers for Park Li and Unitel in 97. I've rarely worked with someone who had such a magnificent mix of creativity, analytical power and follow-through. Although her credit was for production, I saw her suggest stunning visual ideas which the art director ran with, clear logical sequences that the interactive designer built into the structure, beautiful writing that I incorporated, thoughtful explanations of Hofstede's theories of cross-cultural issues that the subject experts accepted, and to top off her work of art, her deep beautiful voice as narrator. As long as you could keep up with her mind, Erica was a delight to work with. As I read her portrait in the NY Times and was overwhelmed by thoughts of what her last moments must have been like, I could hear her theater-trained voice with its British accent and soft flowing tones in my mind. She was saying, oh, don't think so much about my pain - of course I'd have preferred to stay longer on the planet, but I'm free now, and you have to admit it was quite an adventure. Tita, colleague
I met Vamsi in Houston, Texas, in 1994. I knew him as a fun-loving, cheerful and a gentle friend. May his soul rest in peace. My deepest condolences go to his family. I pray for their quick recovery and strength to survive. Naren Thota, friend
Bruce and I played together since we were in diapers. He was a friend like no other. Always loyal and true, he was my friend that I could go to in my deepest time of need and share my most intimate thoughts with ... I introduced him to his lovely wife, Anne, more than 20 years ago. He was a hero on September 11 and will always be a hero to me.
Ben was an individual who always made light of his job with his smile and joking manner. He was also a very caring individual who was very proud of his family. He'll be missed greatly. Carmelo Tacoronte, co-Worker
I only knew Erika for a short time, but was tremendously impressed by her talent and sense of dignity. She tried to bring out the best in everyone around her. I wish I could have known her longer.
When Ricky was about 13 -15 years old she spent the summer holidays with her grandparents who lived near me in Dartmouth England. My brother Graham, sister Ann and I had great fun with her. We grieve over what we have lost, but nobody can take away the memories of the good times. Andrew Purves, childhood friend
I worked with Erica on the development of an educational CD ROM on cross-cultural issues for business travellers for Park Li and Unitel in 97. I've rarely worked with someone who had such a magnificent mix of creativity, analytical power and follow-through. Although her credit was for production, I saw her suggest stunning visual ideas which the art director ran with, clear logical sequences that the interactive designer built into the structure, beautiful writing that I incorporated, thoughtful explanations of Hofstede's theories of cross-cultural issues that the subject experts accepted, and to top off her work of art, her deep beautiful voice as narrator. As long as you could keep up with her mind, Erica was a delight to work with. As I read her portrait in the NY Times and was overwhelmed by thoughts of what her last moments must have been like, I could hear her theater-trained voice with its British accent and soft flowing tones in my mind. She was saying, oh, don't think so much about my pain - of course I'd have preferred to stay longer on the planet, but I'm free now, and you have to admit it was quite an adventure. Tita, colleague
I met Vamsi in Houston, Texas, in 1994. I knew him as a fun-loving, cheerful and a gentle friend. May his soul rest in peace. My deepest condolences go to his family. I pray for their quick recovery and strength to survive. Naren Thota, friend