Liberty unites

liberty unites us
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Clifford A Spohn III

Dear Lord, please bless the soul of this brave soldier and hold him in Your loving Arms.

Please keep Your Shining Light over his family and loved ones.

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Carla J Stewart

I knew Carla a few years ago and used to dance with her at the college before she joined....I found out a few months after she died that she was gone and wish I would have known sooner and kept in touch with her longer.....I pray for her and her family

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Jonathan D Grassbaugh

It was an honor having served with you. May god bless you and may god bless your family. There isnt a better leader or person out there. You will be missed!

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Paul M Latourney

Rest in peace... You fought for what was right, you will not die in vain, nor will any of the brave soldiers fighting for freedom from terror.

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Gabriel J Figueroa

i am currently a serving british soldier who has just returned from a 9 month tour of afghanistan an it is with great saddness to here more of our brother's in arm's have fallen my heart go's out to his family and friends UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL

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Michael D Rivera

a fine young man god bless you and your family

you gave your life so we can be free we owe you so much more than a few words.............

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Dustin J Lee

Thank You Dusty for your bravery, courage and honor in protecting our country. You will never be forgotten! I will always remember that cute little boy that grew up to be a Handsome MARINE! My heart and prayers go to your family for faith and strength to help ease their pain.

Sherrie Johnson

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Dustin J Lee

Thank You Dusty for your bravery, courage and honor in protecting our country. You will never be forgotten! I will always remember that cute little boy that grew up to be a Handsome MARINE! My heart and prayers go to your family for faith and strength to help ease their pain.

Sherrie Johnson

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Travis A Babbitt

I love you so much! You have always and forever will be MY HERO! Rest in peace big brother. Travis was an outstanding father, son, brother and soldier and will forever be loved and missed by all!

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Travis A Babbitt

I love you so much! You have always and forever will be MY HERO! Rest in peace big brother. Travis was an outstanding father, son, brother and soldier and will forever be loved and missed by all!

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Clint J Storey

Our love goes out to Melissa, Adela & CJ. Clint I will always remember him making Balloon animals for the all of the children at Delas party and being so kind to my little girl when she fell and bumped her head. Your kindness will be missed

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James J Coon


I will never understand why you were taken from us at such a young age. You were so full of life and laughter. You always had a joke and a pick me upper. You always told me I was beautiful and "wifey" material. :-) You are a true American Hero!! I will never forget you, your memory still lives on Whitey!! I love you!

~Angel G.

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James L Bridges

My name is Sgt. James Close. i served with Doug for the past four years. i was there the day he showed up to the company. from the first time i met him i could tell he had a strong spirit and he would be a good friend to everyone. i saw him grow as a soldier but more important i saw him toutch the lives of all his friends. he made everyone in the company laugh at some point. weather it was him playing his guitar or knitting. not a single person could hold back thier tears when we heard the news. we were all there outside the hospital in a group praying and trying to console each other. looking back it was a testimony to how great of a man doug was. i had seen others fall before but never had i seen so many people so devistated over one. we all loved doug and i'll will always remember him until the day i die. not a day goes by i don't think about him.

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Orlando E Gonzalez

God please fill this family with your peace and love overflowing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Dennis J Veater

Dennis is my baby brother. The youngest of 6 children, a twin, a beloved father. We will all feel the pain of this loss for the rest of our lives. It shocks me everyday that I see another site in which we can honor the fallen, the heros that never made it home, young men like my brother.

This (and the loss of all the other service members) seems so unjust, unbelievable. I keep thinking that one day I will wake up and realize that I had been trapped in a really bad nightmare. But, reality sets in and I know this is not true. I look at the pictures of this smiling kid I knew, the kid that loved to parade around the house in his bikini briefs, the kid that made up songs, dances and games, the kid that would call me, his big sister, to make sure that I was okay, and I remember the wonderful man he was growing into.

I will never forget the love he had in his heart for everyone, it didn't matter who, especially for his son, Dominick. The minute he found out he was going to be a father, he loved that baby with all he was. That character is so rarely seen in people, but this is the person he was / is.

This is the person that should be remembered, revered and mourned - the young man that never got the chance to show the world, and his son, all the great things he is capable of. Instead of seeing his face at family functions, now, we must rely on pictures and our dreams.

You made us proud Dennis, I hope you did and do not suffer any longer. Eternal peace to you!

With all my love forevermore, Kare Bear

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Darrell W Shipp

I am truely heartbroken due to the loss of lives taken for the sake of our counties freedom. I am one that doesnt support our president in his careless needs to stroke his ego. And this is just my opinion not ment to offend anyone Im just terable upset for all the lives lost in the attempt to fix a country that doesnt want to be fixed. Darrell was a member or LoneStarStang and a true Mustang lover we were proud to have him as part of our community his memory will live on forever at LSS. I would like to offer my condolences to his mother, father,sisters,brother,ch ildren,wife and all other relatives for your loss just remember "absent from the body means present with the lord" THANK YOU DARRELL FOR BEING A BRAVE AND HONORABLE AMERICAN........

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Nathaniel A Given

I love you son. Yu are my hero, I miss you every day.

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Travis D Pfister

Love you Travis. Miss you.

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Paul M Latourney

Dear Lord hear my prayer.

Please embrace with all Your love and mercy the soul of this brave soldier and comfort him with Your Divine Presence.

Bless his heart and keep his family in Your Hands, Guard them and comfort them.


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David A Mejias

O God, by whose mercy the faithful departed find rest, look kindly on Your departed veteran who gave his life in the service of his country. Grant that through the passion, death, and resurrection of Your Son he may share in the joy of Your heavenly kingdom and rejoice in You with Your saints forever.

I ask this through Christ our Lord.

He has proudly served his country.

Now, he proudly serves with angel's wings.

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Shane R Becker

Dear Lord hear my prayer.

Please embrace with all Your love and mercy the soul of this brave soldier and comfort him with Your Divine Presence.

Bless his heart and keep his family in Your Hands, Guard them and comfort them.


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Curtis R Spivey

I do not know you but I am proud of you and sad for your family. Thank you sir! God bless you.

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David A Mejias

God bless you David. Thank you!

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James J Coon

God Bless you young man. And Thank you for protecting us.

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Miguel A Marcial III

Thank you Miguel for serving and protecting me and the rest of your country. We will not forget!

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Barry W Mayo

I attended the vivitation for Barry. The Army personel did a wonderful job. May God Bless You all for what you're doing. Scott Mayo

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Velton Locklear III

To my brother in arms may you rest in peace and may best wishes be with your family you will always be a soldier, brother and friend to all of us in 2nd platoon.

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Kenneth E Kincaid IV

To my brother in arms may you rest in peace and may best wishes be with your family you will always be a soldier, brother and friend to all of us in 2nd platoon.

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James J Coon

My sincere heartfelt condolences to James' family.

May he rest in peace

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Richard L Ford


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Vincent J Pomante III

I love you, goodbye.

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richard and kat

To our hero- Thank you for fighting for us and the other hero for standing by him! Bless you!

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Richard L Ford

To our hero- Thank you for fighting for us and the other hero for standing by him! Bless you!

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Freeman L Gardner Jr

My sincere heartfelt condolences to Freeman's family. May God keep you in His loving Light

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Henry W Bogrette

My sincere heartfelt condolences to Henry's family.

May he rest in peace

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Lance C Springer II

My sincere heartfelt condolences go out to Lance's family. May God keep you in His loving care.

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Lance Pedro Contreras

God bless you LCpl Contreras. It's Marines like you that will keep us from wearing burkas, and speaking arabic. You did your job Marine! Your Country is greatful.

Ray Ramirez

1stSgt US Marine Ret.

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Michael P. Murphy

My son! You have honored us all with your courage, dedication and sacrifice in the face of insurmountable obstacles. I miss you and I'm honored to call you my son. Till we meet again in eternity. love, dad

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Darrell W Shipp

I think of you everyday. I miss you so much

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Greg N Riewer

You are missed

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James Walsh

I will always remember your wonderful laugh and your

love of the NYC tabloids. I'm sorry I learned this news

so long after the fact.

My best to Jim's family,


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Curtis J Forshey

For Curtis J Forshey, words or tears wil never describe they we fill of losing you! You left so soon, but will always think of you & know that you will always be right beside your family. RIP

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James J Holtom

Thank you, Baby, for what you did for our country... I love you

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Richard L Ford

May you always be at peace! God Bless you

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Richard L Ford

Happy Birthday Richard may you RIP

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Richard L Ford







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Jonathan Tessar

Jon you are a true hero to me and my children.You gave your life so one day my children would not have to.You are thought of everyday and we will never forget what you did for us.We love you Jon.

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Richard L Ford

This is just a little candel. Thank you for all you did rest in peace.

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Richard L Ford

My prayers and blessings to your friends and family. Thank you for what you've done for OUR freedom..

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Richard L Ford

My prayers and blessings to your friends and family. Thank you for what you've done for OUR freedom..

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Richard L Ford

Happy Birthday Old Man!! I know today is supposed to be a day of celebration...a day of moving forward...but I cant help but cry. My life has not been the same since you left. I miss you more and more each passing day. I know with time, my sorrow will pass but for now I am still grieving. You are the greatest friend anyone could ask for and I thank God every single day for bringing you into my life. You are my rock, my hero, and my best friend. I love u and I miss you.

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Sean K McDonald


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Orlando E Gonzalez


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Anthony J White

May God Bless you and keep you in His Loving Care.

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Jason Nunez

My sincere heartfelt condolences go out to Jason's family. May he rest in peace.

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Curtis J Forshey

May the Lord keep His Shining Light on you

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Marcus A Golczynski

You are in our prayers, may the Lord bless your soul!!! Alex & Anna Grichenko

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Trevor A Roberts

May God be with your family. Give them the strength they need. May he wrap his arms around your dear mother and hold her tight.

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Sean M Thomas

My sincere condolences to you and your family.

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Jason W Swiger

i am so very sorry and you are all in my prayers, i cannot even imagine what you are going through.GOD BE WITH YOU ALL.

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All our valiant who serve.

Thanks to all who made the ultimate sacrifice. You are our heroes.

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Elizabeth N. Jacobson

I served with A1c Jacobson and SGT Morin at Camp Bucca ... it was a terrible day when when lost them I think about them every day.

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Steve Morin Jr.

I served with SGT Morin in Iraq at Camp Bucca. Words can not express the sorrow I feel at his passing.

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Paul M Latourney

Some people come into our lives, leave footprints in our hearts and we are never ever the same. You were one of those people.

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John E Allen

May you RIP John. You're missed by many! You made us all proud! Smile down on us and keep us safe! I'm honored to have been able to call you my friend! See you when I see you partner!

Tom Bleicher

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William N Davis

Thank you for the gift you gave my family and to America. Never will there be enough thanks. Men and women like this give and keep our freedom. again I thank you for loving our country and a family you never knew

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Ed Santini

All our men and women in Irag and elsewhere protecting us are my hero's thank you for your gift to me and my family. Therr is no greater gift then the one your family gave the country

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Ed Santini

All our men and women in Irag and elsewhere protesting us are my hero's thank you for your gift to me and my family. Therr is no greater gift then the one your family gave the country

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Richard L Ford

I know it has only been 39 days since he passed away, but I just cant deal with this. I thought I would be better by now, but I just cant move on. I miss him so much. I miss our talks, our laughs, and everything about him. How do you move on from losing a best friend?!?

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Darrell W Shipp

My heart goes out to Darrell's Family & Friends! GOD BLESS! Thank you for your bravery and for protecting us!

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Anthony A Kaiser

Thank you Anthony for your service to our country. My heart breaks for your dad and Steve. N

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Marieo Guerrero

We Love you,missss you son. I know you told me along time ago not to cry if it came to this,but its so hard to do.Everyone says you should be proud of your son. I said I was proud from the day he was born and always will be forever and ever.You will always be my HERO!!! LOVE MOM,FAMILY

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Marieo Guerrero

We Love you,missss you son. I know you told me along time ago not to cry if it came to this,but its so hard to do.Everyone says you should be proud of your son. I said I was proud from the day he was born and always will be forever and ever.You will always be my HERO!!! LOVE MOM,FAMILY

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Marieo Guerrero

We Love you,missss you son. I know you told me along time ago not to cry if it came to this,but its so hard to do.Everyone says you should be proud of your son. I said I was proud from the day he was born and always will be forever and ever.You will always be my HERO!!! LOVE MOM,FAMILY

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Angelo A. Zawaydeh


Its been over a year now since you left us and not a day goes by where I dont think about you. I never thought i would miss you so much. I guess I never realized how much I valued you as a friend until you were gone. I am so proud of you for what you did and im sorry you couldnt come home to us to continue the life you had only just started. Keep watching over us from heaven. Love always and forever. ~ C.W.

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Tarryl B Hill

Tarryl i miss you

your aunt

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John E Allen


I love you. You were not my brother in flesh but you always were in spirit. I pray you knew that.

You brought a lot of old friends together. I hope that we can reconnect with you on the other side.

Rest in Peace John Allen

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Ashly L Moyer

God Bless You Ashly, you are a hero.

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Emerson N Brand

To John & debi, we love you and are praying for you,

To our nephew Emerson whom we will always remember & love.

Paul & Dadiva

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John F Landry Jr


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Brian L Chevalier

I just want to say you will be missed and we love u so much.

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Benjamin L Sebban

Served with ben in basic and AIT , new from the start he was a soldier's soldier . A man of good moral character and great sense of humor. My deepest colndolences to his family....

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Emerson N Brand

I knew him becuse him and were going to get married when he came home. so iam kinda his son.

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Emerson N Brand

I knew him becuse him and were going to get married when he came home. so iam kinda his son.

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Christopher R Brevard

SFC Brevard, I am proud that you served our country and you paid the ultimate price. thanks for your service

joe leong

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Paul M Latourney

I love you PM..You were the best brother I could have ever asked for. I miss you. AT

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There were few good men like him

My husband and I both were in Ben's 91C class at Ft Bragg and in that year we found out what an incredible guy he was. We feel blessed to have been able to call him a friend and we lost one more great hero- Lee and Brenna Kokoszka

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Richard L Ford

i'm so sorry

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Darrell W Shipp

You will always be missed, and I know that we all wish for just one more day. You are forever our hero, and we love you!

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Timothy A Swanson

Tim was my brother. He was an amazing person. He never didn't do waht he said he wanted to do. He always persevered at whatever life through at him. Even when his best friend died he kept going. Tim taught me a LOT. He also caught me at stuff I wasn't supposed to be doing. We were close. But, I know that now he's in heaven with his best friend and, I know they're having an amazing time together.



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Timothy A Swanson

i may not have known him but he was a soldier and a son and a friend to someone. to a soldier from a soldier, you will be missed.

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Timothy A Swanson

He was my friend in High School and he was one heck of a guy. He will forever be missed. May he rest in peace.

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Timothy A Swanson

FROM: Specialist Darrell O'Brien (US Army-Baghdad, Iraq)

I was in AFJROTC with Tim, although I did not know him very well. I cannot express my thoughts on how sorry I am and how unfortunate this was. You will be reunited with Tim, in Heaven. God Bless!

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Darrell W Shipp

You have made the ultimate sacrifice. You did what you had to do and you fought for what was right. you will always be in my prayers. semper fi

Lcpl David Martinez


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 For Philip A. Murphy-Sweet   For David A Wilkey Jr   For Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia   For Frank E. Adamski III   For Benjamin Walker   For Trevor B. Adkins   For Adam D. Jones   For Laurie Cobb   For Larry E Polley Jr   For Paul C. Holter III   For Alex D Gonzalez   For Christopher D Young   For Jose E Ulloa   For John Michael Roy Curwin   For Derek L. Shanfield   For Marisol Heredia   For John Charles Jenkins   For Todd Beamer   For Steven Paul Chucknick   For Geoffrey Perez  
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