Joey was a big, beautiful man. I went to junior high and high school with him, and I remember skiing with him. Everyone liked Joey. He was smart, funny and kind. Even though I lost contact with him, he will not be forgotten. Lee Cazes, childhood friend
To the wife who misses him so, to the brothers who searched for him, to the sister-in-law who let me help by accepting a hug, friendship and a yellow ribbon with a blessed cros, I pray and ask God to give you all strength, peace of mind and peace of heart. Anne Storgion, sister-in-law's friend
Thank you for being the best neighbor anyone could have. I will always remember you driving your Harley and being the best person you could be. Tim Gorman, friend and neighbor
Brian, I just wanted to say thank you. I will never forget the advice you gave me at my party. You were a role model to your boys as well as being the big friend across the street. Matthew Downs, friend and neighbor
Claire, I was saddened to (find) that Mark was among the many friends. family and others that were lost on September 11. I have fond memories of Mark from the days at William and Mary and I hope that you and your family are coping with his loss. I will always remember Mark as a warm and generous person.
Noell, I'm glad I got to know you a lot better over the last couple years. I was honored to have shared such a small piece of your life. You are one of those people that have a knack for making friends and building those relationships into a family. I will never forget you for all the things you've done for everyone who was a member of that special family you've built in your 29 years of life. All I can say is, I will be one of those people that will never forget you for all that you've done for me and everyone else. Your kind thoughts and help. I know everyone who is a member of that family you've built will always take care of your wife Jenn and baby girl Noelle. Until we meet again. God Bless. Larry Kramer, friend
I see you, buddy, swimming with the Dolphins and I love surfing with you now that you can be on the west coast! We will miss you at the Annual 2001 LC Christmas Bowl but we know you'll be there to throw Strauss the waggle! Take care my brother and I'll see you out in the water. I Love you and miss you, Steel Michael Steelman, friend
Even though we only new each other for a short time, as Simon and Maureen moved back to New Jersey, we thought of them often and will always remember the fun that we had with our families in Colorado Springs. We think about the tragic events every day, and Maureen and the kids are constantly in our prayers. We will never forget you, Simon.
Few people can always make you smile and always make you feel welcome. Cat was one of those people. She will be sorely missed by all those who knew her. She has had and will continue to have a profound impact on my life and I feel very lucky to have known her. I am blessed by memories of Cat at my wedding and Cat at the beach. She may not be around every time i look for her, but her memory and love always will.
I would just like to give my condolences to all the families of the victims and especially the family of Susan MacKay. God Bless America! Laura Yamartino, friend of niece
Susan was my older cousin. I learned so much from her, like how to be a friend, how to succeed in life by continuing your education, and raising a beautiful family. I miss Susan. She is always in my heart. When I get dressed, I look up to heaven and ask her if this looks OK. I always seem to walk out the door looking well put together. Susan, you are missed. I love you!
Fond memories of the many tennis matches we played in the years we practiced law together at the NLRB in Washington, D.C., and also of the many Eagles games we saw together in Philly. You were a great friend and a great lawyer. I still can't believe you are no longer with us. I extend my deepest condolences to the whole family, especially Rob's mother and brother, who lost a very precious member.
Each of us carries within a recollection of you that will never fade ... There is so much more to smile over and reminisce about that it dries my tears and nearly makes me chuckle. You will be missed, Rob, my brother, but my images of you are indelible.
I never knew Mr. Lynch, but my mom is great friends with his wife. I want to try and help comfort his family, in this time of pain. Rachel, family friend
Rich was full of life and (was) the life of the party. He could easily get everybody laughing with his sharp sense of humor and warm personality. He, like me, was a new, first-time father, and had so much to look forward to. I keep thinking of one of the last times we all hung out, and how we all laughed about how Rich would frequently run a little late. "Gimme 10 minutes" he'd say. I wish I had the power to have granted that request just once.
Rich was the model big brother for me. I grew up across the street from him in Douglaston. He showed me very early in life that being a brother meant more than handing out beatings to your younger brother; he showed me -- although at the time i really didn't understand -- what it meant to love your family. He was funny, athletic and a great personality. I remember watching this rock video that he and his brother Johnny made where they dressed up like Van Halen and lip synched whilst wearing bandannas and sun glasses. It made me laugh so hard. That's what "Richard" was really good at: bringing a smile to your face. I am truly saddened by him leaving us so soon. The void felt is disturbing more so because he had so much love left to give, in a manner that was unique to his person, but understood by all. Even by the pre-adolescent neighbor who grew up across the street from this magnificent person in a time that now seems so long ago.
You will not be forgotten. Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women. Blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen. Matt Barker, cousin's cousin
There have been very few people in my life that have effected me as much as Sean did. I think of my fiance, my parents and my siblings. My friends from home, all of them giving to me and me to them something special, part of who we are. Well, Sean definitely was in that select group. I played rugby with him and he was my college roommate. We had so many good times together and with the group of guys we lived with. However, there was something else Sean gave to me that I will never forget, his love of life. Sean's memorial was a testament of how to live your life. There were so many people that he affected, changed, and loved (that) it was almost unbelievable. Unfortunately, I have learned this lesson through the loss of a dear friend. I assure you though, everyone who was in that church with me that night will never forget it. And when we have children and grandchildren, Sean will be there in their hearts, laughing, playing and enjoying life. There will never be a day, when I hear "Take Me Home Country Road," where I will not think of him and what he did for me. I miss him very much and what hurts the most is that my kids will never know him, other than my memories. God bless everyone who reads this and please remember to live your life with the same zeal as the children that unfortunately have missed the opportunity to meet, learn and love from so many beautiful people.
Claire, I was saddened to (find) that Mark was among the many friends. family and others that were lost on September 11. I have fond memories of Mark from the days at William and Mary and I hope that you and your family are coping with his loss. I will always remember Mark as a warm and generous person.
To Michael Loguidice and family: I am deeply sorry for your loss. I knew Cathy when I dated Michael in 1984-1985. She was so beautiful and sweet and very special. It's still so hard to believe. I can't imagine what you have been through and are still going through. I live in Seattle and tried to contact Michael with no success. So this is my tribute to Cathy, a beautiful person inside and out. I will ALWAYS remember her....and her captivating smile. Jill, friend
With every passing day you are missed more and more. You brought so much joy to all those around you. Everyone felt that they were special to you. At a moment's notice you would throw a party. Your house was the gathering place where so much joy was felt. I will miss you all the days of my life but know that one day we will meet again. Anna Florent, aunt
I was a college classmate who only knew Elizabeth in passing, but I was deeply saddened upon hearing about this. She came across to me as a very smart, beautiful, easygoing person. I only wish I had gotten to know her better. She will not be forgotten by this mountie! Kelly Parker Meredith, classmate, 1991 Mt. St. Mary's College
I knew George from Shallow Junior High School in Brooklyn. We were in the same class for three years. George was a great person and someone that I always remembered for his intelligence, uniqueness, character and sense of humor. Afterwards, I would see him periodically on the subway and our quick talks were always a pleasure and extremely interesting. My deepest condolences to the Llanes family. It was a pleasure knowing you George for such a brief but special time, and it will always hurt me that I will never see him again. Erik Tomassi, classmate
For the short time I got to know you, I knew I wanted to be your friend. Your values were very well-placed and you thought of others as well as yourself. Every morning I looked forward to what I called the "morning spillage." Oops. You spilled your coffee again.
He taught us that no matter how rough your day or how busy you thought you were, you were never too preoccupied that you couldn't help someone in need. As a leader, he cared for each and every member of his staff, never failing to give us guidance no matter what the issue. His honest and wise words always had a way of making life seem simpler and less complicated.
You showed so much to so many. You showed your family the meaning of love. To those who you came into contact with, you showed them a sign of warmth and compassion. You were the definition of an angel here on Earth. You were so kind, so warm and so gentle to so many, your warmth and love for your family and for life will never be forgotten. With love and memories forever. We miss you. "We only part to meet again." Shannon D., cousin
To Michael Loguidice and family: I am deeply sorry for your loss. I knew Cathy when I dated Michael in 1984-1985. She was so beautiful and sweet and very special. It's still so hard to believe. I can't imagine what you have been through and are still going through. I live in Seattle and tried to contact Michael with no success. So this is my tribute to Cathy, a beautiful person inside and out. I will ALWAYS remember her....and her captivating smile. Jill, friend
I was a college classmate who only knew Elizabeth in passing, but I was deeply saddened upon hearing about this. She came across to me as a very smart, beautiful, easygoing person. I only wish I had gotten to know her better. She will not be forgotten by this mountie! Kelly Parker Meredith, classmate, 1991 Mt. St. Mary's College
I knew George from Shallow Junior High School in Brooklyn. We were in the same class for three years. George was a great person and someone that I always remembered for his intelligence, uniqueness, character and sense of humor. Afterwards, I would see him periodically on the subway and our quick talks were always a pleasure and extremely interesting. My deepest condolences to the Llanes family. It was a pleasure knowing you George for such a brief but special time, and it will always hurt me that I will never see him again. Erik Tomassi, classmate
For the short time I got to know you, I knew I wanted to be your friend. Your values were very well-placed and you thought of others as well as yourself. Every morning I looked forward to what I called the "morning spillage." Oops. You spilled your coffee again.
You showed so much to so many. You showed your family the meaning of love. To those who you came into contact with, you showed them a sign of warmth and compassion. You were the definition of an angel here on Earth. You were so kind, so warm and so gentle to so many, your warmth and love for your family and for life will never be forgotten. With love and memories forever. We miss you. "We only part to meet again." Shannon D., cousin
Hi Lolo, I wish you would have listened to uncle Rocco when he told you to leave. I wish I wouldn't have been so scared to not go back into WTC 2 to come look for you. I wish you would've kept walking down the stairs instead of listening to the announcement that said to go back up to work. You were like a second mother to me; to all of us kids. We all miss you and will continue to miss you. Please know how sorry I am that I did not go back for you, that instead I kept running. I know you were my angel that day that guided me home safely. Someday when I am married and have children, I will try to set the good examples that you have bestowed upon all of us: myself, Frankie, Eric, Francesca, Sabrina, Anthony, baby rocky and little Rocky, Erica and Marc. I think of you and pray for you each night. God bless you and watch over you, as you now watch over me. I love you and miss you always.
Hi Lolo, I wish you would have listened to uncle Rocco when he told you to leave. I wish I wouldn't have been so scared to not go back into WTC 2 to come look for you. I wish you would've kept walking down the stairs instead of listening to the announcement that said to go back up to work. You were like a second mother to me; to all of us kids. We all miss you and will continue to miss you. Please know how sorry I am that I did not go back for you, that instead I kept running. I know you were my angel that day that guided me home safely. Someday when I am married and have children, I will try to set the good examples that you have bestowed upon all of us: myself, Frankie, Eric, Francesca, Sabrina, Anthony, baby rocky and little Rocky, Erica and Marc. I think of you and pray for you each night. God bless you and watch over you, as you now watch over me. I love you and miss you always.
Kenny and his wife Jennifer were unwilling victims of a world seemingly gonemad. I have no idea what their last moments on earth may have been like, but Iprefer to think of them in each other's arms, comforting each other, as the planehit the Pentagon. I wish I would have taken the time to know them both better.
I won't make the same mistake with other relatives who remain behind. Walt Carter, cousin
Dave was truly the best person I have ever known. The picture on the CNN site has me standing right beside him. It was taken on September 1, my wedding day. Dave was one of my groomsmen. That night as we were parting company he gave me a big hug (first time in the 15 years of knowing him he has ever hugged me). He was beaming from ear to ear because he said he was so happy for me. And that was quintessential Dave. He was happiest when others were happy, the very definition of selfless. I would never see Dave again, as I learned of the tragedy while on my honeymoon. I will always cherish that hug, as I will always cherish the memories of the man.
He had a way of always putting a smile on your face no matter what the situation was. For that I will always be grateful. I may have not had the honor to have known him for years and years but for the amount of time that I did get to know him, I will cherish that forever. He left behind a wonderful family, an exceptional fiancee and a great bunch of friends that miss him dearly. Please don't think of Arn as a victim. I actually consider him one of the heroes. He may not have been NYPD or NYFD but every person lost in that disaster is a hero in my eyes. We miss you knucklehead. Wynne, friend
My husband and I went to New York Law School with Craig, and we are deeply saddened to hear of his tragic death. There is not a day that goes by that I do not think about his wife and baby son. I only wish there was something we could do to take away some of the pain they are experiencing. Most of all, I wish I could tell his son about what a great guy his dad was. Barri Bogner, classmate
David, you will always be in our hearts and thoughts. You were always so giving and helpful toward others. May you rest in peace. Cynthia Banks, friend
AD was a friend of mine and, even though I hadn't seen her recently, her loss affected me deeply. She always had a smile on her face, and it was contagious. She will be missed. Ramses Peralta, friend
"May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your face, the rains fall soft upon your fields, and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of his hand!" Mark Benjamin Linn
Hey Arnold! You would've been 29 on December 24, 2001. Although you are no longer with us, the memories and moments you have shared with all of us will never forgotten. May you rest forever peacefully. Rob Napiza, cousin
We miss you everyday, especially Sunday at John Bowne. Your lively spirit and images will always be with us, thank you for the memories. Nha Hang, friend
I found his business card on 9/22 on the ground, just south of the church. I would like to offer my condolences and perhaps return the card to his family. Gary Pedersen
I went to Stuyvesant High School with Arnold. We were in the same group of kids who hung out together. I remember him as always direct, always kind, intelligent, and never cruel (in high school, that's a rare quality indeed). About a month before the attacks, I saw him in my office building. We hadn't spoken in years. I was in a rush, and though we saw each other, I didn't stop to say hello. I regret it deeply. To the loved ones who he left behind I send my deepest sympathies, and a reiteration of what they surely already know: Arnold Lim was a good person, and he will be missed.
He had a way of always putting a smile on your face no matter what the situation was. For that I will always be grateful. I may have not had the honor to have known him for years and years but for the amount of time that I did get to know him, I will cherish that forever. He left behind a wonderful family, an exceptional fiancee and a great bunch of friends that miss him dearly. Please don't think of Arn as a victim. I actually consider him one of the heroes. He may not have been NYPD or NYFD but every person lost in that disaster is a hero in my eyes. We miss you knucklehead. Wynne, friend
My husband and I went to New York Law School with Craig, and we are deeply saddened to hear of his tragic death. There is not a day that goes by that I do not think about his wife and baby son. I only wish there was something we could do to take away some of the pain they are experiencing. Most of all, I wish I could tell his son about what a great guy his dad was. Barri Bogner, classmate
Even though it has been years since we last saw each other, my heart aches for your loss.I do remember you and your brothers being there at my wedding with the limousine.I know you're in good hands with the Lord.May your family find strength in each other and remember the difference you made in their lives.God bless, your cousin in Palm Bay Florida. Cathy Marrero Sweeney, cousin
Kenny and his wife Jennifer were unwilling victims of a world seemingly gonemad. I have no idea what their last moments on earth may have been like, but Iprefer to think of them in each other's arms, comforting each other, as the planehit the Pentagon. I wish I would have taken the time to know them both better.
I won't make the same mistake with other relatives who remain behind. Walt Carter, cousin
He was in the Hall of Fame at Dalton College in NYC and excelled getting scholarships for both sports and academics, even being a coach for handicapped children. He worked as the vice president for KBW at WTC. As hard as it may seem, he might have fulfilled his goal in life with a wife and four children, and lived life to the fullest at 36 years old, when his life was ended in the most tragic event in WTC. I have no doubt that he would have helped everyone around him, and he was a real hero in the last moment of his life. Alicia Gonzalez Sterling
Due to my close relationship with his mother, I continued having close contact with him, as he never failed his care and loving relationship with her and the people that surrounded her. When my kids grew up enough to go to visit him in USA, they were accepted in his house as a part of the family, and that is how we've always looked upon him: a very dear friend and part of our family.
He was most attached to his mother with whom he had, during the years, the most unusual, enriching emotional experiences and travel adventures. He had a wonderful sense of responsibility and discipline from his father, who was a lawyer. All of this has helped him to see no limitations in work and human relationships, which was noticeable in his charisma with friends and work relationships - giving love and light to everyone he touched. He came back to live in the USA, and felt like the luckiest human being with opportunities and freedom.
When I met Adam Lewis at 10 years of age he had the most wonderful feeling of security and freedom, this has inspired him not to see any limitations to have a large family and children in his adult life. He lived a most unique life with his mother, father and two sisters, Pamela and Kathy, in a small Spanish Morrocan town with walking streets. He knew persons from all walks of life and large Spanish families, poor and happier than ever mixed with artists from all over the world.
I thank you for the help you and your partner in EMS gave me when I started as a new employee at University Hospital EMS in 1996. You treated me with respect and showed me how it was, like all the great places to eat in the Iron Bound section of Newark. Though you and Jason used to try to kick my butt all the time, but couldn't. I'm glad to have known you and you will never be forgotten. I know we will meet again someday.
David, you will always be in our hearts and thoughts. You were always so giving and helpful toward others. May you rest in peace. Cynthia Banks, friend
AD was a friend of mine and, even though I hadn't seen her recently, her loss affected me deeply. She always had a smile on her face, and it was contagious. She will be missed. Ramses Peralta, friend
I was lucky enough to cross paths with you for a short while. You were a quality act in every way. The world is a greyer place without you, Nick. Kevyn Cunningham, friend
I wear a mercy band with his name on it.I do not know him personally but he will always be in my heart for being such a hero.I wish his family and friends well during this time of sorrow.Joseph is a true hero.
From your Delta Tau fraternity brothers at Brown University -- Even though we didnt know you, we will remember you. Our hearts go out to your family and friends. Ryan Gill, fraternity brother
Dave, in light of your tragic circumstance, so many people, family and friends are reflecting on what a great person you were. In hearing your tributes, I regret not having gotten to know my neighbor better than I did. God's blessing to you and to your family. Vinnie DeVito, neighbor
David was a wonderful friend, husband and father. He lived his life the way we all should. He was kind to everyone, he was devoted to his family and church and approached life with a humorous curiosity. September 11 caused many of us to evaluate what is really important in our lives. We became closer to our families, closer to God and closer as a nation. So if this tragedy did that, my friend did not die in vain and he is smiling on all of us today.
Dave was truly the best person I have ever known. The picture on the CNN site has me standing right beside him. It was taken on September 1, my wedding day. Dave was one of my groomsmen. That night as we were parting company he gave me a big hug (first time in the 15 years of knowing him he has ever hugged me). He was beaming from ear to ear because he said he was so happy for me. And that was quintessential Dave. He was happiest when others were happy, the very definition of selfless. I would never see Dave again, as I learned of the tragedy while on my honeymoon. I will always cherish that hug, as I will always cherish the memories of the man.
I was lucky enough to cross paths with you for a short while. You were a quality act in every way. The world is a greyer place without you, Nick. Kevyn Cunningham, friend
I worked with Vinny at Reliance. He was a sweet, kind and gentle person. The type of guy that was always smiling. He invited me to his home for a cook out. I went and of course Vinny was the cook. Vinny was happy with his life and family. God bless you, you will never be forgotten.
I met you in Tucson the year you and my son graduated from the University of Arizona. It pains me to think of a young life gone so quickly. My heart goes out to your family, and I remember them in my prayers daily. May you rest in peace. Yolanda Valdes, acquaintance
Paul is one of the nicest guys I know.He loved life.He loved to laugh and have fun.He loved his family, his job as a firefighter, and his friends.I am privileged to have been his friend these past years, and I will never forget him.A true hero, who will truly be missed. Mary Marzano, friend
Mary Lou Langley was my best friend for over 30 years. She was not famous and she did not accomplish great things with one exception: Mary Lou gave love every day of her life. She made the world -- and the lives she touched -- happier and easier. Her laughter was infectious and she displayed her generosity quietly to everyone around her. She asked little of life, yet gave back the most important thing she had to give -- her heart. I will miss you, old friend. Elizabeth Ruch, best friend