Ben was an individual who always made light of his job with his smile and joking manner. He was also a very caring individual who was very proud of his family. He'll be missed greatly. Carmelo Tacoronte, co-Worker
I see your face all over the city and it breaks my heart. My only connection to you is how a friend named Mickey was so fond of you he talked constantly about you. I remember you from back in the days living in East New York. You always seemed content with yourself -- kind and with a quiet spirit. I know you must be in heaven right now. May your soul rest in peace.
I see your face all over the city and it breaks my heart. My only connection to you is how a friend named Mickey was so fond of you he talked constantly about you. I remember you from back in the days living in East New York. You always seemed content with yourself -- kind and with a quiet spirit. I know you must be in heaven right now. May your soul rest in peace.
I only knew Dick through my work as a golf professional. Dick was a terrific guy and a great gentleman. My heart goes out to his family for their loss. I miss the big lefty. God bless you.
Michael was a true friend. He would always find the time to chat with you, or just listen if you just needed an ear. He gave encouragement and support to those he loved and even some he did not even know. Michael was a brilliant light in this world, brightening our lives by his very presence. He will be remembered for his rare and unwavering light and for his open and sincere heart. We are all blessed who got to know him and share our lives with him. Amy and Jim Hallowes, friends
Your humor and friendship will be missed. You would have been proud of your family and friends' tribute on September 29. I was so moved by the words your father spoke, calling for people to try and live together. For your dad to be able to speak those words during a time of such pain is a tribute to you and your family. I am sorry that I will never have one more "Bud" with you. One of the Boys from 28 Clayton, colleage roommate and friend
My husband, Stephen Tompsett worked for Instinet Corporation as a senior vice president in technology. He was attending a conference at Windows on the World on September 11. Stephen was 39 years old and although he was dedicated to his work and the people he worked with, he was always with our daughter Emily and I. Our daughter turned 10 eleven days after her father was killed. We were an especially close-knit family as Emily was our only child because of many, many miscarriages. We were completely devoted to each other. My husband came to New York 15 years ago from Australia on a three-week business trip and never left. We had been together constantly since. Until September 11, the longest we had ever been apart was 10 days, in 1990 when we moved back to NYC from London. Some words from his collegues: "In many ways, Steve belonged to everyone. He was the leader of the troops, yet he was right down there helping out with all the details. You could always go to Steve for an answer. I never knew Steve to lie or even stretch the truth to suit himself. I never knew Steve to say something about someone that he would not or had not already said to the person." "How many of us ... had enough passion and discipline to write down our own core values -- herein lies the uniqueness and brilliance of Steve. Perhaps Steve was such a brilliant technologist precisely because he knew its limitations and what drove Steve and his values was, not technology, but his concern for people." Our hearts are broken forever without Stephen.
Mike, you and I had some fun at Canton High when we were young. I'm glad that you never gave up that spirit and lived your life to the fullest. I will never forget you. Rest easy my friend. Kevin J. Cook, friend
Jennifer, though I did not know you well, I know your family will miss you terribly. Your nieces and nephews will never get to know what a good person you were. You will always be known to all of us as a hero. Your bothers and sister wil always know that you will be with them and be their childrens' guardian angel.
Tyler, Words cannot describe what you meant to me, or what you even did for me. You were a role model, and a friend. I think about you everyday. You will always be in my heart. I know wherever I go, I carry a piece of you around. I love you so much Tyler. I know you are taking care of us right now, and watching over us. I will never forget you. I love you Tyler. Brad Blosat, friend for 17 years and classmate
I will miss you. I am glad I had the opportunity to meet you. I will never forget you. Just know that I ran to help on 9-11. I stayed and never gave up until the end. I'm sorry I couldn't have done more. Take care my friend.
I will remember you for your positive attitude and trademark smile. At Christmastime, it was not Santa Claus that made our cousins laugh; it was your portrayal of Santa while distributing gifts that made our cousins laugh. My heart goes out to you, Auntie Evelyn, and your children Ian and Pammie -- the beautiful family you built. Vincent J. Roldan, nephew
I, too, am Canadian. I have sons about your age and my heart is with your family and friends. I pray for peace for them and for you in spirit. Sylvia Jones
My brother Allen was always someone who helped others. He never advertised the fact that he helped so many people in so many different ways. He never talked about his numerous acts of kindness such as giving money to anyone who needed it, taking care of all of his god-children, his warm words, his advice, his foster children, his donations the list goes, on and on. I am sure if you met Allen you were touched by his kindness. He had a gift to make people feel special no matter who you were. We all will miss Allen. I will miss him because he was my best friend, friends like Allen don't come along too often and I was very lucky to have him in my life. I love you Allen.
To the parents, wife and children of Jon, my deepest and sincere sympathies are given to you. There are few words that can express my feelings of this terrible loss. I can barely understand all of this myself. So I can only imagine what it may feel like for you. I can only offer my prayers and the prayers of my children. They attend a Catholic school and your family has been on their prayer board since September 12. May God bless you and keep you close to him.
Mike, you and I had some fun at Canton High when we were young. I'm glad that you never gave up that spirit and lived your life to the fullest. I will never forget you. Rest easy my friend. Kevin J. Cook, friend
Tyler, Words cannot describe what you meant to me, or what you even did for me. You were a role model, and a friend. I think about you everyday. You will always be in my heart. I know wherever I go, I carry a piece of you around. I love you so much Tyler. I know you are taking care of us right now, and watching over us. I will never forget you. I love you Tyler. Brad Blosat, friend for 17 years and classmate
I am so sorry that you were taken from this life so young. I am so sorry for your little girls, who missed their Daddy this Xmas and every holiday thereafter. I am so sorry that your wife will not be able to hold and kiss you. I'm sorry that your Mom had to endure the horror of losing another one of her children, and I'm sure your brothers will miss you playing sports and hanging out with you. I am just so sorry that all this happened. Let the world never forget those that gave their lives on September 11. They are my heroes. God Bless America. Donna L. O'Briend, friend
"Tuck," fondest memories -- baby blue Oldsmobile Omega with the sound system that was worth more than the car, chock full of hockey equipment, Burger King and McDonald's wrappers and cups on icy evenings on the way to Seabright. We had a lot of fun. We saw each other at our 20th CBA reunion. My wife and I were up from Houston. He asked if we could join him and Marybeth for dinner, and I regretted that we couldn't because of family commitments and the short duration of our visit. We should've found the time.
I will miss you. I am glad I had the opportunity to meet you. I will never forget you. Just know that I ran to help on 9-11. I stayed and never gave up until the end. I'm sorry I couldn't have done more. Take care my friend.
A wonderful person who always had a smile on her face and always in a good mood. She was truly a pleasure to work with and to be around. The world lost a beautiful person when she died. Capt. Mark Van Hout, former commander
LCDR Tolbert was my deputy for the division that I worked in at the Pentagon. He was always motivating his people to excel in the Navy and in life. Fair winds and following seas
Greg Trost lived on my freshman hall at the College of William and Mary. He was a junior, and he lived with our resident advisor. What I remember most about him is that every time I saw him or talked to him, he made me and whoever else was around laugh -- out loud. My first memory of college involved Trost waking us all up at 3 a.m. by shoving posters from our doors into a gigantic fan that the college had put in our hall, and watching the shredded pieces shoot out the other side. He and I shared an affinity for the movie "Menace II Society", and whenever we saw each other, we'd spout our favorite lines. Just the fact that a junior was willing to hang out with freshmen is a testament to the type of person Greg was. He helped us all adjust to college life that year. I hadn't seen Greg in a couple years, until I saw his name on the New York Times "Portraits of Grief" section over a month after September 11. It hurts to know that a piece of my college memory is gone, but I hope his family will know how much Greg made people smile.
I knew John growing up in The Bronx in the '60s. John and Michael, his brother, lived on Benedict Avenue, I on McGraw Avenue. John was a great young man when we were growing up, and I'm sure he remained that way until his untimely death. We will pray for you, John. Kevin Conway, childhood friend
Alicia and I went through training together for United Airlines Flight Attendants. We had the opportunity to spend 6 weeks together and a very memorable trip to London on New Years Day. My heart aches everyday for Alicia and her loved ones. She embodied a spirit that captivated everyone she came in contact with. I miss her smile, charm, warmth and graciousness and will mourn our loss of a spectacular individual. I am currently furloughed from my flying career but when I return - and I will - I will dedicate each and every flight to her memory and the other friends/flying partners I lost on UA 93 and UA 175. God Bless Dale Oler, friend/colleague
Mr. T, my coach, my teacher and my friend: since September 11th, I have spoken of the many great things that you did for me and my family. Almost every day, I try to teach my children (11&12) and their friends some of the important lessons in life that you were the ABSOLUTE best at! So for the rest of my life i will teach and talk to my children of Mr. Trentini, the ULTIMATE PERSONlove you "T". Jimmy Burnham, student, player, friend
Mr. Trentini was my high school health teacher. He was an enthusiastic teacher who made class fun, and a wonderful person. There was always a smile on his face. He was really a great role model for us. I feel lucky to have known him. My prayers go out to him, his wife and his surviving family. Sharleen Davis, former student
Jim was an amazing educator. Iwas a student teacher under Jim in 1992. He help me establish what it was going to take to be succesful in life: 1. work ethic, 2. Integrity, 3. Passion, 4. Honesty, and most importantly to work hard, give it all you have and be who you are. He is part of who I am today, and for that I feel eternally grateful.
My love always, Kelli Marie Trudel, student teacher
In every memory I have of Hector, that big beautiful smile of his is what stands out. His love and passion for life will be with me for the rest of my own. I will always be grateful that he has become part of my life and for the time we were given to spend together.
Having known Felicia personally through my older brother, Mark Jordan, I felt deeply saddened by the passing of Felicia. We have had many great memories together. Sushi. Plays. All the good times. You are greatly missed, Felicia. Hang in there Andrew & Sebastian! I love you all! Michael P. Jordan, friend
My dear Felicia was a kind and generous soul who loved life and people. She was a beacon of joy, fun, vibrancy to all of her family and friends. Becoming a mother in 1999 to our beautiful son Sebastian, Felicia seemed to find her true calling. She sacrificed and adjusted her life to be there for Sebastian at all times. Thankfully they got to love and enjoy one another, albeit too short a time, but none the less they had time together. The hardest thing to deal with is telling my son why his mother is no longer here. May all of us pray for calmer times ahead for our children. Andrew Bass,
By far one of the most decent human beings I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. He was a great husband to my sister and great father to their three children. We miss him every day. I know in my heart that he would have had satisfaction in knowing that we are going after the enemies of America. We will never forget you, Wally. We will try to live our lives as you did. With honesty, loyalty, love and the ability to make us smile. Frank Begley, brother-in-law
I will remember you for your positive attitude and trademark smile. At Christmastime, it was not Santa Claus that made our cousins laugh; it was your portrayal of Santa while distributing gifts that made our cousins laugh. My heart goes out to you, Auntie Evelyn, and your children Ian and Pammie -- the beautiful family you built. Vincent J. Roldan, nephew
We met our first day in the district attorney's office when he said, "I hate refs," and I referee basketball.I tried to educate him on the rules, especially the ones he didn't like. Over the years, we argued, we laughed and we played. And then, someone broke all the rules. Kevin O'Connor, friend
Dan Trant was a fantastic athlete, a fun person and a good colleague and friend. Although I have not seen Dan in more than 15 years, his smiling face lives with me. He was probably the single, biggest influence on my basketball game in the world. John Irwin, player he coached
Dan was a gift that I was given when I coached his college basketball team at Clark University. Dan brought incredible excitement to the Clark community as well as all of Worcester and New England. I looked forward to practice every day to witness his brilliance. He established himself as the standard for Division III basketball when he led the Cougars to four NCAA tournament bids in four years as well as the NCAA championship game in 1984. He is a basketball legend in New England, a poster-boy for all that is good in sports in America and will be fondly remembered by both teammmates and oppponents forever. New England and Clark lost one of its greatest ever on September 11, 2001. Wally Halas, college basketball coach
I really have nothing to say other then the world was cheated of a great man. It's not fair that my brothers and I aren't going to have a father. No one is going to walk me down the aisle. My dad's many brothers and sisters have been cheated of a great brother. Oddly enough, my dad was a friend to everyone. If there was one thing I could say to my dad right now, it would be, "Thank you for teaching me to be the person you are." Jessica Trant, daughter
It is because of him that I try not to take things for granted. I should not have taken for granted the last moments I spent with John at his sister's wedding. It seems far too long ago. I would have told him how much he meant to me. I would have told him that he made me laugh when we were kids when there wasn't much to laugh about. I would have let him know that I was grateful that he helped teach me to ski. I would have reminded him of so many hilarious, crazy things we did as kids ... He will forever be our hero.
May your soul rest in peace and may your light continue to shine through your family and friends so that they are able to gain enough strength to carry on.
My husband, Stephen Tompsett worked for Instinet Corporation as a senior vice president in technology. He was attending a conference at Windows on the World on September 11. Stephen was 39 years old and although he was dedicated to his work and the people he worked with, he was always with our daughter Emily and I. Our daughter turned 10 eleven days after her father was killed. We were an especially close-knit family as Emily was our only child because of many, many miscarriages. We were completely devoted to each other. My husband came to New York 15 years ago from Australia on a three-week business trip and never left. We had been together constantly since. Until September 11, the longest we had ever been apart was 10 days, in 1990 when we moved back to NYC from London. Some words from his collegues: "In many ways, Steve belonged to everyone. He was the leader of the troops, yet he was right down there helping out with all the details. You could always go to Steve for an answer. I never knew Steve to lie or even stretch the truth to suit himself. I never knew Steve to say something about someone that he would not or had not already said to the person." "How many of us ... had enough passion and discipline to write down our own core values -- herein lies the uniqueness and brilliance of Steve. Perhaps Steve was such a brilliant technologist precisely because he knew its limitations and what drove Steve and his values was, not technology, but his concern for people." Our hearts are broken forever without Stephen.
I, too, am Canadian. I have sons about your age and my heart is with your family and friends. I pray for peace for them and for you in spirit. Sylvia Jones
For being such a wonderful officer, for being such a wonderful leader, for being such a wonderful person and for always making us smile, Thank you CDR! We will miss you!
LCDR Tolbert was my deputy for the division that I worked in at the Pentagon. He was always motivating his people to excel in the Navy and in life. Fair winds and following seas
I only knew Dick through my work as a golf professional. Dick was a terrific guy and a great gentleman. My heart goes out to his family for their loss. I miss the big lefty. God bless you.
I knew John growing up in The Bronx in the '60s. John and Michael, his brother, lived on Benedict Avenue, I on McGraw Avenue. John was a great young man when we were growing up, and I'm sure he remained that way until his untimely death. We will pray for you, John. Kevin Conway, childhood friend
Alicia and I went through training together for United Airlines Flight Attendants. We had the opportunity to spend 6 weeks together and a very memorable trip to London on New Years Day. My heart aches everyday for Alicia and her loved ones. She embodied a spirit that captivated everyone she came in contact with. I miss her smile, charm, warmth and graciousness and will mourn our loss of a spectacular individual. I am currently furloughed from my flying career but when I return - and I will - I will dedicate each and every flight to her memory and the other friends/flying partners I lost on UA 93 and UA 175. God Bless Dale Oler, friend/colleague
For all the years I have known Hector, he always had a smile on his face. He was always fun to talk to, and has never said anything negative about anyone. He always saw the good in people. I will always remember him. Richard G. Wajda, friend
In every memory I have of Hector, that big beautiful smile of his is what stands out. His love and passion for life will be with me for the rest of my own. I will always be grateful that he has become part of my life and for the time we were given to spend together.
It is because of him that I try not to take things for granted. I should not have taken for granted the last moments I spent with John at his sister's wedding. It seems far too long ago. I would have told him how much he meant to me. I would have told him that he made me laugh when we were kids when there wasn't much to laugh about. I would have let him know that I was grateful that he helped teach me to ski. I would have reminded him of so many hilarious, crazy things we did as kids ... He will forever be our hero.
Rob, I know you're in a much better place now. It's such a sin to see a friend of mine go way before his time. God must have really needed you up there. Rest in peace, my friend. Joe Romano, schoolmate
Jen was several years older than me and the star goalkeeper at my (then future) high school. I went on to become a goalie as well and always wished I could be as good as Jen. Megan, fellow JCHS goalkeeper
Thanks for the great memories and friendships. I still remember playing football at recess. Emmett won all the time. You were a good friend. Dennis Majeski, elementary school classmate
I met Michael a few years ago, when we were both in a friend's wedding in Los Angeles. The bride owned a large apartment, where Michael would stay sometimes when in the area and others would rent. My teen-age daughter stayed there for part of a summer.
Michael, who really didn't know her at all and probably hardly remembered me, took it upon himself to be a sort of guardian to her.
Thank you, Michael, for selflessly protecting my daughter. I pray God will protect you now. Gary Smith, friend
Michael was a true friend. He would always find the time to chat with you, or just listen if you just needed an ear. He gave encouragement and support to those he loved and even some he did not even know. Michael was a brilliant light in this world, brightening our lives by his very presence. He will be remembered for his rare and unwavering light and for his open and sincere heart. We are all blessed who got to know him and share our lives with him. Amy and Jim Hallowes, friends
Scott: We only met twice, but I was very close to Kris. Although you left too early, you left behind a legacy with Sydney and all the lives you touched. God bless you and your family. Patricia Kiesel, friend of spouse
This young lady died much too young. I can't believe the incredible creulty we all saw on September ll, 2001. In her memory, let us make sure this does not happen again. May God rest her soul. De Wayne Williams
A wonderful person who always had a smile on her face and always in a good mood. She was truly a pleasure to work with and to be around. The world lost a beautiful person when she died. Capt. Mark Van Hout, former commander
I hadn't spoken to Rick for years, but I look back fondly on the laughs we had. We used to share a room when we travelled for away football games at Lafayette. He had it all. Smarts, athletic talent, good looks and a great personality. My heart hurts for those who knew him even better than I. My prayers are for you.
Harshad wil always be remembered as a wonderful person, who I worked with once many years ago in Bombay. His smiling face and friendly nature will always be a memory to me. My condolences to his family members. Ruchira, friend
Betty, I am so sorry for your loss. When I heard about Brian being lost in the tragedy, I could just think back to how much you were proud of him every time you spoke about him at work. My prayers are with you and your family. Dave Battaglini, family friend
You were the first friend I met in junior high school. We went our own ways, but always joked with each other. We re-established our friendship after high school and we learned how to play guitar, studied the martial arts, and talked about God. You were a beautiful person, who always remembered to love your neighbor, like you love yourself. Thanks Mac, I'll miss you. Stacy Blumberg, friend
Your humor and friendship will be missed. You would have been proud of your family and friends' tribute on September 29. I was so moved by the words your father spoke, calling for people to try and live together. For your dad to be able to speak those words during a time of such pain is a tribute to you and your family. I am sorry that I will never have one more "Bud" with you. One of the Boys from 28 Clayton, colleage roommate and friend
Sorry we did not see you in April. Christopher is there for you, as is the rest of your family. Our thoughts are with you in your new life. Your wife and girls will be fine. Victoria and Boaz Gosher, cousin from South Africa
Karl was a neighbor and a friend. He was part of a neighborhood that was perfect. Every summer night was filled with people on the street talking after working in the yards or going for a stroll. A neighborhood where we knew everyone. A rare neighborhood. Karl made you glad to live in the same neighborhood he did. We will miss Karl. Jim Wohlgemuth
Lesley, rou never got a chance to make it back home to Australia. I will go there and keep you close in my thoughts so that you may somehow be there one more time. Lindy Laing, friend
Rhama & Michael lived upstairs from some good friends of mine. I'd only metthem a few times, but Rhama (the more outgoing of the two) was always veryfriendly and quick to engage you in conversation. I remember her as beingvery energetic, and having a great smile. Michael seemed a bit shy, andwould stand next to his wife with a smile on his face as she would chat youup. Rhama was pregnant with their first child, and they were both so excitedabout starting a family. My heart goes out to their families.
Harshad wil always be remembered as a wonderful person, who I worked with once many years ago in Bombay. His smiling face and friendly nature will always be a memory to me. My condolences to his family members. Ruchira, friend
Her picture flashed by on ABC (tributes from the New York Times), and I notice the headline "The Equestrian Life." I, too, am a businesswoman whose business takes me away from my horses. After years of being away from the horse world, I resumed my love 2 1/2years ago and have one horse and am about to buy my second along with 5 acres of property. The horse world will sadly miss Lisa Marie Terry. I'll hug my horse just a bit longer today in honor of Lisa Marie. Sandy Cowles, equestrian
Betty, I am so sorry for your loss. When I heard about Brian being lost in the tragedy, I could just think back to how much you were proud of him every time you spoke about him at work. My prayers are with you and your family. Dave Battaglini, family friend
Paul, You will always be remembered in our hearts and please know that Cathi and the kids will be looked after. The members and families of Roosevelt Engine Company 2 salute you and all those who perished in the cowardly events of Sept. 11,2001. You were doing what you loved. Not many people get to live their dreams and I am glad you had the chance. Jeffrey Grey, friend
Karl was a neighbor and a friend. He was part of a neighborhood that was perfect. Every summer night was filled with people on the street talking after working in the yards or going for a stroll. A neighborhood where we knew everyone. A rare neighborhood. Karl made you glad to live in the same neighborhood he did. We will miss Karl. Jim Wohlgemuth
Hello sweetheart, I miss you. Christmas wasn't very fun without you. I keep thinking what we would have been doing, the people to see, places to go. I miss you very much. All I can do is keep talking to you every minute of every day, like I've been doing -- and staring into your picture to those sparkling eyes and beautiful smile. I love you and miss you. Lt. j.g. Frank Huffman, U.S.N.R., finacé
Everyday I struggle with your passing. I miss you so much my sweetheart, I will forever love you and wonder what would have been. Lt. j.g. Frank Huffman, USNR, fiance
My brother would stop by and see his friend Sandy at her work in the Pentegon. That says a lot to me that she was a good person. She needs a tribute. Nick Werle, brother of friend