Liberty unites

liberty unites us
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Paul R. Salvio

I knew Paul from my high school. He was always a very humorous person. We had a blast in our Spanish classes together. I will miss him, and I will never forget him.

Tom, friend

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Paul R. Salvio

Paul was not only my son, he was my best friend. He was a wonderful person and full of life. I just can't belive he's not coming home anymore. Paul was a very special person -- he knew when to make you laugh and loved his two brothers and sister very much. He was always there for them. Now my heart is broken, and so are their hearts. My special angel, rest in peace.

Rosemarie Giallombardo, mother

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Catherine Patricia Salter

Your death has brought America new life! God bless you forever.

Crystal Sadler

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Catherine Patricia Salter

I cry whenever I see CNN coverage of the 9/11 attack. This Memorial on with the faces of those killed will stir up that emotion time and time again. Your smile will be missed.

J.P. Saleeby

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Catherine Patricia Salter

Cathy was a bright, exuberant woman who I knew as being the sister of my daughter's Ohio Wesleyan roommate. Cathy also grew up in my father's hometown of Wellsville, Ohio. She was very well thought of and had a great future ahead of her. I'm certain she is our Christmas angel.

Jill Shanks Eliot, aquaintance

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Catherine Patricia Salter

I remember when Cathy came to stay with Cyndi our freshman year at OWU. She was pretty quiet but I could tell she was brilliant. I was so shocked to hear that she was in the WTC. Cyndi,if you read this please e-mail me.

Ann Eliot-Naille, aquaintance

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Joseph M. Romagnolo

You left behind a wonderful family, wife Sandy and four beautiful children. You will be in our hearts forever, in thought and in prayer. I know you will always be watching over your family.

Joan D'Agnese, cousin

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Wayne Saloman

I was a neighbor of Wayne, Debbie and their son Justin. Wayne was a great neighbor and someone who would help you. I know he touched many in life, because he was an outgoing great guy. I feel great sorrow for his wife and child, as they were a very close family and had just built a beautiful home. What a great loss to all that Wayne is gone. My thoughts are with his family.

Patricia Romero, neighbor

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Richard L. Salinardi

God bless You. Much love to Richard's family, may God always watch over you.

Heather Balcom

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Richard L. Salinardi

Our hearts go out to the Salinardi family and others who lost their lives September 11. Although we didn't know anyone personally who died in the attacks, we have a connection with "Richie" as he grew up in St. Louis. Our brother, Tom Sutch, is friends with his father. Our prayers are with his family and those who knew Richie. The tragedy has effected everyone and we are grieving the losses.

Nancy and David Sutch, friends of his parents

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Rahma Salie

Rhama & Michael lived upstairs from some good friends of mine. I'd only met

them a few times, but Rhama (the more outgoing of the two) was always very

friendly and quick to engage you in conversation. I remember her as being

very energetic, and having a great smile. Michael seemed a bit shy, and

would stand next to his wife with a smile on his face as she would chat you

up. Rhama was pregnant with their first child, and they were both so excited

about starting a family. My heart goes out to their families.

Derek Marotta, acquaintance

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Scott Rohner

I was a senior when Scott was a freshman at Hobart. I played football with him there. I wanted to send my blessings to his family. Although we were several classes apart, when you're on the same team, you are one. He had a big heart and a great sense of humor. I often saw him when I visited to Hobart. He was a leader and a friend who will be missed by many, including myself. May he rest in peace. When the bell goes off before the football games, he is one I can think of! God bless!

Tim Field, teammate and friend

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John Salvatore Salerno Jr.

I didn't know you but your father is a friend of mine. Your memory lives on through your family and friends.

Mark Walters, friend of family

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John J. Ryan

I knew John for 4 years as we went to Xavier High School and graduated together in 1974. We were not the closest of classmates, but I consider him an Xavier Brother. I always admired him as the strong, handsome quarterback. I was there at the football rallies to cheer him and the team. He was a good guy, not a stereotypical jock type who cared only about himself, but a thoughtful, respectful person. We were so young back then, but I knew he had what it took to be a hero, on the football field and in real life and he is a hero. I am lucky to have known him, if for only a little while. The world lost a good man. Good bless my Xavier Brother.

Anthony Grosso, classmate

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Marjorie C. Salamone

Marjorie Salamone was a lovely lady who had a heart-warming smile. Whether you saw Marjorie in the Pentagon, at a dance or just driving down the street, Marjorie's greeting would warm your soul. Love emanated from Marjorie. She will be an inspiration for all who had the great fortune to know her.

Sal Cirone, family friend

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Marjorie C. Salamone

True to her spirit, convictions, family and country.

Ann Marie Salamone, daughter

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John Patrick Salamone

John was a loving, devoted brother with an amazing sense of humor.

He is loved and missed more than words can say.

You are always in our hearts John. Sweet dreams!

Catherine Salamone Sauer, sister

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Robert E. Russell

To Robert's wife, Teresa. I am so sorry. Over the years, I have thought about you and the good times we had at CPD. I know you will remember me and those good times. Write me your news and let me know about your children.

Marion Madril, family friend

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Jude Elias Safi

Jude, you will never be forgotten. I'll always remember our days at Xaverian. You were a good friend, and you will be missed.

Joe Romano, classmate

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Jude Elias Safi

Jude, you will never be forgotten. We love you and miss you.

Kim Maddalena, friend

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Jude Elias Safi

I will never forget Jude's smile and his caring and loving nature. Deepest sympathy to his family from Our Lady of Lebanon Cathedral.

Christine Eid, friend

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Jude Elias Safi

Jude, even though I only knew you a short time, you always made me laugh. Seeing you was the highlight of some of my nights. You, Rob and Richie will always be missed.

Jon Saraniti, friend

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Francis J. Sadocha

May God bless you, Frank. I've worked with you, laughed with you, and even argued with you. But, knowing you helped me excel in life. You will be missed.

Ronald Coleman Jr, co-worker

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Francis J. Sadocha

Our heart goes out to the Sadocha family. Frank was a truly a caring and wonderful person.

The Placella family, former boss

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Susan Ann Ruggiero

I would like to let Susan's family know how sorry we are for their loss. Susan, you are in our prayers.

Mary K. Milana, neighbor

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Jessica Leigh Sachs

You passed away too young, but your passing will not be in vain. The pain of your loss will inspire us to rid the world of the scorge of terrorism. My prayers are with you.

Joe, co-worker

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Joseph Sacerdote

I can't say we were close friends, as I knew Joe mainly through my friendship with his older sister, Jane. That's what made what he did all the more touching.

Shortly after my mother died, Joe appeared, unexpectedly, at my apartment. He thought I needed to get out. I was hesitant but he was insistent. I relented and we just drove around Brooklyn, listening to Dr. Demento and laughing. Brief as it was, tt was one of those very special moments that has stayed with me all these years -- an act of caring that, clearly, came from the heart. I will never forget Joe and that night.

Joe Bandille, friend

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Joseph Sacerdote

While I have not seen you since graduation from St. Thomas Aquinas grammar school, I have very fond memories of you.

Ann Szkutnik Gallo, classmate

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Joseph Sacerdote

You are truly missed.

Charlie Veneziano, cousin

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Joseph Sacerdote

I love my brother, Joe. Joe had a famous smile and sense of humor. He taught me that leftover Chinese food was also a breakfast food, which he would eat cold. He had the best homemade Halloween costumes. He made everyone laugh and smile. Everyone who knew Joe has a Joe "Sas" (his nickname) story. Joe dearly loved his family. Joe and his wife, Arlene, had a strong and loving marriage that I admired. Joe was a great father. He was so proud of his daughter, Andrea's accomplishments and encouraged her to earn her black belt in karate. When he learned his daughter, Alison, had a malignant brain tumor, nothing else mattered to him but to find a cure for her. He did more than humanly possible, continuing to investigate treatments and conferring with specialists everywhere, until Ali's death April 12, 2001 at age 15. We were all devastated by Ali's death, but no one more than Joe. Even in his sorrow, Joe's thoughts were for his family. He could never do enough for us, he was always there to make things better for us and to take care of us in any way he could. Joe was also faithful. He attended Mass faithfully and prayed the rosary everyday. I miss Joe terribly. I think of him everyday. My comfort is that he is with his Ali. I know that he is holding her hand and smiling that terrific smile of his and he is happy.

Jane Sacerdote McMillan, sister

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Charles E. Sabin

It is impossible to capture in words the feelings I have for you. They are the strongest feeling that I have ever had about anything. Chuck, I Iove you so very much, so very deeply. I remember looking into your eyes and seeing the most loving, kind, beautiful person. Every waking moment I wish for you just one more time. Chuck you are the most wonderful person in my life and and one of the greatest persons ever to walk this Earth. I will love you forever.

Jean L. Coisman, girlfriend

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Scott Saber

I want to send this poem and hope it might help you and your daughter as she gets older.

Even in death a father never leaves his children.

His smile still brightens your day.

His touch brings comfort to you.

His love is forever embedded into your heart.

He appears with every thought of him.

His voice still rings in your mind.

The laughter you shared still makes you laugh.

His love forever flows through you.

Cherish the memories of your life with him.

Speak of him often as though he stands beside you.

Smile with every mention of his name.

His love shall remain with you always.

Rejoice that he is in a better place.

He stands at the side of God with no pain or sadness.

Celebrate his new life and shed tears of joy.

I wrote this in hopes of maybe touching someone. I hope I have.

God bless you always and may angels be with you.

Grace Sotelo

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Jason E. Sabbag

Dear Jason, Thanks for all the contacts we have had. You'll be deeply missed, but never forgotten.

Andre Mulder,investment adviser

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Jason E. Sabbag

I believe you had family in Montreal. The whole Jewish (specifically, Sephardic) community misses you dearly. We are so distraught and saddened by your loss and we sincerely hope the pain will some day subside. You are with Hashem, now. I am so unbelievably discouraged by your shortened life. God bless you and please know that you did not suffer for nothing. The whole world is listening empathetically now. It still does not replace you for the ones who loved you closely, but --for what it's worth-- you are thought of and loved by strangers, but also brothers and sisters. I'll say a shemah for you. Love,

Nicole Fraenkel

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Tatiana Ryjova

I only knew of Tatiana by her voice. She was always very sweet and pleasant over the phone. A genuine person always came to mind when we talked. I'm sorry to hear of the this tragedy.

Sean Bartels, customer of VisiocomUSA

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John J. Ryan

John Ryan was an inspiration to watch as a basketball coach. He was quiet and efficient, and he will leave a large hole in the area sports scene. I cannot begin to imagine the pain of his family.

Robert McGwier, acquaintance

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John J. Ryan

I met Mr. Ryan when I used to work for the club that he belonged to in Skillman, New Jersey. He was always a gentleman, and treated me and the rest of the staff with the utmost respect. Managers of clubs always say, "If I could have a club full of a certain (type of) person, my job would be a breeze!" Mr. Ryan was that type of person, and my thoughts and prayers go out to his wonderful family.

David Whalen, employee

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Edward Ryan

A great man and caring father. His family misses him very much.

Aaron Schlesinger, friend of niece

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Stephen E. Poulos

My sister and brother-in-law, Lynda and Kevin Dew, were dear friends of Stephen. My thoughts and prayers go out to his wife Lisa and all the friends and family he left behind. As soon as I heard he was missing, I started praying and lit a candle at our church here in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, as did friends in Portland and Minneapolis. I have not forgotten what happened to Stephen and the people he loved that were left behind, and not a day goes by that I don't pray for their peace of mind as well as the other victims loved ones.

Julia Anderer, family friend

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William R. Ruth

Bill, you're a great person and you will be missed by so many. God bless! Semper fi, my friend.

Gary A. Gruenwald

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Richard Barry Ross

Now that you are among the stars, may your light shine on forever. Your beautiful personality has marked each and everyone who had the pleasure to know you in life. Now we have the beautiful memories that you made possible. For that we are thankful. Rest in eternal bliss.

Rosa M. Morales, family friend

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Robert E. Russell

To Robert's wife, Teresa. I am so sorry. Over the years, I have thought about you and the good times we had at CPD. I know you will remember me and those good times. Write me your news and let me know about your children.

Marion Madril, family friend

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Susan Ann Ruggiero

I would like to let Susan's family know how sorry we are for their loss. Susan, you are in our prayers.

Mary K. Milana, neighbor

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Mark Louis Rosenberg

We went to high school and a year of college together. Mark was wonderful, warm and happy going always having a smile on his face. I will always remember him as a great friend and even better person.

Gedaliah Werblowsky, friend

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David Ruddle

Words can not say how heartbroken and empty I feel inside without you. You were not only my brother, but also my friend. I could always count on you in times of need without hesitation. I know that you're in heaven with Mom and Dad now. Say hello for me! I miss you so much. The house is empty without you here. This Christmas is going to be so hard for me and Eddie and the kids. You'll always be in my heart and thoughts. I love you. R.I.P., my friend.

Maureen Ruddle-Murphy, sister

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Ronald J. Ruben

I played golf with Ron on September 3, 2001. Ron was a good friend of my brother-in-law and I was up in New York for work, staying at the Millenium Hotel, directly across from the World Trade Center. When I told this to Ron, he told me how he worked in the World Trade Center and how facinating it was to work there. Even though I only met him once, I will always remember him and will think of him as a hero. My prayers go out to his family.

Peter J. Shanz, new friend

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Aida Rosario

There is not a day that goes by that I do not think of you. I miss you with all my heart. It is impossible to put into words how much I love you and how my life will never be the same without you. I continue to pray that God will embrace you and welcome you into his kingdom. Ang, you will also be with me wherever I go. With all my love. Love you, Mita.

Taina Lopez, cousin

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Paul G. Ruback

Paul, We remember all the years of love you have given to us. You will always remain in our hearts. You are a true hero. If only there were more time. You have touched so many lives, your spirit will live on.We miss you... Love, Your wife Lynne, children David, Gina, Shannon and Paul, stepson Danny stepdaughter Denyse, son-in-law Andy, grandchildren Ryan and Justen.

R. Lynne Ruback, wife

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Marsha A. Rodriguez

We never had the chance to actually meet you, but know you were a great person. Rest in peace.

Ahriana Kelly and Fabiana Ale

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Judy Rowlett

Judy, I'm sending this message of love, to let you know how much you're missed and every day that goes by I see a reminder of you somewhere. For your family, Judy was truly a vivacious, warm person, and always made you laugh, no matter what. I still see your face, and hear your voice, I still have you in my email and on my caller ID. I know I can't reach you that way, but when I need to talk to you, I just look up in the sky. Be at peace, and be blessed. You're sorely missed. A friend always.
Lori Reynolds, friend

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Nick Rowe

I met Nick several times when he was visiting our UmeVoice main office in California. Nick was bright, fun and always helpful solving a problem. He had a great balance of working hard and being your friend.

Paul Devlas, co-worker

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James M. Roux

If there was ever a champion of the underdog, it was Jim Roux. He was my friend, neighbor, confidant and attorney. In Portland, Maine, Jim would take cases pro bono so that justice could be served. He was leaving for the West Coast that fateful day so that he could start a job that paid better, as his personal funds were running low due to philanthropy. He would champion the cause of kids with Lead Paint Poisoning, would jump on the stage of the local alehouse and jam, or set off bottle rockets or drop plastic paratroopers from the roof of his apartment building with his sons. He cared. Jimmy, we miss you and we love you.

Russ Riseman, friend

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James M. Roux

Dear Jim, We loved the way that you brightened our day with your calm presence and the patience of a buddah. We miss parking next to you and listening to you blasting Jimi Hendrix from any stereo or amp that you could find. You left a lot friends and family behind, but your boys will always know that you are a hero. I love and miss you.

A.J. Riseman, friend

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Richard Barry Ross

Now that you are among the stars, may your light shine on forever. Your beautiful personality has marked each and everyone who had the pleasure to know you in life. Now we have the beautiful memories that you made possible. For that we are thankful. Rest in eternal bliss.

Rosa M. Morales, family friend

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Patricia Ann Puma

I didn't know you well, even though you're my landlord's daughter, but I do know you have a special family and you were a nice person, mother, daughter and wife. I'm so sorry.

Maria Knight, friend

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Antonio Augusto Tome Rocha

I was born and raised in E. Hanover and still consider it home, so I feel like I've lost one of my own. Godspeed.

Bob Fiesser

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Philip M. Rosenzweig

I worked several years for Sun Microsystems and when I saw Mr. Rosenzweig's name on the Memorial list I was moved to write a note.

I didn't know you, but we still shared employer who is always conscious of its employees and tries to treat them well.

I'm sure he was just "doing his job," and had no idea that day he would become a name amongst thousands who will forever be in our minds and hearts.

I wish the Rosensweig family the best and send them much love.

Karen George, employee of the same company

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Richard David Rosenthal

While I was deeply saddened by the news of Rich's passing, I was happy to hear that he was happier in his career. Rich always worked hard and was always someone you could turn to in difficult times. All he really wanted was to be there for his family. He worked hard to provide them with a nice life, but working hard took away his time to spend with them. I will miss Rich's sense of humor, his genuinely good nature, and his integrity.

Joe Rice, former co-worker

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Richard David Rosenthal

My late son Michael used to play with Richard and Loren's little boy, Evan. Mike and Evan both were World Wrestling Foundation fanatics and Evan used to come to our home to watch "Wrestlemania." Richard and I would "shoot the breeze" and laugh at the goings on while our kids watched the theatrics on TV in a state of tremendous excitement. Richard was a very generous person who was helpful to the Cerebral Palsy Center where I worked. I also frequently spoke to Loren there. I'm so sad about his passing and this whole big mess of September 11. I'm so sad for Loren and her children. Richard, you made such a big contribution to me and to all of those around you. I hope our paths cross again some day. With love.

Larry Tunis, friend

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Joseph R. Riverso

A good friend of my brothers, I only met you a few times. But you were always smiling. I know my brother Frank and your close friends, Jim and Joe, miss you and think of you. I hope you are at peace and in a beautiful place I hope exists. Please watch over us and guide us to be better than we are now.

Michael Usowski, family friend

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Mark Louis Rosenberg

We went to high school and a year of college together. Mark was wonderful, warm and happy going always having a smile on his face. I will always remember him as a great friend and even better person.

Gedaliah Werblowsky, friend

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Sheryl Lynn Rosenbaum

We miss you and think of you often. We are watching and caring for Hannah and Sam. You were a great person.
bgg, friend

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Aida Rosario

I did not know you personally, but you are an angel that has been called upon to look over your family. Your absence has been felt by your family you are gone not forgotten.

Corinne M. Schell, friend of cousin

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Aida Rosario

I met Angie in high school. She was my first friend there. She was a beautiful person and I know she's in heaven watching over her loved ones. Love you Angie.

Janet Ocasio, friend

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Aida Rosario

There is not a day that goes by that I do not think of you. I miss you with all my heart. It is impossible to put into words how much I love you and how my life will never be the same without you. I continue to pray that God will embrace you and welcome you into his kingdom. Ang, you will also be with me wherever I go. With all my love. Love you, Mita.

Taina Lopez, cousin

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Sean Rooney

When Sean laughed, which was often, his shoulders would shake. Even as a toddler, he had an irrepressible chuckle. The ability to see the humorous angle in almost any situation characterized Sean throughout his life. In high school, he was notoriously irreverent. Later, during an early stint in the restaurant business, his wit made a lasting impression on his staff for whom he was both friend and mentor. During his career in insurance, he forged lasting friendships with colleagues and clients alike. And his laughter and warmth made each day special for his wife. Sean was both intelligent and wise, and his input was frequently solicited by friends and family.

Beverly Eckert, wife

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James A. Romito

My name is Sgt. Erick J. Lundin, USMC. I served with Mr. Romito's son for about a year before his son's life was claimed in February of this year. I met Mr. Romito at the funeral for his son. The only thing good that came out of his son's death was that I got to spend somewhere of about a week with Mr. Romito and his family. I just want his family to know that they are all in my prayers, and if they need anything from me they can contact me.

Erick J. Lundin, served with son

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Elvin Santiago Romero

Elvee was a very polite, smart and friendly young man that I grew up with in Brooklyn. We used to play stickball and whiffle ball in the street, and he was always a lot of fun. His family was also wonderful. The world will sorely miss having such a fine person in it.

Tracy Start, old friend

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Elvin Santiago Romero

Elvin, I will never forget the wonderful times we had together. I miss you more than ever.

Sonia, friend

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Joseph M. Romagnolo

I grew up across the street from Joe and his family. My older brother Larry and Joe were buddies. I'll always remember those "dimples" my dad used to tease Joe about when he smiled. Joe was strong and tough, but always very kind and considerate. Memories of Joe will always remind me of the "good old days", growing up in Brentwood, Long Island, New York.

Scott Saccareccia, childhood friend

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Joseph M. Romagnolo

You left behind a wonderful family, wife Sandy and four beautiful children. You will be in our hearts forever, in thought and in prayer. I know you will always be watching over your family.

Joan D'Agnese, cousin

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Keith Roma

From what it looked like, you were trying to lead civilians out -- still not looking out for yourself, but trying to help instead. You died a hero, and will be missed by your family and friends. I hope you are now in a better place, and that you are happy. I will always love and miss you with all my heart.

Joan Piccininno, aunt and godmother

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Keith Roma

I have many great memories of you. The one I most cherish is seeing you on the fire engine passing my house during the summer. You were smiling and called out to me, "Hi, Aunt Pat." You will never be missing from my heart. May your family find peace in knowing how much you were and are still loved.

Patricia Petraglia, aunt

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Keith Roma

All our prayers go out to your family, with a special prayer for your daughter. We will never forget you and all your brave bothers and sisters during this tragic situation.

Kevin and Virginia Wenng, family friend

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Scott Rohner

You will always be remembered in my heart for all you did for me. You will be missed.

Daniel Edwards, old friend

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Scott Rohner

He was so young. He had a wonderful life to look forward to. I know that he is looking down from heaven and praying for us.

Madeline Joyce, cousin of Scott's brother-in-law

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Scott Rohner

I took an art class with Scott at Hobart College. He was extremely gifted. God bless.

Greg, college acquaintance

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Scott Rohner

I was a senior when Scott was a freshman at Hobart. I played football with him there. I wanted to send my blessings to his family. Although we were several classes apart, when you're on the same team, you are one. He had a big heart and a great sense of humor. I often saw him when I visited to Hobart. He was a leader and a friend who will be missed by many, including myself. May he rest in peace. When the bell goes off before the football games, he is one I can think of! God bless!

Tim Field, teammate and friend

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Jean Destrehan Roger

After seeing Jean's picture, my only thought was how tragic to see a young and beautiful woman's life cut short. I'm so sorry for her and her family.

Kurt Sagendorph

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Richard Rodriguez

Thank you for the smiles. Being a student of yours was one of the many highlights of EMT class. Your serious look yet boyish smile said so much about you. You had such a great way about yourself and the way you saw a light in others, before they saw it themselves. You were and still continue to be an amazing man through such wonderful memories. Thank you for being one of life's greatest teachers in and out of the classroom. You have forever changed my life and I am forever thankful. Rest in peace, my friend, and keep the angels that you keep company with smiling. It's a great talent of yours.

Dawn Velasquez, friend and student

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Richard Rodriguez

A fine example of a human being, person and friend. May you rest in peace, till we meet again.

Wil Diaz, friend

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Marsha A. Rodriguez

May God bless you and keep you dancing with the angels.

Frances, friend

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Marsha A. Rodriguez

Marsha was an extremely kind person, professional and warm. She also seemed to be a very loving person and spoke of her family often. I do remember that she was out of the office a few times due to her father's (I believe) illness. We actually talked about the rough year she had been through and how she was hoping things would turn for the better. Although I did not get to know her better, my heart aches for the loved ones she left behind. My thoughts and prayers are with each of you. For family and friends, this is just another reminder to you that Marsha was a special person with a wonderful heart.

Dale Swanson, business relationship

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Marsha A. Rodriguez

We never had the chance to actually meet you, but know you were a great person. Rest in peace.

Ahriana Kelly and Fabiana Ale

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Gregory E. Rodriguez

Not a day goes by that we don't think about you, Greg. Your family is in our thoughts and prayers constantly. Our lives have been forever changed by the events of September 11th. We will never forget your friendship, your sense of humor and your love for life and your family. Your memory is what gives us the strength to go forward resolutely.

Kyle Rothbart, friend

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Gregory E. Rodriguez

I met Greg in 1994 at Salomon Brothers ... For the next 2 years, we'd learn so much about our lives. We would have debates about politics while drinking ice-cold vodka at a Russian spa. He taught me how to not take the job too seriously and enjoy life everyday. I taught him that first impressions are forever lasting, and to be humble with your knowledge and prosperity.

Mark Simmons, colleague

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Carmen Milagros Rodriguez

I wanted to say that our thoughts and prayers have been with you. May God bless you and your family. You're now one of God's angels. Watch over your family...always.

Ricardo Rodriguez

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Anthony Rodriguez

Our prayers go out to Michael Roberts of Engine 214 and his beloved family.

The Thomas Family, friends

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Anthony Rodriguez

I am writing a tribute for my heroic cousin Michael Edward Roberts. Michael made the supreme sacrifice on September 11, 2001, when he gave his life for a country he loved so dearly. Besides loving his country, Michael was passionate about his career as a New York City firefighter. Michael was always trying to make our world a better place, whether it was by running into a burning building or being there for his family and friends. He was a firefighter for only three years. I know for sure they were the best three years of his life, because this was his dream as a boy growing up in his father's firehouse. His shield No. 6611 was a number passed down from his Uncle Bob, who is a retired firefighter, to his father John, a retired NYC firefighter, then to Michael, who wore it proudly. When Michael became a NYC firefighter, I remember my grandmother being concerned. She asked Michael why he would want to take a job where his life was in danger. Michael responded, "Grandma, when you see a fireman on his way to work, they always have a smile on their face and that is because they love their job. I'll be OK." Although my family grieves this tragic loss, we can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of pride. We are proud to be the family of Michael E. Roberts, a man of love, commitment, bravery and spirit. That spirit and beautiful light that always surrounded him will fill our hearts forever. Thank you, Michael, for being our hero and angel.

Christie Fox, cousin

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Anthony Rodriguez

We will always remember your kindness and your beautiful smile!

Tom and Allison Milantoni, friends

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John M. Rodak

I went to school with John at Archbishop Wood in Pennsylvania. We were not friends, but he was a popular guy in school, and I always looked up to him. God bless John and his family, for I am sure he is sorely missed.

Patrick Hinnegan, classmate

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Laura Rockefeller

Even though I never met you, I found out through your bio that you were born 41 plus years ago in White Plains, New York. So was I. May you find peace even though you left this earth in such a tragic way. God bless your family.

Mark M. Maurer

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Laura Rockefeller

I only knew Laura from the dog run. She and her Dog JT (named for James Taylor) used to be regulars there. She was kind and sweet, and she always let my dog, Scooter, kiss her. She sat on the first bench and enjoyed the friendship we all feel in the run. We have raised money, and in the spring will dedicate a bench in her name. This way, she will always be a part of the run. Laura, you are missed.

Michael, fellow dog owner

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Raymond J. Rocha

Ray still rules!

Duke, friend

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Raymond J. Rocha

Ray was won of the funniest people I have ever met. He lit up a room with his gregarious manner. He also had one of the best Arnold Schwarzenegger impressions I have ever heard. In the short time I knew him, he made quite an impression on me. Thank you Ray, you will be missed.

Gavin MacCarthy, co-worker

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Raymond J. Rocha

Ray, we miss ya buddy. You've touched so many lives, your legacy wont ever be forgotten. Our hearts go out to Jen and the rest of your family and friends.

Ryan Gill, fraternity brother

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Antonio Augusto Tome Rocha

I was born and raised in E. Hanover and still consider it home, so I feel like I've lost one of my own. Godspeed.

Bob Fiesser

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Michell Lee Robotham

Michell was the most focused and unselfish mother, full of good faith and goodwill.

Bill Robotham, ex-husband

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Michell Lee Robotham

In loving memory of a wonderful mother, daughter, sister, aunt and friend.

Diana Callum, sister-in-law

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William Russel Peterson

Billy: I know you're up there fishing and looking down on us smiling. Miss you and all the fun "Philly, Billy & Patty" had in this lifetime.

Phyllis, friend

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 For Philip A. Murphy-Sweet   For David A Wilkey Jr   For Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia   For Frank E. Adamski III   For Benjamin Walker   For Trevor B. Adkins   For Adam D. Jones   For Laurie Cobb   For Larry E Polley Jr   For Paul C. Holter III   For Alex D Gonzalez   For Christopher D Young   For Jose E Ulloa   For John Michael Roy Curwin   For Derek L. Shanfield   For Marisol Heredia   For John Charles Jenkins   For Todd Beamer   For Steven Paul Chucknick   For Geoffrey Perez  
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