Liberty unites

liberty unites us
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Darrell W Shipp

Hey Darrell its Lana. Just wanted to say how much i missed you and love you so much. I should have tried harder to get a sitter, so i could have spent more time with you in the few months before you left, im sorry. I do miss you so very much. i hope you visit me again soon. I hope the family is happy again soon, luv yall.

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Darrell W Shipp

Darrell was a good friend and great leader. I am truly sorry for your loss as well i my own.

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John F Landry Jr

My God be with you John and may you rest in peace.

With gratitude,

Marc K. Creegan

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Eric R Wilkus

To My Brother, My Hero:

I want you to know I am very proud of you for fighting for our country. I still find it hard to believe that you are no longer with us. I miss you so much! I remember talking to you the morning before you were asked me how your future nephew was doing...and that you missed all of us and couldn't wait to come home in March. I remember you telling me that you couldn't wait to take a picture of your pregnant sister's belly...just like you did with Robin. Everyone is doing pretty good here. Mom and Dad are having a hard time coping with all of this but I think that with a grandson on the way its helping a little. Our niece Jeanann misses you a lot...she asks about you all the time. Please watch over all of us. We all love you and miss you deeply!!!!

Love your Big Sis

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Darrell W Shipp


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Timothy A Swanson

well i knew tim in high school from clark ROTC im am very sorry for your loss tim was an awesome guy he was i think one or two years above me but i am very sorry for the loss


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Timothy A Swanson


I may not have known you personaly like your friends had. But,I knew of you and that's all that matters. I remember you from AFJROTC,I will always remember you. I know you lived your life to the fullest and is now in a better place.


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Bufford K Van Slyke

you were my best bud. Thanks for always makin sure to be there for me. I will always think of you, and keep you and your family close to my heart. I love you booford.

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Darrell W Shipp


I knew you and you knew me but words were limited but one thing that we have in common is to fight for our future and our childrens future. You may not be here to fight anymore but others will fight for you in your name including me. I will keep you in mind at all times when I think why do I stay in the military...because of heroes like you! No one could ever know what sacrifice you have made for them until they made it themselves but I know and those who support you know because they sacrificed their son, grandson, nephew, brother, and friend. We will see you soon and look over those who need you.

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Darrell W Shipp


hey,its Anne/Attie. I think about you from time to time knowing that your looking down on me smiling knowing that you are so proud of what you see. I will never forget you. I will always cherish the time we spent together even though we only met once. I know that we will meet again someday.


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Marieo Guerrero

i dont know you but i want to thank you for all that you have done, you are my hero! to the family, just remember, even though hes not here, he wil be in you heart, thoughts and by your side for the rest of your life. once again, thank you

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Darrell W Shipp

HEY DARRELL, its me stacy, i just wanted you to know that we miss you and even though that your not here, you are still in our hearts and thoughts. see you soon DARRELL! Love ya

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Montrel S.Mcarn

Man i dont even no where to begin. Shit was crazy between me and u for a long time. I am blessed to have had a husband like you. We had some great times that i will never forget any of them. Moving to Texas with you and living with you taught me alot about life and realtionships. I learnt alot of lessons that i will carry with me for the rest of my life. You will always be in my heart and my prayers. And i will love you until the end of time. xoxoxo Kasi Lee

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Darrell W Shipp

Your family and friends are in my prayers. Thank you for your bravery and love for your country. I will not forget you and everyone else who fought and continue to fight.

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Darrell W Shipp

hey dawg, just wanted to say in be half of the whole entire LoneStarStangs Crew we ALL miss you, and we appreciate you for serving our country.


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Darrell W Shipp

We miss you buddy!

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Darrell W Shipp

Darrell, I just wanted to say that I miss you and that I still think of you everyday. You and your family will always be in my prayers. I Love You

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Darrell W Shipp

Didn't know you all too well, but was still wrecked over what happened. My thoughts and prayers are going to his family. -Nola

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Darrell W Shipp

Didn't know you all too well, but was still wrecked over what happened. My thoughts and prayers are going to his family. -Nola

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Darrell W Shipp

Darrell we love you so much you truly are our hero. we are so proud of you. To Darrell's family ,you are all very wonderful people and it was my please meeting you at the beautiful services. Stay strong. Darrell you are always in our thoughts and will never be forgotten.

-Jennifer-(san antonio)

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Darrell W Shipp

god bless the family and friends of darrell...gods speed to all the men and women over seas.

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Darrell W Shipp

I hope the Shipp Family is doing well and I know Darrell is looking down on us all. We all miss you and love you.

Lovingly, Jenny

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Darrell W Shipp

Hey Darrell, I am glad I was able to meet such a great person in such a short time before you left.. We might not of known much about each other but you made a place in my heart and I thank you for the love you gave to everyone.. You are a true hero..

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Darrell Shipp

I love you so much Darrell I miss you alot its hard because I know you were supposed to be home and I would have gotten to see you and now I can't...I always think of you everything reminds me of you...In my heart always

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Darrell W Shipp

hey Darrell, you are truely missed by a lot of people, and have really touched so many, probably not even really realizing it, but thank you for being such a good person.. and i know we will all be seeing you soon..

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Darrell W Shipp

Hey Darrell... I miss you so much and wish you were still with us.. but I know that one day you will be again.. love ya

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Douglas C Stone

Dear Doug,

We salute you now and always. We can never know what you have been through, only that it was awful. As you know your ceremony in Petoskey was just sad, but also so uplifiting to know the impression you have made on so many people. You are so loved and so respected. We should all wash the feet of every service personnel who has served for our country as Jesus did for his disciples. You are our heroes, you have made each of our lives better for your sacrifices. To have paid the ultimate sacrifice, Doug, is so sad to the rest of us who loved you so. We will never understand what you have gone through, we can not comprehend it without walking in your boots. We could never fill your boots. You gave your all to your country, to your job, and to your fellow GI, and of course your family. God, we grieve for you Doug and your family. We know that you are in heaven with all of your family and friends who have gone ahead of you. May you be fishing with your Grandad Quinton, and yes your Grandma Mildred since she will catch the most fish anyway. We love you Doug, and we will look after your family however we can. Thank you for brightening our lives these 49 years. Your memories will continue to brighten them into the future. God bless you and your family. See you again and again.

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Brady K. Howell

May God Bless the Family of Brady K. Howell

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Kristian Menchaca

We lost Kristian to a cowardly group who hides in the night. All I have to say is that I will avenge my cousin.

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Joshua J Frazier

God bless you and keep you in His loving arms.

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Joshua J Frazier

God bless you and keep you in His loving arms.

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Deryk L Hallal

Your undying love for our country and freedom will never be forgotten. We will forever love you our bright smiling son. You have been and continue to be a legacy and inspiration to many. May the God of our country carry our burdon til we meet again.

Love Mom & Dad, 4EVER Proud Marine Parents

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Darrell W Shipp

We salute the brave soldiers who risk their lives and those who have lost their lives. No life is lost in vain. My condolences to the family, and may you find peace in your hearts and spirit.

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Benjamin L Sebban

Dan and Dave sorry to hear about your loss, our deepest sympathy to you and your family. Be proud your Brother is a true hero.

Dan & Elizabeth DiAndrea

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Benjamin L Sebban

Dan, David, and Barb,

Our hearts go out to you in your time of loss. I remember what a sweet boy Ben was when he was my student.

E. (Willis)Duque, TCS

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shawn falter

i miss you bro! you were a great friend and an even greater man! I miss the days when we were kids playing at your summer camp. I will never forget you Shawn. pw

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Darrell W Shipp

Hi son, We still dont want to believe you are gone. But your not. You will forever be in our hearts, and we love you. You are our pride in joy. Just wish I could tell you that, and hope you know how much you are loved, and gonna be missed. RIP Son, and I hope I will be with you soon. Mom

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Jesse R Buryj

A great soul never dies, I love you and will always miss my baby brother Jes

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Raymond J Holzhauer

dahlouk ali bonjour je suis algeriene

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Christopher R Brevard

For my Dear Nephew and his family,

Little Chris as you were always referred as, I may have not been there with you, but you were and always will be in my heart. I saw pictures of you beautiful family. They have lost the most in this crazy war. But I know that they are proud of you, as I am. You are my hero. I love you and hope to meet your girls someday. Your mom and dad raised a fantastic man. This world will not be same without you here to brighten it. See you again in heaven.

Love Aunt Jan

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John E Allen

Gosh, It's been a week, and it still hasn't sunk in. You were truly a great man, and an inspiration to all that surrounded you. My condolences go out to your family, especially your "Pops" who I'm sure is taking it the hardest. May your journey be over, your soul rest in peace, and may your family know that you are not lost, but found. God lent you out to the world and your time here was up, Congratulations on making it there before us, I'm sure that doing flips on clouds beat doing them off the neighborhood wall anyday.

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John E Allen

Gosh, It's been a week, and it still hasn't sunk in. You were truly a great man, and an inspiration to all that surrounded you. My condolences go out to your family, especially your "Pops" who I'm sure is taking it the hardest. May your journey be over, your soul rest in peace, and may your family know that you are not lost, but found. God lent you out to the world and your time here was up, Congratulations on making it there before us, I'm sure that doing flips on clouds beat doing them off the neighborhood wall anyday.

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John E Allen

Gosh, It's been a week, and it still hasn't sunk in. You were truly a great man, and an inspiration to all that surrounded you. My condolences go out to your family, especially your "Pops" who I'm sure is taking it the hardest. May your journey be over, your soul rest in peace, and may your family know that you are not lost, but found. God lent you out to the world and your time here was up, Congratulations on making it there before us, I'm sure that doing flips on clouds beat doing them off the neighborhood wall anyday.

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Wayne R Cornell

My deepest condolences to the family, I want to also say THANK YOU to Sgt. Cornell and Family for his giving of the greatest sacrifice he could give.

As a former military member of the 60's be rest assured that Sgt. Cornell will not be forgotten by his comrasdes and former military members.

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Raymond J Holzhauer

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the entire Holzhauer family. You have our deepest sympathy.

much love from dwight...

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To tima & family

From my family to your family our thoughts & prayers heart & soul be with you all! But always keep him in your heart & soul. An think about those fun times we all had in Palolo! Sitting on the step's talking store's. Love always your family Da B-Ohana & Da Clay Ohana in Las Vegas Nv

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Stephen K Richardson

To you, PFC Richardson, we owe a great debt for all that you have given for our freedom and our liberty. We hold your family in prayer -- there are no words to express the depth of our sorrow.

Rev. Lin McGee

Connecticut Blue Star Mothers - CT Chapter One

Silver Star Families of America

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Ashly L Moyer

farewell our solider now it is time to rest. We have the watch... god bless you for you sacifice

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Michael C Peek

Michael the love you gave my family will never be replaced. you were a friend, a brother, and a fellow military police officer. you gave more then could ever be asked. you gave your life for the freedom of others. you grew from the boy i use to know to the man who deserves the respect of ALL americans. a devoted man in all respects. I salute you and you family. will see you again.

Love your brother in arms Jeremy.

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Terry W Prater


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Darrell W Shipp

We all miss you and are proud of you Buddy.

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Raymond J. Holzhauer

Raymond, I have known you since you were little. You grew up to be a wonderful young man and soldier! Everyone who knew you were and still are very proud of you!! You are our HERO!!!!! Thank you for your ultimate sacrifice to help keep us free and safe. I am proud to have known you! Whenever I look at the blue sky, I will think of your beautiful blue eyes!! Rest in Peace!! Lori, Ray, Kirstin & all of Raymond's family, remember he will always be with you in your heart!! The world has lost a wonderful young man! My thoughts and prayers are with you!! Raymond will never be forgotten!! He is Dwight's own HERO!!!!

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Joseph J Ellis

Joe, gods speed - my old friend

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Joseph J Ellis

Joe, gods speed - my old friend

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Anthony A Kaiser

God bless you Anthony. You're with your mom and brother now.

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Darrell W Shipp

I think of you everyday and hope that you know we are proud of you, but that still doesn't stop the sadness. We all love you.

Your Aunt Linda

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Benjamin L Sebban

Ben I will miss you so much. You always made me laugh when I didnt want to smile. I will never forget you and all the great times we had. I know you are up there looking down..probably making fun of me for crying right now. Until I get to see you again will always be my favorite "Tow Jumper." Love always...Jess

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Raymond J Holzhauer

From one Marine to another, from one Dwightian to another, from one brother to another...... u will be missed dearly. I know u feel u died for a cause u believe in. I know that because i was willing to do the same. I know over half of this country may not belive in that cause but i know u, and i, and many other service men women did and still do. U died a HERO Ray, may u Rest In Peace and my heart goes out to ur family and all that were close to you. Sempir Fi Ray!!! U will never be forgetten. May God rest your soul.

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Raymond J Holzhauer

From one Marine to another, from one Dwightian to another, from one brother to another...... u will be missed dearly. I know u feel u died for a cause u believe in. I know that because i was willing to do the same. I know over half of this country may not belive in that cause but i know u, and i, and many other service men women did and still do. U died a HERO Ray, may u Rest In Peace and my heart goes out to ur family and all that were close to you. Sempir Fi Ray!!! U will never be forgetten. May God rest your soul.

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Raymond J Holzhauer

From one Marine to another, from one Dwightian to another, from one brother to another...... u will be missed dearly. I know u feel u died for a cause u believe in. I know that because i was willing to do the same. I know over half of this country may not belive in that cause but i know u, and i, and many other service men women did and still do. U died a HERO Ray, may u Rest In Peace and my heart goes out to ur family and all that were close to you. Sempir Fi Ray!!! U will never be forgetten. May God rest your soul.

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Daniel W Winegeart

ahora vivirá en paz en el reino de los cielos.

murió defendiendo su honor, su pais y al mundo en contra del terrorismo.

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Darrell W Shipp

R.I.P Darrell u are a angel , and will be a hero is everyones heart forever

amaya penzotti

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Darrell W Shipp

R.I.P Darrell u are a angel , and will be a hero is everyones heart forever

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Charles A. Zion

My heart goes out to all who suffered in this terrible tragedy

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Nimo W Tauala

nimo yo its fat boi i will miss you for ever why did you have to go?

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Darrell W Shipp

I miss you so much Bubba. I don't know how to live without you. I love you.

~Your little sister

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Steven M Chavez

i am tremendously sorry for your loss of your son Steven so i send my condolences

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Blake M Harris

Thanks will never be enough for what you and your family have done.

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Christopher R Brevard

Amber I can't imagine what you are going through. I will miss your husbands friendship and selfless service as a companion. If you need anything get a hold of Julia. My prayers goes with you and your family. I hope to see you all in Alaska when we return. Kelly Rogne

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The family of Ben

We only got to talk to your son but I felt that he was a very special young man. My husband and I are so glad that our daughter shared a small part of her life with him. I know the memories they made will be of strength to her. We wish for you God's love and comfort at this time. There is so little that anyone can do but to remember a special person and a families greatest lost.

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Benjamin L Sebban

to the family of Sgt. Sebban, you are in my thoughts and prayers

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Daniel W Winegeart

Daniel, We still cannot get use to the thought of you being gone from us so completely. We are so proud of you son. We will see you again in Heaven.

Mom, Dad & Toots too!

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Darrell W Shipp

to darrell's family. im sorry for your loss. we miss u shipp, its not the same anymore. we all wish you were here with us.

2-5 Scouts

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atArms Jennifer A Valdivia

I love you and miss you very very much. jnm

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Spc Darrell Shipp

Darrell was one of the finest people I've ever met. His loss is one I'll feel for the rest of my days. We love you, Darrell. See you again soon.


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Darrell Shipp

You were one of my closet friends...i know your looking down on us from up there. miss you

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Darrell W Shipp

My prayers are with Darrell and his family. Even though I never got to meet him I know he was very much loved and I'm sorry that they must now grieve for that loss. My condolences.

Erin Outlaw Reynolds

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Darrell W Shipp

My prayers are with Darrell and his family. Even though I never got to meet him I know he was very much loved and I'm sorry that they must now grieve for that loss. My condolences.

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Darrell W Shipp

For jennifer and all who Love you so very much-Marilyn

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we will always carry you our hearts and remember you in our dreams you will never be forgoten and i give my love and respect to you for every thing we had love you and miss you for ever

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Darrell W Shipp

Hello Darrell, Well 1st off I hope that this note finds you in the best of health & happiness & it's being sent with highest hopes & much love..... It's been quite a while since we've spoken. Your family took your "vacation" really hard. It's only for a little bit & you're never really far away, we know you're looking down over all of us, helping to guide and protect. You are missed & I know you're still being talked to, even though you haven't really spoken back, your opinion, as well as your thoughts are known. You left a ever-lasting impression on all our hearts and an image in our minds of the most heroic, handsome man ever known to mankind.... Anyway, I guess I'll let you go for now, I know you're being followed by your new pack of "drooling for a hero" groopies. Take care and hope to see you soon.... _ Jeanette (Ricio237)

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Darrell W Shipp

I miss you Darrell

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SPC. Darrell Wayne Shipp

Hey Darrell it's Sean....we miss you man. Your family is takin' this pretty hard but we are there for them. I know you have been around and so do they so keep giving them those little moments to know you are around. I know you are greeting all of the 1st Cav 2-5's that are coming your way. You guys need to be on guard for the rest of the guys.

Luv and Miss ya and you are a hero to many.

Sean, KayLynn and Blake Brewster

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Darrell W Shipp

Hey Darrell,

It's your big sister Jennifer. Thank you for being the best brother anyone could ask for. I miss you more everyday and not a day goes by that I donot think of you. I love you. You will forever be my hero.

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Harry H Timberman

Harry, Catrina loved you with all her heart and you kept her going with your love and support before during and after she lost your niece/nephew who is buried at the Penrose cemetary. She talked of you all the time and looked forward to your calls and letters. I am sorry that I will never get to meet you at least in this world but you will always hold a special place in the heart of all the Maxwells. Please say hello to that little angel in heaven for us. To your parents and family: We will hold them in our prayers and thoughts. God Bless You Harry and your family.

Love Carrie Unterreiner and the Maxwell clan

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Marine Capt. Jennifer J. Harris

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Harris and Major Aaby,

The Bloomsburg (PA) Press-Enterprise today carried the notice of Capt. Jennifer Harris's life and death. Having a 29-year-old, precious daughter, I cry for you all and for Jennifer. There can be almost no imaginable solace for you. Nevertheless, as Abraham Lincoln 142 years ago wrote to Mrs. Lydia Bixby, Boston, on her loss of five sons in the Civil War:

"I pray that our Heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost, and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom."

Carl T. Hedden, Hazleton, Pennsylvania

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Montrel S Mcarn

Our thoughts are you adn your family. I have know you since you were a little man. Now you are grown man. I wish i was there to watch over.

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Nimo W Tauala


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Raymond J Holzhauer

Ray- Our community is deeply saddened by our loss. You are a hero and will forever be in our hearts. We will honor and miss you. You may be gone, but we will always remember you. Thank you for your sacrifice for our country.

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Nimo W Tauala

Thank you for all of your sacrifices.

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Anthony A Kaiser

Condolences to the Anthony Kaiser Family. We do appreciate his bravery.

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Steven M Chavez

To Steven, His Family and Friends,

Please know that Steven is a Hero and he is greatly missed!! He did not die in vain, yet he died doing a job he so dearly loved and believed in! We will always remember him and be thankful for the sacrafices that not only he made but that also you all made. Thank you and may God Comfort you in this time of need. Michael and Kristi Jordan, Ft Worth, Texas

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James L Arnold

I love you so much Jimmy, and I am so proud of you. You will forever be my favorite brother. Until we meet again, miss you and love you lots.


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Nimo W Tauala

I love you Wes always and forever.

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Gary W. Walters Jr.

The two year anniversary of your passing is fast approaching and yet it feels as if an eternity has passed since you last walked this earth. I am so proud of you my baby brother--- love and miss you!


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James M Kiehl

It is going to be 4 years since we lost you. We miss you everyday. We only have our memories left to comfort us and a few bad photos. Our son will grow up knowing about the sacrifice you made and maybe one day ours sons will be friends like we were. We will always love you!!

Your "adopted" brother and sister

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Bum R Lee

condolonce to the family of Cpl. Lee

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Benjamin L Sebban

condolence to the family of Sgt. Sebban

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Brandon A Parr

Farewell our soldier in arms, now it is time to rest,, we have the watch.

God bless you for the sacrifice you have made.

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 For Philip A. Murphy-Sweet   For David A Wilkey Jr   For Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia   For Frank E. Adamski III   For Benjamin Walker   For Trevor B. Adkins   For Adam D. Jones   For Laurie Cobb   For Larry E Polley Jr   For Paul C. Holter III   For Alex D Gonzalez   For Christopher D Young   For Jose E Ulloa   For John Michael Roy Curwin   For Derek L. Shanfield   For Marisol Heredia   For John Charles Jenkins   For Todd Beamer   For Steven Paul Chucknick   For Geoffrey Perez  
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